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Male songbirds often establish territories and attract mates by singing, and some song features can reflect the singer's condition or quality. The quality of the song environment can change, so male songbirds should benefit from assessing the competitiveness of the song environment and appropriately adjusting their own singing behavior and the neural substrates by which song is controlled. In a wide range of taxa, social modulation of behavior is partly mediated by the arginine vasopressin or vasotocin (AVP/AVT) systems. To examine the modulation of singing behavior in response to the quality of the song environment, we compared the song output of laboratory-housed male Lincoln's sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii) exposed to 1 week of chronic playback of songs categorized as either high or low quality, based on song length, complexity, and trill performance. To explore the neural basis of any facultative shifts in behavior, we also quantified the subjects' AVT immunoreactivity (AVT-IR) in three forebrain regions that regulate sociosexual behavior: the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTm), the lateral septum (LS), and the preoptic area. We found that high-quality songs increased singing effort and reduced AVT-IR in the BSTm and LS, relative to low-quality songs. The effect of the quality of the song environment on both singing effort and forebrain AVT-IR raises the hypothesis that AVT within these brain regions plays a role in the modulation of behavior in response to competition that individual males may assess from the prevailing song environment.  相似文献   

The environmental conditions under which signals are perceived can affect receiver responses. Many songbird populations produce a song chorus at dawn, when, in cold habitats, they would experience thermal challenge. We recorded temperature and the song activity of Lincoln's sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii) on a high-elevation meadow, and determined that song behaviour is concentrated around the coldest time of the day, at dawn. We hypothesized that this is because male song in the cold is more attractive to females than song in the warm. To test this, we exposed laboratory-housed Lincoln's sparrow females to songs at 1°C and 16°C, which they naturally experience in the wild. Females spent 40 per cent more time close to the speaker during playback at 1°C than at 16°C. When tested at 16°C 1-2 days later, females biased their movement towards the speaker playing songs previously heard at 1°C over 16°C. Thus, female Lincoln's sparrows remembered and affiliated with songs they heard under thermal challenge, indicating that the thermal environment can affect the attractiveness of a sexual signal.  相似文献   

In many species of songbirds, individual variation between the songs of competing males is correlated with female behavioral preferences. The neural mechanisms of song based female preference in songbirds are not known. Working with female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), we used immunocytochemistry for ZENK protein to localize forebrain regions that respond to sexually relevant variation in conspecific male song. The number of ZENK-ir cells in ventral caudo-medial neostriatum [NCMv] was significantly higher in females exposed to longer songs than in those exposed to shorter songs, whereas variation in the total duration of song exposure yielded no significant differences in ZENK expression. ZENK expression in caudo-medial ventral hyperstriatum [cmHV] was uniformly high in all subjects, and did not vary significantly among the three groups. These results suggest that subregions of NCM in female starlings are tuned to variation in male song length, or to song features correlated therewith. Female starlings exhibit robust behavioral preferences for longer over shorter male songs (Gentner and Hulse; Anim Behav 59:443-458, 2000). Therefore, the results of this study strongly implicate NCM in at least a portion of the perceptual processes underlying the complex natural behavior of female choice.  相似文献   

Courtship vocalizations of male songbirds can profoundly enhance the reproductive physiology and behavior of conspecific females. However, no study has fully investigated the selectivity of conspecific song effects on reproductive development in birds. We studied the effects of conspecific and heterospecific song on reproductive development in domesticated (canaries) and wild songbirds (song sparrows). As expected, conspecific song enhanced follicular development. Unexpectedly, however, birds exposed to heterospecific song also underwent enhanced follicular development (compared to birds exposed to no song); conspecific and heterospecific songs were equally effective in enhancing ovarian development. In canaries exposed to 18L:6D, conspecific song induced oviposition earlier and at a greater frequency than in heterospecific and no song groups, with the fewest eggs being laid in the no song group. These results indicate that conspecific and heterospecific male song can enhance reproductive activity in female songbirds. Whether or not activation of the reproductive axis in female songbirds by heterospecific song occurs in the wild remains unclear. It is also unclear as to whether the ability of the reproductive axis to respond to heterospecific song performs a specific function, or whether it is simply a consequence of greater selection pressure acting upon behavioral responses to song.  相似文献   

Female songbirds use male songs as an important criterion for mate selection. Properties of male songs are thought to indicate the male's quality as a potential mate. Song preferences in female zebra finches are known to be influenced by two factors--early auditory experience and the acoustic characteristics of males' songs. Studies often investigate song preferences by priming females with estrogen. However, estrogenic influences on song preferences have not been studied. We investigated the relative influence of early auditory experience, acoustic features of songs, and estrogen availability on song responsiveness in female zebra finches. Juvenile female zebra finches were tutored for 10 days with 40 songs per day with one of three acoustically different song types--simple songs, long-bout songs or complex songs. A fourth group of females was untutored. Aside from this brief song exposure, females were raised and maintained without exposure to male songs. During adulthood, females' behavioral responses to the three song types were tested under three hormone conditions--untreated, estradiol-treated and 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD)-treated (to lower endogenous estrogen). Based on the results of our study, four conclusions can be drawn. First, song responsiveness in female zebra finches is strongly affected by minimal early acoustic experience. Second, inexperienced female zebra finches are inherently biased to respond more to complex songs over other song types Third, although female zebra finches are inherently biased to respond more to complex songs, early acoustic experience may either reinforce or weaken this inherent responsiveness to complex songs. Fourth, estrogen selectively accentuates song responsiveness in acoustically-experienced female zebra finches.  相似文献   

Female songbirds are thought to assess males based on aspectsof song, such as repertoire size or amount of singing, thatcould potentially provide information about male quality. Arelatively unexplored aspect of song that also might serve asan assessment signal is a male's ability to perform physicallychallenging songs. Trilled songs, such as those produced byswamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana), present males with a performancechallenge because trills require rapid and precise coordinationof vocal tract movements, resulting in a trade-off between trillrate and frequency bandwidth. This trade-off defines a constrainton song production observed as a triangular distribution inacoustic space of trill rate by frequency bandwidth, with anupper boundary that represents a performance limit. Given thisbackground on song production constraints, we are able to identifya priori which songs are performed with a higher degree of proficiencyand, thus, which songs should be more attractive to females.We determined the performance limit for a population of swampsparrows and measured how well individual males performed songsrelative to this limit ("vocal performance"). We then comparedfemale solicitation responses to high-performance versus low-performanceversions of the same song type produced by different males.Females displayed significantly more to high-performance songsthan to low-performance songs, supporting the hypothesis thatfemales use vocal performance to assess males.  相似文献   

In a variety of songbirds the production of trilled song elements is constrained by a performance tradeoff between how fast a bird can repeat trill units (trill rate) and the range of frequencies each unit can span (frequency bandwidth). High-performance trills serve as an assessment signal for females, but little is known about the signal value of vocal performance for male receivers. We investigated the relationship between trill rate and frequency bandwidth in banded wren (Thryothorus pleurostictus) songs. Trilled song elements showed the same performance tradeoff found in other passerines and individuals differed in performance of some trill types. We tested the hypothesis that males of this species assess each other based on trill performance with a two-speaker experiment, in which territory owners were presented with alternating renditions of the same song type manipulated to differ in trill rate. Subjects were significantly more likely to approach the faster trill stimulus first. However, subjects that received trill types closer to the performance limit spent less time close to the fast speaker. Our results show that male banded wrens discriminate and respond differently to songs based on their vocal performance. Thus, performance of physically challenging songs may be important in intra- as well as inter-sexual assessment.  相似文献   

Animals do not make decisions in a bubble but often refer to previous experience when discriminating between options. Contrast effects occur when the value of a stimulus affects the response to another value of the stimulus, and the changes in value and response are in the same direction. Although contrast effects appear irrational, they could benefit decision makers when there is spatial or temporal variation and autocorrelation in the value of stimuli that elicit decisions. Here, we examined whether contrasts influence female evaluation of male performance-based sexual signals. We exposed female Lincoln''s sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii) to one week of songs that we had experimentally reduced or elevated in performance, followed by a novel song of intermediate performance. We found that high-performance songs were more attractive to females than low-performance songs. Moreover, the intermediate songs were more attractive following exposure to low- than to high-performance songs. These results indicate that contrast can influence evaluation of performance-based sexual stimuli. By examining contrast effects in the ecologically relevant context of mate choice for performance, we can better understand both the adaptive value of comparative evaluation as well as the mechanisms that underlie variation in mate choice and sexual selection.  相似文献   

In male songbirds, the song control pathway in the forebrain is responsible for song production and learning, and in females it is associated with the perception and discrimination of male song. However, experiments using the expression of immediate early genes (IEGs) reveal the activation of brain regions outside the song control system, in particular the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) and the caudomedial mesopallium (CMM). In this study on female canaries, we investigate the role of these two regions in relation to playback of male songs of different quality. Male canaries produce elaborate songs and some contain syllables with a more complex structure (sexy syllables) that induce females to perform copulation solicitation displays (CSD) as an invitation to mate. Females were first exposed to playback of a range of songs of different quality, before they were finally tested with playback of songs containing either sexy or nonsexy syllables. We then sectioned the brains and used in situ hybridization to reveal brain regions that express the IEGs ZENK or Arc. In CMM, expression of ZENK mRNA was significantly higher in females that last heard sexy syllables compared to those that last heard nonsexy syllables, but this was not the case for NCM. Expression of Arc mRNA revealed no differences in either CMM or NCM in both experimental groups. These results provide evidence that in female canaries CMM is involved in female perception and discrimination of male song quality through a mechanism of memory reconsolidation. The results also have further implications for the evolution of complex songs by sexual selection and female choice.  相似文献   

Transmitting information about singer's quality is an important function of song in many bird species, and this information should be useful in territorial interactions. Fast trills, being physically demanding song structures, are particularly suitable candidates for signalling of quality or aggressive motivation. We have evaluated trill characteristics in songs within a population of the Tree Pipit, a common European songbird with no sexual dimorphism, in which song apparently plays a key role in territory defence as well as mate choice. Two types of relatively fast trills (each of them in multiple variants differing in complexity) were commonly observed in repertoires of Tree Pipit males. Trill rates significantly differed among individuals, suggesting that these song structures may carry information about male quality in this species. We tested by playback experiments whether both trill types are used in territorial encounters. Only one of the trill types was sung by males in response to playback, regardless on the trill type played to them. In an immediate response to playback, they increased the frequency of use of this trill, and also significantly increased the trill rate in comparison with spontaneous songs. This confirmed field observations, suggesting that this trill is important in male–male interactions. On the contrary, the use of the fastest, apparently more demanding, trill type actually decreased after the simulated territorial intrusion. We hypothesize that the latter one is more directed towards females, and that while performance of both trill types may reflect male quality, they are primarily used in different contexts.  相似文献   

The learned songs of songbirds often cluster into population-wide types. Here, we test the hypothesis that male and female receivers respond differently to songs depending on how typical of those types they are. We used computational methods to cluster a large sample of swamp sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) songs into types and to estimate the degree to which individual song exemplars are typical of these types. We then played exemplars to male and female receivers. Territorial males responded more aggressively and captive females performed more sexual displays in response to songs that are highly typical than to songs that are less typical. Previous studies have demonstrated that songbirds distinguish song types that are typical for their species, or for their population, from those that are not. Our results show that swamp sparrows also discriminate typical from less typical exemplars within learned song-type categories. In addition, our results suggest that more typical versions of song types function better, at least in male–female communication. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that syllable type typicality serves as a proxy for the assessment of song learning accuracy.  相似文献   

Search theory predicts that females will use information on search costs and the characteristics of potential mates to adjust their search behavior and mate choices. We examined the effect of previous acoustic experience on female mating responses in the variable field cricket Gryllus lineaticeps . Females of this species prefer calling songs with higher chirp rates to those with lower chirp rates. In this study we examined how female responses to male calling songs change with experience by measuring the responses of females to male calls over a sequence of three trials. Females in one group (group I) were exposed to a sequence of three identical low chirp rate songs and females in a second group (group II) were exposed to two identical low chirp rate songs interspersed by a high chirp rate song. Females in group I did not show a significant difference in their responses to the initial and final low chirp rate presentations, whereas females in group II showed a significantly reduced response to the final low chirp rate song. In addition, the degree to which female responses to the initial and final low chirp rate song changed differed significantly between the treatment groups. Thus acoustic experience appears to affect female mating preferences in this species; exposure to either more attractive songs or more variable songs makes normally unattractive songs even less attractive. These results suggest that females do not use a fixed-threshold search rule in which they mate with any male with a phenotype that exceeds a given threshold. Instead, G. lineaticeps females appear to use a more complex search rule in which they adjust their searching behavior based on the local distribution of male phenotypes.  相似文献   

The shape and movement of the vocal tract are known to influence bird song. Current theory predicts that large bill and body size are correlated with low frequency song and slow trill rate. It is also widely accepted that song characteristics are important for mate choice by females. We investigated the relationship between bill morphology, song characteristics, and pairing success in Darwin's small tree finch Camarhynchus parvulus , on the Galapagos Islands. Contrary to predictions from a previous cross-species study on Darwin's finches, we found that individuals with larger bill size produced songs with slow trill rate, high dominant frequency, and broad frequency bandwidth, indicating that song is a reliable signal of bill morphology. Vocal performance as indicated by the deviation from an upper performance limit was higher in paired than unpaired males. Pairing was not skewed in favour of a particular bill size, and both small and large billed males that sang high performance song had high pairing success. The reliable signalling function of song has implications for female choice and territorial defence, given that both females and conspecific competitors can assess the relative size of males' bills through song, while females may use vocal performance as a signal of male quality.  相似文献   

In the majority of songbird species, males have repertoires of multiple song types used for mate attraction and territory defence. The wood‐warblers (family Parulidae) are a diverse family of songbirds in which males of many migratory species use different song types or patterns of song delivery (known as ‘singing modes’) depending on context. The vocal behaviour of most tropical resident warblers remains undescribed, although these species differ ecologically and behaviourally from migratory species, and may therefore differ in their vocal behaviour. We test whether male Rufous‐capped Warblers Basileuterus rufifrons use distinct singing modes by examining song structure and context‐dependent variation in their songs. We recorded multiple song bouts from 50 male Warblers in a Costa Rican population over 3 years to describe seasonal, diel and annual variation in song structure and vocal behaviour. We found that Rufous‐capped Warbler songs are complex, with many syllable types shared both within and between males’ repertoires. Males varied their song output depending on context: they sang long songs at a high rate at dawn and during the breeding season, and shortened songs in the presence of a vocalizing female mate. Unlike many migratory species, Rufous‐capped Warblers do not appear to have different singing modes; they did not change the song variants used or the pattern of song delivery according to time of day, season or female vocal activity. Our research provides the first detailed vocal analysis of any Basileuterus warbler species, and enhances our understanding of the evolution of repertoire specialization in tropical resident songbirds.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that females should vary their investment in offspring according to the quality of their mate. In birds, several studies have now shown that females do vary investment according to perceived male quality, by producing larger eggs, investing more in parental care or by manipulating the sex of their offspring. In a captive breeding colony of canaries, we first show that under normal conditions larger eggs in a clutch are more likely to hatch male offspring. In canaries, male song functions in female attraction and females respond more to complex structures in male song called sexy syllables. In a series of experiments, we go on to show first, that females exposed to playback of male song produce larger eggs than those who heard no song. Next, using synthetic songs, we show that females exposed to playback of more attractive songs containing sexy syllables, produced larger eggs than those exposed to simpler songs containing no sexy syllables. However, in a final analysis, we found no evidence from our experiments that females exposed to playback of more attractive songs also produced more male offspring.  相似文献   

Physically challenging signals are likely to honestly indicate signaler quality. In trilled bird song two physically challenging parameters are vocal deviation (the speed of sound frequency modulation) and trill consistency (how precisely syllables are repeated). As predicted, in several species, they correlate with male quality, are preferred by females, and/or function in male-male signaling. Species may experience different selective pressures on their songs, however; for instance, there may be opposing selection between song complexity and song performance difficulty, such that in species where song complexity is strongly selected, there may not be strong selection on performance-based traits. I tested whether vocal deviation and trill consistency are signals of male quality in house wrens (Troglodytes aedon), a species with complex song structure. Males’ singing ability did not correlate with male quality, except that older males sang with higher trill consistency, and males with more consistent trills responded more aggressively to playback (although a previous study found no effect of stimulus trill consistency on males’ responses to playback). Males singing more challenging songs did not gain in polygyny, extra-pair paternity, or annual reproductive success. Moreover, none of the standard male quality measures I investigated correlated with mating or reproductive success. I conclude that vocal deviation and trill consistency do not signal male quality in this species.  相似文献   

Male songbirds learn to produce their songs, and females attend to these songs during mate choice. The evidence that female song preferences are learned early in life, however, is mixed. Here we review studies that have found effects of early song learning on adult song preferences, and those that have not. In at least some species, early experience with song can modify adult song preferences. Whether this learning needs to occur during an early sensitive phase, akin to male imitative vocal learning, or not remains an open question. Studies of the neural bases for female song preferences highlight activity (as measured by immediate-early gene induction) in regions of the auditory forebrain as often, but not always, being associated with song preferences. Immediate-early gene induction in these regions, however, is not specific to songs experienced early in life. On the whole, inherited factors, early experience, and adult experience all appear to play a role in shaping female songbirds preferences for male songs.  相似文献   

Age influences behavioral decisions such as reproductive timing and effort. In photoperiodic species, such age effects may be mediated, in part, by the individual's age‐accrued experience with photostimulation. In female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) that do not differ in age, experimental manipulation of photostimulation experience (photoexperience) affects hypothalamic, pituitary, and gonadal activity associated with reproductive development. Does photoexperience also affect activity in forebrain regions involved in processing a social cue, the song of males, which can influence mate choice and reproductive timing in females? Female starlings prefer long songs over short songs in a mate‐choice context, and, like that in other songbird species, their auditory telencephalon plays a major role in processing these signals. We manipulated the photoexperience of female starlings, photostimulated them, briefly exposed them to either long or short songs, and quantified the expression of the immediate‐early gene ZENK (EGR‐1) in the caudomedial nidopallium as a measure of activity in the auditory telencephalon. Using an information theoretic approach, we found higher ZENK immunoreactivity in females with prior photostimulation experience than in females experiencing photostimulation for the first time. We also found that long songs elicited greater ZENK immunoreactivity than short songs did. We did not find an effect of the interaction between photoexperience and song length, suggesting that photoexperience does not affect forebrain ZENK‐responsiveness to song quality. Thus, photoexperience affects activity in an area of the forebrain that processes social signals, an effect that we hypothesize mediates, in part, the effects of age on reproductive decisions in photoperiodic songbirds. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 2009  相似文献   

Data from several field studies support the hypothesis that female European starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, attend to variation among the songs of conspecific males when making mate-choice decisions. However, for a variety of methodological reasons, direct evidence for female preferences based on song in starlings has been lacking. This study presents a novel technique for assaying directly female preference and choice in European starlings by using the presentation of conspecific male song as an operant reinforcer in a controlled environment. Using an apparatus in which the playback of songs from different nestboxes is under the operant control of the subject, we demonstrate how the reinforcing properties of conspecific song can be used to measure female preference and choice. The results of the study suggest three conclusions. First, female starlings prefer naturally ordered conspecific male songs over reversed songs. Second, female starlings display robust preferences for longer compared with shorter male song bouts. Behaviour in the operant apparatus varied directly with male song bout length. Third, preferences based on song bout length are sex specific. Male starlings failed to respond differentially to the same stimuli for which females showed strong preferences. These results suggest that male-male variation in song bout length is important for mate choice among starlings. In addition, we detail the use of a novel behavioural assay for measuring female preferences that can be applied to similar behaviours in other species of songbirds. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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