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凋落物物理阻隔对格氏栲种子萌发及胚根生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱静  刘金福  何中声  邢聪  王雪琳  江蓝 《生态学报》2020,40(16):5630-5637
为了探讨凋落物物理阻隔对格氏栲天然林自然更新状况的影响,通过模拟野外凋落物覆盖,设置格氏栲种子上层覆盖厚0 cm(CK)、2 cm(D2)、4 cm(D4)、6 cm(D6)、8 cm(D8)及种子下层铺垫厚2 cm(U2)、4 cm(U4)凋落物等7个处理,分析凋落物覆盖方式及厚度对格氏栲种子萌发及胚根生长的影响。结果表明:(1)凋落物覆盖方式及厚度对种子萌发进程存在显著影响。CK萌发持续时间最长,上层覆盖处理(D)次之,下层铺垫处理(U)的种子起始萌发时间显著滞后。(2)CK种子萌发率最高,其次D6处理发芽速度较快,发芽整齐;U处理较D处理的发芽率及发芽势均显著降低,且萌发抑制率显著增加。(3)D处理的种子胚根生长速度快,胚根长度大于CK;U处理的种子胚根生长速度呈先慢后快趋势。可见,凋落物是影响格氏栲种子萌发及胚根生长的重要因素,主要通过阻碍种子与土壤接触而抑制萌发,影响格氏栲林更新。  相似文献   

植物种子从母树掉落形成土壤种子库时,凋落物或土壤是其最初接触的物理环境,种子所处位置(种子在凋落物上层、土壤表层或凋落物下层)影响了幼苗天然更新进程。模拟格氏栲种子在凋落物上层(种子下层铺垫2和4 cm凋落物)、土壤表层(无凋落物)及凋落物下层(种子上层覆盖2、4、6和8 cm凋落物)等3种不同散布位置,探讨种子散布位置对幼苗叶绿素荧光特性、非结构性碳水化合物、比叶面积、叶干物质含量和养分含量的影响。结果表明:不同散布位置的幼苗单位面积的叶氮含量与可溶性糖、非结构性碳水化合物含量呈显著正相关,与比叶面积呈显著负相关。适宜凋落物覆盖(2和4 cm)的幼苗通过提高叶绿素相对含量、可溶性糖含量、非结构性碳水化合物含量、叶干物质含量和单位面积的叶氮含量和叶磷含量,降低比叶面积等的资源获取策略来实现自身快速生长需求。无凋落物和深层凋落物覆盖(6和8 cm)的幼苗采取高单位重量的叶氮含量和比叶面积,低叶干物质含量和非结构性碳水化合物含量的资源保守型策略以截获更多有效光资源,进而弥补深层凋落物带来的郁闭环境,降低幼苗因“碳饥饿”而死亡的几率。下层铺垫凋落物的幼苗通过在叶片储藏淀粉,降低叶片光合组织消耗能量(低PSⅡ最大光化学效率)等维持幼苗生长。熵值法综合分析表明,浅层凋落物覆盖(2 cm)对格氏栲幼苗生长的促进作用最为显著,未来可通过调节天然林凋落物层厚度以促进格氏栲幼苗生长与更新。  相似文献   

根系在凋落物层生长对凋落叶分解及酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根系向凋落物层生长是森林生态系统存在的普遍现象,研究根系存在对凋落物分解的影响对理解森林生态系统的养分物质循环具有重要意义。在福建三明市楠木和格氏栲林进行1年的凋落叶分解试验,设置有根处理和无根处理(对照),研究根系生长对凋落叶分解速率、养分释放和酶活性的影响。结果表明: 在分解360 d后,有根处理楠木和格氏栲凋落叶干重残留率比对照分别降低8.4%和19.7%;根系在分解前期(90~180 d)对凋落叶分解影响最为显著。在分解360 d后,与对照相比,有根处理凋落叶碳、氮、磷残留率在楠木人工林分别降低6.0%、19.1%和20.6%,在格氏栲人工林分别降低21.3%、23.2%和20.5%。在整个分解过程中,根系生长对凋落叶水解酶活性无显著影响;在分解180 d时,楠木和格氏栲有根处理凋落叶过氧化物酶活性比对照显著升高111.4%和92.4%。碳、氮、磷残留率与纤维素水解酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶、酸性磷酸酶和过氧化物酶活性呈显著负相关。根系在凋落物层生长会通过养分吸收和刺激氧化酶活性来加速凋落叶分解和养分释放过程。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地3种草本植物根系生长动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用微管对狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、黄蒿(Artemisia scoparia)和沙米(Agriophyllum squarrosum)根系生长动态进行了观测。结果表明:1)在观察期内,狗尾草和黄蒿的根系生长表现出先增后减的“抛物线”型,而沙米的根系成指数生长。在7月末至8月初狗尾草、黄蒿和沙米根系具有最高的生产量,其根量密度分别为4 690.91、2 975.76和2 354.55条·m-2;在8月末,狗尾草和黄蒿根系都表现出不同程度的衰减,沙米根数保持增加。2)狗尾草优先生长表层根系,根系主要生长在0~30 cm的土层内,根长密度最大时为2.23 cm·cm-2;黄蒿生长前期表层根长密度大,生长后期下层根长密度开始增加;沙米优先发展下层根系,快速生长期后,地下30~50 cm处的根长密度增加高于上层。3)生长前期和快速生长期,0~50 cm狗尾草根长密度最大,黄蒿次之,沙米最小,生长末期,沙米根长密度大于狗尾草。  相似文献   

格氏栲天然林林窗和林下种子散布及幼苗更新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)天然林为研究对象,探讨了林窗和林下格氏栲种子雨、种子库的分布特征及幼苗更新状况。结果表明:林窗种子雨总量和完好种子密度高于林下,未成熟种子比例低于林下;林窗和林下种子雨高峰期掉落数量分别占种子雨总量的77.13%和74.5%;林窗种子库储量低于林下,种子库中以全食或捡拾种子比例最高,其中种子库储量垂直分布表现为枯落物层(约占2/3)>腐殖质层(0~5 cm)(约占1/3)>心土层(5~10 cm)(小于1%),以格氏栲种子占绝对优势;格氏栲从种子到幼苗的转化率低,林窗中格氏栲完好种子密度与幼苗密度均高于林下。林窗微生境提高了种子散布过程中格氏栲成熟种子的密度和比例,有利于促进格氏栲的幼苗更新,表明林窗在格氏栲种群恢复过程中扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

张晓龙  邓童  刘学森  郑玲娜  于超  罗乐 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6137-6149
地下水是影响西北地区植被分布、生长和群落演替的重要因子,通过人工装置模拟30 cm(D30)、40 cm(D40)、50 cm(D50)、60 cm(D60)、70 cm(D70)5个潜水梯度,从生长发育、根系形态、拓扑结构与分形维数以及表型可塑性四个方面来分析不同潜水埋深对单叶蔷薇幼苗的影响,力求揭示单叶蔷薇幼苗对不同水分环境的适应性策略,这将对今后开展单叶蔷薇植被恢复和保育工作具有重要价值。研究结果表明:(1)单叶蔷薇幼苗可通过增加扎根深度、总根长、根表面积、根体积、根尖数量、分支数量、地上干物质和根系干物质来应对不同潜水埋深带来的干旱胁迫,D50、D60、D70和CK处理下的幼苗还可以通过提高根冠比来适应更长久的干旱环境。(2)不同潜水埋深处理下,单叶蔷薇幼苗根系的拓扑指数基本保持在0.8-0.9之间,说明该根系属于典型的人字形分支模式,受环境影响较小。其中,短而细的密集细根(0-2 mm)构成了单叶蔷薇幼苗根系的主体。从资源分配的角度来看,该种拓扑结构相对简单、内部竞争较小、碳消耗少,有利于根系扩大土壤资源获取效率,从而保障植株生长发育的物质供需平衡,这是单叶蔷薇对环境胁迫的适应性策略。(3)适度的干旱,如50-70 cm的潜水埋深,可以促进单叶蔷薇幼苗扎根深度;而在较浅的潜水埋深(30-40 cm)环境中,单叶蔷薇幼苗能快速解除干旱,转向地上器官的生长发育,同时它通过降低垂直根系长度、增加分支和根尖数量来获取更多氧气和适应水分充足的新环境,到第75天时生长旺盛,在株高、总根长、根表面积、根体积、根尖数量、分支数量、地上干物质、根系干物质、根组织密度和分形维数10个指标上与CK组具有显著差异,说明单叶蔷薇幼苗对水分充足和严重干旱的极端环境均有较好的适应能力,表型可塑性强。  相似文献   

四种沙埋深度对羊草种子出苗和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马红媛  梁正伟  闫超  陈渊  黄立华 《生态学杂志》2007,26(12):2003-2007
模拟羊草种子自然埋藏深度状况,设计了0、1、2和3cm共4种沙埋深度实验,研究了其出苗率及幼苗生长对沙埋深度的响应。结果表明,羊草种子出苗率随埋深的增加呈下降趋势,0cm时出苗率最高为89.3%,1和2cm时分别为81.5%和78.5%,3cm时最低(73.5%),与前三者具有显著差异。埋深对地上株高生长动态的影响主要表现在,播种后25d,0~2cm处理的羊草幼苗地上株高均高于3cm处理;播种后36d,4种处理的地上株高没有显著差异。此外,随着埋深的增加,羊草幼苗的根长、根数、根冠比呈先上升后下降趋势,叶片数呈下降趋势,绝对株高则呈上升趋势。表明1~2cm沙埋深度更适宜于羊草种子出苗及幼苗生长,而0或3cm埋深不利于其出苗和幼苗生长。  相似文献   

王微  伍小刚  胡凯  陶建平 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3391-3401
在全球变化背景下,植物凋落物输入的改变对森林生态系统地下生态过程具有重要的影响。中亚热带森林中,细根进入凋落物层生长是一种常见现象,然而凋落物量的改变对细根生长影响的研究较少。通过对中国中亚热带针叶林、针阔混交林及常绿阔叶林这3种典型森林进行地上凋落物添加和去除实验,研究不同凋落物处理水平下细根生物量、垂直分布及形态特征的变化。结果表明:与对照(CK)相比,地上凋落物去除(LR)分别导致针叶林和针阔混交林细根总生物量显著降低40.3%和37.5%,而凋落物添加(LA)使常绿阔叶林中的细根总生物量明显提高了19.4%。不同层次的细根生物量对凋落物处理的响应不同,从针叶林到常绿阔叶林,凋落物量的改变对细根的垂直分布的影响加剧。LA处理明显提高常绿阔叶林凋落物层的细根生物量百分比(相比对照提高了10.6%)以及降低7.5—15 cm土层的细根生物量百分比(相比对照降低了10.4%)。凋落物层中生长的细根生物量和凋落物层厚度呈高度线性相关(R~2=0.742,P0.01),并且和凋落物层生物量也呈显著线性相关(R~2=0.521,P0.01)。3种森林类型细根的根长密度(RLD)和比根长(SRL)变化趋势与细根所处的层次紧密相关,而不同凋落物处理对它们的影响均不明显,说明细根对养分的获取策略表现为在养分丰富的凋落物层和表土层投资更多的生物量和更活跃的代谢,而不是改变细根形态的表型可塑性。  相似文献   

为探讨干旱与半干旱区受损红砂种群幼苗适宜生长的土壤水分条件,采用盆栽方法,研究了红砂幼苗在充分灌溉(FI)、适度灌溉(MI)、干旱处理(DT)3个水分处理下根系形态和水分利用效率的变化特征。结果表明:(1)红砂幼苗根系形态因水分条件和根序的不同而各异;随灌溉量的减少红砂幼苗根系直径和根体积均表现为FIMIDT,但干旱处理促进了根系的伸长生长和比表面积和比根长增加,根系形态的可塑性是红砂幼苗获取水分适应干旱环境的重要策略之一。(2)随根序的升高,各处理水平下红砂幼苗根长、比根长均显著减少,而其根直径和体积却显著增加,表明红砂幼苗根系内部具有高度的形态异质性。(3)与FI处理相比,MI和DT处理下红砂幼苗根系总生物量分别增加了50.00%、19.23%,但MI和DT处理却显著降低了红砂幼苗地上生物量,特别是叶片生物量下降幅度最大,分别降低了62.15%、83.28%,导致根冠比随灌溉量的减少而逐渐增加。(4)干旱处理显著提高了红砂幼苗的水分利用效率。研究认为,在灌溉量减少的情况下,红砂幼苗可通过根长、根系表面积和体积、直径等形态变化来优化其空间分布构型,以调节植株对水分的利用,提高水分利用效率。  相似文献   

降雨是荒漠生态系统过程和功能的最重要限制因子,荒漠植物幼苗对生长季降雨的变化极端敏感。为探讨荒漠植物对未来降雨格局变化的响应,选取乌兰布和沙漠两种典型荒漠植物幼苗(白刺和油蒿)为研究对象,根据生长季内(6—9月)每次降雨量,进行不同梯度的人工模拟增雨试验(CK:自然降雨、A:增雨25%、B:增雨50%、C:增雨75%、D:增雨100%),研究两种植物幼苗生长和根系形态特征对降雨量变化的响应。结果表明:(1)不同增雨处理对白刺和油蒿幼苗的地上部生长有显著影响(P0.05),增雨处理的白刺和油蒿幼苗的株高、平均冠幅和基径显著高于CK,并随着增雨量的增大而增大(白刺基径除外);(2)增雨处理之间、白刺和油蒿之间在总根长、总表面积、平均直径、总体积、根尖数和分叉数均有显著差异(P0.05)。对白刺幼苗而言,B处理和C处理的根系参数均显著大于CK、A和D处理,且B和C处理之间没有显著差异(平均直径除外);对油蒿幼苗而言,随着增雨量的增加,油蒿总根长、总表面积、总体积、根尖数和分叉数呈现逐渐增加的趋势,而平均直径呈现先增加后降低的趋势,且在B处理下达到最大值。(3)增雨处理显著降低了白刺幼苗的根冠比,而对油蒿幼苗的根冠比没有显著影响,并且白刺幼苗根冠比显著大于油蒿幼苗。(4)白刺和油蒿幼苗的根系主要分布在0—0.5 mm和0.5—1 mm内,2 mm的细根比例分别在B和D处理下达到最大值。这表明白刺和油蒿幼苗能够通过调整地上部生长和根系形态来适应降雨的变化。  相似文献   

为了解陆均松(Dacrydium pierrei)的自然更新能力,对海南霸王岭陆均松进行为期3年的种子雨、种子库及幼苗幼树观测,并分析其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,陆均松种子雨和种子库有效种子数量太少并存在季节性差异;其结实存在大小年现象;种子雨的扩散密度随着距母树距离的增加而逐渐减少;土壤种子库种子数量在枯枝落叶层所占比例最大,但有活力种子数量极少。幼苗幼树适宜生存的海拔范围为800~1 400 m,经度、纬度、坡度与幼苗幼树分布有明显相关性。因此,选择适宜季节采摘种子,提高种源数量和质量,清除林下枯枝落叶,增加种子萌发能力等以减少陆均松更新的限制条件的人工抚育措施应适当考虑。  相似文献   

Autointoxication in residues ofAsparagus officinalis L.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary In a greenhouse experiment the growth of asparagus seedlings was retarded by the residue treatments in both vermiculite and sand cultures. In general, the retardation of asparagus root by residues was slightly greater than the retardation of shoot in both cultures. The retardation of the growth of asparagus seedlings by root and stem treatments was usually higher than that by old root litter. Root and stem extracts strongly inhibited the development of asparagus seedlings in the seed bioassay. The inhibition of extracts to the growth of shoot was greater than that to the growth of root. The quantities in the total phenolics and catachol type phenolics from root, stem and old root litter extracts corresponded to the autotoxicity in the seed bioassay. The soil extracts obtained from using acetone, methanol, and XAD-4 extractions strongly inhibited the shoot and root development of asparagus seedlings in the bioassay. The efficiency of phenolics extraction by the XAD-4 method was significantly higher than that by acetone and methanol extractions. The results obtained in the greenhouse experiment and bioassay revealed that phytotoxic substances present in the residues and the soil of asparagus and may be partially responsible for the asparagus replanting problems.  相似文献   

  • Seeds may differ in terms of dormancy, longevity, sensitivity to desiccation and dry mass, according to the timing (dry season/rainy season) of diaspore dispersal. In addition, seasonal variations in temperature and water availability can act as signals of the season during seed development, influencing germination responses and root growth. We evaluated the effects of temperature variations and water availability on germination parameters, root growth and seed traits of four coexisting Piper species in seasonal vegetation that differed in diaspore dispersal timing.
  • Eight temperature treatments (15, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 35 °C, and alternate 30 °C–20 °C) and four induced water potentials (0, −0.3, −0.6 and −1.2 MPa) were used. The parameters germination onset, germination percentage (G%), mean germination time (MGT), root elongation, seed longevity during ex situ storage and dry mass of seeds were evaluated.
  • Germination responses observed were independent of the diaspore dispersal timing, such as variations in germination onset, G% and MGT, both in temperature and water availability treatments. In contrast, root elongation, longevity and dry mass of seeds varied according to the time of diaspore dispersal.
  • Our results corroborate the hypothesis that the timing of diaspore dispersal is an important factor in controlling the initial development of seedlings in seasonal vegetation, but not in germination responses. The predominance of negative effects of temperature increases and water deficit on root growth shows that the initial stages of plant development can be strongly impacted by these environmental factors.

We studied how leaf litter, water and fungal pathogens affect the establishment, survivorship, and growth of Eucalyptus obliqua using glasshouse and field experiments. In a glasshouse experiment, the presence of leaf litter of E. obliqua increased the establishment of seedlings when the seeds were placed beneath the litter, but dense litter layers reduced seedling emergence when seeds were placed on top. Results from a complementary experiment suggest that the effect of litter may be mediated by the high humidity microenvironment it creates, which may enhance imbibition of unburied seeds. In another glasshouse experiment, litter in combination with excessive water applications reduced seedling emergence and increased seedling mortality, but the addition of fungicide reverted these effects. Litter with lower water application or fungicide added increased seedling emergence. In all cases higher biomass in seedlings growing in litter treatments was associated with earlier emergence. In two recently burnt sites, the density of seedlings of E. obliqua was positively correlated to the presence of litter. Experimental addition of litter in the field reduced soil temperature during the summer, and together with watering, increased soil water content, and the water potential of established seedlings. However, neither treatment had any positive effect on their growth or survivorship. On the contrary, litter addition reduced the height and number of leaves, probably as a result of increased herbivory. We conclude that in Mediterranean-type systems litter may produce various effects on seedling establishment depending on their developmental stage, and the season.  相似文献   

Summary Amphicarpum purshii is an annual grass which mostly grows in disturbed areas of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, USA. It is amphicarpic, producing spikelets (and seeds) both above and below the soil surface. Previous research has shown that subterranean seed production ensures reproduction in the event of a major disturbance such as fire and results in rapid post-burn colonization of these sandy habitats. The effects of fire, litter, and seed depth were further examined by planting subterranean seeds at four depths in 16 litter-covered flats buried at ground level and comparing plants arising from burned flats with those in undisturbed litter-covered flats. At 0 and 1 cm depth, rates of seedling emergence were lowest in burned flats. Surface-sown seeds produced seedlings more likely to desiccate. Sowing depth had a greater influence on most measured characters than burning treatments. The mean depth of subterranean seed placement by Amphicarpum is 3.5 cm and this coincides with the seed depth from which plants showed the greatest height growth, shoot biomass, and reproductive output. In a second experiment, subterranean seeds on the bare soil surface in clay pots were more likely to lose viability and less likely to germinate than seeds protected by litter or burial in soil. In addition to providing protection from fire, placement of seeds below ground in the sandy habitat of peanutgrass provides conditions more suitable for seed survival and subsequent seedling establishment.  相似文献   

We studied the initial regenerative processes ofDistylium racemosum andPersea thunbergii, major canopy species, in an old-growth evergreen broad-leaved forest, Kagoshima, southwestern Japan. Although the two species coexisted, the patterns of seed production, seedling emergence, and sapling survival were different between them. During the observation (1989–1991),P. thunbergii produced large numbers of seeds in alternate years, whileD. racemosum had no mast year. The density of established seedlings was high and increased with mass seed production forP. thunbergii, but was fairly low forD. racemosum. The mortality of seedlings and saplings ofP. thunbergii was higher than that ofD. racemosum. In a closed stand, the sapling bank was maintained by dense seedling supply forP. thunbergii, and by extremely low mortality of individuals germinated before the beginning of observation forD. racemosum. Since saplings ofD. racemosum showed continuous height growth beneath the closed canopy, the possibility of recruitment into the upper layer seems to be high. The strategy ofP. thunbergii might be to wait for suitable conditions favoring sapling growth on various site by means of frequent and large seed productivity and wide dispersal of seeds. Thus both species might be able to coexist through environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. rotundata; Asteraceae) is a major woody weed that competes with the native legume Acacia sophorae in coastal ecosystems of eastern Australia. Three glasshouse experiments examined whether litter or soil from beneath bitou bush or Acacia plants could influence seed germination and seedling growth of A. sophorae. The presence of litter decreased seed germinability and this effect was greater for bitou bush litter than for Acacia litter. Shoot growth was increased by the addition of Rhizobium after 40 days, irrespective of soil type. After 78 days, shoot and root biomass were significantly lower for seedlings grown in bitou bush soil than for those grown in Acacia soil. There was a non‐significant trend towards a lower median population of Rhizobium in the soil beneath bitou bush than in that beneath Acacia. The results demonstrated a slight effect of bitou bush on the growth of A. sophorae, which could, however, be overshadowed by the judicious use of herbicides or fire for weed control and revegetation.  相似文献   

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