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Little is known about the regulation of cell fate decisions that lead to the formation of five pairs of mammary placodes in the surface ectoderm of the mouse embryo. We have previously shown that fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) is required for the formation of mammary placodes 1, 2, 3 and 5. Here, we have found that Fgf10 is expressed only in the somites underlying placodes 2 and 3, in gradients across and within these somites. To test whether somitic FGF10 is required for the formation of these two placodes, we analyzed a number of mutants with different perturbations of somitic Fgf10 gradients for the presence of WNT signals and ectodermal multilayering, markers for mammary line and placode formation. The mammary line is displaced dorsally, and formation of placode 3 is impaired in Pax3ILZ/ILZ mutants, which do not form ventral somitic buds. Mammary line formation is impaired and placode 3 is absent in Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J and hypomorphic Fgf10 mutants, in which the somitic Fgf10 gradient is shortened dorsally and less overall Fgf10 is expressed, respectively. Recombinant FGF10 rescued mammogenesis in Fgf10(-/-) and Gli3Xt-J/Xt-J flanks. We correlate increasing levels of somitic FGF10 with progressive maturation of the surface ectoderm, and show that full expression of somitic Fgf10, co-regulated by GLI3, is required for the anteroposterior pattern in which the flank ectoderm acquires a mammary epithelial identity. We propose that the intra-somitic Fgf10 gradient, together with ventral elongation of the somites, determines the correct dorsoventral position of mammary epithelium along the flank.  相似文献   

Mammary glands, like other skin appendages such as hair follicles and teeth, develop from the surface epithelium and underlying mesenchyme; however, the molecular controls of embryonic mammary development are largely unknown. We find that activation of the canonical WNT/beta-catenin signaling pathway in the embryonic mouse mammary region coincides with initiation of mammary morphogenesis, and that WNT pathway activity subsequently localizes to mammary placodes and buds. Several Wnt genes are broadly expressed in the surface epithelium at the time of mammary initiation, and expression of additional Wnt and WNT pathway genes localizes to the mammary lines and placodes as they develop. Embryos cultured in medium containing WNT3A or the WNT pathway activator lithium chloride (LiCl) display accelerated formation of expanded placodes, and LiCl induces the formation of ectopic placode-like structures that show elevated expression of the placode marker Wnt10b. Conversely, expression of the secreted WNT inhibitor Dickkopf 1 in transgenic embryo surface epithelium in vivo completely blocks mammary placode formation and prevents localized expression of all mammary placode markers tested. These data indicate that WNT signaling promotes placode development and is required for initiation of mammary gland morphogenesis. WNT signals play similar roles in hair follicle formation and thus may be broadly required for induction of skin appendage morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The sense of taste is fundamental to our ability to ingest nutritious substances and to detect and avoid potentially toxic ones. Sensory taste buds are housed in papillae that develop from epithelial placodes. Three distinct types of gustatory papillae reside on the rodent tongue: small fungiform papillae are found in the anterior tongue, whereas the posterior tongue contains the larger foliate papillae and a single midline circumvallate papilla (CVP). Despite the great variation in the number of CVPs in mammals, its importance in taste function, and its status as the largest of the taste papillae, very little is known about the development of this structure. Here, we report that a balance between Sprouty (Spry) genes and Fgf10, which respectively antagonize and activate receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling, regulates the number of CVPs. Deletion of Spry2 alone resulted in duplication of the CVP as a result of an increase in the size of the placode progenitor field, and Spry1(-/-);Spry2(-/-) embryos had multiple CVPs, demonstrating the redundancy of Sprouty genes in regulating the progenitor field size. By contrast, deletion of Fgf10 led to absence of the CVP, identifying FGF10 as the first inductive, mesenchyme-derived factor for taste papillae. Our results provide the first demonstration of the role of epithelial-mesenchymal FGF signaling in taste papilla development, indicate that regulation of the progenitor field size by FGF signaling is a critical determinant of papilla number, and suggest that the great variation in CVP number among mammalian species may be linked to levels of signaling by the FGF pathway.  相似文献   

The epibranchial placodes are cranial, ectodermal thickenings that give rise to sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Despite their importance in the developing animal, the signals responsible for their induction remain unknown. Using the placodal marker, sox3, we have shown that the same Fgf signaling required for otic vesicle development is required for the development of the epibranchial placodes. Loss of both Fgf3 and Fgf8 is sufficient to block placode development. We further show that epibranchial sox3 expression is unaffected in mutants in which no otic placode forms, where dlx3b and dlx4b are knocked down, or deleted along with sox9a. However, the forkhead factor, Foxi1, is required for both otic and epibranchial placode development. Thus, both the otic and epibranchial placodes form in a common region of ectoderm under the influence of Fgfs, but these two structures subsequently develop independently. Although previous studies have investigated the signals that trigger neurogenesis from the epibranchial placodes, this represents the first demonstration of the signaling events that underlie the formation of the placodes themselves, and therefore, the process that determines which ectodermal cells will adopt a neural fate.  相似文献   

FGF signaling is required for initiation of feather placode development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Morphogenesis of hairs and feathers is initiated by an as yet unknown dermal signal that induces placode formation in the overlying ectoderm. To determine whether FGF signals are required for this process we over-expressed soluble versions of FGFR1 or FGFR2 in the skin of chicken embryos. This produced a complete failure of feather formation prior to any morphological or molecular signs of placode development. We further show that Fgf10 is expressed in the dermis of nascent feather primordia, and that anti-FGF10 antibodies block feather placode development in skin explants. In addition we show that FGF10 can induce expression of positive and negative regulators of feather development and can induce its own expression under conditions of low BMP signaling. Together these results demonstrate that FGF signaling is required for the initiation of feather placode development and implicate FGF10 as an early dermal signal involved in this process.  相似文献   

FGF signaling is required during multiple stages of inner ear development in many different vertebrates, where it is involved in induction of the otic placode, in formation and morphogenesis of the otic vesicle as well as for cellular differentiation within the sensory epithelia. In this study we have looked to define the redundant and conserved roles of FGF3, FGF8 and FGF10 during the development of the murine and avian inner ear. In the mouse, hindbrain-derived FGF10 ectopically induces FGF8 and rescues otic vesicle formation in Fgf3 and Fgf10 homozygous double mutants. Conditional inactivation of Fgf8 after induction of the placode does not interfere with otic vesicle formation and morphogenesis but affects cellular differentiation in the inner ear. In contrast, inactivation of Fgf8 during induction of the placode in a homozygous Fgf3 null background leads to a reduced size otic vesicle or the complete absence of otic tissue. This latter phenotype is more severe than the one observed in mutants carrying null mutations for both Fgf3 and Fgf10 that develop microvesicles. However, FGF3 and FGF10 are redundantly required for morphogenesis of the otic vesicle and the formation of semicircular ducts. In the chicken embryo, misexpression of Fgf3 in the hindbrain induces ectopic otic vesicles in vivo. On the other hand, Fgf3 expression in the hindbrain or pharyngeal endoderm is required for formation of the otic vesicle from the otic placode. Together these results provide important insights into how the spatial and temporal expression of various FGFs controls different steps of inner ear formation during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) signaling is known to play an important role during cutaneous development. To elucidate the role of FGF10 during whisker formation, we examined the expression of Fgf10 in normal developing whiskers and phenotypes of Fgf10-deficient whiskers. Fgf10 is first expressed in the maxillary process, lateral and medial nasal processes, then in the mesenchymal cells underneath the future whisker placodes, and in the surrounding mesenchyme of developing whiskers. Fgf10-null whiskers exhibit a significant decrease in number and their structure is disorganized as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Hair follicle marker genes such as Sonic hedgehog, Patched, and Patched 2 are aberrantly expressed in the mutant whiskers. Thus, FGF10 is required for proper whisker development mediated by SHH signaling in the mouse.  相似文献   

The inner ear develops from an ectodermal placode that is specified by inductive signals from the adjacent neurectoderm and underlying mesoderm. In chick, fibroblast growth factor (Fgf)-19 is expressed in mesoderm underlying the presumptive otic placode, and human FGF19 induces expression of otic markers in a tissue explant containing neural plate and surface ectoderm. We show here that mouse Fgf15 is the sequence homolog of chick and human Fgf19/FGF19. In addition, we show that FGF15, like FGF19, is sufficient to induce expression of otic markers in a chick explant assay, suggesting that these FGFs are orthologs. Mouse embryos lacking Fgf15, however, do not have otic abnormalities at E9.5-E10.5, suggesting that Fgf15 is not uniquely required for otic induction or early patterning of the otocyst. To compare FGF15 and FGF19 signaling components and assess where signals potentially redundant with FGF15 might function, we determined the expression patterns of Fgf15 and Fgf19. Unlike Fgf19, Fgf15 is not expressed in mesoderm underlying the presumptive otic placode, but is expressed in the adjacent neurectoderm. Fgfr4, which encodes the likely receptor for both FGF19 and FGF15, is expressed in the neurectoderm of both species, and is also expressed in the mesoderm only in chick. These results suggest the hypotheses that during otic induction, FGF19 signals in either an autocrine fashion to the mesoderm or a paracrine fashion to the neurectoderm, whereas FGF15 signals in an autocrine fashion to the neurectoderm. Thus, the FGFs that signal to the neurectoderm are the best potential candidates for redundancy with FGF15 during mouse otic development.  相似文献   

The widely held view that neurogenic placodes are vertebrate novelties has been challenged by morphological and molecular data from tunicates suggesting that placodes predate the vertebrate divergence. Here, we examine requirements for the development of the tunicate atrial siphon primordium, thought to share homology with the vertebrate otic placode. In vertebrates, FGF signaling is required for otic placode induction and for later events following placode invagination, including elaboration and patterning of the inner ear. We show that results from perturbation of the FGF pathway in the ascidian Ciona support a similar role for this pathway: inhibition with MEK or Fgfr inhibitor at tailbud stages in Ciona results in a larva which fails to form atrial placodes; inhibition during metamorphosis disrupts development of the atrial siphon and gill slits, structures which form where invaginated atrial siphon ectoderm apposes pharyngeal endoderm. We show that laser ablation of atrial primordium ectoderm also results in a failure to form gill slits in the underlying endoderm. Our data suggest interactions required for formation of the atrial siphon and highlight the role of atrial ectoderm during gill slit morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Vertebrate craniofacial sensory organs derive from ectodermal placodes early in development. It has been suggested that all craniofacial placodes arise from a common ectodermal domain adjacent to the anterior neural plate, and a number of genes have been recently identified that mark such a 'pre-placodal' domain. However, the functional significance of this pre-placodal domain is still unclear. In the present study, we show that Fgf signaling is necessary and sufficient to directly induce some, but not all, markers of the otic placode in ectoderm taken from the pre-placodal domain. By contrast, ectoderm from outside this domain is not competent to express otic markers in response to Fgfs. Grafting na?ve ectoderm into the pre-placodal domain causes upregulation of pre-placodal markers within 8 hours, together with the acquisition of competence to respond to Fgf signaling. This suggests a two-step model of craniofacial placode induction in which ectoderm first acquires pre-placodal region identity, and subsequently differentiates into particular craniofacial placodes under the influence of local inducing signals.  相似文献   

The development of avian cutaneous appendages, feathers and scales, is known to arise from the epithelial-mesenchymal interaction. Here we show that FGF10 is associated with this developmental process as an early signal from mesenchymal cells underlying nascent cutaneous placodes. Expression of Fgf10 was detected in the mesenchymal cells underneath the developing placodes. Forced expression of Fgf10 in the femoral skin suppressed expression of Shh and a zinc finger gene snail-related (cSnR), while induced expression of Bmp2 in the interbud region, resulting in thickening of the epidermal layer. Furthermore, forced expression of Fgf10 in the foot skin caused marked ingrowings of the epidermis. The cells in the epidermal ingrowings expressed beta-catenin, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and an epidermal stem cell marker p63. These results support the idea that FGF10 is a mesenchymally derived stimulator of epidermal development through crosstalk with bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), beta-catenin, and other signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Analyses of gene expression profiles at five different stages of mouse submandibular salivary gland development provide insight into gland organogenesis and identify genes that may be critical at different stages. Genes with similar expression profiles were clustered, and RT-PCR was used to confirm the developmental changes. We focused on fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1), as its expression is highest early in gland development. We extended our array results and analyzed the developmental expression patterns of other FGFR and FGF isoforms. The functional significance of FGFR1 was confirmed by submandibular gland organ culture. Antisense oligonucleotides decreased expression of FGFR1 and reduced branching morphogenesis of the glands. Inhibiting FGFR1 signaling with SU5402, a FGFR1 tyrosine kinase inhibitor, reduced branching morphogenesis. SU5402 treatment decreased cell proliferation but did not increase apoptosis. Fgfr, Fgf and Bmp gene expression was localized to either the mesenchyme or the epithelium by PCR, and then measured over time by real time PCR after SU5402 treatment. FGFR1 signaling regulates Fgfr1, Fgf1, Fgf3 and Bmp7 expression and indirectly regulates Fgf7, Fgf10 and Bmp4. Exogenous FGFs and BMPs added to glands in culture reveal distinct effects on gland morphology. Glands cultured with SU5402 were then rescued with exogenous BMP7, FGF7 or FGF10. Taken together, our results suggest specific FGFs and BMPs play reciprocal roles in regulating branching morphogenesis and FGFR1 signaling plays a central role by regulating both FGF and BMP expression.  相似文献   

Vertebrate cranial placodes contribute vitally to development of sensory structures of the head. Amongst posterior placodes, the otic placode forms the inner ear whereas nearby epibranchial placodes produce sensory ganglia within branchial clefts. Though diverse in fate, these placodes show striking similarities in their early regulation. In zebrafish, both are initiated by localized Fgf signaling plus the ubiquitous competence factor Foxi1, and both express pax8 and sox3 in response. It has been suggested that Fgf initially induces a common otic/epibranchial field, which later subdivides in response to other signals. However, we find that otic and epibranchial placodes form at different times and by distinct mechanisms. Initially, Fgf from surrounding tissues induces otic expression of pax8 and sox3, which cooperate synergistically to establish otic fate. Subsequently, pax8 works with related genes pax2a/pax2b to downregulate otic expression of foxi1, a necessary step for further otic development. Additionally, pax2/8 activate otic expression of fgf24, which induces epibranchial expression of sox3. Knockdown of fgf24 or sox3 causes severe epibranchial deficiencies but has little effect on otic development. These findings clarify the roles of pax8 and sox3 and support a model whereby the otic placode forms first and induces epibranchial placodes through an Fgf-relay.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, epibranchial placodes are transient ectodermal thickenings that contribute sensory neurons to the epibranchial ganglia. These ganglia innervate internal organs and transmit information on heart rate, blood pressure and visceral distension from the periphery to the central nervous system. Despite their importance, the molecular mechanisms that govern the induction and neurogenesis of the epibranchial placodes are only now being elucidated. In this study, we demonstrate that endoderm is required for neurogenesis of the zebrafish epibranchial placodes. Mosaic analyses confirm that endoderm is the source of the neurogenic signal. Using a morpholino knockdown approach, we find that fgf3 is required for the majority of placode cells to undergo neurogenesis. Tissue transplants demonstrate that fgf3 activity is specifically required in the endodermal pouches. Furthermore, ectopic fgf3 expression is sufficient for inducing phox2a-positive neurons in wild-type and endoderm-deficient embryos. Surprisingly, ectodermal foxi1 expression, a marker for the epibranchial placode precursors, is present in both endoderm-deficient embryos and fgf3 morphants, indicating that neither endoderm nor Fgf3 is required for initial placode induction. Based on these findings, we propose a model for epibranchial placode development in which Fgf3 is a major endodermal determinant required for epibranchial placode neurogenesis.  相似文献   

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