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This study reports the status of the Booroola (FecB) and Galway (FecXG) mutations in Indian sheep breeds. The Kendrapada sheep (n = 46) was genotyped for the presence of FecB and FecXG mutations, while the Garole (n = 34), Malpura (n = 30), and Decanni sheep (n = 15) for the FecXG mutation. The FecB and FecXG genotyping was carried out by forced restriction fragment length polymorphism PCR technique. In the present study, FecB mutation was discovered in the Kendrapada sheep of Orissa, which is now the second prolific sheep of India after the Garole. Out of 46 individuals of Kendrapada sheep, 26 were homozygous (BB), 15 heterozygous (B+) and 5 non-carriers (++) for the FecB mutation. The frequency of the FecB allele in this sample was about 0.73. Results indicated that the frequency of the FecB mutation is high, but the gene is not fixed in the population as reported in Garole sheep. None of sheep breeds carried the FecXG mutation. The discovery of the FecB mutation in Kendrapada sheep will facilitate the use of FecB allele in improving the prolificacy of non-prolific sheep breeds of India.  相似文献   

An infection of the great European spruce bark beetle Dendroctonus micans (from Turkey) by the parasitic green alga Helicosporidium is described. This is the first time that Helicosporidium has been found to infect a bark beetle (Scolytidae) and the first time that a naturally infected beetle has been reported for the Eurasian continent. The typical cysts of Helicosporidium contain three ovoid cells and one helical, filamentous cell. The morphological characteristics are revealed by light and electron microscopy. Distinct electron-dense inclusions with a peculiar ultrastructure may represent pyrenoids. Since D. micans is an important pest, the discovery of a natural pathogen may offer a chance for biological control.  相似文献   

李孟凯  余应鹏  王伟  邢震  陈学达 《广西植物》2024,44(5):1003-1006
在西藏开展兰科植物资源调查过程中,发现了2种石斛属(金石斛组)物种,通过文献和标本的查阅之后,分别确定为麦氏金石斛(Dendrobium macraei Lindl.)和西藏金石斛(D. ritaeanum King & Pantl.),两者均为中国首次记录。其中,麦氏金石斛与流苏金石斛(D. plicatile Lindley)近似,不同之处在于前者唇瓣中裂片边缘全缘,中裂片具2条纵脊,并仅延伸至唇瓣中部,先端凹; 西藏金石斛虽然植株与狭叶金石斛[D. angustifolium (Blume)Lindl.]近似,但该种花很小,萼片和花瓣不具紫色条纹且唇瓣长达1.4 cm,侧裂片三角形,花期时容易区分。同时,该文还提供了该2种石斛属植物详细的形态特征描述以及解剖图版等资料,凭证标本保存于西藏农牧学院标本馆。该发现丰富了中国兰科植物本底资料以及潜在药用植物资源储备,对中国兰科植物的生物多样性研究和药用兰科资源的调查具有重要意义。  相似文献   

从形态学而论,烟杆藓属(Buxbaumia Hedw.)在苔藓植物中是一个独特的类型。该文简要介绍了烟杆藓属的历史和该属在中国的研究状况,以及该属的模式种烟杆藓首次在中国的发现。对烟杆藓在新疆的着生生境及群落状况做了详细介绍, 还就扫描电子显微镜观察烟杆藓的孢蒴、蒴齿和孢子形态、中国烟杆藓属分种检索表及属的系统关系进行观察和探讨。  相似文献   

Work on the exceptionally well-preserved, rapidly accumulating Bath Cliff Section, Barbados and supplementary Deep Sea Drilling Project samples, has revealed the evolutionary origins of three stratigraphically useful species in theCryptoprora ornata Zone straddling the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and demonstrated the origin of the genusCyclampterium. Elucidation of the origin ofCyclampterium milowi necessitates a revision of the generaLophocyrtis andCyclampterium.Lophocyrtis (Lophocyrtis)jacchia is the ancestor ofL. (Cyclampterium)hadra, the earliest member in the subgenusCyclampterium which comprises the anagenetic lineage leading fromL. (C.)hadra toL. (C.)neatum. The monotypic subgenusSciadiopeplus branches off from an early member in theCyclampterium lineage. The new speciesL. (L.)exitelus andL. (S.)oberhaensliae terminate the subgeneraLophocyrtis andSciadiopeplus, respectively. During the investigation it also became clear that morphotypes resembling earlyL. (C.)milowi could be found in mid and high latitude assemblages in the late Early and late Middle Eocene. The origin of one these morphotypes was also traced toL. (Lophocyrtis)jacchia giving rise to the new subgenusParalampterium. This lineage includes the new speciesL. (Paralampterium)dumitricai and two species questionably assigned to it,L. (Paralampterium)?longiventer and the new speciesL. (Paralampterium) ?galenum. The relationship ofL. (P.)dumitricai toL. (P.) ?longiventer andL. (P.) ?galenum is unknown.  相似文献   

Past treatments of the sleeper shark genus Somniosus generally recognize three species: S. microcephalus, S. pacificus, and S. rostratus. Based on morphometrics and meristics, we conclude that this genus includes two subgenera (Somniosus and Rhinoscymnus) and five species. Subgenus Somniosus differs from Rhinoscymnus by being much larger when adult and in having more numerous tooth rows in the lower jaw, hooklike rather than leaf-shaped dermal denticles, more numerous spiral valve and vertebral counts, and a poorly calcified vertebral column. Subgenus Somniosus includes S. (Somniosus) microcephalus and S. (S.) pacificus of the Northern Hemisphere and S. (S.) antarcticus of the Southern Hemisphere. Although Somniosus antarcticus has been synonymized with S. microcephalus and identified as S. pacificus in past literature, it differs from S. microcephalus in having a shorter interdorsal space, a more posterior first dorsal fin, lower dorsal fins, more numerous tooth rows in the lower jaw, more numerous spiral valve counts, and fewer precaudal vertebrae. Somniosus antarcticus also differs from S. pacificus by having a shorter prebranchial length, lower dorsal fins, more numerous spiral valve counts, and slightly more precaudal vertebrae. Subgenus Rhinoscymnus includes S. (Rhinoscymnus) rostratus from the eastern North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (senior synonym of S. bauchotae) and S. (R.) longus from the western Pacific Ocean. Somniosus longus has been synonymized with S. rostratus, but differs in having a relatively longer second dorsal fin, a slightly larger eye, more lower tooth rows, and slightly higher spiral valve counts. Both Somniosus (Somniosus) antarcticus and S. (Rhinoscymnus) longus from the Pacific Ocean were redescribed. A key to the species and the geographical distribution of all species are provided.  相似文献   

Sections of apothecia were used to study the internal morphology of ascospores in the largest monophyletic clade within Parmeliaceae composed of Xanthoparmelia and related genera. The results were compared with fertile representative species of most other parmelioid clades. All the Xanthoparmelia species had spores with a single smooth vacuole, which was peanut-shaped, with different degrees of constriction in the equatorial plane. This differs from the ellipsoid vacuole of other parmelioids. In the Xanthoparmelia clade, sexual reproduction seems much more common than in other parmelioids. Thus, we suggest that the presence of this unique spore morphology might contribute to the evolutionary success of this monophyletic group. Further, the discovery of this useful ascospore character demonstrates that detailed ascospore morphological studies significantly enhance molecular phylogenetic analyses. Ascospore features may be more taxonomically significant in Parmeliaceae than hitherto considered.  相似文献   

Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) chimalapasensis n. sp. (Eoacanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) is described from the intestine of Awaous banana (Valenciennes) (Pisces: Gobiidae) collected in the Río Negro, a tributary in the upper Río Coatzacoalcos basin, Santa María Chimalapa, Oaxaca State, Mexico. It is the third species of Neoechinorhynchus Stiles & Hassall, 1905 described from Mexican freshwater fishes, although 36 other species are known from freshwater fishes in the Americas. Like four other species of Neoechinorhynchus from freshwater fishes in North America and Mexico, N. (N.) limi Muzzall & Buckner, 1982, (N.) rutili (Müller, 1780) Stiles & Hassall, 1905, N. (N.) salmonis Ching, 1984 and N. (N.) roseus Salgado-Maldonado, 1978, males and females of the new species are less than 20 mm in length, lack conspicuous sexual dimorphism in size, have a small proboscis of about 0.1 mm in length with the largest hooks being the anteriormost, about 30–90 μm in length and of equal size, and have subequal lemnisci, larger than the proboscis receptacle but still relatively short and, in males, generally restricted to a position considerably anterior to the testes. The new species is closest to N. (N.) roseus, but it is distinguished from it by having: (1) a slightly larger cylindrical proboscis with almost parallel sides versus a globular proboscis with a rounded tip which is shorter and somewhat wider in N. (N.) roseus; (2) smaller but robust anterior proboscis hooks that do not reach the equatorial level or extend beyond the hooks of the middle circle as in N. (N.) roseus; and (3) the female gonopore situated ventrally subterminal, as opposed to being a significant distance anteriorly to the posterior extremity in N. (N.) roseus.  相似文献   

Summary The possible allelic relationship between dasF (dnaA suppressor) and sdrA/rnh (stable DNA replication/RNase H) mutations was examined. dasF mutations could not only suppress various dnaA(ts) mutations, but also the insertional inactivation of the dnaA gene or deletion of the oriC sequence, as could sdrA mutations. dasF mutants were found to exhibit the stable DNA replication phenotype, and the sensitivity to rich media, of sdrA mutants. The dasF and sdrA mutations were mapped very closely between metD and proA on the E. coli genetic map. The mutations were recessive to the wild-type allele for all the above phenotypes. It was concluded that dasF is allelic to sdrA/mh.  相似文献   

陈永霞  杨宏  罗强 《广西植物》2019,39(11):1475-1481
该文报道了四川凤仙花属四新记录种,即睫毛萼凤仙花(Impatiens blepharosepala Pritz. ex Diels)、红纹凤仙花(Impatiens rubro-striata Hook. f.)、滇西北凤仙花(Impatiens lecomtei Hook. f.)及松林凤仙花(Impatiens pinetorum Hook. f. ex W. W. Smith),并进行了鉴定和讨论,同时提供了相关照片。凭证标本保存于西昌学院标本室(XIAS)中。我国西南地区是世界五大凤仙花属植物分布中心地区之一,此次在四川发现的四新记录种均为我国特有种,该发现对于研究我国西南地区凤仙花属植物的起源和扩散路线具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Monostroma latissimum (Kuetzing) Wittrock is a monostromatic green alga of commercial importance in Japan. Here we report the serendipitous discovery of asexually reproducing specimens collected from Usa, on the Pacific coast of Kochi Prefecture, south-western Japan. Zoids were found to be biflagellate and negatively phototactic. Germination of settled zoids was observed to follow erect-filamentous ontogeny similar to that of the previously reported sexual strain. Moreover, the newly discovered asexual strain had identical sequences of nuclear encoded ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) region to that of the sexual strain. On the basis of this finding, we postulate that the ITS sequences may have been maintained in these conspecific strains despite the evolution in sexuality. Relationships were investigated among M. latissimum and other monostromatic taxa within the class Ulvophyceae using ITS sequences in order to understand relative phylogenetic position of this species.  相似文献   

中越边境喀斯特地区有着异乎寻常的植物多样性,已经成为全球生物多样性研究和保护的热点区域,近年来在该区发现了多个苦苣苔科植物的新种或新属。凹柱苣苔属是2010年才被建立的新属,该属的花与叶相比,花较大,叶相对较小,叶片边缘稍外卷,花序仅单花,柱头盘状或凹坑状,蒴果长椭球形而有别于苦苣苔科的其他属。凹柱苣苔属为喀斯特专性植物,目前仅包括分布于黔西南的凹柱苣苔和分布于滇东南的水晶凹柱苣苔两个物种。作者在开展中越边境喀斯特地区植物多样性调查时,在越南北部的河江省发现了水晶凹柱苣苔,基于该新发现居群的植物标本,对其进行了补充描述,确认其花期为11月—12月,并对该物种濒危状况进行了重新评估,同时提供了野外生态照片以资辨认。目前,越南已记录苦苣苔科植物32属150余种,凹柱苣苔属在越南北部的发现,不仅丰富了该国苦苣苔科植物的多样性,再一次充分证明了中越边境喀斯特地区是一个完整的植物区系地理单元,而且为稀有的水晶凹柱苣苔提供了更加丰富的野外本底资料,对其将来的深入研究和保护具有重要的生物地理学和保护生物学意义。  相似文献   

Traditionally viewed as an Andean grain crop,Chenopodium quinoa Willd. includes domesticated populations that are not Andean, and Andean populations that are not domesticated. Comparative analysis of leaf morphology and allozyme frequencies have demonstrated that Andean populations, both domesticated(quinua) and free-living(ajara), represent an exceptionally homogeneous unit that is well differentiated from allied domesticates of coastal Chile(quingua) and freeliving populations of the Argentine lowlands(C. hircinum). This pattern of relationships indicates that Andean populations represent a monophyletic crop/weed system that has possibly developed through cyclic differentiation (natural vs. human selection) and introgressive hybridization. Relative levels of variation suggest that this complex originated in the southern Andes, possibly from wild types allied withC. hircinum, with subsequent dispersal north to Colombia and south to the Chilean coast. Coastal populations were apparently isolated from post-dispersal differentiation and homogenization that occurred in the Andes. Other data point toward a center of origin in the northern Andes with secondary centers of genetic diversity subsequently developing in the southern Andes and the plains of Argentina. Comparative linkage of South American taxa, all tetraploid, with North American tetraploids of the subsection will eventually clarify this problem. While the possibility of a direct phyletic connection betweenC. quinoa and the Mexican domesticate(C. berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae,) cannot be excluded, available evidence indicates that the latter represents an autonomous lineage that is associated with the basal tetraploid, C. b. subsp.berlandieri, through var.sinuatum, whereas South American taxa show possible affinities to either var. zschackei or var.berlandieri. An extinct domesticate of eastern North America,C. b. subsp.jonesianum, represents either another instance of independent domestication, possibly from subsp. b. var.zschackei, or a northeastern outlier of subsp.nuttalliae.  相似文献   

To understand the biogeography of truffle-like fungi, DNA sequences were analysed from representative taxa of Hysterangiales. Multigene phylogenies and the results of ancestral area reconstructions are consistent with the hypothesis of an Australian, or eastern Gondwanan, origin of Hysterangiales with subsequent range expansions to the Northern Hemisphere. However, neither Northern Hemisphere nor Southern Hemisphere taxa formed a monophyletic group, which is in conflict with a strictly vicariant scenario. Therefore, the occurrence and importance of long-distance dispersal could not be rejected. Although a pre-Gondwanan origin of Hysterangiales remains as a possibility, this hypothesis requires that Hysterangiales exist prior to the origin of the currently recognized ectomycorrhizal plants, as well as the arrival of mycophagous animals in Australia. This also requires that a basal paraphyletic assemblage represents parallel evolution of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, or that Hysterangiales was mycorrhizal with members of the extinct flora of Gondwana. Regardless, models for both ancient and more recent origins of Hysterangiales are consistent with truffle-like fungi being capable of transoceanic dispersal.  相似文献   

Snow Finches and Mountain-steppe Sparrows differ in habitat selection, feeding, social and vocal behaviour. For these reasons, separation of the genusMontifringilla intoMontifringilla andPyrgilauda is recommended.  相似文献   

Specimens of Thecaphora saponariae s. lat. from several caryophyllacean host plants belonging to the genera Cerastium, Dianthus, Petrorhagia, Saponaria, Silene, and Stellaria were studied by means of both LM, SEM, and molecular phylogenetic analyses using ITS and LSU rDNA sequences. The data show that T. saponariae s. lat. is not uniform but represents several taxa. Molecular phylogenetic analyses, correlated with morphology of the sori, spore balls, and spores, permitted the recognition of five species. Two new species, Thecaphora italica and T. cerastii are described, and two new combinations, T. alsinearum and T. melandrii are proposed. The anamorph of Thecaphora saponariae is reported for the first time. A lectotype is designated for Sorosporium silenes-inflatae. Evolutionary aspects are discussed.  相似文献   

小朱兰在广东的首次记录及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾宪锋 《广西植物》2013,(6):798-800
报道了广东省朱兰属1新记录——小朱兰,并论述了它的分类学、区系学意义。  相似文献   

The discovery of new material in Late Pleistocene levels at Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain) raises some questions about the presence of the most ancient record of Hemitragus cedrensis in the peninsula, and its dispersal out of Provence. The morphology and dimensions of some lower teeth confirm the identification of H. aff. cedrensis. Moreover, it presents strong similarities, both morphological and metrical, with the specimens from Caune de l’Arago and bau de l’Aubesier (end of OIS 7 to OIS 5e) rather than with the population from the eponymous locality. The data suggest a dispersal event out of Provence towards the Iberian Peninsula during the Eemian. This dispersal was not stopped by natural barriers such as large rivers, or mountains. The results presented here confirm the biochronological interest of the genus Hemitragus for the Late Pleistocene in Mediterranean Europe.  相似文献   

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