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对不同年龄段绿海龟Chelonia mydas的口腔进行形态学观察。口腔均由喙、内鼻孔、舌、气门及咽喉腔组成。喙覆盖角质鞘,无牙齿。稚龟喙呈V型,无角质锯齿,下喙钩状;幼龟和成年龟喙呈U型,具多排角质锯齿,口裂均相对较稚龟小。上喙内侧角化内鼻孔2个;内鼻孔梳状乳突在稚龟中缺失,但在幼龟和成年龟中可见,且随年龄增长、增密。舌呈"U"型,短小;舌正后方有游离的半圆形膜状皱褶,其下方可见1个裂隙。气门紧随裂隙内侧,游离,由2个杓状软骨支撑。舌和气门下方舌骨1块;角腮骨1对,分别可伸至咽喉腔下方和头骨后方。咽喉腔约占口腔的1/2,表层分布有大量弧状皱褶,且左右各具1个咽鼓管孔。光镜下,口腔腔壁包含黏膜层、肌层和骨骼。黏膜层均由角化复层鳞状上皮和固有层构成,但仅稚龟舌后部的黏膜层可见分泌细胞分布。舌体与膜状皱褶之间有分支泡状腺;膜状皱褶下方的裂隙表面覆盖复层柱状上皮,可见管状腺分布;复层柱状上皮细胞和腺体细胞在ABPAS染色中均呈玫红色。肌层为骨骼肌,其在舌体分布较少,而在气门区域较发达。扫描电镜下,口腔黏膜上皮由多边形的角质细胞组成,其表面有不规则的波纹分布,微绒毛和杯状细胞均缺失。绿海龟口腔的组织形态及结构与其食性及生态适应紧密相关。  相似文献   

古河祥  周婷 《四川动物》2005,24(1):54-55
2001年, 广东惠东港口海龟国家级自然保护区管理局在 1000 多枚绿海龟的卵孵化过程中, 发现一例白化稚绿海龟 (见封3图版, 1)。现报道如下。白化稚绿海龟通体白色; 背甲、腹甲和四肢发育正常, 其量度见表 1。背甲卵圆形, 中央隆起,椎盾5枚, 肋盾8枚, 颈盾2枚, 左侧缘盾12枚,表1 白化稚绿海龟 (编重量体长背甲长背甲宽腹甲长腹甲宽15 2 53 38 40 9 35 3 25 01 23 36   人类白化病患者眼睛呈肉红色[1]。白化龟、白化鳖眼睛曾出现红色和黑色两种现象。该稚绿海龟白化个体因无眼睛, 故不知其…  相似文献   

乌龟Chinemys reevesii胚胎发育的初步观察   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
乌龟产下来的受精卵是在母体内经历了卵裂、囊胚等发育阶段的。在其以后的胚胎发育过程中形成中胚层囊、卵黄囊血管区、羊膜和浆膜。较晚阶段的胚胎更有尿囊伸到浆、羊膜腔中,几乎包围了整个胚胎和卵黄囊、受精卵在人工设置的温床中,相对湿度80—84%,温度33±1℃—35±1℃,均可孵出稚龟。适宜孵化温度33±1℃,历时45—48天,比自然界提早出壳时间20—25天,这对提高孵化率、延长当龄稚龟的生长期和提高稚龟的成活率均有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:对未破裂黄素化卵泡综合征(LUFS)周期及正常排卵周期患者在不同时间性激素进行测定与比较,探讨LUFS的发生与性激素的关系。方法:对自然周期有排卵障碍的患者使用克罗米芬+HCG促排,分别在月经周期的第3天(C3)、第10天(C10)、卵泡成熟日(CM)(卵泡直径≥18mm)、尿LH阳性或注射HCG后48小时(CL)进行性激素测定,根据患者是否有排卵分为:正常排卵组(A组);未排卵出现LUFS组(B组)。选择同期自然周期正常排卵者为对照组(C组),同上法进行性激素测定。对A、B、C组患者不同时间的血清性激素进行比较。结果:1、FSH:在CM日A、B两组的促卵泡成熟激素(FSH)均低于C组(P<0.01)。2、LH:在C3、C10、CL日测定的A、B组LH值均高于C组(P<0.01),在CM日测定的A、B组LH值低于C组(P<0.01)。3、P:在CM日A、B两组的孕酮值低于C组(P<0.01);4、E2:在C3日测定的B组E2值低于C组(P<0.01),在CL日测定的B组E2值高于C组(P<0.01);5、PRL:在不同时间各组的PRL值均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。6、T:在不同时间各组的T值均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:性激素在LUFS的发生中起重要作用,但以C3日E2值与LUFS的发生的关系最大,E2值低者易发生LUFS。  相似文献   

寇治通 《四川动物》2002,21(3):204-207
(续上期 )4 山瑞鳖的稚幼鳖的生长4 1 刚孵出的山瑞稚鳖的大小 测量了不同窝次刚孵出 3 5只稚鳖 (在鳖类从卵内刚孵出的鳖通称稚鳖 ,至于稚鳖期与幼鳖的界限则无定论。本文对山瑞鳖按体重划分为 :5 0 g以下为稚鳖期 ,5 0~ 40 0g为幼鳖期 ,40 0~ 40 0 0 g为商品鳖 ,40 0 0 g以上视为成年鳖 ) ,平均体重 7 4(6 0~ 9 1 ) g ,背甲长宽 3 7 6× 3 0 9(3 0× 2 3~ 47× 3 4)mm ,腹盘长 2 5 0 (2 4~ 2 7)mm。4 2 山瑞幼鳖的生长 前述刚孵出的 3 5只稚鳖经过7个月的加温 (2 5℃ )饲养结果 ,除中途死亡 1 1只外 ,剩下 2 4只幼鳖…  相似文献   

段凝  闫明 《广西植物》2019,39(5):650-660
该研究采用盆栽试验法,以紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)为材料,将煤矸石(CG)、粉煤灰(FA)和沙土(SS)按不同质量配比设置T1(CG∶FA∶SS=75%∶25%∶0%)、T2(CG∶FA∶SS=60%∶25%∶15%)、T3(CG∶FA∶SS=45%∶25%∶30%)、T4(CG∶FA∶SS=30%∶25%∶45%)四组混合基质以模拟,并以T5(CG∶FA∶SS=0%∶0%∶100%)为对照,AM真菌选用摩西斗管囊霉(F.m)和幼套近明球囊霉(C.e),通过单接菌和混合接菌,探索其对紫花苜蓿根系的侵染率、幼苗生长、抗氧化物酶活性和渗透调节物质变化的影响。结果表明:(1)在五组基质上,接种AM真菌显著提高了紫花苜蓿根系的菌根侵染率和菌根依赖性,且基质T4接种F.m+C.e[F.m∶C.e=1∶1(W/W)]的值最大(64.31%和86.24%)。(2)接种AM真菌不同程度提高了紫花苜蓿株高、基径、叶面积和生物量,且混合接菌的效果优于单接菌。(3)基质中填加过量煤矿废弃物抑制了植株根系的生长,接种AM真菌后显著提高了紫花苜蓿总根长、根表面积、根体积,降低了根平均直径。(4)不同接菌处理的紫花苜蓿叶片POD、SOD、CAT活性以及可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量总体表现为F.m+C.eC.eF.mnon-AMF,且接种F.m+C.e的增长幅度最大。研究表明煤矿废弃物复合逆境抑制紫花苜蓿的生长,接种AM真菌显著提高了幼苗生长、抗氧化物酶活性和渗透调节物质,提高了植物抗逆性能,且以基质T4接种F.m+C.e的效果最佳。  相似文献   

小黄蝠是分布在我国南方典型的翼手类.为探讨小黄蝠是否具有精子储存的现象,利用组织学切片技术,研究不同月份小黄蝠性腺的发育情况,采用放射免疫测定方法测定了不同月份的小黄蝠血清性类固醇激素含量(雌二醇E2和睾酮T)的变化.结果显示:雄性小黄蝠5月份的附睾有部分的管腔呈中空状态,部份还有精子残留;7月附睾管腔细小、中空、尚未...  相似文献   

鼋(Pelochelys cantorii, 1864)属于中国国家一级重点保护野生动物, 生物学资料相对匮乏, 2015和2016年连续2年对人工驯养的4只亲鼋(2雌2雄)进行了繁殖生物学研究。人工驯养鼋的产卵期集中在5—8月, 夜间产卵, 无护卵行为。通过视频观察分析, 鼋产卵过程可分为Ⅳ个阶段。2只雌鼋2015年共产卵10窝, 每窝32—50枚, 共406枚, 受精273枚, 受精率为67.24%, 孵出稚鼋140只, 孵化率为51.28%; 2016年共产卵11窝, 每窝40—55枚, 共489枚, 受精353枚, 受精率为72.19%, 孵出稚鼋212只, 孵化率为60.06%。鼋卵圆形, 刚性, 均重(16.82±1.99) g, 卵直径(3.10±0.18) cm, 刚孵出稚鼋均重(13.60±0.85) g, 在人工控温下平均孵化期为(64.94±3.47)d。繁殖数据表明这2对鼋处于生育盛年期。针对2016年的繁殖数据分析, 2只雌鼋每窝产卵量无明显差异, 卵均重和卵直径间有显著相关性, 雌鼋1个体体重大于雌鼋2, 前者产的卵均重显著大于后者, 孵出稚鼋的初重差异也显著, 卵大, 稚鼋也大。孵出的稚鼋以活鱼苗为饵料, 在温室内人工养殖周年, 均重可以达(510.30±82.77) g。研究旨在为鼋繁育生物学提供基础性数据, 为其资源保护做贡献。  相似文献   

目的:探讨~(131)I对男性甲状腺功能亢进症患者血清性激素及甲状腺球蛋白水平的影响。方法:收集我院收治的男性甲状腺功能亢进症患者74例,随机分为对照组和实验组,每组各37例,对照组患者给予他巴唑口服,20-30 mg/次,每日口服1次。实验组患者在对照组基础上给予~(131)I治疗。治疗结束后,检测并比较两组患者血清游离三碘甲状腺素(FT3)、游离甲状腺素(FT4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)、睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E2)、甲状腺球蛋白(TG)水平的变化以及临床疗效。结果:与治疗前相比,两组患者血清FT3、FT4、T、E2、TG水平均显著下降,TSH水平明显升高(P0.05);与对照组相比,实验组患者血清FT3、FT4、T、E2、TG水平较低,TSH水平以及临床治疗有效率较高(P0.05)。结论:~(131)I能够显著降低男性甲状腺功能亢进症血清FT3、FT4、T、E2、TG水平,升高TSH水平,临床效果较好。  相似文献   

以林业废弃物木纤维、沤制树皮、椰糠和锯末为基质主料,分别与辅料草炭、黄心土、珍珠岩、蛭石、火烧土和碳化树皮以不同体积比配制16种配方基质,研究了16种配方基质的理化性质及其对西桦(Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)幼苗的生长和叶片部分生理指标的影响,综合评价各配方基质对西桦幼苗的育苗效果,并筛选出适宜西桦幼苗生长的最佳配方基质。结果表明:16种配方基质的容重、总孔隙度、通气孔隙度、持水孔隙度、电导率和p H值分别为0.21~0.81 g·cm~(-3)、35.87%~63.35%、2.00%~21.74%、24.78%~53.03%、0.04~0.15 m S·cm~(-1)和p H 5.29~p H 7.43,碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾和有机质的含量分别为94.50~652.75 mg·kg~(-1)、3.37~72.67 mg·kg~(-1)、49.50~227.75 mg·kg~(-1)和5.45~43.80 g·kg~(-1)。其中,以林业废弃物为主料的T5[V(沤制树皮)∶V(锯末)∶V(碳化树皮)=6∶3∶1]至T16[V(锯末)∶V(椰糠)∶V(火烧土)∶V(珍珠岩)=3∶3∶2∶2]配方基质的电导率、持水孔隙度、碱解氮含量、速效钾含量和有机质含量总体上显著高于T1[V(黄心土)∶V(锯末)∶V(火烧土)=6∶3∶1]配方基质(对照),容重显著低于对照。不同配方基质中西桦幼苗的根冠比、单株根干质量和叶片叶绿素a含量与叶绿素b含量的比值的差异较小,其他生长指标和生理指标均存在明显差异,其中,T11[V(木纤维)∶V(草炭)∶V(椰糠)=4∶3∶3]和T12[V(木纤维)∶V(草炭)∶V(椰糠)=3∶4∶3]配方基质中西桦幼苗的单株茎叶干质量、单株根干质量、单株总干质量、株高增长量、地径增长量、高径比、苗木质量指数和叶片总叶绿素含量均高于或显著高于对照,表现出明显的生长优势。综合评价结果显示:T11和T12配方基质中西桦幼苗的综合评价指数较高,分别为0.444和0.440,西桦幼苗实际生长效果也较佳。为了减少草炭使用量,建议将T11配方基质作为西桦幼苗育苗的最佳配方基质。  相似文献   

Martha S. Hunter 《Oecologia》1993,93(3):421-428
Autoparasitoid wasps lay fertilized eggs in homopteran nymphs, and these eggs develop into female primary parasitoids. Unfertilized, male-producing eggs are laid in immatures of the wasps' own or another primary parasitoid species; males then develop as secondary or hyperparasitoids. In the population of Encarsia pergandiella studied in Ithaca, NY, fertilized eggs were laid in the nymphs of the whitefly Trialeurodes packardi (primary hosts) and unfertilized eggs were laid almost exclusively in pupal females of their own species (secondary hosts). In the two years the population was studied, secondary hosts were always much less abundant than primary hosts at both sites. However, secondary hosts were parasitized at a significantly greater rate than primary hosts. In a laboratory experiment, the encounter rate of females with primary and secondary hosts was not significantly different. Moreover, there was no evidence from the field that wasps found leaves bearing secondary hosts more frequently than leaves without secondary hosts. Dissections of field-collected females showed them to be mated, and thus capable of laying both unfertilized and fertilized eggs. These results suggest that wasps did not encounter secondary hosts at a greater rate, nor were they constrained to lay unfertilized eggs, but rather secondary hosts were preferred. The oviposition sex ratios were influenced by the proportion of secondary hosts, but were less female-biased than would be predicted from the proportion of secondary hosts alone. The results do not support the predictions of Godray and Waage (1990) for either strictly host-limited autoparasitoids (sex ratio should reflect the proportion of secondary hosts) or for egg-limited autoparasitoids (sex ratio should be equal, and independent of the proportion of secondary hosts).  相似文献   

The sex expression inThymelaea hirsuta was assessed in five habitats in the western Mediterranean desert of Egypt. The survey over two main flowering periods indicated that the sexual expression of this plant is complex and labile. Beside the dioecious male and female states, five monoecious states were detected. The dioecious states are more abundant and less labile. There is a clear shift from monoecious towards dioecious states and in general favour of males from the first (late autumn) to the second (late winter) flowering period. These results are discussed in view of the adaptive theories and evolution.  相似文献   

Summary The simplest possible model of the sex determination process adding autosomal influence to a minimal number of sex chromosomes was developed to explain matings of Tilapia (Sarotherodon) species. Eighteen different genotypes, each having two autosomes (AA, Aa, or aa) and two sex chromosomes (WX, WY, WW, XY, XX or YY) involved in sex determination, are predicted by the theory. Their sex (10 males and 8 females) were determined using a series of directed graphs, showing the relative strength of the chromosome pairs, developed on the basis of Chen's sex ratio results (Chen 1969). This theoretical model predicts eight different sex ratios (01, 13, 35, 11, 97, 53, 31, 10 ); three of them are not predicted by the WXYZ theory. The greatest part of these sex ratios have been obtained experimentally in extensive series of crosses between related species of Tilapia and their hybrids, carried out by several authors. The theory succeeds in explaining all of Chen's results, including those ratios 53 and 01 seen in certain crosses but not predicted by the WXYZ theory. The importance of the autosomes is seen in comparisons of the genotype pairs (AaWY, aaWY), (AaXY, aaXY) and (AAWW, AaWW) in which the first genotype in each case is male while the second is female as proven by the sex ratio results. The members of the pair differ only in the substitution of one autosome for the other. To test the theory, experiments consisting of hormonal sex reversion and a series of crosses are proposed. Finally, theoretical and practical implications of the theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Sex ratios from 62 single-pair matings of normal broodstock O. aureus were highly heterogeneous with an overall deficit of males (41.4%). Peaks in the sex ratio frequency distribution occurred at 11, 35 and 13 (malefemale). Hybridisation of O. aureus with O. mossambicus, O. spilums and O. niloticus produced highly variable sex ratios, suggesting a complexity of hybrid sex determination. Few valid inferences could be made regarding intraspecific sex determination from these hybrid data. Sex ratios from progeny testing of sex-reversed males (13) and most sex-reversed females (10) provide evidence for female heterogamety in O. aureus. Several aberrant ratios observed suggest Mendelian inheritance of an autosomal recessive gene (F,f), epistatic to the major sex-determining gene (W,Z). Sex ratios of triploids and gynogens support the hypothesis of recombination between the centromere and the major sex-determining locus. Progeny testing of a female mitogyne demonstrated the viability of a novel WW superfemale, which gave only female offspring. Not all data could be explained by a two-factor model of sex determination. Further exceptional sex ratios may be accounted for by rare autosomal or environmental sex-modifying factors. It is concluded that O. aureus has a multifactorial mechanism of sex determination with the underlying primary mechanism of female heterogamety.  相似文献   

Summary Melandrium album (2n=24), a dioecious species with heteromorphic sex chromosomes (XY, males and XX, females), has a strong genetic commitment for sex determination. We report here a procedure for obtaining haploid plants from cultured anthers and show that genotype, pollen stage, cold treatment and certain culture media components are essential for a reproducible yield of embryos. Our procedure increased the number of responsive anthers and not the number of responsive microspores per anther. Most likely, our experimental system allows the recovery of competent microspores, and this on a medium containing either an auxin or a cytokinin. All of the 36 anther-derived plants tested expressed a female phenotypic sex instead of the theoretical one male one female ratio. When analysed cytologically, the plants exhibited the corresponding female genetic sex (one or two X chromosomes).  相似文献   

The sex pheromones produced by virgin females of three species of small ermine moths occurring sympatrically on the European spindle tree were analysed by gas chromatography and the synthetic compounds tested against male moths in the laboratory and field. Pheromone gland extracts of Yponomeuta cagnagellus were shown to contain tetradecyl acetate, (E)-11- and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, tetradecanol, (E)-11- and (Z-11-tetradecenol and hexadecyl acetate in 30/3/100/6/0/7/42) ratio. Wind tunnel bioassays and field tests showed that (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate primary pheromone components, and that tetradecyl acetate synergised their attractiveness. The alcohols were unimportant in these tests. Analysis of the pheromone gland extracts from Y. irrorellus showed the above components in 68/56/100/9/6/8/17 ratio, and a mixture of these attracted male moths in laboratory and field. Omission of either unsaturated acetate gave unattractive mixtures, and the alcohols were also found to be important for attraction. Pheromone gland extracts from Y. plumbellus were shown to contain the seven components in 46/148/100/20/20/13/25 ratio. Field tests showed that the two monounsaturated acetates are primary pheromone components, and removal of the alcohols had no significant effect. The titre of (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate in Y. plumbellus pheromone gland extracts was approximately 0.5 ng per female, one tenth the titre in the other two species. It is concluded that mixtures of three or more pheromone components with specific E/Z ratio are essential for full attraction and contribute towards premating reproductive isolation of the three species. Other factors such as rate of pheromone emission, time of flight and height of flight may also contribute to reproductive isolation.
Résumé L'analyse a porté sur les phéromones sexuelles de 3 Yponomeutidae, trouvés en sympatrie sur le fusain. Des expériences sur le comportement de Y. cagnagellus ont montré que la fraction acétate de tétradécyl de la phéromone synergise les fractions connues antérieurement: (E)-11- et (Z)-11-acétates de tétradécényl, lorsque les proportions sont 37/2/100. L'analyse en chromatographie gazeuse d'extraits de glandes à phéromone de Y. irrorellus a mis en évidence, dans les proportions approximatives suivantes 68/56/100/9/6/8/7, de l'acétate de tétradécyl, des (E)-11 et (Z)-11 acétates de tétradécényl, du tétradécanol, des (E)-11 et (Z)-11-tétradécénols, et de l'acétate d'hexadécyl. Un mélange de ces composés a provoqué un vol intégral contre le vent des mâles dans un tunnel à vent et a attiré les mâles dans la nature.L'analyse des extrait de glandes à phéromone de Y. plumbellus a donné de l'acétate de tétradécyl, du (E)-11-acétate de tétradécényl et du (Z)-11-acétate de tétradécényl, dans les proportions: 50/150/100. Une étude par élimination dans la nature a montré que les acétates non saturés étaient les composés fondamentaux de la phéromone. La teneur en (Z)-11-acétate de tétradécényl de la glande à phéromone de Y. plumbellus était d'environ 0.5 ng par femelle, soit approximativement le dixième de celle observée chez les deux autres espèces.Une très faible attraction croisée a été trouvée avec des phéromones totalement synthétisées. Lorsque l'acétate de (E)-11-tétradécényl a été enlevé des phéromones de Y. irrorellus et Y. plumbellus, le reliquat a attiré des nombres significatifs de Y. cagnagellus. Nous en concluons que des mélanges de trois composés ou plus, avec des proportions spécifiques des isomères (E) et (Z), sont indispensables pour une activité complète et pour maintenir un isolement reproductif précopulatoire entre les espèces.

Female sex pheromone gland extracts of Sparganothis pilleriana contain E-9-dodecenyl acetate, E-11-tetradecenyl acetate, Z-11-tetradecenyl acetate and saturated acetates of 12 to 24 carbons. Addition of E-9-dodecen-1-ol to the blend of the three unsaturated acetates is necessary to obtain maximum male catch.
Zusammenfassung Weibliche Sexualpheromondrüsen des Spring-wurmwicklers S. pilleriana enthalten E-9-Dodecenylacetat, E-11-Tetradecenylacetat und Z-11-Tetradecenylacetat neben gesättigten Acetaten mit 12 bis 24 Kohlenstoffeinheiten. Die beste Lockwirkung auf Männchen des Springwurmwicklers wird erzielt, wenn man dem Gemisch der drei ungesättigten Acetate E-9-Dodecen-1-ol zufügt, welches als elektrophysiologisch hoch wirksam bekannt ist, aber in den Drüsen nicht nachgewiesen werden konnte.

Epidinocarsis lopezi is used as a biological control agent against the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti, a serious pest of cassava in Africa. The efficiency of parasitoid mass-rearing is maximized when maximum numbers of healthy female wasps are obtained, since only female parasitoids attack the mealybugs.Highly variable sex ratios are often found in parasitic Hymenoptera. Local mate competition (LMC) is one of the evolutionary models which provide predictions about sex allocation. In this paper we show that E. lopezi does not respond to parasitoid density with a change in sex ratio. We also show that in the field, no local mating structure exists, and that mating is random. Therefore, a shift in sex ratio in response to parasitoid density as predicted by LMC theory would not be adaptive. E. lopezi also does not change its sex allocation when ovipositing in already parasitized hosts. Hence host-size distribution and differential mortality are the only factors that can influence sex ratio in mass-rearings.
Résumé E. lopezi est utilisé dans la lutte biologique contre Phenacoccus manihoti, important ravageur du manioc en Afrique. Puisque seules les femelles du parasitoïde attaquent la cochenille, l'efficacité de l'élevage de masse de l'entomophage sera optimale quand le maximum de femelles saines sera obtenu.Les rapports des sexes des hyménoptères parasites varient très souvent. La compétition sexuelle locale (LMC) constitue l'un des modèles qui fournissent des prédictions de la distribution des sexes. Cette note montre que la proportion des sexes de E. lopezi n'est pas modifiée par la densité du parasitoïde. Par ailleurs, les accouplements s'effectuent au hasard dans la nature et il n'y a pas de structure locale d'accouplement. Par conséquent, le biais, prévu par la théorie du LMC, et introduit par la densité du parasitoïde dans la distribution des sexes, n'a pas de valeur adaptative. E. lopezi ne modifie pas non plus la distribution du sexe de ses descendants quant il pond dans de hôtes déjà parasités. Ainsi, la répartition en taille des hôtes et la mortalité différentielle sont les seuls facteurs qui influent sur la proportion des sexes dans les élevages de masse.

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