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Patterns of morphological variation play an important role in evolutionary diversification and are critical to an informed interpretation of interspecific differences. When patterns of genetic variation have not diverged substantially, it is possible to reconstruct the differences in selection which gave rise to morphological differences among extant species. Morphological variation patterns are compared between two tamarin species, the cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) and the saddle-back tamarin (S. fuscicollis illigeri). Genetic, phenotypic, and environmental variance/covariance and correlation matrices were obtained for a series of 39 cranial characters in each species (cotton-top tamarin, N = 328; saddle-back tamarin, N = 209) and for the species combined using crania from individuals of known genealogical relationship. After accounting for the effects of estimation error on measures of matrix similarity, patterns of phenotypic, genetic, and environmental variation and correlation were found to be very similar across species and among the types of variance within species. Taking the saddle-back tamarins as the standard, cotton-top tamarins have been selected for an enlarged anterior temporalis attachment area and increased facial prognathism. In primates, an enlarged anterior temporalis muscle is associated with incisive food preparation, especially at wide gape.  相似文献   

Anadenobolus excisus is a large species of millipede endemic to the Caribbean Island of Jamaica. Initial detailed morphological studies showed little or no discrete variation across this species' distribution in somatic or, in particular. genitalic morphology. However, a molecular survey based on approximately 1000 base pairs of the mitochondrial (mtDNA) 16S rRNA gene that examines 242 individuals sampled from 54 localities reveals three highly divergent mtDNA lineages. A lack of discrete morphological differentiation suggests that genetic and morphological divergence may be decoupled, a pattern inconsistent with a number of evolutionary models. In contrast to minimal morphological divergence, size variation among mtDNA lineages suggests that character displacement has occurred and that these lineages are cohesive in sympatry. We conclude that A. excisus is actually a complex of three cryptic species and that morphological approaches to delineating millipede species may sometimes underestimate evolutionary diversity.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes that drive divergence within and among species is a long‐standing goal in evolutionary biology. Traditional approaches to assessing differentiation rely on phenotypes to identify intra‐ and interspecific variation, but many species express subtle morphological gradients in which boundaries among forms are unclear. This intraspecific variation may be driven by differential adaptation to local conditions and may thereby reflect the evolutionary potential within a species. Here, we combine genetic and morphological data to evaluate intraspecific variation within the Nelson's (Ammodramus nelsoni) and salt marsh (Ammodramus caudacutus) sparrow complex, a group with populations that span considerable geographic distributions and a habitat gradient. We evaluated genetic structure among and within five putative subspecies of A. nelsoni and A. caudacutus using a reduced‐representation sequencing approach to generate a panel of 1929 SNPs among 69 individuals. Although we detected morphological differences among some groups, individuals sorted along a continuous phenotypic gradient. In contrast, the genetic data identified three distinct clusters corresponding to populations that inhabit coastal salt marsh, interior freshwater marsh and coastal brackish–water marsh habitats. These patterns support the current species‐level recognition but do not match the subspecies‐level taxonomy within each species—a finding which may have important conservation implications. We identified loci exhibiting patterns of elevated divergence among and within these species, indicating a role for local selective pressures in driving patterns of differentiation across the complex. We conclude that this evidence for adaptive variation among subspecies warrants the consideration of evolutionary potential and genetic novelty when identifying conservation units for this group.  相似文献   

Geographic and temporal patterns of morphological and behavioral diversifications among species stimulated Darwin to propose a mechanism for evolutionary change through natural selection. Scientific developments have revealed an even more fundamental level of biological complexity: sequence variation in DNA. While genome projects yield spectacular insights into molecular evolution, they have targeted only a few species. In contrast, the Barcode of Life Initiative (BOLI) proposes a horizontal approach to genomics, examining short, standardized genome segments across the sweep of eukaryotic life, all 10 million species. BOLI will extend our understanding of evolution and speciation in varied ways. It will facilitate quantification of biological diversity by disclosing cryptic species and enabling a rapid survey of taxon diversity in groups that have hitherto received scant morphological examination. It will facilitate assignment of life history stages to known species and provide a first estimate of species ages. It will also reveal key features of the mitochondrial genome, because the evolutionary properties of barcodes relate to those in the mitochondrial genome as a whole, acting to flag taxonomic groups or species with unusual nucleotide composition or evolutionary rates. The growing volume of barcode records has revealed that sequence variability within species is generally much lower than divergence among species (barcoding gap), a pattern that occurs in diverse lineages, suggesting a pervasive evolutionary process. Low variability may reflect recurrent selective sweeps of favored mitochondrial variants propagating as single linkage units across species. If this hypothesis is substantiated, the implications are significant, particularly for our understanding of molecular evolution of mitochondrial DNA and its relationship with species delineation.  相似文献   

Morphological divergence among species may be constrained by the pattern of genetic variances and covariances among traits within species. Assessing the existence of such a relationship in nature requires information on the stability of intraspecific correlation and covariance structure and the correspondence of this structure to the pattern of evolutionary divergence within a lineage. Here, we investigate these issues for nine morphological traits and 15 species of stalk-eyed flies in the genus Diasemopsis. Within-species matrices for these traits were generated from phenotypic data for all the Diasemopsis species and from genetic data for a single Diasemopsis species, D. dubia. The among-species pattern of divergence was assessed by calculating the evolutionary correlations for all pairwise combinations of the morphological traits along the phylogeny of these species. Comparisons of intraspecific matrices reveal significant similarity among all species in the phenotypic correlations matrices but not the covariance matrices. In addition, the differences in correlation structure that do exist among species are not related to their phylogenetic placement or change in the means of the traits. Comparisons of the phenotypic and phylogenetic matrices suggest a strong relationship between the pattern of evolutionary change among species and both the intraspecific correlation structure and the stability of this structure among species. The phenotypic and the phylogenetic matrices are significantly similar, and pairs of traits whose intraspecific correlations are more stable across taxa exhibit stronger coevolution on the phylogeny. These results suggest either the existence of strong constraints on the pattern of evolutionary change or a consistent pattern of correlated selection shaping both the phenotypic and phylogenetic matrices. The genetic correlation structure for D. dubia, however, does not correspond with patterns found in the phenotypic and phylogenetic data. Possible reasons for this disagreement are discussed.  相似文献   

The tempo and mode of species diversification and phenotypic evolution vary widely across the tree of life, yet the relationship between these processes is poorly known. Previous tests of the relationship between rates of phenotypic evolution and rates of species diversification have assumed that species richness increases continuously through time. If this assumption is violated, simple phylogenetic estimates of net diversification rate may bear no relationship to processes that influence the distribution of species richness among clades. Here, we demonstrate that the variation in species richness among plethodontid salamander clades is unlikely to have resulted from simple time-dependent processes, leading to fundamentally different conclusions about the relationship between rates of phenotypic evolution and species diversification. Morphological evolutionary rates of both size and shape evolution are correlated with clade species richness, but are uncorrelated with simple estimators of net diversification that assume constancy of rates through time. This coupling between species diversification and phenotypic evolution is consistent with the hypothesis that clades with high rates of morphological trait evolution may diversify more than clades with low rates. Our results indicate that assumptions about underlying processes of diversity regulation have important consequences for interpreting macroevolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic theory specifies evolutionary expectations for morphological diversification by genetic drift in a monophyletic clade. If genetic drift is responsible for the evolutionary morphological diversification of a clade, patterns of within- and between-taxon morphological variance/covariance should be proportional. We tested for proportionality of within- and between-species craniofacial morphological variation in 12 species of tamarins (genus Saguinus). We found that within- and between-taxon morphological variations across the entire genus were not proportional, and hence not likely to be due to genetic drift alone. The primary deviation from proportionality is that size and size-related shape in the cranium is more variable relative to other aspects of cranial morphology than expected under genetic drift, suggesting differential size selection between the two major clades, the small-bodied and large-bodied tamarins. Within each of these major clades, most of the interspecific variation is consistent with the pattern expected under genetic drift, although specific contrasts may indicate the involvement of differential selection. Morphological distances among taxa do not correspond very closely to the phylogeny derived from mtDNA. In particular, S. oedipus and S. geoffroyi are very distinct morphologically from the rest of the tamarins, although they are phylogenetically the sister clade to a clade containing S. midas and S. bicolor. Morphological similarity is not a good guide to phylogenetic affinity in the tamarins, especially with regard to deeper nodes in the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Abstract Patterns of genetic variation and covariation strongly affect the rate and direction of evolutionary change by limiting the amount and form of genetic variation available to natural selection. We studied evolution of morphological variance-covariance structure among seven populations of house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) with a known phylogenetic history. We examined the relationship between within- and among-population covariance structure and, in particular, tested the concordance between hierarchical changes in morphological variance-covariance structure and phylogenetic history of this species. We found that among-population morphological divergence in either males or females did not follow the within-population covariance patterns. Hierarchical patterns of similarity in morphological covariance matrices were not congruent with a priori defined historical pattern of population divergence. Both of these results point to the lack of proportionality in morphological covariance structure of finch populations, suggesting that random drift alone is unlikely to account for observed divergence. Furthermore, drift alone cannot explain the sex differences in within- and among-population covariance patterns or sex-specific patterns of evolution of covariance structure. Our results suggest that extensive among-population variation in sexual dimorphism in morphological covariance structure was produced by population differences in local selection pressures acting on each sex.  相似文献   

The evolutionary integration of complex morphological structures is a macroevolutionary pattern in which morphogenetic components evolve in a coordinated fashion, which can result from the interplay among processes of developmental, genetic integration, and different types of selection. We tested hypotheses of ecological versus developmental factors underlying patterns of within‐species and evolutionary integration in the mandible of phyllostomid bats, during the most impressive ecological and morphological radiation among mammals. Shape variation of mandibular morphogenetic components was associated with diet, and the transition of integration patterns from developmental to within‐species to evolutionary was examined. Within‐species (as a proxy to genetic) integration in different lineages resembled developmental integration regardless of diet specialization, however, evolutionary integration patterns reflected selection in different mandibular components. For dietary specializations requiring extensive functional changes in mastication patterns or biting, such as frugivores and sanguivores, the evolutionary integration pattern was not associated with expected within‐species or developmental integration. On the other hand, specializations with lower mastication demands or without major functional reorganization (such as nectarivores and carnivores), presented evolutionary integration patterns similar to the expected developmental pattern. These results show that evolutionary integration patterns are largely a result of independent selection on specific components regardless of developmental modules.  相似文献   

Similarity of genetic and phenotypic variation patterns among populations is important for making quantitative inferences about past evolutionary forces acting to differentiate populations and for evaluating the evolution of relationships among traits in response to new functional and developmental relationships. Here, phenotypic co variance and correlation structure is compared among Platyrrhine Neotropical primates. Comparisons range from among species within a genus to the superfamily level. Matrix correlation followed by Mantel's test and vector correlation among responses to random natural selection vectors (random skewers) were used to compare correlation and variance/covariance matrices of 39 skull traits. Sampling errors involved in matrix estimates were taken into account in comparisons using matrix repeatability to set upper limits for each pairwise comparison. Results indicate that covariance structure is not strictly constant but that the amount of variance pattern divergence observed among taxa is generally low and not associated with taxonomic distance. Specific instances of divergence are identified. There is no correlation between the amount of divergence in covariance patterns among the 16 genera and their phylogenetic distance derived from a conjoint analysis of four already published nuclear gene datasets. In contrast, there is a significant correlation between phylogenetic distance and morphological distance (Mahalanobis distance among genus centroids). This result indicates that while the phenotypic means were evolving during the last 30 millions years of New World monkey evolution, phenotypic covariance structures of Neotropical primate skulls have remained relatively consistent. Neotropical primates can be divided into four major groups based on their feeding habits (fruit-leaves, seed-fruits, insect-fruits, and gum-insect-fruits). Differences in phenotypic covariance structure are correlated with differences in feeding habits, indicating that to some extent changes in interrelationships among skull traits are associated with changes in feeding habits. Finally, common patterns and levels of morphological integration are found among Platyrrhine primates, suggesting that functional/developmental integration could be one major factor keeping covariance structure relatively stable during evolutionary diversification of South American monkeys.  相似文献   

Within a group of organisms, some morphologies are more readily generated than others due to internal developmental constraints. Such constraints can channel evolutionary changes into directions corresponding to the greatest intraspecific variation. Long-term evolutionary outputs, however, depend on the stability of these intraspecific patterns of variation over time and from the interplay between internal constraints and selective regimes. To address these questions, the relationship between the structure of phenotypic variance covariance matrices and direction of morphological evolution was investigated using teeth of fossil rodents. One lineage considered here leads to Stephanomys, a highly specialized genus characterized by a dental pattern supposedly favoring grass eating. Stephanomys evolved in the context of directional selection related to the climatic trend of global cooling causing an increasing proportion of grasslands in southwestern Europe. The initial divergence (up to approximately 6.5 mya) was channeled along the direction of greatest intraspecific variation, whereas after 6.5 mya, morphological evolution departed from the direction favored by internal constraints. This departure from the "lines of least resistance" was likely the consequence of an environmental degradation causing a selective gradient strong enough to overwhelm the constraints to phenotypic evolution. However, in a context of stabilizing selection, these constraints actually channel evolution, as exemplified by the lineage of Apodemus. This lineage retained a primitive diet and dental pattern over the last 10 myr. Limited morphological changes occurred nevertheless in accordance with the main patterns of intraspecific variation. The importance of these lines of least resistance directing long-term morphological evolution may explain parallel evolution of some dental patterns in murine evolution.  相似文献   

Patterns of interspecific differentiation in saki monkeys (Pithecia) are quantitatively described and possible evolutionary processes producing them are examined. The comparison of species correlation matrices to expected patterns of morphological integration reveal significant and similar patterns of development-based cranial integration among species. Aspects of the facial region are more heavily influenced by general size variation than features of the neural region. The comparison of pooled within- and between-groups V/CV matrices suggests that genetic drift might be a sufficient explanation for saki cranial evolution. Differential natural selection gradients are also reconstructed because selection may also have caused population differentiation through evolutionary time. These gradients illustrate the inherent multivariate nature of selection, being a consequence of the interaction between existing morphological integration (correlation) among traits and the action of natural selection. Yet, our attempt to interpret selection gradients in terms of their functional significance did not result in any clear association between selection and function. Perhaps this is also an indication that morphological evolution in sakis was mostly neutral.  相似文献   

A decreasing population size is often causing species extinction, however, relict species persisting in small-sized populations counter this. We analysed spatial genetic variation and past changes in population size at the maternally-inherited mitochondrial DNA level to clarify the origin of all recently known isolated populations of Pholidoptera frivaldskyi occurring in the range of Carpathian Mountains. Along with that we analysed also morphological variation as some phenotypic traits can retain useful information on population genetic structure. We found a relatively low genetic diversity within isolated populations as 778 bp COI gene sequences revealed only 13 unique haplotypes (n = 173 individuals from 10 populations). The spatial analysis of molecular variance identified three geographically homogenous genetic clusters (one in Slovakia and two in Romania) with a high level of differentiation among them, suggesting restricted gene flow, whilst Bayesian skyline simulation reconstructed a negative demographic change through evolutionary time. Inferred genetic pattern clearly coincides with differences in males’ colour phenotype as the extent of pigmentation on the lateral pronotum varied significantly among genetic lineages. We suggest that geographical variation in the species populations has relict-like character and their isolated occurrence is not a result of recent introduction events. Identification of ‘evolutionary units’ may help in the conservation and management of this rare insect species.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetics has been introduced to evolutionary biologists with the suggestion that microevolution could be directly linked to macroevolutionary patterns using, among other parameters, the additive genetic variance/ covariance matrix (G) which is a statistical representation of genetic constraints to evolution. However, little is known concerning the rate and pattern of evolution of G in nature, and it is uncertain whether the constraining effect of G is important over evolutionary time scales. To address these issues, seven species of field crickets from the genera Gryllus and Teleogryllus were reared in the laboratory, and quantitative genetic parameters for morphological traits were estimated from each of them using a nested full-sibling family design. We used three statistical approaches (T method, Flury hierarchy, and Mantel test) to compare G matrices or genetic correlation matrices in a phylogenetic framework. Results showed that G matrices were generally similar across species, with occasional differences between some species. We suggest that G has evolved at a low rate, a conclusion strengthened by the consideration that part of the observed across-species variation in G can be explained by the effect of a genotype by environment interaction. The observed pattern of G matrix variation between species could not be predicted by either morphological trait values or phylogeny. The constraint hypothesis was tested by comparing the multivariate orientation of the reconstructed ancestral G matrix to the orientation of the across-species divergence matrix (D matrix, based on mean trait values). The D matrix mainly revealed divergence in size and, to a much smaller extent, in a shape component related to the ovipositor length. This pattern of species divergence was found to be predictable from the ancestral G matrix in agreement with the expectation of the constraint hypothesis. Overall, these results suggest that the G matrix seems to have an influence on species divergence, and that macroevolution can be predicted, at least qualitatively, from quantitative genetic theory. Alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Evolution of the bear family Ursidae is well investigated in terms of morphological, paleontological, and genetic features. However, several phylogenetic ambiguities occur within the subfamily Ursinae (the family Ursidae excluding the giant panda and spectacled bear), which may correlate with behavioral traits of female philopatry and male-biased dispersal which form the basis of the observed matriarchal population structure in these species. In the process of bear evolution, we investigate the premise that such behavioral traits may be reflected in patterns of variation among genes with different modes of inheritance: matrilineal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), patrilineal Y chromosome, biparentally inherited autosomes, and the X chromosome. In the present study, we sequenced 3 Y-linked genes (3,453 bp) and 4 X-linked genes (4,960 bp) and reanalyzed previously published sequences from autosome genes (2,347 bp) in ursid species to investigate differences in evolutionary rates associated with patterns of inheritance. The results describe topological incongruence between sex-linked genes and autosome genes and between nuclear DNA and mtDNA. In more ancestral branches within the bear phylogeny, Y-linked genes evolved faster than autosome and X-linked genes, consistent with expectations based on male-driven evolution. However, this pattern changes among branches leading to each species within the lineage of Ursinae whereby the evolutionary rates of Y-linked genes have fewer than expected substitutions. This inconsistency between more recent nodes of the bear phylogeny with more ancestral nodes may reflect the influences of sex-biased dispersal as well as molecular evolutionary characteristics of the Y chromosome, and stochastic events in species natural history, and phylogeography unique to ursine bears.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies have shown that the traits important to species interactions may differ geographically among populations or groups of populations within a single interacting species. We examined geographic structure in the searching behaviour of a recently discovered parasitoid in the genus Agathis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) by examining the pattern of population structure obtained from sequence data of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I and the pattern of population differentiation in female searching behaviour. Analyses of population structure showed no isolation by distance and suggested long distance dispersal among populations. This pattern is consistent with recent post‐glacial expansion of Agathis n. sp. Observations of searching behaviour demonstrated that populations of Agathis n. sp. differed in a subset of the behavioural traits examined and also one morphological trait. These population differences appear to be driven in part by local host plant characteristics, and based on the population structure of Agathis n. sp., have arisen relatively quickly in evolutionary time. This study suggests that the interaction between parasitoids and their host insects may exhibit substantial geographic variation, and studies that focus at the level of single populations or the species‐level may be missing much of the evolutionary dynamics of parasitoid–host interactions.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relationship between population genetic structure and speciation mechanisms in a monophyletic species group of Appalachian cave spiders (Nesticus). Using mtDNA sequence data gathered from 256 individuals, I analyzed patterns of genetic variation within and between populations for three pairs of closely related sister species. Each sister-pair comparison involves taxa with differing distributional and ecological attributes; if these ecological attributes are reflected in basic demographic differences, then speciation might proceed differently across these sister taxa comparisons. Both frequency-based and gene tree analyses reveal that the genetic structure of the Nesticus species studied is characterized by similar and essentially complete population subdivision, regardless of differences in general ecology. These findings contrast with results of prior genetic studies of cave-dwelling arthropods that have typically revealed variation in population structure corresponding to differences in general ecology. Species fragmentation through both extrinsic and intrinsic evolutionary forces has resulted in discrete, perhaps independent, populations within morphologically defined species. Large sequence divergence values observed between populations suggest that this independence may extend well into the past. These patterns of mtDNA genealogical structure and divergence imply that species as morphological lineages are currently more inclusive than basal evolutionary or phylogenetic units, a suggestion that has important implications for the study of speciation mechanisms.   相似文献   

Serial homology or the repetition of equivalent developmental units and their derivatives is a phenomenon encountered in a variety of organisms, with the vertebrate axial skeleton as one of the most notable examples. Serially homologous structures can be viewed as an appropriate model system for studying morphological integration and modularity, due to the strong impact of development on their covariation. Here, we explored the pattern of morphological integration of the cranium and the first three serially homologous structures (atlas, first, and second trunk vertebrae) in salamandrid salamanders, using micro-CT scanning and three-dimensional geometric morphometrics. We explored the integration between structures at static and evolutionary levels. Effects of allometry on patterns of modularity were also taken into account. At the static level (within species), we analyzed inter-individual variation in shape to detect functional modules and intra-individual variation to detect developmental modules. Significant integration (based on inter-individual variation) among all structures was detected and allometry is shown to be an important integrating factor. The pattern of intra-individual, asymmetric variation indicates statistically significant developmental integration between the cranium and the atlas and between the first two trunk vertebrae. At the evolutionary level (among species), the cranium, atlas, and trunk vertebrae separate as different modules. Our results show that morphological integration at the evolutionary level coincides with morphological and functional differentiation of the axial skeleton, allowing the more or less independent evolutionary changes of the cranial skeleton and the vertebral column, regardless of the relatively strong integration at the static level. The observed patterns of morphological integration differ across levels, indicating different impacts of developmental and phylogenetic constraints and functional demands.  相似文献   

Tadpoles have diverse morphologies and occupy diverse habitats. The morphological differences between tadpoles can be represented by linear and geometric measurements and used to explain the organization of tadpole assemblages. However, the effects of evolutionary history must be isolated from the morphological differences before we can determine which patterns result from the use and sharing of common ecological resources. Here, we aimed to determine how morphological similarities and phylogenetic distances affect microhabitat choice by tadpoles. We analyzed the tadpoles of 101 anuran species and classified them according to ecomorphological guild, habitat use, position in the water column, and floor substrate. We used geometric and traditional morphometric approaches to describe the morphological variation among tadpoles and calculated the patristic distance for each species. Afterwards, we used morphometric and phylogenetic matrices as predictors of the variance in the ecological matrix, using a partial redundancy analysis. When we used traditional morphometric data, phylogeny explained a large amount of the ecological variation. By contrast, when we used geometric morphometric data, morphology and phylogeny explained similar amounts of the ecological variation, showing that the technique used to extract morphological variation affects the results. We provide evidence that both morphology, as a surrogate for contemporary factors, and evolutionary inertia are important in determining the behavior of tadpoles. Thus, niche conservatism can be important in modeling the behavior of tadpoles, but does not explain all the preferences of tadpoles.  相似文献   

Multivariate patterns of morphological variation in birds are analysed. In general, there are strong allometric patterns among characters such that most of the variation is confined to a major “size” axis. To analyse the possible evolutionary processes behind this pattern I employed a computer simulation of cladogenesis and anagenesis based on a genetic and a random walk model (drift). All runs started with one species and speciation occurred to generate 100 species. Three levels of correlations were allowed. The results from the simulations were compared with the pattern of variation in finches (Fringillidae). The simulations showed two things. First, the univariate drift model was inappropriate in terms of the level of variation; the observed level was lower than expected by drift. Univariate drift was also unable to create tight correlations among characters as observed in several taxa. Second, to create the pattern observed, either relatively strong genetic correlations (rg ≈ 0.5), or alternatively strong correlated selection, was needed. This suggests that morphological change in birds in general consists of changes in growth such that species become larger or smaller than their ancestors but retain their ancestral shape. The results stress the importance of stabilising selection in shaping the macroevolutionary patterns of morphological variation in birds.  相似文献   

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