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白蚁毒饵诱杀技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
毒饵技术(baiting technology)是一项古老而又有新意的白蚁防治技术,在白蚁的防治中起了重要作用。近年来毒饵技术的研究与应用取得了突破性进展。文中就国内外白蚁毒饵诱杀药剂及技术的研究与应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

白蚁是危险性社会昆虫,建立安全有效的白蚁防治方法有赖多学科的参与,分子生物学已经成为白蚁研究的重要工具。目前,DNA序列分析方法已应用于白蚁鉴定和分类,其中线粒体基因是最通用的分子标记;基因工程技术成功构建了可用于白蚁防治的白蚁肠道工程菌;Hexamerin、COX Ⅲ、纤维素酶等白蚁功能基因以及白蚁品级分化相关的若干蛋白相继得到了分离和鉴定。文章从白蚁分类、防治、功能基因、品级分化4个方面综述白蚁分子生物学的研究进展,为白蚁的防治提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

非洲是一个非常古老且相对孤立的大陆,其气候非常适合白蚁生存。因此,非洲不仅白蚁种类丰富,还保存了较多特有的白蚁类群。其中一些有害的白蚁种类对房屋建筑、农作物、森林、草原牧场都有不同程度的破坏,造成极大的经济损失。随着“一带一路”建设的推进,中国与非洲国家间的经贸合作不断深化,非洲白蚁入侵我国的风险也日渐加剧,中非白蚁防治的合作交流也成为必然。本文概述了非洲地区的白蚁种类、分布、危害、防治技术和药械等现状,以及各国相关的管理法规,旨在助力“一带一路”建设,促进我国与非洲国家开展白蚁防治交流合作活动,为防止有害白蚁入侵、维护国家生物安全提供依据。  相似文献   

白蚁防治中引诱技术的应用   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
谭速进  张大羽 《昆虫知识》1999,36(4):229-232
白蚁是一类危害面广、破坏性极大的世界性害虫。利用各种防治技术控制白蚁危害由来已久,引诱技术乃其中一种。采用引诱技术具有防治成本低、针对性强、效果显著、对生态环境破坏性小等优点。白蚁是社会性昆虫,其行为有利于我们采用引诱技术实施防治。引诱技术包括饵诱法、信息素引诱法、灯诱法等具体方法,本文主要介绍饵诱法和信息素引诱法应用情况及研究进展。1饵诱法食物引诱是最古老、最简单易行的引诱方法。其采用3种方式:(1)诱集.杀灭:在白蚁活动区域设置白蚁喜食饵料(堆、坑)诱其前来取食,然后用烫、烧、踩、喂鸡和药杀…  相似文献   

黑翅土白蚁的生物学特性及综合防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki)的形态特征、生物学特性、寄主与分布、综合防治技术和白蚁资源综合利用等5个方面着重论述近年来该虫的研究动态及其重要进展。  相似文献   

蛀蚀干硬木材的白蚁——堆砂白蚁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
堆砂白蚁是我国南方的蛀木害虫,隶属于木白蚁科Kalotermitidae,堆砂白蚁属Cryptote-rmes Banks。由于这类白蚁不筑外露蚁路和定形蚁巢,因此发现和防治都比较困难,是目前白蚁防治工作中的一个难题。 一、危害 堆砂白蚁在室内外都能发生。它蛀蚀建筑  相似文献   

白蚁为原始的真社会性昆虫,体内蕴含丰富的纤维素酶基因资源,对维持生态系统平衡和生物多样性有重要生态作用,而其中少数白蚁种类对农作物、树木、房屋建筑、江河堤坝等造成严重危害,因此白蚁具有非常重要的生态及经济价值。随着组学技术的发展,分子生物学的研究进入了一个新的阶段,基于整体角度研究的组学技术正在深刻地改变着白蚁的研究模式,必将推动白蚁生物学以及以白蚁防治为目的的基础研究。本文综述了近年来白蚁基因组、转录组、蛋白质组、代谢组等组学的相关研究进展,并对组学在白蚁的深入研究与应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

宜昌市的黄胸散白蚁及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄胸散白蚁 Reticulitermes flaviceps (Oshima)对建筑物的危害,在宜昌市仅次于家白蚁。几年来,我们在防治家白蚁的同时,对黄胸散白蚁也进行了一些观察和防治工作,摸索了一些经验。现将其为害情况、分群活动及防治体会整理如下。  相似文献   

本文介绍了保幼激素类似物对白蚁的影响,包括诱导前兵蚁、兵蚁和一些中间品级(形态畸形)的产生、抑制白蚁的取食、减少或消除白蚁的共生原生动物群、对白蚁产生不同水平的急性和慢性毒性、抑制工蚁蜕皮以及繁殖蚁建立新群体等方面的影响,其中最主要影响是诱导前兵、兵蚁和一些中间品级的产生破坏了白蚁群体品级比例的平衡性或完整性.因此,保幼激素类似物可用于白蚁的防治,并在田问防治散白蚁和乳白蚁均取得了较好的防治效果,并探讨了应用保幼激素类似物防治白蚁的潜力与前景.  相似文献   

一、前言 挖巢消灭家白蚁,是我国民间传统性防治白蚁方法之一。我国防治白蚁的主要方法大致分为浙江方法和广东方法:浙江法以掘取蚁巢而闻名,广东法则以利用砷素剂等化学药品防治为特长。例如浙江省东阳和义乌一带,有不少包治白蚁的土专家,这些土专家每当冬季,常串乡执旗“包捉白蚁”等字样。解放初期仅浙江东阳一县仍留有七、八家专治白蚁的土专家,他们都是以挖巢为主要方法消灭家白蚁的(据蔡邦华报导)。  相似文献   

Termites are ubiquitous detritivores and are a key influence on soil function and nutrient cycles, particularly in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Locust control presents a unique hazard to termites and the effective functioning of ecosystems as a consequence of the overlap between pesticide applications and termite populations in grassland and desert landscapes. We monitored the effects of locust control methods using ultra-low-volume (ULV) barrier application of a chemical pesticide, fipronil, and a blanket application of a fungal biopesticide, Metarhizium acridum, on wood-eating termites in arid western New South Wales, Australia. We tested the hypothesis that spray applications decrease termite activity at wood baits using a BACI designed field experiment over 2 years. Our replicated control and treatment sites represented the spatial scale of Australian locust control activities. There was no detectable impact of either locust control treatment on termite activity, bait mass loss or termite community composition measures. Non-significant differences in termite survey measures among sites suggested that climate and environmental conditions were stronger drivers of our termite measures than the single, localized and unreplicated application of pesticides more commonly used in locust control operations in arid Australia. A lack of evidence for an impact of our fipronil or Metarhizium application methods supports their use as low hazard locust control options with minimal large scale and longer-term effects on termites in Australian arid rangelands. Future research would be necessary to determine the probable short-term impacts of treatments on individual termite colonies and the possible impacts on non-wood eating termite species in the arid-zone.  相似文献   

The effects of various concentrations, distance, and application methods of Altriset (Chlorantraniliprole) were investigated against one of the most destructive termites, the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar. Three laboratory experiments were conducted. First, we examined the concentration effect of treating the soil contiguously to established foraging tunnels at a fixed 1 m distance. The results demonstrated 100% termite control in 19 d posttreatment at 100 and 50 μg/g and 27% termite mortality at 25 μg/g. Second, we tested the distance effect of the soil treatment (2 and 4 m) on the efficacy of Altriset to the satellite termite populations at a fixed 50 μg/g concentration. This resulted in 100% termite control in 22 d posttreatment at both 2 and 4 m. Third, we examined the effect of differing application methods using 12.5 and 25 μg/g prior to the establishment of foraging tunnels at a fixed 1m distance. This illustrated 100% termite control in 9 d posttreatment at 25 μg/g and 12 d posttreatment at 12.5 μg/g. The third experiment demonstrated soil treatments that were applied prior to termite tunnel establishment had greater efficacy than applications made post tunnel construction. Our results provide a comprehensive understanding about the efficacy of Altriset treatments on eastern subterranean termites.  相似文献   

白蚁诱食信息素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄求应  薛东  雷朝亮 《昆虫学报》2005,48(4):616-621
白蚁为社会性昆虫,其组织结构和联系方式主要由白蚁外分泌腺产生的起诱导和调节白蚁行为反应作用的信息素来获得。由白蚁下唇腺产生的诱食信息素,能够在白蚁巢体的群体性食物采集中诱使取食白蚁形成聚集,并且取食食物的相同位置,从而提高白蚁巢体采集食物的效率。目前,已确定对苯二酚为白蚁诱食信息素,且认为整个等翅目昆虫都产生和使用对苯二酚作为诱食信息素,与分类地位和生物学特性无关。该文概述了白蚁诱食信息素的分泌器官、种特异性、生物学意义、生物合成途径及其在白蚁防治中的应用等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Periodic sampling of 43 independent monitors, initially active with Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, or the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), was conducted to evaluate the effects of cellulose baits containing one of three chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs)-diflubenzuron, hexaflumuron, or chlorfluazuron-on termite populations. Diflubenzuron at 0.1% active ingredient (AI, wt:wt) had no noticeable effect on termite populations. Chlorfluazuron (0.25% [AI]) significantly reduced termite populations in approximately 3 yr. Chlorfluazuron used after > 2-yr diflubenzuron treatment significantly reduced termite populations within months. This suggests diflubenzuron exposure increased the termite's sensitivity to chlorfluazuron accelerating population collapse. Hexaflumuron (0.5% [AI]) also reduced termite populations in approximately 2 yr. The process of removing most detectable termite populations from the approximately 160,000-m2 campus of the Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, LA, with CSIs baits required approximately 3 yr. Adjustments in the specific bait formulations and application procedures might reduce time to suppression. Establishment of new independent termite populations provides a mechanism to minimize the effects of baits. Remedial control measures around and under structures should be considered when implementing an area wide management strategy.  相似文献   

We studied the hunting behaviour of Myrmicaria opaciventris (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in order to evaluate if it can be used as a biological control agent against the termites that damage sugarcane plantations. Hunting workers foraged in groups and recruited nestmates at short-range when they encountered large termite soldiers or groups of small termite workers. Differences in prey capture concerned the: (1) means of detection (from a distance or by contact); (2) termite body part seized (small termites seized by the body; large termites by an appendage); (3) percentages of prey abandoned; and (4) use of venom. The sting of the workers is spatulated implying a topical application of the venom on the prey. Large termites were stretched by several workers whose adherence to the substrate is facilitated by well-developed arolia and claws on the legs while others spread venom on the body and carved it up. An adaptation to termite capture was noted with a distribution of tasks between the workers which subdued prey, and those which transported it. In the former case, the workers easily eliminated termite soldiers, successively attacked several termite workers and even captured new individuals while holding the first ones captured between their mandibles before retrieving them all at once. The remaining individuals were retrieved by the transporting workers. Given this particularly effective predatory strategy, we concluded that, under certain conditions, M. opaciventris can be used as a biological control agent against termites.  相似文献   

The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, is a costly invasive urban pest in warm and humid regions around the world. Feeding workers of the Formosan subterranean termite genetically engineered yeast strains that express synthetic protozoacidal lytic peptides has been shown to kill the cellulose digesting termite gut protozoa, which results in death of the termite colony. In this study, we tested if Melittin, a natural lytic peptide from bee venom, could be delivered into the termite gut via genetically engineered yeast and if the expressed Melittin killed termites via lysis of symbiotic protozoa in the gut of termite workers and/or destruction of the gut tissue itself. Melittin expressing yeast did kill protozoa in the termite gut within 56 days of exposure. The expressed Melittin weakened the gut but did not add a synergistic effect to the protozoacidal action by gut necrosis. While Melittin could be applied for termite control via killing the cellulose-digesting protozoa in the termite gut, it is unlikely to be useful as a standalone product to control insects that do not rely on symbiotic protozoa for survival.  相似文献   

Heterotermes tenuis is a native termite of large negative impact on the Brazilian economy. Many studies have focused on optimizing the baiting method for termite control by improving its use and its efficacy. In order to maximize termite bait consumption, this study aimed to select nutrient solutions which are able to enhance termite feeding. The effects of some sugars and urea on feeding preference of the subterranean termite H. tenuis were determined by double choice feeding tests, and the consumption was evaluated by variation in dry mass of filter paper after 28 days of termite feeding. Most of the solutions tested did not significantly influence feeding of H. tenuis . Termites fed preferentially on filter paper treated with 0.03 g/ml trehalose and 0.015 g/ml urea solutions. The data indicate that trehalose and urea solutions are phagostimulants to H. tenuis , and their future use in bait matrices may increase consumption of baits and improve this control technique.  相似文献   

Costs associated with subterranean termite damage and control are estimated to approach $2 billion annually in the United States alone. The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, is one of the more economically important subterranean species. In recent years, the shortcomings associated with conventional chemical control methods have prompted policymakers and scientists to evaluate the potential for biological control of subterranean termites (C. formosanus in particular), that is, to determine the potential for natural enemies - predators, parasitoids and pathogens - to suppress termite populations. Ants are the greatest predators of termites, and may have a considerable local impact on termite populations in some areas of the world. A few parasitoids of termites are known, but their potential for regulating termite populations seems negligible. Characteristics of the colony, such as a protected, underground location (and, for the C. formosanus nest, its modular and dispersed nature), are likely to limit the impact predators and parasitoids have on subterranean termites. Thus, there seems little potential for use of these agents for subterranean termite control. For various reasons, pathogenic organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, Protozoa, nematodes and most fungi, have shown little promise for use in biological termite control. However, research suggests that strains of two well-studied, endoparasitic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, when employed in baiting schemes, may offer the potential for at least some measure of subterranean termite control, although their successful use is compromised by a number of inherent biological limitations and logistical problems that have yet to be solved. Although not strictly in the realm of classical biological control, recent studies suggest that natural products, such as ant semiochemicals and fungal metabolites (siderophores), or their synthetic analogues, eventually might find a use in termite control programmes as repellents or insecticides in wood treatments or soil applications if stable formulations can be developed.  相似文献   

部分蚂蚁种类是白蚁的重要天敌。为了探明成都市白蚁天敌——蚂蚁的常见种类及其生境,2011—2015年通过对成都市房屋建筑、园林树木、古建筑以及安装在住宅小区绿地的地下型白蚁监测装置等生境中调查白蚁与蚂蚁种类及数量,共鉴定白蚁9种,隶属于3科4属,黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis占比最高(83.9%);蚂蚁29种,隶属于4亚科15属,中国短猛蚁Brachyponera chinensis占比最高(38.2%)。相关性分析表明,黑毛蚁Lasius niger与尖唇散白蚁R.aculabialis、新中华散白蚁R.neochinensis之间,莱曼氏蚁Formica lemani与黑胸散白蚁、尖唇散白蚁之间,敏捷扁头猛蚁Pachycondyla astuta、铺道蚁Tetramorium caesputum与尖唇散白蚁之间均呈显著负相关。黑毛蚁、莱曼氏蚁、敏捷扁头猛蚁、铺道蚁的种群数量大,在白蚁生物防治中具有一定的应用潜力。鉴于蚂蚁对白蚁的控制作用受环境、人为等多种因素的影响,建议进一步加强蚂蚁对白蚁自然控制作用的系统研究。  相似文献   

Termites are a serious menace to both plants and structures. They are the most problematic pest threatening agriculture and the urban environment. They cause significant losses to annual and perennial crops and damage to wooden components in buildings, especially in the semi-arid and sub-humid tropics. Chemical control has been a successful method of preventing termite attack, but the effects of these chemicals are of concern as they create problems for our health and the environment. Biological methods could be suitable alternatives in this regard. The present paper reviews the various methods (physical, chemical, and biological) for termite control. Recent advances and past research done on termite control emphasizing biological methods are reviewed. Biological methods described include botanicals (essential oil, seed, bark, leaf, fruit, root, wood, resin), as well as fungal, bacterial, and nematode approaches. The relationship between chemical structure of active components responsible for termite control and termiticidal activity is discussed. The plants reviewed show good insecticidal properties against termites. These botanicals can be used for termite control singly and in combination. The active component from biomass can be extracted to prepare efficacious and potent biocidal formulations.  相似文献   

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