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宏生态尺度上景观破碎化对物种丰富度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性的地理格局及其形成机制是宏生态学与生物地理学的研究热点。大量研究表明,景观尺度上的生境破碎化对物种多样性的分布格局具有重要作用,但目前尚不清楚这种作用是否足以在宏生态尺度上对生物多样性地理格局产生显著影响。利用中国大陆鸟类和哺乳动物的物种分布数据,在100 km×100 km网格的基础上生成了这两个类群生物的物种丰富度地理格局,进一步利用普通最小二乘法模型和空间自回归模型研究了物种丰富度与气候、生境异质性、景观破碎化的相关关系。结果表明,景观破碎化因子与鸟类和哺乳动物的物种丰富度都具有显著的关联关系,其方差贡献率可达约30%—50%(非空间模型)和60%—80%(空间模型),略低于或接近于气候和生境异质性因子。方差分解结果显示,景观破碎化因子与气候和生境异质性因子的方差贡献率的重叠部分达20%—40%。相对鸟类而言,景观破碎化对哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理格局具有更高的解释率。  相似文献   

物种丰富度海拔梯度格局及其形成机制一直是宏观生态学研究的重要议题。物种丰富度沿海拔梯度呈4种分布格局,其中单峰分布格局最为普遍。人们提出各种假设从不同角度解释物种丰富度的海拔梯度格局,这些假设主要以气候、空间效应、物种间相互作用及其进化历史为出发点,提出的假设主要有水分-能量动态假设、生物多样性代谢理论、生产力假设、种-面积关系、中域效应、栖息地异质性假设及静态进化模型。本文系统介绍了物种丰富度的海拔格局及影响其格局的生态过程。目前,物种丰富度的海拔格局主要集中在现代气候对物种丰富度海拔格局的形成过程的作用,但这些现代气候的参数之间具有显著共线性,难以分辨具体的某种环境因子对其的绝对贡献。结合现代气候和物种的谱系进化过程,系统比较不同海拔区域物种的系统发育特征有助于进一步理解物种丰富度的海拔分布格局及其成因机制,同时有助于理解现代环境的波动对植被群落的影响。  相似文献   

中国裸子植物的物种多样性格局及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物种多样性的大尺度空间格局是宏观生态学和生物地理学研究的核心问题之一。本文利用中国裸子植物分布数据, 结合气候、地形等环境信息, 分析了中国裸子植物物种多样性的大尺度格局及其影响因素, 比较了不同类群之间物种多样性格局和主导因子的差异, 并探讨了裸子植物在植物区系中所占比重的地理格局。结果表明, 中国裸子植物的物种多样性总体上呈现南高北低的趋势, 物种多样性在横断山区最高。在裸子植物的三个主要类群中, 松柏亚纲的物种多样性格局与整体相似, 买麻藤亚纲的多样性高值区则出现在中国西北部的干旱地区, 苏铁亚纲的分布区较为狭窄, 主要集中在南方地区。线性回归分析结果表明, 空间异质性和降水因子对中国裸子植物多样性格局的解释率最高, 末次冰期以来的气温变化、海拔高差和能量因子次之。这表明中国裸子植物物种多样性的格局受到了多种因素的影响, 其中空间异质性和降水因子影响最大。进一步分析发现, 物种多样性格局的主导因子在不同类群之间具有显著差异, 这可能反映了这些类群的进化历史以及生理适应的差异。裸子植物与被子植物的比例具有明显的空间格局: 在东部、南部气候环境优越的地区, 裸子植物与被子植物的比例低于0.06; 而在西部、北部等气候环境比较恶劣的地区, 裸子植物的比例则显著上升。回归分析表明, 能量和水分因子显著影响了裸子植物与被子植物的比例。随着能量的降低和降水的减少, 裸子植物与被子植物的比例会显著升高, 这可能是由于被子植物在温暖湿润地区具有较强竞争优势, 但裸子植物对极端环境具有更好的适应。  相似文献   

北半球高山和极地虎耳草属物种丰富度的地理格局:温度和生境异质性的作用 现代气候、生境异质性和长期气候变化对森林生态系统中分布的木本植物的物种丰富度格局的影响在以往研究中受到广泛关注,但对高寒-极地生态系统中的草本植物物种丰富度格局及其影响因素的研究仍较少。本研究旨在检验以往研究中基于物种丰富度和环境因子关系提出的假说是否能够解释高寒-极地地区典型草本植物-虎耳草属(Saxifraga)的物种丰富度格局。本研究利用全球437种虎耳草属物种分布数据,探讨了全部物种、广域和狭域物种丰富度格局的影响因素。采用广义线性模型和空间自回归模型,评估了现代气候、生境异质性和历史气候对虎耳草属物种丰富度格局的影响。采用偏回归分析了不同变量对物种丰富度的独立解释率和共同解释率,并检验了4种广泛使用的物种丰富度与环境关系模型对物种丰富度格局的解释能力。研究结果表明,温度与虎耳草属所有物种和广域物种的物种丰富度格局呈显著负相关关系,是影响物种丰富度格局最重要的环境因子,这可能反映了虎耳草属对其祖先温带生态位的保守性。生境异质性和末次冰期以来的气候变化是虎耳草属狭域物种丰富度空间变异的最佳预测因子。总体而言,包含5个预测变量的组合模型可以解释大约40%–50%的虎耳草属物种丰富度的空间变异。此外,进化和生物地理过程在虎耳草属物种丰富度格局形成方面可能发挥了重要作用,这有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

滇西北地区是全球25个生物多样性保护热点地区之一, 是验证生物多样性理论的理想场所。为探索取样尺度效应对植物物种多样性纬度分布格局的影响, 我们探讨了不同取样尺度下滇西北地区种子植物物种多样性的纬度分布格局及其影响因子。我们利用野外考察数据和文献资料建立了群落尺度下的源数据集和区域尺度(县域尺度)下的源数据集, 共建立、收集了68个植物群落样方和26个县域的种子植物物种丰富度; 采用二元相关性和多元逐步回归分析植物物种多样性纬度分布格局与气候、地理因子间的关系。结果表明, 从南到北, 物种多样性在群落尺度下呈单调递减格局, 在区域尺度下反而呈线性递增趋势; 在群落尺度下受到热量因子的显著影响, 在区域尺度下主要受单位面积海拔高差的影响。这一结果在一定程度上表明了取样的尺度效应对物种多样性纬度分布格局的显著影响。了解滇西北地区植物多样性的热点区域, 应该基于不同取样尺度下的分析, 以消除或减少植物多样性保护的盲点。在今后的相关研究中, 应关注不同的取样尺度下多样性的纬度分布格局可能的表现形式及其内在机制, 这或许可以减少或消除相关研究中的争议或不一致。  相似文献   

物种丰富度的大尺度地理格局及其成因是宏观生态学和生物地理学的中心议题之一。本文利用中国陆栖哺乳动物分布数据, 结合高分辨率的气候、地形、植被等环境信息, 探讨了中国陆栖哺乳动物及主要类群的物种丰富度格局及其影响因素。结果显示, 中国陆栖哺乳动物物种丰富度具有显著的纬度梯度格局, 总体上呈现出由低纬度向高纬度逐渐减少的趋势, 并与宏观地形具有良好的对应关系; 其中, 亚热带、热带西部山区的物种丰富度最高, 而东部平原地区、西北干旱区和青藏高原腹地则是丰富度的低值区。各主要类群的物种丰富度格局既有相似性, 又存在差异。最优线性模型的分析结果显示, 由归一化植被指数(NDVI)、生态系统类型数和气温年较差构成的回归模型对哺乳动物物种丰富度格局的解释率最高, 其中NDVI对模型解释率的贡献最大, 这表明中国陆栖哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理分异受多种环境因素的共同影响, 其中植被生产力起主导作用。各主要类群的最优线性模型显示, 影响物种丰富度格局的主要环境因子因类群而异, 这可能反映了各类群进化历史及生理适应的差异。  相似文献   

理解山地物种丰富度分布格局及其成因对于山地生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文基于贺兰山地区甲虫31科252属469种的分布信息, 结合相关气候与生境异质性数据, 系统地探讨了贺兰山地区甲虫及6个优势科物种丰富度地理格局及其影响因素。结果表明, 甲虫物种丰富度及科属区系分化强度以贺兰山中段最高, 南段比北段高, 西坡比东坡高。基于183个栅格内物种分布的二元数据聚类分析, 贺兰山甲虫分布可分为北段强旱生景观甲虫地理群、中西段半湿生景观甲虫地理群、中东段及南段半旱生景观甲虫地理群3个地理群。冗余分析(RDA)表明年均温和年均降水量是影响最显著的因子。方差分解结果显示, 水分与能量因子共同解释了全部甲虫物种丰富度57.1%的空间变异, 单独解释率分别为5.9%和7.1%。生境异质性解释了全部甲虫物种丰富度35.2%的变异, 单独解释率仅为1.8%。气候因素与生境异质性对不同优势科物种丰富度的相对影响并不一致。在贺兰山的南段和北段, 生境异质性和水分因子对甲虫物种丰富度影响作用明显。水分和能量因子是贺兰山地区甲虫物种丰富度空间分布格局的主导因子, 生境异质性有助于提高甲虫物种丰富度。从未解释的比例来分析, 地形和土壤因素可能对贺兰山甲虫物种丰富度存在重要影响。  相似文献   

明确大尺度物种丰富度的分布格局及其影响因素一直是生态学及生物地理学领域的核心议题之一,其对于预测全球环境变化背景下生物多样性的响应和制定减少生物多样性丧失的保护方案有着重要意义。本文基于全国芦苇(Phragmites australis)沼泽野外调查数据,结合气候、地理、土壤等环境因子,探讨了中国芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度的分布格局及其驱动机制。结果表明:(1)中国的芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度总体表现为亚热带湿润区和温带湿润半湿润区较高,青藏高原区、温带干旱半干旱区和滨海区较低的特点;(2)芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度与年降水、土壤有机碳、土壤总氮、纬度均呈显著正相关,而与年均温、最冷月最低温、土壤pH值、海拔之间表现为显著负相关;(3)土壤因子特别是土壤pH值是影响芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度的最主要因素,其次分别为淹水状况、气候因子和地理因子;(4)结构方程模型结果表明土壤因子、淹水状况和气候因子直接影响植物物种丰富度,而地理因子通过调控土壤因子、淹水状况与气候因子间接影响植物物种丰富度。总体而言,中国芦苇沼泽植物物种丰富度具有空间异质性,其分布格局受到多种因素的共同影响,土壤因子是影响植物物种丰富度...  相似文献   

张宇  冯刚 《生物多样性》2018,26(7):701-1187
物种多样性的地理分布格局及其机制是宏生态学和生物地理学的核心问题之一。区域尺度与局域尺度的影响因素, 如温度、降水、海拔变化、生境过滤、捕食、竞争与互惠等, 共同影响昆虫物种多样性的分布格局。然而, 迄今为止少有研究同时讨论不同尺度驱动因子对昆虫多样性地理分布格局的影响。本文基于内蒙古自治区86个旗县的昆虫多样性数据, 结合各地年平均气温、年降水量、古气候变化、海拔变化及植物多样性, 探讨昆虫物种多样性分布格局及其主要驱动因子。结果发现内蒙古昆虫多样性主要受到植物多样性与海拔变化的影响, 而气候因子对昆虫物种多样性的影响并不大。这一结果表明种间关系(食物多样性)与生境异质性可能对内蒙古昆虫多样性的分布格局起着主导作用。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵生物的空间分布格局及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
不同地理区域影响生物分布格局的因子不同,对外来入侵物种也是如此。在区域尺度上分析外来入侵生物的空间分布格局及其影响因子对预测生物入侵的影响及入侵种的控制管理具有重要意义。本研究应用中国外来入侵物种数据库、自然环境数据库和社会人文环境数据库,分析了我国外来入侵动植物的空间格局;并运用主成分分析(PCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)探讨了自然环境和人类活动等因素对外来入侵动植物分布格局的影响;同时研究了外来入侵物种多样性与本地物种多样性之间的关系。结果表明,我国现有外来入侵动物138种、入侵植物384种,其数量和密度都呈现出由东南沿海向西北内陆减少的趋势,且入侵动物和入侵植物空间格局基本一致;降水(MAP)是决定我国外来入侵动植物分布格局的主要自然环境因子,国民生产总值(GDP)是主要社会经济影响因子。在全国尺度上,外来入侵物种多样性与本地物种多样性之间呈显著的正相关关系,但地域间存在较大差异。不同区域外来入侵物种与本土物种多样性的相关关系表现出不同,与研究尺度有密切关系。  相似文献   

We explore the influence of spatial grain size, dispersal ability, and geographic distance on the patterns of species dissimilarity of terrestrial vertebrates, separating the dissimilarity explained by species replacement (turnover) from that resulting from richness differences. With data for 905 species of terrestrial vertebrates distributed in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, classified into five groups according to their taxonomy and dispersal ability, we calculated total dissimilarity and its additive partitioning as two components: dissimilarity derived from turnover and dissimilarity derived from richness differences. These indices were compared using fine (10 x 10 km), intermediate (20 x 20 km) and coarse (40 x 40 km) grain grids, and were tested for any correlations with geographic distance. The results showed that total dissimilarity is high for the terrestrial vertebrates in this region. Total dissimilarity, and dissimilarity due to turnover are correlated with geographic distance, and the patterns are clearer when the grain is fine, which is consistent with the distance-decay pattern of similarity. For all terrestrial vertebrates tested on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec both the dissimilarity derived from turnover and the dissimilarity resulting from richness differences make important contributions to total dissimilarity, and dispersal ability does not seem to influence the dissimilarity patterns. These findings support the idea that conservation efforts in this region require a system of interconnected protected areas that embrace the environmental, climatic and biogeographic heterogeneity of the area.  相似文献   

Many factors affect the distribution of species richness. This study examines the relative influence of habitat heterogeneity, climate, human disturbance, and spatial structure on the species-richness distribution of terrestrial vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) in mainland Spain. The results indicate that spatial structure and environment exert similar influences on species richness. For all four taxa, species richness increases southward and northward, being lower in the center of the country, when controlled for other variables. This may be the result of a peninsular effect, as found in other studies, and reflect the importance of historical events on species richness in the Iberian Peninsula. Climate is more important than habitat heterogeneity in determining species richness. Temperature is positively correlated with amphibian, reptile, and bird species richness, while mammalian species richness is highest at intermediate temperatures. This effect is stronger in ectotherms than among endotherms, perhaps reflecting physiological differences. Precipitation positively correlates with bird and mammalian species richness, but has no effect on ectotherm species richness. Amphibian species richness increases with altitudinal range, and bird species richness with habitat diversity. Human population density is positively correlated with bird and mammalian species richness, but does not affect ectotherm species richness, while amphibian and bird species richness is highest at moderate levels of human land alteration (farmland). However, unexplained variance remains, and we discuss that the effects of environmental variables on species richness may vary geographically, causing different effects to be obscured on a national scale, diminishing the explanatory power of environmental variables.  相似文献   

Studying the pattern of species richness is crucial in understanding the diversity and distribution of organisms in the earth. Climate and human influences are the major driving factors that directly influence the large‐scale distributions of plant species, including gymnosperms. Understanding how gymnosperms respond to climate, topography, and human‐induced changes is useful in predicting the impacts of global change. Here, we attempt to evaluate how climatic and human‐induced processes could affect the spatial richness patterns of gymnosperms in China. Initially, we divided a map of the country into grid cells of 50 × 50 km2 spatial resolution and plotted the geographical coordinate distribution occurrence of 236 native gymnosperm taxa. The gymnosperm taxa were separated into three response variables: (a) all species, (b) endemic species, and (c) nonendemic species, based on their distribution. The species richness patterns of these response variables to four predictor sets were also evaluated: (a) energy–water, (b) climatic seasonality, (c) habitat heterogeneity, and (d) human influences. We performed generalized linear models (GLMs) and variation partitioning analyses to determine the effect of predictors on spatial richness patterns. The results showed that the distribution pattern of species richness was highest in the southwestern mountainous area and Taiwan in China. We found a significant relationship between the predictor variable set and species richness pattern. Further, our findings provide evidence that climatic seasonality is the most important factor in explaining distinct fractions of variations in the species richness patterns of all studied response variables. Moreover, it was found that energy–water was the best predictor set to determine the richness pattern of all species and endemic species, while habitat heterogeneity has a better influence on nonendemic species. Therefore, we conclude that with the current climate fluctuations as a result of climate change and increasing human activities, gymnosperms might face a high risk of extinction.  相似文献   

Hong Qian 《Ecography》2009,32(3):553-560
Determining the effects of regional and contemporary factors on large-scale patterns in species richness has been a fundamental question in modern ecology and biogeography. However, few studies have examined effects of historical and regional factors on species richness at the global scale, and conclusions are often inconsistent or controversial. Here, I use a comprehensive dataset to examine regional effects on species richness of vascular plants and four taxa of terrestrial vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians) in the same set of sample units (ecoregions) in seven biogeographic realms across the globe. The same spatial scale and the same set of environmental variables, which are thought to influence large-scale patterns in species richness of vascular plants and terrestrial vertebrates, are used for all the five taxa. Species richness of each taxon is compared across biogeographic realms. Regional effect on species richness has been found for all the five taxa. Of the 90 realm-pair comparisons for the five taxa between observed richness of a region and the richness of the region predicted by the richness–environment relationship derived from the data of another region, 74 (82.2%) showed significant differences between observed and predicted species richness, indicating that a species richness–environment relationship developed for one region cannot accurately predict species richness in other regions of similar environments.  相似文献   

For successful conservation and restoration of biodiversity, it is important to understand how diversity is regulated. In the ecological research community, a current topic of interest is how much of the variation in plant species richness and composition is explained by environmental variation (niche-based model), relative to spatial processes (neutral theory). The Yellow River Estuary (YRE) is a newly formed and fragile wetland ecosystem influenced by both the Yellow River and Bohai Bay. Here, we applied variance partitioning techniques to assess the relative effects of spatial and environmental variables on species richness and composition in the YRE. We also conducted a species indicator analysis to identify characteristic species for three subestuaries within the YRE. Partial redundancy analysis showed that the variations in species richness and composition were explained by both environmental and spatial factors. The majority of explained variation in species richness and composition was attributable to local environmental factors. Among the environmental variables, soil salinity made the greatest contribution to species abundance and composition. Soil salinity was the most important factor in the Diaokou subestuary, while soil moisture was the most important factor influencing species richness in the Qingshui and Chahe subestuaries. The combined effects of soil salinity and moisture determined species richness and composition in the wetlands. These results increase our understanding of the organization and assembly of estuarine plant communities.  相似文献   

Aims (1) To map the species richness of Australian lizards and describe patterns of range size and species turnover that underlie them. (2) To assess the congruence in the species richness of lizards and other vertebrate groups. (3) To search for commonalities in the drivers of species richness in Australian vertebrates. Location Australia. Methods We digitized lizard distribution data to generate gridded maps of species richness and β‐diversity. Using similar maps for amphibians, mammals and birds, we explored the relationship between species richness and temperature, actual evapotranspiration, elevation and local elevation range. We used spatial eigenvector filtering and geographically weighted regression to explore geographical patterns and take spatial autocorrelation into account. We explored congruence between the species richness of vertebrate groups whilst controlling for environmental effects. Results Lizard richness peaks in the central deserts (where β‐diversity is low) and tropical north‐east (where β‐diversity is high). The intervening lowlands have low species richness and β‐diversity. Generally, lizard richness is uncorrelated with that of other vertebrates but this low congruence is strongly spatially structured. Environmental models for all groups also show strong spatial heterogeneity. Lizard richness is predicted by different environmental factors from other vertebrates, being highest in dry and hot regions. Accounting for environmental drivers, lizard richness is weakly positively related to richness of other vertebrates, both at global and local scales. Main conclusions Lizard species richness differs from that of other vertebrates. This difference is probably caused by differential responses to environmental gradients and different centres of diversification; there is little evidence for inter‐taxon competition limiting lizard richness. Local variation in habitat diversity or evolutionary radiations may explain weak associations between taxa, after controlling for environmental variables. We strongly recommend that studies of variation in species richness examine and account for non‐stationarity.  相似文献   

段菲  李晟 《生物多样性》2020,28(12):1459-774
黄河流域幅员辽阔, 多样的地理气候、植被类型及人类活动塑造了多样化的生物多样性格局。本研究以IUCN与国际鸟盟发布的鸟类分布图层为基础, 同时收集了黄河流域2009-2019年的鸟类实地观测记录, 包括观鸟记录、GBIF数据库、红外相机监测及其他实地调查的鸟类数据, 共得到35,026条鸟类实地观测有效记录。汇总结果显示, 黄河流域记录有鸟类物种662种, 占中国鸟类物种总数的45.81%。这些鸟类分属于23目83科, 其中雀形目物种数最多(384种, 占本目全国鸟种总数的46.83%), 其次为鸻形目(67种, 占50.00%)和雁形目(39种, 占72.22%)。黄河流域受威胁鸟类共计121种, 其中有37种和52种分别在IUCN红色名录和《中国脊椎动物红色名录》中被列为受威胁物种(即评估级别为极危、濒危或易危), 22种和73种被分别列为国家I级和II级重点保护野生动物。这些受威胁鸟种多为地栖性、体型大、营养级高或具有长距离迁徙习性的物种。黄河流域鸟类整体物种多样性由南向北递减, 以黄河上中游四川、甘肃、陕西的高原与山地内鸟种最为丰富, 而受威胁鸟类物种多样性热点区则在黄河中下游, 下游黄河三角洲及邻近平原区为受威胁鸟类最主要集中分布区。黄河流域内48个国家级自然保护区共覆盖鸟种数504种(占黄河流域鸟类总种数的76.13%), 其中受威胁鸟种92种(占黄河流域受威胁鸟种数的76.03%)。区域内国家级自然保护区大多分布在黄河上游, 对黄河下游的受威胁物种覆盖程度较低, 保护空缺较严重。对此, 我们建议着重加强中下游自然保护区建设与能力提升, 增加对中下游受威胁鸟种的保护力度, 在保护策略上应当积极探索高强度土地利用下的多样化保护机制。  相似文献   

空间尺度是影响我们理解生态学格局和过程的关键因素。目前已有多种关于物种多样性分布格局形成机制的假说且研究者未达成共识,原因之一是空间尺度对物种多样性分布格局的环境影响因子的解释力和相对重要性有重要影响。地形异质性是物种多样性分布格局的重要影响因素。本文综述了在地形异质性-物种多样性关系的研究中,不同空间粒度和幅度对研究结果的影响,以及可能的原因。尽管已认识到地形异质性-物种多样性关系的空间尺度效应,但粒度和幅度的具体影响仍未有统一结论。当前物种多样性分布格局研究未能覆盖较完整的尺度变化梯度。未来对地形异质性-物种多样性关系的研究需要同时考虑幅度和粒度的影响。建议结合可靠的模型和统计分析方法开展多尺度格局比较分析,以进一步阐明研究尺度对地形异质性-物种多样性关系的影响以及地形异质性起主导作用的空间尺度。  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity is regarded as one of the most important factors governing species richness gradients. An increase in available niche space, provision of refuges and opportunities for isolation and divergent adaptation are thought to enhance species coexistence, persistence and diversification. However, the extent and generality of positive heterogeneity–richness relationships are still debated. Apart from widespread evidence supporting positive relationships, negative and hump‐shaped relationships have also been reported. In a meta‐analysis of 1148 data points from 192 studies worldwide, we examine the strength and direction of the relationship between spatial environmental heterogeneity and species richness of terrestrial plants and animals. We find that separate effects of heterogeneity in land cover, vegetation, climate, soil and topography are significantly positive, with vegetation and topographic heterogeneity showing particularly strong associations with species richness. The use of equal‐area study units, spatial grain and spatial extent emerge as key factors influencing the strength of heterogeneity–richness relationships, highlighting the pervasive influence of spatial scale in heterogeneity–richness studies. We provide the first quantitative support for the generality of positive heterogeneity–richness relationships across heterogeneity components, habitat types, taxa and spatial scales from landscape to global extents, and identify specific needs for future comparative heterogeneity–richness research.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the role of multiple landscape factors on the species richness patterns of native and introduced freshwater fish. Location Mediterranean streams, south‐western Iberian Peninsula, Europe (c. 87,000 km2). Methods We used a dataset of fish occurrences from 436 stream sites. We quantified the incremental explanatory power of multiple landscape factors in native, introduced, and overall local species richness using regression analysis. First, we related variation in local species richness across river basins to regional species richness (here, the basin species pool), area and factors of climate and topography. Second, we related within‐river basin local species richness to site’s climate and topography, and spatial structure derived from Principal Coordinates of Neighbour Matrices approach, after testing for species richness spatial autocorrelation; predicted local richness was mapped. Results Patterns of local species richness across river basins were strongly associated with regional species richness for overall, native and introduced species; annual rainfall showed a significant incremental contribution to variation in introduced species richness only. Within river basins, environmental factors were associated with local richness for the three species groups, though their contributions to the total explained variation were inferior to those of spatial factors; rainfall seasonality and stream slope were the most consistent environmental correlates for all species groups, while the influence of spatial factors was most prevalent for native species. Main conclusions Landscape factors operating among and within river basins seem to play a relevant role in shaping local species richness of both native and introduced species, and may be contingent on basin‐specific contexts. Nevertheless, local factors, such as habitat characteristics and biotic interactions and human‐induced disturbances may also be at play. Multiscale approaches incorporating a multitude of factors are strongly encouraged to facilitate a deeper understanding of the biodiversity patterns of Mediterranean streams, and to promote more effective conservation and management strategies.  相似文献   

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