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斜纹夜蛾Prodenia litura Fab.的初步考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、发生情况 1.被害植物 斜纹夜蛾的幼虫,食性很杂,根据我们调查,在棉花、芋头、莲藕、大豆、绿豆、茄子、向日葵、包菜、白菜上,发生均相当普遍;此外,在丝瓜、番茄、芝麻、刀豆、扁豆、金花菜、蕹菜、红薯、马铃薯、黄麻、苋菜、葱、芥菜、高粱、水稻、玉米等多种植物上,亦常可见其取食。室内曾饲以99科290种植物,其中有90种喜吃,107种较喜吃,86种不喜吃,仅有荸荠、茅草、竹叶、甘蔗、芦苇、茭白、苏铁等7种,完全不吃,可见这种昆虫,对于食料植物的适应范围,是非常广泛的。  相似文献   

(1):(2):3):1呼):2矛亡、了t、产‘、 5 9131518 峪 8l1l斗 ..............……、,/、.2、.jr‘、./、J产‘、/‘、/‘、2、..1、、l,几,人,几,二,‘,几弓‘,自,‘,山了.、了厄、了‘、矛了电、产r、了占、尹侄、Z‘、/吸、r.、d.n,‘.、Jl舀 ,‘..‘,L口山 .……,:、、了、.了、色了、.产、、‘J‘月,魂j月,,,门、︶产.、了.、Z卫.、了‘、了.L、(3):274):3护0 0 36 ,玉.二“.二 ..……、、J了、、2‘、、产、几.2斗通月月,人,紧跟毛主席的伟大战略部署把批林批孔的斗争进行到底···,·、···、·················…  相似文献   

蛇岛蝮蛇的微量元素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐克明  李建立 《蛇志》1991,3(2):9-14
经 ICP-AES 测定,在蛇岛蝮蛇体内含有 Zn、Cu,Fe、Mn、Mo、Cr、Co、Se、V、Sn、Si、Li、Te.Al、As,Ge 和 Pb 等多种微量元素,但各器官之间存在显著差异.Zn 几乎存在于蛇体内的所有组织,而且含量极为丰富.蛇体内的 Cr、Sn、Te、Al 含量较高,但 Cu、Mn、Mo.V 等含量甚微.胆汁,血清具有高 Te、Cr、Pb、As,Li、低 Fe、Zn 的特点,而肝、脾、血液不仅 Fe 贮量丰富,且 Sn 含量也高.  相似文献   

广东省生态学会五届七次常务理事(扩大)会议于2002年5月15日在深圳西部海上田园召开。理事长彭少麟主持了会议,副理事长吴博任,副理事长兼秘书长张社尧,常务理事丁培强、王绍仪、陈桂珠、张润杰、钟晓青、陈章和、陈北光、黎伟民、周长久、彭绍坚、段舜山、郭艳华、许炼烽,理事曾国欣、龚峥、王霞宇、古导仁,顾问王伯荪、古炎坤、朱小仲,学会秘书处工作人员唐爱民、彭昆仑、夏群建、张锡鹏等35人出席了会议。 副理事长骆世明、万洪富、邹仁林、蓝崇钰,常务理事胡玉佳、杞桑、钱宏林、梁广文,敖惠修因事请假。  相似文献   

中国共产党党员、九三学社社员 ,著名生物化学家、中国科学院院士 ,中国科学院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所研究员、名誉所长 ,中国科学院上海分院前院长、中国科学院原上海生物化学研究所前所长 ,全国第三、五、六届人大代表、上海市第二、三、四、七届人大代表 ,九三学社前中央委员、中央常委、上海市副主委 ,中国生化学会前理事长、名誉理事长、上海生化学会前理事长 ,中国对外友协上海分会前副会长、上海欧美同学会前副会长 ,比利时皇家科学、文学和美术学院外国院士、匈牙利科学院名誉院士、捷克科学院外籍院士 ,美国生物化学与分子生物…  相似文献   

我国山区蕴藏着丰富的荊条藤草,它可以编织各种型式美观、朴素大方的日用品和工艺品,如藤床、藤箱、藤椅、草席、草帽、草袋、提篮、提包、门帘、地毡、拖鞋、扫把、杯套、果盒等五花八门,用途很大。不仅活跃市场供应,有的还可出口换取外汇。因此,每年“小秋收”季节,采集山野荆条藤草,成为农村副业门路之一,也是农家编织业的原料来源,生财致富好门路。山野荆条藤草品种繁多。常见常用的有黄荆条,桎木条、鼠条、上藤、芦苇、野桐麻、  相似文献   

草原之星野大麦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野大麦别名菜麦草、大麦草、野黑麦,主要分布在东北、华北、内蒙古、青海、新疆等省区,为禾本科大麦属多年生草本植物,须根稠密,常具短根茎,茎直立或基部膝曲、具2—5节,疏丛型,叶长5—16厘米、宽2—6厘米、绿色或灰绿色,叶舌较短,高50—80厘米,穗状花序长5—10厘米、宽2—6厘米、常四棱形、紧密、绿色、成熟时带紫色,成熟穗轴易逐节断落,穗序上每节有小穗3枚,两侧为有柄小穗,通常较小、不孕或为雄性。  相似文献   

一、螺旋藻富含矿物质、维生素、蛋白质、必需氨基酸和必需脂肪酸,特别是α-亚麻酸。也是β-胡萝卜素的良好来源。螺旋藻中的铁特别容易被人体吸收。最近的研究证明,螺旋藻可有效地改善免疫功能,降低血清中的胆固醇水平,改善肝功能。经常食用螺旋藻还可增加胃肠道中的有益细菌。二、小球藻富含叶绿素、蛋白质和矿物质(包括磷、钾、镁、硫、铁、钙、铜、锌、碘、钻和其他微量元素、。还含有卜胡萝卜素,以及维生素C、E、K、B1、B2、B6、和B12,烟酸,泛酸,叶酸,生物素,胆碱和肌醇。营养价值很高。可调节胆固醇,有强烈的抗肿瘤和…  相似文献   

中国冬虫夏草(Cordyceps sinens is)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国冬虫夏草药用,食用历史悠久。1757年载入《本草从新》以后,古籍书中有不少记载。近年,北京、上海、四川、青海、福建、云南、山西、江西、广西、广东、河北、湖南、贵州十三省市,生物学,药学、医学研究单位以及医院,药厂等从  相似文献   

<正> 桑白盾蚧Pseudaulacaspis pentagona(Tar-gioni-Tozzetti)属同翅目、盾蚧科、白盾蚧属,是桃、李、杏、梅、樱花、桂花、山茶、女贞、丁香、青桐、白蜡、桑、朴、榆、榉、构树等多种树木枝干部重要害虫。由于它食性很杂,寄主广泛,繁殖力强,波兰、罗马尼亚、苏联曾将该虫列为检疫对象。其若、成虫寄生在枝干上,吸吮汁液,严重时整枝盖满,妨碍树木生长,影响树势,以致逐渐枯死。作者于1978—1980年对此虫进行生物学特性观察及其天敌调查。  相似文献   

人体肠道微生态系统是人体微生态系统中最大最复杂的一部分,参与机体代谢、免疫等各方面的生理作用。由于内外源性的病理因素导致肠道微生态的破坏可能会引起人体疾病。随着肠道微生态与消化道疾病研究的不断深入,越来越多的学者开始关注肠道微生态与非消化道疾病的相关性。近年来大量研究表明,肠道微生态与肥胖、神经精神病、皮肤病、心脑血管疾病、消化道外肿瘤、感染性疾病和自身免疫病等非消化系统疾病具有相关性。微生态制剂和粪菌移植可以通过调节肠道微生态平衡参与这类疾病的预防和治疗。肠道微生态系统与消化系统疾病的相关性已被广泛研究和阐述,本文侧重对肠道微生态与非消化系统疾病的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

本文系统综述了我国兽医中药在宠物临床上的应用历史及概况。从兽医中药起源,到中药在宠物临床上的古今应用。重点针对宠物临床中常见病、多发病如犬猫皮肤寄生虫病、皮肤真菌病、胃肠道疾病、传染病、肝胆疾病、心肺疾病、腰病以及虚弱性疾病等等进行了归纳总结。同时指出,随着宠物饲养社会功能的变化,宠物中药将会伴随着宠物市场的扩大迎来更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

In recent years, many studies have shown that histone methylation plays an important role in maintaining the active and silent state of gene expression in human diseases. The Jumonji domain-containing protein D3 (JMJD3), specifically demethylate di- and trimethyllysine 27 on histone H3 (H3K27me2/3), has been widely studied in immune diseases, infectious diseases, cancer, developmental diseases, and aging related diseases. We will focus on the recent advances of JMJD3 function in human diseases, and looks ahead to the future of JMJD3 gene research in this review.  相似文献   

传染病的快速检测是传染病预防控制的重要环节,其中现场快速检测对于及时有效控制传染病疫情尤为关键。相比于传统检测方法,电化学免疫传感器具有操作简单、快速、灵敏、准确、设备可小型化等优势,可用于传染病快速检测。简要综述了近年来电化学免疫传感器在传染病快速检测中的应用研究进展,重点阐述了该类传感器在现场检测中的主要贡献和不足之处,以及免疫磁分离技术与电化学传感检测相结合在传染病快速检测方面的优势。  相似文献   



Water plays an important role in the transmission of many infectious diseases, which pose a great burden on global public health. However, the global distribution of these water-associated infectious diseases and underlying factors remain largely unexplored.

Methods and Findings

Based on the Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network (GIDEON), a global database including water-associated pathogens and diseases was developed. In this study, reported outbreak events associated with corresponding water-associated infectious diseases from 1991 to 2008 were extracted from the database. The location of each reported outbreak event was identified and geocoded into a GIS database. Also collected in the GIS database included geo-referenced socio-environmental information including population density (2000), annual accumulated temperature, surface water area, and average annual precipitation. Poisson models with Bayesian inference were developed to explore the association between these socio-environmental factors and distribution of the reported outbreak events. Based on model predictions a global relative risk map was generated. A total of 1,428 reported outbreak events were retrieved from the database. The analysis suggested that outbreaks of water-associated diseases are significantly correlated with socio-environmental factors. Population density is a significant risk factor for all categories of reported outbreaks of water-associated diseases; water-related diseases (e.g., vector-borne diseases) are associated with accumulated temperature; water-washed diseases (e.g., conjunctivitis) are inversely related to surface water area; both water-borne and water-related diseases are inversely related to average annual rainfall. Based on the model predictions, “hotspots” of risks for all categories of water-associated diseases were explored.


At the global scale, water-associated infectious diseases are significantly correlated with socio-environmental factors, impacting all regions which are affected disproportionately by different categories of water-associated infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Many infection control measures have been implemented to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 during COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to investigate the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on the other notifiable infectious diseases in China, including respiratory infectious diseases, diseases transmitted through the digestive tract and animal-borne diseases. Compared with 2019, the overall decline rate of respiratory infectious diseases in 2020 is the highest (60–90%), and the diseases transmitted by the digestive tract and animal-borne diseases are similar at 20–30%. Both hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases decreased significantly in February, and there were basically no significant changes in other months compared with previous years. The series of measures taken by China government to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 are also very effective in preventing the spread of respiratory infectious diseases. But they also have a certain degree of prevention against notifiable infectious diseases spread by other routes.  相似文献   

Two of the most common diseases which occur in ageing men relate to their prostate. BPH and prostate cancer are prevalent diseases which have an impact on most men as they age. The advent of gene expression analysis has provided an opportunity to examine these diseases in a novel fashion. These analyses, to date, have revealed associations between these two diseases which have not been previously identified. These commonalities include global genetic changes which occur throughout the prostates in individuals with these diseases. Understanding the fingerprints of these diseases is providing novel markers and treatment strategies for both BPH and prostate cancer.  相似文献   

肝脏疾病是危害人类健康的重要疾病之一,合适的小动物模型的缺乏在很大程度上制约了肝脏疾病的相关研究。人源化小鼠作为重要动物模型之一,在肝脏疾病的研究中有巨大的应用价值。本文对早期的uPA小鼠、FAH小鼠、TK-NOG小鼠和近年来的AFC8小鼠等几种应用较为广泛且有代表性的人源化小鼠模型及其在肝脏疾病研究中的应用进行了对比分析,阐述了它们各自的模型原理和优缺点,以期对人源化小鼠应用于人类肝脏疾病的研究具有较为直观的认识。  相似文献   

In this review, we point out that natural selection does not act to lessen human diseases after the reproductive and caregiving period and that normal levels of iron and copper that may be healthy during the reproductive years appear to be contributing to diseases of aging and possibly the aging process itself. It is clear that oxidant damage contributes to many of the diseases of aging, such as atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's diseases, diabetes, diseases of inflammation, diseases of fibrosis, diseases of autoimmunity, and so on. It is equally clear that both iron and copper can contribute to excess production of damaging reactive oxygen species through Fenton chemistry. Here, we examine the evidence that "normal" levels of iron and copper contribute to various diseases of aging.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been reported in a wide array of neurological disorders ranging from neuromuscular to neurodegenerative diseases. Recent studies on neurodegenerative diseases have revealed that mitochondrial pathology is generally found in inherited or sporadic neurodegenerative diseases and is believed to be involved in the pathophysiological process of these diseases. Commonly seen types of mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases include excessive free radical generation, lowered ATP production, mitochondrial permeability transition, mitochondrial DNA lesions, perturbed mitochondrial dynamics and apoptosis. Mitochondrial medicine as an emerging therapeutic strategy targeted to mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases has been proven to be of value, though this area of research is still at in its early stage. In this article, we report on recent progress in the development of several mitochondrial therapies including antioxidants, blockade of mitochondrial permeability transition, and mitochondrial gene therapy as evidence that mitochondrial medicine has promise in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

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