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唐羽  李敏 《生物信息学》2014,12(1):38-45
蛋白质网络聚类是识别功能模块的重要手段,不仅有利于理解生物系统的组织结构,对预测蛋白质功能也具有重要的意义.聚类结果的可视化分析是实现蛋白质网络聚类的有效途径.本论文基于开源的Cytoscape平台,设计并实现了一个蛋白质网络聚类分析及可视化插件CytoCluster.该插件集成了MCODE,FAG-EC,HC-PIN,OH-PIN,IPCA,EAGLE等六种典型的聚类算法;实现了聚类结果的可视化,将分析所得的clusters以缩略图列表的形式直观地显示出来,对于单个cluster,可显示在原网络中的位置,并能生成相应的子图单独显示;可对聚类结果进行导出,记录了算法名称、参数、聚类结果等信息.该插件具有良好的扩展性,提供了统一的算法接口,可不断添加新的聚类算法.  相似文献   

蛋白质网络聚类是识别功能模块的重要手段,不仅有利于理解生物系统的组织结构,对预测蛋白质功能也具有重要的意义。针对目前蛋白质网络聚类算法缺乏有效分析软件的事实,本文设计并实现了一个新的蛋白质网络聚类算法分析平台ClusterE。该平台实现了查全率、查准率、敏感性、特异性、功能富集分析等聚类评估方法,并且集成了FAG-EC、Dpclus、Monet、IPC-MCE、IPCA等聚类算法,不仅可以对蛋白质网络聚类分析结果进行可视化,并且可以在不同聚类分析指标下对多个聚类算法进行可视化比较与分析。该平台具有良好的扩展性,其中聚类算法以及聚类评估方法都是以插件形式集成到系统中。  相似文献   

基于蛋白质网络功能模块的蛋白质功能预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在破译了基因序列的后基因组时代,随着系统生物学实验的快速发展,产生了大量的蛋白质相互作用数据,利用这些数据寻找功能模块及预测蛋白质功能在功能基因组研究中具有重要意义.打破了传统的基于蛋白质间相似度的聚类模式,直接从蛋白质功能团的角度出发,考虑功能团间的一阶和二阶相互作用,提出了模块化聚类方法(MCM),对实验数据进行聚类分析,来预测模块内未知蛋白质的功能.通过超几何分布P值法和增、删、改相互作用的方法对聚类结果进行预测能力分析和稳定性分析.结果表明,模块化聚类方法具有较高的预测准确度和覆盖率,有很好的容错性和稳定性.此外,模块化聚类分析得到了一些具有高预测准确度的未知蛋白质的预测结果,将会对生物实验有指导意义,其算法对其他具有相似结构的网络也具有普遍意义.  相似文献   

细胞生物过程具有时序动态性,蛋白质功能模块是驱动细胞生物过程的功能单位。为了蛋白质功能模块识别,本文将细胞生物过程建模为动态时序表达相关蛋白质相互作用网络(DTEPIN);构建子块矩阵以表示动态时序表达相关蛋白质相互作用网络;利用子块矩阵特殊性,分析时空复杂度和并行性;优化设计马尔可夫聚类算法,以识别动态时序表达相关蛋白质相互作用网络中的蛋白质功能模块。为了支持基于子块矩阵马尔可夫聚类过程,本文运用图形处理器并行计算矩阵乘积。实验结果表明,与已有同类算法相比,所设计算法识别的蛋白质功能模块,统计匹配质量更高且精确匹配数量更多。  相似文献   

聚类分析在黄霉素发酵过程中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】将聚类分析的方法应用于黄霉素摇瓶发酵条件的优化过程中。【方法】通过系统聚类算法、K均值聚类算法和模糊C均值聚类算法对不同批次黄霉素发酵的摇瓶数据的聚类分析进行比较,发现模糊C均值聚类算法优于其他聚类算法,确定了以模糊C均值聚类算法对黄霉素摇瓶发酵数据进行聚类分析。【结果】然后利用模糊C均值聚类算法选取优质组样本,并利用优质样本优化了黄霉素摇瓶发酵的控制参数分布范围。【结论】这充分证明了聚类分析在发酵过程的优化过程中有良好的实用性。  相似文献   

系统发育谱方法是目前研究较多的一种基于非同源性的生物大分子功能注释方法。针对现有算法存在的一些缺陷,从两个方面对该方法做了改进:一是构造基于权重的系统发育谱;二是采用改进的聚类算法对发育谱的相似性进行分析。从NCBI上下载100条Escherichia coli K12蛋白质作为实验数据,分别使用改进的算法和经典的层次聚类算法、K均值聚类算法对相似谱进行分析。结果显示,提出的改进算法在对相似谱聚类的精确度上明显优于后两种聚类算法。  相似文献   

图聚类用于蛋白质分类问题可以获得较好结果,其前提是将蛋白质之间复杂的相互关系转化为适当的相似性网络作为图聚类分类的输入数据。本文提出一种基于BLAST检索的相似性网络构建方法,从目标蛋白质序列出发,通过若干轮次的BLAST检索逐步从数据库中提取与目标蛋白质直接或间接相关的序列,构成关联集。关联集中序列之间的相似性关系即相似性网络,可作为图聚类算法的分类依据。对Pfam数据库中依直接相似关系难以正确分类的蛋白质的计算表明,按本文方法构建的相似性网络取得了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

Epistatic miniarrary profile(EMAP)在多种模式生物中的研究产生了许多高通量数据和遗传相互作用网络.但是怎样探究这些数据中的有效生物学信息是现在非常关键的问题.本文我们采用非负矩阵分解的算法对遗传相互作用数据进行聚类分析,从而发现其中隐藏的功能模块,分析基因功能关系等.该方法能有效的避免传统聚类算法的诸多局限性.  相似文献   

关键蛋白质是指那些在蛋白质相互作用网络中承担重要作用、移除后会使蛋白质复合物功能丧失并导致生物无法存活的节点。随着蛋白质数据库的不断完善和高通量技术的发展,使得通过计算方法的关键蛋白预测得到广泛应用。针对目前软件多为桌面应用程序、用户难以迅速适应的情况,本文设计并实现了一个基于WEB的关键蛋白质预测平台EssentialProtein Finder(EP Finder)。该平台集成了DC、BC、CC、EC、LAC、SC和NC7种关键蛋白质预测算法,还提供包含SN、SP、PPV、NPV、ACC、F和折刀曲线图在内的7种评估方法。平台对蛋白质网络图、算法运行及评估结果提供了可视化展示。该平台具有良好的扩展性。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的基因表达数据的K-均值聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聚类算法在基因表达数据的分析处理过程中得到日益广泛的应用。本文通过把K-均值聚类算法引入到遗传算法中,结合基因微阵列的特点,来讨论一种基于遗传算法的K-均值聚类模型,目的是利用遗传算法的全局性来提高聚类算法找到全局最优的可能性,实验结果证明,该算法可以很好地解决某些基因表达数据的聚类分析问题。  相似文献   

GLay: community structure analysis of biological networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY: GLay provides Cytoscape users an assorted collection of versatile community structure algorithms and graph layout functions for network clustering and structured visualization. High performance is achieved by dynamically linking highly optimized C functions to the Cytoscape JAVA program, which makes GLay especially suitable for decomposition, display and exploratory analysis of large biological networks. AVAILABILITY: http://brainarray.mbni.med.umich.edu/glay/.  相似文献   

Babur O  Colak R  Demir E  Dogrusoz U 《Proteomics》2008,8(11):2196-2198
High-throughput experiments, most significantly DNA microarrays, provide us with system-scale profiles. Connecting these data with existing biological networks poses a formidable challenge to uncover facts about a cell's proteome. Studies and tools with this purpose are limited to networks with simple structure, such as protein-protein interaction graphs, or do not go much beyond than simply displaying values on the network. We have built a microarray data analysis tool, named PATIKAmad, which can be used to associate microarray data with the pathway models in mechanistic detail, and provides facilities for visualization, clustering, querying, and navigation of biological graphs related with loaded microarray experiments. PATIKAmad is freely available to noncommercial users as a new module of PATIKAweb at http://web.patika.org.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: An essential element when analysing the structure, function, and dynamics of biological networks is the identification of communities of related nodes. An algorithm proposed recently enhances this process by clustering the links between nodes, rather than the nodes themselves, thereby allowing each node to belong to multiple overlapping or nested communities. The R package 'linkcomm' implements this algorithm and extends it in several aspects: (i) the clustering algorithm handles networks that are weighted, directed, or both weighted and directed; (ii) several visualization methods are implemented that facilitate the representation of the link communities and their relationships; (iii) a suite of functions are included for the downstream analysis of the link communities including novel community-based measures of node centrality; (iv) the main algorithm is written in C++ and designed to handle networks of any size; and (v) several clustering methods are available for networks that can be handled in memory, and the number of communities can be adjusted by the user. AVAILABILITY: The program is freely available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (http://cran.r-project.org/) under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later).  相似文献   

Single-cell RNA sequencing enables us to characterize the cellular heterogeneity in single cell resolution with the help of cell type identification algorithms. However, the noise inherent in single-cell RNA-sequencing data severely disturbs the accuracy of cell clustering, marker identification and visualization. We propose that clustering based on feature density profiles can distinguish informative features from noise. We named such strategy as ‘entropy subspace’ separation and designed a cell clustering algorithm called ENtropy subspace separation-based Clustering for nOise REduction (ENCORE) by integrating the ‘entropy subspace’ separation strategy with a consensus clustering method. We demonstrate that ENCORE performs superiorly on cell clustering and generates high-resolution visualization across 12 standard datasets. More importantly, ENCORE enables identification of group markers with biological significance from a hard-to-separate dataset. With the advantages of effective feature selection, improved clustering, accurate marker identification and high-resolution visualization, we present ENCORE to the community as an important tool for scRNA-seq data analysis to study cellular heterogeneity and discover group markers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Many biological processes are context-dependent or temporally specific. As a result, relationships between molecular constituents evolve across time and environments. While cutting-edge machine learning techniques can recover these networks, exploring and interpreting the rewiring behavior is challenging. Information visualization shines in this type of exploratory analysis, motivating the development of TVNViewer (http://sailing.cs.cmu.edu/tvnviewer), a visualization tool for dynamic network analysis. RESULTS: In this paper, we demonstrate visualization techniques for dynamic network analysis by using TVNViewer to analyze yeast cell cycle and breast cancer progression datasets. CONCLUSIONS: TVNViewer is a powerful new visualization tool for the analysis of biological networks that change across time or space.  相似文献   

Omics technology used for large-scale measurements of gene expression is rapidly evolving. This work pointed out the need of an extensive bioinformatics analyses for array quality assessment before and after gene expression clustering and pathway analysis. A study focused on the effect of red wine polyphenols on rat colon mucosa was used to test the impact of quality control and normalisation steps on the biological conclusions. The integration of data visualization, pathway analysis and clustering revealed an artifact problem that was solved with an adapted normalisation. We propose a possible point to point standard analysis procedure, based on a combination of clustering and data visualization for the analysis of microarray data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A central idea in biology is the hierarchical organization of cellular processes. A commonly used method to identify the hierarchical modular organization of network relies on detecting a global signature known as variation of clustering coefficient (so-called modularity scaling). Although several studies have suggested other possible origins of this signature, it is still widely used nowadays to identify hierarchical modularity, especially in the analysis of biological networks. Therefore, a further and systematical investigation of this signature for different types of biological networks is necessary. RESULTS: We analyzed a variety of biological networks and found that the commonly used signature of hierarchical modularity is actually the reflection of spoke-like topology, suggesting a different view of network architecture. We proved that the existence of super-hubs is the origin that the clustering coefficient of a node follows a particular scaling law with degree k in metabolic networks. To study the modularity of biological networks, we systematically investigated the relationship between repulsion of hubs and variation of clustering coefficient. We provided direct evidences for repulsion between hubs being the underlying origin of the variation of clustering coefficient, and found that for biological networks having no anti-correlation between hubs, such as gene co-expression network, the clustering coefficient doesn't show dependence of degree. CONCLUSIONS: Here we have shown that the variation of clustering coefficient is neither sufficient nor exclusive for a network to be hierarchical. Our results suggest the existence of spoke-like modules as opposed to "deterministic model" of hierarchical modularity, and suggest the need to reconsider the organizational principle of biological hierarchy.  相似文献   

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