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In migratory species breeding in temperate zones and wintering in tropical areas, the prevalence of blood parasites may be affected by migratory strategies and winter habitat choice. We explored whether African winter habitat was linked to the probability of haemosporidian infection in the House Martin Delichon urbicum breeding in Spain, and tested for potential differences between age‐classes. As a proxy for winter habitat features, we analysed stable isotope (δ2H, δ13C and δ15N) values of winter‐grown feathers moulted in tropical Africa. Rainfall at the African winter grounds was related to the probability of being infected with haemosporidians and this effect differed among age‐classes. We found that haemosporidian prevalence was similar for young and experienced birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall (2H‐depleted), whereas there were great differences in winter habitats of lower rainfall (2H‐enriched), with young having a much higher prevalence compared with experienced birds. Likewise, experienced birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall had a higher probability of haemosporidian infection compared with experienced birds wintering in habitats of lower rainfall. By contrast, young birds wintering in habitats of lower rainfall had a higher probability of haemosporidian infection compared with young birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall. These outcomes highlight the interaction of age with haemosporidian infection in the migratory ecology of the House Martin, which may drive carry‐over effects in this long‐distance aerial insectivore.  相似文献   

Aim Conservation programmes for endangered migratory species or populations require locating and evaluating breeding, stopover and wintering areas. We used multiple stable isotopes in two endangered European populations of wrynecks, Jynx torquilla L., to locate wintering regions and assess the degree of migratory connectivity between breeding and wintering populations. Location Switzerland and Germany. Methods We analysed stable nitrogen (δ15N), carbon (δ13C) and hydrogen (δD) isotopes from wing feathers from two populations of wrynecks to infer their wintering origins and to assess the strength of migratory connectivity. We tested whether variation in feather isotopic values within the Swiss population was affected by bird age and collection year and then considered differences in isotopic values between the two breeding populations. We used isotopic values of summer‐ and winter‐grown feathers to estimate seasonal distributions. Finally, we calculated a species‐specific δD discrimination factor between feathers and mean annual δD values to assign winter‐grown feathers to origin. Results Bird age and collection year caused substantial isotopic variation in winter‐grown feathers, which may be because of annually variable weather conditions, movements of birds among wintering sites and/or reflect asynchronous moulting or selection pressure. The large isotopic variance in winter‐grown feathers nevertheless suggested low migratory connectivity for each breeding population, with partially overlapping wintering regions for the two populations. Main conclusions Isotopic variance in winter‐grown feathers of two breeding populations of wrynecks and their geographical assignment point to defined, albeit overlapping, wintering areas, suggesting both leapfrog migration and low migratory connectivity. On this basis, integrative demographic models can be built looking at seasonal survival patterns with links to local environmental conditions on both breeding and wintering grounds, which may elucidate causes of declines in migratory bird species.  相似文献   

We use stable isotope data to investigate the role of winter habitat use in altering the breeding phenology of yellow warblers Setophaga petechia. We first confirm that δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures vary with winter habitat use in this species. We then examine the relationship between winter habitat use, breeding phenology and productivity within four age‐sex‐classes, since life history theory would predict that carry‐over effects should vary with age and gender. The δ13C signatures of yellow warblers using riparian habitats over winter were more depleted than the signatures of those using agricultural or scrub habitat. Individuals on the Pacific coast of Mexico were also more δ15N enriched than those on the southern Gulf of Mexico. δ13C and δ15N signatures were only correlated with earlier clutch initiation and subsequent higher productivity in first‐breeding‐season females. We estimate that shifts in δ13C equivalent to a shift from scrub to riparian winter habitat would be associated with the production of 0.8 more fledglings by yearling females. Pre‐breeding events that influence the timing of breeding could also influence the reproductive performance of older males and females, but we found little evidence that winter habitat use influenced breeding season phenology in these birds.  相似文献   

The little penguin Eudyptula minor is unique among penguin species in being able to fledge chicks from two clutches in one breeding season. Pairs laying two clutches in a given season make a higher reproductive investment, and may be rewarded by a higher reproductive success as they may raise twice as many chicks as pairs laying one clutch. The higher effort made by pairs laying two clutches could correlate negatively with survival, future reproductive performance or offspring survival, indicating a cost of reproduction. Conversely, a positive relationship between the number of clutches produced in a given breeding season and survival, future reproductive performance or offspring survival would indicate that birds laying two clutches belonged to a category of birds with higher fitness, compared to birds laying only one clutch in the season. In this study we used a long‐term data set taken from an increasing population of little penguins in Otago, SE New Zealand. We modelled the relationship between the number of clutches laid in a breeding season and survival probability, reproductive performance in the next breeding season and first year survival of offspring using capture‐recapture modelling.
Birds laying two clutches produced 1.7 times more fledglings during a breeding season than pairs laying one clutch. We found that birds laying two clutches had a higher probability of breeding in the following breeding season, a higher probability of laying two clutches in the following breeding season and a higher survival probability. There was no overall difference in post‐fledging survival between the young of birds producing one clutch and the young of birds producing two clutches. However, the survival of young of single clutch breeders declined with laying date, whereas the young of double clutch breeders had the same survival rate irrespective of laying date. For a subset of data with birds of known age, we found evidence that the probability of laying two clutches increased with age. However, there were also indications for differences among birds in the tendency to lay two clutches that could not be attributed to age. We tentatively interpret our results as evidence of quality difference among little penguin breeders.  相似文献   

Understanding what drives or prevents long‐distance migrants to respond to environmental change requires basic knowledge about the wintering and breeding grounds, and the timing of movements between them. Both strong and weak migratory connectivity have been reported for Palearctic passerines wintering in Africa, but this remains unknown for most species. We investigated whether pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca from different breeding populations also differ in wintering locations in west‐Africa. Light‐level geolocator data revealed that flycatchers from different breeding populations travelled to different wintering sites, despite similarity in routes during most of the autumn migration. We found support for strong migratory connectivity showing an unexpected pattern: individuals breeding in Fennoscandia (S‐Finland and S‐Norway) wintered further west compared to individuals breeding at more southern latitudes in the Netherlands and SW‐United Kingdom. The same pattern was found in ring recovery data from sub‐Saharan Africa of individuals with confirmed breeding origin. Furthermore, population‐specific migratory connectivity was associated with geographical variation in breeding and migration phenology: birds from populations which breed and migrate earlier wintered further east than birds from ‘late’ populations. There was no indication that wintering locations were affected by geolocation deployment, as we found high repeatability and consistency in δ13C and δ15N stable isotope ratios of winter grown feathers of individuals with and without a geolocator. We discuss the potential ecological factors causing such an unexpected pattern of migratory connectivity. We hypothesise that population differences in wintering longitudes of pied flycatchers result from geographical variation in breeding phenology and the timing of fuelling for spring migration at the wintering grounds. Future research should aim at describing how temporal dynamics in food availability across the wintering range affects migration, wintering distribution and populations’ capacity to respond to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Energy or nutritional constraints associated to female dietary shifts during the clutch production period may play a role in generating intra‐clutch egg size variation in yellow‐legged gulls Larus michahellis. To explore this possibility, we determined albumen δ13C and δ15N values in three‐egg clutches (modal clutch size) from three different breeding episodes: Ebro Delta 2004 and 2006, and Columbretes Islands 2004. Rather than a shift in females’ diet, consistent intra‐clutch patterns of variation in egg size and albumen isotopic values (particularly in the case of albumen δ13C, which values held constant throughout the laying sequence) pointed to an intrinsic mechanism as the most feasible cause for the relatively smaller size of third/last‐laid eggs. However, diet “quality” for breeding females seemed to affect intra‐clutch egg size variation. In particular, a deficit of specific nutrients for egg formation associated to refuse scraps exploitation (as suggested by depleted albumen isotopic values) likely resulted in the more apparent intra‐clutch egg size profile for the Ebro Delta 2004. In the absence of dietary shifts, the observation of consistently higher δ15N values for third‐albumens suggested a greater contribution of endogenous resources to their synthesis, as conversion of stored reserves into egg proteins results in greater isotopic fractionation, thereby yielding enriched isotopic signatures (particularly for δ15N that shows greater isotopic fractionation with respect to that commonly assumed for δ13C). We point to reabsorbed material derived from the hormonally‐mediated regression of the female reproductive system (which is likely the intrinsic mechanisms resulting in the intra‐clutch pattern of egg size variation: the hormonal hypothesis) as the most feasible endogenous source of nutrients for the synthesis of last‐laid eggs, as optimize reproductive investment and maximize female fitness.  相似文献   

Birds migrating annually to high‐latitude breeding grounds may benefit from the transport of endogenous nutrient reserves that ultimately contribute to reproduction. Shorebirds represent a diverse group of Arctic breeders that typically arrive on the breeding grounds with body reserves enriched in 13C and 15N due to wintering and staging in marine or estuarine habitats. Such isotopic differences between endogenous macronutrient reserves and local foodwebs allow the use of stable isotopes to test for the source of nutrient allocations to eggs. We examined δ13C and δ15N values in lipid‐free yolk and albumen and δ13C values in yolk lipid of first clutches of ten species of sandpiper and plover breeding near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada in 2003. Most birds had egg isotope values indicating a C3 terrestrial biome, which fits primarily an income (exogenous) breeding strategy. Two exceptions were single sandpiper and plover with strong marine isotope values. Among species, strong positive relationships for each isotope between egg tissue components suggest that egg proteins and lipids tended to be derived from the same isotopic source. Correlations of egg δ13C values for lipids and proteins approached theoretical relationships expected for exogenous breeding strategies, based on captive studies. Significant positive correlations between clutch initiation date and δ13C values of egg lipids and albumen suggest some endogenous nutrient contributions to later laid eggs but the circumstances under which this may occur are unstudied. Where possible, we recommend that researchers use blood and fat biopsies from laying females as a means of anchoring endogenous and exogenous endpoints for modeling of each reproductive event. We encourage the isotopic analysis of egg albumen, yolk and yolk lipids among individuals and species and tests of correlations among these components as a means of inferring origins of nutrients to eggs.  相似文献   

C.P. Bell 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):333-341
Clutch size in the Yellow Wagtail increases by about one egg per 19° of latitude throughout Europe, but at a given latitude larger clutches are laid in western than in eastern Europe. In eastern Asia there is evidence of a reverse latitudinal cline, in which clutch size is smaller at higher latitudes, and considerably smaller than in Europe at equivalent latitudes. These trends suggest that smaller clutches are laid by populations with access to extensive wintering areas in east Africa and south-east Asia, whereas larger clutches are laid by populations with more restricted wintering areas in west Africa and India. Higher winter mortality in the latter populations may reduce breeding density, leading to less competition for resources and allowing larger clutches to be produced.  相似文献   

Capsule Stable isotope analysis of Swallow feathers, grown in Africa, revealed significant differences between populations breeding in Switzerland and England.

Aims To investigate the extent to which Swallow populations breeding in Switzerland and England are separated on their African wintering grounds.

Methods Swallows were caught at breeding colonies, biometric measurements were taken and feathers, grown in Africa, were collected. Feathers were combusted in a Carlo Erba C/N/S analyser and the δ13C and δ15N signatures were measured using a mass spectrometer.

Results The δ13C signatures of Swiss birds were significantly more depleted than those of birds from England. The δ15N signatures did not differ between the two populations.

Conclusion Birds from Switzerland and England probably winter in geographically distinct parts of Africa. The Swiss birds probably feed on prey that are more reliant on C3 vegetation, from woodlands, than the prey of English birds, which are more reliant on C4 vegetation, from grasslands.  相似文献   

Winter habitat quality can influence breeding phenology and reproductive success of migratory birds. Using stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) from bird claws and red blood cells collected in Massachusetts, USA, we assessed if winter habitat occupancy carried over to affect prairie warbler Setophaga discolor breeding arrival dates, body condition upon arrival, pairing success, first‐egg dates and reproductive success. In two of three years (in 2011 and 2012, but not in 2013), after‐second‐year (ASY) males wintering in drier habitat, as indicated by enriched δ13C values, arrived later on the breeding grounds. Based on the North Atlantic Oscillation index, there was likely less rainfall in the Caribbean wintering grounds during the winters of 2011 and 2012 compared to the winter of 2013, suggesting increased winter rainfall in 2013 may have diminished the influence of winter habitat occupancy on arrival date. We did not find any effects of winter habitat on breeding season phenomena for second‐year (SY) males or females, but our sample sizes for these age/sex classes were relatively low. Although winter habitat quality influenced arrival dates of ASY males, there was no evidence that it affected reproductive performance, perhaps because of high rates of nest depredation in our system. Our study adds to a growing body of research that shows the influence of carry‐over effects can differ among species and within populations, and also can be modulated by other environmental conditions. This information enriches our understanding of the role of carry‐over effects in population limitation for migratory birds.  相似文献   

Understanding the population dynamics of migratory animals and predicting the consequences of environmental change requires knowing how populations are spatially connected between different periods of the annual cycle. We used stable isotopes to examine patterns of migratory connectivity across the range of the western sandpiper Calidris mauri. First, we developed a winter isotope basemap from stable‐hydrogen (δD), ‐carbon (δ13C), and ‐nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes of feathers grown in wintering areas. δD and δ15N values from wintering individuals varied with the latitude and longitude of capture location, while δ13C varied with longitude only. We then tested the ability of the basemap to assign known‐origin individuals. Sixty percent of wintering individuals were correctly assigned to their region of origin out of seven possible regions. Finally, we estimated the winter origins of breeding and migrant individuals and compared the resulting empirical distribution against the distribution that would be expected based on patterns of winter relative abundance. For breeding birds, the distribution of winter origins differed from expected only among males in the Yukon‐Kuskokwim (Y‐K) Delta and Nome, Alaska. Males in the Y‐K Delta originated overwhelmingly from western Mexico, while in Nome, there were fewer males from western North America and more from the Baja Peninsula than expected. An unexpectedly high proportion of migrants captured at a stopover site in the interior United States originated from eastern and southern wintering areas, while none originated from western North America. In general, we document substantial mixing between the breeding and wintering populations of both sexes, which will buffer the global population of western sandpipers from the effects of local habitat loss on both breeding and wintering grounds.  相似文献   

YORAM YOM-TOV 《Ibis》1994,136(2):161-165
The clutch sizes of the passerines of Israel and the Cape Province, South Africa, which lie at similar latitudinal range, were compared. Mean clutch sizes in Israel and the Cape Province are 4.09 and 2.87, respectively. Mean clutch size of Israeli migrants is larger than that of residents (4.45 and 3.93, respectively), but no such difference exists in the Cape Province.
It is suggested that the larger clutch size in Israel is a result of two factors: (1) the higher proportion of wintering birds in Israel in comparison with the Cape Province and the presence of many transients there which may compete with resident birds and cause high winter mortality among them and (2) a higher proportion of migrants in the Israel avifauna, which suffer heavy losses during their trans-Saharan migration in comparison with Cape Province migrants, which travel shorter routes. The resulting reduced competition for food during the breeding season in Israel enables passerines there to lay larger clutches as predicted by Ashmole (1963) and Ricklefs (1980).  相似文献   



The ability to connect breeding, stopover and wintering locations of populations of migratory birds greatly enhances our understanding of the phenomenon of migration and improves our chances of effectively conserving these species. Among Palearctic-Afrotropical migratory species, aerial insectivores like the house martin (Delichon urbicum) are sensitive to factors influencing the availability of flying insects, and have declined in recent decades. The strict aerial behaviour of martins severely limits ring recoveries on wintering grounds and so there is a dearth of information on where European breeding populations over-winter in Africa, and the relative effects of population regulation on breeding vs. wintering grounds. We used a newly developed multi-isotope (δ 2H, δ 13C, δ 15N) feather isoscape for Africa together with inferences from summarized ring return data based on longitude, to assign winter origins to birds captured at a breeding colony in The Netherlands.

Principal Findings

Based on isotopic analyses of winter-grown martin feathers, we used a likelihood-based assignment approach to describe potential wintering locations where molt occurred of individual house martins from a Dutch colony by assigning them to four potential isotopically distinct clusters in Africa. We found the overwhelming majority of Dutch martins were assigned to a geographical cluster associated with West Africa.


The existence of strong isotopic gradients and patterns in African foodwebs that support migratory wildlife allows for the spatial assignment of tissues grown there. The assignment of Dutch house martins to wintering grounds primarily in West Africa was in strong agreement with independent and indirect methods used to infer winter origins of this species based on the association between the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in Africa and population patterns in Italy and the United Kingdom. These confirmatory data-sets underscore the importance of suitable habitats in West Africa to the conservation of migratory aerial insectivores and other species.  相似文献   

Birds exhibit a range of wintering behaviour from strictly migrant to strictly resident species. In partially migrating ones, some birds overwinter within their breeding region (resident birds) while others, although breeding in the same area, winter far away (migrant birds). Accordingly, choosing a wintering region is a key stage in the annual life cycle of birds, notably for inexperienced first‐year individuals. The present study aimed to investigate this issue, and more specifically to study the distribution pattern during winter and factors influencing the wintering behaviour of first‐year pied avocets Recurvirostra avosetta. Based on a 10‐yr ringing study carried out on five of the major French breeding colonies distributed along the Atlantic coast, we showed the coexistence of different wintering tactics. The resident tactic was predominant (approximately 86% of the 575 birds re‐sighted), while the other birds adopted migration. Among resident individuals, two different tactics occurred: 43% of birds overwintered within their natal colony, whereas the others wintered in another site located at relatively close proximity along the French Atlantic coast. Hatching date was a consistent predictor of all wintering tactics. More specifically, the probability of migrating was the highest for early‐hatched birds, and for resident ones, the probability of wintering within their natal colony rather than in another French site was the highest for both median‐ and late‐hatched individuals. In addition, a colony effect was demonstrated for resident birds. Several biological interpretations, including social system, variations in both individual body condition and habitat quality, were put forward to explain these correlates.  相似文献   

We examined long-term (1943–2003) variability in laying dates and clutch sizes in a Finnish population of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas, and analysed whether potential changes were explained by changes in climatic factors at the wintering area in Africa, at migration route or at breeding grounds. Among-year variation in both mean and skewness of laying dates increased, which for mean laying date appeared to be explained by variability of temperatures at the breeding grounds and for skewness by variable temperature trends along the migration route. Pied flycatchers bred earlier in warm springs, but despite a warming trend in pre-laying temperatures, the laying dates tended to delay. Laying dates became continuously later in relation to the phenology of the environment. Mean clutch size decreased with time when mean laying date was controlled for, but the climatic factors did not appear to explain the decrease. The advancement of spring phenology may have shifted some food sources needed for egg-laying, thus leading to later laying and smaller clutches. Variation in clutch size increased when wintering conditions were favourable so that clutch size distribution was skewed with a tail of small clutches when there had been lot of rainfall (more vegetation and insects) in the wintering area. We suggest that when ecological conditions during winter were good, the tail of small clutches represented low-quality individuals that were not able to breed after bad winters. Our analyses demonstrate that measures of spread and symmetry give different information about population level changes than means, and thus complement the understanding of the potential influences of climate change on populations.  相似文献   

The migration of the great snipe Gallinago media was previously poorly known. Three tracks in 2010 suggested a remarkable migratory behaviour including long and fast overland non‐stop flights. Here we present the migration pattern of Swedish male great snipes, based on 19 individuals tracked by light‐level geolocators in four different years. About half of the birds made stopover(s) in northern Europe in early autumn. They left the breeding area 15 d earlier than those which flew directly to sub‐Sahara, suggesting two distinct autumn migration strategies. The autumn trans‐Sahara flights were on average 5500 km long, lasted 64 h, and were flown at ground speeds of 25 m s?1 (90 km h?1). The arrival in the Sahel zone of west Africa coincided with the wet season there, and the birds stayed for on average three weeks. The birds arrived at their wintering grounds around the lower stretches of the Congo River in late September and stayed for seven months. In spring the great snipes made trans‐Sahara flights of similar length and speed as in autumn, but the remaining migration through eastern Europe was notably slow. All birds returned to the breeding grounds within one week around mid‐May. The annual cycle was characterized by relaxed temporal synchronization between individuals during the autumn–winter period, with maximum variation at the arrival in the wintering area. Synchronization increased in spring, with minimum time variation at arrival in the breeding area. This suggests that arrival date in the breeding area is under strong stabilizing selection, while there is room for more flexibility in autumn and arrival to the wintering area. The details of the fast non‐stop flights remain to be elucidated, but the identification of the main stopover and wintering areas is important for future conservation work on this red‐listed bird species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Understanding turnover rates of stable isotopes in metabolically active tissues is critical for making spatial connections for migratory birds because samples provide information about pre‐migratory location only until the tissue turns over to reflect local values. We calculated stable‐hydrogen isotope (δ2H) turnover rate in the red blood cells of two long‐distance migratory songbirds, Bicknell's Thrushes (Catharus bicknelli) and Swainson's Thrushes (Catharus ustulatus), using samples collected at a breeding site in New Brunswick, Canada. Blood from both species captured early in the breeding site was more positive in δ2H than blood sampled later in the summer, but did not match blood values for wintering Bicknell's Thrushes. An asymptotic exponential model was used to estimate turnover of red blood cell δ2H and yielded a half‐life estimate of 21 days and 14 days for Bicknell's and Swainson's thrushes, respectively. Red blood cells of both species approached the local breeding site value one month after the first individuals were detected at the site. For Bicknell's Thrushes, estimated δ2H in blood at arrival (?72‰) was closer to blood collected at wintering sites (mean ?61‰) than to expected breeding site δ2H (?120‰). Discrimination values calculated for red blood cells collected at the breeding site for both species were greater than expected based on studies using keratin. Turnover during migration currently limits the use of blood sampled early in the breeding season for connectivity/carry‐over effect studies. However, direct tracking technology such as geolocators can provide information about migration duration, timing, and stopovers that can be used to improve isotopic turnover equations for metabolically active tissues.  相似文献   

Winter habitat use can influence the breeding success of migratory songbirds in temperate regions due to its impact on bird condition and breeding phenology. How such carry-over effects vary with latitude is unknown. To address this question, we examined how winter habitat use, inferred from δ13C and δ15N signatures in winter-grown feathers, influenced the breeding phenology and productivity of Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia) at the extreme north of their range in the Canadian arctic (68°N) and compared this population with midlatitude Yellow Warbler (51°N) and American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla; 44°N) populations reported in previous studies. In the arctic, we examined male arrival dates, female clutch initiation dates and the relationship between these timing variables and the number and quality of offspring produced within the season. In contrast to warblers breeding at midlatitudes, we find no support for an impact of winter habitat use on breeding phenology or productivity. Male arrival dates and female clutch initiation dates in both young and older individuals were not correlated with isotopic signatures acquired on the wintering grounds. Males with enriched δ15N signatures paired more rapidly after arrival, indicating a possible relationship between winter habitat use and condition. This relationship did not enhance annual productivity for these individuals, however, as the negative relationship between breeding phenology and reproductive success in our arctic population was significantly weaker than among Yellow Warblers breeding further south. This reduction or absence of timing effects on productivity in the north effectively removes one pathway through which carry-over effects can act.  相似文献   

Analyses of the stable isotope composition of feathers can provide significant insight into the spatial structure of bird migration. We collected feathers from Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus, Clamorous Reed Warblers A. stentoreus and a small sample of their hybrids in a sympatric breeding population in Kazakhstan to assess natural variation in stable isotope signatures and delineate wintering sites. The Great Reed Warbler is a long‐distance migrant that overwinters in sub‐Saharan Africa, whereas the Clamorous Reed Warbler performs a short‐distance migration to the Indian sub‐continent. Carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N) and deuterium (δD) isotope signatures were obtained from winter‐grown feathers of adult birds. There were highly significant differences in δD and less significant differences in δ13C between Great and Clamorous Reed Warblers. Thus, our results show that the stable isotope technique, and in particular the deuterium (δD) signal, resolves continental variation in winter distribution between these closely related Acrocephalus species with sympatric natal origin. The isotope signatures of hybrid Great × Clamorous Reed Warblers clustered with those of the Great Reed Warblers. Hence, a parsimonious suggestion is that the hybrids undergo moult in Afrotropical wintering grounds, as do the Great Reed Warblers. The observed δD values fell within the range of expected values based on available precipitation data collected at precipitation stations across the wintering continents of each species. However, the power to predict the winter origin of birds in our study system using these data was weak as the expected values ranged widely at this broad continental scale.  相似文献   

In this study we test the potential of stable isotope analysis to reveal wintering origins of waders mixing at stopover sites, using the dunlin Calidris alpina as a case study. We determined stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope signatures of toenails of dunlins captured during winter at reference sites along the East‐Atlantic Flyway, from Mauritania to the United Kingdom. Afterwards, during spring migration, dunlins were sampled at the Tagus estuary, Portugal, and assigned to their wintering grounds according to their stable isotope signatures. Toenails from wintering dunlins at different sites had significantly different δ13C and δ15N signatures, despite some overlap in isotopic carbon ratios of birds from Morocco, Portugal and the UK. Among birds sampled during migration in Portugal, we found a clear bimodal pattern in δ13C values, corresponding to passage migrants from Mauritania (enriched δ13C values) and wintering birds from the Tagus estuary (depleted δ13C values). The first passage migrants from Mauritania appeared at the Tagus estuary by the end of March, with peak numbers during late April and early May. Our study provides evidence that isotopic signatures of toenails can play a determinant role in tracing the wintering origins of migrant dunlins at their stopover areas. Toenails, instead of feathers, can be the powerful and innovating tissue to sample in wader studies, allowing to bridge the gap in the field of migratory connectivity between sites used in different phases of the life cycle of waders.  相似文献   

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