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为揭示厚竹(Phyllostachys edulis ‘Pachyloen’)快速高生长的物质基础,进一步探究厚竹快速高生长的物质代谢机理。该研究采用常规石蜡切片结合光学显微技术,研究厚竹高生长过程中竹秆淀粉粒的时空动态变化规律。结果表明:(1)淀粉粒随着竹秆的高生长逐渐减少,且同一节间的不同部位淀粉粒的含量存在差异;在轴向上,同一节间从上至下淀粉粒含量升高,节间基部的淀粉粒最多,且节部的淀粉粒含量始终高于节间;高生长停止后,在节部的长、短细胞中仍有淀粉粒分布。(2)在径向上,从外至内,淀粉粒逐渐减少,且维管束周围淀粉粒明显多于其他部位。(3)节隔缺失的异常节间和节部的淀粉粒含量较正常的多,且节间各部位淀粉粒含量相似。研究发现,淀粉粒的时空动态变化与厚竹高生长过程中节间细胞的发育规律一致,节部可能主要通过控制物质运输来调控竹子的高生长。  相似文献   

厚壁毛竹快速高生长期竹秆ATP酶超微细胞化学定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用电镜细胞化学技术对厚壁毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis ‘Pachyloen’)快速高生长期竹秆节间的伸长发育过程(包括:分生细胞期、伸长初期、快速伸长期和成熟期四个阶段)进行ATP酶超微细胞化学定位,以揭示竹秆节间快速伸长的细胞学基础。结果表明:分生细胞期,细胞质膜、核膜、细胞器膜系统上等均有很强的ATP酶活性。伸长初期,节间上部基本组织细胞质膜上ATP酶活性较强,且短细胞质膜上的ATP酶活性更强,节间基部各细胞均未观察到ATP酶活性。快速伸长期,节间基部基本组织ATP酶活性较节间上部高,细胞质膜、运输小泡膜、胞间隙及胞间连丝上均有ATP酶活性。成熟期,仅节间上部基本组织质膜上有较弱的ATP酶活性。ATP酶在节间伸长过程中主要参与新细胞壁物质的分泌和共质体运输,促进新细胞壁的形成,晶体和淀粉粒体外膜上ATP酶活性的存在表明其具有贮存物质的作用。节隔缺失节的节间基部未观察到ATP酶活性,节部韧皮结细胞ATP酶活性较高,节隔的缺失引起节部与节间与物质运输有关结构的变化,进而影响节间伸长生长。  相似文献   

选取140株浙江临安青山镇毛竹(Moso bamboo),连续57天测量并记录毛竹幼竹生长数据,运用Wilcoxon、Mood与Ansari-Bradley方差检验等非参数假设检验和相关分析方法探讨了不同管理模式下幼竹的生长特点。研究结果表明,幼期毛竹生长具有时序阶段性变化的特点,幼竹的生长速度近似呈现出右偏钟型的曲线。幼竹在1–15天生长缓慢;在15–45天生长速度快速升高;45天后生长速度表现为降低的趋势。同时,幼竹生长速度的变异程度在1–20天内变化较小;在20天后变化剧烈且有上下激烈振荡的态势。不同经营模式间的毛竹幼竹生长离散程度差异不显著,但生长速度表现出阶段性差异。在第1–10天生长速度无显著差异;在第11–28天,集约经营和粗放经营时幼竹生长速度的差异表现出此起彼伏交替波动的现象;在第29–40天,不同经营措施幼竹间的生长速度差异显著;在第41–55天,生长速度无显著差异。通过运用统计分析及数学方法定量分析2种管理模式下笋期毛竹的生长特点,以期为毛竹的经营管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

竹子的高速生长主要发生在无枝无叶的笋期, 并对水分需求巨大。水分不仅参与植物体内各种代谢, 而且水分转运可促进光合产物、矿质元素、生长激素等物质流动。竹子夜间主要由根压驱动水分转运, 但在日间尤其是下午根压基本为负值, 明确竹笋日间蒸腾作用发生机制及其对水分运输的影响对竹林培育有重要意义。该研究以不同伸长阶段的慈竹(Bambusa emeiensis)笋为材料, 研究了茎秆和竹箨的气孔特征、气孔导度与蒸腾速率等生理特征及在离体条件下竹笋的水分转运速率。结果表明: 1)不同发育状态的竹笋茎秆及箨鞘表面均分布有大量气孔, 气孔小且凹陷, 光合速率及叶绿素a、b含量极低, 但气孔导度和蒸腾速率均显著高于成熟叶片, 表明笋体和箨鞘是竹笋主要的呼吸和蒸腾部位。2)离体条件下竹笋的番红示踪表明, 高生长阶段的竹笋茎秆中番红上升速率较快, 有着较强的蒸腾。竹箨分离后, 番红仍然能够扩散和运输, 表明笋体茎秆也存在一定的蒸腾, 但与竹箨包裹的竹笋相比, 番红在分离竹箨后的笋体中上升速度显著下降, 表明竹箨对笋体内水分运输影响较大。3)箨环处的组织解剖发现, 节间的纵向维管束在竹节处特化形成一个类板状结构, 弯曲伸入竹箨, 是竹箨影响笋体内水分运输的重要结构基础。上述结果表明, 日间竹笋水分通过茎秆和竹箨表面的气孔大量蒸散, 产生蒸腾拉力驱动笋体内水分转运。该研究也发现, 随着茎秆成熟, 竹箨松动并开始脱落, 茎秆表面的气孔宽度增加, 加大了气孔的开口大小, 增大了节间气孔与大气水气交换的有效面积, 在一定程度上弥补了竹箨脱落时减少的蒸腾拉力。  相似文献   

龟甲竹(Phylostachys pubescens var. heterocylea)也称罗汉竹。为毛竹的一个变种。龟甲竹地下茎单轴,竹秆散生,高2—6米,胸径6—15厘米,下部各节交互倾斜相连接,节间缩短而肿胀,形似块块龟甲,故得名。上部竹节与一般竹无异。叶片披针形。  相似文献   

野化培训大熊猫的食性及其对拐棍竹的选择利用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文采用动物行为随机观察法、粪便分类收集法、样方法以及SPSS统计软件等方法,调查和分析了2003年7月至2004年9月卧龙自然保护区大熊猫“祥祥”在野化培训圈中的食性及对拐棍竹的选择利用。结果表明:野化培训大熊猫“祥祥”主要取食培训圈中的拐棍竹竹笋及其成竹、幼竹、半枯竹的竹秆和枝叶,少量采食短锥玉山竹,并偶尔寻食培训圈中的青草和鞘柄菝葜等植物。食性季节变化具有与野生大熊猫相似的动态规律,9~12月主要以拐棍竹枝叶为食,1~4月取食成竹竹秆,5月大量啃食当年新笋,6~8月则喜食幼竹竹秆。同时,“祥祥”对拐棍竹粗细的利用表现出较为明显的选择性,一般取食基径大于12mm以上的竹子,对基径很小的竹子不喜欢或拒绝利用,而不同龄级竹子的选择略有差异。  相似文献   

为探讨寿竹(Phyllostachys reticulata ‘Shouzhu’ Yi)的材质特性,分析寿竹的造纸性能, 以毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)和慈竹(Bambusa emeiensis L. C. Chia & H. L. Fung)为对照,对重庆市梁平县寿竹秆形结构的垂直变化、材积与生物量以及纤维形态特征进行研究。结果表明,寿竹秆的节间长度随竹高度呈现先长后短的变化趋势,直径与壁厚均随竹秆高度的增加而逐渐减小。寿竹材积的模型为V=0.000939H+0.001861D-0.01374,生物量模型为W=1.297D+2.053H-16.666。寿竹纤维长度平均为2.47 mm,以2~3 mm分布最多,长宽比大于100,属于制作优良纸张的较好纤维;纤维壁腔比较大,达3.85。相对毛竹而言,寿竹竹秆的节间长度更长,垂直方向上材积分布更加均匀,纤维长、长宽比大。寿竹与慈竹的纤维长度差异不大,但纤维长宽比小于慈竹,壁腔比大于慈竹。寿竹节间长,垂直分布均匀,材积和生物量大,是优良的板材利用原料;寿竹纤维长,长宽比大,是优良的造纸原料,造纸性能优于毛竹略次于慈竹。  相似文献   

为了分析竹子枝-叶大小间的权衡关系,本研究对武夷山不同海拔典型竹种(毛竹、箬竹、肿节少穗竹、毛竿玉山竹和武夷山玉山竹)小枝的叶片总质量、茎质量、单叶质量和出叶强度等性状进行测定.结果表明: 随海拔升高,5个竹种间小枝上总叶质量与茎质量的异速生长指数呈显著下降趋势.竹种内,毛竹、箬竹和肿节少穗竹总叶质量与茎质量在不同海拔上均拥有共同异速生长指数(分别为0.94、0.85、0.84).毛竿玉山竹和武夷山玉山竹的叶茎质量也存在共同异速生长指数(0.79).除武夷山玉山竹外,竹子单叶质量与出叶强度之间均呈显著的负相关关系.5个竹种的单叶质量和出叶强度之间存在共同异速生长指数-1.12.总之,竹类植物的小枝总体上倾向于在低海拔环境中着生更多的叶片,而在高海拔生境下则投资更多的生物量到茎的构造上.尽管竹种间小枝的茎投资随海拔升高而增加,但其基于茎质量的出叶强度策略取决于叶片大小的构建而不是海拔生境差异.  相似文献   

麻竹节间伸长过程的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹子秆茎的快速生长是禾本科生物学的一个未解之谜,而秆茎的生长又是以节间为单位进行的。本研究以第8节为标准节,利用统计学及石蜡切片的方法,获得了麻竹的节间伸长曲线以及节间组织发育的形态解剖信息。麻竹节间的伸长呈现“慢-快”的生长趋势,早期节间以细胞分裂为主,然后节间由上到下逐渐进入细胞伸长阶段,最后节间停止伸长进入成熟生长阶段。本研究为大型丛生竹节间发育的研究提供了基础数据,有助于推动对竹子笋株快速生长机制的研究。  相似文献   

大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca依赖竹子才能够生存,但取食时却有很强的选择性,特别在取食竹秆时,会撕去竹秆皮。尽管这可以简单解释为大熊猫不喜欢吃坚韧的竹秆皮,但研究其背后的化学原因却有助于加深对这种行为的理解。2015年4—5月,在中国保护大熊猫研究中心雅安碧峰峡研究基地和都江堰研究基地,通过观察8只圈养大熊猫对10种竹子的采食,发现这些大熊猫只取食其中的8种竹子,并且明显表现出弃食竹秆皮的行为。进一步采用范氏洗涤分析滤袋技术、全自动纤维素分析仪对10种竹子的竹秆皮进行化学分析,结果显示:10种竹子中除个别竹种外,纤维类物质含量在竹秆皮与竹秆其余部位之间的差异有统计学意义。竹秆皮中的半纤维素含量较竹秆其余部位低15%~35%(9种:P0.01;1种:P0.05),纤维素含量较竹秆其余部位高5%~30%(3种:P0.01;5种:P0.05;2种:P0.05),木质素含量较竹秆其余部位高5%~48%(2种:P0.01;6种:P0.05;2种:P0.05)。显然,纤维类物质的含量差异,尤其是能使竹秆皮变硬的高含量纤维素和木质素,是大熊猫弃食竹秆皮的主要原因之一。观察中的个别例外也意味着纤维类物质也许不是大熊猫选择性取食的唯一原因。  相似文献   

A culm consists of the rind, basic and vascular systems. The rind system is composed of epidermis, hypodermis and cortex which are of small, thick-walled and well packed cells and mainly functions as an outer wall to protect the culm tissues. The basic system is made up of ground tissue and pith-ring. Pith-ring is the inner wall of the culm consisting of several layers of densely arranged, highly lignified cells. Between the rind system and pith-ring is the ground tissue in which collateral vascular bundles are well embedded. Vascular bund]es are well developed with four fibre caps, two lateral on either side of vessels and two polar, one outside the phloem and the other around the intercellular space. All of them function effectively in fixing the conductive elements in position and strengthening the ground tissue around within the culm wall. Vessels and sieve tubes are of vital importance to bamboo life, but partially blocked and eventually lose their conductivity due to deposition of tylosis that may cause death of the aged culms. All cells are strictly axially arranged within the internodes of culm, but become highly modified in the nodes. During intercalary growth of bamboo shoot the vascular bundles of a sheath are connected with those of the culm periphery and become abscissed off to form a sheath scar around the node after cessation of the growth. Inside the periphery, vascular bundles are variably crooked, branched or reunited in the node which becomes causatively swollen, especially in the joint of side branches. Some nodal bundles bend radially inward to pass into the diaphragm where they are irregularly interwoven within the ground tissue, play an important role in transverse conduction and provide mechanical support of the culm.  相似文献   

为了弄清毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)向针阔林扩张过程中根系的形态可塑性反应,在浙江天目山自然保护区毛竹向针阔林扩张的典型过渡地带,连续区域上设置毛竹纯林、针阔-毛竹混交林(以下简称过渡林)、针阔林3种样地。用根钻法采集样地毛竹根系、针阔树根系并比对其生物量密度、细根比根长、相邻同级侧根节点距等形态特征参数变化。结果表明:随着毛竹的扩张程度增加,林内根系生物量密度增加;且与针阔树竞争过程中毛竹将更多的根系放置于表层;同时在水平方向上随离样株距离的增加未出现明显变化,而针阔树根系则随离样木距离的增加而逐渐减少;毛竹根系比根长明显增加,平均增幅15%;一、二级侧根节点距则均有所下降,毛竹侧根数量增多。这些结果表明毛竹种群可通过根系生物量密度、细根比根长、相邻同级侧根节点距等形态可塑性方式实现向周边森林扩张。  相似文献   

巨龙竹(Dendrocalamus sinicus Chia et J.L.Sun)是云南特有的珍稀木本丛生竹,其秆形分为通直型和弯曲型两种变型。为了揭示巨龙竹不同秆形的组织结构特征,本文通过定点观测0~49 d的巨龙竹笋和幼竹生长发育状况,并采用石蜡切片技术对笋期0~45 d内样品的组织结构进行比较解剖学研究。结果显示:(1)巨龙竹在笋-幼竹(0~49 d)发育期,秆高生长呈"慢-快"的趋势,21~35 d时弯曲型茎秆开始显现,易于辨别;(2)5~30 d时,弯曲型茎秆中维管束的发育早于通直型;对比弯曲型茎秆内外两侧维管束,内侧维管束导管内径较小,但纤维鞘中的纤维细胞层数更多;(3)弯曲型茎秆中薄壁细胞的分化早于通直型,20 d后弯曲型茎秆中的薄壁细胞出现明显的可被番红-固绿染色的细胞核,并呈有规律的排列;弯曲型茎秆内侧薄壁细胞稍小于外侧薄壁细胞,但内侧被染色细胞核的薄壁细胞多于外侧。研究结果表明巨龙竹弯曲型茎秆性状在笋期第21~35 d内即可通过茎秆形态判别,弯曲型茎秆中维管束的发育以及薄壁细胞分化均早于通直型茎秆,同一时期弯曲型茎秆内侧细胞分裂较外侧旺盛、维管束木质化程度更高。  相似文献   

巨龙竹( Dendrocalamus sinicus Chia et J. L. Sun)是云南特有的珍稀木本丛生竹,其秆形分为通直型和弯曲型两种变型。为了揭示巨龙竹不同秆形的组织结构特征,本文通过定点观测0 ~ 49 d的巨龙竹笋和幼竹生长发育状况,并采用石蜡切片技术对笋期0 ~ 45 d内样品的组织结构进行比较解剖学研究。结果显示:(1)巨龙竹在笋-幼竹(0 ~ 49 d)发育期,秆高生长呈“慢-快”的趋势,21 ~ 35 d时弯曲型茎秆开始显现,易于辨别;(2)5 ~ 30 d时,弯曲型茎秆中维管束的发育早于通直型;对比弯曲型茎秆内外两侧维管束,内侧维管束导管内径较小,但纤维鞘中的纤维细胞层数更多;(3)弯曲型茎秆中薄壁细胞的分化早于通直型,20 d后弯曲型茎秆中的薄壁细胞出现明显的可被番红-固绿染色的细胞核,并呈有规律的排列;弯曲型茎秆内侧薄壁细胞稍小于外侧薄壁细胞,但内侧被染色细胞核的薄壁细胞多于外侧。研究结果表明巨龙竹弯曲型茎秆性状在笋期第21 ~ 35 d内即可通过茎秆形态判别,弯曲型茎秆中维管束的发育以及薄壁细胞分化均早于通直型茎秆,同一时期弯曲型茎秆内侧细胞分裂较外侧旺盛、维管束木质化程度更高。  相似文献   

In natural conditions, culms of developing Moso bamboo, Phyllostachys heterocycla var. pubescens, reach their final height of more than ten meters within a short period of two to four months. To study this phenomenon, bamboo culm material collected from different developmental stages and internodes was analyzed. Histological observations indicated that the development of culm was dominated by cell division in the initial stages and by cell elongation in the middle and late stages. Development, maturation, and aging in different regions of the culm were studied systematically from the basal to the top internode. The four major endogenous hormones, indole acetic acid, gibberellic acid, zeatin riboside, and abscisic acid appeared to strongly influence the cell elongation phase. A total of 258 spots were differentially expressed in culm development. Of these, 213 spots were identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS and were involved in many physiological and metabolic processes including carbohydrate metabolism, cell division, cell expansion, protein synthesis, amino acid metabolism and redox homeostasis. These proteins with different expression patterns constructed an ingenious network to regulate the culm development. Developmental stage-specific and internode-specific protein expression patterns were identified. Protein abundance was regulated temporally and to some extent spatially, and the sequential development from base to apex of bamboo culm was implemented by temporal and spatial expression of enzymes. Results indicate that during development energy was mainly derived from sucrose degradation, as photosynthetic capacity was poor. The regulation of anaerobic and aerobic modes of respiration appeared to play an important role in energy generation. This is the first report on proteomic profiling in bamboo and helps in understanding the regulatory processes in developing culms.  相似文献   

High load-bearing efficiency is one of the advantages of biological structures after the evolution of billions of years.Biomimicking from nature may offer the potential for lightweight design. In the viewpoint of mechanics properties, the culm of bamboo comprises of two types of cells and the number of the vascular bundles takes a gradient of distribution. A three-point bending test was carried out to measure the elastic modulus. Results show that the elastic modulus of bamboo decreases gradually from the periphery towards the centre. Based on the structural characteristics of bamboo, a bionic cylindrical structure was designed to mimic the gradient distribution of vascular bundles and parenchyma cells. The buckling resistance of the bionic structure was compared with that of a traditional shell of equal mass under axial pressure by finite element simulations. Results show that the load-bearing capacity of bionic shell is increased by 124.8%. The buckling mode of bionic structure is global buckling while that of the conventional shell is local buckling.  相似文献   

High load-bearing efficiency is one of the advantages of biological structures after the evolution of billions of years. Biomimicking from nature may offer the potential for lightweight design. In the viewpoint ofrnechanics properties, the culm of bamboo comprises of two types of cells and the number of the vascular bundles takes a gradient of distribution. A three-point bending test was carried out to measure the elastic modulus. Results show that the elastic modulus of bamboo decreases gradually from the periphery towards the centre. Based on the structural characteristics of bamboo, a bionic cylindrical structure was designed to mimic the gradient distribution of vascular bundles and parenchyma cells. The buckling resistance of the bionic structure was compared with that of a traditional shell of equal mass under axial pressure by finite element simulations. Results show that the load-bearing capacity of bionic shell is increased by 124.8%. The buckling mode of bionic structure is global buckling while that of the conventional shell is local buckling.  相似文献   

In the mature rachis internodes of a two-row barley ear therewere two large lateral vascular bundles and a number of smallermedian and outer lateral vascular bundles. These bundles rannearly the full length of the rachis with no cross connectionsbetween them. The lateral and the outer lateral bundles branchedat every node while the median bundles branched at every othernode. The vascular bundles to each spikelet passed through acomplex region in which transfer cells occurred. Development of the vascular system of the young main shoot earstarted at the triple mound stage when the procambium of lateralbundles was initiated. Initiation of the median bundles andthe outer lateral bundles followed in sequence with some differentiationof protophloem and protoxylem. At awn initial stage of the earthe vascular connections to the spikelets were established withdifferentiation of the almost complete procambium proceedingthroughout the ear elongation phase. The progress of vascularisation in the young ear is discussedwith reference to spikelet initiation, ear relative growth rateand death of terminal spikelets. It is proposed that the changesin the relative growth rate of the ear and death of the terminalspikelets may be related to vascular differentiation  相似文献   

Secondary growth begins in the nodal regions before the internodal regions in Coleus, so that longitudinally discontinuous vascular cambia are formed in the 6th through the 9th or 10th nodes, where the internodal cambium becomes continuous between nodal cambia. The nodal cambia are identifiable by radial seriation in interfascicular regions, typical cytology of fusiform initials, and the presence of a ray system. Anatomical features distinct from the primary plant body are shared by the nodal and internodal cambia. Branching of primary vascular strands, restricted to procambium and phloem, is virtually confined to nodal regions. In secondary growth, vascular branching of xylem and phloem occurs in both nodes and internodes. Xylem strand branches are formed only from derivatives of vascular cambia. It is proposed that the cambium provides the secondary plant body an efficient channel for lateral auxin transport, by which branching across interfascicular regions is facilitated.  相似文献   

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