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从窄长的形状和背侧具棘刺来看,Yangtzechiton与Paracarinchites似乎有些类似,但不同点有:(1)Yangtzechiton的壳体是由头板、中间板和尾板组成,而Paracarinachites是一个弯曲的窄长骨片;(2)前者的壳板是由盖层和连接层组成,后者的整个骨片是为多层平行的薄片层组成;(3)Yangtzechiton的头板长宽近等,背侧后缘有宽深的缺四,中间板矩形,有一椭圆形孔,可能是空心棘断损后遗留下来的,后一亮板为前一壳板覆盖约1/2,尾板的后亮顶锥形;Paracarinachites前端弯曲部分有6—8个瘤粒突起,骨片后部具10—14根左右交错排列的、末端向后、向左(右)倾斜的棘刺;和(4)前者头板腹侧有一肾形凹沟和“W”形弯曲的条纹,中间板腹侧徽凹见有叠覆缝;后者腹侧分为前端弯曲部分和后部。前端弯曲部有一近圆形的盘状体,近中部有一个孔,后部空凹。因此,它们是不同门类的代表,Yangtzechiton属于软体动物门多板纲,Paracarinachites是分类位置未定的骨片。  相似文献   

褐稻虱的发声器官与发声机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道的是最近发现的真正的褐稻虱发声器官和发声机理。发音器位于胸、腹结合部两侧,由后足后基片和第三腹侧板向前延伸的圆瓣状骨片组成,前者顶端和后者下表面均密布片状骨质突起。当腹部振动时,圆瓣状骨片摩擦后基片顶端而发声。此结论可能在飞虱科(Delphacidac)具代表性。  相似文献   

寒武纪最早期层位中获得的离散骨片化石Halkieria和Microdictyon,已在较高层位的特异埋藏化石群中找到了它们的完整生物躯体,它为研究离散骨片化石的自然分类和生物亲缘提供了直接证据。本文通过寒武纪最早期钉状化石的形态、对称性、壳质成分、矿化特征的对比,提出了离散骨片化石织金钉(Zhijinites)和拟织金钉(Parazhijinites)与澄江动物群中的怪诞虫(Hallucigcnia)和爪网虫(Onychodictyon)等体表上的钉状物有近亲关系,它们可能同属于多足缓步类(Tardipolypoda)。  相似文献   

微管骨架在轮藻节间细胞伸长生长中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用免疫荧光定位及激光共聚焦扫描显微镜,结合细胞生长曲线的定量测定,对不同生长阶段的轮藻节间细胞微管骨架进行了观察研究,结果如下:轮藻顶端生长活跃的新生细胞中,与细胞长轴垂直的周质微管(cortical microtubules)占绝对优势,随着生长速率的减慢,周质微管由垂直于细胞长轴逐渐转为平行排列;基部生长基本停止的节间细胞中,胞内微管则以平行细胞长轴为主;不同生长阶段节间细胞的微管骨架,对微管特异解聚剂黄草消(oryzalin)处理的敏感性表现不相同。顶端生长活跃的节间细胞经oryzalin处理40min后,绝大多数周质微管发生解聚;而基部生长基本停止的老细胞中,即使延长处理时间,仍残留一些尚未完全解聚的微管片段;10μmol/L微管解聚剂oryzalin处理轮藻顶端新生细胞,在高精度的细胞伸长生长测定装置监测下,发现oryzalin对细胞的伸长生长速率有明显的抑制作用,去掉药剂后,伸长生长又有一定的恢复。并且发现,经oryzalin处理后,微管的解聚(40min左右)与顶端节间细胞伸长生长的停止(100min左右)两者间存在着时间上的差异,即微管解聚在先,细胞伸长停止在后。以上结果均说明微管骨架在轮藻节间细胞生长中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

水霉(Saprolegia ferax)菌丝在pH6.0-8.0的OM液体培养基中生长良好,在pH5.0时生长速率有所下降,在pH3.0—4.0时停止生长。短时间(30min)作用研究表明,低浓度的CaCl_2促进pH5.0(1—5mmol/L)和pH6.0(1mmol/L)条件下的菌丝顶端生长,抑制pH7.0—8.0条件下的菌丝生长。1mmol/L以上的EGTA则抑制pH5.0条件下菌丝顶端生长,促进pH6.0—8.0条件下的菌丝顶端生长。但CaCl_2和EGTA都不能使pH3.0—4.0条件下的菌丝恢复生长。长时间(8h)作用跟踪观察表明,2mmol/L EGTA(pH6.8)短时间作用可促进菌丝生长,但随着培养时间延长,则产生抑制作用,并诱导原生质从菌丝最顶端喷出。说明细胞壁Ca~(2 )起着提供胞外Ca~(2 )源和细胞壁修饰成分的双重作用。Ca~(2 )通道阻断剂verapamil对菌丝顶端生长的抑制作用也说明顶端生长所需的Ca~(2 )来自胞外。  相似文献   

岳昭 《古生物学报》2004,43(2):164-178
采自四川峨嵋和云南会泽的磷酸盐化的Sinosachites骨片显示出中央沟和侧沟结构,并区别出三种不同类型的骨片(palmate,cultrate and siculate)。这一发现证实,产于澳大利亚的Thambetolepis(Jell,1981)是Sinosachites的晚出同义名。基于上述结构,该产地一些原定为Sachites和Halkieria的标本亦应归入Sinosachites。在Sinosachites属中确认出两个种,即产于华南的Sinosachites flabelliformis He和产于澳大利亚的Sinosachites delicatus(Jell)。在前一种中,左右型对称骨片的存在证实该动物两侧对称。骨片的基部通常保存为磷质内核,表明它比骨片壁更容易磷酸盐化,在组织学上它与骨片壁不同。骨片的基部可能原为有机质或部分矿化。在Sinosachites中,无帽状和束状骨片可能表明在coeloscleritophorans中halkieriids是一个介于wiwaxids和siphogonuchitids之间的类群。  相似文献   

Halkieria是寒武纪一类躯体上披有骨质鳞片的疑难后生动物,前后各有一个大壳板,两侧对称,其钙质骨片在软躯体上排列形成几条规律的纵向带。半个世纪以来,学术界对Halkieria生物系统确切位置的讨论以及Halkieriidae不同属种亲缘关系的探索从未停止。本文总结了Halkieria化石在骨片属种分类、古地理和地层分布、生物系统分类学的研究进展,对当前的生物系统分类归纳出以下几种观点:1) Halkieria为腕足动物的祖先,并与托莫特壳类有一定的亲缘关系;2)Halkieria与Wiwaxia等骨片化石具有单源性,组成一种新的分类单元Halwaxiidae,属于软体动物干群或腕足动物和环节动物的干群;3)Halkieria为软体动物有刺亚门干群,与无板纲、多板纲更为亲近; 4) Halkieria为环节动物的祖先。目前,虽然多数人根据Halkieria与现生多板纲的骨片排列一致将Halkieria归属软体动物有刺亚门的干群,但近年来世界各地新化石材料的陆续发现及壳体发育研究使得Halkieria的系统分类位置出现新的争议。通过对化石分类学的系统厘定和生物分类研究进展的总结梳理,...  相似文献   

利用免疫荧光定位及激光共聚焦扫描显微镜,结合细胞生长曲线的定量测定,对不同生长阶段的轮藻节间细胞微管骨架进行了观察研究,结果如下:轮藻顶端生长活跃的新生细胞中,与细胞长轴垂直的周质微管(cortical microtubules)占绝对优势,随着生长速率的减慢,周质微管由垂直于细胞长轴逐渐转为平行排列;基部生长基本停止的节间细胞中,胞内微管则以平行细胞长轴为主;不同生长阶段节间细胞的微管骨架,对微管特异解聚剂黄草消(oryzalin)处理的敏感性表现不相同。顶端生长活跃的节间细胞经oryzalin处理40min后,绝大多数周质微管发生解聚;而基部生长基本停止的老细胞中,即使延长处理时间,仍残留一些尚未完全解聚的微管片段;10μmol/L微管解聚剂oryzalin处理轮藻顶端新生细胞,在高精度的细胞伸长生长测定装置监测下,发现oryzalin对细胞的伸长生长速率有明显的抑制作用,去掉药剂后,伸长生长又有一定的恢复。并且发现,经o-ryzalin处理后,微管的解聚(40min左右)与顶端节间细胞伸长生长的停止(100min左右)两者间存在着时间上的差异,即微管解聚在先,细胞伸长停止在后。以上结果均说明微管骨架在轮藻节间细胞生长中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

雄性:头宽于长。颜面扁平,上窄下宽,侧面观鼻状,覆浓密白色绵毛。口鬃白色,上升至颜面达触角节的基部,口缘两侧的口鬃黑色。触角黑色,基部两节被黑毛,触角第1节略长于第2节,第3节长为第1、2节长度总和的1.3倍,触角芒与触角第1、2节长度的总和相等。额黑色光亮,额宽与触角节基部水平处的颜宽相等,两侧缘被黑毛。单眼瘤略隆,被黑毛。眼后鬃黑色,短粗,排列成一行,在眼角处的数根较粗,此外,还具数根排列不规则的黑鬃。后头扁平,覆灰白色粉被,后头上半部和下半部沿眼缘后方被白色  相似文献   

叠饰伪转叶肢介(Difalsisca)的特征是初生壳大,背缘末端的后背角反弯曲,装饰为小针网状,在壳的后腹部生长带上有叠网状装饰。新属与伪转叶肢介属(Falsisca)的区别就是具有叠网状装饰,其他特征均相似。叠饰叶肢介科(Diestheriidae Zhang et Chen)是1976年建立的。主要特征是在壳表面原有的网、线和线网状装饰之上又叠覆一层更大的网状物,称为“叠网状装饰”,它主要分布在壳的后腹部生长带上。本科包括叠饰叶肢介属(Di-estheria Chen,1976),新叠饰叶肢介属(Neod-  相似文献   

Radiation of dramatically disparate forms among the phylum Mollusca remains a key question in metazoan evolution, and requires careful evaluation of homology of hard parts throughout the deep fossil record. Enigmatic early Cambrian taxa such as Halkieria and Wiwaxia (in the clade Halwaxiida) have been proposed to represent stem‐group aculiferan molluscs (Caudofoveata + Solenogastres + Polyplacophora), as complex scleritomes were considered to be unique to aculiferans among extant molluscs. The ‘scaly‐foot gastropod’ (Neomphalina: Peltospiridae) from hydrothermal vents of the Indian Ocean, however, also carries dermal sclerites and thus challenges this inferred homology. Despite superficial similarities to various mollusc sclerites, the scaly‐foot gastropod sclerites are secreted in layers covering outpockets of epithelium and are largely proteinaceous, while chiton (Polyplacophora: Chitonida) sclerites are secreted to fill an invaginated cuticular chamber and are largely calcareous. Marked differences in the underlying epithelium of the scaly‐foot gastropod sclerites and operculum suggest that the sclerites do not originate from multiplication of the operculum. This convergence in different classes highlights the ability of molluscs to adapt mineralized dermal structures, as supported by the extensive early fossil record of molluscs with scleritomes. Sclerites of halwaxiids are morphologically variable, undermining the assumed affinity of specific taxa with chitons, or the larger putative clade Aculifera. Comparisons with independently derived similar structures in living molluscs are essential for determining homology among fossils and their position with respect to the enigmatic evolution of molluscan shell forms in deep time. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 949–954.  相似文献   

Numerous ascidian spicules are reported for the first time from the lower Sarmatian Darabani-Mitoc Clays of Costeşti, north-western Moldova. The biological interpretation of the studied sclerites allows distinguishing at least three morphospecies (Polysyncraton-like, Trididemnum-like, and Didemnum-like) within the Didemnidae family. Eight other morphological types of spicules are classified as indeterminate didemnids. Most of the studied spicules are morphologically similar to those of Recent shallow-water taxa from the Mediterranean Sea. In contrast, some sclerites resemble those of taxa from the Indo-Pacific region. The greater size of the studied spicules, compared to that of present-day didemnids, suggests favorable physicochemical conditions within the Sarmatian Sea. The presence of these stenohaline tunicates that prefer normal salinity seems to confirm latest hypotheses regarding mixo-mesohaline conditions during the early Sarmatian.  相似文献   

Calcareous spicules closely similar to those previously reported in several species of Heliolites, have been found in another heliolitid species, Squameolites junggarensis Lin et Wang, from a clayey limestone of the lower part of Kuimov Formation, of Homerian (Wenlock) age, in the western part of the Gorny Altai, Siberia. The sclerites are associated with ‘microspheres’, identified also in colonies of an unidentified species of Propora. It is suggested that the microspheres associated with the tabulate corals were their photoautotrophic symbionts.  相似文献   

The cuticle of Proneomenia consists of a mucoid matrix containing calcareous spicules and is secreted by the mantle epithelium at the base of the ventral (pedal) groove and over the general body surface. Histochemical examination shows the matrix to be composed of a glycoprotein complex with high acid mucopolysaccharide and low protein contents in which tanning plays little part in stabilization.
The cuticle of the Aplacophora is tentatively equated with an early mucoid stage in the evolution of the molluscan shell and it is suggested that secretion of additional protein, followed by hardening by quinone-tanning, are necessary further stages before a calcified shell evolves. The aplacophoran cuticle is compared with that of Acanthochitona (Polyplacophora) and, although they are similar in many respects, the latter has in addition a discrete inner cuticular layer whichmay act as a semi-conducting membrane in the deposition of the calcareous plates. The spicules are similar in both groups, each being secreted within a thin cup-like membrane which exhibits somewhat similar properties to the inner cuticle.  相似文献   

Calcification in the bivalve periostracum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The periostracum in certain bivalves is imbedded with calcified, spiculelike structures analogous if not homologous to cuticular spicules found in the Aplacophora and Polyplacophora (chitons). Although rare or absent in most living bivalves, calcified periostracal structures are apparently an ancestral feature in some bivalve groups, i.e. the Mytilacea, Permophoridae, Myoida. and Anomalodesmata. Ancestors of the Bivalvia and Polyplacophora may have been covered with a flexible, spiculestudded cuticle. Shell plates in these two classes may have originated through a modification of the mechanism of spiculelike cuticular calcification. resulting in a primordial shell with simple prismatic structure.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of serial sections show that the male sexual apparatus of Scutellonema brachyurum includes two morphologically identical spicules. Each is composed of a swollen tubular head, crescentic shaft, and leaf-like blade with membranous velum expanded from the central trunk. The spicules are concave and grooved on the ventral side and convex on the dorsal side near the trunk. The trunk is continuous with the shaft and head. Nerve tissue occupies the core of the spicule and includes a dendritic process which gains access to the exterior via a small pore on the lateral side of the spicule tip. Three protractor and two retractor muscles are associated with each spicule. A sensory accessory piece connects with the tip of the gubernaculum and protrudes from the lower side of the opening of the spicular pouch; it protracts and retracts with the muscularized gubernaculum. The gubernaculum varies from bow-shaped in the distal part to boat-shaped in the mid region. A sac exits beneath the accessory piece as a buffer for its movement. A cuticular guiding bar originating from the dorsal wall of the spicular pouch has a tongue. The ventral surface of the tongue is sclerotized to separate the two spicules. It is mobile by muscles of the protractor gubernaculi, retractor gubernaculi, and seductor gubernaculi.  相似文献   

A common structural pattern (as observed under the SEM) in the main body of sectioned sclerites of the family Alcyoniidae, and octocorals in general, is the arrangement of acicular crystals in concentric layers. The crystals roughly follow the direction of the spicule axis, however, the sectioned tubercles of large Sinularia spicules have the acicular crystals oriented in the direction of the tubercles (i.e. perpendicular to the spicule axis), contrary to the sectioned tubercles of Sarcophyton and Lobophytum spicules. They reveal some rod-like structures, furcating the acute processes at the top of the tubercles. Sectioned small, club-like Sinularia sclerites show numerous tiny acicular crystals, oriented with their long axes at a fairly constant degree of inclination around a central axis. SEM studies of sectioned Cladiella sclerites show a granulate structure organized in concentric layers, but lacking acicular crystals. The Silurian Atractosella cataractaca show important characters in common with Recent alcyoniid species.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Specimens of Favosites from upper Llandovery strata of Anticosti Island show three types of calcite structures, herein interpreted as spicules, preserved within their calices and on top of the last tabula. This is stratigraphically younger material, some 50 m higher than fossils described two decades earlier, in which calcified polyps, each with 12 retracted tentacles, were noted. These more recently found structures show striking similarities in form and position to point, collaret and capstan spicules found in the soft tissues of modern pipe corals, i.e. the Octocorallia (Alcyonacea). Where preserved in a distinct pattern on top of the calcite tabulae, the spicular sclerites in Favosites occur in a particular sequence. Twelve individual, or sometimes six pairs of, triradiate point spicules have shrunk to a circlet near the middle of the calice (resting on the last, outermost, tabula). Surrounding the point spicules are 3–6 circlets of curved, usually perforated, lenticular collaret spicules; and surrounding these are scattered, much smaller, capstan spicules. The spicules display variability, probably ontogenetic, in their form and relative sizes; and they are more similar in form to calcareous spicules of alcyonacean corals than to those known from calcareous sponges. Structures with 12-fold radial symmetry in Heliolites, originally described by one of us as 'septal florets', consist of elements that are considered comparable with the point spicules found in Favosites . They have been recognized in ten species of Heliolites from Silurian (Wenlock–Ludlow) strata in the Canadian Arctic islands.  相似文献   

Many of the invertebrates possess calcium carbonate spicules.This paper is a review of the formation of these structuresin the Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Mollusca, Echinodermataand Ascidiacea. Mature spicules appear to be extracellular structures.Sponge spicules initiate intercellularly then become extracellular.Alcyonarian, turbellarian, echinoid and ascidian spicule depositionbegins intracellularly and then becomes extracellular. The continuationof growth in the extracellular environment has not been documentedexcept for the echinoids. Placophoran spicules initiate andremain as extracellular structures. Early spicule growth seemsto occur from or within a single cell. However, cell aggregationand/or neighboring cells appear to be important to the processof spicule formation. The spicule forming cells, in general,are found in a collagenous medium which may be associated withspicule growth. The organic matrix from the spicules of the gorgonian Leptogorgiavirgulata is a glycoprotein. Autoradiography reveals that thismatrix is apparently synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulumand Golgi complexes and then transported to the spicule formingvacuole via Golgi vesicles. To gain information about the entryand transport of calcium ions, the effects of ouabain and vanadateon calcium uptake were examined. Ouabain had no effect on calciumuptake. Vanadate treatment increased the uptake of calcium inscleroblasts and epithelial tissue and decreased its uptakein spicules. This may suggest that vanadate sensitive ATPasesare involved in the pumping of calcium out of scleroblasts,out of epithelial cells into the mesoglea, and into scleroblastorganelles. Autoradiography using 45Ca indicates that the majorityof these ions initially accumulate in the branch axis. The labelmoves through the axial epithelium to the mesoglea and reachesthe spiculeforming vacuoles in the scleroblasts via dense bodies  相似文献   

The formation of spicules is a complicated morphogenetic process in sponges (phylum Porifera). The primmorph system was used to demonstrate that in the demosponge Suberites domuncula the synthesis of the siliceous spicules starts intracellularly and is dependent on the concentration of silicic acid. To understand spicule formation, a cluster of genes was isolated. In the center of this cluster is the silicatein gene, which codes for the enzyme that synthesizes spicules. This gene is flanked by an ankyrin repeat gene at one side and by a tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor and a protein kinase gene at the other side. All genes are strongly expressed in primmorphs and intact animals after exposure to silicic acid, and this expression is restricted to those areas where the spicule formation starts or where spicules are maintained in the animals. Our observations suggest that in S. domuncula a coordinated expression of physically linked genes is essential for the synthesis of the major skeletal elements.  相似文献   

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