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革蜱未成熟期哈氏器的扫描电镜研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
姜在阶 《昆虫学报》1986,29(2):159-166
用扫描电镜观察了革蜱属8种幼虫和若虫的哈氏器,并与其他属5种幼虫和4种若虫的哈氏器进行比较,以阐明其形态特征及其在分类中的意义。其中,9种幼虫和8种若虫哈氏器的结构是首次报道。革蜱属幼期哈氏器的囊孔形状、前窝感毛数目及其中孔毛的位置等与其他属不同。东洋区的金泽革蜱与古北区的革蜱种类之间,在孔毛形状、位置和幼虫近端缝孔的位置上有明显差别。而后者中,阿坝革蜱幼虫一般无近端缝孔;网纹革蜱幼虫和若虫的囊孔形状和幼虫的近端缝孔的位置与其他种类不同。但其余几种革蜱幼虫和若虫的哈氏器无显著差别。  相似文献   

常崇艳  姜在阶 《昆虫学报》1989,32(3):300-305
本文报道了用扫描电镜观察革蜱属8种成虫的哈氏器.其中三种成虫(阿坝革蜱D. ahaensis、金泽革蜱D. auratus和中华革蜱D. sinicus)的哈氏器结构是首次报道,并与其他属6种成虫的哈氏器进行了比较,以阐明其形态特征及其在分类中的意义.另外,还将这14种成虫哈氏器与各自未成熟期的哈氏器进行了比较.分析和讨论了同种不同时期哈氏器结构的异同.东洋区的金泽革蜱和古北区的革蜱种类间,在孔毛形状,位置及基盘数目上有明显差别,而后者中,边缘革蜱D. marginatus的孔毛位于近端外侧,草原革蜱D. nuttalli和网纹革蜱D. reticulatus的孔毛位于远瑞外侧,其余种类无明显差别.  相似文献   

为阐明蜱类盾窝及其发育特点,用扫描电镜观察了长角血蜱Haemaphysalis longicornis不同发育期盾窝的结构,并分析了血餐对盾窝发育的影响.结果表明:幼蜱仅具1对盾窝原基,且每个盾窝原基有1个盾窝孔;若蜱盾窝有了一定的发育,面积(长径×短径)增大且盾窝孔数增多(2~6个);成蜱盾窝面积最大,且盾窝孔数达21~35个.盾窝的发育主要在幼蜱蜕皮阶段及若蜱的吸血和蜕皮阶段,雌蜱盾窝孔径显著大于雄蜱(P<0.01),成蜱、若蜱和幼蜱的盾窝孔孔径在吸血过程中(交配雌蜱除外)各虫期均无显著变化 (P>0.05).综合分析成蜱与未成熟蜱盾窝孔径,发现它们之间无显著差异 (P>0.05),这在一定程度上说明蜱类的盾窝孔径在未成熟期可能已经有了雌雄分化.  相似文献   

硬蜱哈氏器嗅觉功能的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
常崇艳  姜在阶 《昆虫学报》1989,32(4):445-450
研究了五种硬蜱的哈氏器在不同虫期(若虫和成虫)和不同营养状态(饱或饿)对不同浓度的弱酸、弱碱以及对低温刺激的电生理反应.此外,比较了四种硬蜱成虫对五种驱避剂的行为反应.结果表明,硬蜱哈氏器能够感受氨和醋酸蒸气的刺激,反应的相对强度在一定范围内随蒸气浓度而变化.哈氏器还能感受温度的变化.从行为反应见到驱避剂对不同种类硬蜱的驱避强度不同,每种蜱对不同药物的敏感性也不同.截肢试验证明哈氏器是驱避剂的感受器.  相似文献   

拉绒螨属(Lassenia)隶于真螨目(Acariformcs)的约绒螨科(Johnstonianidae),1957年由Newell建立。该属在我国尚属初次报导。拉绒螨属的幼螨栖于潮湿环境,寄生于双翅目昆虫体上。根据以下特征可将它与其他约绒螨幼螨区分开来:躯体背面前部的盾板上有较短的前感毛、较长的后感毛、前侧毛和后侧毛各一对;喙有发达的原喙毛、第二喙毛和第三喙毛;基节Ⅱ前方有发育完好的拉氏器(Lassenia-organ);须肢跗节长圆柱形,后方有感棒一根,末端和亚末端各有荆毛一根;跗节Ⅰ和Ⅱ背荆毛基部有伴毛(Companion seta)一根(Newell,1957)。  相似文献   

马立君  陈晓端 《昆虫学报》1991,34(3):292-296
用扫描电镜观察了1种软蜱和4属8种硬蜱的成虫以及血蜱属3种若虫的须肢感器的外部形态;同时用透射电镜观察了波斯锐缘蜱、中华革蜱和亚洲璃眼蜱3种成虫须肢感器的内部结构.结果表明,须肢感器的外部形态在硬蜱各属成虫之间存在着一定的差异,主要表现在感器形状、顶端感毛数目、类型及形态,基部感毛数目及形态等几个方面.同属各种间差异不大.血蜱属幼期和波斯锐缘蜱幼期之间也有一定的差异,主要表现在感器形状、顶端感毛数目以及基部感毛数目、形态和排列方式.须肢顶端感毛的内部结构在三种蜱中都可分为A、B两种类型.A型具两个腔:其一为圆形腔,内有树突;另一为新月形腔,无树突.靠近感毛顶端有通道通向外界.B型感毛在三种蜱中差异较大,其共同点是只具有一个含有树突的腔.  相似文献   

【目的】通过分析宿主皮下注射伊维菌素对长角血蜱生长发育及生殖的影响,进而评价伊维菌素对长角血蜱的防治效果。【方法】以新西兰白兔为宿主,皮下注射不同剂量伊维菌素,观察幼蜱、若蜱及雌蜱的叮咬率、死亡率、吸血期、饱血体重、产卵量和孵化率等生物学参数,分析伊维菌素对长角血蜱生殖和生长发育的影响。【结果】伊维菌素对长角血蜱各期蜱虫的叮咬率均无显著影响。与对照组相比,伊维菌素可显著增加幼蜱和若蜱死亡率,延长若蜱和雌蜱的吸血期并降低其饱血体重,降低雌蜱产卵量及卵孵化率,抑制卵巢及卵的发育。【结论】宿主皮下注射伊维菌素能够显著抑制长角血蜱的发育及生殖,可作为防治长角血蜱的候选杀虫剂。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在阐明新疆地区优势种拉合尔钝缘蜱Ornithodoros lahorensis不同龄期若蜱超微形态及其发育特征,为软蜱的形态特征研究及龄期划分提供形态学依据。【方法】在实验室条件下培养获得拉合尔钝缘蜱1-5龄若蜱虫体,分别通过体视显微镜与扫描电子显微镜对拉合尔钝缘蜱不同龄期若蜱形态特征进行详细观察。【结果】在体视显微镜下,1-5龄若蜱虫体均呈椭圆形,前端稍尖后端钝圆,体表呈淡黄色或黄褐色,有4对足。在扫描电子显微镜下,1-5龄若蜱具有如下相同特征:表皮均呈褶皱样;有瘤突;哈氏器呈横裂样;口下板呈矛形;气门呈半圆形;肛门呈圆形,由叶状肛瓣构成,无肛后横沟。1-5龄若蜱间的不同特征为:1龄若蜱刚毛长且粗,无瘤突,口下板顶端凹陷且齿式为2|2,无气门板;2龄若蜱瘤突不明显,口下板顶端有小凹陷且齿式为3|3,有气门板;3龄若蜱瘤突明显;4龄若蜱肛瓣毛为6对;5龄若蜱肛瓣毛为7对。【结论】拉合尔钝缘蜱1-5龄若蜱在体视显微镜下观察的形态结构基本相似;在扫描电子显微镜下观察的刚毛、瘤突、口下板、齿式、气门、气门板、肛瓣毛、肛前沟和肛中沟等形态特征可作为拉合尔钝缘蜱1-5龄若蜱的鉴定特征。本研究首次详细描述了拉合尔钝缘蜱各龄期若蜱形态结构,为软蜱龄期划分及生活史研究提供依据。  相似文献   

借助活体观察及银染法等对采自青岛沿海的7种较罕见的腹毛类纤毛虫(拉氏游仆虫Euplotes raikovi,拟伍氏游仆虫Euplotes parawoodruffi,坚盾檐纤虫Aspidisca leptaspis,斯坦槽纤虫Aspidsca steird,收缩沙冠虫Psammnomitra retractilis,柔弱异列虫 Anteholosticha manca,条纹小双虫Amphisiella annulata)进行了形态学研究,包括两个国内新纪录:拉氏游仆虫,拟伍氏游仆虫,同时补充了各青岛种群的纤毛图式及银线系等资料.对迄今缺乏详细研究的拉氏游仆虫首次做了纤毛图式水平上的描述并在前人工作基础上给出了修订后的定义:活体约40~60 μn×25~40 μn,背部有明显的6列嵴突;口区延至虫体1/2后;口围带由23~35片小膜组成;额-腹棘毛包括7根典型棘毛以及位于额区中部的仅由1对毛基粒构成的退化结构;稳定的1根缘棘毛、2根尾棘毛;背触毛6~8列;银线系为double-patella型;海水种.  相似文献   

参照GenBank中长角血蜱致病性Okayama株卵泡抑素基因的核苷酸序列(GenBank Accession No.DQ248886)设计合成一对引物,从本实验室保藏的单克隆洁净长角血蜱饥饿成蜱中快速提取总RNA,通过RT-PCR扩增出814bp的卵泡抑素基因,序列比对结果显示:与长角血蜱致病性Okayama株的核苷酸序列及氨基酸序列一致性分别为97.8%和99%,将其亚克隆到表达载体pGEX-4T-1中进行表达,GST融合重组蛋白预期分子量为57kD。表达重组蛋白经MagneGSTTM蛋白纯化系统纯化后作为抗原分别与抗不同发育阶段长角血蜱(卵、幼蜱、若蜱、成蜱)多克隆抗体作为一抗进行免疫印迹,结果表明:与长角血蜱卵制备的多克隆抗体有很强的免疫反应,而与其他发育阶段(幼蜱、若蜱、成蜱)饥饿长角血蜱制备的多克隆抗体反应性很弱。以上结果表明:长角血蜱卵泡抑素蛋白在长角血蜱产卵及卵成熟发育时期的表达水平较其他发育阶段(幼蜱、若蜱、成蜱)的蛋白表达水平高。  相似文献   

A study of Haller's organ regeneration in nymphs and adults of Haemaphysalis turturis and parthenogenetic females of H. longicornis, from which the forelegs had been amputated during the previous instar, revealed structural changes in regenerated organs. The adult regenerates reestablished atavistic structural features, while the nymphal regenerates retained larval features, which is typical of regenerates of two other genera examined previously (Ixodes and Hyalomma). Data on regeneration of Haller's sensory organ testify to an ancient character of the genus, standing closely to the base of the phylogenetic tree of hard ticks.  相似文献   

A Buczek  K Jasik  L Buczek 《Parassitologia》1998,40(3):279-282
Light and scanning electron microscopic studies showed the differences in morphology and in size of Haller's organ in larvae, nymphs and adults (females and males) of Hyalomma marginatum marginatum Koch, 1844. The length of the anterior pit setae increases during post-embryonic development. The localization of these setae is the same in all stages. Six setae (one porose seta, two grooved setae, two fine setae, one conical seta) contain anterior pit of various developmental stages. In nymphs and adults more numerous pores appear on the wall surface of porose seta than in the larval stage. The structure of the capsule roof also differs in various developmental stages. Haller's organ of Hyalomma m. marginatum shows great degree of morphological development which is connected with the complicated life cycle and feeding behaviour of this tick species.  相似文献   

A study of regeneration in nymphs and adults of the South African tick Ixodes (Afrixodes) rubicundus, from which the forelegs had been amputated during the previous instar, revealed that the structural changes in regenerated Haller's sensory organs resemble those observed in other ixodid ticks, in particular in another prostriate tick, Ixodes (Ixodes) ricinus. The adult regenerates re-establish their atavistic features in terms of the increased number of different sensilla on the distal knoll, in the anterior pit and the capsule. The nymphal regenerates, in contrast, re-establish the features of the previous instar through a reduction in the number of some sensilla on the distal knoll and in the post-capsular area. The structural changes in different compartments of the organ appear independent. The phenomenon of regenerative induction through the appearance of specific changes in Haller's organ of the contralateral non-treated foreleg is probably characteristic only of prostriate ticks. A unique modification in the regenerated Haller's organ as revealed by duplication of the Haller's organ capsule was discovered in both I. rubicundus nymphs and adult ticks.  相似文献   

The morphology of the antennal hair-sensilla of Periplaneta americana, their distribution and frequency on the antennal flagellum have been examined by transmission- and scanning-electron microscopy. The types of sensilla were distinguished with respect to physiologically relevant criteria such as wall structure and number of sensory cells. Among the sensilla of the antenna of the adult male, long, single-walled sensilla with four sensory cells (types sw B), Probably responsible for reception of sexual pheromones, are most frequent, representing about 54% of the antennal sensilla. About half of these sensilla are newly-formed at the imaginal ecdysis; the other half are derived from the shorter type sw B sensilla of the nymphal antenna. Short type sw B sensilla are present in all larval stages of both sexes and in adult females as well. During the imaginal ecdysis of males, however, the length of these sensilla increases to double that found in nymphs. Dendritic branches also increase in number. During postembryonic development, the number of sensory fibers in the antennal flagellum increases nearly 20-fold, from 14,000 in the first larval instar to about 270,000 in the adult male. The greatest increase, approximately 90%, occurs during the last developmental stage.  相似文献   

Drosophila uses different olfactory organs at different developmental stages. The larval and adult olfactory organs are morphologically dissimilar and have different developmental origins: the antenno-maxillary complex (AMC), which houses the larval olfactory organ, is histolyzed during metamorphosis; the third antennal segment—the principal adult olfactory organ—derives from an imaginal disc. A screen for genes expressed in both larval and adult olfactory organs, but in relatively few other tissues, has been carried out. Seven enhancer trap lines showing reporter gene expression in both the larval AMC and in certain subsets of the adult antenna are described. The antennal staining pattern of one line shows a striking change over the first few days of adult life, with a time course comparable to that of the development of sexual maturity. A pronounced sexual dimorphism in antennal staining pattern is seen in another line. Some staining patterns resemble the patterns of certain classes of antennal sensilla; others show expression restricted to only a small number of cells. Some lines also show expression associated with other chemosensory organs at either the larval or adult stage, including the maxillary palps, labellum, and anterior wing margin. One line, which also shows staining in the male reproductive tract, is male sterile. The significance of these results is considered in terms of (1) the molecular organization of the olfactory system; (2) the recruitment of olfactory genes for use in two developmental contexts; (3) the sharing of genes among different sensory modalities; (4) the role of olfaction in sexual behavior; and (5) posteclosional changes in the olfactory system. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Drosophila uses different olfactory organs at different developmental stages. The larval and adult olfactory organs are morphologically dissimilar and have different developmental origins: the antenno-maxillary complex (AMC), which houses the larval olfactory organ, is histolyzed during metamorphosis; the third antennal segment--the principal adult olfactory organ--derives from an imaginal disc. A screen for genes expressed in both larval and adult olfactory organs, but in relatively few other tissues, has been carried out. Seven enhancer trap lines showing reporter gene expression in both the larval AMC and in certain subsets of the adult antenna are described. The antennal staining pattern of one line shows a striking change over the first few days of adult life, with a time course comparable to that of the development of sexual maturity. A pronounced sexual dimorphism in antennal staining pattern is seen in another line. Some staining patterns resemble the patterns of certain classes of antennal sensilla; others show expression restricted to only a small number of cells. Some lines also show expression associated with other chemosensory organs at either the larval or adult stage, including the maxillary palps, labellum, and anterior wing margin. One line, which also shows staining in the male reproductive tract, is male sterile. The significance of these results is considered in terms of (1) the molecular organization of the olfactory system; (2) the recruitment of olfactory genes for use in two developmental contexts; (3) the sharing of genes among different sensory modalities; (4) the role of olfaction in sexual behavior; and (5) posteclosional changes in the olfactory system.  相似文献   

Scanning-electron-microscopic investigations of Haller's organ in larvae, nymphs I, II, III and IV, and male and female adultArgas (Persicargas) walkerae ticks showed that morphology and structural organization change during postembryonic development. Stage-dependent differences existed regarding setal numbers of the anterior pit as well as formation and reticulation of cuticular projections in the capsule cavity. The anterior pit increased in size in the course of postembryonic development. It contained only seven setae in larvae, one conical, setiform and grooved seta each as well as two porose and fine setae. Nymphs I, II, III and IV and adult ticks had equal numbers of setae; however, one additional unilaterally serrate and grooved seta each were present. Setal length increased continuously during postembryonic development and attained maximum values in adult ticks. The capsule consisted of roof and cavity and was located distinctly lateral in larvae, slightly lateral in nymphs I and II, and in all other stages directly on the longitudinal axis of tarsus. The capsule roof showed a reticular structure. The slit-like main aperture was located peripherally and arranged transversally to the longitudinal axis of tarsus I in larvae. Nymphs and adult ticks had a central, circular main aperture. Stage-dependent cuticular projections of varying form protruded into the capsule cavity. Larvae had only single, free-standing projections which ramified slightly and communicated with each other. Projections were more heavily reticulated in nymphs I and II. In nymphs III and IV as well as male and female adult ticks, a long centrally situated tube of reticular appearance was seen, which was supported by a large number of radially organized and interlocking pillars and communicated with the capsule roof. In all tick stages there were always four porose setae present, arranged on the capsule floor.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an imidacloprid 10% and flumethrin 4.5% polymer matrix collar against the developmental stages of Haemaphysalis longicornis infesting dogs using the hair from treated dogs in a semi-in-vitro assay set. When incubated with 0.5 g of the hair collected from the dogs installed with the drug-embedded collar after 10 days, average death rate of the larval, nymphal, and adult H. longicornis was 21.5%, 77.9%, and 100% at 30 min, 1 hr, and 2 hr, respectively. This study showed the larval stages as well as the nymphal and adult stages of H. longicornis ticks are killed upon contact with the hair from dogs treated with the collar within 2 hr.  相似文献   

Oncopeltus fasciatus (Heteroptera : Lygaeidae), the milkweed bug, was bred in captivity. Sampling showed that individuals grow exponentially through their 6 developmental stages with an average linear increase per molt of 42% for the females and 41% for the males. The number of ommatidia per eye grows with negative allometry from an average of 30 in the first instar to 860 in the male and 820 in the female adult. The total number of sensilla on the 2 flagellar segments of an antenna increases with negative allometry during the 5 nymphal stages from a mean of 239 in the first instar to 2462 in the last. At this point, this allometric growth pattern is sharply broken by distinct numerical increase to 7163 on the adult flagellum. The number of teeth composing the foretibial comb, the tool for grooming the distal flagellar segment, grows with negative allometry through all 6 developmental stages. Calculations using previously published data from the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, revealed the same growth pattern of antennal sensilla: uniform allometric growth during the nymphal development, broken by a conspicuous upward jump to the adult number of sensilla. In the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana, this growth pattern of antennal sensilla holds only for the male; the female continues the nymphal allometric growth into the adult stage. These observations on allometric growth fit three theoretical explanations: 1. Smooth allometric growth is evidence for an aut-adaptation to increasing size. 2. Ex-adaptations to novel ecological niches cause breaks in allometric growth patterns. 3. Chapman's rule, which states that increased mobility correlates with greater olfactory sensitivity, correctly predicts the observed breaks in the allometric growth patterns in the abundance of antennal sensilla.  相似文献   

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