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星豹蛛求偶和交配行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以星豹蛛(Pardosa astrigera)为研究对象,在室内对其求偶和交配行为进行了描述。雄蛛"俯卧撑"式动作(push-up)在求偶中具重要作用。交配初期,两侧触肢交替插入;随交配进行,单侧触肢连续插入3~5次后才换另一侧触肢插入,触肢每插入一次,基血囊膨大多次。完整交配一次雄蛛触肢器平均插入次数为29·625。交配前求偶时间、交配持续时间和有效交配时间分别平均为6min、32min25s和11min11s。星豹蛛雄蛛可进行多次交配,而雌蛛一般为单次交配。雌蛛交配状态(是否已经交配)影响其同类相食行为,已交配雌蛛对雄蛛同类相食率显著高于未交配雌蛛对雄蛛同类相食率。  相似文献   

采用星豹蛛(Pardosa astrigera)成熟雄蛛求偶时潜伏时间、静止时间、身体震动和第一墩步足伸展次数等行为参数,利用行为学方法测定了不同性别、日龄和生殖状态的星豹蛛雌蛛释放的拖丝对雄蛛求偶行为的影响。结果表明,雄蛛第一对步足伸展和身体震动等典型求偶行为是进行星豹蛛性信息素生物测定的可靠评价指标。星豹蛛雄蛛能通过拖丝上的性信息素辨别星豹蛛的性别、日龄和生殖状态。雄蛛在成熟3周未交配雌蛛拖丝处理过滤纸上潜伏时间和静止时间都相应最短,在交配未产卵雌蛛、雌亚成蛛和成熟雄蛛拖丝上时间中等,在卵孵化雌蛛拖丝处理滤纸上潜伏时间和静止时间都相应最长。成熟3周未交配雌蛛和交配未产卵雌蛛释放的拖丝都能引起雄蛛第一对步足伸展和身体震动等典型求偶行为,雄蛛对成熟3周未交配雌蛛拖丝典型求偶行为的频率都相应高于交配未产卵雌蛛。卵孵化雌蛛释放的拖丝虽也能引起雄蛛第一对步足伸展行为,但其伸展频率显著降低;而其它拖丝都不能引起雄蛛典型求偶行为。  相似文献   

近年来越来越多研究表明,雄性产生精子(精液)也需付出代价。在多次交配的动物中,雄性为获得最大生殖潜力,必须依据配偶的质量策略性地调整每次交配的生殖投入。雄性策略性的生殖投入主要体现在两个方面,一是精子竞争(sperm competition),二是柯立芝效应(Coolidge effect)。目前精子竞争研究主要集中于昆虫类群,而柯立芝效应研究集中于高等脊椎动物,同时验证结果也时常与假说不一致。以多次交配的三突伊氏蛛为材料,以雄蛛交配行为为指标,在蜘蛛类群中探讨和验证雄性精子竞争强度假说和柯立芝效应。设定3个交配组合:2只雄蛛依次与1只雌蛛各交配1次(A组)、2只雄蛛依次与2只雌蛛各交配1次(B组)和1只雄蛛与1只雌蛛交配2次(C组),分析比较3个交配组合的三突伊氏蛛第1次交配和第2次交配在交配潜伏期、交配持续时间和交配回合数方面的差异,比较三突伊氏蛛雌蛛不同交配史对雄蛛交配行为的影响,以此验证雄性精子竞争强度假说和柯立芝效应。研究结果表明A和B组的三突伊氏蛛第2次交配的交配潜伏期和交配持续时间显著长于第1次交配。同时,C组的三突伊氏蛛第1次交配的交配潜伏期和交配持续时间与第2次交配都没有显著差异。同时,A、B和C组的三突伊氏蛛第1次交配的交配回合数与第2次交配都没有显著差异。研究结果支持精子竞争强度假说,而不支持柯立芝效应。  相似文献   

以沟渠豹蛛Pardosa laura成熟雄蛛的求偶延迟时间和触肢伸展次数作为参数,观察研究了雄蛛通过视觉与处女雌蛛拖丝单独和共同诱导情况下的求偶反应,发现视觉是触发雄蛛求偶行为的主要信号,而雌蛛的拖丝则不能单独激发雄蛛的求偶行为,表明雄蛛能够通过视觉接受雌蛛的信号。在此基础上,又测定了雄蛛通过视觉接受亚成体雌蛛、处女雌蛛和交配未产卵雌蛛信号时的求偶反应,发现雄蛛对处女雌蛛和交配未产卵雌蛛的求偶动作次数显著多于亚成体雌蛛,表明雄蛛能够通过视觉区分雌蛛是否成熟,但是仅依靠视觉无法判断雌蛛是否已经交配。本实验表明视觉在沟渠豹蛛雄蛛对雌蛛识别过程中起着非常重要的作用,再次证实狼蛛的视觉比较发达。  相似文献   

泰莱蛛科属于简单生殖器类蜘蛛,为洞穴蜘蛛的主要类群.本实验首次在实验室条件下对泰莱蛛科蜘蛛龙平莱蛛Pinelema bailongensis的求偶和交配行为进行描述:雄蛛可与多个雌蛛交配,雌蛛一般为单次交配.一次完整的交配进行2~8次交尾,交尾时间为0.27~5.03 min.求偶行为主要涉及探足、腹震和拍足等动作.  相似文献   

北京幽灵蛛的繁殖行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
室内用数码摄像机记录北京幽灵蛛(Pholcus beijingensis)的求偶、交配、产卵和孵卵行为,并分析了行为动作系列。拨丝和慢跳在求偶中起着重要的作用。北京幽灵蛛有多次交配的习性,雌蛛第一次交配的持续时间显著长于第二次交配,PPMs动作(pedipalp movements)在交配阶段贯穿始终,铲状的引导器在PPMs动作里会移出雌蛛生殖腔内的竞争者的精液和雌蛛分泌物,反映的是最后一个交配雄蛛的精子优先模式。雌蛛有护卵行为,产卵后用螯肢咬住卵袋直至其孵化。  相似文献   

狼蛛科雄蛛附肢上多样化的饰装往往与求偶行为相偶联,这些特殊的饰装通常被认为是雌性选择的结果。拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata,属狼蛛科豹蛛属,雄蛛触肢胫节密被白毛,跗舟密被黑毛,具有典型的性二型现象;同时,只有成熟的雄蛛才展现触肢黑白相间的毛饰物。推测拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢这种黑白相间的毛饰物可能在物种识别中具重要作用。在室内我们拟通过涂抹操作对拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢黑白相间毛饰物的功能进行分析。实验分为4组,分别是对照组(A组,雄蛛不做任何处理)、雄蛛触肢白色胫节全部涂成黑色(B组)、雄蛛触肢黑色跗舟全部涂成白色(C组)和雄蛛触肢的黑色跗舟被涂成黑色(D组),然后采用雌雄配对进行求偶交配行为测定。实验结果表明,B组雄蛛的交配成功率显著低于A、C和D组的雄蛛,而后3组雄蛛的交配成功率无显著差异。相反,B组雄蛛被雌蛛相食百分率显著高于其它3组。可见拟环纹豹蛛雄蛛触肢上黑白相间毛饰物,尤其是其胫节上的白色饰物在雌蛛种间识别中起重要作用。  相似文献   

普氏原羚的求偶交配行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
游章强  蒋志刚 《动物学报》2005,51(2):187-194
作者采用所有事件取样法、扫描取样法和目标取样法研究分析了元者分布区内普氏原羚(Procapraprzewalskii) 的求偶交配行为, 分析了放牧活动对普氏原羚求偶、交配行为的影响。我们共记录到28 种发情、求偶及交配行为。雄性普氏原羚的求偶、交配过程分为4 个阶段。第一阶段为雄羚对雌羚的试探接近阶段。雌羚对雄羚的试探行为有两种反应: 雌羚走开拒绝雄羚的求偶; 或者雌羚叉开后腿静立并不停摆尾以示接受雄羚,有时雌羚还会主动靠近雄羚。如果雌羚接受雄羚的求偶, 雄羚便会进入求偶表演的第二阶段: 雄羚开始以直立、直立行走或碎步移动的方式靠近雌羚。第三个阶段是爬胯、交配阶段。雄羚的插入、射精过程在很短时间(约1-2 s) 内完成。最后一个阶段是交配后雄羚对配偶的看守阶段。普氏原羚交配制度为求偶场交配制度, 交配模式为无锁结、多次插入、无抽动、多次射精, 分别属于Dewsbury和Dixson交配行为模式分类系统的第13 种类型和第14种类型。人类放牧对普氏原羚繁殖行为具有明显的影响。在本研究中共记录了1 009 次爬胯行为, 这些爬胯行为多发生在家畜到达求偶场以前与家畜离开求偶场后30min 。  相似文献   

哺乳动物在交配过程中经常会发出独特且有节奏的交配叫声(Copulation call),这通常被认为是雌雄双方交配策略的一种体现。交配叫声的发生及其影响因素在不同物种间差异较大,对其深入研究有助于比较和揭示不同动物交配策略的差异及其适应性功能。为了阐明交配叫声的生物学和社会学因素,我们在安徽黄山记录了野生黄山短尾猴(Macaca thibetana)交配行为中雄性和雌性发出叫声的过程,分析了影响交配叫声的相关因素,探讨了伴随叫声的交配行为对后续友好行为的影响。结果表明,在交配过程中,高顺位成年雄性短尾猴比其他性别—顺位组个体更易发出叫声,而优势个体雌性和从属个体雌性在交配过程中的发声频次无显著差异。此外,交配叫声能促进参与者之间在交配后表现出更多的友好行为和更近的空间距离。本研究为理解多雄多雌婚配制度的短尾猴群体交配策略提供了声音通讯方面的理论支持。  相似文献   

2005年3月至2006年3月,采取所有事件取样法,对成都动物园5只(2雄,3雌)圈养金钱豹(Panthera pardu)进行观察,旨在了解圈养金钱豹的交配情况。记录交配行为1 174次。结果显示,圈养金钱豹全年皆可发情。具有明显的交配模式,交配姿势仅有一种,为背腹式。平均交配持续天数为(4.75±1.26)d。昼夜都有交配行为,但白天交配次数较夜间多。日交配的高峰发生在08:00~10:00时,不同的雄性个体出现的交配高峰日不同。平均交配持续时间为(7.48±1.22)s。在交配持续时间(P=0.000)、总交配次数(P=0.04)上,不同的雄性个体间存在显著性差异;而同一雄性在与不同雌性交配时,其持续时间无显著差异。金钱豹交配的特点为,交配的频次多,但每次交配持续时间短。  相似文献   

Male reproductive phenotypes can evolve in response to the social and sexual environment. The expression of many such phenotypes may also be plastic within an individual's lifetime. For example, male Drosophila melanogaster show significantly extended mating duration following a period of exposure to conspecific male rivals. The costs and benefits of reproductive investment, and plasticity itself, can be shaped by the prevailing sociosexual environment and by resource availability. We investigated these ideas using experimental evolution lines of D. melanogaster evolving under three fixed sex ratios (high, medium, and low male‐male competition) on either rich or poor adult diets. We found that males evolving in high‐competition environments evolved longer mating durations overall. In addition, these males expressed a novel type of plastic behavioral response following exposure to rival males: they both significantly reduced and showed altered courtship delivery, and exhibited significantly longer mating latencies. Plasticity in male mating duration in response to rivals was maintained in all of the lines, suggesting that the costs of plasticity were minimal. None of the evolutionary responses tested were consistently affected by dietary resource regimes. Collectively, the results show that fixed behavioral changes and new augmentations to the repertoire of reproductive behaviors can evolve rapidly.  相似文献   

We describe male-male competition in a wandering spider living on plants (Cupiennius getazi, Ctenidae) and discuss it within the general context of the mating system. 1. Males produce vibratory courtship signals (duration about 20 s) and competition signals (2 s). Upon exposure to female silk, males produce almost exclusively courtship signals (98%) if alone or in the presence of a female. In the presence of a rival alone, an average of 25% of a male's vibratory signals are courtship signals and 75% competition signals. In the presence of both a rival and a female, an average of 50% are courtship and 50% competition signals. Females respond to both male courtship and/or competition signals with vibratory courtship whereas males react by vibratory competition. The intensity of the reaction of both males and females is independent of the signal type. 2. Males displaying vibratory signals move slowly over the plant and repel attacks from rivals and females with extended front legs. Pairs of males interact in three ways. (i) Both males produce vibratory signals; one of them leaves the plant (53% of 90 trials). (ii) Both males vibrate, approach and touch (20%) or pounce on each other (20%). (iii) A male approaches the signalling opponent without producing vibrations and attacks him (7%). This is a conditional vibrocryptic tactic. The presence of a female incites male competition. Males do not interact with the female but approach each other (in 24% of the 26 trials “vibrocryptically”) and escalate more often (88%) and more quickly to overt fight than in the absence of a female. The male remaining on the plant approaches the female. 3. Male-male fights are ritualized. During 64 bodily contacts no male was injured. Males exposed to female silk and males using the vibrocryptic tactic were more often the winners of an interaction than males not exposed to female silk and than males vibrating while approaching their rival. The outcome of fights is not correlated with age, leg length, body weight and rate of signalling when no female is present. In contrast, body weight and leg length determine the outcome when a responding female is present, the larger male being the winner. 4. Intrasexual and intersexual interactions suggest that both male competition and female choice mechanisms may regulate sexual selection in this species.  相似文献   

Males of many animal species are reproductively limited by the difficulty and time costs of finding mates. Males of such species should be selected to take advantage of any cues that might reveal the location of prospective mates. Cues to female location are not restricted to those produced by females, but might also include the highly apparent courtship displays of males that have already found a female. By “eavesdropping” on these courting rivals, initiating sexual displays when courting rivals are detected (i.e., social facilitation of displays); males might effectively exploit the mate-searching efforts of their rivals. We tested the possibility that male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders exhibit social facilitation of courtship behaviors using a combination of live behavioral trials and video playback with single stimulus presentations. When exposed to visual cues from another male, male S. ocreata can discern the presence of another individual whether that individual is courting or not. However, we found no evidence of social facilitation of courtship or chemoexploratory behaviors in response to seismic or visual cues presented in isolation or combined. While complex, multimodal, male courtship signals are important in mate choice by female S. ocreata, males do not appear to use these cues to socially facilitate their own courtship.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare measures of general activity and sexual behavior for various genotypes within a strain of Drosophila melanogaster, which had known differences in mating speed. Three inbred lines of D. melanogaster differed significantly in mating speed when tested in female-choice and in single-pair experiments. Analyses of locomotor activity and sexual activity of females and males revealed no significant differences between the inbred lines. An analysis of the interplay between female and male courtship behaviors enabled the examination of signal-response differences between the inbred lines. The inbred lines with intermediate and slow mean mating speed showed a decreased number of significant transitions between female and male behavioral responses. This decrease was more severe in the slow mating line. Further, the intermediate- and slow-mating females and males displayed courtship responses toward signals of the opposite sex that were different from those of the fastmating line. Models of the relationship between behavioral activity and mating speed in Drosophila are discussed and a different explanation for variation in mating speed among the three inbred lines is considered.  相似文献   

Induction of alternative mating tactics by surrounding conditions, such as the presence of conspecific males, is observed in many animal species. Satellite behaviour is a remarkable example in which parasitic males exploit the reproductive investment by other males. Despite the abundance of parasitic mating tactics, however, few examples are known in which males alter courtship behaviour as a counter tactic against parasitic rivals. The fruit fly Drosophila prolongata shows prominent sexual dimorphism in the forelegs. When courting females, males of D. prolongata perform ‘leg vibration’, in which a male vibrates the female''s body with his enlarged forelegs. In this study, we found that leg vibration increased female receptivity, but it also raised a risk of interception of the female by rival males. Consequently, in the presence of rivals, males of D. prolongata shifted their courtship behaviour from leg vibration to ‘rubbing’, which was less vulnerable to interference by rival males. These results demonstrated that the males of D. prolongata adjust their courtship behaviour to circumvent the social context-dependent risk of leg vibration.  相似文献   

Diet has a profound direct and indirect effect on reproductive success in both sexes. Variation in diet quality and quantity can significantly alter the capacity of females to lay eggs and of males to deliver courtship. Here, we tested the effect of dietary resource limitation on the ability of male Drosophila melanogaster to respond adaptively to rivals by extending their mating duration. Previous work carried out under ad libitum diet conditions showed that males exposed to rivals prior to mating significantly extend mating duration, transfer more ejaculate proteins and achieve higher reproductive success. Such adaptive responses are predicted to occur because male ejaculate production may be limited. Hence, ejaculate resources require allocation across different reproductive bouts, to balance current vs. future reproductive success. However, when males suffer dietary limitation, and potentially have fewer reproductive resources to apportion, we expect adaptive allocation of responses to rivals to be minimized. We tested this prediction and found that males held on agar‐only diets for 5–7 days lost the ability to extend mating following exposure to rivals. Interestingly, extended mating was retained in males held on low yeast/sugar: no sugar/yeast diet treatments, but was mostly lost when males were maintained on ‘imbalanced’ diets in which there was high yeast: no sugar and vice versa. Overall, the results show that males exhibit adaptive responses to rivals according to the degree of dietary resource limitation and to the ratio of individual diet components.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory suggests that males need to constantly reappraise their mating decisions to take account of the presence and the phenotypes of their rivals. Here we examine this expectation by asking: (i) If the presence of a rival influences male mating behaviour; (ii) How important is the attractiveness of the rival (absolute attractiveness) in shaping male behaviour; and (iii) How does a male's attractiveness in comparison to his rival (relative attractiveness) influence a male's mating decisions. Using the Trinidadian guppy, a species in which female mate choice (based on males’ attractive traits) plays an important role in male mating outcomes, we recorded the frequency of courtship displays and unsolicited attempts by focal males. First, we quantified focal male mating behaviour with and without a rival. Since the probability of a successful mating is, on average, halved by the presence of a rival, we predicted that under competition the focal male would invest more in less costly mating tactic—unsolicited attempts. Second, we examined how the rival's standard length and area of orange coloration mediated focal male mating behaviour. We found that rival presence influenced how focal males responded to females in terms of both mating tactics. However, the rival attractiveness elicited changes only in male courtship display. Focal males increased courtship display rate if his rival was small or if possessed large amounts of orange, regardless of considering rival absolute or relative attractiveness. Our results show that males invest in the costlier mating tactic when there is no rival or in the presence of a smaller rival. Interestingly, they make a similar investment in the presence of an attractive orange rival. Overall, this study highlights the importance of fine‐grained male decisions in mating encounters and shows that mating tactics are differentially shaped by multiple competition risk cues.  相似文献   

Although it is advantageous for males to express costly sexually selected signals when females are present, they may also benefit from suppressing these signals to avoid costly interactions with rival males. Cuticular chemical profiles frequently function as insect sexual signals; however, few studies have asked whether males alter these signals in response to their social environment. In Drosophila serrata, an Australian fly, there is sexual selection for a multivariate combination of male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). Here, we show that the ratio of females to males that an adult male experiences has a strong effect on his CHC expression, with female‐biased adult sex ratios eliciting greater expression of CHC profiles associated with higher male mating success. Classical models predict that male reproductive investment should be highest when there is a small but nonzero number of rivals, but we found that males expressed the most attractive combination of CHCs when there were no rivals. We found that male CHCs were highly sensitive to adult sex ratio, with males expressing higher values of CHC profiles associated with greater mating success as the ratio of females to males increased. Moreover, sex ratio has a stronger effect on male CHC expression than adult density. Finally, we explore whether sex ratio affects the variance among a group of males in their CHC expression, as might be expected if individuals respond differently to a given social environment, but find little effect. Our results reveal that subtle differences in social environment can induce plasticity in male chemical signal expression.  相似文献   

When competing for mates, males of many species use cues from their rivals to evaluate their chances of success. Signaling behavior is a vital component of male–male contests and courtship, and may inform males of a rival's quality or intentions. We used eastern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) to investigate how the time a male spent signaling during mate competition is influenced by his quality, his rival's quality relative to his own, and the value of a contested female. Furthermore, we examined how a male's behavioral response to a competitor's signals would be mediated by his relative quality. We simulated natural encounters by allowing two males to compete over a single female in the laboratory. We measured the time males spent performing two types of displays (pushups and shudders) and categorized male behavioral responses to rival pushup and shudder displays. Time spent signaling was not related to a male's absolute quality (body and head size, condition, and badge sizes), or his quality relative to that of his rival, although males did spend more time performing pushups when competing over females in better condition. Male behavior was also influenced by his rival's signals, such that males of relatively lower quality than their opponents were more likely to aggressively respond to rival pushups and shudders. We discuss these results with respect to the evolution and function of signaling behavior in courtship and male–male contests.  相似文献   

Sexual conflicts due to divergent male and female interests in reproduction are common in parasitic Hymenoptera. The majority of parasitoid females are monandrous, whereas males are able to mate repeatedly. Thus, accepting only a single mate might be costly when females mate with a sperm‐depleted male, which may not transfer a sufficient amount of sperm. In the present study, we investigated the reproductive performance in the parasitoid Lariophagus distinguendus Först. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and studied whether mating with experimentally sperm‐depleted males increases the tendency of females to remate. Males were able to mate with up to 17 females offered in rapid succession within a 10‐h test period. The resulting female offspring, as an indirect measure of sperm transfer, remained constant during the first six matings and then decreased successively with increasing number of copulations by the males. Experimentally sperm‐depleted males continued to mate even if they transferred only small amounts or no sperm at all. Unlike males, the majority of females mated only once during a 192‐h test period. A second copulation was observed only in a few cases (maximum 16%). The frequency of remating was not influenced by the mating status of the first male the females had copulated with, suggesting that these events are not controlled by sperm deficiency of the females. Furthermore, we investigated male courtship behaviour towards mated females. Male courtship intensity towards mated females decreased with increasing time. However, females that had mated with an experimentally sperm‐depleted male did not elicit stronger or longer‐lasting behavioural responses in courting males than those that had mated with a virgin male. As the observed behaviours in L. distinguendus are known to be elicited by a courtship pheromone, these results suggest that females no longer invest in pheromone biosynthesis after mating (as indicated by ceasing behavioural responses of courting males), irrespective of whether they have received a sufficient amount of sperm or not. We discuss the results with respect to a possible mating strategy of sperm‐depleted males.  相似文献   

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