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昆虫实验生态生理学,是以人工小气候为基础,温度、湿度和光照为组成人工小气候的三个基本要素,特别是温度条件此其他条件要求更严格。因此,可以理解生理生态试验室都是以调节温度的装置为最基本的设备。  相似文献   

莫剑鹏  陈定花 《昆虫知识》1996,33(5):299-300
近几年我国毛纺织品防蛀剂的研制发展较快,但为害毛纺织品的昆虫很难人工饲养,给生测工作带来了很大困难。为此,我们选择对毛纺织品为害较重的幕衣蛾Tineolabisselliclla(Hummel)进行了人工饲养,现将方法介绍如下。1饲养条件养虫室以6m2为宜,室内温度控制在24±1℃,相对湿度保持65%±5%,骤冷骤热容易造成幼虫死亡。此外还要注意室内卫生,防止其它害虫生长。2饲养容器及器具2.1 自然种群培养箱:一般采用木制或铁皮制箱,顶部盖80目铜丝网罩。将自然虫源引入箱后,任其生长繁殖,以便提供饲养虫源。2.2幼虫饲养容器:饲养容…  相似文献   

二化螟的群体饲养已向两方面发展,即用人工饲料和稻苗的饲养。用稻苗进行二化螟的群体饲养比较简便。兹将基本条件、饲养方法分述于下: 养虫室 需要的条件是:温度28±1℃;相对湿度60%;光照用2000米烛光的萤光灯,保持15小时的光照期以防止幼虫休眠。 饲养瓶 带金属旋盖的玻璃瓶,直径11厘米,高9厘米。为了通气和为螟虫提供化蛹场所,在盖上开一个直径2厘米的孔,并用棉花塞塞住。  相似文献   

在苏联昆虫生态学专家——列宁格勒大学昆虫实验生态研究室高级研究员Н.И.戈雷辛同志的帮助和指导下,短短的几个月内,在我组建成了一间现代化的昆虫实验生态研究室。本室现有的设备主要是各种不同温度的恒温装置和光照控制仪器。此外,还有用来研究昆虫在不同温度、湿度及光照等条件影响下生长发育与生理变化的仪器,如研究昆虫对温度反应的梯度温度台和测定呼吸的微呼吸器等。 恒温装置主要是复式定温箱和电冰箱。复式定温  相似文献   

本试验用0.45T的稳定磁场处理东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis(Meyen)的若虫和成虫,在温度为(35±2)℃、光周期为(L∶D=10∶14)、光照度12000lx、相对湿度64%的光照培养箱中饲养,历时38d,发现该磁场对东亚飞蝗体表色素的变化有明显的影响,主要表现为草绿色、乳黄色和浅白色等几种颜色,对开发昆虫宠物市场有一定的启发。  相似文献   

<正> 二化螟Chilo supressalis(Walker)是我国水稻栽培区主要害虫之一。为了探索应用性诱剂作为防治二化螟手段的可能性,笔者对室内饲养的二化螟交配行为进行了观察,现将结果报告如下。 材料与方法 试验虫种为室内人工饲养二化螟,养虫室温度为27±1℃,50~60%R. H, 2000 lx光照度,16小时以上的长光照。幼虫取食水稻种苗约20天左右化蛹,然后将雌雄蛹分开,放玻璃杯内,羽化出蛾后放产卵箱进行观察。 1.交配行为 将室内当天羽化雌雄蛾,按  相似文献   

人工饲养棉铃虫环境条件的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 我们就人工饲养棉铃虫过程中,温度、湿度和光照等三大要素对棉铃虫各虫态的影响进行过一些研究,现将资料整理报告于后。 材料与方法 棉铃虫Heliothis armigera Hbner虫源是从大田采回的越冬老熟幼虫,室内化蛹羽化的成虫繁殖的后代。 饲养室温度、湿度用电热蒸气和喷水控制在25—30℃之间,相对湿度70—85%,光照以30瓦或40瓦日光灯为光源,距0.5—2.0米,光  相似文献   

温度和湿度是影响昆虫生长发育和活动的重要环境因素,很多昆虫生态学的试验工作都离不开温、湿度的控制。过去控制温、湿度的方法,一般都存在些缺点。作者在观察粘虫蛾试验中设计了一种自动控制温、湿度的简易装置,通过实地使用,效果良好,湿度误  相似文献   

豆天蛾幼虫肠道优势菌株的鉴定研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
豆天蛾是一种传统食用资源昆虫,具有巨大的开发利用价值。以往对豆天蛾的研究多集中于温度、湿度、光照和密度等环境因素对豆天蛾的影响,本文则从微生态学角度研究豆天蛾营养生理情况及微生物对其寄主的影响,发掘豆天蛾肠道优势菌株,为探索一套适用于豆天蛾工厂化生产的人工繁育技术提供理论依据。本研究从1~5龄及越冬幼虫中共分离得到不同细菌23株,确定出其中2株细菌为豆天蛾幼虫肠道优势细菌。经系统分类鉴定法及16SDNA法鉴定,得出2株细菌分别属于葡萄球菌和芽胞杆菌。  相似文献   

实验昆虫在生物学学科的多个领域越来越被广泛应用。通过对昆虫的环境要求、营养、疾病控制和管理,用人工饲料成功饲养了多种实验昆虫。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(1):17-28
This work presents an automated insect pest counting and environmental condition monitoring system using integrated camera modules and an embedded system as the sensor node in a wireless sensor network. The sensor node can be used to simultaneously acquire images of sticky paper traps and measure temperature, humidity, and light intensity levels in a greenhouse. An image processing algorithm was applied to automatically detect and count insect pests on an insect sticky trap with 93% average temporal detection accuracy compared with manual counting. The integrated monitoring system was implemented with multiple sensor nodes in a greenhouse and experiments were performed to test the system’s performance. Experimental results show that the automatic counting of the monitoring system is comparable with manual counting, and the insect pest count information can be continuously and effectively recorded. Information on insect pest concentrations were further analyzed temporally and spatially with environmental factors. Analyses of experimental data reveal that the normalized hourly increase in the insect pest count appears to be associated with the change in light intensity, temperature, and relative humidity. With the proposed system, laborious manual counting can be circumvented and timely assessment of insect pest and environmental information can be achieved. The system also offers an efficient tool for long-term insect pest behavior observations, as well as for practical applications in integrated pest management (IPM).  相似文献   

To understand the relationship between mitochondrial transport and neuronal function, it is critical to observe mitochondrial behavior in live cultured neurons for extended durations1-3. This is now possible through the use of vital dyes and fluorescent proteins with which cytoskeletal components, organelles, and other structures in living cells can be labeled and then visualized via dynamic fluorescence microscopy. For example, in embryonic chicken sympathetic neurons, mitochondrial movement was characterized using the vital dye rhodamine 1234. In another study, mitochondria were visualized in rat forebrain neurons by transfection of mitochondrially targeted eYFP5. However, imaging of primary neurons over minutes, hours, or even days presents a number of issues. Foremost among these are: 1) maintenance of culture conditions such as temperature, humidity, and pH during long imaging sessions; 2) a strong, stable fluorescent signal to assure both the quality of acquired images and accurate measurement of signal intensity during image analysis; and 3) limiting exposure times during image acquisition to minimize photobleaching and avoid phototoxicity.Here, we describe a protocol that permits the observation, visualization, and analysis of mitochondrial movement in cultured hippocampal neurons with high temporal resolution and under optimal life support conditions. We have constructed an affordable stage-top incubator that provides good temperature regulation and atmospheric gas flow, and also limits the degree of media evaporation, assuring stable pH and osmolarity. This incubator is connected, via inlet and outlet hoses, to a standard tissue culture incubator, which provides constant humidity levels and an atmosphere of 5-10% CO2/air. This design offers a cost-effective alternative to significantly more expensive microscope incubators that don''t necessarily assure the viability of cells over many hours or even days. To visualize mitochondria, we infect cells with a lentivirus encoding a red fluorescent protein that is targeted to the mitochondrion. This assures a strong and persistent signal, which, in conjunction with the use of a stable xenon light source, allows us to limit exposure times during image acquisition and all but precludes photobleaching and phototoxicity. Two injection ports on the top of the stage-top incubator allow the acute administration of neurotransmitters and other reagents intended to modulate mitochondrial movement. In sum, lentivirus-mediated expression of an organelle-targeted red fluorescent protein and the combination of our stage-top incubator, a conventional inverted fluorescence microscope, CCD camera, and xenon light source allow us to acquire time-lapse images of mitochondrial transport in living neurons over longer durations than those possible in studies deploying conventional vital dyes and off-the-shelf life support systems.  相似文献   

This paper introduces theoretical modelling working on the thermal behavior of the premature infant. This study aims at developing a model useful for the prediction and design of the appropriate controller in objective to reduce evaporative heat loss. A calculation code has been developed to simulate the thermal response of a premature baby to climatic solicitation inside the incubator system. The model allows us to take into consideration radiative, conductive, convective, and evaporative heat transfers inside the incubator system. The air temperature and the humidity rate, which play a salient part in the convective and evaporative exchanges, are calculated by a coupled transfer function. At present, the environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) inside incubator are controlled with a classical Proportional Integral Differential (PID). In this work, we proposed a decoupling Generalized Predictive Controller (DGPC) based on the model described below to achieve an optimal thermal conditions (36.5–37.5) for immature newborn infants (birthweight <1000 grams). Real and simulations results prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model and controller.  相似文献   

Genetic aspects of insect production   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
M. Mackauer 《BioControl》1972,17(1):27-48
Selection and maintenance of insect stocks for biological control programmes depend on the objective and the scope of propagation. Propagation for inoculative releases with the objective of colonization must ensure that the source colony contains a sufficient amount of genetic diversity. The implications of the origin and the size of the source colony are discussed. During propagation genetic decay can result from, among other processes, the founder effect, inbreeding or the selection of laboratory «ecotypes». Standardized strains of insect parasites and predators are recommended for mass production programmes for inundative releases. In addition to laboratory-construted strains for genetic controls, hybrid strains showing superior fitness, new pathotypes, and strains carrying genetic markers, may be useful for biological control. Some inferences are drawn from population genetic theory and applied to insectary rearing programmes. It is suggested that some widely held concepts of biological control should be discarded to enable the rigorous application of genetic strategies for pest control.  相似文献   

A. Habib    H. S. Salama    M. R. Saleh 《Journal of Zoology》1972,166(4):481-492
The soft scale insect, Kilifia acuminata (Signoret) reacts positively to light. The simple eyes are the photoreceptors by means of which the insect can sum up the light from various directions and steers in a path towards the high intensity beam. The insect reacts skototactically towards dark objects.
The linear velocity of the insect significantly increases with the increase of temperature. It has a zone of thermopreferendum extending between 22° and 32°C. Above 37°C, the insect is sensitive to small temperature differences of 2°C.
At different humidity combinations below 75% R.H., the insect prefers the moist side, while in the upper range above 83% R.H., it usually prefers the dry side. The preferred zone of humidity extends between 75 and 83%.
Orthokinesis, klinokinesis and klinotaxis are the main mechanisms regulating the insect reaction towards different physical factors.
The insect behaviour and its correlation to the normal environment is also discussed.  相似文献   

A desktop incubator with temperature control over the range 1–20°C (±0.5°C) was designed to hold two microtitre plates. Illumination of individual wells in the plate was by a matrix of 96 light-emitting diodes, whose intensity, period and pulsation could be controlled individually in each of 12 rows of eight chambers. The incubator was used to test how the length of light period affected cell length of the planktonic diatom Aulacoseira baicalensis, which only grows below 4°C. Short cells (mean length 26 µm) were formed under a 8-h : 16-h light–dark cycle, intermediate cells (mean length 35 µm) under a 4-h : 20-h light–dark cycle and longer cells (mean 38 µm) under a 2-h : 22-h light–dark cycle. These were similar to changes in mean cell length from 28 to 49 µm found in Lake Baikal during a decrease in light period caused by increased convective mixing from 15 m under-ice to 94 m after ice break-up. The laboratory experiments confirmed that decreasing light period was the environmental cue that initiated the production of long cells that then developed into resting stages.  相似文献   

利用甘蔗饲养红棕象甲的技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种以甘蔗为饲料饲养红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab.的方法。将新鲜甘蔗切成段,置于培养皿中,放入恒温培养箱内,设置温度:(26±1)℃,RH:80%±10%,光周期:L∶D=0∶24。利用该方法饲养的红棕象甲世代历期130.80d,老熟幼虫平均体重5.51g,成虫单雌产卵量144.42粒,世代存活率21.67%。甘蔗饲养红棕象甲成本低,生物学特性恒定,可作为替代寄主扩繁虫源。  相似文献   

A novel sea turtle egg incubator was developed in which the heating element is placed above the clutch, which more closely simulates solar heating in nature. An electronic thermometer in conjunction with a thermostat located in sand beneath a heater plate was used to obtain the desired temperature in the placed eggs, as compared to previous methods of controlling global temperature within the interior of a chamber. To test the new incubator, Lepidochelys olivacea eggs were incubated under different thermal conditions in order to identify the temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) period more precisely. Four incubation experiments were designed to test the performance of the incubator where the temperature was lowered from 32 to 28 °C during 60 h and then reestablished at 32 °C until hatching occurred. A significant mean hatching success rate of 89.6% was obtained for all the experiments. The main result from these preliminary findings was that the sex determination period to produce males was reduced from 15 (days 15–30) to eight days (days 19–27). Overall, the incubator provides precise control and simulates a natural thermal environment that may improve control of TSD in sea turtles.  相似文献   

The engineers of the Centre for Scientific Instrument Manufacture of the Academy of Science of the GDR have engineered a bench incubator for the requirements of tissue culture and other biological research. The chamber made of corrosion resistant metal has a volume of about 100 litres. The cultures standing at three shelves are areated horizontal by two radial ventilators. The incubator equipped with automatic CO2-, temperature- and humidity measuring- and regulation systems is distinguished by a new method of sterilization.  相似文献   

The natural enemies of Bathycoelia thalassina in Ghana are surveyed and their effect and suitability as natural controls of the pest in the field and in the insectary assessed. Mass rearing methods in the insectary for the most common parasites, Trissolcus spp. and Cylindromyia cribrata are described.  相似文献   

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