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Effects of predation danger on migration strategies of sandpipers   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
David B .  Lank  Robert W .  Butler  John  Ireland  Ronald C .  Ydenberg 《Oikos》2003,103(2):303-319
We examine the potential selective importance of predation danger on the evolution of migration strategies of arctic‐breeding calidrid sandpipers. Adult calidrids truncate parental care for reasons not obviously related to levels of food abundance on the breeding areas or at migratory stopover sites, suggesting that a different trade‐off occurs between providing additional care and adult survivorship. The southward migrations of adult western sandpipers precede those of migratory peregrine falcons by almost a month. By moving early and quickly, adults remain ahead of migrant falcons all the way to their non‐breeding areas, where they rapidly moult flight feathers. They complete the moult just as falcons arrive in late September–October. By migrating early, they avoid exposure to falcons when they are unusually vulnerable, due to the requirements for fuelling migratory flight and of wing feather moult. Juvenile western sandpipers migrate south just as falcon numbers start to increase, but do not moult flight feathers in their first winter. Pacific dunlin use an alternative strategy of remaining and moulting in Alaska after falcons depart, and migrating to their overwintering sites after migrants have passed. East of the Rocky Mountains, the southbound migration of falcons begins 4–6 weeks later. Southbound semipalmated sandpipers make extended migratory stopovers, but their lengths of stay shorten prior to falcon migration to the sites in September. Predation danger also may affect the evolution of migration routes. Southbound western sandpipers fly directly from Alaska to southern British Columbia, in contrast to the multi‐stage journey northward along the Alaska panhandle. We estimate that a direct flight would be more economical on northward migration, but may be avoided because it would expose sandpipers to higher mass‐dependent predation danger from migratory falcons, which travel north with sandpipers. By contrast, few raptors are present in Alaska during preparation for the southward flight. A temporal and spatial window of safety may also permit semipalmated sandpipers to become extremely vulnerable while preparing for trans‐Atlantic southward flights. Danger management may account for the these previously enigmatic features of calidrid migration strategies, and aspects of those of other birds.  相似文献   

Knots Calidris canutus live highly seasonal lives, breeding solitarily on high arctic tundra and spending the non-breeding season in large social flocks in temperate to tropical estuaries. Their reproductive activities and physiological preparations for long flights are reflected in pronounced plumage and body mass changes, even in long-term captives of the islandica subspecies (breeding in north Greenland and northeast Canada and wintering in western Europe) studied in outdoor aviaries. The three to four fattening episodes in April-July in connection with the flights to and from the high arctic breeding grounds by free-living birds, are represented by a single period of high body mass, peaking between late May and early July in a sample of ten captive islandica knots studied over four years. There are consistent and synchronized annual variations in basal metabolic rate and thermal conductance in three islandica knots. Basal metabolic rate was highest during the summer body mass peak. Within the examined individuals, basal metabolic rate scales on body mass with an exponent of about 1.4, probably reflecting a general hypertrophy of metabolically expensive muscles and organs. Any potential effect of moult on basal metabolic rate was obscured by the large seasonal mass-associated variations. In breeding plumage, insulation (the inverse of thermal conductance) was a factor of 1.35 lower than in winter plumage. This was paralleled by the dry mass of contour feathers being a factor of 1.17 lower. In this subspecies the breeding season is indeed the period during which the costs of thermoregulation are lowest. In captive knots seasonal changes in basal metabolic rate and thermal conductance likely reflect an anticipatory programme adaptive to the variable demands made by the environment at different times of the year.  相似文献   

Determining the links between breeding populations and the pressures, threats and conditions they experience presents a challenge for the conservation of migratory birds which can use multiple sites separated by hundreds to thousands of kilometres. Furthermore, migratory connectivity – the connections made by migrating individuals between networks of breeding and non-breeding sites – has important implications for population dynamics. The Whinchat Saxicola rubetra is declining across its range, and tracking data from a single African non-breeding site implies high migratory spread. We used geolocators to describe the migration routes and non-breeding areas of 20 Whinchats from three British breeding populations. As expected, migratory spread was high, with birds from the three populations overlapping across a wide area of West Africa. On average, in non-breeding areas, British breeding Whinchats were located 652 km apart from one another, with some likely to share non-breeding areas with individuals from breeding populations as far east as Russia. Four males made a direct non-breeding season movement to a second, more westerly, non-breeding location in January. Autumn migration was through Iberia and around the western edge of the Sahara Desert, whereas spring migration was more direct, indicating an anticlockwise loop migration. Weak migratory connectivity implies that Whinchat populations are somewhat buffered against local changes in non-breeding conditions. If non-breeding season processes have played a role in the species’ decline, then large-scale drivers are likely to be the cause, although processes operating on migration, or interactions between breeding and non-breeding processes, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Juveniles of many avian species possess a spotted or mottled body plumage that is visually distinct from the plumage of adults. In other species, however, juveniles fledge with a body plumage that is just a pale representation of adult female plumage. The reasons for this variation are poorly understood. Several hypotheses concerning social (parent–offspring, adult–juvenile, juvenile–juvenile), ecological (predation risk) and physiological (costs of plumage development) implications of juvenile body plumage are presented in relation to predictions concerning associations with certain ecological and life‐history attributes of avian species. In the present study, we conduct a phylogenetically corrected comparative analysis of Western Palearctic passerines looking for sources of variation in the incidence of distinct and adult‐like juvenile body plumages. We scored plumages based on plates in the Handbook of the Birds of the Western Palearctic (Cramp & Perrins, 1988–1994; Oxford University Press) (HBWP) and entered body mass, migratory habits, habitat, nestling diet, breeding dispersion, gregariousness, duration of the nestling period, type of nest, conspicuousness of female plumage, and sexual dimorphism as explanatory variables, as presented in HBWP, in phylogenetic generalized least square regression analyses. One‐third of the species presented distinct juvenile body plumages, which lasted on average for the first 2 months of life. Body mass, conspicuousness of female plumage, migratory habits, and habitat were significantly associated with interspecific variation in distinctness of juvenile plumage, with smaller species, more conspicuous species, migrants, and species from forested habitats showing distinct juvenile plumages with higher frequency. The phylogenetic signal was moderately high. Assuming that conspicuous adult plumage is costlier to produce than distinct juvenile body plumage (pigments, conspicuousness), the need to acquire social status among juveniles before the winter may explain the more adult‐like plumage in resident species because juveniles will probably compete with individuals that they may have known during their first months of life. On the other hand, migrant juveniles may compete with a different set of individuals in winter quarters and can use savings in resources necessary for developing adult‐like plumages to improve migration capacity by allocating resources to other functions. The association with habitat could be related to juveniles in open habitats participating in more extended interactions with other juveniles than in forested habitats where lower visibility may reduce the capacity to detect or respond to signals from juvenile conspecifics. More studies on this possibly crucial life stage are needed. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 440–454.  相似文献   

Migration distances of shorebird species correlate with life history strategies. To assess age‐specific migratory preparation and adult wing‐molt strategies, we studied Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) and Semipalmated Sandpipers (C. pusilla) with different migration routes at the Paracas National Reserve in Perú, one of the most austral non‐breeding areas for these sandpipers, from 2012 to 2015. Western Sandpipers breed near the Bering Sea, ~11,000 km from Paracas. Semipalmated Sandpiper populations at Paracas are a mixture of short‐billed birds from western Arctic breeding sites, plus long‐billed birds from eastern sites, ~8000 km distant. Adults of both species arrive in October with primary feathers already partially renewed so wing molt starts at sites further north. Semipalmated Sandpipers with longer bills completed wing molt later than shorter billed birds. Adults of both species prepared for migration in February and March. No juvenile Western Sandpipers prepared for migration, confirming the “slow” over‐summering life history strategy of more southerly non‐breeding populations. Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers showed bimodality in strategies. Most showed no migratory preparation, but, during three non‐breeding periods, from 27% to 31% fattened, molted, and partially replaced outer primaries during the pre‐migratory period. Juveniles with longer culmens were heavier and tended to have more alternate plumage. Juveniles that were partially molting primaries had longer culmens and more alternate plumage. Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers from eastern‐breeding populations thus have a higher propensity for a fast life history strategy, and western birds a slow one, at this non‐breeding site in Peru. Western‐breeding Semipalmated Sandpiper populations thus resemble Western Sandpipers, suggesting a common, possibly distance‐related, effect on life history strategy.  相似文献   

Adult passerines renew their flight feathers at least once every year. This complete moult occurs either in the breeding areas, just after breeding (summer moult), or, in some long-distance migratory species, at the non-breeding areas, after arrival to the southern wintering area at the end of autumn migration (winter moult). The aim of this study was to relate moult strategies with the DMD, the difference in median migration date, through Israel, between juveniles and adults. Our data on autumn migration timing in juveniles and adults was based on ringing data of 49,125 individuals belonging to 23 passerine species that breed in Europe and Western Asia and migrate through Israel. We found that DMD was associated with moult timing. In all species that perform a winter moult, adults preceded juveniles during autumn. Among migrants who perform a summer moult, we found evidence of both migration timing patterns: juveniles preceding adults or adults preceding juveniles. In addition, in summer moulters, we found a significant, positive correlation between mean breeding latitude and DMD. Although previous studies described that moult duration and extent can be affected by migration, we suggest that moult strategies affect both migration timing and migration strategy. These two moult strategies (summer or winter moult) also represent two unique migration strategies. Our findings highlight the evolutionary interplay between moult and migration strategies.  相似文献   

Andrea C. Pomeroy 《Oikos》2006,112(3):629-637
Foragers use a variety of anti-predator behaviours to increase their safety from predators. While foraging, animals should alter usage within or between sites to balance the benefits of feeding with the costs of predation. I tested how the distribution of food abundance and predation danger interacts to explain spatial usage (i.e. distance from shore) by migratory western sandpipers ( Calidris mauri ) at Boundary Bay, British Columbia, Canada, during northward and southward migrations. At Boundary Bay there are opposing spatial gradients in the distribution of food abundance and safety from predators. Predation danger for sandpipers is high near the shoreline where there is approach cover for falcons and decreases with distance from shore. Food abundance for sandpipers declines as distance from the shoreline increases. Food and danger attributes at Boundary Bay also differ temporally, such that food abundance is higher during southward migration, and predation danger is higher during northward migration. The spatial usage by western sandpipers balances the tradeoff between the opposing spatial gradients in food and safety. For both migratory periods spatial usage of the mudflat by sandpipers is highest at distances from the shoreline where food abundance and predation danger are intermediate. During the northward migration sandpiper usage is highest between 150 and 500 m from the shoreline, and during the southward migration sandpiper usage is highest between 100 and 600 m from the shoreline. Despite temporal differences in food and danger attributes, spatial usage of the site by sandpipers does not differ between migratory periods. Understanding how the distribution of food abundance and predation danger interact to affect the within site usage by shorebirds has important implications for assessments of site quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Avian age‐class discrimination is typically based on the completeness of the first prebasic molt. In several calidrid sandpiper species, juvenal flight feathers grown on Arctic breeding grounds are retained through the first three migrations. Thereafter, flight feathers are grown annually at temperate migratory stopover sites during the fall or on the subtropical wintering grounds. Standard methods for distinguishing age classes of sandpipers rely on a combination of traits, including body plumage, coloration of protected inner median covert edges, and extent of flight feather wear. We tested the ability of stable hydrogen isotope ratios in flight feathers (δDf) to distinguish young birds in their first winter through second fall from older adults in three calidrid sandpiper species, Western (Calidris mauri), Least (C. minutilla), and Semipalmated (C. pusilla) sandpipers. We compared the apparent reliability of the isotope approach to that of plumage‐based aging. The large expected differences in δDf values of flight feathers grown at Arctic versus non‐Arctic latitudes enabled use of this technique to discriminate between age‐classes. We determined δDf values of known Arctic‐grown feathers from juveniles that grew their flight feathers on the breeding grounds. Flight feather δDf values of southward‐migrating adults showed bimodal distributions for all three species. Negative values overlapped with species‐specific juvenile values, identifying putative second fall birds with high‐latitude grown juvenal feathers retained from the previous year. The more positive values identified older adults who grew their feathers at mid‐ and low latitudes. Importantly, δDf analysis successfully identified first‐winter and second‐fall birds not detected by plumage‐based aging. Flight feather wear alone was a poor basis for age classification because scores overlapped extensively between putative second fall birds and older adults. Flight feather hydrogen isotope analysis enables more definitive assignment of age classes when standard plumage methods are unreliable.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although most shorebirds exhibit deferred migration and deferred breeding during their first summer, Dunlins (Calidris alpina) migrate to breeding areas and breed during their first summer. First‐year and adult Dunlins should, therefore, have similar fueling and molt patterns if energetic and physiological constraints are responsible for deferred migration. From 2006 to 2008, we examined the age structure of Dunlins during the nonbreeding season at Chongming Dongtan, an estuarine wetland in the Yangtze River estuary in east China, and examined the effects of date, age, and molt status on fuel deposition during migration and during the winter. The Dunlin population at Chongming Dongtan was composed primarily of first‐year birds. Most adults and first‐year birds arrived together in late August. Regression analyses indicated that age, date, and molt status affected fuel deposition (as indicated by body mass) of Dunlins. Adults had significantly greater fuel deposits than first‐year Dunlins near the end of northward migration (May: adults 70.8 ± 6.4 g, first‐year 63.8 ± 8.0 g) and at the start of southward migration (September: adults 50.2 ± 6.1 g, first‐year 47.2 ± 4.9 g). Adults also had significantly higher fuel deposition rates than first‐year Dunlins during northward migration. Nonetheless, first‐year Dunlins migrate and breed in their first summer. Thus, other factors, such as migration distance and body size, may be more important in determining if first‐year shorebirds defer migration during their first spring and summer. During boreal spring and autumn, first‐year Dunlins in active body molt had greater body mass than those that had not initiated body molt or those in suspended molt, and premigratory fuel deposits for northward migration were greatest after prealternate molt was completed. These results suggest that body molt requires additional fuel deposits and imposes a constraint on fuel deposition for migratory flights.  相似文献   

Many migratory birds start prebreeding moult and premigratory fuelling some months before the breeding season and face severe time constraints, while travelling up to 15,000 km between non-breeding and breeding grounds. Shorebirds typically leave Southern Hemisphere non-breeding areas over a 3-4 week period, but whether they benefit from interannually consistent timing of departure is unknown. Here, I show that individual bar-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa baueri) from New Zealand are highly consistent in their migratory scheduling. Most birds left within the same week each year (between-year repeatability, r, of 0.83) and adult males, which moult into a bright breeding plumage, were also highly repeatable in the extent of their prebreeding moult (r=0.86). This is consistent with the hypothesis that birds have individually optimized migration schedules. Within adult males, but not females, smaller birds tended to migrate earlier than large birds. Whether this reflects differences in size-related migration speed, optimal breeding time at different sites or size-related natural or sexual selection pressures, remains unknown.  相似文献   

Long-distance migration, and the study of the migrants who undertake these journeys, has fascinated generations of biologists. However, many aspects of the annual cycles of these migrants remain a mystery as do many of the driving forces behind the evolution and maintenance of the migrations themselves. In this article we discuss nutritional, energetic, temporal and disease-risk bottlenecks in the annual cycle of long-distance migrants, taking a sandpiper, the red knot Calidris canutus, as a focal species. Red knots have six recognized subspecies each with different migratory routes, well-known patterns of connectivity and contrasting annual cycles. The diversity of red knot annual cycles allows us to discuss the existence and the effects of bottlenecks in a comparative framework. We examine the evidence for bottlenecks focusing on the quality of breeding plumage and the timing of moult as indicators in the six subspecies. In terms of breeding plumage coloration, quality and timing of prealternate body moult (from non-breeding into breeding plumage), the longest migrating knot subspecies, Calidris canutus rogersi and Calidris canutus rufa, show the greatest impact of bottlenecking. The same is true in terms of prebasic body moult (from breeding into non-breeding plumage) which in case of both C. c. rogersi and C. c. rufa overlaps with southward migration and may even commence in the breeding grounds. To close our discussion of bottlenecks in long-distance migrants, we make predictions about how migrants might be impacted via physiological 'trade-offs' throughout the annual cycle, using investment in immune function as an example. We also predict how bottlenecks may affect the distribution of mortality throughout the annual cycle. We hope that this framework will be applicable to other species and types of migrants, thus expanding the comparative database for the future evaluation of seasonal selection pressures and the evolution of annual cycles in long-distance migrants. Furthermore, we hope that this synthesis of recent advancements in the knowledge of red knot annual cycles will prove useful in the ongoing attempts to model annual cycles in migratory birds.  相似文献   

Birds moult to maintain plumage function through life, but the factors that determine moult duration are poorly understood. In temperate areas, variation in moult duration could be largely associated with between-species differences in migratory behaviour (migrants have less time for moulting after breeding), and body mass (because the aerodynamic cost of rapid moult increases allometrically with body size). Moreover, if the energetic cost of transport favours a smaller body size in migratory species, then the effects of migratory behaviour and body mass on moult duration could be confounded. We conducted a comparative study of the duration of adult complete moult in 48 European passerine species, in relation to body mass and migratory behaviour (sedentary, short-distance migrants and long-distance migrants). Lighter and more migratory species moulted faster than heavier and more sedentary species, but migration was not associated with body mass. If accelerated moult compromises the success of migration, changes in the physiology or phenology of moult in migratory birds are better interpreted as adaptive responses to compensate for such costs.  相似文献   

Juvenile songbirds on spring migration travel from tropical wintering sites to temperate breeding destinations thousands of kilometres away with no prior experience to guide them. We provide a first glimpse at the migration timing, routes, and stopover behaviour of juvenile wood thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) on their inaugural spring migration by using miniaturized archival geolocators to track them from Central America to the U.S. and Canada. We found significant differences between the timing of juvenile migration and that of more experienced adults: juveniles not only departed later from tropical wintering sites relative to adults, they also became progressively later as they moved northward. The increasing delay was driven by more frequent short stops by juveniles along their migration route, particularly in the U.S. as they got closer to breeding sites. Surprisingly, juveniles were just as likely as adults to cross the Gulf of Mexico, an open-water crossing of 800–1000 km, and migration route at the Gulf was not significantly different for juveniles relative to adults. To determine if the later departure of juveniles was related to poor body condition in winter relative to adults, we examined percent lean body mass, fat scores, and pectoral muscle scores of juvenile versus adult birds at a wintering site in Belize. We found no age-related differences in body condition. Later migration timing of juveniles relative to adults could be an adaptive strategy (as opposed to condition-dependent) to avoid the high costs of fast migration and competition for breeding territories with experienced and larger adults. We did find significant differences in wing size between adults and juveniles, which could contribute to lower flight efficiency of juveniles and thus slower overall migration speed. We provide the first step toward understanding the “black box” of juvenile songbird migration by documenting their migration timing and en route performance.  相似文献   

Across their ranges, different populations of migratory species often use separate routes to migrate between breeding and non-breeding grounds. Recent changes in climate and land-use have led to breeding range expansions in many species but it is unclear whether these populations also establish new migratory routes, non-breeding sites and migration phenology. Thus, we compared the migration patterns of European Bee-eaters Merops apiaster from two established western (n = 5) and eastern (n = 6) breeding populations in Europe, with those from a newly founded northern population (n = 19). We aimed to relate the breeding populations to the two known non-breeding clusters in Africa, and to test for similarities of migration routes and timing between the old and new populations. Western Bee-eaters used the western flyway to destinations in West Africa; the eastern birds uniformly headed south to southern African non-breeding sites, confirming a complete separation in time and space between these long-established populations. The recently founded northern population, however, also used a western corridor, but crossed the Mediterranean further east than the western population and overwintered mainly in a new non-breeding area in southern Congo/northern Angola. The migration routes and the new non-breeding range overlapped only slightly with the western, but not with the eastern, population. In contrast, migration phenology appeared to differ between the western and both the northern and the eastern populations, with tracked birds from the western population migrating 2–4 weeks earlier. The northern population thus shares some spatial traits with western Bee-eaters, but similar phenology only with eastern population. This divergence highlights the adjustments in the timing of migration to local environmental conditions in newly founded populations, and a parallel establishment of new breeding and non-breeding sites.  相似文献   

Data on 355 Grey Plovers, Pluvialis squatarola, ringed in South Africa in 1971–1997 were analysed. Biometrics could not identify well-defined origins in the Siberian breeding grounds, but suggested the presence of birds from east of the Gydan Peninsula. Comparisons with populations spending the non-breeding period elsewhere did not allow a clear definition of the flyways used, although ringing recoveries indicated a migration route crossing the Mediterranean/Black Sea region during both southward and northward movements. First-year birds were on average smaller than adults. Bill length increased during the first year, reaching adult length by June. First-year wing length decreased by 4% before the outermost primary was shed, adult wing length did not change with season.  相似文献   

We investigated the flexibility of body composition in relation to seasonally variable demands for endurance flight capacity and hyperphagia in a migratory shorebird. Migrating western sandpipers were sampled in spring and fall while refueling at a north temperate stopover and were compared with nonmigrating birds captured at a tropical wintering area in Panama. Sandpipers weighed 25% more at stopover, and nearly 40% of migratory mass increase consisted of lean body components. Most organs and flight muscles were 10%-100% larger during migration, and the greatest relative size increases occurred in the digestive system (including liver). Birds preparing to initiate spring migration from Panama deposited only fat, suggesting that changes in lean body components take place after migration has begun, possibly through training effects. Sex did not influence body composition. Juveniles making their first southward migration were similar to adults in structural size and body mass but had substantially enlarged alimentary tracts. Sandpipers appeared to deposit lean mass during stopover in fall but not in spring. The dramatic enlargement of the digestive system in this small species that makes short flights and fuels frequently contrasts with the reduction of digestive components in larger species that fuel only once or twice by making one or two very long flights to their destination.  相似文献   

1. Determining how events interact across stages of the annual cycle is critical for understanding the factors that affect individual fitness. However, there is currently little information detailing how breeding events influence migratory behaviour. 2. Using an automated digital telemetry array and an isolated island-breeding population of Savannah sparrows Passerculus sandwichensis, we provide the first direct evidence that the timing of breeding events carries over to influence the timing of migration in a songbird and assess for the first time how weather conditions on the breeding grounds also affect departure dates. 3. Date of migratory departure between September and October was strongly influenced by date of breeding completion in adults and fledging date in juveniles from June to July. 4. With respect to weather, adults departed during the first half of high-pressure systems, while juveniles departed throughout the entirety of high-pressure systems (including rainy evenings on the western edge of systems). 5. By combining both ecological and weather data, we could explain almost all variation in departure date for adults (95%), but weather conditions were not a good predictor of departure date for juveniles. 6. Our results provide strong evidence that the timing of breeding events is an important driver of migration timing and that exact departure dates are fine-tuned according to local weather conditions in adults, but not in juveniles.  相似文献   

We studied the prebreeding moult and resulting plumage in a long-distance migrant sandpiper (Scolopacidae), the Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris , on the non-breeding grounds (northwest Australia), on arrival at the staging grounds after the first migratory flight (eastern China) and on or near the Russian breeding grounds (Russian data from museum specimens). We show that breeding plumage scores and breast blackness were affected not only by the increase in moulted feathers but also in the wearing down of overlaying pale tips of fresh feathers. Birds migrating from Australia and arriving in China had completed or suspended moult, but more moult must occur in Asia as Russian specimens had moulted more of their mantle and scapular feathers. Russian birds had significantly more red feathering on their upperparts than had birds in Australia or those arriving in China. The increase in reddish feathers cannot by accounted for simply by continuation of the prealternate moult. Instead, a third, presupplemental moult must occur, in which red-marked feathers replace some scapular and especially mantle feathers that were acquired in a prealternate moult only 1–3 months earlier. Great Knot sexes show little size and plumage dimorphism, whereas two other sandpipers that have supplemental plumages (Ruff Philomachus pugnax and Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica ) are thought to be highly sexually selected. Bidirectional sexual selection may therefore be involved in the evolution of a supplemental plumage in Great Knots.  相似文献   

Although feathers are the unifying characteristic of all birds, our understanding of the causes, mechanisms, patterns and consequences of the feather moult process lags behind that of other major avian life‐history phenomena such as reproduction and long‐distance migration. Migration, which evolved in many species of the temperate and arctic zones, requires high energy expenditure to endure long‐distance journeys. About a third of Western‐Palearctic passerines perform long‐distance migrations of thousands of kilometres each year using various morphological, physiological, biomechanical, behavioural and life‐history adaptations. The need to include the largely non‐overlapping breeding, long‐distance migration and feather moult processes within the annual cycle imposes a substantial constraint on the time over which the moult process can take place. Here, we review four feather‐moult‐related adaptations which, likely due to time constraints, evolved among long‐distance Western‐Palearctic migrants: (i) increased moult speed; (ii) increased overlap between moult and breeding or migration; (iii) decreased extent of plumage moult; and (iv) moult of part or all of the plumage during the over‐wintering period in the tropics rather than in the breeding areas. We suggest that long‐distance migration shaped the evolution of moult strategies and increased the diversity of these strategies among migratory passerines. In contrast to this variation, all resident passerines in the Western Palearctic moult immediately after breeding by renewing the entire plumage of adults and in some species also juveniles, while in other species juvenile moult is partial. We identify important gaps in our current understanding of the moult process that should be addressed in the future. Notably, previous studies suggested that the ancestral moult strategy is a post‐breeding summer moult in the Western Palearctic breeding areas and that moult during the winter evolved due to the scheduling of long‐distance migration immediately after breeding. We offer an alternative hypothesis based on the notion of southern ancestry, proposing that the ancestral moult strategy was a complete moult during the ‘northern winter’ in the Afro‐tropical region in these species, for both adults and juveniles. An important aspect of the observed variation in moult strategies relates to their control mechanisms and we suggest that there is insufficient knowledge regarding the physiological mechanisms that are involved, and whether they are genetically fixed or shaped by environmental factors. Finally, research effort is needed on how global climate changes may influence avian annual routines by altering the scheduling of major processes such as long‐distance migration and feather moult.  相似文献   

Migratory shorebirds have some of the highest fat loads among birds, especially species which migrate long distances. The upland sandpiper Bartramia longicauda makes long‐distance migrations twice a year, but variation in body condition or timing of feather molt during the non‐breeding season has not been studied. Molt is an important part of the annual cycle of migratory birds because feather condition determines flight performance during migration, and long‐distance movements are energetically costly. However, variation in body condition during molt has been poorly studied. The objective of our field study was to examine the timing and patterns of feather molt of a long distance migratory shorebird during the non‐breeding season and test for relationships with body size, fat depots, mass, and sex. Field work was conducted at four ranches in the Northern Campos of Uruguay (Paysandú and Salto Departments). We captured and marked 62 sandpipers in a 2‐month period (Nov–Jan) during four non‐breeding seasons (2008–2012). Sex was determined by genetic analyses of blood samples taken at capture. Molt was measured in captured birds using rank scores based on published standards. Body mass and tarsus length measurements showed female‐biased sexual size dimorphism with males smaller than females. Size‐corrected body mass (body condition) showed a U‐shaped relationship with the day of the season, indicating that birds arrived at non‐breeding grounds in relatively good condition. Arriving in good body condition at non‐breeding grounds is probably important because of the energetic demands due to physiological adjustments after migration and the costs of feather molt.  相似文献   

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