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目的:了解孕妇在妊娠中晚期的膳食营养状况,分析叶酸、维生素D等水平与妊高症的关系。方法:选取山东大学齐鲁医院青岛市院区2017年8月-2019年8月收治的妊娠期高血压疾病(PIH,简称妊高症)患者106例作为观察组,根据妊高症分型分为三个亚组:妊娠期高血压组(38例)、轻度子痫前期(36例)、重度子痫前期(32例),选取同期在我院住院的正常孕妇126例为对照组。采用24h回忆法统计孕妇膳食状况,观察和比较两组患者血清叶酸、同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、维生素D、血清钙、体重指数(BMI)等指标,分析影响PIH的相关因素。结果:孕妇不同膳食结构中,谷类、乳类、蔬菜类、鱼虾类、水果类摄入量均不足,豆类和油脂类摄入量适宜,畜禽肉类和蛋类摄入过量;对照组患者血清中叶酸、维生素D以及血清钙水平明显高于观察组中各亚组患者,随着妊娠高血压程度的不断加重,观察组中各亚组血清中叶酸、维生素D以及血清钙水平呈明显降低趋势,各组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);重度子痫前期组患者血清Hcy水平最高,正常对照组血清Hcy水平最低,各组间比较具有明显差异(P<0.01);对影响PIH的单因素分析中,两组患者在年龄、BMI、血清叶酸、维生素D、血清Hcy和血清钙水平等方面比较具有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。Logistic回归分析显示,孕期BMI、血清Hcy为PIH的独立危险因素,叶酸、维生素D、血清钙为PIH的保护因素。结论:孕妇在妊娠中晚期的膳食营养结构不均衡,谷类、乳类、蔬菜类、鱼虾类、水果类摄入量均不足,畜禽肉类和蛋类摄入过量,营养结构有待改善。PIH的发生与维生素D、叶酸和血清钙水平密切相关,BMI、Hcy是影响PIH发生的独立危险因素,叶酸、维生素D和血清钙是PIH的保护因素。孕妇在妊娠期间补充叶酸、维生素D、血清钙和控制能量过度摄入,对预防和降低PIH的发生具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

目的:了解北京市6~13岁儿童维生素A营养水平及影响因素。方法:于2017年采用多阶段分层抽样对北京市982名6~13岁儿童进行调查,分析血清维生素A水平与食物种类、视黄醇活性当量摄入量、血生化指标、体格等指标的关联。结果:血清维生素A缺乏率和边缘缺乏率分别为0.10%、10.5%;膳食维生素A摄入量低于平均需要量的比例为71.6%(以视黄醇活性当量计);血清维生素A水平与年龄、BMI、血红蛋白水平、铁蛋白水平、蔬菜摄入量存在显著正相关(P<0.05),与超敏C反应蛋白存在显著负相关(P<0.05)。结论:北京市6~13岁儿童维生素A整体缺乏率较低,但仍有部分儿童处于边缘缺乏状态。膳食维生素A摄入量按视黄醇活性当量计算不能满足膳食营养素推荐供给量的风险高,蔬菜摄入量可能是血清维生素A水平的影响因素之一。  相似文献   

目的:探讨个体化膳食干预对高胆固醇血症患者血脂指标和营养状况的影响。方法:选取2013年6月—2014年12月收入北京友谊医院且诊断为高胆固醇血症的90例患者,膳食干预3个月,使用24 h膳食回顾调查法和食物频度法,分析调查对象每天膳食中热能及各种营养素的摄入量,与中国居民膳食推荐摄入量比较,分析膳食干预前后患者的饮食情况、血脂指标和相关营养指标的变化。结果:与每人每日各类食物适宜摄入量相比,高胆固醇血症患者在膳食干预前,蔬菜、水果、豆类食物的摄入量偏少,肉类、蛋、奶、油脂类食物摄入量偏高,营养素供能比例不适宜,蛋白质和脂肪供能比例偏高,碳水化合物供能比例偏低;与膳食干预前相比,膳食干预后每日谷类食物、肉类、鸡蛋、奶、油脂类的摄入量显著降低,蔬菜、水果、豆类的摄入量显著增加,摄入的总能量显著降低,摄入的蛋白质、脂肪的量及其供能比显著降低,动物蛋白的供能比显著降低,碳水化合物的摄入量及其供能比显著增加);经过膳食干预后,高胆固醇血症患者的血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)水平显著降低,血清高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平显著増高,患者的体质指数(BMI)显著降低,血清总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(ALB)、血红蛋白(HGB)与膳食干预前相比差异无统计学意义。结论:高胆固醇血症患者通过改善膳食结构和降低体质指数,可以降低TC、TG、LDL-C等血脂指标,升高HDL-C,其营养状况不会受到影响。  相似文献   

目的:通过调查分析安徽省池州地区高校大学生膳食营养对近视患病率的影响,为高校学生的合理饮食提供科学的建议。方法:通过调查问卷膳食频率调查法和食物称重法对613名学生进行了饮食调查,对照食物成分表计算出学生每天摄入的各种营养素和热能的情况。使用EPIDATA录入数据,使用SPSS21.0进行分析,统计方法包括描述性统计分析和方差分析。结果:近视组与非近视组比较,平均每天摄入维生素A、B1、C、钙、铁的量要高;近视组比非近视组平均每天进食更多量的碳水化合物、铜、糖、叶酸,更爱吃甜食。结论:对学生有必要进行膳食指导,眼营养知识的普及,多食动物的内脏、奶制品和有色蔬菜,新鲜水果,提高维生素的摄入,促进微量元素的吸收利用,以降低近视患病率的发生。  相似文献   

目的:了解北京市丰台区某小学学生的膳食结构与营养状况。方法:2013年4月对丰台区某小学1~6年级208名学生进行3d膳食调查,根据《中国居民膳食指南》和“中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量”作出评价。将身高、体重指标与2002年全国营养调查城市儿童数据进行比较,并根据《中国学龄儿童青少年BMI 超重、肥胖筛查分类标准》算出超重、肥胖率。结果:该小学学生身高、体重较2002年全国营养调查有所增长,各年龄组的男女生超重、肥胖现象均很普遍;随年龄增加维生素摄入不足的现象有所增加,维生素A、C摄入不足现象严重;膳食结构不合理,豆类、蔬菜、水果、奶类摄入不足,鱼、虾、肉、禽类输入超过推荐值。结论:该人群超重与肥胖率较高、营养素摄入不均衡、膳食结构不合理,应尽快采取合理的综合干预措施,有效地改善其膳食营养状况。  相似文献   

目的:调查新疆喀什地区不同孕期维吾尔族孕妇膳食营养和叶酸缺乏状况,为今后开展该地区孕妇合理营养提供科学依据。方法:采用问卷调查和酶联免疫吸附法对喀什妇幼保健院426例孕妇进行膳食和叶酸缺乏状况调查。结果:孕早、中晚期孕妇营养素摄入偏高的是能量、蛋白质和钠,分别占供给量标准的10517%和11460%、12450%和11915%、20175%和23608%;摄入偏低的营养素是钙、钾、铁、锌、维生素A和维生素C;摄入量严重不足的是碘和叶酸,分别占供给量标准的3614%、3711%和1527%、1679%;不同孕期的孕妇叶酸缺乏检出率有差异(P<001)。结论:孕妇膳食模式有待进一步改善,增加含碘、叶酸食物的摄入量。  相似文献   

目的:评价天津市糖尿病人群膳食营养状况及类黄酮物质的摄入量,为其健康饮食提供指导。方法:采用连续5d的24h膳食回顾法,对糖尿病病人进行膳食营养调查,结合中国居民膳食营养素的推荐摄入量(recommended nutrition intake,RNI)、适宜摄入量(adaptive intake,AI)以及中国居民平衡膳食宝塔(Balance Diet Pagoda)对其膳食营养状况做出评价;根据膳食调查的结果,计算类黄酮物质的摄入量。结果:本次调查显示,糖尿病病人能量摄入量均偏低,脂肪的供能比例偏高。男性仅维生素C和烟酸的摄入量达标,女性维生素的摄入量均不达标。糖尿病病人存在钙摄入严重不足而钠摄入量严重超标的现象,且与男性相比,女性矿物质的摄入量要普遍偏低。除了钙以外,男性其余种类矿物质摄入量均达标;女性除了磷、钠、铁、锰的摄入量达标以外,其余种类均不达标。糖尿病病人类黄酮的主要食物来源为玉米、土豆、西瓜以及甜瓜等,男性每日类黄酮的摄入量为38.23mg、女性为38.27mg。糖尿病病人摄入的膳食种类主要包括粮谷类、蔬菜、水果、畜禽肉类、蛋类、豆制品、牛奶及奶制品、食用油以及食盐。其中水果类、鱼虾以及奶制品的摄入量偏低,蛋类以及食盐摄入过多;男性的畜禽肉摄入过多。结论:糖尿病病人能量摄入偏低,脂肪供能比偏高,维生素和钙摄入不足,而钠摄入偏高;类黄酮的主要食物来源为谷物、季节性水果蔬菜等;膳食结构存在不合理现象,水果、鱼虾、奶制品的摄入量过低,而畜禽肉、蛋类以及食盐的摄入量过多。  相似文献   

为分析北京市居家养老膳食情况,建立新型城市居家养老膳食营养监测评价系统提供科学依据,笔者采用匿名调查的方法,对在北京长期居住的北京户籍和非北京户籍城市居家养老人群进行了膳食调查分析。结果表明:北京市居家养老膳食存在着饮食结构不合理、营养素摄入不均衡问题,奶制品、鸡蛋和豆制品摄入频率明显较低,水果、蔬菜摄入频率也有待提高,而由于地域环境和传统饮食习惯原因,水产品的摄入频率大大低于推荐量,亟待加强。有将近8成的被调查者较为关注膳食健康信息,在这些较为关注膳食健康信息老年人群中,膳食健康信息主要来源为电视、网络和新媒体,特别是网络和新媒体越来越成为膳食健康信息传播途径。  相似文献   

目的:探讨血清同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、叶酸以及维生素B12在胃癌及癌前疾病中的水平及临床意义。方法:收集2014年1月至2016年8月我院收治的100例胃癌患者(胃癌组),及100例胃良性病变患者包括41例胃炎、34例胃溃疡、25例胃息肉(癌前病变组),并于同期随机选择200例健康体检者为对照组,采用循环酶法测定三组的血清Hcy,电化学发光免疫分析法测定叶酸及维生素B12水平,并分析各指标与胃癌临床病理特征的关系。结果:胃癌组、癌前病变组血清Hcy水平均高于对照组,叶酸及维生素B12水平均低于对照组,并且胃癌组血清Hcy水平高于癌前病变组,叶酸及维生素B12水平低于癌前病变组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。Ⅲ+Ⅳ期胃癌患者Hcy水平高于Ⅰ+Ⅱ期,进展期患者Hcy水平高于早期,有淋巴结转移患者Hcy水平高于无转移者,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);Hcy表达与性别、年龄、病变位置以及分化程度无关,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。叶酸、维生素B12的表达在胃癌患者中与各临床病理特征(性别、年龄、TNM分期、肿瘤浸润深度、病变位置、有无淋巴结转移、分化程度)无明显关系,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:血清Hcy在胃癌患者中呈高水平表达,而叶酸及维生素B12呈低水平表达,联合检测三种指标有助于早期区分胃癌及癌前病变,同时血清Hcy还可能参与了胃癌的发生发展过程。Hcy、叶酸及维生素B12可作为早期鉴别诊断胃癌及其癌前病变的重要指标。  相似文献   

目的:通过对胰腺癌患者的膳食干预,研究植物型膳食对胰腺癌患者相关生化指标的影响。方法:采用随机分组的方法,对上海市岳阳中西医结合医院的80例胰腺癌患者,分为植物型膳食组与常规膳食组,对植物型膳食组患者进行一对一、针对性的膳食指导,评估患者干预前后相关生化指标和卡式功能状态评分的影响。结果:相比常规膳食组,植物型膳食组干预前后卡式功能状态评分明显提高。植物型膳食组膳食干预前后红细胞计数、血红蛋白浓度、总胆红素、结合胆红素、白蛋白有显著差异。结论:植物型膳食干预可改善胰腺癌患者的生化指标,同时对提高胰腺癌患者的生活质量,有积极的影响。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo explore associations between dietary habits and esophageal epithelial cell carcinoma (ESCC) and provide a potential direction for exploring how different dietary habits and nutrient intake might affect ESCC development.Methods198 ESCC cases and 200 controls on Kazakhs were recruited in Xinjiang from 2010 to 2019 for a group-matched case-control study. The case group were recruited from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University and Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University. The control population were recruited from two parts: hospital-based control and population-based control. The diagnosis was confirmed by histological examination. The food frequency questionnaire was used to investigate the dietary nutrients intake. Folic acid, vitamin B12, and DNA-methyltransferase 1(DNMT1) levels were measured in serum samples obtained from cases and controls.ResultsThe cholesterol intake of ESCC group was significantly higher than that of the control group while the intakes of protein, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin A, B6, C and E were significantly lower than the control group. Factors including lacking fresh vegetables and fruits, low educational level, low income, alcohol drinking, eating solid and dry food and smoked meat, dieting irregularly, salty taste preference, low serum folic acid level and high serum DNMT1 level were associated with increased risk of ESCC in Kazakhs.ConclusionDietary habits and nutrient intake were associated with increased risk of ESCC in Kazakhs that may provide a potential direction for further studies.  相似文献   

目的:调查高血压患者饮食习惯以及传统制剂服用现状,并分析饮食习惯与高血压患病的关系以及传统制剂服用的影响因素。方法:按照简单随机抽样法,采用自制调查问卷对呼和浩特市3个镇共8个行政村成年常住农村村民进行问卷调查,调查内容包括人口学特征、饮食习惯等内容,并采用多因素logistic回归分析饮食习惯与高血压患病的关系以及高血压患者传统制剂服用的影响因素。结果:呼和浩特市高血压患病率为22.68%。多因素logistic回归结果显示,较高的BMI、高血压家族史、饮酒史、泡菜咸菜、油炸食品、红肉(猪/牛/羊肉)/动物内脏、海产品是高血压独立危险因素(OR=1.257、1.451、1.358、1.317、1.108、1.146、1.373,P<0.05),奶制品、豆制品、新鲜果蔬是高血压保护因素(OR=0.797、0.868、0.903,P<0.05)。高血压患者传统制剂服用率为16.90%。多因素logistic回归结果显示,年龄≥60岁、文化程度高中以下、不了解高血压知识是高血压患者传统制剂服用的危险因素(OR=1.342、1.545、1.142,P<0.05)。结论:呼和浩特市农村成年村民高血压患病率较高,不良饮食习惯(饮食偏咸、油腻等)是高血压独立危险因素,高龄、文化程度低、不了解高血压知识的高血压患者传统制剂服用率较高,应加强农村居民合理膳食、保持均衡饮食习惯的宣传教育以及农村高血压患者用药规范。  相似文献   

AimTo assess whether nutritional status based on the Nutrition Screening Initiative Checklist is useful for predicting functional capacity decline in community-dwelling Japanese elderly.MethodsThis two-year observational cohort study included 536 community-dwelling Japanese (65 years and older at baseline) who were independent in both activities and instrumental activities of daily living. Demographic attributes, chronic illness, lifestyle-related habits, nutritional status, functional capacity, and anthropometric measurements were assessed, with decline in functional capacity used as the outcome measure.ResultsSubjects were classified into three groups as follows based on the Nutrition Screening Initiative Checklist: low (59.5%), moderate (23.7%), and high (16.8%) nutritional risk. Significant differences were found between nutritional status and the following four baseline variables: age, hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases, and current smoking. However, no significant differences were evident between nutritional status and sex, body mass index, diabetes, drinking habit, or exercise habit. Logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases and smoking habit showed that the high nutritional risk group was significantly associated with a decline in both activities of daily living (odds ratio: 4.96; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.59–15.50) and instrumental activities of daily living (OR: 2.58; 95% CI: 1.31–5.06) compared with the low nutritional risk group.ConclusionsPoor nutritional status based on the Nutrition Screening Initiative Checklist was associated with a decline in functional capacity over a 2-year period in community-dwelling Japanese elderly. These results suggest that the Nutrition Screening Initiative Checklist is a suitable tool for predicting functional capacity decline in community-dwelling elderly.  相似文献   

Folic acid is a vitamin for probably all animals. When converted to folate forms, it is used in DNA synthesis and amino acid metabolism. Literature suggests insects must consume folates, folates do not affect others, is a toxin for some, and that a few insects synthesize it. It has been reported that Drosophila melanogaster does not consistently need dietary folate because it can synthesize it. This seems unlikely since animals generally lack this ability. More likely, folates thought to have been made by the fly came from microbial symbionts. We aimed to clarify how dietary folic acid affects fitness and development in fruit flies and whether flies may receive folates from microbial symbionts. We found larvae were more viable and developed faster with increasing dietary folic acid, with the surprising exception that larvae fed nearly-zero folic acid developed faster. Their body folate levels did not significantly differ from those that consumed up to 600 times more folic acid. However, these flies fed little folate only achieved normal body folate levels and development times when antibiotics were excluded from the diet. When flies consumed near-zero folates with antibiotics, their body folate levels decreased and development was prolonged. An assay for the endosymbiont Wolbachia in flies used to generate the experimental flies did not show presence of these bacteria. Our data suggest D. melanogaster can harbor unknown bacterial symbiont(s) that provide essential folates to their host when it is scarce in the diet, allowing the fruit fly to maintain growth and development.  相似文献   

Effects of the change of dietary protein on serine dehydrase activity in rat liver have been studied, using egg albumin, casein, rice protein, and wheat gluten as protein source. At 35% of dietary protein level, the activity induced by egg albumin and casein diets were higher than those by rice protein and wheat gluten diets. Parallel relation was observed between the enzyme activity and the protein intake. These results suggest that the dietary induction of this enzyme are based on the protein intake, which reflects the nutritional quality of dietary protein, rather than merely on the dietary protein level.

The contribution of individual amino acid for the enzyme induction by the egg albumin diet at 35% level was investigated, and it was concluded that this enzyme induction is dependent not on a specific amino acid but on the combined effect of each amino acid.  相似文献   

&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2015,39(6):1069-1075
为研究叶酸和VB12协同作用对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)幼蟹生长、非特异性免疫和抗病力的影响,选取初始体重为(2.570.03) g的幼蟹600只,随机分成4组,每组5个重复,每个重复30只幼蟹,分别投喂对照组(不添加叶酸和VB12),单一VB12组(0.2 mg/kg),单一叶酸组(2.3 mg/kg)和联合处理组(0.2 mg/kg VB12 +2.3 mg/kg叶酸)的饲料8周。在养殖实验结束后,先统计成活率和称重,然后从每个处理组随机选取30只幼蟹,用2108 CFU/mL的嗜水气单胞菌注射攻毒2周。实验结果表明:幼蟹的增重率、特定生长率、饲料效率和存活率在联合处理组最高,显著高于对照组(P0.05),但与单一叶酸或VB12组相比不存在显著差异(P0.05)。联合处理组的血清酚氧化酶活性显著高于对照组(P0.05),但与单一叶酸或VB12组也无显著性差异(P0.05)。同时,联合处理组的血清酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶、溶菌酶活性和血细胞总数等指标最高,其次是单一叶酸组和VB12组,而对照组最低。投喂联合处理组饲料幼蟹的肝胰腺超氧化物歧化酶活性最高,而丙二醛含量和累积死亡率最低。以上结果表明,叶酸和VB12对幼蟹的生长、生理代谢和免疫性能均可能有互补和协同作用,养殖生产中建议饲料中叶酸和VB12添加量分别为2.3 mg/kg和0.2 mg/kg。    相似文献   

A 3?×?2 factorial experiment consisting three levels (0, 200, and 400 μg/kg) of chromium (chromium picolinate) and two levels (0 and 250 mg/kg) of vitamin C was employed to evaluate the effects of these dietary supplements on performance, egg quality traits, and serum biochemical parameters of heat-stressed laying hens (Lohmann LSL-Lite) from 66 to 74 weeks of age. Feed intake increased when birds were given either 400 μg/kg chromium or 250 mg/kg vitamin C (P?<?0.05), but the birds that received both chromium and vitamin C consumed feed similar to those that received only chromium. Dietary treatments had no effect on egg production, egg mass, egg volume, feed conversion ratio, and body mass (P?>?0.05). The birds that fed on diet with chromium or vitamin C produced eggs with higher shell mass and thickness compared to the control. Both eggshell mass and thickness decreased when vitamin C and chromium were supplemented simultaneously, and birds given the diet supplemented with 400 μg/kg chromium and 250 mg/kg vitamin C had eggshell mass and thickness similar to those of the control group. The serum concentration of chromium increased due to increasing level of dietary chromium (P?<?0.05). The birds that received diet with chromium and vitamin C had higher serum concentrations of chromium compared to those that received only chromium (P?<?0.05). Similarly, the hens that received chromium and vitamin C had higher serum concentrations of calcium and phosphorus compared to the hens fed with other treatments (P?<?0.05). The birds given with supplemental chromium exhibited lower serum glucose, total cholesterol, and triglycerides concentrations but higher serum albumin and total protein concentrations compared to the other groups (P?<?0.05).  相似文献   

Li  Zhi-Hao  Zhong  Wen-Fang  Lv  Yue-Bin  Kraus  Virginia Byers  Gao  Xiang  Chen  Pei-Liang  Huang  Qing-Mei  Ni  Jin-Dong  Shi  Xiao-Ming  Mao  Chen  Wu  Xian-Bo 《Immunity & ageing : I & A》2019,16(1):1-12

The plasma level of the inflammatory biomarker soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a strong predictor of disease development and premature mortality in the general population. Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking or unhealthy eating is known to elevate the suPAR level. We aimed to investigate whether change in lifestyle habits impact on the suPAR level, and whether the resultant levels are associated with mortality.


Paired suPAR measurements from baseline- and the 5-year visit of the population-based Inter99 study were compared with the habits of diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity. Paired suPAR measurements for 3225 individuals were analyzed by linear regression, adjusted for demographics and lifestyle habits. Compared to individuals with a healthy lifestyle, an unhealthy diet, low physical activity, and daily smoking were associated with a 5.9, 12.8, and 17.6% higher 5-year suPAR, respectively. During 6.1 years of follow-up after the 5-year visit, 1.6% of those with a low suPAR (mean 2.93 ng/ml) died compared with 3.8% of individuals with a high suPAR (mean 4.73 ng/ml), P <  0.001. In Cox regression analysis, adjusted for demographics and lifestyle, the hazard ratio for mortality per 5-year suPAR doubling was 2.03 (95% CI: 1.22–3.37).


Lifestyle has a considerable impact on suPAR levels; the combination of unhealthy habits was associated with 44% higher 5-year suPAR values and the 5-year suPAR was a strong predictor of mortality. We propose suPAR as a candidate biomarker for lifestyle changes as well as the subsequent risk of mortality.


目的:探讨饮食习惯改善、情绪调节及睡眠干预对老年耳鸣患者生活质量及负面情绪影响。方法:选取我院2017年3月-2019年3月所收治的120例老年耳鸣患者,将患者按照住院号排序,取随机数字后重新排序分为研究组和对照组,每组60例数,其中对照组采取常规护理,研究组采取综合护理干预,包括饮食习惯改善、情绪调节及睡眠干预等。对比两组护理方案对老年耳鸣患者生活质量及负面情绪影响。结果:研究组的总有效率为93.7%,明显高于对照组的63.3%(P0.05);两组干预前焦虑自评量表(Self-Rating Anxiety Scale,SAS)、抑郁自评量表(Self-Rating Depression Scale,SDS)对比无统计学差异(P0.05),经不同干预方式,两组的心理状态都得到不同程度改善,且研究组的SAS、SDS评分明显低于对照组(P0.05);两组干预前生活质量评分对比无统计学差异(P0.05),而干预后,研究组的生活质量评分明显高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:老年耳鸣患者的饮食、情绪及睡眠等都是不容忽视的重要影响因素,通过改善饮食习惯,调节情绪,及时干预患者睡眠,可有效改善患者的负面情绪,提升患者的生活质量,更有利于治疗。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe main objective of the study is to analyze whether students of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) of Badajoz city known foods that are part of a healthy breakfast. It also intends to see the relationship of this knowledge with lifestyle habits and academic performance.Materials and methodA representative sample of 1197 secondary students in the city of Badajoz (Spain) (50.1% female) was calculated their Body Mass Index (BMI) and were asked to fill in a questionnaire, previously validated in a pilot study, which included sociodemographic items as well as others related with life style habits. They were also asked to choose among a series of food, which of them were a part of a healthy breakfast.Results49.2% of adolescents know foods which are a part of a healthy breakfast. Very low correlations were obtained between all the variables analyzed and knowledge of foods that make up a healthy breakfast.However, within a few variables are significant differences (P < .05) between subgroups, such as families of students with low cultural level of aided schools, repeaters, without reading habit, passing lot of time with friends, who have been on a diet, make less than 3 meals a day and spend less than 10 minutes for breakfast and know the amount of fruit that should be consumed daily.ConclusionsLife style habits of adolescents are not related to the knowledge about the foods that are part of a healthy breakfast  相似文献   

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