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陈博  文乐雷  赵菊鹏  梁宏合  陈建  焦晓国 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3932-3938
越来越多的研究发现,雄性产生精子(精液)也需付出代价。雄性除了依据配偶质量和竞争对手的竞争强度适应性调整生殖投入外,雄性在求偶和交配行为上也相应产生适应性反应,求偶和交配行为具有可塑性。目前雄性求偶和交配行为可塑性研究主要集中于雌性多次交配的类群中,在雌性单次交配的类群中研究甚少。以雌蛛一生只交配一次而雄蛛可多次交配的星豹蛛为研究对象,比较:(1)前一雄性拖丝上信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶和交配行为的影响,(2)雌雄不同性比对雄蛛求偶和交配行为的影响。研究结果表明,星豹蛛前一雄蛛拖丝上的信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶潜伏期、求偶持续时间和交配持续时间都没有显著影响,但前一雄蛛拖丝上的信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶强度有显著抑制作用。同时,性比对星豹蛛雄蛛求偶和交配行为都没有显著影响。可见,星豹蛛雄蛛对同种雄性拖丝上的化学信息可产生求偶行为的适应性调整,而对性比不产生适应性反应。  相似文献   

采用星豹蛛(Pardosa astrigera)成熟雄蛛求偶时潜伏时间、静止时间、身体震动和第一墩步足伸展次数等行为参数,利用行为学方法测定了不同性别、日龄和生殖状态的星豹蛛雌蛛释放的拖丝对雄蛛求偶行为的影响。结果表明,雄蛛第一对步足伸展和身体震动等典型求偶行为是进行星豹蛛性信息素生物测定的可靠评价指标。星豹蛛雄蛛能通过拖丝上的性信息素辨别星豹蛛的性别、日龄和生殖状态。雄蛛在成熟3周未交配雌蛛拖丝处理过滤纸上潜伏时间和静止时间都相应最短,在交配未产卵雌蛛、雌亚成蛛和成熟雄蛛拖丝上时间中等,在卵孵化雌蛛拖丝处理滤纸上潜伏时间和静止时间都相应最长。成熟3周未交配雌蛛和交配未产卵雌蛛释放的拖丝都能引起雄蛛第一对步足伸展和身体震动等典型求偶行为,雄蛛对成熟3周未交配雌蛛拖丝典型求偶行为的频率都相应高于交配未产卵雌蛛。卵孵化雌蛛释放的拖丝虽也能引起雄蛛第一对步足伸展行为,但其伸展频率显著降低;而其它拖丝都不能引起雄蛛典型求偶行为。  相似文献   

狼蛛科雄蛛附肢上多样化的饰装往往与求偶行为相偶联,这些特殊的饰装通常被认为是雌性选择的结果。拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata,属狼蛛科豹蛛属,雄蛛触肢胫节密被白毛,跗舟密被黑毛,具有典型的性二型现象;同时,只有成熟的雄蛛才展现触肢黑白相间的毛饰物。推测拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢这种黑白相间的毛饰物可能在物种识别中具重要作用。在室内我们拟通过涂抹操作对拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢黑白相间毛饰物的功能进行分析。实验分为4组,分别是对照组(A组,雄蛛不做任何处理)、雄蛛触肢白色胫节全部涂成黑色(B组)、雄蛛触肢黑色跗舟全部涂成白色(C组)和雄蛛触肢的黑色跗舟被涂成黑色(D组),然后采用雌雄配对进行求偶交配行为测定。实验结果表明,B组雄蛛的交配成功率显著低于A、C和D组的雄蛛,而后3组雄蛛的交配成功率无显著差异。相反,B组雄蛛被雌蛛相食百分率显著高于其它3组。可见拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢上黑白相间毛饰物,尤其是其胫节上的白色饰物在雌蛛种间识别中起重要作用。  相似文献   

以沟渠豹蛛Pardosa laura成熟雄蛛的求偶延迟时间和触肢伸展次数作为参数,观察研究了雄蛛通过视觉与处女雌蛛拖丝单独和共同诱导情况下的求偶反应,发现视觉是触发雄蛛求偶行为的主要信号,而雌蛛的拖丝则不能单独激发雄蛛的求偶行为,表明雄蛛能够通过视觉接受雌蛛的信号。在此基础上,又测定了雄蛛通过视觉接受亚成体雌蛛、处女雌蛛和交配未产卵雌蛛信号时的求偶反应,发现雄蛛对处女雌蛛和交配未产卵雌蛛的求偶动作次数显著多于亚成体雌蛛,表明雄蛛能够通过视觉区分雌蛛是否成熟,但是仅依靠视觉无法判断雌蛛是否已经交配。本实验表明视觉在沟渠豹蛛雄蛛对雌蛛识别过程中起着非常重要的作用,再次证实狼蛛的视觉比较发达。  相似文献   

北京幽灵蛛的繁殖行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
室内用数码摄像机记录北京幽灵蛛(Pholcus beijingensis)的求偶、交配、产卵和孵卵行为,并分析了行为动作系列。拨丝和慢跳在求偶中起着重要的作用。北京幽灵蛛有多次交配的习性,雌蛛第一次交配的持续时间显著长于第二次交配,PPMs动作(pedipalp movements)在交配阶段贯穿始终,铲状的引导器在PPMs动作里会移出雌蛛生殖腔内的竞争者的精液和雌蛛分泌物,反映的是最后一个交配雄蛛的精子优先模式。雌蛛有护卵行为,产卵后用螯肢咬住卵袋直至其孵化。  相似文献   

普氏原羚的求偶交配行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
游章强  蒋志刚 《动物学报》2005,51(2):187-194
作者采用所有事件取样法、扫描取样法和目标取样法研究分析了元者分布区内普氏原羚(Procapraprzewalskii) 的求偶交配行为, 分析了放牧活动对普氏原羚求偶、交配行为的影响。我们共记录到28 种发情、求偶及交配行为。雄性普氏原羚的求偶、交配过程分为4 个阶段。第一阶段为雄羚对雌羚的试探接近阶段。雌羚对雄羚的试探行为有两种反应: 雌羚走开拒绝雄羚的求偶; 或者雌羚叉开后腿静立并不停摆尾以示接受雄羚,有时雌羚还会主动靠近雄羚。如果雌羚接受雄羚的求偶, 雄羚便会进入求偶表演的第二阶段: 雄羚开始以直立、直立行走或碎步移动的方式靠近雌羚。第三个阶段是爬胯、交配阶段。雄羚的插入、射精过程在很短时间(约1-2 s) 内完成。最后一个阶段是交配后雄羚对配偶的看守阶段。普氏原羚交配制度为求偶场交配制度, 交配模式为无锁结、多次插入、无抽动、多次射精, 分别属于Dewsbury和Dixson交配行为模式分类系统的第13 种类型和第14种类型。人类放牧对普氏原羚繁殖行为具有明显的影响。在本研究中共记录了1 009 次爬胯行为, 这些爬胯行为多发生在家畜到达求偶场以前与家畜离开求偶场后30min 。  相似文献   

蜘蛛为雌雄异体,雌蛛必须经过交配授精后才能产受精卵,只有受精卵才能孵化为幼蛛。有些种类的雌蛛虽不经交配亦可产卵,但不能孵化。求偶蜘蛛在性成熟后即要寻找异性交配产卵繁殖后代。现已查明,在昆虫中是以释放性激素来招引同种异性个体进行交配,而蜘蛛关于这一点目前还不清楚。蜘蛛在交配的过程中多数雄性表现主动。但是,由于蜘蛛的种类不同,雄蛛接近雌蛛的方式也不一样。如温室希蛛(Archearanea tepidariorum)的雄蛛到雌蛛网的旁边,用前对步足或触肢弹动网丝,以试探雌蛛是  相似文献   

泰莱蛛科属于简单生殖器类蜘蛛,为洞穴蜘蛛的主要类群.本实验首次在实验室条件下对泰莱蛛科蜘蛛龙平莱蛛Pinelema bailongensis的求偶和交配行为进行描述:雄蛛可与多个雌蛛交配,雌蛛一般为单次交配.一次完整的交配进行2~8次交尾,交尾时间为0.27~5.03 min.求偶行为主要涉及探足、腹震和拍足等动作.  相似文献   

松褐天牛的交配行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用室内试验和野外观察相结合的方法,对松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope的交配行为进行了研究。结果表明: 松褐天牛一次完整的交配包括相遇抱对、插入输精和配后保护3个阶段,在交配过程中雄虫有多次插入输精现象发生。室内试验中共观察到松褐天牛的交配123次,松褐天牛一次完整的交配过程平均需时63.49 min,其中输精前的抱对时间平均为1.68 min,交配过程中每次输精插入时间平均为57.60 s,配后保护时间为15.18 min。松褐天牛在开始交配的4天内平均交配5.15次,不同雄性个体所获得的交配机会差异很大。松褐天牛的交配行为表现出强烈的雄性竞争现象,雄虫能根据雌虫或自身的交配经历调整交配投入,当雌虫或者雄虫是初次交配时,总输精时间和插入输精的次数显著大于与有交配经历的雌虫或雄虫交配时的输精时间和插入输精次数。田间松褐天牛的交配行为与室内观察结果基本一致。  相似文献   

明确昆虫求偶及交配等生殖行为的节律,对于性信息素引诱剂的研发与田间合理应用具有重要的指导意义。本研究对番茄潜叶蛾雌虫的求偶行为和雌雄成虫的交配行为节律进行了探究。结果表明,番茄潜叶蛾雌虫主要在亮期进行求偶,亮期开始前少数个体出现求偶现象,亮期开始求偶率迅速增加,在0.5 h内达到高峰期,高峰期平均求偶率达80%以上。不同日龄求偶率不同,2~3日龄为该虫求偶最活跃龄期。番茄潜叶蛾雌雄间交配主要发生在亮期,亮期0.5 h到达高峰期,交配率达90%,与雌虫求偶高峰期吻合。番茄潜叶蛾雌、雄虫一生均可进行多次交配,雌虫7 d内最高交配4次。相对于雌雄比1∶1,雌雄比1∶2的交配率有所降低,而雌雄比2∶1的交配率和平均交配时长均有所上升。本研究证实了番茄潜叶蛾主要在亮期进行求偶和交配,且求偶和交配行为存在明显的节律性,雌、雄蛾一生均可进行多次交配。  相似文献   

An event recorder was used to obtain information on the temporal patterning of palpal insertions and palpal moistening in wolf spider matings. The series of insertions of each palp was characterized by a linear increase in insertion duration. The rate of change of insertion duration was fairly constant for the species. Asymmetry in the mechanism underlying palpal insertion was indicated by differences between the palps of some males in mean insertion duration and repetition rate. Termination of mating was initiated by the male's decreasing activity. Defensive behaviours described for the first time in spiders included spine erection in both sexes during mounting and ‘cheliceral pinching’ by the male when dismounting.  相似文献   

Females can affect male probabilities of paternity success through behavioural, morphological and/or physiological processes occurring during or after copulation. These processes under female-control include the acceptance or rejection of mating attempts by subsequent males. Leucauge mariana is an orb weaving spider that shows male mate guarding of penultimate females, male–male competition on female webs and copulatory plugs, suggesting a polyandric mating system. The aim of the present study was to ascertain whether male behaviour during courtship and copulation in L. mariana relate with female re-mating decisions. Forty-three virgin females were exposed to up to three males until they mated. In 24 cases, the copulatory plug was absent after mating and females were exposed the next day to up to three other males. Eighteen females accepted a second mating. Relatively larger females were more receptive to second matings and were more likely to copulate if the second male was smaller. Longer duration of female tapping and abdominal bobbing during courtship, and first copulations with less short insertions and more flubs, were associated with increased female acceptance to second matings. The results indicate cryptic female choice on male courtship and copulatory performance and suggest female-control over the determination of male mating success in this spider species.  相似文献   

Copulation in this wolf spider species was characterized by a pattern which involved successive isertions of one palp before a shift was made to the opposite palp. The observed pattern is probably characteristic for the genus. The duration of mating and number of insertions were relatively great in comparison with other lycosids. In all cases, insertion duration was positively linearly correlated with the numerical sequence of insertion. Fatigue was hypothesized to be the underlying factor which produced the incremental change in insertion duration. Partial or complete independence of the control mechanism of each palp was suggested by the differences in certain aspects of insertion between the right and left palps in some of the males.  相似文献   

Mated females of the wolf spider Schizocosa malitiosa are frequently refractory to further copulations. Copulation consists of two successive behavioural patterns: pattern I (PI) and pattern II (PII). During PI males make multiple consecutive insertions with each palp, and in PII males alternate the use of palps after each insertion until dismounting. As both patterns are inseminatory, another function – such as generating female reluctance – is suggested for this complex behaviour. Here we test experimentally whether female spiders mated only with PI, or only with PII, are reluctant to re-mate. Each copulating male was interrupted immediately after the end of PI (phase A), and the same male was instantly exposed to a second virgin female. After re-mounting, the male initially performed a brief recapitulation of PI followed by PII (both together considered as phase B). For testing female sexual reluctance, females were exposed to a second male 3 days after the partial mating, but whenever the mounting occurred it was interrupted. Females were raised and progeny was counted. Phase-A-mated females were more reluctant to re-mating than phase-B-mated females, but their respective progeny was similar. We suggest that female reluctance is caused by sperm-associated substances transferred during PI.  相似文献   

Sexual cannibalism may represent an extreme form of male monogamy. According to this view, males gain reproductive success by sacrificing themselves to females. We studied the occurrence and timing of sexual cannibalism in the brown widow spider Latrodectus geometricus and compared male courtship and mating behavior with virgin and with previously mated females. We found that events of sexual cannibalism are frequent, that they occur during copulation and that males initiate cannibalism by placing the abdomen in front of the female’s mouth‐parts during copulation (somersault behavior). Both the somersaults and mating occurred more frequently with virgins than with previously mated females. Our results support the hypothesis that sexual cannibalism is a male strategy in this species. The somersault behavior was previously known only from the redback spider, Latrodectus hasselti. It is as yet unknown whether self‐sacrifice has evolved more than once in this genus.  相似文献   

理论和实验表明体形大小是许多动物择偶的重要信号。体形大小与产卵大小、最终产卵数量、后代适合度等都有着密切的关系,因此动物利用体形大小为信号来择偶可以获得高的生殖利益。目前研究交配行为和体形大小的关系的文献较少,特别在微蛛亚科。本文以浅斑近微蛛为实验材料,在室内研究了体形大小对交配行为的影响。测量了体重,体长,头胸甲与腹部的长和宽,以头胸甲的面积(头胸甲的长与宽的乘积)为变量来表示体形大小。以雄蛛的行为为依据,将其交配行为划分为4个时期:潜伏期、求偶期、插入期和纳精期,并记录了各个时期的持续时间。通过分析,发现了一种微蛛新的交配模式,即可将浅斑近微蛛的插入期分为三个阶段:首先是大约25min长插入期,接着是一个大约15min的中度插入期,最后是一个大约5min的短插入期。结果表明,在本试验条件下,浅斑近微蛛的体形大小对其交配行为的潜伏期、求偶期、插入期和纳精期的持续时间都没有影响,对插入期的3个阶段的长短也没有影响。  相似文献   

Limb loss is common in the wolf spider Pardosa milvina, appearing in nearly one third of adult males but occurring less frequently among adult females and juveniles. Since males wave their first pair of legs during courtship displays, the reproductive consequences of limb loss may be significant. We measured the courtship and mating effects of the loss of one, two, or four legs among adult male P. milvina. Missing one or two legs did not significantly reduce a male's ability to mate, but missing four legs was detrimental to mating success, reduced both courtship intensity and copulation duration, and increased cannibalism frequency. Results suggest behavioral flexibility in compensating for limited leg loss and a defensive function of the anteriormost legs to thwart female cannibalism attempts.  相似文献   

【目的】探索长足大竹象Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guerin-Meneville成虫的交配行为规律。【方法】通过室内饲养和野外观察相结合的方法,记录了完整的交配过程,比较了不同寄主及虫体大小间交配行为的差异。【结果】长足大竹象一次完整的交配包括示爱、抱对、插入输精和配后保护4个阶段,雌雄都有多次交配行为。室内试验证明,长足大足象完整交配时间为21.71±1.84 min,其中示爱时间为0.46±0.05 min,抱对时间为6.18±0.38 min,插入输精时间为8.36±0.62 min,配后保护时间为6.71±0.79 min。雄虫初次交配时,在示爱、抱对和插入输精时间上均显著长于有交配经历的雄虫(P0.05)。长足大竹象在不同寄主植物上的交配时间存在差异,在慈竹上的示爱时间(0.46±0.05 min)和插入输精时间(8.36±0.62 min)显著长于在唐竹、撑×绿杂交竹、孝顺竹和芦竹上的时间(P0.05);在孝顺竹上的配后保护时间显著长于在其他植物上的时间(P0.05)。长足大竹象成虫会选择最适体长的配偶进行交配,当雌虫体长≥3.3 cm和3.0~3.2 cm时,与不同体长的雄虫在示爱、抱对、插入输精和配后保护时间上都显著长于其他体长的雌虫(P0.05)。林间长足大竹象的交配行为与室内观察结果基本一致。【结论】研究结果有助于了解长足大竹象交配过程,也对研究该虫的繁殖行为学及行为控制技术提供了依据。  相似文献   

Male lycosid spiders were prevented from using one palp during the first third of copulation by a sling that we then cut to free the palp. Initial insertion durations of the treated palp were significantly shorter than those shown concurrently by the much-used normal palp; they showed temporal patterning unaffected by use of the normal palp. Data indicate that there are relatively independent control mechanisms for each palp and support the hypothesis that fatigue causes the increased duration of successive palpal insertions. Our data also suggest that normal matings terminate due to maximal use of either palp by the male.  相似文献   

The copulation duration of male wolf spider Pardosa astrigera, was significantly influenced by environmental temperature, as had been found in some insect species. Therefore, temperature during male courtship and copulation may influence the amount of sperm and seminal fluids transferred during copulation, which in turn could influence female fitness. In order to test this hypothesis, we subjected pairs of male and female P. astrigera to five temperature groups from 16 to 32 °C at an interval of 4 °C, and investigated whether and to what extent the various temperatures during male courtship and copulation influenced female reproductive output and female adult longevity under controlled laboratory conditions. With the increase of copulation temperature, females were more likely to lay egg sacs. The total egg sacs and lifetime fecundity of female were positively influenced by copulation temperature, whereas female lifetime spiderlings and adult longevity were independent of copulation temperature.  相似文献   

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