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Sexually dimorphic weaponry often results from intrasexual selection, and weapon size can vary seasonally when costs of bearing the weapon exceed the benefits outside of the reproductive season. Weapons can also be favored in competition over nonreproductive resources such as food or shelter, and if such nonreproductive competition occurs year‐round, weapons may be less likely to vary seasonally. In snapping shrimp (Alpheus angulosus), both sexes have an enlarged snapping claw (a potentially deadly weapon), and males of many species have larger claws than females, although females are more aggressive. This contrasting sexual dimorphism (larger weaponry in males, higher aggression in females) raises the question of whether weaponry and aggression are favored by the same mechanisms in males and females. We used field data to determine whether either sex shows seasonal variation in claw size such as described above. We found sexual dimorphism increased during the reproductive season due to opposing changes in both male and female claw size. Males had larger claws during the reproductive season than during the nonreproductive season, a pattern consistent with sexual selection. Females, however, had larger claws during the nonreproductive season than during the reproductive season—a previously unknown pattern of variation in weapon size. The observed changes in female weapon size suggest a trade‐off between claw growth and reproduction in the reproductive season, with investment in claw growth primarily in the nonreproductive season. Sexually dimorphic weaponry in snapping shrimp, then, varies seasonally due to sex differences in seasonal patterns of investment in claw growth, suggesting claws may be advantageous for both sexes but in different contexts. Thus, understanding sexual dimorphisms through the lens of one sex yields an incomplete understanding of the factors favoring their evolution.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits, such as male weapons, are highly variable in shape and size across species. However, little is known about the mechanisms that may govern this variation. Because males with greater investment in weapon size tend to win more fights, but also pay higher costs related to weapon development and maintenance, larger weapons should be expected only in species in which victory in male–male fights generate reproductive benefits that outweigh investment costs. Here, we hypothesized that the reproductive characteristics that increase the chances of winners to access females or to fertilize eggs will favor the evolution of larger weapons. To evaluate this hypothesis, we conducted a meta-analysis using arthropods as model organisms. To measure investment in weapon size, we gathered both Pearson correlation coefficient and the standardized (but non centralized) slope values for the relationship between weapon size and body size. We found that none of the reproductive characteristics we investigated was related to male weapon size. Thus, it seems that greater certainty of accessing a female or fertilizing female eggs with a victory does not modulate the investment in male weapon size. Perhaps the cost–benefit ratio between weapon size investment and reproductive success is not the main factor driving the variation in weapon size.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1619-1627
Contests between same‐sex opponents over resources necessary for reproduction, as well interactions used to discern mate quality, often involve exaggerated traits wherein large individuals have disproportionately larger traits. This positive allometric scaling of weapons or signals facilitates communication during social interactions by accentuating body size differences between individuals. Typically, males carry these exaggerated traits, as males must compete over limited female gametes. However, in Nicrophorus beetles both males and females engage in physical contests over the vertebrate carcasses they need to provision and raise offspring. Male and female Nicrophorus beetles have extended clypeal membranes directly above their mandibles, which could serve as signals. We investigated the scaling relationships between clypeal membrane size and shape and body size for five species of North American burying beetle to determine whether clypeal membranes contain exaggerated body size information. We found that clypeal membranes for both sexes of all species scaled positively with body size (slope > 1). Three of the five species also displayed sexual dimorphism in aspects of clypeal membrane size and shape allometry despite lack of dimorphism in body size. In two dimorphic species, small male clypeal membranes were statistically indistinguishable from the female form. We conclude that colored clypeal membranes in Nicrophorus beetles do contain exaggerated body size information. Observed patterns of dimorphism suggest that males sometimes experience stronger selection on marking size and shape, which might be explained by life history differences among species.  相似文献   

Strong sex-specific selection on traits common to both sexes typically results in sexual dimorphism. Here we find that Wellington tree weta (Hemideina crassidens) are sexually dimorphic in both head shape and size due to differential selection pressures on the sexes: males use their heads in male-male combat and feeding whereas females use theirs for feeding only. Remarkably, the sexes share a common ontogenetic trajectory with respect to head growth. Male head shape allometry is an extension of the female’s trajectory despite maturing two instars earlier, a feat achieved through ontogenetic acceleration and hypermorphosis. Strong sexual selection also favours the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies in which some males produce morphologically different weapons. Wild-caught male H. crassidens are trimorphic with regard to weapon size, a rare phenomenon in nature, and weapon shape is related to each morph’s putative mating strategy.  相似文献   

In ungulates, rank order is determined by differences in weight, body size, weapon size and age. In the Caprini tribe (Bovidae: Caprinae), adult male Himalayan tahr are unique to show different coat colours, but no sexual dimorphism in weapons. A highly significant correlation between hair colour and rank order was found during the rut: males with a lighter coloured ruff dominated over darker ruffed ones, in both aggressive interactions and access to oestrus females. We studied colour-based dominance in relation to weight, age and testosterone levels, which establish the social rank in most ungulates. No differences in weight and testosterone concentrations were found between adult male colour classes, but males with paler ruffs were significantly younger than darker adult males. The distribution of physical traumas from fights confirmed that younger, lighter-coloured males had a higher rank than older, darker males, a pattern which is unusual amongst ungulates. Coat colour seems to work as a signal of rank in male-male aggressive interactions and it changes according to age, whereas the relevant physiological determinants deserve further research. Intrasexual male competition has not changed weapon size or shape in the Himalayan tahr, but ruff colours are apparently used to signal rank and dominance. Colour patterns of adult males may then be homologous to ritualised weapons, apparently being a unique feature of male tahr amongst mammals.  相似文献   

Using both a conventional and a phylogenetic approach, we tested whether sexual size dimorphism, mating tactic and environmental conditions influenced the between-sex differences in adult survival among 26 populations of polygynous ungulates. As a general rule, male survival was both lower and more variable among species than female survival. Whatever the method we used, sexual size dimorphism had no direct influence on male-biased mortality. In food-limited environments, the survival of males relative to that of females was lower than in good environments, suggesting a cost of large size for males facing harsh conditions. On the other hand, the survival of males relative to that of females tended to increase with sexual size dimorphism in good environments, indicating that large size may be profitable for males facing favourable conditions. Lastly, we found that the between-sex differences in adult survival did not vary with sexual size dimorphism in harem-holding or tending species, but tended to increase with sexual size dimorphism in territorial species. Our analyses indicate that sexual size dimorphism does not lead directly to a decrease in male survival compared to that of females. Thus, environmental conditions rather than the species considered could shape between-sex differences in adult survival observed in ungulate populations.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism (SD) is the evolutionary outcome of selection acting differently on males and females. Several studies describe sexual differences in body size, although other morphological traits might be allometric between sexes and imply functional consequences. Here we test whether morphological differences between sexes in size and shape in the lizard Tropidurus catalanensis explain variation in performance of four locomotor traits. Our results show that males are larger than females and also exhibit longer limbs, longer muscles and larger muscle cross‐sectional areas, while females have longer trunks and more sharped anterior claws; males outperform females in all locomotor performances measured. Sexual differences in sprinting and climbing is related with body size, and climbing performance is also explained by limb lengths, by differences in lengths and cross‐sectional areas of specific muscles, and by interlimb distances. Between‐sex differences in exertion are also related to SD, despite associations with sharper posterior claws that are independent of sex. Grasping performance, however, is associated with some muscle and morphological parameters that are not sexually dimorphic. Together our results suggest that morphology might be under sexual selection in T. catalanensis, given that better locomotor performance likely favours male lizards in typical activities of this polygenic species, such as territory defence and female acquisition. Moreover, the longer trunks that characterize females may confer more space to accommodate eggs. On the other hand, territory defence by males probably increases their exposure to predators, resulting in a synergistic effect of sexual and natural selection in the evolution of SD in T. catalanensis.  相似文献   

Anthropoid primates are well known for their highly sexually dimorphic canine teeth, with males possessing canines that are up to 400% taller than those of females. Primate canine dimorphism has been extensively documented, with a consensus that large male primate canines serve as weapons for intrasexual competition, and some evidence that large female canines in some species may likewise function as weapons. However, apart from speculation that very tall male canines may be relatively weak and that seed predators have strong canines, the functional significance of primate canine shape has not been explored. Because carnivore canine shape and size are associated with killing style, this group provides a useful comparative baseline for primates. We evaluate primate maxillary canine tooth size, shape and relative bending strength against body size, skull size, and behavioral and demographic measures of male competition and sexual selection, and compare them to those of carnivores. We demonstrate that, relative to skull length and body mass, primate male canines are on average as large as or larger than those of similar sized carnivores. The range of primate female canine sizes embraces that of carnivores. Male and female primate canines are generally as strong as or stronger than those of carnivores. Although we find that seed-eating primates have relatively strong canines, we find no clear relationship between male primate canine strength and demographic or behavioral estimates of male competition or sexual selection, in spite of a strong relationship between these measures and canine crown height. This suggests either that most primate canines are selected to be very strong regardless of variation in behavior, or that primate canine shape is inherently strong enough to accommodate changes in crown height without compromising canine function.  相似文献   

Evolutionary ecologists dating back to Darwin (1871) have sought to understand why males are larger than females in some species, and why females are the larger sex in others. Although the former is widespread in mammals, rodents and other small mammals usually exhibit low levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Here, we investigate patterns of sexual dimorphism in 34 vole species belonging to the subfamily Arvicolinae in a phylogenetic comparative framework. We address the potential role of sexual selection and fecundity selection in creating sex differences in body size. No support was found for hyperallometric scaling of male body size to female body size. We observed a marginally significant relationship between SSD and the ratio of male to female home range size, with the latter being positively related to the level of intrasexual competition for mates. This suggests that sexual selection favours larger males. Interestingly, we also found that habitat type, but not mating system, constitutes a strong predictor of SSD. Species inhabiting open habitats – where males have extensive home ranges in order to gain access to as many females as possible – exhibit a higher mean dimorphism than species inhabiting closed habitats, where females show strong territoriality and an uniform distribution preventing males to adopt a territorial strategy for gaining copulations. Nonetheless, variation in the strength of sexual selection is not the only selective force shaping SSD in voles; we also found a positive association between female size and litter size across lineages. Assuming this relationship also exists within lineages (i.e. fecundity selection on female size), this suggests an additional role for variation in the strength of fecundity selection shaping interspecific differences in female size, and indirectly in SSD. Therefore our results suggest that different selective processes act on the sizes of males and females, but because larger size is favoured in both sexes, SSD is on average relatively small.  相似文献   

Baboons exhibit marked sexual dimorphism in many aspects of their morphology. Dimorphism is especially pronounced in the face. We use finite-element analysis to investigate the ontogeny of sexual dimorphism in a cross-sectional sample of baboon (Papio sp.) faces. This method provides detailed quantitative information about size and shape changes at anatomical landmarks in the face during growth. Allometric results suggest that sexual dimorphism in facial size and shape is produced by ontogenetic scaling: males and females share a common ontogenetic trajectory. Analyses of growth in time, which complement allometric analyses, show that female growth slows much earlier than male growth, accounting for the differences between sexes. Local size and local shape follow similar patterns of growth, but changes in these variables are slower in females. Local and global facial size are much more dimorphic than local and global facial shape.  相似文献   

Many male animals have evolved exaggerated traits that they use in combat with rival males to gain access to females and secure their reproductive success. But some male animals invest in nuptial gifts that gains them access to females. Both these reproductive strategies are costly in that resources are needed to produce the weapon or nuptial gift. In closely related species where both weapons and nuptial gifts are present, little is known about the potential evolutionary trade-off faced by males that have these traits. In this study, we use dobsonflies (order Megaloptera, family Corydalidae, subfamily Corydalinae) to examine the presence and absence of enlarged male weapons versus nuptial gifts within and among species. Many dobsonfly species are sexually dimorphic, and males possess extremely enlarged mandibles that they use in battles, whereas in other species, males produce large nuptial gifts that increase female fecundity. In our study, we show that male accessory gland size strongly correlates with nuptial gift size and that when male weapons are large, nuptial gifts are small and vice versa. We mapped weapons and nuptial gifts onto a phylogeny we constructed of 57 species of dobsonflies. Our among-species comparison shows that large nuptial gift production evolved in many species of dobsonfly but is absent from those with exaggerated weapons. This pattern supports the potential explanation that the trade-off in resource allocation between weapons and nuptial gifts is important in driving the diversity of male mating strategies seen in the dobsonflies, whereas reduced male–male competition in the species producing large spermatophores could be an alternative explanation on their loss of male weapons. Our results shed new light on the evolutionary interplay of multiple sexually selected traits in animals.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms in weaponry and aggression are common in species in which one sex (usually males) competes for access to mates or resources necessary for reproduction – sexually dimorphic weaponry and aggression, in other words, are frequently the result of intrasexual selection. In snapping shrimp, the major chela (snapping claw) can be a deadly weapon, and males of many species have larger chelae than females, a pattern readily interpreted as resulting from intrasexual selection. Thus, males might be expected to show more sex‐specific aggression than females, and be more aggressive overall. We tested these predictions in two species of snapping shrimp in a territorial defense context. Neither of these predictions was supported: in both species, females, but not males, engaged in sex‐specific aggression and females were more aggressive than males overall. These contrasting sexual dimorphisms – larger weaponry in males but higher aggression in females – highlight the importance of considering the function of weaponry and aggression in contexts other than direct competitions over mates. In addition, species differences in the degree of sexual dimorphism in chela size were due to differences in female, not male, chela size, and the species with greater sexual dimorphism in weaponry was significantly less aggressive overall; also, while paired and solitary males did not differ in residual chela size, for the species with greater sexual dimorphism, females carrying embryos had smaller residual chela sizes. These results suggest that understanding the sexual dimorphisms in weaponry and aggression in snapping shrimp requires understanding the relative costs and benefits of both in females as well as males.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits are often highly variable in size within populations due to their close link with the physical condition of individuals. Nutrition has a large impact on physical condition, and thus, any seasonal changes in nutritional quality are predicted to alter the average size of sexually selected traits as well as the degree of sexual dimorphism in populations. However, although traits affected by mate choice are well studied, we have a surprising lack of knowledge of how natural variation in nutrition affects the expression of sexually selected weapons and sexual dimorphism. Further, few studies explicitly test for differences in the heritability and mean‐scaled evolvability of sexually selected traits across conditions. We studied Narnia femorata (Hemiptera: Coreidae), an insect where males use their hind legs as weapons and the femurs are enlarged, to understand the extent to which weapon expression, sexual dimorphism and evolvability change across the actual range of nutrition available in the wild. We found that insects raised on a poor diet (cactus without fruit) are nearly monomorphic, whereas those raised on a high‐quality diet (cactus with ripe fruit) are distinctly sexually dimorphic via the expression of large hind leg weapons in males. Contrary to our expectations, we found little evidence of a potential for evolutionary change for any trait measured. Thus, although we show weapons are highly condition dependent, and changes in weapon expression and dimorphism could alter evolutionary dynamics, our populations are unlikely to experience further evolutionary changes under current conditions.  相似文献   

Podarcis bocagei and P. carbonelli are two closely related lacertid species, very similar morphologically and ecologically. We investigated sexual dimorphism patterns presented by both species in allopatry and in sympatry. Sexual size and shape dimorphism patterns were analyzed using both multivariate and geometric morphometric techniques. Multivariate morphometrics revealed a marked sexual dimorphism in both species--males being larger with more robust habitus and females presenting a longer trunk. General patterns of sexual size dimorphism are not modified in sympatry, although there is evidence for some morphological change in male head size. The application of geometric morphometrics offered a more detailed image of head shape and revealed that males present a more developed tympanic area than do females, while females have a more rounded head. Differences in the degree of sexual shape dimorphism were detected in sympatry, but no consistent patterns were observed. From the results of the study, and based on previous knowledge on the populations studied, we conclude that the morphological differences observed are probably not caused by exploitative competition between the species, but rather appear attributable to the modification of the relative influence of sexual and natural selection on both sexes.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to analyze the origin and function of sex differences in the size of canine teeth among Malagasy lemurs and other strepsirhine primates. These analyses allowed me to illuminate interactions between different mechanisms of sexual selection and to elucidate constraints on this sexually-selected trait. In contrast to central predictions of sexual selection theory, polygynous lemurs lack both sexual dimorphism in body size and male social dominance, but the degree of sexual dimorphism in the size of their canines is not known. A comparison of male and female canine size in 31 species of lemurs and lorises revealed significant male-biased canine dimorphism in only 6 of 13 polygynous lemur species. This result is in contrast to predictions of a hypothesis that would explain the lack of size dimorphism in lemurs as a result of high viability costs because canine teeth presumably have low maintenance costs and because they are used as weapons in male-male combat. Moreover, because females had significantly larger maxillary canines than males in only one lemur species, female dominance is not generally based on female physical superiority and selective forces favoring female dominance do not constrain sexual canine dimorphism in the sense of a pleiotropic effect. Contrary to predictions of sexual selection theory, species differences in canine dimorphism across strepsirhines were neither associated with differences in mating system, nor with the potential frequency of aggression. Variation in canine dimorphism was also unrelated to differences in body size, but there were significant differences among families, pointing to strong phylogenetic constraints. This study demonstrated that polygynous lemurs are at most subject to weak intrasexual selection on dental traits used in male combat and that traits thought to be under intense sexual selection are strongly influenced by phylogenetic factors.  相似文献   

Larger male Caribbean fruit flies are more likely to be chosen as mates and defeat rivals in territorial contests. Yet males are smaller than females. Adaptive explanations for relatively small male size include (1) acceleration of male development to maximize female encounter rates, (2) selection for greater female size to increase fecundity, and (3) selection for body sizes most suitable for sexually dimorphic degrees of mobility, speed, and distance flight. None of these unambiguously accounts for the degree of sexual dimorphism. Male development is not accelerated relative to that of females. On average, males remain inside fruit longer than females and those males with extended development periods are smaller than more rapidly developing individuals. There is no evidence that female enlargement alone, presumably for greater fecundity, has generated the degree of dimorphism in the Caribbean fruit fly or other fruit flies. The relationship between dimorphism and mean female body size in 27 species of Tephritidae is the opposite of what would be predicted if differences in dimorphism were due to differences in unilateral female enlargement. Larger size in a species or in one sex of a species may be an adaptation for extensive flight. In general, among 32 species of fruit flies, as body size increases, wing shape becomes progressively more suited for distance flight. However, there are important exceptions to this correlation. Both sexual selection and nonadaptive allometries may contribute to the range of dimorphisms within the family.  相似文献   

In many species, sexual dimorphism increases with body size when males are the larger sex but decreases when females are the larger sex, a macro-evolutionary pattern known as Rensch''s rule (RR). Although empirical studies usually focus exclusively on body size, Rensch''s original proposal included sexual differences in other traits, such as ornaments and weapons. Here, we used a clade of harvestmen to investigate whether two traits follow RR: body size and length of the fourth pair of legs (legs IV), which are used as weapons in male–male fights. We found that males were slightly smaller than females and body size did not follow RR, whereas legs IV were much longer in males and followed RR. We propose that sexual selection might be stronger on legs IV length than on body size in males, and we discuss the potential role of condition dependence in the emergence of RR.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in mammals is not entirely satisfactorily explained by the models that are advanced to account for it among birds. This may be because species-specific styles of being dimorphic, and of attaining mature dimorphic state, are not clearly recognized. Mature dimorphism is a syndrome involving body size, appearance and weaponry; each facet and the whole syndrome may have functions in both fighting and signalling. The mature dimorphic stage has to be reached by growth and change from juvenile and sub-adult states. The occurrence of the separate facets of the dimorphic syndrome are reviewed in species of Bovidae, Cervidae and Macropodidae, large, diverse families of eutherian (the first two) and metatherian mammals, which have broadly similar ecological adaptations. In each family the smallest species tend to be homomorphic, with small, inconspicuous weapons. Greatest dimorphism in size is found in medium-sized bovids and cervids, and the larger macropodids (in which no species exceeds 100 kg male weight); the range of species showing greatest dimorphism in size also shows the most exaggerated weapons. Mature dimorphism is reached by different patterns of growth, which may be determinate and similar in the sexes (leading to homomorphism), determinate but differing between the sexes, or indeterminate and differing, both of which lead to heteromorphism. The syndromes of dimorphism and patterns of growth are associated and a classification of styles of dimorphism is presented. The adaptiveness of the styles is suggested in terms of what is known of the socio-ecology, in particular the male reproductive strategies, of the species. The various styles of heteromorphy appear to be associated with males' way of achieving polygyny: such as by non-resource-based territoriality, by dominance-determined access to oestrous females, or by wandering and formation of a consortship with pro-oestrous females. The relevance of the species' ecology of use of resources to these styles of dimorphism and mate-acquisition is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Theory predicts marked sexual dimorphism in terms of body size and body structures used as weapons (e.g. chelipeds) in gonochoric species with intense male sexual competition for receptive females and reduced or no sexual dimorphism in species where competition among males is trivial. We tested this hypothesis using a pair of closely‐related species of symbiotic porcelain crabs as a model. In one species that inhabits sea anemones solitarily, competition among males for receptive females is unimportant. In a second species that dwells as dense aggregations on sea urchins, male–male competition for sexual partners is recurrent. We expected considerable sexual dimorphism in body size and weaponry in the urchin‐dwelling crab and reduced sexual dimorphism in the anemone‐dwelling crab. In agreement with expectations, in the urchin‐dwelling crab, male body size was, on average, larger than that of females and males invested considerably more to cheliped length than females. Also supporting theoretical considerations, in the anemone‐dwelling crab, sexual dimorphism in terms of body size was not detected and differences between the sexes in investment to cheliped length were minor. Interestingly, chelipeds were more developed both in males and females of the anemone‐dwelling crab than in the urchin‐dwelling crab as a result of the importance of these structures for monopolization of their naturally scarce anemone hosts. Another difference between the studied species was the existence of two clearly distinguishable ontogenetic phases in males of the urchin‐dwelling crab but not in males of the anemone‐dwelling crab. Whether the two different male morphs display different male reproductive strategies in the urchin‐dwelling crab remains to be addressed. Other conditions that might additionally explain the observed differences in sexual dimorphism (e.g. female mate choice) between the studied species remain to be explored. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 548–558.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism of phenotypic traits associated with resource use is common in animals, and may result from niche divergence between sexes. Snakes have become widely used in studies of the ecological basis of sexual dimorphism because they are gape‐limited predators and their head morphology is likely to be a direct indicator of the size and shape of prey consumed. We examined sexual dimorphism of body size and head morphology, as well as sexual differences in diet, in a population of Mexican lance‐headed rattlesnakes, Crotalus polystictus, from the State of México, Mexico. The maximum snout–vent length of males was greater than that of females by 21%. Males had relatively larger heads, and differed from females in head shape after removing the effects of head size. In addition, male rattlesnakes showed positive allometry in head shape: head width was amplified, whereas snout length was truncated with increased head size. By contrast, our data did not provide clear evidence of allometry in head shape of females. Adults of both males and females ate predominately mice and voles; however, males also consumed a greater proportion of larger mammalian species, and fewer small prey species. The differences in diet correspond with dimorphism in head morphology, and provide evidence of intersexual niche divergence in the study population. However, because the sexes overlapped greatly in diet, we hypothesize that diet and head dimorphisms in C. polystictus are likely related to different selection pressures in each sex arising from pre‐existing body size differences rather than from character displacement for reducing intersexual competition. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 633–640.  相似文献   

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