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江苏滨海盐土植被的发生与动态的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1.江苏省沿海的滨海盐土植被是由专性盐土植物和兼性盐土植物所组成。这些种类由于土壤盐份和水份的差别,自然组合常呈带状的不同群落。盐土植物群落的分布通常明显地受土壤盐份的制约。2.滨海盐土植物群落可分原生演替系列群落和次生演替系列群落两大类。3.滨海盐土植被的发生与形成明显地与滨海盐土的发育过程是一致的。其植被的演替是由于土壤盐份含量的减少和有机质含量的增加而引起的。  相似文献   

江苏海岸带植被的特征、分布及利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 江苏海岸带的自然植被基本上为滨海盐土植被,包括陆生、沼生及水生三类植被。另外,海边沙滩有很少量的沙生植被。滨海盐土植被的发生和形成过程,与滨海盐土的成土发育过程密切相关,两者相辅相成。本文论述了海岸带植被的环境条件及其相互关系;详细分析植被的区系组成特点,并作了生活型谱,简要概述群落类型、分布及其演替规律;最后,讨论了盐土植被的利用问题。  相似文献   

盐城海滨盐沼湿地及围垦农田的土壤质量演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mao ZG  Gu XH  Liu JE  Ren LJ  Wang GX 《应用生态学报》2010,21(8):1986-1992
通过对盐城海滨盐沼湿地进行植被调查与土壤样品分析,利用土壤质量评价体系对各样点的土壤质量状况进行评价,探讨盐沼植被演替过程中和围垦成农田后的土壤质量演变规律.结果表明:随着盐沼植被的发育演替,湿地土壤的物理性状得到改善,有机碳含量增加,氮、磷等养分得到积累,土壤微生物生物量和酶活性均得到明显提高;同时,不同植被类型及发育时间导致土壤性状间的差异.与盐沼湿地相比,围垦农田土壤含盐量下降到0.01%~0.04%,微生物和酶的活性均得到提高,土壤质量明显改善.土壤质量综合指数(SQI)由低到高依次为光滩(0.194)<碱蓬滩(0.233)<白茅滩(0.278)<互花米草滩(0.446)<玉米地(0.532)<棉花地(0.674)<大豆地(0.826).自然植被的正向演替是提高盐沼湿地土壤质量的有效途径.  相似文献   

在滩涂生态演替序列中,自海向陆随着土壤和植被的演替,初级生产者的生物量及其固定的能量同步增长,滩涂主要陆生盐生植被和盐沼生植被的初级生产均始于3月,初级生产力和光能利用率峰值,大穗结缕草群落出于出现在5月,盐蒿群落出现在7月,白茅群落,芦苇群落和糙叶苔群落出现在6月,生物量峰值出现在9月或10月。  相似文献   

在滩涂生态演替序列中,自海向陆随着土壤和植被的演替,初级生产者的生物量及其固定的能量同步增长。滩涂主要陆生盐生植被和盐沼生植被的初级生产均始于3月;初级生产力和光能利用率峰值,大穗结缕草群落出现在5月,盐蒿群落出现在7月,白茅群落、芦苇群落和糙叶苔群落出现在6月;生物量峰值出现在9月或10月。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲盐生植被与土壤盐分的相关性研究   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:46       下载免费PDF全文
 本文在主要盐生植被类型研究的基础上,通过植物、土壤、水样品的化学测试,对黄河三角洲盐生植被与土壤盐分的相关性进行了定量的研究。结果表明:盐生植被的类型、空间分布、植株所含的化学成分、生物累积强度和演替等方面与土壤含盐量的关系极为密切。  相似文献   

江苏海岸沙生植被的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 海岸沙生植被系由沙生植物和一些耐沙植物所组成的隐域植被,具旱生性质;种类组成简单,只24种,隶属18科,21属。此外,在砂质海岸听见的一个向森林演替的群落地段,含有19种木本,21种草本植物,概为新发观的耐沙植物,根据组成植物的生活型分析,作了沙生植被的生活型谱。 海岸沙生植被可分为草本与木本两个基本类型、共6个群落。它们的演替规律作了论述。最后讨论了沙生植被的开发、利用及保护问题。  相似文献   

黄土高原不同植被类型土壤特性与植被生产力关系研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对黄土高原不同类型植被,不同立地条件下植被及不同的演替阶段的土壤特性进行了综述,包括土壤养分,土壤酸碱度和土壤水热条件与植被生产力的关系。众多的研究表明,土壤水分与营养供应是影响植被生产力的主要因素,而植被的根系分布和细根周转能够影响土壤有机质和理化性质,植被的演替过程改变着土壤的特性,土壤特性的改变驱动着植被演替。  相似文献   

<正>福建省海岸线绵长,其中砂质海岸与海滩约为565千米,占18.5%,主要分布于闽江口以南。海岸沙生植被分布自闽江口以南沿海地区海岛、长乐至东山沿海岸段,最南端经诏安的铁炉岗滨海与广东的滨海沙生植被相连。海岸沙生植被是海岸线上一道天然屏障,具有防风固沙、阻挡海风海雾以及保持水土等生态功能,以及显著改善环境、有效抗御自然灾害的生态效益。在滨海天然沙生植被中,有一类特殊的植被——滨海沙生药用植物,作为我国传统中  相似文献   

为探讨滨海沙生植物对环境的适应策略,对海南岛滨海沙生植物单叶蔓荆、苦郎树、马缨丹、飞机草、假马鞭、厚藤的叶片主要功能性状分异特征及其土壤因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明,热带滨海沙生植物叶片功能性状存在明显的种间分异,叶片功能性状不仅受植物种类的影响,还受土壤因子影响;比叶面积呈现草本>灌木>藤本的规律;叶片的N/P为7.78~10.85,热带滨海沙生植物生长受土壤氮限制;叶片功能性状中Na含量的变异系数最大(18.46%~76.36%),说明不同植物对Na+的吸收存在较大差异,这将影响其在滨海沙地的自然分布;比叶面积、叶干物质含量与叶片的K、Na含量呈负相关,叶N/P与土壤Na+含量呈负相关,叶片Na+含量与土壤有机质、全磷、全钾呈负相关,土壤盐分限制植物对氮磷的吸收,滨海沙生植物通过比叶面积变化来适应盐胁迫。因此,在滨海沙生植被恢复中,施加土壤肥力是其快速恢复的重要措施,叶片Na+含量可作为滨海沙生植物耐盐性筛选的主要指标。  相似文献   

This preliminary study attempts to make an approach to the symgenesis and dynamic changes of the hylophytic vegetation on coastal line, in general. By analysing the materials from various sources, and obtained by our own observations, the results are briefly summarized as follows: (1) The coastal solonchak vegetation along the shore line of Yellow Sea, bordering the east coast of Kiangsu province, within the warm temperate and the subtropical zones, is composed of many obligate halophtes, such as Salieornia europaea, Suaeda salsa, Suaeda glauca, etc. and some facultative hylophtes, such as Artemisia capillaris, Sonchus arvensis, Lepidium viginicum, etc., These species are naturally grouped in various plant communities frequently as belts, and responsible to differant salt concentrations and moisture. The distribution of a halophytic community generally appears to be limited by the salinity of soil. (2) Coastal solonehak phytocoenosim may be divided into following two main classes: 1. The primary seral communitis, which are generated and developed mainly on the primary bare area, contain 9 communities, such as Suaeda salsa community, Zoysis macrostachys community, etc. 2. The secondary seral communities, which are generated and developed mainly on the secondary bare area, contain 6 communities, such as Suaeda glauca community, Artemisia capillaris community, etc. (3) It is evident that the symgenesis and formation of coastal solonchak vegetation are in accordance with the course of the development of coastal solonchak. (4) Vegetational succession on coastal solonchak is caused by the decreasing salt content and increasing humus content of soil. In this paper, diagrams of successional dynamic changes have been prepared to show their close relationship between the hylophytic vegetation and the solonchak on coastal regions.  相似文献   

1985—1986年期间,作者调查了白音锡勒牧场沙地植被。本文具体分析沙地植被的空间分布和动态演替。1.沙地西段的植被呈疏林灌丛草原景观,沙地东段的植被则呈密林灌丛草原景观。由西向东随着海拔高度的上升形成一个植被生态系列。植被PCA分析的结果表明沙地基质稳定性梯度和沙地环境水分梯度是控制沙地植物群落空间分布格局的两个主要环境因素。2.描述了沙地原生植被演替的各个阶段。沙地植被演替阶段与沙地固定过程相一致,群落稳定性与沙地地貌稳定性相关。由于地形分异引起立地水热条件组合变化,植被演替系列分化为阴坡系列和阳坡系列,前者向森林化方向发展,后者则沿草原化方向发展。本文还就沙地植被资源的开发、利用和保护等方面提出6项建议。  相似文献   

We used the Braun-Blanquet method to study the vegetation of coastal wetlands in South Korea. Three habitat types were found, i.e., salt marshes, salt swamps, and sand dunes. These plant communities were classified as: 1) two groups (five associations each) in the salt marshes that comprised either annual herbaceous halophytes (ClassThero-Salicornietea), or biennial/perennial herbaceous species (ClassAsteretea tripolii); 2) one group in the salt swamps consisting of five hydrophilous halo-tolerant associations (ClassPhragmitetea); and 3) three groups in the sand dunes, including one association of annual herbaceous halophytes (ClassSalsoletea komarovii), seven associations of herbaceous perennial halophytes (ClassGlehnietea littoralis), and one association of shrub perennial halophytes (ClassVrticetea rotundifoliae). These three habitat types accounted for the majority of the six main classifications of coastal vegetation distributed in South Korea.  相似文献   

Sandy coastlines are dynamic environments with potential for biodiverse habitats, such as green beaches. Green beach vegetation can develop on nutrient-poor beaches landward from embryo dunes. It is characterised by low-dynamic coastal wetland habitat such as salt marshes and dune slacks. It has been hypothesised that the establishment of green beach vegetation is facilitated by the shelter provided by embryo dunes, however evidence is lacking.We explored the importance of geomorphology and soil conditions on the species richness and turnover of green beach vegetation over a time period of 10 years. We recorded 107 plots along 11 transects over a gradient from beach to dune on the island of Schiermonnikoog, the Netherlands. We characterised transect geomorphology at transect level and soil conditions and vegetation at plot level in 2006 and 2016.We found that the green beach vegetation was highly dynamic, total plant cover increased by 62% within 10 years. In 2006 beach width was an important factor in explaining species richness, with the highest number of species occurring on narrow beaches with a large volume of embryo dunes. In 2016, species richness was positively associated with the build-up of organic matter. Overall species richness declined relative to 2006 and was accompanied by an increase in elevation due to sand burial and the expansion of embryo dune volume.Our data suggests that geomorphology influenced the vegetation indirectly by affecting sand burial rate. Plant species richness declined less at sheltered conditions where sand burial was limited, allowing the build-up of organic matter. This indicates a time-dependent relationship between the development of embryo dunes and plant species richness: embryo dunes can be a source of shelter, thus increasing species richness, but can compete for space over time, lowering species richness again. Our results are relevant for engineering and management of biodiverse sandy shores.  相似文献   

Low water and nutrient availability and significant sand movement, salt spray, and soil salinity are typical of coastal dunes. These conditions are generally unfavorable for the various life stages of plants and especially for seedlings. However, the intensity of these stresses decreases landward, even over short distances, with significant effects on community composition. On coastal dunes in subarctic Québec, Canada, Honckenya peploides (Caryophyllaceae) colonizes the upper beach where it forms small mounds called embryo dunes. Leymus mollis (Poaceae) is mostly restricted to the foredune; however, a few individuals successfully establish on the upper beach, particularly on embryo dunes. We hypothesized that this differential distribution is associated with differences in the tolerance of the two species' seedlings to physical stresses. Honckenya peploides and L. mollis seedling tolerance to sand burial, salt spray, soil salinity, and nutrient and water availability was assessed in greenhouse experiments. Unexpectedly, our results showed that tolerance to sand burial, salt spray, and soil salinity was lower for H. peploides than for L. mollis. If seeds are available and seedlings tolerate the conditions prevailing on the upper beach well, why are mature L. mollis individuals rare in this habitat? We suggest that massive abrasion events (e.g., violent storm waves and ice thrust) restrict the presence of the species on the upper beach.  相似文献   

海南岛文昌县滨海沙土草地植被的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 海南岛文昌县滨海沙土草地植被,用改进的点样法——拉线点样法,测定的数据,所作的数量分析,可分为14个群丛,两个类型,6个主要群系(群落):1.热带滨海沙土沼泽草地 1)薄果草+岗松群系(含5个群丛) 2)田葱群系(含1个群丛) 2.热带滨海沙生草地 3)鸭咀草+蜈蚣草群系(1个群丛) 4)蜈蚣草+金须茅群系(1个群丛) 5)鬣刺+单叶牡荆群系(1个群丛) 6)竹节草+野香茅群落(1个群丛)。在这6个群落(群系)中,以潜育性沙土上由薄果草和岗松组成的草地,以及半流动和固定沙土上以蜈蚣草、鸭咀草、野香茅为主的草地,面积最大,最有代表性。  相似文献   

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