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We have studied the roles of polyubiquitin in Candida albicans physiology. Heterologous expression of the C. albicans polyubiquitin (UBI4) gene in a ubi4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain suppressed the mutant phenotype (hypersensitivity to heat shock). A heterozygous strain UBI4/Deltaubi4::hisG, obtained following the ura-blaster procedure, was used to construct a conditional mutant using a pCaDis derivative plasmid. By serendipity we isolated the UBI4 conditional mutant as well as a UBI4 mutant containing a non-functional MET3 promoter. Depletion of polyubiquitin conferred pleiotropic effects to mutant cells: (i) a limited increased sensitivity to mild heat shock; (ii) increased formation of colony morphology variants; and (iii) induction of hyphal and pseudohypal development. These results indicate that polyubiquitin in C. albicans is involved in the negative control of switching, as well as in maintaining the yeast cell morphology, probably by silencing mechanisms triggering the hyphal and pseudohyphal development in the absence of environmental inducers.  相似文献   

To investigate the pre-vacuolar secretory pathway in Candida albicans, we cloned and analyzed the C. albicans homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar protein sorting gene VPS1. C. albicans VPS1 encodes a predicted 694-aa dynamin-like GTPase that is 73.3% similar to S. cerevisiae Vps1p. Plasmids bearing C. albicans VPS1 complemented the temperature-sensitive growth, abnormal class F vacuolar morphology, and carboxypeptidase missorting of a S. cerevisiae vps1 null mutant. To study VPS1 function in C. albicans, a conditional mutant strain (tetR-VPS1) was generated by deleting the first allele of VPS1 and placing the second allele under control of a tetracycline-regulatable promoter. With doxycycline, the tetR-VPS1 mutant was hyper-susceptible to sub-inhibitory concentrations of fluconazole, but not amphotericin B, 5-fluorocytosine, or non-specific osmotic stresses. The repressed tetR-VPS1 mutant was defective in filamentation and secreted less extracellular protease activity. Biofilm production and filamentation within the biofilm were markedly reduced. These results suggest that C. albicans VPS1 has a key role in several important virulence-related phenotypes.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is the primary fungal pathogen of humans. Despite the need for novel drugs to combat fungal infections [Sobel, J.D. (2000) Clin Infectious Dis 30: 652], antifungal drug discovery is currently limited by both the availability of suitable drug targets and assays to screen corresponding targets. A functional genomics approach based on the diploid C. albicans genome sequence, termed GRACETM (gene replacement and conditional expression), was used to assess gene essentiality through a combination of gene replacement and conditional gene expression. In a systematic application of this approach, we identify 567 essential genes in C. albicans. Interestingly, evaluating the conditional phenotype of all identifiable C. albicans homologues of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae essential gene set [Giaever, G., Chu, A.M., Ni, L., Connelly, C., Riles, L., Veronneau, S., et al. (2002) Nature 418: 387-391] by GRACE revealed only 61% to be essential in C. albicans, emphasizing the importance of performing such studies directly within the pathogen. Construction of this conditional mutant strain collection facilitates large-scale examination of terminal phenotypes of essential genes. This information enables preferred drug targets to be selected from the C. albicans essential gene set by phenotypic information derived both in vitro, such as cidal versus static terminal phenotypes, as well as in vivo through virulence studies using conditional strains in an animal model of infection. In addition, the combination of phenotypic and bioinformatic analyses further improves drug target selection from the C. albicans essential gene set, and their respective conditional mutant strains may be directly used as sensitive whole-cell assays for drug screening.  相似文献   

The discovery of novel classes of antifungal drugs depends to a certain extent on the identification of new, unexplored targets that are essential for growth of fungal pathogens. Likewise, the broad-spectrum capacity of future antifungals requires the target gene(s) to be conserved among key fungal pathogens. Using a genome comparison (or concordance) tool, we identified 240 conserved genes as candidates for potential antifungal targets in 10 fungal genomes. To facilitate the identification of essential genes in Candida albicans, we developed a repressible C. albicans MET3 (CaMET3) promoter system capable of evaluating gene essentiality on a genome-wide scale. The CaMET3 promoter was found to be highly amenable to controlled gene expression, a prerequisite for use in target-based whole-cell screening. When the expression of the known antifungal target C. albicans ERG1 was reduced via down-regulation of the CaMET3 promoter, the CaERG1 conditional mutant strain became hypersensitive, specifically to its inhibitor, terbinafine. Furthermore, parallel screening against a small compound library using the CaERG1 conditional mutant under normal and repressed conditions uncovered several hypersensitive compound hits. This work therefore demonstrates a streamlined process for proceeding from selection and validation of candidate antifungal targets to screening for specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

The yeast Candida albicans is the most important fungal pathogen of humans and a model organism for studying fungal virulence. Sequencing of the C. albicans genome will soon be completed, allowing systematic approaches to analyse gene function. However, techniques to define and characterize essential genes in this permanently diploid yeast are limited. We have developed an efficient method to create conditional lethal C. albicans null mutants by inducible, FLP-mediated gene deletion. Both wild-type alleles of the CDC42 or the BEM1 gene were deleted in strains that carried an additional copy of the respective gene that could be excised from the genome by the site-specific recombinase FLP. Expression of a C. albicans-adapted FLP gene under the control of an inducible promoter generated cell populations consisting of > or = 99.9% null mutants. Upon plating, these cells were unable to form colonies, demonstrating that CDC42 and BEM1 are essential genes in C. albicans. The cdc42 null mutants failed to produce buds and hyphae and grew as large, round cells instead, suggesting that they lacked the ability to produce polarized cell growth. However, the cells still responded to hyphal inducing signals by aggregating and expressing hypha-specific genes, behaviours typical of the mycelial growth form of C. albicans. Budding cells and germ tubes of bem1 null mutants exhibited morphological abnormalities, demonstrating that BEM1 is essential for normal growth of both yeast and hyphae. Inducible, FLP-mediated gene deletion provides a powerful approach to generate conditional lethal C. albicans mutants and allows the functional analysis of essential genes.  相似文献   

Candida albicans secretes aspartyl proteases (Saps) during infection. Although Saps are secretory proteins, little is known about the intracellular trafficking and secretion of these proteins. We previously cloned and analyzed the C. albicans pre-vacuolar protein sorting gene VPS4, and demonstrated that extracellular Sap2p is absent in the culture supernatants of the vps4delta null mutant. We therefore investigated the role of the C. albicans pre-vacuolar secretion pathway in the trafficking of Sap4-6p and in vivo virulence. The C. albicans vps4delta mutant failed to produce extracellular Sap4-6p. Next, when tested in a mouse model of disseminated candidiasis, the vps4delta mutant was greatly attenuated in virulence. Histopathological analysis indicated that infection with the vps4delta mutant did not cause renal microabscess formation, in contrast to the wild-type strain. Our results imply that VPS4 is required for extracellular secretion of Sap4-6p, and that C. albicans requires an intact pre-vacuolar secretory pathway for wild-type virulence in vivo.  相似文献   

We have cloned the Candida albicans TPK2 gene encoding a cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) catalytic subunit and generated a tpk2 homozygous null mutant to assess its ability to germinate in liquid media. N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-induced germ-tube formation was attenuated in the tpk2 strain and enhanced by compounds that are known to increase the PKA activity in situ. Germination was completely blocked in the presence of the myristoylated derivative of the heat-stable PKA inhibitor (MyrPKI). These results indicate that TPK1 acts positively in regulating the morphogenetic transition in C. albicans in the absence of the TPK2 gene. We were able to identify an mRNA from this second form of PKA in both wild-type and tpk2 null mutant cells. We found that PKA activity measured in the mutant lacking the TPK2 gene was about 10% of that displayed by the wild-type. The finding that the germinative response of tpk2 null mutant to serum was severely diminished at low serum concentrations indicates that the level of PKA is an important determinant of filamentous growth at low serum concentrations. The extent of germination attained at higher serum concentrations (5%) was similar in the wild-type and in the tpk2 null mutant strains suggesting that under these conditions germination was triggered through a PKA-independent pathway.  相似文献   

In silico analysis of the genome sequence of the human pathogenic fungus Candida albicans identified an open reading frame encoding a putative fourth member of the chitin synthase gene family. This gene, named CaCHS8, encodes an 1105 amino acid open reading frame with the conserved motifs characteristic of class I zymogenic chitin synthases with closest sequence similarity to the non-essential C. albicans class I CHS2 gene. Although the CaCHS8 gene was expressed in both yeast and hyphal cells, homozygous chs8 Delta null mutants had normal growth rates, cellular morphologies and chitin contents. The null mutant strains had a 25% reduction in chitin synthase activity and were hypersensitive to Calcofluor White. A chs2 Delta chs8 Delta double mutant had less than 3% of normal chitin synthase activity and had increased wall glucan and decreased mannan but was unaffected in growth or cell morphology. The C. albicans class I double mutant did not exhibit a bud-lysis phenotype as found in the class I chs1 Delta mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Therefore, C. albicans has four chitin synthases with two non-essential class I Chs isoenzymes that contribute collectively to more than 97% of the in vitro chitin synthase activity.  相似文献   

As with many other fungi, including the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the dimorphic fungus Candida albicans encodes the novel translation factor, elongation factor 3 (EF-3). Using a rapid affinity chromatography protocol, EF-3 was purified to homogeneity from C. albicans and shown to have an apparent molecular mass of 128 kDa. A polyclonal antibody raised against C. albicans EF-3 also showed cross-reactivity with EF-3 from S. cerevisiae. Similarly, the S. cerevisiae TEF3 gene (encoding EF-3) showed cross-hybridization with genomic DNA from C. albicans in Southern hybridization analysis, demonstrating the existence of a single gene closely related to TEF3 in the C. albicans genome. This gene was cloned by using a 0.7 kb polymerase chain reaction-amplified DNA fragment to screen to C. albicans gene library. DNA sequence analysis of 200 bp of the cloned fragment demonstrated an open reading frame showing 51% predicted amino acid identity between the putative C. albicans EF-3 gene and its S. cerevisiae counterpart over the encoded 65-amino-acid stretch. That the cloned C. albicans sequence did indeed encode EF-3 was confirmed by demonstrating its ability to rescue an otherwise non-viable S. cerevisiae tef3:HIS3 null mutant. Thus EF-3 from C. albicans shows both structural and functional similarity to EF-3 from S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

 Carbon and nitrogen regulation of UBI4, the stress-inducible polyubiquitin gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was investigated using a UBI4 promoter-LacZ fusion gene (UBI4-LacZ). Expression of this gene in cells grown on different media indicated that the UBI4 promoter is more active during growth on respiratory than on fermentable carbon sources but is not subject to appreciable control by nitrogen catabolite repression. UBI4-LacZ expression was virtually identical in cells having constitutively high (ras2, sra1-13) or constitutively low (ras2) levels of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity, indicating that this kinase does not exert a major influence on UBI4 expression. Catabolite derepression control of the UBI4 promoter was confirmed by measurements of UBI4-LacZ expression in hap mutant and wild-type strains before and after transfer from glucose to lactate. Mutagenesis of the perfect consensus for HAP2/3/4 complex binding at position −542 resulted in considerable reduction of UBI4 promoter derepression with respiratory adaptation in HAP wild-type cells and abolished the reduced UBI4-LacZ derepression normally seen when aerobic cultures of the hap1 mutant are transferred from glucose to lactate. This HAP2/3/4 binding site is therefore a major element contributing to catabolite derepression of the UBI4 promoter, although data obtained with hap1 mutant cells indicated that HAP1 also contributes to this derepression. The HAP2/3/4 and HAP1 systems are normally found to activate genes for mitochondrial (respiratory) functions. Their involvement in mediating higher activity of the UBI4 promoter during respiratory growth may reflect the contribution of UBI4 expression to tolerance of oxidative stress. Received: 3 June 1996 / Accepted: 20 August 1996  相似文献   

Immunoscreening of a Candida albicans expression library resulted in the isolation of a novel gene encoding a 32.9-kDa polypeptide (288 amino acids), with 27.7% homology to the product of Saccharomyces cerevisiae YGR106c, a putative vacuolar protein. Heterozygous mutants in this gene displayed an altered budding growth pattern, characterized by the formation of chains of buds, decreasingly in size towards the apex, without separation of the daughter buds. Consequently, this gene was designated ABG1. A conditional mutant for ABG1 with the remaining allele under the control of the MET3 promoter did not grow in the presence of methionine and cysteine, demonstrating that ABG1 was essential for viability. Western analysis revealed the presence of a major 32.9-kDa band, mainly in a particulate fraction (P40) enriched in vacuoles, and tagging with green fluorescent protein confirmed that Abg1p localized to the vacuole. Vacuole inheritance has been linked to the regulation of branching frequency in C. albicans. Under repressing conditions, the conditional mutant had an increased frequency of branching under hyphal inducing conditions and an altered sensitivity to substances that interfered with cell wall assembly. Repression of ABG1 in the conditional mutant strain caused disturbance of normal size and number of vacuoles both in yeast and mycelial cells and also in the asymmetric vacuole inheritance associated with the characteristic pattern of germ tubes and branching in C. albicans. These observations indicate that ABG1 plays a key role in vacuole biogenesis, cytokinesis, and hyphal branching.  相似文献   

We have analysed the function of a gene of Bacillus subtilis , the product of which shows significant homology with eukaryotic SMC proteins essential for chromosome condensation and segregation. Two mutant strains were constructed; in one, the expression was under the control of the inducible spac promoter (conditional null) and, in the other, the gene was disrupted by insertion (disrupted null). Both could form colonies at 23°C but not at 37°C in the absence of the expression of the Smc protein, indicating that the B. subtilis smc gene was essential for cell growth at higher temperatures. Microscopic examination revealed the formation of anucleate and elongated cells and diffusion of nucleoids within the elongated cells in the disrupted null mutant grown at 23°C and in the conditional null mutant grown in low concentrations of IPTG at 37°C. In addition, immunofluorescence microscopy showed that subcellular localization of the Spo0J partition protein was irregular in the smc disrupted null mutant, compared with bipolar localization in wild-type cells. These results indicate that the B. subtilis smc gene is essential for chromosome partition. The role of B. subtilis Smc protein in chromosome partition is discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the prevacuolar secretion pathway in the trafficking of vacuolar proteins in Candida albicans, the C. albicans homolog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar protein sorting gene VPS4 was cloned and analyzed. Candida albicans VPS4 encodes a deduced AAA-type ATPase that is 75.6% similar to S. cerevisiae Vps4p, and plasmids bearing C. albicans VPS4 complemented the abnormal vacuolar morphology and carboxypeptidase missorting in S. cerevisiae vps4 null mutants. Candida albicans vps4Delta null mutants displayed a characteristic class E vacuolar morphology and multilamellar structures consistent with an aberrant prevacuolar compartment. The C. albicans vps4Delta mutant degraded more extracellular bovine serum albumin than did wild-type strains, which implied that this mutant secreted more extracellular protease activity. These phenotypes were complemented when a wild-type copy of VPS4 was reintroduced into its proper locus. Using a series of protease inhibitors, the origin of this extracellular protease activity was identified as a serine protease, and genetic analyses using a C. albicans vps4Deltaprc1Delta mutant identified this missorted vacuolar protease as carboxypeptidase Y. Unexpectedly, C. albicans Sap2p was not detected in culture supernatants of the vps4Delta mutants. These results indicate that C. albicans VPS4 is required for vacuolar biogenesis and proper sorting of vacuolar proteins.  相似文献   

Candida albicans produces large amounts of the acyclic pentitol D-arabitol in culture and in infected animals and humans, and most strains also grow on minimal D-arabitol medium. An earlier study showed that the major metabolic precursor of D-arabitol in C. albicans was D-ribulose-5-PO4 from the pentose pathway, that C. albicans contained an NAD-dependent D-arabitol dehydrogenase (ArDH), and that the ArDH structural gene (ARD) encoded a 31-kDa short-chain dehydrogenase that catalyzed the reaction D-arabitol + NAD <=> D-ribulose + NADH. In the present study, we disrupted both ARD chromosomal alleles in C. albicans and analyzed the resulting mutants. The ard null mutation was verified by Southern hybridization, and the null mutant's inability to produce ArDH was verified by Western immunoblotting. The ard null mutant grew well on minimal glucose medium, but it was unable to grow on minimal D-arabitol or D-arabinose medium. Thus, ArDH catalyzes the first step in D-arabitol utilization and a necessary intermediate step in D-arabinose utilization. Unexpectedly, the ard null mutant synthesized D-arabitol from glucose. Moreover, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance studies showed that the ard null mutant and its wild-type parent synthesized D-arabitol via the same pathway. These results imply that C. albicans synthesizes and utilizes D-arabitol via separate metabolic pathways, which was not previously suspected for fungi.  相似文献   

Chico L  Ciudad T  Hsu M  Lue NF  Larriba G 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23732
The heterodimeric Ku complex has been shown to participate in DNA repair and telomere regulation in a variety of organisms. Here we report a detailed characterization of the function of Ku70 in the diploid fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Both ku70 heterozygous and homozygous deletion mutants have a wild-type colony and cellular morphology, and are not sensitive to MMS or UV light. Interestingly, we observed complex effects of KU70 gene dosage on telomere lengths, with the KU70/ku70 heterozygotes exhibiting slightly shorter telomeres, and the ku70 null strain exhibiting long and heterogeneous telomeres. Analysis of combination mutants suggests that the telomere elongation in the ku70 null mutant is due mostly to unregulated telomerase action. In addition, elevated levels of extrachromosomal telomeric circles were detected in the null mutant, consistent with activation of aberrant telomeric recombination. Altogether, our observations point to multiple mechanisms of the Ku complex in telomerase regulation and telomere protection in C. albicans, and reveal interesting similarities and differences in the mechanisms of the Ku complex in disparate systems.  相似文献   

Deletion of PHR1, a pH-regulated gene of Candida albicans, results in pH-conditional defects in growth, morphogenesis, and virulence evident at neutral to alkaline pH but absent at acidic pH. Consequently, we searched for a functional homolog of PHR1 active at low pH. This resulted in the isolation of a second pH-regulated gene, designated PHR2. The expression of PHR2 was inversely related to that of PHR1, being repressed at pH values above 6 and progressively induced at more acidic pH values. The predicted amino acid sequence of the PHR2 protein, Phr2p, was 54% identical to that of Phr1p. A PHR2 null mutant exhibited pH-conditional defects in growth and morphogenesis analogous to those of PHR1 mutants but manifest at acid rather than alkaline pH values. Engineered expression of PHR1 at acid pH in a PHR2 mutant strain and PHR2 at alkaline pH in a PHR1 mutant strain complemented the defects in the opposing mutant. Deletion of both PHR1 and PHR2 resulted in a strain with pH-independent, constitutive growth and morphological defects. These results indicate that PHR1 and PHR2 represent a novel pH-balanced system of functional homologs required for C. albicans to adapt to environments of diverse pH.  相似文献   

The outer layer of the cell wall of the human pathogenic fungus Candida albicans is enriched with heavily mannosylated glycoproteins that are the immediate point of contact between the fungus and cells of the host, including phagocytes. Previous work had identified components of the acid-labile fraction of N-linked mannan, comprising beta-1,2-linked mannose residues attached via a phosphodiester bond, as potential ligands for macrophage receptors and modulators of macrophage function. We therefore isolated and disrupted the CaMNN4 gene, which is required for mannosyl phosphate transfer and hence the attachment of beta-1,2 mannose oligosaccharides to the acid-labile N-mannan side chains. With the mannosylphosphate eliminated, the mnn4Delta null mutant was unable to bind the charged cationic dye Alcian Blue and was devoid of acid-labile beta-1,2-linked oligomannosaccharides. The mnn4Delta mutant was unaffected in cell growth and morphogenesis in vitro and in virulence in a murine model of systemic C. albicans infection. The null mutant was also not affected in its interaction with macrophages. Mannosylphosphate is therefore not required for macrophage interactions or for virulence of C. albicans.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen regulation of UBI4, the stress-inducible polyubiquitin gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was investigated using a UBI4 promoter-LacZ fusion gene (UBI4-LacZ). Expression of this gene in cells grown on different media indicated that the UBI4 promoter is more active during growth on respiratory than on fermentable carbon sources but is not subject to appreciable control by nitrogen catabolite repression. UBI4-LacZ expression was virtually identical in cells having constitutively high (ras2, sra1-13) or constitutively low (ras2) levels of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity, indicating that this kinase does not exert a major influence on UBI4 expression. Catabolite derepression control of the UBI4 promoter was confirmed by measurements of UBI4-LacZ expression in hap mutant and wild-type strains before and after transfer from glucose to lactate. Mutagenesis of the perfect consensus for HAP2/3/4 complex binding at position ?542 resulted in considerable reduction of UBI4 promoter derepression with respiratory adaptation in HAP wild-type cells and abolished the reduced UBI4-LacZ derepression normally seen when aerobic cultures of the hap1 mutant are transferred from glucose to lactate. This HAP2/3/4 binding site is therefore a major element contributing to catabolite derepression of the UBI4 promoter, although data obtained with hap1 mutant cells indicated that HAP1 also contributes to this derepression. The HAP2/3/4 and HAP1 systems are normally found to activate genes for mitochondrial (respiratory) functions. Their involvement in mediating higher activity of the UBI4 promoter during respiratory growth may reflect the contribution of UBI4 expression to tolerance of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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