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The pathogenetic role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in long-term retinal and kidney complications of diabetes has been demonstrated. Conversely, little is known in diabetic neuropathy. We examined the modulation of VEGF pathway at mRNA and protein level on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and Schwann cells (SC) induced by hyperglycaemia. Moreover, we studied the effects of VEGF neutralization on hyperglycemic DRG neurons and streptozotocin-induced diabetic neuropathy. Our findings demonstrated that DRG neurons were not affected by the direct exposition to hyperglycaemia, whereas showed an impairment of neurite outgrowth ability when exposed to the medium of SC cultured in hyperglycaemia. This was mediated by an altered regulation of VEGF and FLT-1 receptors. Hyperglycaemia increased VEGF and FLT-1 mRNA without changing their intracellular protein levels in DRG neurons, decreased intracellular and secreted protein levels without changing mRNA level in SC, while reduced the expression of the soluble receptor sFLT-1 both in DRG neurons and SC. Bevacizumab, a molecule that inhibits VEGF activity preventing the interaction with its receptors, restored neurite outgrowth and normalized FLT-1 mRNA and protein levels in co-cultures. In diabetic rats, it both prevented and restored nerve conduction velocity and nociceptive thresholds. We demonstrated that hyperglycaemia early affected neurite outgrowth through the impairment of SC-derived VEGF/FLT-1 signaling and that the neutralization of SC-secreted VEGF was protective both in vitro and in vivo models of diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   

Charcot‐Marie‐Tooth 1A (CMT1A) is a demyelinating hereditary neuropathy whose pathogenetic mechanisms are still poorly defined and an etiologic treatment is not yet available. An abnormally high intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) occurs in Schwann cells from CMT1A rats (CMT1A SC) and is caused by overexpression of the purinoceptor P2X7. Normalization of the Ca2+ levels through down‐regulation of P2X7 appears to restore the normal phenotype of CMT1A SC in vitro. We recently demonstrated that the diadenosine 5′,5′′′‐P1, P2‐diphosphate (Ap2A) isomer P18 behaves as an antagonist of the P2X7 purinergic receptor, effectively blocking channel opening induced by ATP. In addition, P18 behaves as a P2Y11 agonist, inducing cAMP overproduction in P2Y11‐overexpressing cells. Here we investigated the in vitro effects of P18 on CMT1A SC. We observed that basal levels of intracellular cAMP ([cAMP]i), a known regulator of SC differentiation and myelination, are significantly lower in CMT1A SC than in wild‐type (wt) cells. P18 increased [cAMP]i in both CMT1A and wt SC, and this effects was blunted by NF157, a specific P2Y11 antagonist. Prolonged treatment of organotypic dorsal root ganglia (DRG) cultures with P18 significantly increased expression of myelin protein zero, a marker of myelin production, in both CMT1A and wt cultures. Interestingly, P18 decreased the content of non‐phosphorylated neurofilaments, a marker of axonal damage, only in CMT1A DRG cultures. These results suggest that P2X7 antagonists, in combination with [cAMP]i‐increasing agents, could represent a therapeutic strategy aimed at correcting the molecular derangements causing the CMT1A phenotype. J. Cell. Biochem. 115: 161–167, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

During development, dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons extend their axons toward the dorsolateral part of the spinal cord and enter the spinal cord through the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ). After entering the spinal cord, these axons project into the dorsal mantle layer after a “waiting period” of a few days. We revealed that the diffusible axonal guidance molecule netrin-1 is a chemorepellent for developing DRG axons. When DRG axons orient themselves toward the DREZ, netrin-1 proteins derived from the ventral spinal cord prevent DRG axons from projecting aberrantly toward the ventral spinal cord and help them to project correctly toward the DREZ. In addition to the ventrally derived netrin-1, the dorsal spinal cord cells adjacent to the DREZ transiently express netrin-1 proteins during the waiting period. This dorsally derived netrin-1 contributes to the correct guidance of DRG axons to prevent them from invading the dorsal spinal cord. In general, there is a complete lack of sensory axonal regeneration after a spinal cord injury, because the dorsal column lesion exerts inhibitory activities toward regenerating axons. Netrin-1 is a novel candidate for a major inhibitor of sensory axonal regeneration in the spinal cord; because its expression level stays unchanged in the lesion site following injury, and adult DRG neurons respond to netrin-1-induced axon repulsion. Although further studies are required to show the involvement of netrin-1 in preventing the regeneration of sensory axons in CNS injury, the manipulation of netrin-1-induced repulsion in the CNS lesion site may be a potent approach for the treatment of human spinal injuries.Key words: netrin-1, dorsal root ganglion, axon guidance, chemorepellent, Unc5, spinal cord, axon regenerationDeveloping axons navigate to their targets by responding to attractive and repulsive guidance cues working in a contact-dependent or diffusible fashion in their environment (reviewed in ref. 1). During early development of the primary sensory system, centrally projecting sensory axons from dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons extend toward the dorsolateral region of the spinal cord (Fig. 1A and C), where they enter the spinal cord exclusively through the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ), and never orient themselves toward the notochord or the ventral spinal cord (Fig. 1A; reviewed in ref. 2). We previously showed that the notochord but not the ventral spinal cord secretes semaphorin 3A (Sema3A), which is known to be a chemorepellent for DRG axons at early developmental stages (Fig. 1A).3 This is the reason why DRG axons never project toward the notochord. Along the same line, it is highly possible that the ventral spinal cord may secrete some chemorepulsive cue other than Sema3A for DRG axons.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Netrin-1 plays a critical role in sensory axonal guidance as an axon chemorepellent. (A) A schematic diagram of a thoracic transverse section of an E10 mouse embryo, summarizing the possible mechanism of netrin-1 action in early DRG axonal guidance. When DRG axons project toward the DREZ in the dorsal spinal cord (dSC), ventrally derived netrin-1 chemorepels DRG axons to prevent them from orienting aberrantly toward the ventral spinal cord (vSC) (upper). NC; notochord. In netrin-1-deficient embryos, some DRG axons misorient themselves toward the ventral spinal cord, because of the absence of netrin-1 proteins in the ventral spinal cord (lower). (B) At E12.5 when DRG axons grow to the marginal zone of the spinal cord longitudinally (arrows) to form the dorsal funiculus (DF), netrin-1 proteins are transiently expressed in a subpopulation of dorsal spinal cord cells adjacent to the dorsal funiculus (upper). In netrin-1-deficient embryos, the dorsal funiculus is disorganized because DRG axons are no longer waiting for invading the dorsal mantle layer (lower). (C) Gain-of-function experiments by electroporation confirm the repulsive activity of netrin-1 toward DRG axons. When netrin-1 is misexpressed in the dorsal spinal cord, the number of DRG axons that enter the DREZ is significantly reduced compared with the control, because some DRG axons fail to project toward the DREZ and turn in the wrong direction.After entering the spinal cord, DRG axons grow to the marginal zone of the spinal cord longitudinally to form the dorsal funiculus without projecting to the dorsal mantle layer for a few days (this delay of the axonal projection to the mantle layer is referred to as the ‘waiting period;’ Fig. 1B). A few days later, proprioceptive afferents of DRGs begin to send collaterals into the dorsal layers, and cutaneous afferents project ventrally through the dorsal layers.4 This evidence raises the possibility that some repulsive cues transiently prevent the collaterals of DRGs from penetrating the dorsal spinal cord during this waiting period.Netrins are a family of secreted proteins that play a key role in axonal guidance, cell migration, morphogenesis and angiogenesis.5 Netrin-1 is a bifunctional axonal guidance cue, attracting some axons including commissural axons via the Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC) receptor and repelling others via Unc5 receptors (reviewed in ref. 6). However, it has not been clear whether netrin-1 plays a role in sensory axonal guidance during development.Several observations strongly suggest a role for netrin-1 in DRG axonal guidance as a repulsive guidance cue during development.7,8 First, in the mouse embryo at embryonic day (E) 10–11.5 when many DRG axons orient themselves to reach the DREZ, netrin-1 is strongly expressed in the floor plate of the ventral spinal cord but not in the dorsal spinal cord (Fig. 1A). Second, at E12.5 when DRG neurons extend their axons longitudinally along the dorsolateral margin of the spinal cord, netrin-1 is expressed in the dorsolateral region adjacent to the DREZ (Fig. 1B), but its expression is down-regulated in the dorsal spinal cord at E13.5 when many collaterals have entered the mantle layer. Third, repulsive netrin-1 receptor Unc5c is expressed in the DRG neurons during development.These observations motivated us to explore whether netrin-1/Unc5c signaling contributes to DRG axonal guidance. We used cell and tissue cultures combined with tissues from netrin-1-deficient mice. We clearly showed that netrin-1 exerts a chemorepulsive activity toward developing DRG axons and that the ventral spinal cord-derived repulsive activity depends on netrin-1 in vitro.8 Additional evidence for a chemorepulsive role of netrin-1 came from the observation of DRG axonal trajectories in netrin-1-deficient mice.7,8 In netrin-1-deficient embryos at E10, we showed that some DRG axons became misoriented toward the ventral spinal cord, probably because of the absence of netrin-1 proteins in the ventral spinal cord (Fig. 1A). In addition, at E12.5 when DRG axons grow to the marginal zone of the spinal cord longitudinally to form the dorsal funiculus, the dorsal funiculus is disorganized in netrin-1-deficient embryos, because in the absence of netrin-1 DRG axons are not waiting for invading the dorsal mantle layer adjacent to the dorsal funiculus (Fig. 1B). Gain-of-function experiments further confirmed the repulsive activity of netrin-1 toward DRG axons (Fig. 1C). These lines of evidence lead us to the conclusion that dorsally derived netrin-1 plays an important role in providing the ‘waiting period’ for extension of collaterals from sensory afferents and that ventrally derived netrin-1 prevents sensory axons from misorienting themselves toward the ventral spinal cord.At later developmental stages (E13.5), DRG axons still possess a weak responsiveness to the chemorepulsive activity of netrin-1 in vitro.8 In addition, both postnatal and adult DRG neurons respond to netrin-1-induced axon inhibition.9 Consistent with these results, DRG neurons at not only later developmental stages (E13.5) but also postnatal stages express the repulsion-mediating netrin-1 receptor Unc5c.8,9Generally, lesioning of the dorsal column projection of sensory axons results in a complete lack of regeneration. The possible explanation for the complete lack of regeneration is that the environment, the lesion site itself and/or oligodendrocytes adjacent to the lesion, may be non-permissive for regenerating axons.10 Sema3A and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are candidates as major inhibitors of sensory axonal regeneration in the spinal cord, because they are expressed in the lesion site and can inhibit DRG axonal growth in vitro.3,1114 Recently, Kaneko et al. showed that a selective inhibitor of Sema3A also enhances axonal regeneration and functional recovery in a subpopulation of sensory neurons after lesioning of the dorsal column.12 More recently, McMahon''s group clearly demonstrated that enzymatic degradation of CSPGs on the dorsal column lesion of the spinal cord promotes sensory axonal regeneration and functional recovery.13,14 Although these treatments greatly improved functional recovery, complete sensory axonal growth and functional recovery have not been yet achieved after the spinal cord injury. To promote further recovery of sensory axonal regeneration in the CNS, we should focus on other candidate inhibitors of CNS injury sites.Following spinal cord injury, the expression of the attraction- mediating netrin-1 receptor DCC decreases, while the expression level of the repulsive receptor Unc5c returns to normal.15 Levels of netrin-1 expression also stay unchanged in neurons and oligodendrocytes adjacent to the lesion site. Together with the in vitro evidence described above, these data strongly suggest a possible role for netrin-1 as a novel inhibitor of CNS myelin for regenerating DRG axons in the dorsal column-lesioned spinal cord. Further studies will be required to show directly the functional recovery of sensory axons in the spinal cord by perturbation of netrin-1 in and around the lesion site after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Prrxl1-CreER(T2) transgenic mice expressing tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase were generated by modifying a Prrxl1-containing BAC clone. Cre recombination activity was examined in Prrxl1-CreER(T2); Rosa26 reporter mice at various embryonic and postnatal stages. Pregnant mice were treated with a single dose of tamoxifen at embryonic day (E) 9.5 or E12.5, and X-gal staining was performed 2 days later. Strong X-gal staining was observed in the somatosensory ganglia (e.g., dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia) and the first central sites for processing somatosensory information (e.g., spinal dorsal horn and trigeminal nerve-associated nuclei). When tamoxifen was administered at postnatal day (P) 20 or in adulthood (P120), strong Cre recombination activity was present in the primary somatosensory ganglia, while weak Cre recombination activity was found in the spinal dorsal horn, mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, principal sensory trigeminal nucleus, and spinal trigeminal nucleus. This mouse line provides a useful tool for exploring genes' functions in the somatosensory system in a time-controlled way.  相似文献   

Initial trajectories of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) axons are shaped by chemorepulsive signals from surrounding tissues. Although we have previously shown that axonin-1/SC2 expression on DRG axons is required to mediate a notochord-derived chemorepulsive signal, Dev. Biol. 224, 112-121), other molecules involved in the non-target-derived repulsive signals are largely unknown. Using coculture assays composed of tissues derived from the chick embryo or mutant mice treated with function-blocking antibodies and phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, we report here that the chemorepellent semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) and its receptor neuropilin-1 are required for mediating the dermamyotome- and notochord-derived, but not the ventral spinal cord-derived, chemorepulsive signal for DRG axons. The dermamyotome-derived chemorepulsion is exclusively dependent on Sema3A/neuropilin-1, whereas other molecules are also involved in the notochord-derived chemorepulsion. Chemorepulsion from the ventral spinal cord does not depend on Sema3A/neuropilin-1 but requires axonin-1/SC2 to repel DRG axons. Thus, differential chemorepulsive signals help shape the initial trajectories of DRG axons and are critical for the proper wiring of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Satellite glial cells (SGCs) of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) react in response to various injuries in the nervous system. This study investigates reactive changes within SGCs in a murine model for GM1‐gangliosidosis (GM1). DRG of homozygous β‐galactosidase‐knockout mice and homozygous C57BL/6 wild‐type mice were investigated performing immunostaining on formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded tissue. A marked upregulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), the progenitor marker nestin and Ki67 within SGCs of diseased mice, starting after 4 months at the earliest GFAP, along with intracytoplasmic accumulation of ganglioside within neurons and deterioration of clinical signs was identified. Interestingly, nestin‐positive SGCs were detected after 8 months only. No changes regarding inwardly rectifying potassium channel 4.1, 2, 3‐cyclic nucleotide 3‐phosphodiesterase, Sox2, doublecortin, periaxin and caspase3 were observed in SGCs. Iba1 was only detected in close vicinity of SGCs indicating infiltrating or tissue‐resident macrophages. These results indicate that SGCs of DRG show phenotypical changes during the course of GM1, characterized by GFAP upregulation, proliferation and expression of a neural progenitor marker at a late time point. This points towards an important role of SGCs during neurodegenerative disorders and supports that SGCs represent a multipotent glial precursor cell line with high plasticity and functionality.  相似文献   

The nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, Nm23H1, is a highly expressed during neuronal development, whilst induced over-expression in neuronal cells results in increased neurite outgrowth. Extracellular Nm23H1 affects the survival, proliferation and differentiation of non-neuronal cells. Therefore, this study has examined whether extracellular Nm23H1 regulates nerve growth. We have immobilised recombinant Nm23H1 proteins to defined locations of culture plates, which were then seeded with explants of embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or dissociated adult rat DRG neurons. The substratum-bound extracellular Nm23H1 was stimulatory for neurite outgrowth from chick DRG explants in a concentration-dependent manner. On high concentrations of Nm23H1, chick DRG neurite outgrowth was extensive and effectively limited to the location of the Nm23H1, i.e. neuronal growth cones turned away from adjacent collagen-coated substrata. Nm23H1-coated substrata also significantly enhanced rat DRG neuronal cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth in comparison to collagen-coated substrata. These effects were independent of NGF supplementation. Recombinant Nm23H1 (H118F), which does not possess NDP kinase activity, exhibited the same activity as the wild-type protein. Hence, a novel neuro-stimulatory activity for extracellular Nm23H1 has been identified in vitro, which may function in developing neuronal systems.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels play important roles in modulating dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neuron hyperexcitability and hyperalgesia after peripheral nerve injury or inflammation. We report that chronic compression of DRG (CCD) produces profound effect on tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) and tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) sodium currents, which are different from that by chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve in small DRG neurons. Whole cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained in vitro from L4 and/or L5 dissociated, small DRG neurons following in vivo DRG compression or nerve injury. The small DRG neurons were classified into slow and fast subtype neurons based on expression of the slow-inactivating TTX-R and fast-inactivating TTX-S Na+ currents. CCD treatment significantly reduced TTX-R and TTX-S current densities in the slow and fast neurons, but CCI selectively reduced the TTX-R and TTX-S current densities in the slow neurons. Changes in half-maximal potential (V1/2) and curve slope (k) of steady-state inactivation of Na+ currents were different in the slow and fast neurons after CCD and CCI treatment. The window current of TTX-R and TTX-S currents in fast neurons were enlarged by CCD and CCI, while only that of TTX-S currents in slow neurons was increased by CCI. The decay rate of TTX-S and both TTX-R and TTX-S currents in fast neurons were reduced by CCD and CCI, respectively. These findings provide a possible sodium channel mechanism underlying CCD-induced DRG neuron hyperexcitability and hyperalgesia and demonstrate a differential effect in the Na+ currents of small DRG neurons after somata compression and peripheral nerve injury. This study also points to a complexity of hyperexcitability mechanisms contributing to CCD and CCI hyperexcitability in small DRG neurons.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms responsible for specifying the dorsal-ventral pattern of neuronal identities in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) are unclear. Here we demonstrate that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) contributes to patterning early DRG cells. In vitro, Shh increases both proliferation and programmed cell death (PCD). Increasing Shh in vivo enhances PCD in dorsal DRG, while inducing greater proliferation ventrally. In such animals, markers characteristic of ventral sensory neurons are expanded to more dorsal positions. Conversely, reducing Shh function results in decreased proliferation of progenitors in the ventral region and decreased expression of the ventral marker trkC. Later arising trkA+ afferents make significant pathfinding errors in animals with reduced Shh function, suggesting that accurate navigation of later arising growth cones requires either Shh itself or early arising, Shh-dependent afferents. These results indicate that Shh can regulate both cell number and the distribution of cell types in DRG, thereby playing an important role in the specification, patterning and pathfinding of sensory neurons.  相似文献   

We previously isolated a pollen factor, ui6.1, which encodes a Cullin1 protein (CUL1) that functions in unilateral interspecific incompatibility (UI) in Solanum. Here we show that CUL1 is also required for pollen function in self-incompatibility (SI). We used RNA interference (RNAi) to reduce CUL1 expression in pollen of Solanum arcanum, a wild SI tomato relative. Hemizygous T0 plants showed little or no transmission of the transfer DNA (T-DNA) through pollen when crossed onto nontransgenic SI plants, indicating that CUL1-deficient pollen are selectively eliminated. When crossed onto a related self-compatible (SC) accession lacking active S-RNase, pollen transmission of the T-DNA followed Mendelian ratios. These results provide further evidence for functional overlap between SI and UI on the pollen side and suggest that CUL1 mutations will reinforce SI-to-SC transitions in natural populations only if preceded by loss of pistil S-RNase expression.  相似文献   



The dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neuron is an invaluable tool in axon growth, growth factor regulation, myelin formation and myelin-relevant researches. The purification of DRG neurons is a key step in these studies. Traditionally, purified DRG neurons were obtained in two weeks after exposure to several rounds of anti-mitotic reagent.

Methods and Results

In this report, a novel, simple and efficient method for DRG purification is presented. DRG cultures were treated once with a high-dose anti-mitotic reagent cocktail for 72 hours. Using this new method, DRG neurons were obtained with 99% purification within 1 week. We confirmed that the neurite growth and the viability of the purified DRG neurons have no difference from the DRG neurons purified by traditional method. Furthermore, P0 and MBP expression was observed in myelin by immunocytochemistry in the DRG/SC co-culture system. The formation of mature node of Ranvier in DRG-Schwann cell co-culture system was observed using anti-Nav 1.6 and anti-caspr antibody.

Conclusion and Significance

The results indicate that this high dose single treatment did not compromise the capacity of DRG neurons for myelin formation in the DRG/SC co-culture system. In conclusion, a convenient approach for purifying DRG neurons was developed which is time-saving and high-efficiency.  相似文献   

Transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channel is a multimodal receptor that is responsible for nociceptive, thermal, and mechanical sensations. However, which biomolecular partners specifically interact with TRPV1 remains to be elucidated. Here, we used cDNA library screening of genes from mouse dorsal root ganglia combined with patch-clamp electrophysiology to identify the voltage-gated potassium channel auxiliary subunit Kvβ1 physically interacting with TRPV1 channel and regulating its function. The interaction was validated in situ using endogenous dorsal root ganglia neurons, as well as a recombinant expression model in HEK 293T cells. The presence of Kvβ1 enhanced the expression stability of TRPV1 channels on the plasma membrane and the nociceptive current density. Surprisingly, Kvβ1 interaction also shifted the temperature threshold for TRPV1 thermal activation. Using site-specific mapping, we further revealed that Kvβ1 interacted with the membrane-distal domain and membrane-proximal domain of TRPV1 to regulate its membrane expression and temperature-activation threshold, respectively. Our data therefore suggest that Kvβ1 is a key element in the TRPV1 signaling complex and exerts dual regulatory effects in a site-specific manner.  相似文献   

NKCC1 is highly expressed in dorsal root ganglion neurons, where it is involved in gating sensory information. In a recent study, it was shown that peripheral nerve injury results in increased NKCC1 activity, not due to an increase in cotransporter expression, but to increased phosphorylation of the cotransporter (Pieraut, S., Matha, V., Sar, C., Hubert, T., Méchaly, I., Hilaire, C., Mersel, M., Delpire, E., Valmier, J., and Scamps, F. (2007) J. Neurosci. 27, 6751–6759). Our laboratory has also identified two Ste20-like kinases that bind and phosphorylate NKCC1: Ste20-related proline-alanine-rich kinase (SPAK) and oxidative-stress response 1 (OSR1). In this study, we show that both kinases are expressed at similar expression levels in spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion neurons, and that both kinases participate equally in the regulation of NKCC1. Using a novel fluorescence method to assay NKCC1 activity in single cells, we show a 50% reduction in NKCC1 activity in DRG neurons isolated from SPAK knockout mice, indicating that another kinase, e.g. OSR1, is present to phosphorylate and activate the cotransporter. Using a nociceptive dorsal root ganglion sensory neuronal cell line, which expresses the same cation-chloride cotransporters and kinases as native DRG neurons, and gene silencing via short hairpin RNA, we demonstrate a direct relationship between kinase expression and cotransporter activity. We show that inactivation of either kinase significantly affects NKCC1 activity, whereas inactivation of both kinases results in an additive effect. In summary, our study demonstrates redundancy of kinases in the regulation of NKCC1 in dorsal root ganglion neurons.The regulation of intracellular Cl in neurons is a critical determinant of inhibitory synaptic neurotransmission. Sensory or peripheral neurons express, in abundance, an inwardly poised Na+- and K+-dependent Cl transport mechanism, NKCC1,2 whose activity drives the uphill accumulation of Cl ions (2, 3). High intracellular Cl concentration in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons permits depolarizing γ-aminobutyric acid responses, which mediate presynaptic inhibition and filtration of sensory noise (4). Consequently, the knockout of NKCC1 exhibits a redistribution of internal Cl in DRG neurons and a pain perception phenotype (3, 5). In addition, peripheral inflammation or nerve injury results in increased NKCC1 function in primary afferents (6, 7). Using a phosphopeptide-specific NKCC1 antibody, it was recently shown that NKCC1 phosphorylation instead of expression level increased in DRG neurons upon nerve injury (1). This observation points to the importance of NKCC1 regulation in the neuropathic pain pathway.In recent work, our laboratory identified two Ste20-like kinases that directly bind to the cytosolic N-terminal tail of NKCC1 (8). The binding is a pre-requisite for NKCC1 phosphorylation and activation (913). The kinases, named SPAK (Ste20-related proline-alanine-rich kinase) and OSR1 (oxidative-stress response 1), share high homology in both their catalytic and regulatory domains. Expression of the two proteins has been examined in tissues using both Northern and Western blot analysis. These studies established that both kinases are widely expressed and that their expression pattern often overlaps (1418). Co-expression of the kinases has been confirmed using Western blot analysis of well established cultured cell lines (17).Heterologous expression of SPAK and OSR1 in Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrates that both kinases are able to bind and activate NKCC1 (10). Whether or not they equally participate to the regulation of NKCC1 in vivo under normal physiological conditions has not yet been determined. We chose to address the role of SPAK and OSR1 by using an established nociceptive dorsal root ganglion sensory neuronal cell line (19), as well as isolated mouse DRG neurons. We demonstrate that undifferentiated 50B11 cells express the same cotransporters and regulatory kinases as native DRG cells. To manipulate the kinases, we decreased their expression via shRNA knockdown and used a SPAK knockout mouse for the isolated DRG neurons. To measure NKCC1 activity, we used unidirectional 86Rb-uptake with the established cell line and developed a novel fluorescence assay to assess cotransporter activity in single isolated DRG neurons. Our data demonstrate that both kinases are expressed to similar levels in both the cell line and isolated mouse DRG neurons, and that the kinases participate in concert to regulate NKCC1 function.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) signaling, through LPA1 receptor and its downstream RhoA, has been reported to initiate nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain. In the present study, we performed gene expression profiling of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) to identify genes induced by intrathecal injection of LPA in a botulinum toxin C3 (BoNT/C3)-reversible manner. We selected and functionally characterized ephrinB1 from 82 identified genes as a potential gene involved in pain transmission, since ephrinB1 is implicated to modulate N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor functions in spinal pain transmission. The LPA-induced and BoNT/C3-reversible ephrinB1 gene expression was confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR. Furthermore, treatments with an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide for ephrinB1 largely abolished the LPA-induced thermal hyperalgesia and allodynia in response to mechanical or Aβ-fiber-mediated electrical stimuli on day 1 after the injection. In addition, intrathecal treatment with a soluble ligand, ephrinB1-Fc, caused similar neuropathic pain-like behaviors in a manner that was reversible by the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801. These results suggest that ephrinB1 plays a crucial role in LPA-induced neuropathic pain. In addition, the present study may provide a new strategy to identify unique neuropathic pain-related genes.  相似文献   

We have previously identified 1 241 regions of somatic copy number alterations (CNAs) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In the present study, we found that a novel recurrent focal amplicon, 1q24.1-24.2, targets the MPZL1 gene in HCC. Notably, there is a positive correlation between the expression levels of MPZL1 and intrahepatic metastasis of the HCC specimens. MPZL1 can significantly enhance the migratory and metastatic potential of the HCC cells. Moreover, we found that one of the mechanisms by which MPZL1 promotes HCC cell migration is by inducing the phosphorylation and activation of the pro-metastatic protein, cortactin. Additionally, we found that Src kinase mediates the phosphorylation and activation of cortactin induced by MPZL1 overexpression. Taken together, these findings suggest that MPZL1 is a novel pro-metastatic gene targeted by a recurrent region of copy number amplification at 1q24.1-24.2 in HCC.  相似文献   

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