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金晓霞  张启翔 《植物学报》2005,22(6):738-745
本文对报春花属植物引种的历史和现状、育种途径和育种成果进行了综述。报春花属是报春花科最大的属, 全世界约500余种, 我国有296种。国外在杂交育种、多倍体育种、组织培养和体细胞融合等方面取得了许多研究成果, 而国内有关报春花属植物育种的研究相对较少。目前通过杂交育种或多倍体育种等手段已培育出众多花色丰富、花型各异或不含报春碱的报春花新品种。今后我国应在保护种质资源的基础上, 加强报春花新品种的培育, 并尽快实现产业化生产。  相似文献   

本文对报春花属植物引种的历史和现状、育种途径和育种成果进行了综述.报春花属是报春花科最大的属,全世界约500余种,我国有296种.国外在杂交育种、多倍体育种、组织培养和体细胞融合等方面取得了许多研究成果,而国内有关报春花属植物育种的研究相对较少.目前通过杂交育种或多倍体育种等手段已培育出众多花色丰富、花型各异或不含报春碱的报春花新品种.今后我国应在保护种质资源的基础上,加强报春花新品种的培育,并尽快实现产业化生产.  相似文献   

说起报春花科植物就令人感到欣喜。这一科的近千种植物中,有500多种产于中国。其中种类最多的报春花属,中国产300种左右,占全球种数的五分之三,以致外国植物学者称中国是世界报春花科的分布中心。盛产于我国西南的报春花、点地梅等属,也是著名的高山花卉,尤其是报春花,花繁色艳,花期长,深得园艺学家青睐,一些种已在庭园和居室中广为栽培,给人们带来春天的希望。先说报春花之美报春花是报春花属(Primula)植物的泛称。这一届的植物几乎都是多年生草本。叶片基生呈莲座状,叶多有柄。花葶上方具一顶生的伞形花序,有时有2-3层乃…  相似文献   

吴之坤  张长芹   《广西植物》2006,26(1):49-55,68
滇西北玉龙雪山地处报春花属的现代形成与分布中心,有非常丰富的报春花种类。根据作者2003~2004年对玉龙雪山报春花属植物进行系统调查和资料整理,表明该地区有报春花40种(包括亚种与变种),占我国产报春花属植物总数的12%及云南产报春花属植物总数的29%;同时研究了该属植物在玉龙雪山的分布规律及其资源的生境类型并介绍了主要种类的生物学性状及观赏价值(包括花、叶及其开花期);而且对玉龙雪山报春花资源的保护及合理开发利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

沙冬青属植物具有抗寒、抗旱、抗盐碱等特性,是研究植物逆境胁迫和筛选天然抗逆基因库的理想材料。非生物胁迫是限制沙冬青属植物生长发育及地理分布的重要因素,研究沙冬青属植物响应非生物胁迫的蛋白质组学为发掘其相关抗逆蛋白质及探索抗逆机理奠定基础。通过对近年来国内外利用蛋白质组学技术研究沙冬青属植物应答逆境胁迫的相关成果进行总结归纳,综述沙冬青属植物对低温、干旱、高盐等非生物胁迫响应的蛋白质组学最新研究进展,探讨在非生物胁迫下沙冬青属植物蛋白质水平的动态变化,揭示特定的蛋白质网络以及相关逆境应答机制,并对蛋白质组学技术应用前景进行展望,以期为沙冬青属植物抗逆分子机制更深入、全面的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

张峰  王海燕  王荔  骆春丽  岑娟 《生物磁学》2013,(27):5387-5392,5380
香椿属植物在我国民间应用广泛,自1846年香椿属建立以来,不少学者已经对本属植物进行各方面的研究,包括植物生态学和植物化学方面。但到目前为止还不曾见到对该属植物中化学成分和生物活性方面的研究进展进行综述报道。目前对香椿属植物化学成分及生物活性的报道相对集中在三萜类成分,此类成分也是香椿属所在的楝科其他植物特征性成分,该科植物中存在特有的新奇的三萜类成分,不论是化学成分还是生物活性方面都是是当前的研究热点。鉴于此作者对目前国内外报道的香椿属植物中三萜类成分的化学成分及其生物活性研究进行归纳总结,特别是香椿属中三萜的类型以及不同类型三萜代表性的生物活性进行系统归纳,以便为以后研究香椿属其他植物或进一步深入研究开发提供文献支持。  相似文献   

刘林  张良英  程贵兰  何丹  张力飞  孟凡丽 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1675-1683
采用扫描电镜法,观察和比较了西藏色季拉山 10 种报春花的花粉形态特征,同时进行聚类分析,以期为该属植物分类提供孢粉学证据,并进一步为西藏报春花属植物杂交育种及种质资源的利用提供参考。结果表明:(1)供试 10 种报春花属植物的花粉形状为扁球形、近球形,其中,工布报春(Primula kongboensis)的花粉粒最小,暗紫脆蒴报春(P. calderiana)的花粉粒最大,西藏报春(P. tibetica)为多沟型花粉,其余报春花的花粉一般具 3 孔沟,大部分孔沟在极区汇合形成复合沟。(2)花粉外壁纹饰大多为穴状或网状,其中,中甸灯台报春(P. chungensis)和西藏报春为网状纹饰中的粗网状类型。(3)虽然基于花粉形态的聚类分析与植物学分类表现出一定的一致性,但粉报春组的西藏报春和工布报春则由于在孢粉学特征上具有明显差异,因此保持了相对较远的亲缘关系。该研究初步认为,色季拉山 10 种报春花粉形态存在种间差异,研究结果可为植物分类提供一定的参考依据。然而,在进行分类时,仍然需要结合形态学特征、分子生物学等方面综合考虑。  相似文献   

报春花科植物的地理分布   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
根据Takhtajan世界植物区系分区对报春花科22属在世界各地以及在中国各省区的分布作了较详细的统计,在此基础上,将报春花科各属归纳为10个分布型,认为中国西部横断山区和东西马拉雅为报春花科的现代分布中心和多样化中心;高加索—阿尔卑斯山脉为第二分布中心;中国云南、贵州南部,广西西部至越南、泰国北部和缅甸西北部山地是报春花科植物最可能的起源中心;报春花科的起源时间应在早第三纪或晚白垩纪.  相似文献   

石蒜属植物生物碱研究概况   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
论述了石蒜属植物生物碱研究进展.总结石蒜属植物生物碱的种类、药理作用以及分离纯化方法,并对石蒜属植物生物碱的近一步研究进行展望.  相似文献   

对报春花科(Primulaceae)报春花属(Primula)灯台报春组植物Section Proliferoe的7种报春进行了细胞学研究,其中腾冲灯台报春和川东灯台报春的核型分析为首次报道,结合已报道的灯台报春组其它植物的细胞学资料进行统计分析,结果表明灯台报春组植物在染色体基数、染色体形态、着丝点位置及染色体对称性上都具有很高的一致性,在灯台报春组有核型记录的种类中,其核型都属于Stebbins的2A型或2B型,核型差异很小,染色体基数均为x=11,推测其可能与报春花属中具有相同染色体基数的组亲缘关系更近。结合已发表的灯台报春组植物的细胞学资料及它们的形态特征,对其系统演化关系进行了比较分析,以期对该组的系统学及演化关系提供一些证据。  相似文献   

Primula reinii (Primulaceae), a perennial herb belonging to the Primula section Reinii, occurs on wet, shaded rocky cliffs in the mountains of Japan. This threatened species comprises four varieties; these plants are very localized and rare in the wild. In this study, 43 microsatellite markers were developed using MiSeq sequencing to facilitate conservation genetics of these critically endangered primroses. We developed novel microsatellite markers for three varieties of P. reinii, and tested its polymorphism and genetic diversity using natural populations. These novel markers displayed relatively high polymorphism; the number of alleles and expected heterozygosities ranged from 2 to 6 (mean=3.2) and 0.13 to 0.82 (mean=0.45), respectively. All loci were in HardyeWeinberg equilibrium. These microsatellite markers will be powerful tools to assess P. reinii genetic diversity and develop effective conservation and management strategies.  相似文献   

Herbal medicines are increasingly being utilized to treat a wide variety of disease processes. Evening primrose extract (EPE) is extracted from Oenothera biennis L., one species of evening primroses, which has been shown to have several pharmacological effects. However, anti-tumor activity in the extract of defatted seeds of O. biennis L. has not been defined thus far. In this study, we identified the major biochemical changes upon EPE treatment and investigated the functional relationship between these changes. We found that EPE-induced apoptosis in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells as evidenced by morphological changes. Furthermore, our results demonstrated rapid increase of intracellular peroxides levels, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytosol. These results suggest that the rapid increase of intracellular peroxides levels after addition of EPE triggers off induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Culturing pedicle segments of primroses on a medium supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) and thidiazuron (TDZ) resulted in callus induction rates of about 80%. The highest shoot regeneration rate (1.8 shoots per explant; mean of ten genotypes) was achieved with the combination of 2.0 mg/l 2, 4-D and 2.0 mg/l TDZ. Culture on a medium containing a high concentration of nitrate (for example, B5 medium) negatively affected the survival of regenerated shoots of one genotype, Gelb IV 48, probably due to an increase in the pH value of the medium. Consequently, the highest efficiency was obtained using a basal medium containing half-strength Murashige and Skoog macroelements. A protocol to regenerate shoots of Primula vulgaris and P. elatior is described.  相似文献   

The loss of sexual recombination and segregation in asexual organisms has been portrayed as an irreversible process that commits asexually reproducing lineages to reduced diversification. We test this hypothesis by estimating rates of speciation, extinction, and transition between sexuality and functional asexuality in the evening primroses. Specifically, we estimate these rates using the recently developed BiSSE (Binary State Speciation and Extinction) phylogenetic comparative method, which employs maximum likelihood and Bayesian techniques. We infer that net diversification rates (speciation minus extinction) in functionally asexual evening primrose lineages are roughly eight times faster than diversification rates in sexual lineages, largely due to higher speciation rates in asexual lineages. We further reject the hypothesis that a loss of recombination and segregation is irreversible because the transition rate from functional asexuality to sexuality is significantly greater than zero and in fact exceeded the reverse rate. These results provide the first empirical evidence in support of the alternative theoretical prediction that asexual populations should instead diversify more rapidly than sexual populations because they are free from the homogenizing effects of sexual recombination and segregation. Although asexual reproduction may often constrain adaptive evolution, our results show that the loss of recombination and segregation need not be an evolutionary dead end in terms of diversification of lineages.  相似文献   

One of the most common trends in plant evolution, loss of self‐incompatibility and ensuing increases in selfing, is generally assumed to be associated with a suite of phenotypic changes, notably a reduction of floral size, termed the selfing syndrome. We investigate whether floral morphological traits indeed decrease in a deterministic fashion after losses of self‐incompatibility, as traditionally expected, using a phylogeny of 124 primrose species containing nine independent transitions from heterostyly (heteromorphic incompatibility) to homostyly (monomorphic self‐compatibility), a classic system for evolution of selfing. We find similar overall variability of homostylous and heterostylous species, except for diminished herkogamy in homostyles. Bayesian mixed models demonstrate differences between homostylous and heterostylous species in all traits, but net effects across species are small (except herkogamy) and directionality differs among traits. Strongly drift‐like evolutionary trajectories of corolla tube length and corolla diameter inferred by Ornstein–Uhlenbeck models contrast with expected deterministic trajectories toward small floral size. Lineage‐specific population genetic effects associated with evolution of selfing may explain that reductions of floral size represent one of several possible outcomes of floral evolution after loss of heterostyly in primroses. Contrary to the traditional paradigm, selfing syndromes may, but do not necessarily evolve in response to increased selfing.  相似文献   

Genome size varies dramatically across species, but despite an abundance of attention there is little agreement on the relative contributions of selective and neutral processes in governing this variation. The rate of sex can potentially play an important role in genome size evolution because of its effect on the efficacy of selection and transmission of transposable elements (TEs). Here, we used a phylogenetic comparative approach and whole genome sequencing to investigate the contribution of sex and TE content to genome size variation in the evening primrose (Oenothera) genus. We determined genome size using flow cytometry for 30 species that vary in genetic system and find that variation in sexual/asexual reproduction cannot explain the almost twofold variation in genome size. Moreover, using whole genome sequences of three species of varying genome sizes and reproductive system, we found that genome size was not associated with TE abundance; instead the larger genomes had a higher abundance of simple sequence repeats. Although it has long been clear that sexual reproduction may affect various aspects of genome evolution in general and TE evolution in particular, it does not appear to have played a major role in genome size evolution in the evening primroses.  相似文献   

Bet hedging is one solution to the problem of an unpredictably variable environment: fitness in the average environment is sacrificed in favor of lower variation in fitness if this leads to higher long-run stochastic mean fitness. While bet hedging is an important concept in evolutionary ecology, empirical evidence that it occurs is scant. Here we evaluate whether bet hedging occurs via seed banking in natural populations of two species of desert evening primroses (Oenothera, Onagraceae), one annual and one perennial. Four years of data on plants and 3 years of data on seeds yielded two transitions for the entire life cycle. One year was exceptionally dry, leading to reproductive failure in the sample areas, and the other was above average in precipitation, leading to reproductive success in four of five populations. Stochastic simulations of population growth revealed patterns indicative of bet hedging via seed banking, particularly in the annual populations: variance in fitness and fitness in the average environment were lower with seed banking than without, whereas long-run stochastic mean fitness was higher with seed banking than without across a wide range of probabilities of the wet year. This represents a novel, unusually rigorous demonstration of bet hedging from field data.  相似文献   

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