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医用超声是将雷达技术与声学原理结合起来,应用于临床医学的一种诊断方法。三十多年来,医用超声诊断装置发展极为迅速,已与X线技术和同位素诊断装置鼎足而立,构成三大医用图象成象技术。医用超声越来越显示出其重要性,是一个极有发展前途的诊断技术领域。日本医用超声诊断技术的发展,可说是整个世界医用超声诊断技术发展的缩影;从某种程度上来说,了解日本医用超声诊断技术,实际上对这一新的诊断技术在世界范围内的进展情况,也就有了明晰的认识。  相似文献   

国家医用X射线产品质量监督检验测试中心王寿民工程师撰文“浅谈医用诊断X射线发生装置的照射量线性”,刊登在《医用放射技术杂志》1988年第一期上,该文详述了医用诊断X射线机的三个参数:管电压(KV)、管电流(mA)和曝光时间(Sec)之间的关系、测试方法以及如何选取测试条件等,为便于理解,本文对X射线发生装置输出量线性的问题,作出概述,并引举一个实例供参考。  相似文献   

为发挥医用纤维内窥镜其应有的性能,在临床上进行观察、摄影、治疗需配置必要的辅助设备和器械。其中最必不可少的是光源、气源等可控电气装置和必要的活组织取样钳、细胞刷、摄影装置等。对这些辅助设备和器械进行维护和保养是很重要的。现择要介绍如下: 一、光源箱的正确使用和保养为使仪器一体化,现在国内外生产的医用纤维内窥镜用的光源箱一般都把光源、气源等可控电气装置合并装在一个综合的装置箱内。这种综合电气装置一般都具有以下性能:(1)提供一个可供调节亮度的照明光源。  相似文献   

苏州大学动物实验中心是一个集教学、科研、实验动物供应为一体的综合机构,包括实验动物学教研室,比较医学研究室和动物供应中心,主要开展人类疾病动物模型的研究及实验动物支撑条件的研究,承担研究生、本科生的医用实验动物学的教学任务,从事动物实验工作者的业务技术培训工作,培养本专业的硕士研究生。  相似文献   

“两票制”是新医改核心问题之一,是政府深化医药卫生体制改革、促进医药产业健康发展的重大举措,必将颠覆医用耗材传统的市场模式。鉴于医用耗材行业的特殊性及社会环境的复杂性,医用耗材“两票制”政策的推进面临诸多难题,工商界和医疗界亟须新业态下的流通和物流解决方案。从理论概念和供应物流链再造等方面完成了“四方物流体系”构建,以“工-商-医全产业链物流公共服务平台”为依托,借助云技术手段进行转化和推广,为新政策落地提供支撑。  相似文献   

恙螨生活史的观察和传病机制的研究,有赖于实验室内饲养,因此饲养方法非常重要。 实验室饲养恙螨的装置、饲养条件和饲料供应等方面已有很多研究报导,我们参照了文献介绍的方法,作了某些改进,特别是在饲料供应方面。近年来我们  相似文献   

YG系列医用供给吊塔的设计开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近些年来,我国医疗科学技术的不断发展、现代医疗手术水平的迅速提高,手术时所应用的医疗仪器(如麻醉机、呼吸机、高频外科仪器、心电图仪等各种监护仪)和医用气体越来越多,应用的频率也越来越高,使手术室中需放置的设备和仪器越来越多,各种管线拖在地面上使手术室显得杂乱无章、碍手绊脚,甚至还会妨碍手术的正常进行。因此需要一种装置把各种医疗仪器较中地集中放在一起,同时又能集中供气供电和通讯线路,而其各种管线从房顶上走,使地面无任何杂物,保证手术或抢救能无障碍地进行,这种装置就是医用供给吊塔(简称吊塔)。  相似文献   

为了适应经济体制改革深入发展的需要,增强企业活力,加强企业之间的横向联系和相互交流,及时提供准确而有价值的经济信息和多方面的服务,经过近一年时间的筹备,中华医用放射设备企业协会于85年3月在上海正式成立。协会的宗旨是为企业服务。按照“自愿参加、自由退出”的原则,凡从事医用 X 线机、CT断层扫描装置、加速器、钴60治疗机等设备和医用电真空器件、铅玻璃等配套附件工业生产的企业和科研单位,不受部门、地区和所有制的限制均可参加。参加协会的,除国家医药局所属中国医疗器械工业公司归口管理的主要生产厂外,还有属电子工业部归口管理的杭州电子管厂等其他单位。原来杭州电子管厂和上海医疗器械九厂  相似文献   

钾局部供应对玉米根系生长和钾吸收速率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自制培养装置,在玉米种子根的局部根段供应含钾营养液。研究证明钾局部供应不影响地上部和总根系干物质的积累。试验开始后第10 天钾局部供应使供钾区的根系总长明显增加,这是由于二次侧根长度和数量的增加,但一次侧根生长增加不明显。试验开始第3 天起,钾供应区的钾吸收速率明显加快。因此,早期可能主要通过钾吸收速率的加快来补偿由于钾局部供应的不足,二次侧根长出以后,根系生长的增加可能部分补偿供钾的不足。14 C示踪试验表明,钾局部供应时,植株中的光合产物运向供钾根区的量多于无钾根区  相似文献   

美国能源部Sandia国立实验室的科研人员已研制开发了一种全新的医用激光检测装置。它利用血细胞作为光一产生系统中的一部分,可以检测到疾病引起的每个单个细胞的形状变化,这些疾病如镰状细胞性贫血和一些与AIDS(爱滋病)病的疾病等。 新颖激光装置称作生物腔激光装置,并在一比邮票还小的半导体片上进行制作,它可以对“包含有成百万以上的细胞的血样中进行扫描检测,并在几分钟内获取每个细胞信息。  相似文献   

George E. Miller 《CMAJ》1965,92(14):708-711
Neither clinical competence nor research skill can any longer be regarded as sufficient qualification for the role of teacher in medicine. If he is to be judged well prepared, the contemporary medical educator should be not only sufficiently familiar with educational science to plan wise educational strategy but sufficiently skilled in the use of instructional techniques to select and use sound educational tactics. His preparation for this role should be a matter of plan rather than accident. The six-week program described here is intended to provide an introductory opportunity for such training.  相似文献   

Geriatrics has consistently failed to attract enough staff, and hence geriatric units often cannot provide a full service for the elderly. Meanwhile beds in general medical units may be blocked by elderly patients. This division between geriatric and medical units is arbitrary and wasteful. There are no clinical processes or techniques unique to geriatrics, which is probably why the specialty is unattractive; few doctors want to confine their attention only to the elderly. Geriatrics as a separate specialty should therefore be largely abandoned and the care of the elderly reintegrated into general medicine.  相似文献   

Four hundred and eighty-eight deaths occurring in an accident and emergency department over five years were analysed. Their causes were categorised as medical, surgical, or traumatic. Medical causes accounted for 87% of the deaths, of which 60% were from cardiac conditions. Blood loss was an important factor in over half the deaths from surgical and traumatic causes. Lives might have been saved by considering infectious disease in patients with medical conditions and by undertaking more rapid blood transfusion, earlier chest drainage, and lateral cervical spine x rays in appropriate surgical or traumatic cases. The admission to casualty departments of people with terminal neoplasms should be discouraged. The management of medical emergencies should be emphasised when training accident and emergency department staff.  相似文献   

龙洁  孙晶晶  刘磊  汤炜  郑晓辉 《生物磁学》2012,(28):5591-5593
随着我国交通事故的逐渐增多,颌面外科外伤患者数量不断增加,病情也有复杂加重的趋势。为了提高临床教学的质量,必须在临床教学方法和形式上进行改革,综合提高医学生理论联系实践的能力,加强医德医风教育,建立医学伦理观,注重法律意识的增强,提高医患沟通技能,其最终目的是提高医疗教学质量,确保医疗实践安全,为患者提供优质精良的医疗服务。本文对口腔颌面外科外伤诊治中深化教学的要点作了几点探讨。  相似文献   

Injured employees require medical care and, if disabled, compensation payments for subsistence. The law requires that the employer or insurance carrier supply these benefits promptly. In the absence of prompt and adequate information from the attending physician, these benefits are withheld. The necessary information required to process employee's claim is that called for on the standard accident report form, commonly called the "pink slip." Not to supply this minimum information may constitute a hardship on the employee. By supplying more elaborate information than that called for, the physician may be increasing his load of "paper work" immeasurably.  相似文献   

基本医疗改革的财政投入模式应从单一关注医疗服务供给转向协同关注医疗服务产出,无过错医疗损害救济应纳入国家财政投入的预算体系。面对医疗损害的高发性,以救济为心的医疗侵权责任制度应向以预防中心的制度进行改革。医疗过失诉讼制度对医疗体系有着深刻的负面制约作用。基本医疗改革的决策应从更宏观的视角进行制度供给设计。  相似文献   

The programmed investigation unit (PIU) is a inpatient unit where a full range of investigational medicine can be organised. It provides the basic minimum nursing care and is suitable for ambulant patients who can care for themselves. Requests for admission to the PIU at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, come directly from clinical units, and the staff of these units perform some of the tests and remain responsible for the patient while she is in the unit. At present the unit caters only for female medical patients. The average waiting time for admission is three weeks, and because the unit now deals with most investigations the waiting time for admission to the female general medical wards has fallen considerably. The staff of the unit have gained expertise in diagnostic methods, while the nurses of general medical wards have been free to concentrate on nursing those patients who need it. Separating patients who need investigations from those on general medical wards seems a logical way of using resources and staff to best effect.  相似文献   

Injured employees require medical care and, if disabled, compensation payments for subsistence. The law requires that the employer or insurance carrier supply these benefits promptly. In the absence of prompt and adequate information from the attending physician, these benefits are withheld. The necessary information required to process employee''s claim is that called for on the standard accident report form, commonly called the “pink slip.” Not to supply this minimum information may constitute a hardship on the employee. By supplying more elaborate information than that called for, the physician may be increasing his load of “paper work” immeasurably.  相似文献   

One hundred medicolegal cases were analysed to obtain quantitative data about diagnoses and the causes of litigation that affect hospital doctors in the National Health Service. Sixteen actions concerned minor problems that are an unavoidable risk of treatment, and 39 were due to natural causes. In other cases it was debatable whether a medical accident or negligence was responsible. At the end of three years 73 actions had been withdrawn, 12 settled out of court, and one lost in court by the plaintiff, and 14 were pending. Of these 14, nine were likely to reach court on charges of negligence. Contributory causes were failure of communication in 27 and matters connected with the patient''s attitude or personality in 20. Because much time and money are spent on cases that should never have started a doctor should sit on the legal aid panel to give advice for medical cases. Also, solicitors should obtain an independent medical opinion when a complaint is first received from a patient. Consent forms should be more informative and give details of what can reasonably be expected from treatment and its possible risks.  相似文献   

目的:评价重庆市各级内镜医疗机构医疗执业现状,分析导致医疗执业状况不佳的原因,为改善医疗执业状况和医患关系,促进我国医疗执业健康、和谐发展提供参考。方法:对重庆市137家已开展消化内镜诊疗的医院,506名内镜医师进行调查,调查内容主要包括重庆内镜医师当前的基本素质状况以及医师们如何看待所面临的卫生改革、所处执业状况、管理体制、行业内协会职能、执业内镜医师法、继续教育培训等。结果:54.81%消化内镜医师对自己的工作表示满意,40.13%的医师感觉工作一般;在对医疗事故的调查中,遇到和未遇过医疗事故的比例分别为5%和95%;目前主要困惑重庆消化内镜医师的是以下问题:缺乏休息时间、工作较大强度,比例占到36.09%。结论:应改善消化内镜医师执业环境,缓解消化内镜医师工作压力,有效地发挥媒体导向作用,加强法制建设。  相似文献   

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