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不同类型油菜EST-SSR标记的通用性及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以10个甘蓝型油菜、11个芥菜型油菜和7个白菜型油菜品种为材料,选用已报道的14对白菜EST-SSR引物和8对油菜EST-SSR引物,探索其在3种类型油菜中的通用性,并利用筛选出的在3类油菜中有通用性和多态性的EST-SSR标记对供试油菜品种进行聚类分析.结果表明:(1)选用的14对白菜EST-SSR引物和8对油菜EST-SSR引物,在供试的3种类型油菜中都有扩增,完全可用.(2)在白菜型、甘蓝型和芥菜型油菜品种中扩增显示出多态性的引物数分别为18、16 和14对,其中有10对引物在3种类型油菜品种间扩增产物具有多态性.(3)利用这10对扩增多态性EST-SSR引物对供试油菜品种聚类分析,结果显示,在遗传相似系数为0.67时,3种类型油菜品种分别独自聚为一大类,表明开发和建立不同类型油菜间可通用的EST-SSR标记是可行且有应用价值的.  相似文献   

现有主流猕猴桃品种的遗传背景相对单一,亲本来源地理分布狭窄,亲缘关系不清晰.为充分利用杂种优势,该研究以广西植物研究所猕猴桃种质资源圃收集的53个猕猴桃品种(品系)叶片为材料,使用SCoT分子标记进行遗传多样性分析.结果表明:(1)10条引物在53份猕猴桃供试材料中共扩增出110条条带,各引物扩增的条带在8~15条之间...  相似文献   

刘仁虎  孟金陵 《遗传学报》2006,33(9):814-823
采用RFLP和AFLP标记对来自中国和欧美的7份甘蓝型油菜和22份白菜型油菜进行了遗传多样性分析。在这29份材料中,166个酶-探针组合和2对AFLP引物共检测到1477个RFLP标记和183个AFLP标记。RFLP数据显示以拟南芥EST克隆作探针比用油菜基因组克隆做探针能检测到更多的多态性位点,且采用EcoR Ⅰ或BamH Ⅰ酶切比HindⅢ酶切多态性好,白菜型油菜和甘蓝型油菜中基因的拷贝数平均都为3个左右。UPGMA聚类分析表明中国白菜型油菜的遗传多样性比甘蓝型油菜和欧美白菜型油菜丰富,欧美甘蓝型油菜与欧美白菜型油菜聚为一类,而与中国甘蓝型油菜差异更大。中国白菜型油菜丰富的遗传多样性为中国甘蓝型油菜的改良提供了宝贵的资源,揭示了利用白菜型油菜A基因组和甘蓝型油菜A基因组间亚基因组杂种优势的可能性。  相似文献   

白菜型油菜品种萌发期的抗旱性鉴定与筛选   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
秋旱影响我国长江流域油菜的播种和生长。从遗传基础广泛的白菜型油菜资源中筛选抗旱材料,对于培育抗旱油菜品种具有重要意义。以不同浓度的PEG-6000溶液于萌发期对5份不同遗传背景的白菜型油菜进行模拟干旱胁迫处理,并测定种子萌发抗旱指数、相对发芽率、相对发芽势、相对根长、相对芽长。与对照相比,干旱胁迫下各指标均有显著差异,对各指标进行主成分分析,确定了抗旱性鉴定参数,并确立了白菜型油菜资源抗旱性筛选的工作液为200 g/L的PEG-6000。选用该工作液于萌芽期对203份白菜型油菜资源进行了抗旱筛选,结果表明,模拟干旱胁迫下,大部分材料的抗旱性与对照有显著差异,用隶属函数法和聚类分析对抗旱性鉴定指标进行分析,并对所有供试材料的抗旱性进行了排序,鉴定出了抗旱性最强的PI226505白菜型油菜,其来源为Iran,为油菜下一步抗旱性遗传改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用SSR和AFLP两种分子标记技术,分析了52份转基因抗虫棉品种(系)的遗传多样性。结果表明:在61对SSR引物中,有4对引物在供试材料中表现出多态性,共扩增出102个标记,其中多态性标记25个,多态性百分率为24.51%,每对引物的扩增带数变化在17~30之间;在100对AFLP引物中,有9对引物在供试材料中产生多态性,共扩增出618个标记,多态性标记33个,占总数的5.34%,每对引物组合扩增的标记数分布于47~81之间。成对品种的欧式距离变化在2.00~5.57之间,平均值为4.21,单一品种欧氏距离的平均值分布在3.73~4.75之间,表明不同品种之间遗传差异不大。基于SSRs和AFLPs多态性数据的聚类分析,可以将供试材料划分为3个类群(SAGs),但类群划分与品种地理来源不十分吻合。  相似文献   

花莲种质资源的遗传多样性及品种间亲缘关系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用17个随机引物对来自中国和美国的29份花莲种质资源材料进行了RAPD分析。扩增形成207条谱带,多态带122条,多态率为58.94%。说明中国花莲具有较丰富的遗传多样性。结果还显示:(1)花莲种质资源可被分为2个品种群:品种群Ⅰ以大花型为主,少量小花型。品种群Ⅰ以中小型花为主。又在欧氏遗传距离11.01处分为7个亚品种群。(2)美洲黄莲与中国莲的花莲之间在DNA水平上没有显著差异,与中小型花关系更近。  相似文献   

本研究选择特高含油量资源7份,与中国各油菜主产区具有代表性的主栽品种16份,利用SSR多引物组合法开展指纹图谱构建研究。选择多态丰富、图谱清晰稳定且来自不同连锁群的引物28对,对所有材料进行指纹图谱分析,共获SSR指纹条带302条,其中多态性条带为279条,每引物所获条带6-16条,平均10.79条,平均多态率92. 38%,通过指纹图谱将所有材料有效地区别开来。用非加权类平均法(UPGAM)聚类分析显示:高油材料之间以及高油材料与主栽品种之间遗传距离均有较大差异,在遗传距离0.171处可将23份材料分成9个类群,其中7份高油材料分处4个类群,遗传距离差异显著;而其他8份主栽品种被分别聚类在另外5个类群中;所有材料间皆具有丰富的遗传多样性,其中高油材料与主栽品种间遗传差异更大。  相似文献   

红掌品种亲缘关系SRAP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)分子标记,从100对引物组合中筛选出 26对多态性高、条带清晰的SRAP引物,对33个红掌品种进行遗传多样性和亲缘关系分析。结果如下:(1)26对引物共扩增出366条条带,其中有314条多态性条带,多态性比率为85.79%。引物组合产生的条带数在9~23之间,平均每对引物组合扩增出14.1条和12.1条多态性条带。(2)根据SRAP扩增结果,利用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,33份材料的遗传相似系数在0.55~0.94之间,在遗传相似系数0.786处可将33个红掌品种分为5个类群。结果表明,供试品种遗传多样性丰富,本研究为品种鉴定和杂交育种提供了参考信息。  相似文献   

摘要:利用SSR和SRAP两种分子标记研究了71份实验材料的遗传差异及其亲缘关系。结果表明:(1) 29对SSR标记共扩增出121条清晰地带,多态性位点分别占总扩增位点的97.5%,而27对SRAP引物扩增出175条清晰地带,多态性比率为70.3%。(2)两种标记混合聚类结果表明,在相似系数0.566处所有材料可以分为A、B两个大类群。B类在相似系数0.620处又可分为六个亚类,10个天然双低早熟甘蓝型品系、两个甘蓝型亲本和四个新型品系聚在第Ⅰ亚类中,其余的51个新型甘蓝型油菜品系分别聚在其他五个亚类中。(3)对55份新型品系进行遗传成分分析,结果表明,每个品系都含有四种带型,不同品系中不同带型所占总带数的比率不同;对新型甘蓝型品系中含有白菜型亲本特有的带所占比率分别与其和对应的甘蓝型和白菜型亲本之间的遗传距离进行相关分析,结果表明新型甘蓝型品系中白菜型亲本特有的带所占比率与其和白菜型亲本之间的遗传距离为负相关(-0.52),达到极显著水平;与其和甘蓝型亲本间的遗传距离为正相关(0.31),达到显著水平。(4)对实验材料之间的遗传距离及其来源进行分析(除与两个白菜型亲本间),遗传距离排前20位的都来自新型品系之间或天然品系与新型之间,且最大的达到0.544。  相似文献   

桂热杧系列品种(系)的亲缘关系分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从100条ISSR引物中选取12条多态性好的引物,对广西亚热带作物所选育的16个杧果(Mangifera indica L.)品种(系)及其可能亲本共22个样品的亲缘关系进行了分析。结果表明:这12条引物共扩增出127条DNA谱带,其中多态性条带为85条,条带多态百分率为66.93%。聚类分析显示,所有供试品种(系)之间的亲缘关系都比较近,相似系数在0.81以上;如果以相似系数0.82为标准,可将供试的22个品种(系)分为3大类。利用ISSR技术能较好地区分桂热杧系列品种(系)的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

西藏地处我国西南边陲,素有"世界屋脊"和"地球第三极"之称。由于地质史独特,地形地貌复杂,气候带全,土壤类型繁多,野生植被多样,凡此种种,西藏油菜生境具有全球最典型的立体生境特色,其生态环境千差万别,堪称全球之最,独特而复杂的油菜生境,产生了丰富多样的野生白菜型油菜(Brassica Campestris)和野生芥菜型油菜(Brassica juncea)遗传资源。本文根据植物种群的构件理论,采用大样本取样方法,对西藏野生白菜型油菜和野生芥菜型油菜分枝进行了角果种群统计的生长分析。结果表明,西藏野生白菜型油菜和野生芥菜型油菜一级分枝的角果数、角果生物量、角果生物量比例均呈现Peel-Reed模型变化规律,角果宽度与角果长度之间的生长关系均呈现Yield Density模型变化规律,显示出角果种群形成与生长过程的趋同生长格局与物质分配策略。  相似文献   

我国部分白菜型油菜 RAPD 的研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本研究用RAPD技术和统计学方法,对以湖南和湖北省油菜为主的34个白菜型油菜品种的遗传多样性进行了分析。根据离差平方和,用Ward's聚类方法进行聚类。结果表明:白菜型油菜的遗传变异与生态地理分布有密切的关系;湖南和湖北两省的白菜型油菜品种存在广泛的遗传变异;在DNA水平上可将所分析的34个品种分成8个类群。作者对研究结果在遗传育种中的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

西藏栽培大麦的遗传多样性中心   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
 以西藏3 204份栽培大麦(Hordeum vulgare)地方品种为材料,运用群体遗传学的原理与方法,研究了西藏栽培大麦遗传资源的数量、遗传多样性指数和综合变异系数及其生态地理分布特征。结果表明:1) 28°~30° N×88°~94° E的藏中地区栽培大麦资源分布广泛,遗传多样性丰富,综合变异系数高;2) 30°~31° N×96°~98° E的藏东横断山脉地区栽培大麦资源、遗传多样性和综合变异系数次之。并据此提出西藏栽培大麦的遗传多样性中心及其多样性扩散方式。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 180 Brassica nigra (L.) Kochgenotypes from 60 different accessions was evaluated using 15 simple sequence repeat markers with known locations on the Brassica A, B, and C genomes. Two lines each from Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Brassica carinata Braunwere also included as comparator species. A total of 218 high quality alleles were used to generate a genetic distance matrix, and clustering and multidimensional scaling analyses were used to investigate genetic relationships among the accessions. Accessions from the same country of origin tended to cluster together. Surprisingly, 13 accessions declared to be B. nigra had A- and B-genome alleles and morphology consistent with them being B. juncea, which was supported by their positioning near B. juncea in the cluster analysis. Two B. nigra accessions possessed alleles associated more closely with the A genome than the B genome, and these may be Brassica rapa L. accessions. One B. nigra accession had B- and C-genome alleles and morphology consistent with it being B. carinata. The remaining 44 accessions (73%) appeared to be truly B. nigra and formed morphologically and genetically distinct groups associated with country or region of origin, notably Ethiopia, Israel, India, and Europe. Most B. nigra accessions were highly heterozygous, consistent with their obligate outcrossing habit. This study demonstrated the value of using molecular markers with known genome locations (in this case, in the Brassica A, B, and C genomes) to confirm species identity in families such as Brassicaceae where species identification based solely on morphological characters is difficult.  相似文献   

I A Parkin  D J Lydiate 《Génome》1997,40(4):496-504
The patterns of chromosome pairing and recombination in two contrasting Brassica napus F1 hybrids were deduced. One hybrid was from a winter oilseed rape (WOSR) x spring oilseed rape cross, the other from a resynthesized B. napus x WOSR cross. Segregation at 211 equivalent loci assayed in the population derived from each hybrid produced two collinear genetic maps. Alignment of the maps indicated that B. napus chromosomes behaved reproducibly as 19 homologous pairs and that the 19 distinct chromosomes of B. napus each recombined with unique chromosomes from the interspecific hybrid between Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea. This result indicated that the genomes of the diploid progenitors of amphidiploid B. napus have remained essentially unaltered since the formation of the species and that the progenitor genomes were similar to those of modern-day B. rapa and B. oleracea. The frequency and distribution of crossovers were almost indistinguishable in the two populations, suggesting that the recombination machinery of B. napus could cope easily with different degrees of genetic divergence between homologous chromosomes. Efficient recombination in wide crosses will facilitate the introgression of novel alleles into oilseed rape from B. rapa and B. oleracea (via resynthesized B. napus) and reduce linkage drag.  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜种质资源研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从收集保存、鉴定、研究、创新和利用5个方面介绍了芥菜型油菜种质资源研究进展。芥菜型油菜起源于亚洲,印度、中国收集的资源最多。芥菜型油菜可以分为中国-东欧类型和中国-印度类型2大类,每一类中均存在较大的遗传变异,许多具有优良性状的种质已经鉴定出来,并对其进行了生理学、遗传学研究。通过远缘杂交、诱变和遗传转化已创造出芥菜型油菜新种质。已鉴定、培育的芥菜型油菜优异种质资源在油菜育种上得到广泛利用。  相似文献   

This study describes the use of regional association analyses to delineate a sequenced region of a Brassica napus chromosome with a significant effect on antinutritive seed meal compounds in oilseed rape. A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) influencing seed colour, fibre content, and phenolic compounds was mapped to the same position on B. napus chromosome A9 in biparental mapping populations from two different yellow-seeded × black-seeded B. napus crosses. Sequences of markers spanning the QTL region identified synteny to a sequence contig from the corresponding chromosome A9 in Brassica rapa. Remapping of sequence-derived markers originating from the B. rapa sequence contig confirmed their position within the QTL. One of these markers also mapped to a seed colour and fibre QTL on the same chromosome in a black-seeded × black-seeded B. napus cross. Consequently, regional association analysis was performed in a genetically diverse panel of dark-seeded, winter-type oilseed rape accessions. For this we used closely spaced simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers spanning the sequence contig covering the QTL region. Correction for population structure was performed using a set of genome-wide SSR markers. The identification of QTL-derived markers with significant associations to seed colour, fibre content, and phenolic compounds in the association panel enabled the identification of positional and functional candidate genes for B. napus seed meal quality within a small segment of the B. rapa genome sequence.  相似文献   

We developed Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers for application in genetic studies of Brassica napus and other Brassica species with A or C genomes. Genomic representation from 107 diverse genotypes of B. napus L. var. oleifera (rapeseed, AACC genomes) and B. rapa (AA genome) was used to develop a DArT array comprising 11 520 clones generated using PstI/BanII and PstI/BstN1 complexity reduction methods. In total, 1547 polymorphic DArT markers of high technical quality were identified and used to assess molecular diversity among 89 accessions of B. napus, B. rapa, B. juncea, and B. carinata collected from different parts of the world. Hierarchical cluster and principal component analyses based on genetic distance matrices identified distinct populations clustering mainly according to their origin/pedigrees. DArT markers were also mapped in a new doubled haploid population comprising 131 lines from a cross between spring rapeseed lines 'Lynx-037DH' and 'Monty-028DH'. Linkage groups were assigned on the basis of previously mapped simple sequence repeat (SSRs), intron polymorphism (IP), and gene-based markers. The map consisted of 437 DArT, 135 SSR, 6 IP, and 6 gene-based markers and spanned 2288 cM. Our results demonstrate that DArT markers are suitable for genetic diversity analysis and linkage map construction in rapeseed.  相似文献   

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