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The corpus luteum of African elephants produces high amounts of 5α-reduced progesterone metabolites (5α-pregnane-3,20-dione and 5-α-pregnane-3α-ol-20-one), whereas progesterone itself is quantitatively less important, and plasma levels of progesterone during the estrous cycle in elephants are considerably lower than those of other mammals. The objective of this study was to compare the concentration of progesterone in plasma of Asian and African elephants as determined by specific progesterone assays with those of total immunoreactive progestagens containing a 20-oxo-group (20-oxo-P). These metabolites were determined by an enzyme immunoassay using an antibody against 5-α-pregnane-3β-ol-20-one, 3HS:BSA. Plasma of non-pregnant Asian (n = 4) and African (n = 4) elephants was collected at weekly intervals for periods of 8–15 months and at random intervals during pregnancy in one Asian elephant. High-performance liquid chromatography separation of plasma samples of both species demonstrated that in the 20-oxo-P assay, 5α-pregnane-3,20-dione makes up ˜60% of the total immunoreactive material. The progesterone and 20-oxo-P values during the estrous cycle showed a parallel pattern and were significantly correlated (P < 0.001; Asian: r = 0.80; y = 3.76 × –0.10; African: r = 0.75; y = 2.66 × –0.08). Progesterone and 20-oxo-P values in Asian and African elephants were <0.15 ng/ml during the follicular phase (weeks –4 to 0) of the estrous cycle; progesterone values during the luteal phase (weeks 2–9) were 0.60 ± 0.03 and 0.53 ± 0.03 ng/ml, and the 20-oxo-P values were 2.19 ± 0.16 and 1.48 ± 0.12 ng/ml, respectively. The 20-oxo-P values of the pregnant animal, although slightly higher, were comparable to those of non-pregnant elephants during the luteal phase. Total immunoreactive 20-oxo-P values are about three times higher than those of progesterone during the luteal phase, and 5α-pregnane-3,20-dione is the major immunoreactive 20-oxo-P in the plasma of Asian and African elephants. Zoo Biol 16:403–413, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the elephant, two distinct LH surges occur 3 wk apart during the nonluteal phase of the estrous cycle, but only the second surge (ovLH) induces ovulation. The function of the first, anovulatory surge (anLH) is unknown, nor is it clear what regulates the timing of these two surges. To further study this observation in the Asian elephant, serum concentrations of LH, FSH, progesterone, inhibin, estradiol, and prolactin were quantified throughout the estrous cycle to establish temporal hormonal relationships. To examine long-term dynamics of hormone secretion, analyses were conducted in weekly blood samples collected from 3 Asian elephants for up to 3 yr. To determine whether differences existed in secretory patterns between the anLH and ovLH surges, daily blood samples were analyzed from 21 nonluteal-phase periods from 7 Asian elephants. During the nonluteal phase, serum LH was elevated for 1-2 days during anLH and ovLH surges with no differences in peak concentration between the two surges. The anLH surge occurred 19.9+/-1.2 days after the end of the luteal phase and was followed by the ovLH surge 20.8+/-0.5 days later. Serum FSH concentrations were highest at the beginning of the nonluteal phase and gradually declined to nadir concentrations within 4 days of the ovLH surge. FSH remained low until after the ovLH surge and then increased during the luteal phase. Serum inhibin concentrations were negatively correlated with FSH during the nonluteal phase (r = -0.53). Concentrations of estradiol and prolactin fluctuated throughout the estrous cycle with no discernible patterns evident. In sum, there were no clear differences in associated hormone secretory patterns between the anLH and ovLH surge. However, elevated FSH at the beginning of the nonluteal phase may be important for follicle recruitment, with the first anLH surge acting to complete the follicle selection process before ovulation.  相似文献   

The levels of progesterone, testosterone and estradiol-17β in serum samples from two female Asian elephants were measured for the period of 32 months from February 1987 to September 1989. Serum samples were collected weekly from unanesthetized elephants. Each elephant showed eight ovarian cycles in 32 months. Ovarian cycles, characterized by changes in concentrations of serum progesterone, averaged 16.8 ± 0.6 (mean ± SEM. n = 14) weeks in length. The changes in concentrations of testosterone in the serum showed a similar pattern to those of progesterone with a striking increase noted during the luteal phase. The highest levels of serum estradiol-17β were noted when progesterone levels showed low basal values. These results suggest that estradiol-17β may be an index of follicular maturation during the estrous cycle in Asian elephants, and that the ovaries of Asian elephants may produce testosterone in the luteal phase.  相似文献   

Serum samples were collected weekly for 3 yr from two female African elephants, for 18 mo from two other female African elephants, and for 2 yr from two female Asian elephants. Animals were not sedated at the time of blood collection. Ovarian cycles, characterized by changes in progesterone and immunoreactive luteinizing hormone (ILH) concentrations, averaged 15.9 +/- 0.6 wk (N = 25) for African females and 14.7 +/- 0.5 wk for Asian females (N = 10). The length of the active luteal phase averaged 10.0 +/- 0.3 wk for African elephants (range 8-14 wk) and 10.6 +/- 0.6 wk for Asian females (range 9-13 wk). Interluteal phases were 5.9 +/- 0.6 wk for African females and 4.2 +/- 0.5 wk for Asian females. One African female (Maliaca) had two extended interluteal phases, both occurring between the months of February and May. Excluding these two periods, there were no differences in the length of the ovarian cycle or the length of the luteal phase between species of elephant. Serum progesterone in both species ranged from less than 50 pg/ml to 933 pg/ml. Average progesterone concentrations during the luteal phase were significantly lower in African elephants compared with Asian elephants (328 +/- 13, N = 30 cycles vs. 456 +/- 23, N = 14 cycles; p less than 0.001). ILH ranged from nondetectable to 11.6 ng/ml. These data suggest that the length of the ovarian cycle in the African elephant is about 16 wk and confirm that the length of the ovarian cycle in the Asian elephant is about 15 wk.  相似文献   

Serum prolactin was quantified in adult female Asian (Elephas maximus) and African (Loxodonta africana) elephants during various reproductive states and the profiles compared to that in a noncycling African elephant. In reproductively normal elephants, there was no effect of season, estrous cycle stage, or lactational status on quantitative or qualitative prolactin secretion (P > 0.05), nor where there any differences (P > 0.05) in overall prolactin concentrations between species. In pregnant elephants, prolactin concentrations remained at baseline for the first 4–6 months of gestation. Thereafter, concentrations during early pregnancy averaged ∼four-fold higher than those during the estrous cycle, increasing to ∼100-fold over baseline during mid- to late gestation in both species. In contrast to cycling elephants, prolactin concentrations in an African elephant exhibiting chronic anovulation (on the basis of an acyclic serum progesterone profile) and mild galactorrhea were consistently about five-fold higher (P < 0.05), suggesting she is hyperprolactinemic. Other endocrinological assesments confirmed the hypogonadal state of this female. Serum estradiol concentrations were consistently at or below detectable levels. Additionally, no preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surges occurred in daily serum samples analyzed over a 12-month period. The pituitary was not totally refractory, however, and responded with a several-fold increase in serum LH concentration (peak, 3.07 ng/ml) over baseline (0.75 ng/ml) after i.v. injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This study describes normal baseline serum prolactin values for Asian and African elephants and is the first to identify hyperprolactinemia as a possible cause of reproductive acyclicity and galactorrhea in an African elephant. Zoo Biol 16:149–159, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Serum samples were collected from 3 mature female African elephants once each week for 15-18 months. Circulating concentrations of progesterone, oestradiol and LH were determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The LH RIA was validated by demonstrating parallel cross-reaction with partly purified elephant LH pituitary fractions. Changing serum progesterone concentrations indicated an oestrous cycle length of 13.3 +/- 1.3 weeks (n = 11). The presumed luteal phase, characterized by elevated serum progesterone values, was 9.1 +/- 1.1 weeks (n = 11). Two abbreviated phases of progesterone in serum lasting 2-3 weeks were observed in 2 elephants, indicating short luteal phases. Oestradiol concentrations in serum were variable, with no clear pattern of secretion. More frequent blood samples were collected during periovulatory periods and 9 distinct LH peaks were detected; all were followed by rises in serum progesterone concentrations. Periovulatory changes in progesterone and LH in sera correlated with external signs of oestrus and mating behaviour.  相似文献   

Serum progesterone and urinary total estrogen concentrations were determined weekly to bi-weekly in 2 female Asian elephants for 96 weeks. The mean estrous interval was approximately 16 weeks in the nonpregnant animal. A total of 5 cycles were observed in the 96 week study period. The serum progesterone concentration ranged from 150 pg/ml to greater than 350 pg/ml during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. The serum progesterone was elevated for 8–12 week weeks of the 16 week estrous cycle. The urinary total estrogen concentration ranged from less than 10 to greater than 300 pg/μg creatinine. The second animal was pregnant at the beginning of the study period. The serum progesterone concentration was elevated (> 100 pg/ml) in the pregnant animal until parturition. The urinary total estrogens increased from approximately 50 pg/μg creatinine to greater than 400 pg/μg creatinine during the first year of pregnancy and remained elevated until parturition. Estrous cycling had not resumed by 3 months post partum.  相似文献   

The combination of a few factors, including poor captive reproduction, secession of importation from the wild and advances in hormone detection and ultrasonography, has contributed to the current knowledge on the elephant reproductive cycle. Several reproductive features in elephants differ markedly from other mammals. These include the urogenital tract anatomy, length and structure of the reproductive cycle, the formation of multiple corpora lutea and the type and secretion pattern of reproductive hormones. Being 13-18 weeks in length, the elephant estrous cycle is the longest amongst all studied non-seasonal mammals to date. Progesterone increases 1-3 days after ovulation, indicating the start of the luteal phase, which lasts 6-12 weeks. This is followed by a 4- to 6-week follicular phase that is concluded by two, precisely spaced and timed, LH surges. In general, the first, anovulatory LH surge occurs exactly 19-21 days before the second, ovulatory surge. Normally, a single follicle is ovulated. However, beside a corpus luteum (CL) forming on the site of ovulation, multiple accessory CLs can be found on the ovaries. Unlike many other species, the predominant progestagen secreted by luteal tissues is not progesterone, but rather its 5-alpha-reduced metabolites. The currently known aspects of the unique estrous cycle in Asian and African elephants, covering estrous behavior, circulating hormones, ultrasonography and anatomy of the reproductive organs as well as hormonal manipulation treatment possibilities, will be reviewed here.  相似文献   

针对北京动物园2头圈养雌性亚洲象从未动情的现象,本研究于2003年12月至2005年3月,采用放射性免疫分析法测定了2只不动情象与另一只已受孕象尿液中孕酮和雌二醇的变化,并结合国内外研究探讨圈养亚洲象不动情的原因,为圈养象机构提供相应的繁殖管理建议。研究结果表明,受孕雌象在分娩前一周左右孕酮含量突然升高,后在很短时间内降低,分娩后也维持在较低水平;雌二醇含量分娩前维持在较高水平,分娩前一周骤降,并保持较低水平至本研究结束。非动情象尿液中孕酮和雌二醇水平都显著低于受孕象相应的激素水平,且无明显的波动,推测其卵巢不具活性,导致孕酮与雌二醇水平不具波动性,是这2头圈养雌象未见动情现象的主要原因。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the luteotropin of pregnancy in sheep and to examine autocrine and paracrine roles of progesterone and estradiol-17 beta on progesterone secretion by the ovine corpus luteum (CL). Secretion of progesterone per unit mass by day-8 or day-11 CL of the estrous cycle was similar to day-90 CL of pregnancy (P >/= 0.05). In experiment 1, secretion of progesterone in vitro by slices of CL from ewes on day-8 of the estrous cycle was increased (P /= 0.05) while PGE(2) increased (P /= 0.05) detectable quantities of PGF(2alpha) or PGE while day-90 ovine CL of pregnancy secreted PGE (P /= 0.05). Trilostane, mifepristone, or MER-25 did not affect secretion of progesterone, PGE, or PGF(2alpha) by day-11 CL of the estrous cycle or day-90 CL of pregnancy (P >/= 0.05). It is concluded that PGE(2), not LH, is the luteotropin at day-90 of pregnancy in sheep and that progesterone does not modify the response to luteotropins. Thus, we found no evidence for an autocrine or paracrine role for progesterone or estradiol-17 36 on luteal secretion of progesterone, PGE or PGF(2alpha).  相似文献   

The present study investigated the peripheral plasma inhibin levels in relation to 1) the stage of estrous cycle and the effect of climatic variations. Blood samples were collected from cyclic buffalo (n=5) once daily for 32 consecutive days during the tropical hot humid (summer) and cold (winter) seasons. Estrus was recorded by parading a vasectomized bull as well as by plasma progesterone determination. In the winter season, peripheral inhibin concentrations which were lowest (0.35 +/- 0.02 ng/ml) during the mid-luteal phase of estrous cycle (Day 6 to Day 14, Day 0 = day of estrus) increased significantly (P < 0.02) to 0.47 +/- 0.04 ng/ml during the late luteal phase (Day -4 to Day -2) and then further to 0.52 +/- 0.03 ng/ml (P< 0.02) during the periestrus phase (Day -1 to Day 1). Inhibin concentrations then decreased significantly (P < 0.02) to 0.40 +/- 0.03 ng/ml during the early luteal phase (Day 2 to Day 5). In the summer season the differences in peripheral inhibin concentrations among different phases of estrous cycle were found to be nonsignificant. A comparison of the circulating inhibin concentrations between the two seasons indicated that inhibin concentrations were significantly higher in the late luteal phase (P < 0.01) and periestrus phase (P < 0.05) during the winter season compared with corresponding periods during the summer season. The present study suggests that peripheral inhibin concentrations change in the estrous cycle during cooler breeding season and that environmental heat stress can cause a reduction in peripheral inhibin concentrations.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the luteotropin of pregnancy in sheep and to examine autocrine and paracrine roles of progesterone and estradiol-17 beta on progesterone secretion by the ovine corpus luteum (CL). Secretion of progesterone per unit mass by day-8 or day-11 CL of the estrous cycle was similar to day-90 CL of pregnancy (P > or = 0.05). In experiment 1, secretion of progesterone in vitro by slices of CL from ewes on day-8 of the estrous cycle was increased (P < or = 0.05) by LH or PGE2. Secretion of progesterone in vitro by CL slices from day-90 pregnant ewes was not affected by LH (P > or = 0.05) while PGE2 increased (P < or = 0.05) secretion of progesterone. Day 8 ovine CL of the estrous cycle did not secrete (P > or = 0.05) detectable quantities of PGF2alpha or PGE while day-90 ovine CL of pregnancy secreted PGE (P < or = 0.05) but not PGF2alpha. Secretion of progesterone and PGE in vitro by day-90 CL of pregnancy was decreased (P < or = 0.05) by indomethacin. The addition of PGE2, but not LH, in combination with indomethacin overcame the decreases in progesterone by indomethacin (P < or = 0.05). In experiment 2, secretion of progesterone in vitro by day-11 CL of the estrous cycle was increased at 4-h (P < or = 0.05) in the absence of treatments. Both day-11 CL of the estrous cycle and day-90 CL of pregnancy secreted detectable quantities of PGE and PGF2alpha (P < or = 0.05). In experiment 1, PGF2alpha secretion by day-8 CL of the estrous cycle and day-90 ovine CL of pregnancy was undetectable, but was detectable in experiment 2 by day-90 CL. Day 90 ovine CL of pregnancy also secreted more PGE than day-11 CL of the estrous cycle (P < or = 0.05), whereas day-8 CL of the estrous cycle did not secrete detectable quantities of PGE (P > or = 0.05). Trilostane, mifepristone, or MER-25 did not affect secretion of progesterone, PGE, or PGF2alpha by day- 11 CL of the estrous cycle or day-90 CL of pregnancy (P > or = 0.05). It is concluded that PGE2, not LH, is the luteotropin at day-90 of pregnancy in sheep and that progesterone does not modify the response to luteotropins. Thus, we found no evidence for an autocrine or paracrine role for progesterone or estradiol-17 36 on luteal secretion of progesterone, PGE or PGF2alpha.  相似文献   

Changes and local distribution of oviductal progesterone (P(4)) concentration during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy in cows were investigated. Intact reproductive tracts were collected from 16 Holstein cows at an abattoir. Samples were classified in to 4 stages (follicular, postovulatory, luteal and early pregnant,< 20 d) based on visual observation of corpus luteum (CL), uterine characteristics and luteal P(4) concentrations. Oviducts were separated from the uterus at the utero-tubal junction and divided into 4 parts: fimbriae, proximal, medial and distal parts. Luteal tissue samples were also collected. Progesterone levels in oviductal and luteal tissues were determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Comparatively higher (P < 0.001) P(4) levels were found in stages with a functioning CL ( luteal phase and early pregnancy) than in those with a regressing CL (follicular phase and post ovulation). The oviduct ipsilateral to the CL bearing ovary during the luteal phase and early pregnancy showed higher ( P < 0.001) P(4) concentrations than the contralateral side. Such a difference was not observed during the follicular phase or post ovulation. The ipsilateral oviduct to the functioning CL at early pregnancy showed higher (P <0.05) P(4) levels than at the luteal phase, while no significant difference in luteal P(4) levels between these 2 stages was observed. Neither were any differences in P(4) concentration within the oviduct observed during any phase of the estrous cycle or during early pregnancy. A positive relationship between luteal and oviductal P(4) concentrations was noted. In conclusion, changes in P(4) levels in the oviduct depend on the location and functional stage of the CL. Localized levels of P(4) in the oviduct may be due to local delivery of P(4) from the CL.  相似文献   

Better breeding strategies for captive Asian elephants in range countries are needed to increase populations; this requires a thorough understanding of their reproductive physiology and factors affecting ovarian activity. Weekly blood samples were collected for 3.9 years from 22 semi-captive female Asian elephants in Thai elephant camps to characterize LH and progestin patterns throughout the estrous cycle. The duration of the estrous cycle was 14.6+/-0.2 weeks (mean+/-S.E.M.; n=71), with follicular and luteal phases of 6.1+/-0.2 and 8.5+/-0.2 weeks, respectively. Season had no significant effect on the overall length of the estrous cycle. However, follicular and luteal phase lengths varied among seasons and were negatively correlated (r=-0.658; P<0.01). During the follicular phase, the interval between the decrease in progestin concentrations to baseline and the anovulatory LH (anLH) surge varied in duration (average 25.9+/-2.0 days, range 7-41, n=23), and was longer in the rainy season (33.4+/-1.8 days, n=10) than in both the winter (22.2+/-4.5 days, n=5; P<0.05) and summer (18.9+/-2.6 days, n=8; P<0.05). By contrast, the interval between the anLH and ovulatory LH (ovLH) surge was more consistent (19.0+/-0.1 days, range 18-20, n=14). Thus, seasonal variation in estrous cycle characteristics were mediated by endocrine events during the early follicular phase, specifically related to timing of the anLH surge. Overall reproductive hormone patterns in Thai camp elephants were not markedly different from those in western zoos. However, this study was the first to more closely examine how timing of the LH surges impacted estrous cycle length in Asian elephants. These findings, and the ability to monitor reproductive hormones in range countries (and potentially in the field), should improve breeding management of captive and semi-wild elephants.  相似文献   

Pituitary and corpus luteum hormone patterns throughout the elephant estrous cycle have been well characterized. By contrast, analysis of follicular maturation by measurement of circulating estrogens has been uninformative. This study tested the ability of a urinary estradiol‐3‐glucuronide radioimmunoassay to noninvasively assess follicular development during the nonluteal phase of the elephant estrous cycle, and to determine the relationship between estrogen production and the “double LH surge.” Daily urine and serum samples were collected throughout seven estrous cycles from three Asian elephants, and urine was collected from an additional three females, for a total of 13 cycles. Serum was analyzed for luteinizing hormone (LH), and urine was analyzed for estrogens and progestins. Elephants exhibited a typical LH pattern, with an anovulatory LH (anLH) surge occurring approximately 21 days before the ovulatory LH (ovLH) surge. The urinary estrogen pattern indicated the presence of two follicular waves during the nonluteal phase. The first wave (anovulatory) began 5 days before the anLH surge and reached a maximum concentration the day before the peak. Thereafter, urinary estrogens declined to baseline for 2 weeks before increasing again to peak concentrations on the day of the ovLH surge. Urinary progestins were baseline throughout most of the follicular phase, increasing 2–3 days before the ovLH surge and continuing into the luteal phase. These results support previous ultrasound observations that two waves of follicular growth occur during the nonluteal phase of the elephant estrous cycle. Each wave is associated with an increase in estrogen production that stimulates an LH surge. Thus, in contrast to serum analyses, urinary estrogen monitoring appears to be a reliable method for characterizing follicular activity in the elephant. Zoo Biol 22:443–454, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Serum samples were collected 1–3 times weekly from two Baird's tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) for 6 months in 1987–1988, and for more than 3 consecutive years beginning in 1989 to characterize hormone patterns during the estrous cycle and pregnancy. Based on serum progesterone concentrations, mean (±SEM) duration of the estrous cycle (n = 20) was 30.8 ± 2.6 days (range, 25–38 days) with a luteal phase length of 18.1 ± 0.4 days (range, 15–20 days). Mean peak serum progesterone concentrations during the luteal phase were 1.35 ± 0.16 ng/ml, and nadir concentrations were 0.19 ± 0.03 ng/ml during the interluteal period. Distinct surges of estradiol preceded luteal phase progesterone increases in most (14/20) cycles. Gestation length was 392 ± 4 days for three complete pregnancies. Mean serum progesterone concentrations increased throughout gestation and were 1.83 ± 0.13, 2.73 ± 0.13, and 4.30 ± 0.16 ng/ml during early, mid- and late gestation, respectively. Serum estradiol concentrations began to rise during mid-gestation, increasing dramatically during the last week of pregnancy. Patterns of serum estriol and estrone secretion during pregnancy were similar to that observed for estradiol. In contrast to progesterone and estrogens, serum cortisol concentrations were unchanged during pregnancy or parturition. Females resumed cycling 16.2 ± 2.0 days after parturition (n = 4) and, on two occasions, females became pregnant during the first postpartum estrus. These data suggest that the tapir cycles at approximately monthly intervals and that increases in serum progesterone are indicative of luteal activity. The interluteal period is relatively long, comprising approximately 40% of the estrous cycle. During gestation, progesterone concentrations are increased above luteal phase levels, and there is evidence of increased estrogen production during late gestation. The absence of increased cortisol secretion at the end of gestation suggests that this steroid does not play a major role in initiating parturition in this species. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A sensitive, specific RIA was validated and used for measurement of peripheral plasma immunoreactive inhibin (irinhibin) levels during the estrous cycle in Murrah buffalo. The RIA employed an 125-I iodinated inhibin as tracer and an antiserum against dimeric inhibin. The procedure had a sensitivity of 16 pg/tube, and the nonspecific effects of buffalo plasma were compensated for by including 200 ul bullock plasma in the standards. Separation of free and bound inhibin was affected by the use of a second antibody and precipitation with polyethylene glycol. Blood samples were collected once daily for 30 d from Murrah buffalo (n = 6) during the hot month of July. Cyclic activity and estrus were confirmed by plasma progesterone determination. Peripheral plasma concentrations of ir-inhibin fluctuated between 0.40 +/- 0.07 and 0.67 +/- 0.13 ng/ml during the estrous cycle in buffalo. During the same period, plasma progesterone levels increased from 0.21 +/- 0.01 ng/ml at Day 0 to a peak of 3.30 +/- 0.72 ng/ml on Day 13, declining sharply by Day -5. Ir-inhibin levels exhibited an increase during the follicular phase, with the maximum concentration of 0.65 +/- 0.01 ng/ml occuring on the day of estrus, a decline thereafter, and no pattern during the luteal phase. The differences, however, were not statistically significant throughout the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Mean plasma progesterone concentrations measured in pregnant and non-pregnant elephants did not differ significantly from each other because of considerable variation, particularly for stage of pregnancy. Maximum progesterone values were recorded during pregnancy (5-8 months) and declined towards term (22 months). The numbers of corpora lutea or total luteal tissue volume were not critical in maintaining progesterone secretion. An increase in plasma progesterone concentrations with the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle was evident. A possible role of the placenta in the second half of gestation is indicated by an increase in fetal progesterone concentrations towards term.  相似文献   

Elephants express two luteinizing hormone (LH) peaks timed 3 wk apart during the follicular phase. This is in marked contrast with the classic mammalian estrous cycle model with its single, ovulation-inducing LH peak. It is not clear why ovulation and a rise in progesterone only occur after the second LH peak in elephants. However, by combining ovarian ultrasound and hormone measurements in five Asian elephants (Elephas maximus), we have found a novel strategy for dominant follicle selection and luteal tissue accumulation. Two distinct waves of follicles develop during the follicular phase, each of which is terminated by an LH peak. At the first (anovulatory) LH surge, the largest follicles measure between 10 and 19.0 mm. At 7 ± 2.4 days before the second (ovulatory) LH surge, luteinization of these large follicles occurs. Simultaneously with luteinized follicle (LUF) formation, immunoreactive (ir) inhibin concentrations rise and stay elevated for 41.8 ± 5.8 days after ovulation and the subsequent rise in progesterone. We have found a significant relationship between LUF diameter and serum ir-inhibin level (r(2) = 0.82, P < 0.001). The results indicate that circulating ir-inhibin concentrations are derived from the luteinized granulosa cells of LUFs. Therefore, it appears that the development of LUFs is a precondition for inhibin secretion, which in turn impacts the selection of the ovulatory follicle. Only now, a single dominant follicle may deviate from the second follicular wave and ovulate after the second LH peak. Thus, elephants have evolved a different strategy for corpus luteum formation and selection of the ovulatory follicle as compared with other mammals.  相似文献   

Because of overpopulation of African elephants in South Africa and the consequent threat to biodiversity, the need for a method of population control has become evident. In this regard, the potential use of the porcine zona pellucida (pZP) vaccine as an effective means for population control is explored. While potential effects of pZP treatment on social behavior of African elephants have been investigated, no examination of the influence of pZP vaccination on the endocrine correlates in treated females has been undertaken. In this study, ovarian activity of free-ranging, pZP-treated African elephant females was monitored noninvasively for 1 yr at Thornybush Private Nature Reserve, South Africa, by measuring fecal 5α-pregnan-3β-ol-20-on concentrations via enzyme immunoassay. A total of 719 fecal samples from 19 individuals were collected over the study period, averaging 38 samples collected per individual (minimum, maximum: 16, 52). Simultaneously, behavioral observations were made to record the occurrence of estrous behavior for comparison. Each elephant under study showed 5α-pregnan-3β-ol-20-on concentrations rising above baseline at some period during the study indicating luteal activity. Average 5α-pregnan-3β-ol-20-on concentrations were 1.61 ± 0.46 μg/g (mean ± SD). Within sampled females, 42.9% exhibited estrous cycles within the range reported for captive African elephants, 14.3% had irregular cycles, and 42.9% did not appear to be cycling. Average estrous cycle duration was 14.72 ± 0.85 wk. Estrous behavior coincided with the onset of the luteal phase and a subsequent rise in 5α-pregnan-3β-ol-20-on concentrations. Average 5α-pregnan-3β-ol-20-on levels positively correlated with rainfall. No association between average individual 5α-pregnan-3β-ol-20-on concentrations or cyclicity status with age or parity were detected. Earlier determination of efficacy was established via fecal hormone analysis with no pregnancies determined 22 mo post-treatment and onward. Results indicate the presence of ovarian activity amongst pZP-treated female African elephants in 2 yr after initial immunization. Further study should now be aimed toward investigating the long-term effects of pZP vaccination on the reproductive function of female African elephants.  相似文献   

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