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褶齿豕脊齿象(Choerolophodon corrugatus)是豕脊齿象属在巴基斯坦西瓦里克群发现的唯一种。其首次发现是在西瓦里克亚群下部的卡米列组(中新世晚期),而后大量见于西瓦里克亚群中段的道克派珊组(中新世晚期至上新世早期)。本次报道的褶齿豕脊齿象新材料发现于道克派珊模式产地及其邻近区域。发现的材料包括象牙、下颌、上颌碎片以及一些乳前臼齿和臼齿。新材料与欧洲的Ch. pentelici的牙齿特征极其相似,但在头骨和下颌特征上有所区别。  相似文献   

中国云南下禄丰组的早侏罗世中国尖齿兽的新材料显示出从前未曾认识到的早期哺乳动物牙齿特征.中国尖齿兽的门齿和犬齿,像非哺乳类犬齿兽一样,是多次替换的。新的中国尖齿兽幼体标本保存有前臼齿,前臼齿替换一次之后,在较大(更老)的标本上就永久消失。犬后齿分化为前臼齿与臼齿,以及前臼齿仅替换一次是现代哺乳动物的衍生特征。中国尖齿兽前边的臼齿可能无后继齿替换而消失;后边的臼齿替换一次.中国尖齿鲁当其成体的牙齿还在经受替换期间,头骨仍在继续生长。中国尖齿首是所有其他哺乳动物的姊妹类群。中国尖齿兽的牙齿替换方式可解释为从爬行类原始多出齿系向哺乳动物进步的二出齿系进化的中间过渡类型。由中国尖齿兽的多出齿系和其头骨无期限式生长推知,该类动物尚不具备现代哺乳动物所具有的有期限生长方式和哺乳特征。  相似文献   

懒猴的牙齿形态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就云南所产懒猴的牙齿形态作初步观察。恒齿式为(;上门齿为异形齿,中门齿比侧门齿阔大,形态亦不同;上犬齿有性别差异,下犬齿特化为门齿形;前臼齿无论齿数和齿尖分布都与猕猴、金丝猴和长臂猿有较大差别,但齿尖分布却与树鼩有某些相似之点;下颌第1前臼齿犬齿化;在臼齿的齿尖分布方面,与猕猴、金丝猴相似,上颌M~3次尖架消失,只具3个齿尖。  相似文献   

邢松  刘武 《人类学学报》2009,28(2):179-191
本文采用数字摄影和图像分析技术对华北新石器时代人类上、下颌臼齿齿冠及齿尖基底面积进行了精确测量。在此基础上, 计算了相对齿尖基底面积。结果显示: 近代华北人上颌各臼齿齿尖大小均呈原尖>前尖>后尖>次尖的顺序, 下颌三个臼齿齿尖大小面积顺序有所不同; 上颌的后尖和次尖呈现异速生长的趋势。各臼齿齿尖相对面积的总体变异呈下颌臼齿大于上颌臼齿、M1到M3依次增加、靠近远中侧的齿尖大于近中侧的齿尖的趋势。本文首次对现代中国人臼齿相对齿尖面积进行了调查统计, 为古人类学及体质人类学研究积累了基础性数据。本研究显示利用数字摄影和图像分析技术对包括臼齿齿冠和齿尖面积在内的非线性特征进行精确的定量分析较传统的测量方法具有明显的优越性, 在古人类学和体质人类学研究中有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

圈养条件下仔狍的生长与发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003 年4 月至2004 年10 月对12 只狍东北亚种雌性生产的16 只仔狍进行了生长发育观察。记录仔狍出生日期,观察生长过程的毛色变化,定期检查牙齿生长状况,测定体尺和体重,所得数据采用SPSS13. 0 软件处理,绘制生长曲线并建立体长与体重的拟合曲线方程。结果表明,圈养条件下仔狍出生主要集中在5 月中旬至6
月中旬,出生时毛色呈暗棕黄色,身体两侧分布不规则的白斑,翌年换毛后白斑消失;出生仔狍的齿式为(0 03 0 /4 0 3 0)×2 = 20,成年狍的齿式为(0 1 3 3/4 0 3 3)×2 = 34,乳齿6 ~7 月龄开始脱换,8 ~9 月龄完成,脱换的顺序为中央切齿→两侧切齿→隅齿;(上、下颌)后臼齿的第一后臼齿2 月龄萌发、3 ~ 4 月龄生长完成,第
二后臼齿6 ~ 7 月龄萌发,8 ~9 月龄生长完成,第三后臼齿12 ~ 13 月龄萌发,14 ~ 15 月龄生长完成;乳齿的前臼齿从12 月龄开始脱换,14 月龄完成,脱换的顺序是上颌第一前臼齿和下颌第三前臼齿→上、下颌第二前臼齿→上颌第三前臼齿和下颌第一前臼齿;仔狍体尺增长率顺序为体长> 臀高> 肩高> 胸围> 腰围。仔狍体长与体重的拟合曲线方程是Y = 63.1084 - 0.0070x + 1.1e - 6 x2 - 3e- 11 x3 ,生长发育过程可分为生长快速期、生长缓慢期和雌雄狍生长差异期3 个阶段。  相似文献   

1969年9月13日,在印度尼西亚爪哇中部三吉岭地区,当地的一位居民在一条小河边的断崖基部发现了一个爪哇直立人(以前叫做爪哇直立猿人)的头骨。这个头骨几乎完全被坚硬的沙岩包裹着,经初步修理,已可看出还残留着一个犬齿,一个前臼齿和两个臼齿,这些牙齿都比已知的爪哇直立人类型的牙齿要小。根据这个头骨的基本特征,例如低的头盖,厚的骨壁,凸出的枕骨隆起,臼齿和前臼齿的形状与大小,特别是头骨的轮廓,是属于爪哇直立人类型的。  相似文献   

本文对新疆且末扎滚鲁克墓地二期出土208例头骨上的1849枚牙齿进行了观察与研究。将所有个体按照年龄和性别分组,通过计算每个个体上颌或下颌骨上各牙齿相对第1臼齿的磨耗指数,分析各组之间相对磨耗指数的分布差异。经过与国内外不同人群的对比,对扎滚鲁克居民的牙齿磨耗模式特点以及可能存在的牙齿使用方式、行为特征等内容进行了初步探讨。结果显示,该人群的牙齿磨耗随着年龄增长显著增加,不同年龄组人群之间前后牙齿磨耗情况有很大的差异,牙齿磨耗在性别间差异并不显著。下颌个体出现了较为普遍的前牙磨耗比后牙偏严重的现象,这种现象主要集中在中年组下颌上。这种不寻常的下颌前牙磨耗较后牙偏重现象可能受到牙齿的工具性使用,牙齿萌出顺序以及年龄三方面因素共同作用的影响;中年个体下颌前牙磨耗的偏重现象可能反映了人群的行为特征。  相似文献   

湖北郧西黄龙洞更新世晚期人类牙齿   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对2004—2006年在湖北省郧西县黄龙洞发现的7枚更新世晚期人类牙齿进行了观测与分析, 在此基础上与相关的化石人类及近代现代人类标本进行了对比。本研究发现:黄龙洞人类牙齿总体特征与现代人接近, 同时也保留部分可能属于更新世晚期人类的特点, 包括前部牙齿(侧门齿与犬齿)尺寸及粗壮程度都明显大于现代人。黄龙洞人类牙齿呈现的铲形门齿、双铲形门齿及臼齿釉质延伸说明,当时人类已经具有了东亚人群的典型牙齿形态特征。  相似文献   

贵州盘县大洞发现的人类牙齿化石   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
刘武  斯信强 《人类学学报》1997,16(3):193-200
对在盘县对大洞发现的一枚人类上颌内侧门齿和一枚人类下颌犬齿的观察研究显示,门齿齿冠舌侧面铲形结构,齿结节,指状突及犬齿的齿带等结构具有某些与北京猿人牙齿的相似的特征;但在这些结构的复杂程度及齿冠测量特征等方面又呈出早期智人的特点。  相似文献   

李法军  朱泓 《人类学学报》2003,22(3):206-217
本文对河北阳原姜家梁新石器时代遗址头骨进行了非测量性状的观察。选择了在时间和空间上与之相关的12个人群作为研究对比组,求出各对比组之间的平均差异度(MMD)值,以MMD值为基础进行了聚类分析和主坐标分析。结果表明,姜家梁新石器时代居民在非测量性状上有着比较明显的特点:既与其它某些人群(特别是与贝加尔人群、华北组)有着某种联系,但现在还没有证据说明这种联系的密切程度以及是何种方式的联系;同时,姜家梁组可能是因为还存在着某些独立的特征(比如其较高的或者较低的非测量性状特征),使之不能完全地归入到某种人群中去。我们期待从这一地区及其周邻地区发现更多的古人骨材料,以期从研究中得出更细致的结论。  相似文献   

In an earlier investigation (Irish [1993] Biological Affinities of Late Pleistocene Through Modern African Aboriginal Populations: The Dental Evidence [Ann Arbor: University Microfilms]), biological affinities of 32 sub-Saharan and North African dental samples were estimated using comparative analyses of 36 dental morphological traits. Marked dental homogeneity was revealed among samples within each of the two geographic regions, but significant interregional differences were noted. Assuming dental phenetic expression approximates or is an estimate of genetic variation, the present study of 976 sub-Saharan-affiliated Africans indicates they are not closely related to other world groups; they are characterized by numerous morphologically complex crown and root traits. Turner ([1984] Acta Anthropogenetica 8:23–78; [1985] in R Kirk and E Szathmary (eds.): Out of Asia: Peopling the Americas and the Pacific [Canberra: The Journal of Pacific History], pp. 31–78; [1990] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 82:295–318; [1992] Persp. Hum. Biol. 2/Archaeol. Oceania 27:120–127; [1992] in T Akaszawa, K Aoki, and T Kimura (eds.): The Evolution and Dispersal of Modern Humans in Asia [Tokyo: Hokusen-Sha Publishing Co.], pp. 415–438) reports that Northeast Asian/New World sinodonts also have complex teeth relative to Europeans, Southeast Asian sundadonts, Australian/Tasmanians, and Melanesians. However, sinodonty is characterized by UI1 winging, UI1 shoveling, UI1 double shoveling, one-rooted UP1, UM1 enamel extension, M3 agenesis, and three-rooted LM1. Sub-Saharan peoples exhibit very low frequencies of these features. It is proposed that the collection of dental traits which best differentiate sub-Saharan Africans from other worldwide samples includes high frequencies of the Bushman Canine, two-rooted UP1, UM1 Carabelli's trait, three-rooted UM2, LM2 Y-groove pattern, LM1 cusp 7, LP1 Tome's root, two-rooted LM2, UM3 presence, and very low incidences of UI1 double shoveling and UM1 enamel extension. This suite of diagnostic traits is termed the sub-Saharan African dental complex. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:455–467, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

庙子沟新石器时代人类牙齿非测量特征   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
刘武  朱泓 《人类学学报》1995,14(1):8-20
本文采用Turner建立的人类牙齿形态特片分类标准观察研究了内蒙古察右前旗庙子沟新石器时代人类牙齿的非测量特并采用由非测量特征的出现率计算人群间生物学距离的MMD系数和聚类分析方法对比了庙子沟与东亚地区其他人群之间的关系,研究结果表明庙子沟新石器时代人类在牙齿形成特征上与包括安阳殷墟青铜时代人类在内的亚洲东北部人类相近,而与东南亚人群差别较大。  相似文献   

刘武  王善才 《人类学学报》1998,17(3):177-190
对在湖北长阳县深潭湾崖葬墓出土的青铜时代人类乳齿形态特征的观察研究显示在人类恒齿出现的大多数具有种族识别价值的形态特征在乳齿有相等程度的表现,其中部分特征的出现率和表现程度高于恒齿。与其他地区人群相比,长阳青铜时代人类乳齿特征在总体上与东北亚人类具有的“中国型牙齿”特征接近。同时,在个别牙齿特征上呈现出南亚蒙古人种的特点。作者对产生这种现象的原因进行了分析。本文还就长阳青铜时代人类乳齿测量数据的表现特点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Comparative morphological and metrical study of San and Central Sotho dentitions indicates that the teeth of the two samples are significantly different from one another. The San dental complex contains traits that add mass to the occlusal surface of microdontic dentitions: moderate low-grade UI1 (13.5%) and UI2 shoveling (24.7%), high Bushman canine (43.1%), fairly low UM2 hypocone reduction (23.3%), high UM2 cusp 5 (55.6%), high LM1 cusp 7 (35.2%), LM1 distal trigonid crest (7.1%), and LM2 deflecting wrinkle (5.3%), lack of reduction of LM1 and LM2 cusp number, in the presence of very low UM1 Carabelli's trait (6.7%) and high LM2 Y-groove (86.3%). Culturally, males occasionally exhibit filed UI1 and females are missing LI1. Conversely, mesodontic Central Sotho dentitions display a more simplified morphology, with the exception of moderately high incidence of UM1 Carabelli's trait (41.0%) and very high LM1 cusp 7 (71.3%). Discriminant analysis of mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters and tooth crown surface area data for the left maxillary teeth supports classification of San dentitions as microdont and Central Sotho dentitions as mesodont. Additionally, metrical analysis indicates that San teeth are more sexually dimorphic than are those of Central Sotho.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the frequency of the following eight dental traits in 635 Yanomama and 65 Makiritare Indians: upper central incisor rotation or winging, shoveling of maxillary incisors, maxillary molar hypocone reduction, Carabelli's trait, mandibular molar cusp number, mandibular molar cusp pattern rotation of second lower premolar, and pattern of second lower premolar cusps. Yanomama dentition is unusual in the high frequency of six cusps on the mandibular molars. There is marked dental microdifferentiation between villages; significant agreement was observed between a matrix of pairwise "dental distances" based on six morphological traits and corresponding matrices based on 11 genetic systems and on geographic location.  相似文献   

Teeth are one of the most important materials for anthropological studies because they are likely to be preserved in ancient remains.While the frequencies of dental characteristics can provide clues to the phylogeny of populations,genetic studies at the individual level can further reveal the biological mechanisms and evolutionary context of dental characteristics.In this study,by analyzing 38 dental characteristics of 242 Xinjiang Uyghur individuals,we found that(i)the dental characteristics of the Uyghurs showed evidence of admixture between European and East Asian populations.The admixture proportions were in line with those previously reported in population genetic studies;(ii)the Xinjiang Uyghur dental characteristics formed three clusters in pairwise correlation analysis.One of the main clusters consisted of characteristics including incisor shoveling,double shoveling and mesial ridge;and(iii)all the characteristics in this cluster were significantly correlated with the genetic variant EDARV370A.The extracted composite phenotypic factor was also significantly associated with EDARV370A,which explained 18%of the total phenotypic variance.This indicated a pleiotropic effect,i.e.,the same genetic factor affects a number of dental characteristics at the same time.Our results confirmed that EDARV370A,a genetic variant that first originated in East Asia about 30000 years ago,played an important role in incisor shoveling in East Asia.This finding suggested that incisor shoveling in modern humans in East Asia is likely to have appeared after the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The eight diagnostic morphological traits of the Sundadont and Sinodont divisions of the Mongoloid dental complex are identified. Intra- and intergroup variation for these crown and root features is plotted. The univariate frequency distributions provide useful evidence for several suggestions about East Asian prehistory, dental microevolution, and intergroup relationships. The case for local evolution of Sundadonty is strengthened by finding Australian teeth to be very similar to this pattern. Australian Aboriginal teeth are also generally like those of Jomonese and some Ainus, suggesting that members of the late Pleistocene Sundaland population could have initially colonized Sahulland as well as the continental shelf of East Asia northward to Hokkaido.  相似文献   

Shovel shape of upper incisors is a common characteristic in Asian and Native American populations but is rare or absent in African and European populations. Like other common dental traits, genetic polymorphisms involved in the tooth shoveling have not yet been clarified. In ectodysplasin A receptor (EDAR), where dysfunctional mutations cause hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, there is a nonsynonymous-derived variant, 1540C (rs3827760), that has a geographic distribution similar to that of the tooth shoveling. This allele has been recently reported to be associated with Asian-specific hair thickness. We aimed to clarify whether EDAR 1540C is also associated with dental morphology. For this purpose, we measured crown diameters and tooth-shoveling grades and analyzed the correlations between the dental traits and EDAR genotypes in two Japanese populations, inhabitants around Tokyo and in Sakishima Islands. The number of EDAR 1540C alleles in an individual was strongly correlated with the tooth-shoveling grade (p = 7.7 × 10−10). The effect of the allele was additive and explained 18.9% of the total variance in the shoveling grade, which corresponds to about one-fourth of the heritability of the trait reported previously. For data reduction of individual-level metric data, we applied a principal-component analysis, which yielded PC1-4, corresponding to four patterns of tooth size; this result implies that multiple factors are involved in dental morphology. The 1540C allele also significantly affected PC1 (p = 4.9 × 10−3), which denotes overall tooth size, and PC2 (p = 2.6 × 10−3), which denotes the ratio of mesiodistal diameter to buccolingual diameter.  相似文献   

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