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小麦核仁的超微结构在细胞周期中的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用整体银染技术在电镜下对小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)根端分生细胞核仁在细胞周期中的超微结构变化进行了研究。结果显示,间期核仁染色很深,能够区分出纤维中心、密集纤维成分、颗粒成分和核仁液泡等结构;染色质上也布满大量染色浅的细小银粒。前期,随着核仁的解体和染色质的集缩,染色质的边缘逐渐出现深染的大颗粒;到前期末时,大量的核仁物质向染色体周围扩散并附着到其表面。中期染色体的周边分布着来自解体核仁的银染大颗粒,形成一个不大均匀也不完全连续的“鞘”状结构。后期仍可见这种“鞘”状结构的存在。进入末期,这些银染核仁物质逐渐由“鞘”脱离,彼此融合形成前核仁体,最后参与新核仁的形成。这些结果表明,核仁解体后的物质直接转移到了染色体的表面,并形成一个不连续的表层,没有进入染色体内部;染色体内部的银染颗粒与核仁及其解体物质无关  相似文献   

蚕豆染色体周边RNP形成过程的电镜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用Bernhard染色方法研究了蚕豆根端分生组织细胞中染色体周边RNP的超微结构以及这种周边RNP在有丝分裂前期到中期的形成过程。我们观察到,在前期核仁解体过程中,来自核仁的RNP物质结合于染色体表面,形成染色体周边RNP。前期末时,大量核仁RNP颗粒向周围扩散并进一步结合于染色体表面,使染色体周边RNP有所增加。中期染色体的周边RNP明显多于前期,由直径15-20 nm的RNP颗粒构成。RNP物质在染色体周边的分布是不均匀的。姊妹染色单体之间往往有较多的RNP物质存在。本文观察结果表明染色体周边RNP来源于核仁RNP。  相似文献   

赫杰  陶伟  郝水 《遗传》2008,30(2):231-236
以小麦细胞为研究材料, 应用常规电子显微镜技术和DNA细胞化学特异染色NAMA-Ur技术, 在原位水平对核仁中DNA的分布和特征进行了直观的观察。结果表明, 小麦细胞核仁中DNA位于纤维中心(Fibrillar Centers, FC)、致密纤维组分(Dense Fibrillar Component, DFC)以及两者的过渡区域, 并呈现出环绕FC排布的构型; 应用RNP优先染色(Benhard staining)技术分析了核仁中RNP的分布及其原位位置, 直观的显示了小麦细胞核仁中RNP颗粒主要集中在 FC与DFC的过渡区域及DFC和颗粒组分(Granular Component, GC)中; 并且在FC与DFC的过渡区域, 它们不太均匀也不太连续地半围绕着FC而排布; 进一步借助于RNA/DNA杂合体抗体在原位水平标记和分析了细胞核仁中活跃基因转录的精细位点, 结果表明小麦细胞核仁rRNA基因的转录位点位于FC与DFC的过渡区域及DFC中。  相似文献   

以同步化培养的多头绒泡菌(Physarum poldycephalum Schw.)原生质团为材料,应用整体银染技术,电镜下研究了核仁在细胞周期中的超微结构变化。结果变化:核仁成熟时比较大,位于细胞核中央,核仁内可区分出纤维中心、密集纤维成分和颗粒成分等。前期时,核仁向边缘移动,前期末在近核膜处解体,解体的核仁物质主要呈团块状散开。中期时,解体的核仁物质位于细胞核中央染色体区域的周围,染色体上没有特异的银染区域,染色体周边也看不到银染的“鞘”状结构,但在染色体中可见一些散在的银染大颗粒。末期时,核仁物质与染色体一起到达两极,在子细胞核中与正在解集缩的染色质共存一起,以后核仁物质逐渐汇合并与染色质分开。大约在有丝分裂结束120min后,在细胞核中形成一候 中央位置的大核仁,结果提示,低等真核生物的核仁结构和周期变化与高等真核生物的不完全相同。  相似文献   

邢苗  郝水 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1990,32(10):737-742
本文报道了有丝分裂过程中蚕豆(Vicia faba)根端分生组织细胞内一种由核仁物质组成的特殊结构,我们将其称作核仁残体。经常规染色后,可在前期末正在分散的核仁物质中看到由直径15—20nm 的颗粒和纤维组成的核仁残体;前中期时,核仁残体附着在染色体上,其电子密度低于染色体。Bernhard 染色结果表明,核仁残体的主要成分是核糖核蛋白(RNP)颗粒和纤维,一些核仁残体中存在着与染色质染色反应相似的被漂白区。有的核仁残体附着在中、后期染色体上,有的游离存在于细胞质中。本文讨论了核仁残体的成分及其本质等问题。  相似文献   

杭绮  毛树坚 《动物学研究》1993,14(4):367-373
以草鱼ZC7901细胞株为材料,观察鱼类细胞从间期染色质到中期染色体的包装过程。主要通过(1)分裂期与间期细胞融合,诱导染色体早熟凝集;(2)染色体“伸长”处理;(3)培养细胞的低渗处理;(4)染色质辅展等方法,制作染色体标本,进行扫描和透射电镜观察。观察表明,鱼类染色质的基本结构与哺乳类细胞相同,也是直径约10nm的核丝。染色体的色装有两种形式:一种是多级螺旋化形成直径约300nm的染色单体,  相似文献   

玉米(Zea mays)只有1对45S rDNA位点并在分裂期染色体形成次缢痕,是研究植物细胞rRNA基因组织和表达模式的简单模型。采用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)、CPD(PI与DAPI组合)染色和银染技术,分析了玉米根尖分生细胞rRNA基因的组织和表达模式。45S rDNA探针在所有间期细胞核中显示2种杂交信号:荧光强烈地位于核仁周边的纽,而相对较弱地分布于核仁内的点。在部分细胞中可观察到点与纽相连或从纽发出;点的数目越多,纽变得越小;点的数目多少与细胞的活性呈正相关。研究结果表明,纽代表了处于凝缩状态的非活性的rDNA染色质,纽解凝缩形成的点是rRNA基因活跃转录的细胞学表现;不同阶段间期核的点的数目变化反映了被活化的rRNA基因数目不同。间期和前期细胞的CPD染色和相继的银染结果显示,大部分rDNA染色质没有参与核仁的形成。rDNA FISH显示,同一间期细胞的2个同源rDNA位点的表达水平存在差异,同源染色体次缢痕的长度差异以及Ag-NOR和银染核仁的异态性进一步证实了这种差异的存在。FISH结果显示,早中期细胞的rDNA染色质相对解凝缩,银染在所有早中期细胞和部分中期细胞显示了明显的核仁,表明玉米的rRNA基因在有丝分裂早中期有较活跃的转录,其转录在晚中期才停止。  相似文献   

多头绒泡菌PhysarumpolycophalumSchw的营养生长阶段为没有细胞壁的原生质团(合胞体),内部众多的细胞核进行着同步的核内有丝分裂,本文电镜下研究了细胞核在有丝分裂周期中的结构变化。有丝分裂前期,染色质经松散改组和集缩形成染色体,核仁由中央移向边缘,并在近核膜处解体;中期核膜不消失,在核内形成纺锤体,核仁解体后的物质是不规则状散在于核内;有丝分裂后核膜的破裂处重新愈合,染色体解集缩成染色质,分散的核仁物质逐渐合并形成新的核仁。  相似文献   

部水 《遗传》1979,1(6):6-9
染色质是细胞形态学名词,指真核细胞有 丝分裂间期核内被碱性染料染色的物质。它相 当于生物化学上的核内DNA和蛋白质的复合 体。间期的染色质在有丝分裂时形成染色体。 染色体到有丝分裂间期又变为染色质。因此染 色质和染色体是有丝分裂周期中不同阶段的运 动形态。  相似文献   

(续1997年第32卷第2期第41页)7Bars氏小体从18世纪末期,人们开始注意到在间期细胞核上的深染的染色质小片。到本世纪20、30年代,埃米尔·海茨(EmilHeitz)在对一些有机体进行一系列的仔细观察后认为染色质有两种主要类型:常染色质(在细胞分裂时浓缩,螺旋化,在细胞间期解旋)和异染色质(在各时相总处于浓缩状态)。然而因为在细胞分裂中期染色体形态最为明显的时期,常染色体和异染色体均高度浓缩而无法辨别。默里·巴尔(MurrayL.Bars)执教在加拿大的西安大略大学的解剖系,研究神经细胞。他注意到一些研究报告提到神经细胞…  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes of the nticleolus during cell cycle in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) were studied by an "en bloc" silver-staining method. It was observed that in interphase, the nucleolus was heavily stained, within which fibrillar centres, dense fibrillar component, granular component and nucleolar vacuoles could be identified. A large quantity of argentine fine granules were distributed in the condensed chromatin. Dur-ing prophase, along with the disintegration of the nucleolus and condensation of the chromatin, the larger heavily-stained granules gradually appeared at the periphery of the chromatin. At late prophase, the materials derived from the nucleolus were spread and deposited on the surface of the chromosomes. The silver-stained, larger granules, deriving from the disintegrated nucleolus, accumulated at the periphery of the metaphase chromosomes and formed an uneven and discontinuous "sheath"-like structure. This "sheath"-like structure was also observed at anaphase. In telophase, the silver-stained nucleolar materials were progressively separated from the "sheath' and fused with each other to form prenucleolar bodies, and at last, participating in the formation of new nucleoli. The results showed that the nucleolar materials were transferred directly to the surface of the chromosomes and formed a discontinuous coat, but not incorporated into the interior of the chromosomes. The silverstained granules inside the chromosomes were neither related to the nucleolus nor to the materials from the disintegrated nucleolus.  相似文献   

A special structure which originates from the nucleolus and persists during mitosis is observed in meristematic cells of Vicia faba, and is called nucleolar residual in this paper. The result of conventional staining showed that the nucleolar residual (NR) was a medium electron-dense structure that could be distinguished from chromosomes. At the end of prophase, the NR was observed in the dispersing nucleolar material, which consisted principally of granules and fibrils about 15 to 20 nm in diameter. In prometaphase, the NR, composed mainly of the similar granules and fibrils, was found attached to chromosomes. Results of Bernhard's technique for RNP (ribonucleoprotein) preferential staining indicated that the main chemical component of the NR was RNP, and sometimes bleached regions showing the same reaction as chromatin in Bernhard's staining appeared in the structure. In metaphase and anaphase some of the NRs were attached to chromosomes while others existed randomly in the cytoplasm. The NR is supposed, according to its cytochemical features and its behavi0ur during the nucleolar disintegration, to be a structure composed mainly of nucleolar matrix material or nucleolar skeleton.  相似文献   

The dynamic changes of nucleolar ultrastructure in the cell cycle of Physarum polycephalum Schw. were studied by an en bloc silver-staining method. The results showed that the nucleolus was large in size and situated in the center of the nucleus in late G2-phase, and the fibrillar centers, dense fibrillar components and granular components could be observed in the nucleolus. During prophase, the nucleolus moved towards the periphery of the nucleus and in late prophase disintegrated near the nuclear envelope. In metaphase, the disintegrated nucleolar components were dispersed in masses and located at the periphery of the chromosomal region of the nucleus. No specifically silver-stained area and argentophilic protein sheath were observed on the chromosomes, but there were some big dispersed silver particles within the chromosomes. During telophase the nucleolar components moved towards the two poles along with the chromosomes and co-existed with the decondensing chromatin in daughter nuclei. The nucleolar components then gradually converged with one another and separated from the chromatin. A big nucleolus was formed in the nucleus about 120 min after the completion of mitosis.  相似文献   

Some aspects of both the nucleolar organizer activity and meiosis were studied in the testes of Triatoma vitticeps (Heteroptera, Triatominae). The techniques used included squashing followed by lacto-acetic orcein staining, silver-ion impregnation, fluorescent banding (CMA3, Quinacrine mustard and DAPI) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). A close relationship between heterochromatin and nucleolus in testicular cells was observed. During meiosis, the silver-ion impregnation pattern varied. At metaphase plate, a small body appeared apart from the chromosomes. In the spermatids this small body was seen in preparations stained with orcein and silver- ion impregnation but not with fluorochromes or FISH. These characteristics combined suggest that these corpuscles represent a source of ribonucleoproteins (RNP) – RNA and specific nucleolar proteins. Silver-ion impregnation and (FISH) revealed nucleolar organizer activity in two metaphase sex chromosomes (X). These results indicate that, in these species, nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) are located in the sex chromosomes, X chromosomes were CMA3+ and Y chromosome was DAPI+.  相似文献   

Using immunofluoresence method, sera M-311 and K-30 obtained from patients with autoimmune disease were shown to stain interphase nuclei and the periphery of chromosomes. Western blotting revealed a polypeptide with mol. mass 27 kDa in serum K-30. Both proteins were localized in the karyoplasm. One of them (27 kDa) has a diffuse form and contains small granules, while the other (40 kDa) is in the form of small clearly outlined granules. Both proteins are also revealed around the nucleolar periphery, making a continental ring, while the main part of the nucleolus remains unstained. During pro- and metaphase, these proteins were associated with the chromosomal periphery: 27 kDa protein formed separate groups, and 40 kDa protein was seen over the whole chromosomal periphery. After nuclear and chromosomal decondensation, induced by hypotonic treatment (15% of culture medium solution), both antibodies stain diffusively interphase nuclei, but in mitotic cells they stained the surface of the swollen chromosomes. After chromatin recondensation in isotonic medium these proteins were localized similarly as in normal cells. Thus, both proteins maintained their association with the periphery of chromosomes. To reveal the nuclear protein matrix, cells were treated with 2M NaCl, DNAase and RNAase A. After this procedure, the antibodies stained only the nucleolar periphery, and no fluorescence in the karyoplasm was seen. It shows that of all the components of the nuclear protein matrix (lamina, internuclear network, residual nucleoli) only 27 and 40 kDa proteins are contained in the nucleolar rim. The data allow to suggest that the nucleolar matrix proteins may be transported to new cell nuclei as part of the peripheral chromosomal material likely as other nucleolar (fibrillarin, B-23, and others) or some non-nuclear components of the nuclear protein matrix are transported.  相似文献   

Behaviour of nucleolus during mitosis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The aim of the present work was to study the distribution and the behaviour of the silver-staining nucleolar organizer region (Ag-NOR) proteins at the ultrastructural level during interphase and mitosis in five human and murine cancerous cell lines each characterized by a typical nucleolar morphology. During interphase the Ag-NOR proteins are restricted to the fibrillar centres (F.C.) and/or to the dense fibrillar component (D.F.C.). During prophase the silver-staining components come into close contact with some chromosomes and are arranged with a typical polarity: chromosome, F.C. and D.F.C. Then F.C. and D.F.C. together form roundish silver-stained structures and integrate in part within indentations at the periphery of the metaphase chromosomes. During anaphase and telophase large and small spherical silver-staining structures may be seen. They correspond respectively to the metaphase NORs and to numerous structures which appear de novo within ribonucleoprotein (RNP) material localized between the chromosomes. During late telophase the number of the small silver-staining structures decreases whereas the size of the larger ones increases. Then the interphase nucleoli recover their typical shape. These results suggest that when rRNA synthesis is impaired during mitosis the inactive NORs assume a structure and a localization which are not typical of the cell line. In contrast the F.C. and D.F.C. are probably two aspects of the NORs whose typical distribution, relative to the other nucleolar components, gives the interphasic nucleolus its characteristic morphology.  相似文献   

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