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外来种米草的生态功能评价与控制   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
米草是禾本科米草属多年生植物 ,对高盐淤泥质滩涂具有高度生态适应性。本文综述了米草作为外来入侵种对一些国家和地区的环境影响及其生态控制措施。一方面 ,米草的种群爆发严重威胁当地生物多样性 ,阻碍社会、经济的可持续发展 ;另一方面 ,米草的抵御海岸侵蚀和促淤造陆功能在全球变化引起未来海平面上升的背景下具有重要意义。米草的生态控制以化学措施最为快速有效 ,但可能污染环境。物理措施工程量大 ,适合于小面积米草控制。生物防治最有发展前景 ,但目前应用不理想 ,且容易引起次生生物入侵。 3S技术、种群扩散和增长模型以及长期监测系统等已经被应用于米草生态控制。最后就加强米草生态控制的基础研究和如何提高米草生态控制水平提出了若干建议  相似文献   

米草属引入中国海岸带的利弊分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张秀玲 《生态学杂志》2007,26(11):1878-1883
1963年以来,中国先后从国外引进3种米草。实践证明,大米草和互花米草是盐渍土壤植物群落形成的先锋植物,适应于中国海岸带自然环境,生长发育正常,具有明显的促淤造陆和保护海岸等生态功能,并具有显著的经济效益.大米草和互花米草在南方海岸繁殖过快是近岸水体富营养化的结果,但并未对环境、动植物种群和人类构成侵害,其在北方海岸未发生异常现象,故应客观地评估米草的功与过。本文从利弊2个方面对中国海岸滩涂引入米草进行了分析。  相似文献   

对我国草原生态工程建设中草原的经济效益、生态效益、社会效益等三个方面的效益问题进行了评级与分析,采用统计数据与实际调研相结合的方式,以退牧还草工程和草原奖补政策为切入点,对整个工程进行评级总结,提出目前草原生态工程的问题困境,以此为国家生态工程提供更好的决策建议。  相似文献   

李委涛  郑玉龙  冯玉龙 《生态学报》2014,34(23):6890-6897
飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)是我国热带地区危害严重的外来入侵植物,为揭示适应进化对其成功入侵的贡献,在同质种植园中,比较研究了飞机草10个入侵地种群与12个原产地种群生长性状的差异,为排除奠基者效应的可能影响,进一步比较了飞机草10个入侵地种群与其原产地可能的祖先种群间的差异。结果表明,飞机草10个入侵地种群的基茎、株高、分枝数、生物量和比叶面积均显著高于12个原产地种群;与可能的祖先种群相比,飞机草10个入侵种群的生物量、分枝数和比叶面积仍更高。这些结果表明,在长期的入侵过程中飞机草通过进化提高了资源向生长的分配,支持增强竞争能力的进化假说。  相似文献   

上海市凤眼莲种群的时空分布及控制对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金樑  王晓娟  高雷  董慧琴  李博 《生态学杂志》2005,24(12):1454-1458
凤眼莲是上海市水体中危害最严重的入侵种之一.本研究调查了上海市及所辖各区县凤眼莲种群的分布现状,结果表明,凤眼莲在各区县水体中分布不均,以与江、浙两省相接的区县危害最严重.河道内其它水生植物的分布是凤眼莲固着生长的主要机制,这些植物主要为:喜旱莲子草、菰、芦苇、牛筋草、千金子等.凤眼莲的种群爆发规律:每年3~5月为萌芽阶段,7月下旬为爆发起始时期,8月中下旬至12月上旬为爆发的高峰期,12月下旬开始枯萎死亡,但其腋芽能够存活越冬,是来年爆发的种源.上游漂移而来的凤眼莲是种群爆发的另一因素.有鉴于此,提出其控制措施:①最佳打捞季节为12月~翌年6月,以去除种源为目标;②加强与周边省份的协调合作;③开展生物防治的研究;④清理河道内及堤岸上的水生杂草.以上措施的综合施用是控制上海市凤眼莲的有力保障.  相似文献   

表型可塑性可能在外来植物的成功入侵和随后的扩散中起到至关重要的作用。一些研究者推测喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)入侵地种群可能比原产地种群对光强具有更强的可塑性反应。为了验证该假说,我们在正常光照和遮荫(30%正常光照)条件下研究了喜旱莲子草原产地(阿根廷)和入侵地(美国)种群在形态特征和生物量分配上是否存在显著差异。结果表明:(1)喜旱莲子草对光照强度具有很强的可塑性。在遮荫处理下,其根冠比和分枝生物量比显著降低,而比茎长和比叶面积显著增加;(2)原产地和入侵地喜旱莲子草的总生物量和比叶面积对遮荫的可塑性没有显著差异。入侵地种群的根冠比、分枝强度和比茎长的可塑性显著小于原产地种群;(3)无论在正常或低光照条件下,入侵地种群的根冠比(–20.8%)、分枝强度(–54.6%)、比茎长(–18.5%)和比叶面积(–8.6%)均显著低于原产地种群。这些结果表明,喜旱莲子草对光照强度具有很强的可塑性,这可能是该物种可以分布于从河岸带草丛到疏林灌丛等各种生境的主要原因;从原产地到入侵地,喜旱莲子草与耐阴性有关的性状对光照的可塑性显著降低,可能是该物种在入侵地能够形成单优势种群的主要原因。  相似文献   

“山水林田湖草”重大生态保护与修复工程是中国对复杂生态环境治理的重要探索。鉴于目前大多数重大生态工程未系统地考虑气候变化对重大生态工程的影响问题,针对气候变化对高寒草地、北方林区以及风沙源区生态的影响,以实施了多年的三江源生态保护工程、三北防护林工程和京津风沙源治理工程为重点,分析了重大生态工程对全球气候变化的响应,解构了重大生态工程与气候的反馈关系和影响程度,指出了中国“山水林田湖草”重大生态工程实施过程中可能存在的问题,并给出了应对建议。结果表明:(1)气候变化对重大生态工程影响研究不足,尤其是涉及区域生态系统结构、功能、生物多样性与脆弱性等方面以及气候变化在工程实施效果贡献率的研究。(2)缺乏有效区分气候变化和工程实施效果的评估方法。目前能够定量识别气候变化对生态系统恢复的试验和方法比较少见,且缺乏对气候变化未来风险预估,导致制订的措施不能有效适应气候变化从而达到生态效益的最大化。所以在今后设计和实施“山水林田湖草”重大生态保护与修复工程时,要充分考虑自然规律、地理地带性差异和气候因素对生态系统的影响,并且加强建设生态综合监测和工程评价体系,根据未来不同的气候变化情景制订不同的措施,并依据气候动态预估来适当调整措施,使得生态工程能发挥出最大效益,以保证修复工程的系统性、区域性和整体性。  相似文献   

蝙蝠携带病毒的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
蝙蝠物种丰富,分布广泛,有很强的飞行能力,其中一些蝙蝠种类还有迁飞的习性,与人类接触密切.迄今为止,已在蝙蝠体内分离到80多种病毒,其中一些是多种重大人兽共患疾病的传染源,给人类公共健康和蝙蝠生物保护带来威胁.近年来,一些新病毒病的暴发,老病毒病的重返都与蝙蝠有关,如1994年澳大利亚爆发的亨德拉病毒(Hendra virus)[1,2],1997年澳大利亚爆发的梅南高病毒(Menangle virus)[3],1998年马来西亚爆发的尼巴病毒(Nipah virus)[4],以及Tioman病毒(Tioman virus)[5]等;而人类在防止蝙蝠传播病毒的同时,很可能由于采取的方法不当而对蝙蝠物种的保护构成潜在的威胁.  相似文献   

人工恢复与自然恢复模式下苔草草丘生态特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以哈尔滨太阳岛草丘湿地为对象,对比了人工恢复与自然恢复下苔草草丘个体和种群的生态特征,并分析其与环境因子的关系.结果表明:苔草植株生长随时间呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势(5—8月),初期(5—6月)生长迅速,6月达到峰值.人工恢复和自然恢复模式下,苔草草丘个体和种群特征差异显著:自然恢复下苔草叶面积、叶宽、单株鲜重、单株干重、丘墩高度、直径、丘顶面积、丘墩表面积、丘墩体积等苔草草丘个体特征均显著高于人工恢复,人工恢复下苔草草丘密度、盖度、生物量等种群特征显著高于自然恢复,物种多样性无显著差异.土壤含水量、水深、草丘密度、丘间距离是导致2种恢复模式下苔草草丘生长差异的主要因素,自然恢复区土壤含水量、水深、间距均显著高于人工恢复区,对草丘个体的形成和发育具有促进作用,人工恢复区高移栽密度是导致草丘密度、盖度、生物量高于自然恢复区的主要因素.建议未来开展苔草草丘湿地恢复和保护时,应参考自然恢复湿地中草丘的分布特点,适当调整丘间距离(54.22~117.89 cm)和种群密度(1.9~3.1 墩·m-2),同时采取干旱区春季适当补水措施,保持适宜的土壤含水量和水深,促进苔草草丘的生长发育和快速恢复,维持其种群长期健康稳定.  相似文献   

五台山南台旅游活动对山地草甸优势种群格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程占红  牛莉芹 《生态学报》2008,28(1):416-422
利用双项轨迹方差法,对五台山南台不同距离带上紫羊茅、珠芽蓼和北方嵩草的格局进行了研究.结果表明:(1)3个种群在第一带上格局强度很弱,在第五带上格局差异最明显.不同种群在第二、第四带上因旅游活动和种间竞争而表现出不同的格局规律.(2)近距离处,旅游干扰大,尽管紫羊茅是优势种,但它和其他种群一样都表现出斑块化的现象.随着距离的增加,旅游干扰减小,种间竞争激烈,紫羊茅的优势减小,北方嵩草的优势上升,珠芽蓼徘徊不前,种群格局各具特色.远距离处,北方嵩草斑块稳定,规模大,紫羊茅的斑块数量少,规模较小.珠芽蓼没有表现出明显的规律性,这可能与其本身的生理生态有关.  相似文献   

Indigenous species of actinorhizal plants of Casuarinaceae, Elaeagnaceae and Rhamnaceae are found in specific regions of Australia. Most of these plants belong to Casuarinaceae, the dominant actinorhizal family in Australia. Many of them have significant environmental and economical value. The other two families with their indigenous actinorhizal plants have only a minor presence in Australia. Most Australian actinorhizal plants have their native range only in Australia, whereas two of these plants are also found indigenously elsewhere. The nitrogen-fixing ability of these plants varies between species. This ability needs to be investigated in some of these plants. Casuarinas form a distinctive but declining part of the Australian landscape. Their potential has rarely been applied in forestry in Australia despite their well-known uses, which are being judiciously exploited elsewhere. To remedy this oversight, a programme has been proposed for increasing and improving casuarinas that would aid in greening more regions of Australia, increasing the soil fertility and the area of wild life habitat (including endangered species). Whether these improved clones would be productive with local strains of Frankia or they need an external inoculum of Frankia should be determined and the influence of mycorrhizal fungi on these clones also should be investigated.  相似文献   

Plants are often subjected to various environmental stresses that lead to deleterious effects on growth, production, sustainability, etc. The information of the incoming stress is read by the plants through the mechanism of signal transduction. The plant Ca2+ serves as secondary messenger during adaptations to stressful conditions and developmental processes. A plethora of Ca2+ sensors and decoders functions to bring about these changes. The cellular concentrations of Ca2+, their subcellular localization, and the specific interaction affinities of Ca2+ decoder proteins all work together to make this process a complex but synchronized signaling network. In this review, we focus on the versatility of these sensors and decoders in the model plant Arabidopsis as well as plants of economical importance. Here, we have also thrown light on the possible mechanism of action of these important components.  相似文献   

湖北的珍贵稀有植物   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
本文论述湖北的珍贵稀有植物108种,分为四级,一级的3种,二级23种,三级27种,四级55种,为我省植物资源的保护和合理利用提供资料。  相似文献   

中国减肥植物资源初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用植物资源学的研究方法 ,对目前国内市场上常见的药物减肥产品进行了调查 ,并对其所用的药用植物进行了归类研究 ,结合《本草纲目》中的所记载的减肥药方 ,遴选出此类植物 38种 ,隶属于 2 5科。作者根据其减肥作用机理和中药分类方法将这些植物归为 7类。每类选取 1种代表植物 ,即消食类 :山楂等 ;化痰类 :绞股蓝等 ;利水渗湿类 :茯苓等 ;泻下类 :大黄等 ;解表类 :柴胡等 ;理气类 :陈皮等 ;活血祛瘀类 :丹参等。就其主要形态特征、群落类型、地理分布、化学成分和药用功效、采收加工、资源利用等进行较为详细的说明 ,旨在初步弄清我国减肥药用植物资源种类和分布 ,并对保护和开发利用这些资源提出建议  相似文献   

有机污染环境的植物修复研究进展   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
分析了近年来国内外的文献资料,对有机污染物污染环境的植物修复研究进展作了综述。植物能通过根系从环境中吸收和积累PCBs、PAHs等有机污染物,并将吸收的TNT、TCE及有机农药降解为高极性产物、水和CO2;另一方面植物根际可促进有机污染物的根际生物吸收与,使植物对有机污染环境的修复效果更明显。文中探讨了有机污染环境的植物修复技术的优势、问题与未来的研究。  相似文献   

Lignin genetic engineering   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although lignins play important roles in plants, they often represent an obstacle to the utilization of plant biomass in different areas: pulp industry, forage digestibility. The recent characterization of different lignification genes has stimulated research programmes aimed at modifying the lignin profiles of plants through genetic engineering (antisense and sense suppression of gene expression). The first transgenic plants with a modification of monomeric composition of lignins and lignin content have been recently obtained. Down regulation of the OMT gene induces dramatic reduction of syringyl units. CAD down regulated plants exhibit a unusual red phenotype associated with the developing xylem and several chemical modifications of their lignins including an increase in cinnamaldehydes in the polymer structure. Interestingly this novel lignin is removed more easily during the pulping process. In both OMT and CAD down regulated plants no changes in phenotypic characteristics such as growth architecture and morphology were observed. More recent experiments have shown that a reduction of CCR activity determines specific changes in the coloration of the xylem area suggesting significant chemical modifications which are currently being studied.These different results show that it is possible to manipulate lignins through targeted genetic transformation of plants and that lignins exhibit a relative flexibility of their chemical structure. Future developments should probe the impact of down regulating the expression of other recently characterized lignification genes such as F5H and CCoAOMT and also of a combination of genes in order to tailor lignins more adapted to specific purposes. In addition to biotechnological applications which should provide important economical benefits for utilization of wood in the pulp industry, genetic engineering of lignins offer very promising perspectives for the understanding of lignin synthesis, structure and properties.  相似文献   

Plants of the Amaryllidaceae family have been under intense scrutiny for the presence of the specific metabolites responsible for the medicinal properties associated with them. The study began in 1877 with the isolation of alkaloid lycorine from Narcissus pseudonarcissus and since then more than 100 alkaloids, exhibiting diverse biological activities, have been isolated from the Amaryllidaceae plants. Based on the present scientific evidence, it is likely that isocarbostyril constituents of the Amaryllidaceae, such as narciclasine, pancratistatin and their congeners, are the most important metabolites responsible for the therapeutic benefits of these plant species in the folk medical treatment of cancer. Notably, Narcissus poeticus L., used by the ancient Greek physicians, is now known to contain about 0.12 g of narciclasine per kg of fresh bulbs. The focus of the present research work is the chemistry and biology of these compounds as specifically relevant to their potential use in medicine. In particular, the anticancer evaluation of lycorine, narciclasine as well as of other Amaryllidaceae alkaloids and their synthetic derivatives are presented in this paper. The structure–activity relationships among some groups of Amaryllidaceae alkaloids will be discussed.  相似文献   

Discrepancies in the identification of some plants and, in consequence on their autochthonous or allochthonous character, can lead to the adoption of inappropriate habit management strategies such as conservation, control, elimination, etc. A clear illustration of this is the case of a plant with an evident expansive behaviour located on the North Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, which has been considered by some authors as Spartina versicolor, a native of the European coasts. However, other authors have identified this plant as Spartina patens, originally from the North American Atlantic coasts, but introduced on both the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of Europe. This species shows an invading behaviour, playing a clear and evident role in the transformation of the habitats that it colonizes. In this work, results based on the use of sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nrDNA, widely used in taxonomy and molecular phylogeny between closely related species, is reported. These data indicate that the identity of those plants growing on the European littoral is similar to those native to the North American Atlantic coasts.  相似文献   

? Plants can respond to their environment by morphological plasticity. Generally, the potential benefits of adaptive plastic responses are beyond doubt under predictable environmental changes. However, the net benefits may be less straightforward when plants encounter temporal stresses, such as flooding in river flood plains. ? Here, we tested whether the balance of costs and benefits associated with flooding-induced shoot elongation depends on the flooding regime, by subjecting Rumex palustris plants with different elongation capacity to submergence of different frequency and duration. ? Our results showed that reaching the surface by shoot elongation is associated with fitness benefits, as under less frequent, but longer, flooding episodes plants emerging above the floodwater had greater biomass production than plants that were kept below the surface. As we predicted, slow-elongating plants had clear advantages over fast-elongating ones if submergence was frequent but of short duration, indicating that elongation also incurs costs. ? Our data suggest that high costs select for weak plasticity under frequent environmental change. In contrast to our predictions, however, fast-elongating plants did not have an overall advantage over slow-elongating plants when floods lasted longer. This indicates that the delicate balance between benefits and costs of flooding-induced elongation depends on the specific characteristics of the flooding regime.  相似文献   

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