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DNA条形码是一段可用于物种鉴定的DNA序列。本文综述了近年来多种基于DNA条形码的分析方法及其在物种鉴定和隐存种发现中的应用,主要包括遗传距离法、进化树法、相似性比对法、诊断法和统计分类法等,旨在为这一技术的广泛应用提供参考。  相似文献   

DNA条形码是利用标准的DNA片段对物种进行快速鉴定的技术,已在生物学各相关领域得到广泛应用。随着DNA条形码技术的不断发展和完善,已成功应用于生态学领域的相关研究中。本文综述了DNA条形码在物种快速鉴定和隐存种发现、群落系统发育重建和生态取证、群落内物种间相互关系研究等方面的应用,并介绍了DNAmetabarcoding技术和环境DNA条形码在生物多样性和生态学研究领域中的应用。最后,结合新的测序技术和未来大科学装置的发展,在相关数据库逐渐完善,新分析方法和计算模型不断开发使用的情景下,对DNA条形码在生态学相关领域的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

DNA条形码研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DNA条形码是应用有足够变异的标准化短基因片段对物种进行快速、准确鉴定的新的生物身份识别系统.2003年,加拿大Guelph大学Hebert等首次正式提出了DNA条形码概念,2004年成立了生物条形码联盟,目前有来自50个国家的两百多个组织成为其成员,2007年5月加拿大Guelph大学组建了世界上第一个DNA barcoding鉴定中心,2009年1月正式启动"国际生命条形码计划",中国科学院代表中国与加拿大、美国和欧盟共同为iBOL 4个中心节点.线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶基因COⅠ具有引物通用性高和进化速率快等优点,是理想的动物DNA条形码,不过,COⅠ在植物中应用效果较差,因此,核糖体ITS序列和质体rbcL、matK和trnH-psbA等序列也相继被引入植物的DNA条形码研究.虽然DNA条形码研究还处于起步阶段,面临巨大挑战,但是,越来越多的研究表明DNA条形码可以广泛应用于生物的分类和鉴定,是一种简便、高效、准确的物种鉴定技术,已经在动物、植物和微生物等研究中取得了显著成果,是生命科学领域发展最快的学科前沿之一.本文从DNA条形码的开发、应用、国内相关文献研究现状、DNA条形码面临的挑战以及发展前景等进行了综合分析,以期推动我国DNA条形码和分类学研究的发展.  相似文献   

刘山林 《生物多样性》2019,27(5):526-367
近年来DNA条形码技术迅速发展, 产生的条形码的数量及其应用范围都呈指数性增长, 现已广泛用于物种鉴定、食性分析、生物多样性评估等方面。本文重点总结并讨论了构建条形码参考数据库和序列聚类相关的信息分析的技术和方法, 包括: 基于高通量测序(high throughput sequencing, HTS)平台以高效并较低的成本获取条形码序列的方法; 同时还介绍了从原始测序序列到分类操作单元(operational taxonomic units, OTUs)过程中的一些计算逻辑以及被广泛采用的软件和技术。这是一个较新并快速发展的领域, 我们希望本文能为读者提供一个梗概, 了解DNA条形码技术在生物多样性研究应用中的方法和手段。  相似文献   

真菌DNA条形码技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DNA条形码(DNA barcoding)技术作为一门新兴的物种鉴定方法以其灵敏、精确、方便和客观的优势,在动植物和微生物的分类鉴定中已经得到广泛应用.真菌鉴定中常用作标准条形码的是核核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(Internal transcribed spacer,ITS),如今也有一些新型条形码被发现和应用到实际操作中,如微条形码、ND6、EF3.本文对DNA条形码技术的产生和发展做出了总结,通过研究其在真菌中应用的实际案例分析了DNA条形码技术的优缺点及发展趋势,并指出DNA条形码技术将以全新的视角来弥补传统分类学的不足,最终实现生物自身的序列变异信息与现有形态分类学的结合.  相似文献   

DNA条形码(DNA barcode)是基因组中较短的、种内变异相对稳定的基因序列,已经成为生物多样性保护研究中物种鉴定、生物多样性评估的有力手段之一。四川王朗国家级自然保护区地处青藏高原东缘,属于世界生物多样性热点地区,具有丰富的生物资源,在我国珍稀动物保护领域具有重要地位。目前保护区已累积了大量的陆生脊椎动物监测数据,但缺乏遗传资源本底调查和基础的遗传资源数据库。本研究基于DNA条形码技术,以四川王朗国家级自然保护区为主要研究区域,基于样线法和博物馆标本调研,对所采集的314份样品进行DNA条形码分析,共鉴定兽类、鸟类、两栖类18目35科74种,首次获得了王朗齿突蟾(Scutigerwanglangensis)的线粒体基因(COI、12S-16S、16S、Cytb)及核基因(RAG1)的条形码序列信息,并通过比较不同监测方法说明了DNA条形码技术在动物多样性调查中的应用前景。本研究基于DNA条形码技术最终获得了216份DNA条形码数据,初步建立了保护区陆生脊椎动物遗传资源数据库,该数据库将为评估保护区生物多样性提供基础信息,为动物保护和管理工作提供技术支持。  相似文献   

DNA条形码是利用生物体内标准的、有足够变异的、易扩增且相对较短的DNA片段对物种进行快速准确鉴定的技术。自2003年DNA条形码相关概念提出以来广受关注,国内外相继开展了DNA条形码及信息系统建设研究,为DNA条形码技术的发展提供了坚实的研究基础和生物信息学分析平台。DNA条形码技术弥补了传统分类学的不足,为生物多样性研究提供了新的思路和方法。本文介绍了DNA条形码的产生与发展过程,国内外DNA条形码技术与信息系统建设研究进展,重点阐述了DNA条形码技术在物种鉴定、濒危物种保护、隐存种发现、生物多样性评估等研究领域中的应用。最后结合DNA条形码技术目前存在的问题,对其在相关研究领域的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

DNA条形码识别Ⅰ.DNA条形码研究进展及应用前景   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
DNA条形码(DNA Barcoding)是近年来生物分类学中引人注目的发展热点.本文综述了DNA条形码的发展历史、识别原理以及公共数据库,并讨论了DNA条形码在检疫检验领域的应用前景.DNA条形码与DNA芯片技术的结合,将推动传统物种鉴定方法的更新,可在检疫检验领域中实现非专家检定,这对进出口口岸生物监测具有重要的理论意义和应用价值.  相似文献   

DNA条形码及其在海洋浮游动物生态学研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
浮游动物的准确鉴定是浮游动物生态学研究的基础.传统的基于形态特征的鉴定不仅费时费力,而且部分类群特别是浮游幼体由于形态差异细微,鉴定存在困难,导致物种多样性被低估.DNA条形码(DNA barcodes)技术为浮游动物物种鉴定提供了一个有力工具,已迅速应用于海洋浮游动物生态学研究.本文介绍了DNA条形码的基本概念、优势及局限性,总结了该技术(主要是基于线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶第一亚基(mtCOI)基因序列片段的DNA条形码)在海洋浮游动物物种快速鉴定、隐种发现、营养关系研究、生物入侵种监测、群落历史演变反演、种群遗传学以及生物地理学中的成功应用.随着DNA条形码数据库信息量覆盖率的不断提高和新一代测序技术的快速发展,DNA条形码将提供除了种类鉴定外更加丰富的信息,从而帮助人们更好地理解海洋浮游动物的多样性及其在生态系统中的功能,推动海洋浮游动物生态学的发展.  相似文献   

DNA条形码是一种快捷高效的分子鉴定新技术,近年来在动物分类学领域中得到迅速的发展和应用。在条形码的研究中有基于进化树、距离和特征3种常用的分析方法:第1种方法需要构建系统发育树,分析样本在树上的聚类情况;第2种方法依赖于物种种内和种间的序列差异;第3种则是通过一系列的诊断特征位点来鉴定物种。本研究扩增了北京百花山地区14种草螟科昆虫88个样本的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunitⅠ,COⅠ)基因片段,分别基于进化树、距离和特征方法进行了分析,以探讨不同DNA条形码方法在草螟科物种鉴定中的可行性。结果表明:在使用邻接法(neighbor-joining,NJ)构建的系统发育树上,14个草螟物种各自聚成一个单系,均被成功区分。基于Kimura双参数模型计算遗传距离得出,种内和种内有一个明显的"barcoding gap",且ABGD软件对样本的划分完全符合形态鉴定结果。在所有的草螟物种中都找到了诊断核苷酸位点,基于特征来鉴定草螟物种的成功率为100%。结果显示,这3种方法对于本研究中所涉及的草螟都具有较好的区分,基于COⅠ基因的DNA条形码可以作为一种有效的工具在草螟科昆虫的物种鉴定中进行应用。  相似文献   

New DNA barcodes for identification of Korean birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA barcode is a short sequence of standardized genomic region that is specific to a species and therefore, helps in species identification. According to studies of animal species, the 648-bp sequence of the mitochondrial gene encoding cytochrome c oxidase 1 (CO1) is extremely useful for species identification. Several studies of birds have already ascertained the reliability of CO1 barcodes. In this study, we investigated the validity of DNA barcoding in Korean bird species by using additional barcode records. We analyzed the CO1 barcodes of 154 species of Korean birds, and discovered that the average genetic distance between congeneric species was 25 times higher than the average genetic distance within species. Most (98.7 %) bird species possessed a barcode distinct from that of other bird species. However, among the remaining 1.3 %, species had overlapping barcode clusters. Thus, we reemphasize that CO1 barcodes are an effective identification tool for Korean bird species.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding, an increasingly popular mean of species identification, has been widely used for global species identification despite a consensus not being reached regarding which DNA sequences can be used as the best plant barcodes. In this study, we tested the feasibility of five candidate DNA barcodes (nrITS, nrITS2, matk, rbcL and trnH-psbA) for identifying Uncaria species. We collected a total of 54 specimens of 10 Uncaria species across its distributional range. BLAST, barcoding gaps, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capability of the candidate DNA barcodes. The results showed that the ITS2 is most suitable as a candidate DNA barcode for identification of medicinal plants of the genus Uncaria.  相似文献   

Plant DNA barcoding: from gene to genome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
DNA barcoding is currently a widely used and effective tool that enables rapid and accurate identification of plant species; however, none of the available loci work across all species. Because single‐locus DNA barcodes lack adequate variations in closely related taxa, recent barcoding studies have placed high emphasis on the use of whole‐chloroplast genome sequences which are now more readily available as a consequence of improving sequencing technologies. While chloroplast genome sequencing can already deliver a reliable barcode for accurate plant identification it is not yet resource‐effective and does not yet offer the speed of analysis provided by single‐locus barcodes to unspecialized laboratory facilities. Here, we review the development of candidate barcodes and discuss the feasibility of using the chloroplast genome as a super‐barcode. We advocate a new approach for DNA barcoding that, for selected groups of taxa, combines the best use of single‐locus barcodes and super‐barcodes for efficient plant identification. Specific barcodes might enhance our ability to distinguish closely related plants at the species and population levels.  相似文献   

Liu C  Shi L  Xu X  Li H  Xing H  Liang D  Jiang K  Pang X  Song J  Chen S 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e35146
The DNA barcoding technology uses a standard region of DNA sequence for species identification and discovery. At present, "DNA barcode" actually refers to DNA sequences, which are not amenable to information storage, recognition, and retrieval. Our aim is to identify the best symbology that can represent DNA barcode sequences in practical applications. A comprehensive set of sequences for five DNA barcode markers ITS2, rbcL, matK, psbA-trnH, and CO1 was used as the test data. Fifty-three different types of one-dimensional and ten two-dimensional barcode symbologies were compared based on different criteria, such as coding capacity, compression efficiency, and error detection ability. The quick response (QR) code was found to have the largest coding capacity and relatively high compression ratio. To facilitate the further usage of QR code-based DNA barcodes, a web server was developed and is accessible at http://qrfordna.dnsalias.org. The web server allows users to retrieve the QR code for a species of interests, convert a DNA sequence to and from a QR code, and perform species identification based on local and global sequence similarities. In summary, the first comprehensive evaluation of various barcode symbologies has been carried out. The QR code has been found to be the most appropriate symbology for DNA barcode sequences. A web server has also been constructed to allow biologists to utilize QR codes in practical DNA barcoding applications.  相似文献   

DNA barcodes are widely used in taxonomy, systematics, species identification, food safety, and forensic science. Most of the conventional DNA barcode sequences contain the whole information of a given barcoding gene. Most of the sequence information does not vary and is uninformative for a given group of taxa within a monophylum. We suggest here a method that reduces the amount of noninformative nucleotides in a given barcoding sequence of a major taxon, like the prokaryotes, or eukaryotic animals, plants, or fungi. The actual differences in genetic sequences, called single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping, provide a tool for developing a rapid, reliable, and high‐throughput assay for the discrimination between known species. Here, we investigated SNPs as robust markers of genetic variation for identifying different pigeon species based on available cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) data. We propose here a decision tree‐based SNP barcoding (DTSB) algorithm where SNP patterns are selected from the DNA barcoding sequence of several evolutionarily related species in order to identify a single species with pigeons as an example. This approach can make use of any established barcoding system. We here firstly used as an example the mitochondrial gene COI information of 17 pigeon species (Columbidae, Aves) using DTSB after sequence trimming and alignment. SNPs were chosen which followed the rule of decision tree and species‐specific SNP barcodes. The shortest barcode of about 11 bp was then generated for discriminating 17 pigeon species using the DTSB method. This method provides a sequence alignment and tree decision approach to parsimoniously assign a unique and shortest SNP barcode for any known species of a chosen monophyletic taxon where a barcoding sequence is available.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have proposed that partial DNA sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial gene might serve as DNA barcodes for identifying and differentiating between animal species, such as birds, fish and insects. In this study, we tested the effectiveness of a COI barcode to identify true bugs from 139 species collected from Korea and adjacent regions (Japan, Northeastern China and Fareast Russia). All the species had a unique COI barcode sequence except for the genus Apolygus (Miridae), and the average interspecific genetic distance between closely related species was about 16 times higher than the average intraspecific genetic distance. DNA barcoding identified one probable new species of true bug and revealed identical or very recently divergent species that were clearly distinguished by morphological characteristics. Therefore, our results suggest that COI barcodes can reveal new cryptic true bug species and are able to contribute for the exact identification of the true bugs.  相似文献   

线粒体COⅠ基因在昆虫DNA条形码中的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨倩倩  李志红  伍祎  柳丽君 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1687-1695
自2003年DNA条形码(DNA barcodes)概念出现以来,DNA条形码技术(DNA barcoding)受到生物分类学领域普遍关注,线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(mtDNACOⅠ)被用作动物类群的主要条形码序列,基于该基因片段的昆虫条形码研究在国内外广泛开展。本文在概述DNA条形码、条形码技术及已开展的昆虫条形码研究计划的基础上,总结了昆虫mtDNACOⅠ条形码及其技术在发现和描述隐种、种类分子鉴定以及系统发育等方面的研究进展,分析了细胞核线粒体假基因(Numts)对mtDNACOⅠ条形码扩增的影响,提出检测和避免Numts的方法,并对DNA条形码技术的进一步研究和应用进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Incomplete knowledge of biodiversity remains a stumbling block for conservation planning and even occurs within globally important Biodiversity Hotspots (BH). Although technical advances have boosted the power of molecular biodiversity assessments, the link between DNA sequences and species and the analytics to discriminate entities remain crucial. Here, we present an analysis of the first DNA barcode library for the freshwater fish fauna of the Mediterranean BH (526 spp.), with virtually complete species coverage (498 spp., 98% extant species). In order to build an identification system supporting conservation, we compared species determination by taxonomists to multiple clustering analyses of DNA barcodes for 3165 specimens. The congruence of barcode clusters with morphological determination was strongly dependent on the method of cluster delineation, but was highest with the general mixed Yule‐coalescent (GMYC) model‐based approach (83% of all species recovered as GMYC entity). Overall, genetic morphological discontinuities suggest the existence of up to 64 previously unrecognized candidate species. We found reduced identification accuracy when using the entire DNA‐barcode database, compared with analyses on databases for individual river catchments. This scale effect has important implications for barcoding assessments and suggests that fairly simple identification pipelines provide sufficient resolution in local applications. We calculated Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered scores in order to identify candidate species for conservation priority and argue that the evolutionary content of barcode data can be used to detect priority species for future IUCN assessments. We show that large‐scale barcoding inventories of complex biotas are feasible and contribute directly to the evaluation of conservation priorities.  相似文献   

One application ofDNA barcoding is species identification based on sequences of a short and standardized DNA region.In plants,various DNA regions,alone or in combination,have been proposed and investigated,but consensus on a universal plant barcode remains elusive.In this study,we tested the utility of four candidate barcoding regions (rbcL,matK,trnH-psbA,and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)) as DNA barcodes for discriminating species in a large and hemiparasitic genus Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae).Amplification and sequencing was successful using single primer pairs for rbcL,trnH-psbA,and ITS,whereas two primer pairs were required for matK.Patterns of sequence divergence commonly showed a “barcoding gap”,that is,a bimodal frequency distribution of pairwise distances representing genetic diversity within and between species,respectively Considering primer universality,ease of amplification and sequencing,and performance in discriminating species,we found the most effective single-region barcode for Pedicularis to be ITS,and the most effective two-region barcode to be rbcL +ITS.Both discriminated at least 78% of the 88 species and correctly identified at least 89% of the sequences in our sample,and were effective in placing unidentified samples in known species groups.Our results suggest that DNA barcoding has the potential to aid taxonomic research in Pedicularis,a species-rich cosmopolitan clade much in need of revision,as well as ecological studies in its center of diversity,the Hengduan Mountains region of China.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a biological technique that uses short and standardized genes or DNA regions to facilitate species identification. DNA barcoding has been used successfully in several animal and plant groups. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) species occur widely throughout the world and are used as medicinal plants in China. Therefore, the accurate identification of species in this genus is necessary. Four potential DNA barcodes, namely the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three chloroplast (cp) DNA regions (rbcL, matK, and trnH–psbA), were used to differentiate species within Ligustrum. BLAST, character-based method, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capabilities of the chosen markers for discriminating 92 samples representing 20 species of this genus. The results showed that the ITS sequences have the most variable information, followed by trnH–psbA, matK, and rbcL. All sequences of the four regions correctly identified the species at the genus level using BLAST alignment. At the species level, the discriminating power of rbcL, matK, trnH–psbA, and ITS based on neighbor-joining (NJ) trees was 36.8%, 38.9%, 77.8%, and 80%, respectively. Using character-based and maximum parsimony (MP) tree methods together, the discriminating ability of trnH–psbA increased to 88.9%. All species could be differentiated using ITS when combining the NJ tree method with character-based or MP tree methods. Overall, the results indicate that DNA barcoding is an effective molecular identification method for Ligustrum species. We propose the nuclear ribosomal ITS as a plant barcode for plant identification and trnH–psbA as a candidate barcode sequence.  相似文献   

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