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科尔沁沙地31种1年生植物萌发特性比较研究   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
在实验室条件下观测了科尔沁沙地乌兰敖都地区 1年生植物当年新采种子的萌发特点。在 3 1种植物中 ,7种植物包括大籽蒿、虎尾草、冠芒草、刺沙蓬、曼陀罗、龙葵、地锦的发芽率超过 80 % ,9种植物包括苍耳、水稗草、狗尾草、虱子草、沙米、灰绿藜、野西瓜苗、太阳花、鹤虱的发芽率不足 10 %。 1~ 3 d开始发芽的 18种植物包括大籽蒿、黄蒿、虎尾草、毛马唐、画眉草、冠芒草、野大豆、黄花草木樨、网果葫芦巴、沙米、雾冰藜、碱地肤、刺沙蓬、苘麻、野西瓜苗、马齿苋、苋菜、地锦。超过 10 d基本不发芽的 5种植物包括苍耳、狗尾草、虱子草、灰绿藜、太阳花。发芽持续期小于 10 d的 12种植物包括毛马唐、水稗草、画眉草、沙米、雾冰藜、苘麻、野西瓜苗、益母草、马齿苋、龙葵、地锦、鹤虱 ;发芽持续期超过 2 1d的 6种植物包括大籽蒿、黄蒿、冠芒草、黄花草木樨、刺沙蓬、碱蓬。高发芽率植物的发芽进程线显示了 3种萌发格局 :速萌型 ,包括虎尾草、地锦、曼陀罗、龙葵 ;缓萌型 ,包括刺沙蓬 ;中间型 ,包括大籽蒿、冠芒草  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地69种植物种子重量比较研究   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
 研究了科尔沁沙地69种植物的繁殖体(30种为种子,39种为果实)重量。结果表明:1)传播体为果实的植物可分为4个组别(即果实单粒重<0.1 mg、0.1~0.999 9 mg、1~9.999 9 mg、10~99.999 9 mg);黄蒿(Artemisia scoparia)果实(0.051 7 mg)和小香蒲(Typha minima)果实(0.068 2 mg)最轻,苍耳(Xanthium sibiricum)单个果实(77.894 3 mg)最重;2)传播体为种子的植物可分为3个组别(即种子单粒重0.1~0.999 9 mg、1~9.999 9 mg、10~99.999 9 mg);马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea)种子(0.151 4 mg)最轻,苦参(Sophora flavescens)种子(46.781 6 mg)最重;3)黄蒿、马齿苋、轮叶沙参(Adenophora tetraphylla)、碱地肤(Kochia sieversiana)、狼尾花(Lysimachia barystachys)、灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum)、刺沙蓬(Salsola ruthenica)、菟丝子(Cuscuta chinensis)、大籽蒿(Artemisia sieversiana)、狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、野古草(Arundinella hirta)等植物所以广泛分布可能是因为它们繁殖体轻(<1 mg)且具有持久土壤种子库;4)流沙上的先锋植物或沙生演替系列前期植物沙蓬(Agriphyllum squarrosum)、差巴嘎蒿(Artemisia halodendron)、乌丹蒿(Artemisia wudanica)、狗尾草、雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)的繁殖体要么重量居中或偏大,要么有降低位移的其它机制。  相似文献   

研究不同浓度盐分(NaCl和NaHCO3,0、40、80、120、160和200 mmol·L-1)对6种河西走廊荒漠绿洲边缘人工林典型一年生草本植物(禾本科:狗尾草、虎尾草和小画眉草;藜科:雾冰藜、刺沙蓬和蒙古虫实)种子在当年秋季和次年春季的萌发和复萌的影响。结果表明: NaCl和NaHCO3对6种植物种子的萌发有显著影响,NaHCO3对种子萌发的抑制作用大于NaCl。NaHCO3浓度达到160 mmol·L-1时,6种植物基本不萌发或萌发率较低;NaCl浓度达到200 mmol·L-1时,6种植物仍能够保持相对较高的萌发率。种子当年秋季萌发率(2.8%~20.0%)远低于次年春季萌发率(21.7%~81.6%),秋季复萌率(3.3%~20.0%)低于春季复萌率(5.0%~41.1%),当年生种子秋季多保持休眠,次年春季休眠减弱。6种一年生草本植物种子的耐盐性为:虎尾草>狗尾草>刺沙蓬>雾冰藜>蒙古虫实>小画眉草。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地15种禾本科植物种子萌发特性比较   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
在实验室条件下,观测了科尔沁沙地乌兰敖都地区禾本科植物当年新采种子的萌发特点.15种植物中,披碱草、糙隐子草、冠芒草、大油芒、芦苇、虎尾草、野古草、狼尾草的发芽率超过80%,水稗草、牛鞭草、虱子草、狗尾草的发芽率不足10%.1~3d开始发芽的植物有大油芒、画眉、芦苇、虎尾草、披碱草、冠芒草、毛马唐、糙隐子草.超过10d基本不发芽的植物包括狗尾草、虱子草、牛鞭草.发芽持续期小于10d的植物包括毛马唐、水稗草、芦苇、画眉草、大油芒;发芽持续期21~30d的植物有披碱草、冠芒草.发芽种子超过总发芽种子的50%需要天数为虎尾草2d,芦苇3d,大油芒4d,披碱草5d,糙隐子草5d,野古草7d,冠芒草7d,狼尾草10d.与英国Sheffield地区相比,乌兰敖都地区一年生禾草发芽率低的所占比重更大,发芽更为缓慢;乌兰敖都地区多年生禾草的发芽率差别很小,但发芽更为缓慢.杂草植物萌发的风险分摊能力相对明显,因此抗干扰能力相对较强.  相似文献   

混合盐碱胁迫对灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum L.)种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灰绿藜广泛分布于新疆中低度盐碱地干旱区,属藜科1年生经济盐生植物。本实验研究了混合盐碱胁迫对灰绿藜种子萌发和萌发恢复的影响。结果表明:随着盐浓度和pH值的增高,灰绿藜的种子萌发率呈下降趋势;同一盐浓度不同pH处理的灰绿藜种子萌发率随pH值的升高而减少,同样,随着盐浓度和pH值的增加,灰绿藜种子的萌发速率均为下降;从各胁迫处理的种子萌发的幼苗的生长表型来看,盐浓度和pH值是两个重要的影响因素;将未萌发的种子转移至蒸馏水中复水后,最终萌发率达到90%以上,说明一定程度的混合盐碱胁迫对灰绿藜种子的萌发潜力没有太大的影响,并且萌发恢复率随着盐浓度的增加而增加;盐浓度、pH值及其相互作用对灰绿藜种子萌发有抑制作用;盐浓度是决定性的主导因素,pH值对灰绿藜种子萌发的影响次之;综上,混合盐碱胁迫对灰绿藜的种子萌发和萌发生长的表型均有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

盐分和水分胁迫对盐生植物灰绿藜种子萌发的影响   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
研究了不同浓度的NaCl和复合盐及等渗溶液(PEG-6000)处理下盐生植物灰绿藜(Chenopodium glaucum L.)种子的萌发状况.结果表明:灰绿藜种子的萌发率与处理溶液的浓度或渗透势之间有显著的负相关关系;在低浓度盐溶液(2.9 g*L-1)中灰绿藜种子的萌发率高于对照(蒸馏水);NaCl溶液对灰绿藜种子萌发的抑制作用大于复合盐溶液.渗透势为-0.2和-0.5 mPa 时,PEG-6000溶液对灰绿藜种子萌发的抑制作用小于等渗NaCl溶液,而在较高渗透势溶液中则正好相反.用渗透势≤-1.8 mPa 的PEG-6000溶液及所有浓度的NaCl和复合盐溶液处理的种子复水后相对萌发率都达到了90%以上,说明一定程度的盐分和水分胁迫对灰绿藜种子萌发潜力并没有很大的影响,并且萌发恢复率随处理盐浓度或PEG-6000溶液渗透势(≤-1.4 mPa)的增加而增加.  相似文献   

研究新疆地区广泛分布的一年生盐生植物灰绿藜种子的萌发特性及其对生境适应性的结果表明:(1)灰绿藜种子萌发的温度范围较广,在15-45℃范围内均有50%以上的种子可以正常萌发,其对高温的耐受力较强,对光不敏感;(2)在一定浓度的聚乙二醇(PEG6000)范围内(≤25%),PEG引起的渗透胁迫对灰绿藜种子萌发的抑制作用较小,但随着PEG浓度的加大其戍苗率逐渐下降;(3)灰绿藜种子在萌发时有较高的耐盐性,NaCl和KCl浓度达到400mmol.L^-1时种子的萌发率仍在90%以上;盐对灰绿藜种子萌发的抑制作用主要表现为种子萌发时间的延迟:低浓度的NaCl和KCl对灰绿藜幼苗生长均有促进作用,子叶生长状态明显改善,胚轴的生长也受到促进。  相似文献   

任家博  闻志彬 《植物研究》2019,39(5):716-721
灰绿藜是广泛分布于中低度盐碱地的一年生经济盐生植物。通过系统研究不同浓度NaCl处理对灰绿藜种子萌发、幼苗生长发育以及根、茎和叶中Na^+浓度的影响,初步阐明灰绿藜对不同浓度NaCl处理的响应机制。结果表明,与对照相比,随着NaCl浓度的增大,灰绿藜的种子萌发率和单位时间内种子萌发数量均呈下降趋势,种子的萌发时间也会相应延长,种子在500mmol·L^-1NaCl处理下基本不萌发。最适合灰绿藜幼苗生长的浓度是50mmol·L^-1,其次是0和100mmol·L^-1。高浓度(大于200mmol·L^-1)NaCl处理过的灰绿藜植株的开花(结果)早于未处理或低浓度(50^-150mmol·L^-1)NaCl处理。随着基质中NaCl浓度的升高,植株的Na^+泌出量也呈上升趋势,其中叶片泌出量的增加最为明显,在处理浓度升高至200mmol·L^-1时达到最高值。  相似文献   

新疆干旱区植物藜的种子异型性及其萌发机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆干旱区分布的植物藜(Chenopodium album)的种子有黑色和褐色两种类型。对藜的异型性种子从形态结构、不同环境因素及激素或化学物质对萌发的影响以及同工酶谱等方面进行了研究,并对其萌发及适应异质环境的机理进行了讨论。结果表明:(1)藜的异型性种子在形态结构、萌发休眠特性等方面都存在明显差异:黑色种子种皮厚且硬,休眠,萌发慢,萌发率低;褐色种子种皮薄而软,不休眠,萌发快且萌发率高;(2)黑色种子的休眠可通过切除胚根外缘种皮得以完全解除;(3)赤霉素、乙烯利对黑色种子的萌发无明显促进作用;KNO3可较显著促进黑色种子的萌发;协同使用乙烯利和KNO3时,可显著提高黑种子萌发率,完全打破休眠;(4)黑色种子和褐色种子的酯酶、过氧化物酶及过氧化氢酶同工酶谱带存在差异;(5)黑色种子的萌发需要光照,而褐色种子则对光不敏感;低温贮藏对二者的萌发均无显著影响,尽管黑色种子的萌发率有波动。研究结果初步显示黑色种子的休眠是内源(胚)和外源(种皮)因素共同所致。藜的种子异型性及其萌发机理的形成是其对新疆干旱区异质化环境的高度适应。  相似文献   

角果藜的地上地下结果性与种子萌发行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高蕊  魏岩  严成 《生态学杂志》2008,27(1):23-27
对角果藜(Ceratocarpus arenarius L.)的种子形态进行了观测,并进行了种子萌发实验,探讨了角果藜的地上地下结果特性.结果表明: 角果藜的地上果实和地下果实的颜色、大小、质量均存在差异;种子的异质性导致了地上种子、地下种子(果实)的不同萌发行为;角果藜地上种子、地下种子的萌发率均较低,分别为32%、27%(30 d)(5 ℃/25 ℃);划破种皮可显著提高地上种子和地下种子的萌发率(P<0.05);延长储藏时间能显著提高地上种子的萌发率(P<0.05),也能部分提高地下种子的萌发率,表明地上种子和地下种子均属于生理休眠,但地上种子的休眠程度浅;角果藜的地上地下结果性是对荒漠极端环境适应的一种特殊繁殖策略.  相似文献   

画眉草种子萌发对策及生态适应性   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
研究了画眉草种子在不同贮藏条件以及光照、温度和降雨等环境因素下的萌发对策.结果表明,画眉草新种子具有较强的内在休眠;4个月的干藏和冷藏处理对解除种子休眠作用不明显,但较长时间的贮藏(干藏1年)则能促进种子成熟.画眉草种子在光照和黑暗条件下都能萌发,但较强的光照更有利于种子萌发.种子萌发适宜温度是28 ℃,温度升高和降低都会导致画眉草种子萌发率下降;变温条件下(16~28 ℃)种子萌发率高于恒温28 ℃条件,但两个处理间的萌发率没有显著差异.种子萌发降雨阈值是10 mm,种子萌发率和萌发持续时间均随降雨量的增加而增加.画眉草种子具有迅速萌发和推迟萌发时间超过1年以上两种萌发对策.根据种子形态特征和萌发策略,推断画眉草具有持久土壤种子库.  相似文献   

喀什霸王(Zygophyllum kaschgaricum)是生长于中国新疆南部荒漠环境的稀有种及二级保护植物。当前, 该物种在自然种群中呈分散式及片段化分布, 且种群密度低, 种群老龄化较严重。因此, 为了了解该物种种子萌发特性及其对荒漠环境的响应, 该文采用室内控制实验方法, 对该物种的自然坐果率、结籽率、种子吸水特性、种子休眠和萌发特性及对干旱胁迫的响应进行了比较研究。结果表明: 喀什霸王在自然种群中的坐果率及结籽率较低, 且种子的败育率较高。不同干藏时间种子的吸水速率间存在显著差异; 随着干藏时间的延长, 种子的吸水率逐步增强。刚成熟的种子在不同温度及光周期下均可萌发; 其中高温(10/20 ℃, 20/30 ℃)及黑暗条件下的萌发率比低温(10/5 ℃, 5/2 ℃)及光照条件下的萌发率高。不同干藏时间的种子在不同浓度赤霉素(GA3)下的萌发率均较高; 但低温储藏时间对该物种种子的打破休眠及萌发率没有促进作用。以上结果说明该物种存在非深度生理休眠; 而干藏时间、高温且黑暗及高浓度(50 mmoloL -1) GA3是打破休眠及促进种子萌发的最合适条件。高温条件下的干旱胁迫对喀什霸王种子萌发具有抑制作用; 春季和秋季降水量决定种子的萌发率。总之, 喀什霸王种子在物候上表现出的春秋季萌动及非深度生理休眠以提高幼苗存活力及保障种群稳定性, 是一种对新疆南部干旱及高温胁迫荒漠环境的适应策略。  相似文献   


Seeds of 32 montane species were collected throughout northern Scotland. Germination responses, particularly the effects of chilling on breaking dormancy, were examined using a serial test incorporating single- and double-chilling treatments, alternating 20°C/10°C incubation temperatures, gibberellic acid and, for some species, nicking of the seed coat. Where practicable, any ungerminated seeds were ultimately dissected to assess their viability. Only three species had an absolute requirement for pre-chilling before seeds germinated. A further eight species required chilling to break the dormancy of 15% or more seeds; otherwise chilling generally increased the extent and rate of germination. Unusually, chilling induced dormancy in the seeds of four species whereas warm conditions induced dormancy which was not broken by subsequent chilling amongst seeds of Draba incana. Germinability and germination rates for nine species were regressed on the altitude, latitude and oceanicity of the plants' origin to assess the relative effects of chilling. These three environmental factors accounted for up to 98% of the variability in the germination parameters but few regressions attained statistical significance. Broad patterns suggest that chilling had a decreasing effect on both the extent and, rate of germination as the altitude of the seed source increased. A similar pattern, but only for germinability, was seen with respect to latitude.  相似文献   

Regulation of seed germination timing is an important component of population persistence, especially for short-lived plants in seasonal environments with unpredictable year-to-year weather variation. Seed germination patterns were examined in the laboratory for seeds from 135 populations belonging to 38 species and 13 sections of the genus Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae), from habitats ranging from warm desert to alpine tundra. Seeds of most species were dormant at dispersal and required a period of moist chilling to become germinable. Response to chilling was related to probable chilling duration at the collection site. Populations from habitats with severe winters produced seeds with long chilling requirements, while those from habitats with mild winters produced seeds with short chilling requirements. Populations from midelevation habitats produced seeds with intermediate chilling requirements but with a sizeable fraction whose dormancy was not broken by chilling of any length. Another pattern observed mostly in warm desert populations was little primary dormancy at autumn temperatures combined with induction of a fraction into secondary dormancy by short chilling. Species with a wide habitat range included populations with contrasting germination patterns. Parallel habitat-correlated patterns were observed in different sections. Most species showed germination patterns that combined predictive mechanisms with potential for carryover of a persistent seed bank. Results of common garden experiments suggested that germination differences had a strong genetic basis both among populations and among plants in a population. Adaptive radiation in the genus Penstemon has thus included the evolution of habitat-specific germination timing strategies in multiple lineages within the genus.  相似文献   

埋藏对65种半干旱草地植物种子萌发特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
比较了半干旱草原科尔沁沙地65种植物新采种子和埋藏1年种子的萌发特性.结果表明:埋藏1年后,有38种植物的种子仍具有活力.新采种子萌发率>80%的植物种子埋藏后萌发率下降;而萌发率<80%的植物种子埋藏后萌发率均有较大幅度的提高.埋藏对种子萌发特性的影响因植物生态类群(杂草、草原植物、草甸植物、沙生植物)而异.种子埋藏1年后,多年生植物萌发率没有明显提高,而1年生植物萌发率显著提高(P<0.05).对于新采种子和埋藏1年种子萌发率间相差10%以下的物种,可根据萌发格局将植物种分为3类:埋藏促进型(如差巴嘎蒿)、埋藏抑制型(如大籽蒿)和埋藏不变型(如鹤虱).  相似文献   

Seed dormancy controls the start of a plant's life cycle by preventing germination of a viable seed in an unfavorable season. Freshly harvested seeds usually show a high level of dormancy, which is gradually released during dry storage (after-ripening). Abscisic acid (ABA) has been identified as an essential factor for the induction of dormancy, whereas gibberellins (GAs) are required for germination. The molecular mechanisms controlling seed dormancy are not well understood. DELAY OF GERMINATION1 (DOG1) was recently identified as a major regulator of dormancy in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we show that the DOG1 protein accumulates during seed maturation and remains stable throughout seed storage and imbibition. The levels of DOG1 protein in freshly harvested seeds highly correlate with dormancy. The DOG1 protein becomes modified during after-ripening, and its levels in stored seeds do not correlate with germination potential. Although ABA levels in dog1 mutants are reduced and GA levels enhanced, we show that DOG1 does not regulate dormancy primarily via changes in hormone levels. We propose that DOG1 protein abundance in freshly harvested seeds acts as a timer for seed dormancy release, which functions largely independent from ABA.  相似文献   

Summary   The Victorian Western (Basalt) Plains grassland is one of Australia's most threatened plant communities. Practitioners using seed for its restoration need to know whether seed can be sown fresh or whether it requires an after-ripening period. This study assessed the viability and germination of freshly harvested wild seed from 64 grassland species indigenous to the Basalt Plains of western Victoria. The seed was collected as part of a broader experiment that examined the potential of direct-sown complex seed mixes for the restoration of grassland communities. The germination of fresh seed at 25°C varied widely between species. Comparisons with tetrazolium viability tests for each species indicated varying levels of dormancy within the species pool. Germination separated into three broad responses at day 28. One-third of the species failed to germinate, one-third germinated at 1% to 50% and the remaining species germinated between 51% and 100%. Therefore, if the aim of a sowing was the rapid and synchronous establishment of most of the sown species, the use of fresh seed in restoration could be problematic. After 3 months of dry storage, eight species were re-tested for germination. Each of the selected species had shown high viability but low initial germination. Only two species significantly increased their total germination at 25°C. The annual species, Triptilodiscus pygmaeus , increased its total germination from 6% as fresh seed to 99% after dry storage. Testing the viability and germination capacity of freshly harvested seed from a large and diverse sample of native grassland species demonstrated that many of the species were unlikely to germinate rapidly or synchronously when sown in complex seed mixes soon after harvest. This finding has implications for the scheduling and management of restoration projects that rely on the use of such seed.  相似文献   

After-ripening (AR) is a time and environment regulated process occurring in the dry seed, which determines the germination potential of seeds. Both metabolism and perception of the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) are important in the initiation and maintenance of dormancy. However, molecular mechanisms that regulate the capacity for dormancy or germination through AR are unknown. To understand the relationship between ABA and AR, we analysed genome expression in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants defective in seed ABA synthesis (aba1-1) or perception (abi1-1). Even though imbibed mutant seeds showed no dormancy, they exhibited changes in global gene expression resulting from dry AR that were comparable with changes occurring in wild-type (WT) seeds. Core gene sets were identified that were positively or negatively regulated by dry seed storage. Each set included a gene encoding repression or activation of ABA function (LPP2 and ABA1, respectively), thereby suggesting a mechanism through which dry AR may modulate subsequent germination potential in WT seeds. Application of exogenous ABA to after-ripened WT seeds did not reimpose characteristics of freshly harvested seeds on imbibed seed gene expression patterns. It was shown that secondary dormancy states reinstate AR status-specific gene expression patterns. A model is presented that separates the action of ABA in seed dormancy from AR and dry storage regulated gene expression. These results have major implications for the study of genetic mechanisms altered in seeds as a result of crop domestication into agriculture, and for seed behaviour during dormancy cycling in natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

In many angiosperms, the fruit rather than the seed is the dispersal/germination unit, and this is the case with Lachnoloma lehmannii, a desert annual ephemeral in central southwestern Asia with indehiscent nonmucilaginuous silicles covered with trichomes. The primary aim of this study was to assess the role of trichomes and pericarp in dispersal, anchorage of diaspores, and seed germination of this species. Mature silicles are dispersed by wind and gravity, and trichomes not only significantly increased their dispersal distance, adherence to sandy soil particles, mass of water imbibed and moisture content, but also decreased the rate of water loss and moisture content of seeds. A significantly higher percentage of seeds within silicles than of isolated seeds retained viability after exposure to 60 °C for 24 h. Seed dormancy is due to the pericarp and to nondeep physiological dormancy, as shown by the increase in germination percentage of isolated seeds following dry storage and treatment with GA3. Removal of pericarp increased germination of 6-month-old seeds from 0 to 80–90 %, and leachate from both pericarp and trichomes significantly inhibited germination of isolated seeds. Ninety-five percent of seeds within silicles buried in soil for 2 years were viable, but only 28 % of them germinated in light at 15/2 °C; thus L. lehmannii forms a persistent soil seed bank. The pericarp and its trichomes may maximize plant fitness by determining the settlement location of silicles, thus helping to ensure that seeds germinate during the cool season for seedling survival in the desert environment.  相似文献   

Seed viability and germination are key factors in the success of restoration efforts, especially when stored seeds are used. However, the effect of seed storage on germination of most of the native Arabian species is not well documented. We investigated the effect of storage time and role of the seed mucilage in regulating germination, dormancy, salinity tolerance and consequential survival strategy of F. aegyptia in an unpredictable arid desert setting. Effect of light and temperature during germination was studied under two photoperiods and two thermoperiods using intact and de-mucilaged seeds. Presence of mucilage and thermoperiod did not affect the germination. However, seed collection year and photoperiod had a highly significant effect on the germination. Increasing salinity levels decreased the germination of F. aegyptia but ungerminated seeds were able to germinate when salinity stress was alleviated. Seed storage at room temperature enhances the germination percentage, indicating that F. aegyptia seeds have physiological dormancy and it can be alleviated by after-ripening at dry storage. In addition, F. aegyptia seeds show ability to germinate at lower salinity concentration and remain viable even at higher saline conditions, indicating their adaptability to cope with such harsh environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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