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中国植物园科学普及工作的展望贺善安,张朝晖,曾虹(江苏省·中国科学院植物研究所,南京210014),J.PlantResour.&Environ.1996,5(3):52~56根据中国植物园发展的历史,总结分析了植物园科普工作在内容、设施、方法和型式方面的发展,提出了当前植物园科普工作的重点是:1.要变传统的植物学普及为以环境教育为中心的科普。2.设施上要更新。3.要大力吸收国内外科普工作的先进经验,利用新的科技成果作为科普材料。4.在方式上要强调被教育对象的参与性等问题  相似文献   

1植物名称紫羊蹄甲(Bauhiniapurpurea)。2材料类别带腋芽的茎段。3培养条件(1)启动培养基:MS+6-BA2.0mg·L-1(单位下同)+NAA0.01;(2)诱导分化培养基:MS+6-BA1.0~2.0+IBA0~0.1;(3)生根培养基:1/2MS+IBA0.5~1.0。上述培养基均入蔗糖30g·L-1,琼脂0.5%,pH值5.8。培养温度25℃,光照度2500~3000lx,每天光照12h。4生长与分化情况4.1启动培养材料取自南京中山植物园温室种植的三年生母树。将带腋芽的…  相似文献   

岷江上游暗针叶林采伐迹地人工混交林群落结构   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对四川岷江上游高山峡谷区暗针叶林采伐迹地年龄为20-40年的人工混交林群落结构进行了研究,结果是:(1)群落中各层次物种盖度的大小相互影响,相互制约,而林下(各)层次物种盖度的大小主要取决于其上(各)层盖度(或郁闭度)的大小,(2)人工重建的群落所能容纳的物种数及物种在群落中的分布状况主要取决于乔木物种郁工,海拔高度及经营强度。(3)群落中出现大量的耐荫植物,先锋灌丛植物已被抑制或淘汰,(4)乔木  相似文献   

植物细胞胞内产物释放行为研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了植物细胞培养中胞内产物释放的研究现状,包括:1、化学法:(1)有机溶剂法,(2)抗生素法,(3)蛋白质、溶血卵磷脂、脱乙酰几丁质,(4)去污剂、螯合剂;2、物理法:(1)渗透压冲击,(2)温度冲击,(3)电处理,(4)超声波处理、激光打孔,3、pH扰动及生物碱在胞内积累的两种机理 。  相似文献   

植物园与植物园学   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
随着全世界植物园数量的增加、功能和转变和我学科的综合,需要发展植物园学,以引导植物园的发展。植物园学主要包括10个方面的内容:1)植物园的性质、任务和功能;2)历史;3)规划设计;4)物种保护,尤其是迁地保护;5)活植物收集圃及其管理;6)引种驯化的理论与实践和新经济植物的发掘;7)植物展出的技术与方法;8)城市生物多样性保护和利用;9)环境教育和旅游;10)维护和管理。生物多样性是植物园的核心。美丽的外貌、科学的内涵和人与自然和谐共外的准则是植物园的基本要素。  相似文献   

景洪哥纳香中一个新的抗癌活性成分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
景洪哥纳香中一个新的抗癌活性成分李朝明1穆青1孙汉董1胥彬2唐卫东2郑惠兰3陶国达3(1中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物化学开放实验室,昆明650204))(2中国科学院上海药物研究所,上海200031)(3中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,勐腊66630...  相似文献   

植物细胞内产物释放行为研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了植物细胞培养中胞内产物释放的研究现状,包括:1、化学法:(1)有机溶剂法,(2)抗生素法,(3)蛋白质、溶血卵磷脂、脱乙酰几丁质,(4)去污剂、螯合剂;2.物理法:(1)渗透压冲击,(2)温度冲击,(3)电处理,(4)超声波处理、激光打孔,3、pH扰动及生物碱在胞内积累的两种机理。  相似文献   

在总结中国植物园发展历史及当前国际植物园发展趋势的基础上,论述了中国植物园面对对世纪所必须重视的5个方面。(1)植物园整体质量和特征化,作者列举了10个方面的差距。(2)药用植物的栽培、利用和保护。从药用植物分类学研究,有效成分的分析及动态研究,药用植物栽培化和“地道药材”问题4个方面论述植物园的优势和潜力。阐明了“栽培化”的涵义。(3)引种和物种保护,指出广泛引种的重要性和重点种类迁地保护的必要性,并首次提出了“濒危生境”这个术语及其概念。指出了未来引种理论研究的方向及其对农业生产的意义。(4)活植物收集圃信息系统。(5)科普教育。作者认为,虽然不少植物园目前还面临着或多或少的困难,但就整体而言,未来的10年将是植物园继续较大发展的10年。  相似文献   

非洲菊的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1植物名称非洲菊(Gerberajamesonii),又名扶郎花。2材料类别无菌种子萌发的幼苗。3培养条件(1)种子萌发培养基:1/2MS+0.7%琼脂(或脱脂棉);(2)诱导分化培养基:MS+6-BA1.5mp·L-1(单位下同)+IBA0.2;(3)芽增殖培养基:MS+6-BA0.5;(4)生根培养基:MS+NAA2。上述(2)、(3)、(4)培养基内琼脂均为0.7%,蔗糖3%,pH5.8~6.0。培养条件为室温和自然光照,种子萌发前为暗培养。4生长与分化情况4.1萌发种子用纱布袋包装,无菌…  相似文献   

甜瓜的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1植物名称甜瓜(Cucumismelo)品种“状元”。2材料类别顶芽、侧芽。3培养条件初代培养基:(1)MS+6-BA0.2mg·L-1(单位下同)+IAA0.2。增殖培养基:(2)MS+6-BAI+IAA0.2。生根培养基:(3)Miller+IAA0.2;(4)Miller(无激素)。以上培养基pH均为5.8~6.0。琼脂浓度在(1)、(2)中为0.7%,在(3)、(4)中为0.6%;糖浓度在(1)、(2)中为3%,在(3)、(4)中为2%。培养温度均为(25±3)℃,光照度2000lx,光…  相似文献   

论植物园的活植物收集   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对植物园活植物收集评价、引种中的取样方法和迁地保护种群大小等问题进行了论述.对活植物收集的评价包括科学性和代表性,最具有科学意义的是经过调查从野外收集的有完整记录的材料,其次是从植物园等机构 引种的有记录的材料,再次是从各地引种的基本上无记录的材料.根据收集物的代表性可分为具有保护意义的收集和保护性收集.取样技术主要针对保护性收集而言,要求收集样本能涵盖该物种95%以上、频率大于5%的等位基因.活植物收集种群的大小应从科学性和现实性二方面来考虑,对植物园里大量的具有保护意义的收集,其种群大小为乔木10~20株,灌木40~50株,草本100~200株;对于保护性收集则至少为乔木50~100株,灌木200株或更多,草本300~500株以上.另外,对当前植物园活植物收集圃建设的一些重要问题也进行了探讨.  相似文献   

In China, a new period of development in the first decade of the 21st Century with rapid urbanization, was marked by investment in construction of over five billion yuan. At this time of rapid change it is important for botanical gardens to follow three principles, “scientific contents, artistic appearance, and cultural display”, so as not to become public parks. The scientific component is important. It is not necessary for every botanical garden to do basic botanical research but they should all be involved in plant conservation issues, especially ex-situ conservation and keep accurate data on their living collections. Although a heavy responsibility this documentation is the foundation and the bottom line of scientific meaning for a botanical garden. Economic plant research, exploring new resources, was a major contribution of botanical gardens historically and remains important for sustainable cities and the national economy of China. Education and ecotourism are important ways for botanical gardens to serve the public displaying the interesting plant collections to enhance relaxation and well-being. It is reasonable to make income through all activities in a botanical garden but this should not be the major goal. It should be understood botanical gardens are comprehensive and multi-functional bodies determined by science, the arts and culture.  相似文献   

概述了中国140多个植物园过去50年发展的历史过程、分布和特征,以及植物园在研究、保护、展示和利用生物多样性等方面的功能.评述了中国植物园早期在经济作物烟草、药用植物薯蓣和野生果树资源研究中对社会和经济发展的贡献,以及近年来在种子科学、物种保护、经济植物引种驯化和育种等方面的理论和应用研究成果.介绍了中国植物园活植物收集的现状.其中木兰科、姜科、苏铁类、药用植物、猕猴桃属和杜鹃属等收集圃的建设已属世界领先.介绍了植物园科普和旅游的发展和中国植物园特有的盆景艺术园和硅化木收集园.  相似文献   

中国植物园五十年   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
概述了中国 14 0多个植物园过去 5 0年发展的历史过程、分布和特征 ,以及植物园在研究、保护、展示和利用生物多样性等方面的功能。评述了中国植物园早期在经济作物烟草、药用植物薯蓣和野生果树资源研究中对社会和经济发展的贡献 ,以及近年来在种子科学、物种保护、经济植物引种驯化和育种等方面的理论和应用研究成果。介绍了中国植物园活植物收集的现状。其中木兰科、姜科、苏铁类、药用植物、猕猴桃属和杜鹃属等收集圃的建设已属世界领先。介绍了植物园科普和旅游的发展和中国植物园特有的盆景艺术园和硅化木收集园  相似文献   

In China, a new period of development in the first decaje of the 21st Century with rapid urbanization,was marked by investment in construction of over five billion yuan. At this time of rapid change it is important for botanical gardens to follow three principles, "scientific contents, artistic appearance, and cultural display", so as not to become public parks. The scientific component is important. It is not necessary for every botanical garden to do basic botanical research but they should all be involved in plant conservation issues, especially ex-situ conservation and keep accurate data on their living collections. Although a heavy responsibility this documentation is the foundation and the bottom line of scientific meaning for a botanical garden. Economic plant research, exploring new resources, was a major contribution of botanical gardens historically and remains important for sustainable cities and the national economy of China. Education and ecotourism are important ways for botanical gardens to serve the public displaying the interesting plant collections to enhance relaxation and well-being. It is reasonable to make income through all activities in a botanical garden but this should not be the major goal. It should be understood botanical gardens are comprehensive and multi-functional bodies determined by science, the arts and culture.  相似文献   

植物园是通过人工模拟区域自然环境和群落结构,实现物种多样性高度富集并进行相关科学研究的机构,也是生物多样性保育、科普教育、资源储存和开发利用的基地。随着信息技术的发展及其在植物园中的应用,将产生数字化植物园。在研究数字化植物园发展历史的基础上,提出广义和狭义的数字化植物园定义,并以华南植物园的数字化建设内容为例,探讨了数字化植物园的信息技术体系、虚拟植物和专类园智能化管理技术等理论与技术体系结构。  相似文献   

As leaders calling for the conservation of the world’s plants,botanical gardens protect plants within living collections.Many also study,manage and restore plants in natural habitats.Royal Botanical Gardens(Ontario,Canada) has integrated both horticultural and natural heritage in its mission for decades.Envisioned by municipal leaders in the 1920s as a combination of nature sanctuaries and civic gardens,RBG now includes forests,wetlands and other habitats,gardens and built spaces.Today RBG is Canada’s largest botanical garden on the basis of area.In the 1950s RBG began to inventory plant diversity.The checklist of spontaneous vascular plants now exceeds 1 170 species,of which 752 are native.This is 37% of Ontario’s native vascular plants and 19% of the native vascular flora of Canada.The RBG nature sanctuaries are among the richest locations in Canada for species-level diversity.We examine the history of floristic exploration within RBG and compare plant species-area relationships among protected natural areas in Ontario.This comparison supports the contention that the nature sanctuaries,and in particular Cootes Paradise,could be considered an important area for plants in Canada,and relative to the nation’s flora,a biodiversity hotspot.The fact that a candidate vascular plant hotspot for Canada lies within a major botanical garden presents opportunities for raising public awareness of the importance of plant diversity,as well as focusing attention on the scientific and conservation biology needs of communities and individual species in this area.  相似文献   

As leaders calling for the conservation of the world's plants, botanical gardens protect plants within living collections. Many also study, manage and restore plants in natural habitats. Royal Botanical Gardens (Ontario,Canada) has integrated both horticultural and natural heritage in its mission for decades. Envisioned by municipal leaders in the 1920s as a combination of nature sanctuaries and civic gardens, RBG now includes forests, wetlands and other habitats, gardens and built spaces. Today RBG is Canada's largest botanical garden on the basis of area.In the 1950s RBG began to inventory plant diversity. The checklist of spontaneous vascular plants now exceeds 1 170 species, of which 752 are native. This is 37% of Ontario's native vascular plants and 19% of the native vascular flora of Canada. The RBG nature sanctuaries are among the richest locations in Canada for species-level diversity.We examine the history of fioristic exploration within RBG and compare plant species-area relationships among protected natural areas in Ontario. This comparison supports the contention that the nature sanctuaries, and in particular Cootes Paradise, could be considered an important area for plants in Canada, and relative to the nation's flora, a biodiversity hotspot. The fact that a candidate vascular plant hotspot for Canada lies within a major botanical garden presents opportunities for raising public awareness of the importance of plant diversity, as well as focusing attention on the scientific and conservation biology needs of communities and individual species in this area.  相似文献   

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