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种植方式对华北春玉米密植群体冠层结构的调控效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大田同等密度条件下,设计了单、双株与对、错位组合的4种种植方式,研究其对华北春播"郑单958"密植群体的冠层结构、功能及产量的影响。结果表明:相比常规单株对位种植方式,双株错位、双株对位和单株错位种植方式下玉米群体的冠层垂直分布呈现叶和茎的干重权重比例下移、群体叶片垂直分布趋于"纺锤形";植株个体穗下层茎叶夹角显著增加2.4°~3.4°,尤其双株错位和双株对位有效扩展了个体生态位,显示了耐密调控能力;灌浆期前,各处理群体LAI及叶片功能活性略显劣势,但在此之后LAI、穗位叶及穗下叶片中SPAD值衰减速度延缓,功能期延长;3个处理比常规种植方式增产11.2%~12.7%,但差异未达显著水平;抗倒性强、空杆率低、千粒重显著增多是产量较高的主要因素;密植条件下改变传统的单株对位种植,能够改善密植群体冠层结构,优化个体形态,提高生育后期冠层中下部叶片功能活性,从而实现耐密、增产、稳产。  相似文献   

密度、种植方式和品种对夏玉米群体发育特征的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
在豫北高产灌区的生产条件下,以郑单958和浚单20为试验材料,研究了不同密度和种植方式对夏玉米群体发育特征的影响。结果表明:密度和种植方式对两个品种的株高、茎粗、穗位、叶面积指数(LAI)、叶绿素含量、干物质积累量、穗部性状、籽粒产量和经济系数的影响达到极显著水平。郑单958在宽窄行种植方式和90000株/hm2的密度下产量最高,达到14236.97kg/hm2,浚单20在宽窄行种植方式和82500株/hm2的密度下产量最高,达到13333.51kg/hm2。  相似文献   

超高产小麦冠层光辐射特征的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
在超高产栽培条件下,对多穗型小麦品种豫麦49的冠层光辐射特征进行了研究.结果表明,豫麦49叶面积指数 LAI 全生育期变化为单峰曲线,由越冬期开始逐渐增大,于开花期达最大值,之后下降.开花后D2 基本苗为150×104株/hm2 处理绿叶面积保持时间较长.其叶片分布 LD 处理间存在显著差异,但以D2处理的LD较为合理.各时期处理间平均叶倾角 MFIA 均为高密度的大于低密度的,返青以前不同处理间的差异较小,拔节以后差异增大,灌浆后期各处理MFIA均有减小趋势.消光系数 K 随天顶角增大而增大,D2处理冠层消光系数适中,且分配较优.冠层直射辐射透过系数 TR 随天顶角增大逐渐减小,开花期各处理之间差异显著,灌浆中期各处理之间差异减小.D2处理因其产量三因素协调而产量显著高于其它处理.综合以上结果可知,豫麦49在超高产条件下以D2处理的冠层结构最优,表现为LAI大小适中,叶片分布均匀,冠层消光系数分布合理,光能利用率较高.  相似文献   

 在大田试验条件下,研究了在同一密度(375×104株&;#8226;hm-2)下,行距配置对大穗型冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)品种‘兰考矮早八’后期群体 冠层结构、冠层微环境及产量构成的影响。结果表明,冠层叶面积指数随着行距的增大而减小;而冠层开度随着行距的增大而增加。行距配置 还可改变小麦冠层微环境,冠层不同层次的光截获及消光系数均随着行距的增大而减小;随着行距增加,冠层不同层次的温度升高,而湿度下 降; 随着行距缩小,冠层不同层次的CO2分布更趋均匀,有利于群体光合作用。通过缩小行距,能够使植株分布均匀,竞争减弱,使产量构成 因素实现最佳配置,从而获得较高的产量。从该研究看,15 cm行距的产量最高,可作为该类品种的较佳行距配置。  相似文献   

为了探究氮沉降背景下杉木和浙江楠混栽苗木的生长特征, 于2019年5月模拟两种氮水平(对照 0 kg·hm-2·yr-1·N、施氮45 kg·hm-2·yr-1·N)和三种混栽方式(每盆种植1颗杉木苗木、1颗浙江楠苗木, 地上竞争被隔板完全隔绝, 地下竞争由三种根系分隔方式控制竞争强度: 塑料膜分隔-根系无竞争、尼龙网分隔-根系干扰性竞争、无分隔-根系完全竞争), 2019年生长季(5月~12月)施氮处理并对杉木和浙江楠苗木生物量、根系形态和植株元素含量进行分析。结果表明: 根系竞争对杉木和浙江楠苗木的根、冠生物量无显著影响(p>0.05)影响, 但两种苗木的根系生长随着竞争的加剧而受到抑制作用, 种间竞争特别是干扰性竞争能够促进植物对磷的吸收; 施氮后, 根系竞争促进了根、冠生物量的增加, 并对冠生物量的增加更有利, 同时, 根系干扰性竞争的促进作用最明显。另外, 两种苗木的根系生长随着竞争的加剧而受到促进作用。施氮和种间竞争均能促进植物对营养元素的吸收。  相似文献   

株行距配置对高产夏玉米冠层结构及籽粒灌浆特性的影响   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
在75000株·hm-2种植密度下,选用郑单958和先玉335为试验材料,设置2种行距配置(等行距、宽窄行)和3种留苗方式(每穴1株、每穴2株、每穴3株),研究了6种种植方式对黄淮海地区高产夏玉米产量构成、吐丝后冠层结构及光合性能的调控作用,并以Richards模型拟合籽粒灌浆过程.结果表明: 产量、干物质积累量、作物生长率、灌浆速率、冠层光合能力等均表现为宽窄行处理高于等行距处理,留苗方式以每穴2株最高.各种植方式中以宽窄行每穴2株种植产量最高,达13.12(郑单958)和13.72(先玉335) t·hm-2.宽窄行每穴2株种植改善了冠层内部光照状况,净光合速率和叶面积指数均有所提高,同时缓解了植株个体与群体间的矛盾,籽粒灌浆能力增强,干物质积累量提高.因此,宽窄行每穴2株种植是黄淮海夏玉米高产条件下产量提高的有效栽培方式.  相似文献   

通过设置4.50×104、5.25×104、6.00×104、6.75×104、7.50×104株·hm~(-2)(分别用T1、T2、T3、T4、T5表示)5个密度,研究种植密度对玉米冠层结构、干物质积累及产量的影响,为川中丘区夏玉米高产栽培提供理论依据和技术支撑。结果表明:随种植密度增加,玉米叶面积指数显著增加,茎粗、茎叶夹角和透光率显著降低;密度每增加1×104株·hm~(-2),茎粗分别降低1.4 mm(2015年)和1.3 mm(2016年),穗下、穗上第1叶夹角分别降低3.601°、1.440°,吐丝期和灌浆中期底层透光率分别降低3.73%和2.82%;玉米单株干物质积累随种植密度增加显著降低,T5较T1在成熟期分别降低37.13%(2015年)、25.95%(2016年);而群体干物质随种植密度呈增加趋势,2016年T5较T1在吐丝后7天、成熟期分别增加了26.72%、23.41%;玉米产量随种植密度呈先增后降的变化趋势,在密度为6.00×104株·hm~(-2)下产量最高;该密度下玉米群体和个体功能达到协同增益,玉米产量构成(有效穗数、穗粒数和千粒重)协调,是产量提高的主要原因。  相似文献   

以木荷和杉木为试验材料,模拟异质和同质两种森林土壤养分环境,设计单植、两株纯植和两株混植3种栽植方式,开展盆栽试验研究木荷与杉木混交造林增产及木荷生长竞争优势形成的原因.结果表明: 与同质养分环境相比,异质养分环境中木荷与杉木混植时两树种均具有较高的苗高和干物质积累量,且木荷竞争优势明显,这与其根系可塑性强有关.混植的木荷各径级细根大量增生,其根系总长度、表面积和体积比杉木高80%~180%.木荷细根在垂直方向上采用了补偿性的生长策略,即除占据富养表层外,还在低养分斑块中大量增殖以获得更大的竞争优势.木荷与杉木的细根在土壤中的拓殖深度不同,生态位分化,缓解了两树种根系对养分的强烈竞争,提高了混植产量.纯植的木荷由于根系自我识别作用,抑制了根系的生长,使得纯植产量较低.细根在空间上错开和均匀分布可能是木荷纯林结构稳定的原因之一.建议在生产中采用块状整地和表层施肥等措施,改善土壤养分分布状况,营建混交林促进木荷和杉木生长,而对已营造的木荷人工纯林,可以及时调控林分密度促进林木生长.  相似文献   

不同基因型玉米间作的群体质量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘天学  李潮海  付景  闫成辉 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6302-6309
采用大田试验,研究了不同基因型玉米间作的群体质量特征.结果表明,HF9‖XD20间作,植株中部叶片平均叶龄延长,而对下部和上部叶片影响不大;ZD958‖LD981间作,ZD958植株下部叶片平均叶龄延长,而中、上部叶片则缩短,LD981植株下、中、上部叶片平均叶龄均有所延长.吐丝前,群体叶面积指数(LAI)单间作无明显差异,吐丝后,HF9和LD981的LAI分别大于和显著大于单作群体,而ZD958和XD20则分别小于和显著小于单作群体.紧凑型品种和半紧凑型品种间作增加了群体透光率,吐丝后10d,4个品种棒三叶叶色值(SPADR)均有所增加,并且除ZD958外,其余3个品种棒三叶净光合速率均有所增加,其中LD981增加显著.间作对吐丝以前的群体干物质积累量影响不大,吐丝后,半紧凑型品种(HF9和LD981)的干物质积累量增加,其中LD981增加显著,而紧凑型品种(XD20和ZD958)的干物质积累量减少,其中ZD958显著减少;间作还提高了收获指数,并且两种间作群体的土地当量比(LER)均大于1.结果提示,紧凑型与半紧凑型玉米品种的间作可以提高群体质量,延长叶片功能期,提高光合效率,增加籽粒产量.  相似文献   

以辽宁稻区3种穗型粳稻及杂交稻为试材,研究了不同株行距配置对齐穗期粳稻光截获能力、群体内部光分布特征和光转化效率以及产量构成的调控作用.结果表明:与光能截获密切相关的叶面积指数随着密度减小而先降低后升高.一天之内消光系数(K)的变化同样表现为先降低后升高,而不同株行距配置间K值随着种植密度的增加而增大.产量与各冠层消光系数、上部3叶叶倾角呈正相关.在光能利用率方面,产量与剑叶气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率均呈正相关.在高密度(15 cm×25 cm)和低密度(20 cm×30 cm和20 cm×35 cm)株行距配置下,水稻分别可以提高光截获能力和光转化效率,却分别受到倒伏和单位面积穗数的限制而无法获得高产稳产.株行距为15 cm×30 cm和 20 cm×25 cm配置下,可以确保足够穗数,优化冠层结构并降低倒伏风险,为高产优质提供保障.  相似文献   

不同群体结构夏玉米灌浆期光合特征和产量变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大田试验以夏玉米为试料,采用裂裂区试验设计,密度设计包含75000、90000\,105000株/hm2 3个密度作为主区,每个密度处理包括: ①等行距60 cm×单株留苗,②等行距60 cm×双株三角留苗,③宽窄行距(宽行70 cm + 窄行距50 cm)×单株留苗和 ④宽窄行距×双株三角留苗共12种方式进行处理,测定光合及叶绿素荧光参数。研究不同群体结构对夏玉米灌浆期群体光合特性的影响。结果表明,在吐丝期,随着种植密度的增加,群体光合速率提高;蜡熟期以90000株/hm2最高,种植方式上表现为宽窄行大于等行距种植,双株留苗种植方式大于单株种植方式,差异均达到显著水平;随着种植密度的提高,群体内3个层次叶片最大光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)逐渐降低,种植方式基本表现为宽窄行大于等行距,留苗方式表现为双株大于单株。试验条件下,以90000株/hm2,宽窄行,双株三角留苗产量最高。  相似文献   

Interspecific competitive relationships and their effect on yield have been analysed in the association of potato and maize, two species with contrasting patterns of root and shoot systems establishment. Greenhouse experiments were carried out under three configurations (NC: no interspecific competition; FC: shoot and root interspecific competition; SC: shoot-only interspecific competition). Despite large variations between replicate experiments associated with seasonal effects, the study revealed consistent patterns of competition for above- and below-ground resources. Light interception in FC and SC was dominated by potato (60%) during the first 45 days after planting and by maize thereafter (80%). The extra shade caused by the companion crop increased soil moisture by up to 10% in SC treatments. The yield of the two species responded in opposite ways to SC, which was consistent with asymmetric patterns of competition between the two species. In potato, FC reduced tuber yield (number and size) by 4–26%, while SC increased tuber size (compared to NC) by 3–39%. In maize, FC reduced LAI and plant height by up to 45%, shoot and root dry mass, nutrient content, yield, the weight of 100 grains and harvest index by ca. 30–100%, while SC affected all but LAI and plant height. It appears that the contrast between the progressive installation of the maize root system and the rapid early extension of the potato root system is amplified by the restriction of maize root development under competition, which leads to close interdependencies between root and shoot competitive relationships. Although the specific effects of root competition cannot be uncovered by this set of experiments, competition effects on maize in the potato/maize intercropping seem to primarily related to light availability in the mixed canopy.  相似文献   

密度和种植方式对夏玉米酶活性和产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在豫北灌区的生产条件下,以郑单958和浚单20为试验材料,研究了不同密度和种植方式对夏玉米碳氮关键酶的影响。结果表明:生育后期夏玉米叶片硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)和籽粒蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)、蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性均呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,叶片NR和GS活性峰值出现在吐丝期,籽粒SPS和SS活性峰值出现在灌浆后15d。基因型、密度和种植方式对夏玉米生育后期叶片NR、GS和籽粒SPS、SS活性均有显著影响,而3因素间总体上没有显著的互作效应。郑单958生育后期叶片NR、GS和籽粒SPS、SS活性均显著高于浚单20,分别提高5.02%、7.40%、6.25%和4.43%。在6.75—9.00万株hm2的范围内,随着密度的增大,夏玉米生育后期叶片NR、GS和籽粒SPS、SS活性显著降低。与60cm等行距种植方式相比,80cm-40cm宽窄行种植方式下夏玉米生育后期叶片NR、GS和籽粒SPS、SS活性均显著提高,分别提高6.23%、9.25%、6.87%和2.84%。在采用宽窄行种植、密度为8.25万株hm2时,产量最高。  相似文献   

通过对紧凑大穗型玉米品种陕单902的研究发现,保证适宜种植密度,增加群体总粒数是陕单902高产的基础;建立合理的群全结构和干物质生产体系,提高吐丝至成熟期的干物质生产能力是陕单902高产的关键;协调群体库源关系,提高成粒率是陕单902高产的根本。采用合理密植(不超过60000株/hm^2),宽窄行和双株栽培,保证足量氮肥和适宜氮,磷,钾配比等主要配套技术可改善大穗型玉米品种陕单902的群体库源性状,提高产量潜和。  相似文献   

We tested whether plants allocate proportionately less biomass to roots in response to above-ground competition as predicted by optimal partitioning theory. Two population densities of Abutilon theophrasti were achieved by planting one individual per pot and varying spacing among pots so that plants in the two densities experienced the same soil volume but different degrees of canopy overlap. Density did not affect root:shoot ratio, the partitioning of biomass between fine roots and storage roots, fine root length, or root specific length. Plants growing in high density exhibited typical above-ground responses to neighbours, having higher ratios of stem to leaf biomass and greater leaf specific area than those growing in low density. Total root biomass and shoot biomass were highly correlated. However, storage root biomass was more strongly correlated with shoot biomass than was fine-root biomass. Fine-root length was correlated with above-ground biomass only for the small subcanopy plants in crowded populations. Because leaf surface area increased with biomass, the ratio between absorptive root surface area and transpirational leaf surface area declined with plant size, a relationship that could make larger plants more susceptible to drought. We conclude that A. theophrasti does not reallocate biomass from roots to shoots in response to above-ground competition even though much root biomass is apparently involved in storage and not in resource acquisition.  相似文献   

Liedgens  Markus  Soldati  Alberto  Stamp  Peter 《Plant and Soil》2004,262(1-2):191-203
It has been demonstrated that the use of living mulches solves some of the environmental problems associated with the conventional cropping of maize (Zea mays L.). However, plant growth and yield are often reduced in such a cropping system. Since shoot competition between the main crop and the cover crop can be avoided by regular cutting of the cover crop, it was hypothesized that decreases in maize growth and yield in a living Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) mulch must be related to below ground interactions between the two species and that these may be traced back to the characteristics of their root systems. Two cropping systems, maize grown alone in bare soil (conventional cropping, BS) or together with a living Italian ryegrass mulch (LM), were studied in lysimeters (1.0 m2 surface area and 1.1 m depth) placed outdoors, near Zurich Switzerland, for a duration of three years. In the LM treatment a strip, 0.3 m wide, in the center of the plot around the maize row was free of grass. For comparison, an Italian ryegrass (RG) treatment, managed as the LM treatment but without maize plants, was also included in the study. Minirhizotrons (54 mm inner diameter) were horizontally installed at ten soil depths between 0.0 and 1.0 m, perpendicular to the orientation of the maize rows. The development of the maize shoot and the rooting patterns were observed non-destructively. LM strongly modified the maize crop by decreasing growth and duration of the leaf area, and thus biomass and grain yield at harvest by as much as 78 and 72%, respectively. Maximum root densities in the three treatments were observed around the time of maize anthesis. However, BS maize was unable to build up root densities similar to those observed in Italian ryegrass plots at the time of maize sowing. The root densities of the LM and the RG treatments were usually similar. The inability of the maize plants to establish a competitive root system in the LM limits the supply of nutrients and water and therefore reduces growth and yield. Improving the productivity of maize in living mulches will depend on the ability to achieve a better separation of the rooting volumes of the two species, so that specific steps to facilitate the main crop and control the living mulch can be taken.  相似文献   

 采用大田试验, 研究了不同基因型玉米(Zea mays)间作对叶片衰老、籽粒产量和品质的影响。结果表明, ‘豫玉19’(YY19)与‘周单 041’(ZD041)、‘郑单958’(ZD958)与‘鲁单981’(LD981)间作, 可提高叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活 性, 降低丙二醛(MDA)含量, 延缓叶片衰老。具体表现为, 在吐丝后10 d, 4个玉米品种叶片中的SOD和POD活性均有所提高或显著提高, ZD041和 ZD958叶片中的CAT活性提高或显著提高, YY19和LD981变化不显著; 4个玉米品种叶片中的MDA含量降低。在吐丝后40 d, SOD和POD活性及MDA含 量的变化与吐丝后10 d基本一致, CAT活性均有所提高, 其中以YY19较为显著。研究还表明, 间作增加了复合群体产量, 土地当量比(Land equivalent ratio, LER)均大于1, 籽粒品质也有所改善。  相似文献   

The effect of variations in fertility level of the substrate on the self-thinning lines followed by populations of Ocimum basilicum L. was investigated experimentally by establishing populations over a range of densities at two fertility levels. Populations from each fertility level followed different self-thinning lines for shoot biomass. Self-thinning began at a lower biomass in populations grown at the higher fertility level; the subsequent slope of the thinning line was –0.5 for these stands on a log shoot biomass versus log density plot. The slope of the self-thinning line was flatter (–0.29) at the lower fertility level. Fitting the self-thinning line by the Structural Relationship rather than the Major Axis made little difference to line estimates. Biomass packing differed with fertility level, with plants from the higher fertility stands requiring more canopy volume for given shoot biomass than plants from lower fertility levels. Biologically, this would mean shoot competition intensified more rapidly at the higher fertility level as biomass accumulated in stands. The difference in slope between fertility levels was associated with changes above- and belowground. The radial extension of the canopy versus shoot mass relationships of individual plants differed with fertility level. Plants at the lower fertility level allocated more biomass to root growth, and had less leaf area per unit root length. The differences in slope of the self-thinning lines may have been because of differences in the radial extension of the canopy versus shoot mass relationships of individual plants at each fertility level, and/or to an increase in root competition at the lower fertility level.  相似文献   

The rates of canopy apparent photosynthesis (PC) and canopy respiration (Rc) were studied during vegetation season in two erectophile and two planophile hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.) grown at two canopy densities [7.5 plants m-2 (HD) and 4.5 plants m-2 (LD)]. Large differences in PC, Rc, RC/PC, leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation and grain yield were found among hybrids and plant densities. Variations in PC and RC were associated mainly with changes in LAI. There was also found change in PC per unit LAI with time. The average RC/PC was 28.9 % for all treatments throughout the vegetation season. PC and RC per unit dry matter were higher in LD than in HD and decreased throughout the measurement period. The HD stand had higher PC and yield in hybrids with erectophile foliage, whereas LD stand had higher PC after male tetrad and got higher yield in hybrids with planophile foliage. Only RC in hybrids of the two foliage types was higher under HD than under LD throughout the vegetation period.  相似文献   

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