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叉斜线网蛾的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈汉林  黄水生 《昆虫知识》1993,30(6):339-341
叉斜线网蛾是木本中药材凹叶厚朴的食叶害虫。此虫在浙江松阳1年发生2代,以蛹在土内越冬。成虫分别在4月上旬和6月下旬开始出现。幼虫共5龄,均隐蔽于虫苞内取食。1~3龄幼虫作三角苞,只取食苞内的叶肉,不咬穿叶片;4~5龄幼虫取食时不再保留上表皮,故改作席简状的纵卷苞,取食卷筒内的叶片,只留最外一层叶片以掩蔽身体。以40%氧乐果原液注于或涂茎,有很好的防治效果。  相似文献   

【目的】明确灰茶尺蠖Ectropis grisescens Warren对不同茶树Camellia sinensis品种叶片的取食选择性,以及不同茶树品种叶片对灰茶尺蠖生长发育的影响,以探讨灰茶尺蠖对茶树品种的适应机制。【方法】首先测定灰茶尺蠖幼虫对11个茶树品种叶片的取食选择性,并从中选择5个茶树品种测定其叶片生化成分(水分、可溶性糖、茶多酚和游离氨基酸)含量,以分析灰茶尺蠖取食选择性与茶树生化成分的关系;用筛选出来的5个茶树品种叶片饲喂灰茶尺蠖,测定不同茶树品种对灰茶尺蠖生长发育的影响。【结果】灰茶尺蠖幼虫对11个茶树品种叶片的取食选择性从大到小依次为:平阳特早舒茶早中黄2号越香早中黄1号岚里香漕溪1号玉露1号福鼎大白陕茶1号苏玉黄。线性回归分析表明,灰茶尺蠖取食选择性与茶树叶片含水量和可溶性糖含量呈正相关,与茶多酚和游离氨基酸含量呈负相关,说明灰茶尺蠖幼虫偏好取食含水量和可溶性糖含量高的茶树叶片,不喜食茶多酚和游离氨基酸含量高的叶片。不同茶树品种叶片可显著影响灰茶尺蠖低龄幼虫、预蛹和蛹的发育历期,对成虫寿命、末龄幼虫体重、蛹重、幼虫存活率、成虫羽化率、单雌产卵量、取食量和食物利用率均无显著影响。【结论】茶树的生化成分影响着灰茶尺蠖的取食选择,而灰茶尺蠖可通过改变取食策略等方式来适应寄主植物。  相似文献   

为研究马铃薯甲虫Leptinotarsa decemlineata(Say)幼虫取食新烟碱杀虫剂噻虫嗪和吡虫啉处理(有效成分18 g/100 kg种薯拌种)播种90 d后马铃薯叶片的消化吸收和生长发育情况,在室内采用重量法测定了幼虫取食量、体重增加量、食物利用率,近似消化率以及蛹重等营养指标。 结果表明:70%噻虫嗪种子处理可分散粉剂拌种后,马铃薯甲虫幼虫的取食量、体重增加量、食物利用率、食物转化率、近似消化率和相对生长率以及蛹重显著低于10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂拌种和空白对照(P<0.05),发育历期显著长于10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂拌种和空白对照(P<0.05);而10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂拌种后,马铃薯甲虫幼虫的取食量和3~4龄期的体重增加量与空白对照差异显著(P<0.05),蛹重、1~2龄幼虫的体重增长量、食物利用率、食物转化率、近似消化率、相对生长率和生长发育历期与空白对照差异不显著(P>0.05)。 说明70%噻虫嗪种子处理可分散粉剂拌种对马铃薯甲虫幼虫的取食有显著抑制作用,不能很好地满足其生长发育营养物质的需要,幼虫取食其叶片后,近似消化率和相对生长速率显著降低,生长发育历期显著延长。 这有利于减少当季世代数,降低危害。  相似文献   

【背景】莲草直胸跳甲是空心莲子草的专一性天敌,成功地大量繁殖是其大规模应用于空心莲子草生物防治的必要条件,为了更好地开展莲草直胸跳甲的室内大量繁殖,明确其不同虫态对空心莲子草空间的选择性具有重要意义。【方法】本研究调查了莲草直胸跳甲成虫取食与产卵、幼虫取食、老熟幼虫化蛹的空间选择性,并分析了空心莲子草茎秆直径对幼虫化蛹空间选择、蛹羽化率和羽化成虫性别分化的影响。【结果】雌雄成虫均嗜好栖息于空心莲子草幼嫩的顶叶,位于顶叶的雌、雄成虫数量分别占整株的62.9%和63.3%;成虫偏好将卵产在第2节叶片上,比例高达41.2%;幼虫主要集中于上部3节的叶片上取食,占84.8%;老熟幼虫化蛹前在茎秆上蛀孔后钻入茎秆中化蛹,其不在第1节茎秆内化蛹,化蛹主要选择在3~5节,其中在第4节茎秆内化蛹量最高,达1.0头.节-1;老熟幼虫在1~5节茎秆内的化蛹量与空心莲子草茎秆直径具有显著相关性(y=-19.209x2+16.66x+2.6737,R2=0.841);羽化成虫的雌雄性比则与茎秆直径呈显著正相关(y=5.5704x-1.1718,R2=0.914)。【结论与意义】莲草直胸跳甲成虫和幼虫均偏好在空心莲子草上部的叶片取食,老熟幼虫化蛹则偏好中部较粗壮的茎节,因此,培育茎秆较粗且老化程度较低的空心莲子草是实现莲草直胸跳甲大量饲养的重要途径。本研究可为优化人工大量饲养繁殖莲草直胸跳甲的条件提供数据支持。  相似文献   

首次发现中国腹刺斑螟幼虫取食板栗叶片,描述了幼虫和蛹的形态特征,拍摄了幼虫和蛹的生活特征图和外形等结构特征图,初步描记了其在湖北省罗田县栗园的生活习性;对幼虫线粒体COI基因片段序列进行了提取、扩增、测序和分析,其5’端629 bp的DNA序列可以作为中国腹刺斑螟鉴定的分子标记。  相似文献   

首次发现中国腹刺斑螟幼虫取食板栗叶片,描述了幼虫和蛹的形态特征,拍摄了幼虫和蛹的生活特征图和外形等结构特征图,初步描记了其在湖北省罗田县栗园的生活习性;对幼虫线粒体COI基因片段序列进行了提取、扩增、测序和分析,其5’端629 bp的DNA序列可以作为中国腹刺斑螟鉴定的分子标记。  相似文献   

沙蒿尖翅吉丁生物学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙蒿尖翅吉丁Sphenoptera sp.是黑沙蒿上主要的钻蛀性害虫,引起沙蒿长势下降甚至死亡。对其形态特征及生物学特征的观察和研究结果表明:该虫在宁夏1年发生1代,以各龄幼虫在被害沙蒿根部越冬。老熟幼虫于4月中下旬开始化蛹,成虫始见于5月上旬,羽化期有两个高峰,分别是5、6月下旬。成虫羽化后并不马上离开蛹室,2~3d后咬出羽化孔,钻出蛹室。成虫需取食沙蒿叶片补充营养,2~7d后开始交尾,集中在13:00-16:30,雌雄成虫均可多次交尾。幼虫常多头聚集危害同一株沙蒿。大多数老熟幼虫在距坑道端部5mm处的根部化蛹,少数在直径为5~8mm的较粗的枝条内化蛹。沙蒿尖翅吉丁幼虫期有2种寄生性天敌,蛹期和成虫期各有1种寄生性天敌。  相似文献   

白茨粗角萤叶甲,以成、幼虫取食白茨叶片、嫩枝条及果实形成缺刻、断梢及伤果,严重时可吃光整个叶片、嫩梢,造成白茨成片死亡。该虫在宁夏年发生2代,以成虫土中越冬。幼虫三龄,土中化蛹。亩用2.5%溴氰菊脂5ml、20%杀灭菊脂10ml、40%氧化乐果50ml进行超低容量喷雾,防治效果均在90%以上。  相似文献   

管氏肿腿蜂对黄粉甲的寄生行为   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贺凯  徐志强  代平礼 《昆虫学报》2006,49(3):454-460
在人工扩繁条件下观察管氏肿腿蜂Scleroderma guani对中间寄主黄粉甲Tenebrio molitor的寄生行为,其过程可分为:搜寻-识别-螯刺-清理和取食-产卵-护幼。雌蜂在寄生黄粉甲蛹时上蜂速度和螯刺率变异大,上蜂前时间为1.4~7.0天, 螯刺率为8.7%~91.7%,影响两者的因素包括: 雌蜂的交配状况、寄主状况及繁育温度等。蜂毒螯入寄主后可使其组织不腐烂而适于被寄生,被螯刺后的蛹可表现为 “保鲜”状态,平均“保鲜”时间为12.6天。蜂在蛹体的平均产卵量为30粒,最多为91粒。蜂卵在蛹体上分布合理,有利于幼虫有效利用寄主营养并避免拥挤和取食竞争。母蜂对幼虫期的发育具保护行为,包括护卵和保护幼虫正常发育并能搬运老熟幼虫集中结茧化蛹。  相似文献   

团角锤天蛾的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林仲桂  雷玉兰 《昆虫知识》2008,45(1):141-143
团角锤天蛾Gurelca hyas(Walker)危害园林植物——银边六月雪(Serissa foetida cv.Aureovaiegata),以幼虫取食寄主叶片和嫩梢。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在寄主附近土壤中筑土室化蛹并以蛹在土室中越冬。翌年8月上旬越冬代成虫开始羽化。幼虫5龄,多数幼虫在发育过程中会出现体色变化。第1代、第2代和第3代幼虫分别于8月中旬、9月中旬和10月中旬孵化,各代幼虫均能对寄主造成严重为害。  相似文献   

Five decapod crustacean species were examined for presence of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium spp. (Alveolata, Syndinea) by morphological methods (colour and pleopod methods) as well as by PCR and nested PCR with Hematodinium-specific primers. Nephrops norvegicus, Pagurus bernhardus and Liocarcinus depurator were sampled by trawling in Danish waters and Chionoecetes opilio and Hyas araneus were sampled by trapping off the west coast of Greenland. The existence of Hematodinium has not previoiusly been documented in Danish waters, but it was detected in all 3 decapod species examined in the present study. Hematodinium sp. was also detected for the first time in H. araneus and the existence of Hematodinium sp. in Greenlandic C. opilio was documented by PCR. Analyses of 26 Hematodinium sp. ITS1 sequences, including sequences from all 5 host species sampled, revealed more than 95% sequence similarity between 24 of the sequences. Two Hematodinium sp. ITS1 sequences from C. opilio were only 81% similar to the 24 other ITS1 sequences. The nested PCR approach resulted in the highest reported percentages of positive samples for Hematodinium sp.in the hosts investigated (between 45 and 87.5%). However, no decapods were found to be infected with Hematodinium sp. based on morphological methods. Consequently, Hematodinium sp. may be more common than previously believed, and, assuming that the DNA found originated from viable and infectious parasite cells, infections may not always be fatal. We suggest that the hosts investigated may have been subject to latent infections that could develop into a fatal disease only if the hosts were physiologically stressed due to other factors.  相似文献   

A new species of clawed toad, Xenopus wittei sp. nov. is described from highland areas overlapping the borders of Rwanda, Uganda and Zaire. A comprehensive morphological analysis of the species has been carried out. X. wittei sp. nov. is very closely related to X. vestitus and both have a tetraploid chromosome complement (2 n = 72), the only examples within the genus. Nevertheless, the two species may be distinguished by easily observed features, including head morphology and dorsal body colours and patterns, and are also identified by their karyotypes and mating calls.
Data on distribution, ecology and parasite infection are derived from both museum collections and fieldwork in Central Africa. X. wittei sp. nov. is sympatric in parts of its range with X. vestitus, X. laevis victorianus and X. I. bunyoniensis , with up to three of the taxa sharing the same habitats. The implications of potential species interactions are discussed. Experimental hybridization has confirmed the reproductive isolation of the two tetraploid species. Parasitological studies show that they may be distinguished from one another by host specific species of the nematode Chitwoodchabaudia and from other Xenopus species by the absence of the tapeworm genus Cephalochlamys . Large scale population movements of the Xenopus species have apparently occurred in the Central African highlands during the period of available records. Sympatry observed amongst the present day representatives of Xenopus may have been an important factor in the evolution of these toads since X. wittei sp. nov. and X. vestitus are interpreted as allopolyploids, the products of interspecies hybridization.  相似文献   

The extremely halophilic archaeon ZP-6 was isolated from Ai-Ding salt lake in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. Based on its physiological properties, 16S rDNA sequence, and DNA-DNA homology with known haloarchaea, the isolate was tentatively identified as a Halobacterium sp. An acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase was purified and characterized from this organism. The native enzyme has a molecular mass of 80 +/- 8 kDa and consists of two identical subunits of 43 +/- 2 kDa each. The N-terminus 14 amino acid residues were sequenced and showed identity with the respective part of a putative thiolase (AcaB1) of Halobacterium sp. NRC-1. The purified enzyme has an optimal pH of 7.9 for acetoacetyl-CoA thiolysis. The thiolytic activity was inhibited by the presence of Mg'- and was stimulated by KCl or NaCl. The thiolysis reaction of Halobacterium sp. ZP-6 thiolase can be inhibited by either substrate when present in excess. The distinct kinetic profile indicates that the thiolase from Halobacterium sp. ZP-6 may have a different catalytic mechanism from the so-called ping-pong mechanism employed by other thiolases. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the purification and characterization of a halophilic thiolase from an archaeal species.  相似文献   

板栗干腐病研究:Ⅱ.症状及病原   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对板栗干腐病症状及病原的研究结果表明:1.板栗干腐病主要发生于种仁上,其病斑大小、质地不一。按色泽可分为褐、黑、白、灰、黄五类。果实其它部位也偶有症状产生;2.此病为多种真菌复合侵染所致。主要的致病菌有Phoma、Phomopsis、Dothiorella、Gloeosporium和Cytospora等属真菌,另有十余种弱寄生及腐生菌有时也混合发生。  相似文献   

Human occupation for several centuries was recorded in the archaeological layers of "Place d'Armes", Namur, Belgium. Preventive archaeological excavations were carried out between 1996/1997 and seven historical strata were observed, from Gallo-Roman period up to Modern Times. Soil samples from cesspools, latrines, and structures-like were studied and revealed intestinal parasite eggs in the different archaeological contexts. Ascaris lumbricoides, A. suum, Trichuris trichiura, T. suis. Taenia sp., Fasciola hepatica, Diphyllobothrium sp., Capillaria sp. and Oxyuris equi eggs were found. Paleoparasitology confirmed the use of structures as latrines or cesspit as firstly supposed by the archaeologists. Medieval latrines were not only used for rejection of human excrements. The finding of Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp. eggs may point to human's or wild swine's feces. Gallo-Roman people used to eat wild boar. Therefore, both A. suum and T. suis, or A. lumbricoides and T. trichuris, may be present, considering a swine carcass recovered into a cesspit. Careful sediment analysis may reveal its origin, although parasites of domestic animals can be found together with those of human's. Taenia sp. eggs identified in latrine samples indicate ingestion of uncooked beef with cysticercoid larvae. F. hepatica eggs suggest the ingestion of raw contaminated vegetables and Diphyllobothrium sp. eggs indicate contaminated fresh-water fish consumption. Ascaris sp. and Trichuris sp. eggs indicate fecal-oral infection by human and/or animal excrements.  相似文献   

Vibrio sp. DI9, recently isolated from Tampa Bay, FL, has been found to be naturally transformed by the broad host range plasmid pKT230 in both filter transformation assays and sterile sediment microcosms. This is the first report of natural transformation by plasmid DNA of aVibrio sp. and of a marine bacterial isolate. Transformation frequencies ranged from 0.3 to 3.1×10–8 transformants per recipient. Transformants were detected by both plating and by selection for growth in liquid medium in the presence of streptomycin and kanamycin and confirmed by probing of southern transfers. Transformation was enhanced by multimeric forms of the plasmid. A technique using sediment microcosms, mixed populations ofVibrio sp. DI9 and another antibiotic resistant organism, and enrichment in liquid media has been developed which allows detection of transformation at frequencies too low to be detected by plating. This technique may serve as a model for the detection of natural transformation in the environment. These results suggest that natural transformation may be one mechanism of horizontal plasmid transfer in the marine environment, and may provide the methodology with which to detect this process in natural populations of bacteria.  相似文献   

滇西北丽江盆地中更新世哺乳动物化石新材料   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文简记了滇西北丽江盆地的中更新世哺乳动物化石新材料.化石产自东元桥村南东元桥组的河流相灰黄、灰色砂层和砂砾层中,计有8属10种,即Megantereon sp.、Equussp.、Dicerorhinus sp.、Cervavitus ultimus、cf.Axis rugosus、cf.Axis yunnanensis、Rusayunnanensis、Rusa sp.、Muntiacus sp.、Bos sp..动物群中的一些属种出现于元谋盆地“元谋人”动物群中,表现出两地动物群的相似性,这为“元谋人” 时代的确定可能提供新资料.  相似文献   

Recognition between mammalian gametes occurs when the plasma membrane of the sperm head binds to the zona pellucida (ZP), an extracellular coat surrounding eggs. ZP3, one of three glycoproteins in the ZP, is the egg protein recognized by sperm. A mouse sperm surface protein, sp56 (M(r) = 56,000), has been identified on the basis of its specific affinity for ZP3 (Bleil, J. D., and P. M. Wassarman. 1990. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 87:5563-5567). Studies presented here were designed to characterize mouse sperm sp56 and to further test whether or not this protein specifically recognizes ZP3. sp56 was purified by both ZP3 affinity chromatography and by ion exchange chromatography followed by size-exclusion chromatography. The purified native protein eluted from size-exclusion columns as a homomultimer (M(r) approximately 110,000). Each monomer of the protein contains intramolecular disulfide bonds, consistent with its extracellular location. Immunohistochemical and immunoblotting studies, using monoclonal antibodies, demonstrated that sp56 is a peripheral membrane protein located on the outer surface of the sperm head plasma membrane, precisely where sperm bind ZP3. Results of crosslinking experiments demonstrated that the ZP3 oligosaccharide recognized by sperm has specific affinity for sp56. Collectively, these results suggest that sp56 may be the sperm protein responsible for sperm-egg recognition in the mouse.  相似文献   

Activities of the key enzymes of ethanol metabolism were assayed in ethanol-grown cells of an Acinetobacter sp. mutant strain unable to synthesize exopolysaccharides (EPS). The original EPS-producing strain could not be used for enzyme analysis because its cells could not to be separated from the extremely viscous EPS with a high molecular weight. In Acinetobacter sp., ethanol oxidation to acetaldehyde proved to be catalyzed by the NAD(+)-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (EC Both NAD+ and NADP+ could be electron accepters in the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase reaction. Acetate is implicated in the Acinetobacter sp. metabolism via the reaction catalyzed by acetyl-CoA-synthetase (EC Isocitrate lyase (EC activity was also detected, indicating that the glyoxylate cycle is the anaplerotic mechanism that replenishes the pool of C4-dicarboxylic acids in Acinetobacter sp. cells. In ethanol metabolism by Acinetobacter sp., the reactions involving acetate are the bottleneck, as evidenced by the inhibitory effect of sodium ions on both acetate oxidation in the intact cells and on acetyl-CoA-synthetase activity in the cell-free extracts, as well as by the limitation of the C2-metabolism by coenzyme A. The results obtained may be helpful in developing a new biotechnological procedure for obtaining ethanol-derived exopolysaccharide ethapolan.  相似文献   

AIMS: To establish multicomponent phenol hydroxylases (mPHs) as novel biocatalysts for producing dyestuffs and hydroxyindoles such as 7-hydroxyindole (7-HI) from indole and its derivatives. METHODS AND RESULTS: We have isolated Pseudomonas sp. KL33, which possesses a phenol degradation pathway similar to that found in Pseudomonas sp. CF600. Pseudomonas sp. KL28 is a strain that can grow on n-alkylphenols as a carbon and energy source. Escherichia coli strains expressing mPH from strain KL28 (mPH(KL28)) and strain KL33 (mPH(KL33)) catalysed the formation of indigo and 7-HI, respectively, from indole. In addition, both mPHs catalysed the production of dyestuffs and hydroxyindoles from indole derivatives. The mPH(KL28) has proved to be one of the most versatile biocatalysts that can accommodate a wide range of indole derivatives for catalysing the formation of dyestuffs. CONCLUSIONS: The present work provides a new approach in producing various dyestuffs and hydroxyindoles from indole and its derivatives by mPHs. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These results indicate that mPHs may serve as potential agents for organic syntheses as well as bioremediation.  相似文献   

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