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以往研究流域开发战略问题,多从流域内资源的开发利用方面考虑,而衡量其方案的优劣也多以经济效益的大小为准绳。现在,环境污染与生态危机已威胁着人类的生存与发展,因此在研究流域战略问题时,必须开拓思路,  相似文献   

A significant challenge exists in assessing the social and ecological impacts of development projects in a holistic and comprehensive manner. Our objective is to elucidate the linkages between ecological change and human well-being, and its importance in integrated assessment policy for development projects, using the Three Gorges Dam (China) as a case study. A collaborative research initiative was undertaken to review and synthesize published information on the ecological and human health effects of the Three Gorges Dam. Our synthesis suggests that the Three Gorges Dam has altered social–ecological dynamics of human health and ecosystem function in the Yangtze River basin with significant consequences for human well-being. Direct impacts to human well-being were grouped into four primary categories, including: (1) toxicological impacts; (2) shifting infectious disease dynamics; (3) natural hazards; and (4) social health. Social–ecological relationships were altered in complex ways, with both direct and indirect effects, positive and negative interactions, and chronic and acute impacts on human well-being. Our synthesis supports a comprehensive evaluation of development projects via integrated assessments of human and environmental consequences. This is probably best achieved through a coupled social–environmental impact assessment to ensure holistic and comprehensive analyses of expected costs and benefits. The role of research can thereby be to elucidate the linkages between ecosystems and human health to better inform the assessment process. A synthesis of the existing information on the Three Gorges suggests that this is best achieved through institutional collaboration and transdisciplinary integration of expertise.  相似文献   

Mining companies are expected to return land to a stable, productive, and self‐sustaining condition by rehabilitating degraded areas to also deliver social benefits, an essential dimension of sustainable land management. This research aimed to develop a framework for mine rehabilitation planning based on an integrated analysis of the social‐ecological system provided by the ecosystem services concept to facilitate community engagement and the delivery of social benefits. An Ecosystem Services Assessment for Rehabilitation framework was tested at two bauxite mines undergoing ecological restoration. The mines are operated by the same company in two countries. Key results showed that the framework can help companies, regulators, and community members alike identify whether biophysical restoration efforts translate into key human benefits. Overall the framework provides a means for enhancing community engagement to explicitly address social benefits that, with a business as usual focus on ecological goals, may not be delivered. The ecosystem services concept provides a practical approach to link ecological and social outcomes of mine restoration.  相似文献   

孙宝娣  于德湖  崔东旭 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4308-4318
生态系统服务精确评估和水土资源匹配状态,对统筹流域山水林田湖草一体化保护和修复,以及构建流域国土空间开发保护新格局具有深远影响。以生态系统服务与水土资源的响应关系为出发点,系统梳理了流域生态系统服务评估及水土资源匹配研究现状。主要贡献包括:(1)筛选大尺度生态系统服务评估精确性方法及其优势阐述;(2)提出将信息熵理论与多目标优化相结合的水土资源匹配模型算法;(3)指出基于系统耦合协调理论进行流域生态系统服务与水土资源响应机理研究的必要性。研究以期阐明流域生态系统服务与水土资源的关联性及其响应机制,为最终实现流域“土地利用经济-生态效益最大、缺水总量最小”的过程目标导向和“生态系统服务效益最大”的结果目标导向,提供理论支撑和技术指导。  相似文献   

河流生境是水生生物赖以生存的物理、化学和生物环境的综合体, 是河流生态系统的重要组成部分。河流生境评价有助于掌握河流的生态健康状况, 识别河流退化的原因, 为河流的生态修复提供依据。文章梳理总结了20世纪80年代至2018年文献中报道的全球范围内河流生境评估的方法, 然后根据每种方法的侧重点和目标, 将它们分为预测模型法和多指标综合评估法两种类型, 并比较了它们各自的优势和不足。预测模型法适于长期的生境动态监测, 但该方法需要以自然无干扰的河流为参照, 并且需要大量历史数据, 统一评估不易实现; 多指标综合评估法评估相对快速方便, 但评估过程复杂, 且评价标准不一, 结果有一定的局限性。这些方法的适用范围从中小型的可涉水河流到较大的不可涉水河流, 但适用于大型不可涉水河流的生境评估方法和案例非常有限。通过分类整理, 发现我国河流生境评估方法多是参考国外几种常用的河流评估方法, 种类单一, 而且多是针对个别河流, 并且未对这些河流所在的流域的生境状况进行深入研究, 广适性较差。因此, 文章从以下几个方面对我国河流生境评估体系的发展提出几点建议: (1)确定科学和标准化的评分指标, 因地制宜, 以满足不同河流特征; (2)扩大评估范围, 从流域和景观尺度开展生境监测, 关注全流域的健康状况; (3)扩大时间尺度, 建立模型, 进行长期的动态评估; (4)鼓励政府宏观规划, 促进不同管理部门间的合作, 整合不同地区的河流生境数据并建立国家尺度的河流生境大数据库, 以实现我国河流生态健康的维护和流域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Economic cost–benefit appraisal (and its sub-set cost-effectiveness) of ecosystem conservation and/or pollution abatement strategies have proved to be powerful decision-making aids. But the monetary economic valuation of ecosystem goods and services (gains and losses) can only provide a good indication of social welfare impacts under certain conditions and in selective contexts. The values derived through this appraisal process will, for a number of measures, be underestimates of the full total system value [Turner, R.K., Paavola, J., Cooper, P. Farber, S., Jessamy, V., Georgiou, S., 2003. Valuing nature: lessons learned and future research directions. Ecol. Econ. 46, 493–510]. The economic analysis is best suited to assessing the value of ‘marginal’ gains and losses in ecosystem goods/services and not the total destruction of whole systems (including life support systems, the value of which is not commensurate with monetary values and/or is infinitely high). In this study economic costs and what we call ‘ecological risk’ analysis are used to appraise the implementation costs and ecological benefits of selected measures for combating eutrophication. Ecological risk is expressed in terms of ecosystem integrity and resilience. The paper presents three regional case studies dealing with the issue of nutrient emission reduction to the southern North Sea, namely the catchments/estuaries of the Humber (UK), the Rhine (Germany and The Netherlands) and the Elbe (Czech Republic and Germany). On the basis of these comparative regional examples, wider implications in the light of international management of the North Sea are presented.A range of nutrient reduction scenarios have been deployed within the overall OSPAR target agreement of 50% nitrogen and phosphorous reduction compared with 1985 levels. Each scenario assumes pollution reduction measures, characterised in terms of their overall implementation costs and nutrient-reduction effects. Specific policy instruments analysed were: the creation of more intertidal habitat via managed coastal realignment in the Humber area, farm-based land cover changes in the Rhine catchment and a mix of agricultural regime and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) improvements in the Elbe area. The ecological consequences associated with each reduction scenario have been modelled [using the ERSEM model, see Baretta, J.W., Ebenhöh, W., Ruardij, P., 1995. An overview over the European Regional Sea Ecosystem Model, a complex marine ecosystem model. Neth. J. Sea Res. 33 (3/4), 233–246] for the coastal zones supplied from the rivers Elbe, Humber and Rhine. The modelled ecological quality indicators, which describe scenario effects on the coastal zone ecosystem, are then aggregated in terms of ecosystem integrity and ecological risk. The results are presented in terms of two selected key-indicators: implementation costs of the abatement measures and changes in ecological risk status, across the different catchments and assuming different scenarios. They thus provide a possible basis for international agreement negotiations at the North Sea scale.  相似文献   

生态空间是指以提供生态系统服务为主要目标的地域范围,确定生态空间范围是协调保护与发展、保障生态服务持续供给的基础。长江流域是中华民族的摇篮与中国文化发祥地之一,是中国经济发展的重要增长极,以及具有全球意义的生物多样性热点区。以长江流域为对象,探讨面向流域生态空间规划的方法与管理对策。研究中,选择生态系统服务指标(水源涵养、洪水调蓄、水质净化、水土保持和生物多样性维护)和生态敏感性指标(水土流失、石漠化和土地沙化),基于流域水文路径分析和与其关联的生态系统服务的受益人口,提出一种流域尺度的生态空间规划方法。研究结果显示,长江流域生态空间面积为102.25万km^2,占长江流域总面积的57.42%,森林占52.87%,灌丛占19.51%,草地占18.96%,湿地占4.26%,保护了79.47%的水源涵养功能,86.99%的洪水调蓄功能,78.09%的水质净化功能,80.60%的水土保持功能,以及86.49%的自然栖息地。在生态空间规划的基础上,进一步探讨了长江流域生态保护红线的格局,现阶段生态保护红线面积为59.25万km^2,占长江流域总面积的33.27%,其中上游占比59.24%,中游和下游分别占比38.05%和2.71%。本文提出的规划方法与研究结果,不仅可以为长江流域生态空间规划、保障流域生态安全和促进流域经济社会可持续发展提供依据,还可以为其他流域的生态空间的规划提供参考。  相似文献   

生态系统服务流研究进展   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
随着社会经济的发展,人类对生态系统的干扰导致多种生态服务退化或消失.生态系统服务流对生态系统服务的输送、转化和维持有重要作用,并成为相关研究的新兴方向之一.本文在对生态系统服务流进行分类的基础上,分析了生态系统服务传递的载体,初步探讨生态系统服务流的形成机制,包括服务流的形成、属性、尺度特征、定量化及其制图等.同时,对生态系统服务流的成本效应,如输送成本、转化成本、使用成本和成本相对性等进行尝试性分析,旨在分析生态系统服务流传递过程中的成本耗散.生态系统服务流研究一定程度上解决了生态系统服务价值评估的“双重核算”问题,使人类准确识别生态系统服务供给和消费热点区域,有利于生态系统服务在传递过程中达到效益最大化,对提出科学合理的生态补偿有重要意义.  相似文献   

生态系统服务流研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,人类对生态系统的干扰导致多种生态服务退化或消失.生态系统服务流对生态系统服务的输送、转化和维持有重要作用,并成为相关研究的新兴方向之一.本文在对生态系统服务流进行分类的基础上,分析了生态系统服务传递的载体,初步探讨生态系统服务流的形成机制,包括服务流的形成、属性、尺度特征、定量化及其制图等.同时,对生态系统服务流的成本效应,如输送成本、转化成本、使用成本和成本相对性等进行尝试性分析,旨在分析生态系统服务流传递过程中的成本耗散.生态系统服务流研究一定程度上解决了生态系统服务价值评估的“双重核算”问题,使人类准确识别生态系统服务供给和消费热点区域,有利于生态系统服务在传递过程中达到效益最大化,对提出科学合理的生态补偿有重要意义.  相似文献   

蒋啸  周旭  肖杨  罗雪  杨大方 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2571-2581
以湖泊生态系统健康维护为目标的生态管控分区成为水环境保护与治理的重要手段,有助于全面掌握流域生态状况,对流域生态经济可持续发展具有重要参考价值。以红枫湖流域为例,从水文水资源、物理结构、水质、生物、社会服务功能5个方面对湖泊生态系统健康进行评价。运用ArcGIS空间分析工具,以200 m×200 m格网为评价单元辨析流域生态敏感性和生态服务功能空间分异特征,进而运用SOFM聚类方法优选聚类方案,划定生态管控分区。结果表明:1)红枫湖湖泊生态系统健康评分为68.4分,属健康状态,物理结构是当前威胁红枫湖湖泊生态系统健康的主要因子;2)红枫湖流域生态敏感性及生态服务功能空间差异明显,生态环境脆弱,生态服务功能较低;3)红枫湖流域生态管控分区划为优先控制区、重点控制区、缓冲控制区及一般控制区,应实施差异化管理,重点任务是调结构、转方式,逐步修复生态系统。  相似文献   

Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae) is a highly prolific, rooted submerged macrophyte native to Asia that has invaded aquatic systems worldwide, causing many ecological and human-related problems. Hydrilla recently invaded the Paraná River basin in Brazil, making other ecologically and socially important Brazilian watersheds more susceptible to invasion by this plant. Here, I summarize the relevant information about Hydrilla, focusing on its biotic attributes, abiotic tolerance and effects on ecosystems. The aim of this review is to provide background information to assist with planning for the potential impacts of this species in the Neotropical region (particularly in Brazil) and the development of research, monitoring and management strategies. A wide ecological amplitude, resistance organs, and high growth rates and dispersion ability provide Hydrilla with great potential to invade and infest a variety of habitats, often resulting in important physico-chemical and biotic effects on the environment. Hydrilla is similar in its morphological and ecological aspects to Egeria najas and Egeria densa (South American Hydrocharitaceae), but this non-native species is a superior competitor and can be expected to exert significant pressure in habitats colonized by these native Hydrocharitaceae. Socially important rivers (such as the S?o Francisco River) have a high risk of being infested with Hydrilla, especially in stretches affected by dams, which could prejudice important human activities like hydropower generation. Important wetlands for biodiversity conservation (such as the Pantanal) may also be invaded, but they seem to be more resistant to infestations as long as their natural hydrologies are preserved. Before investing substantial effort to control Hydrilla, managers should weigh the potential costs and benefits of available techniques and consider the potential benefits of Hydrilla in providing ecosystem services.  相似文献   

万峻  刘红艳  张远  马淑芹  孟伟 《生态学杂志》2013,24(10):2933-2940
在河段尺度下,采用指标评价法对太子河流域的水生生物多样性维持、生境维持、水环境支持和水文支持4项生态功能进行评价,排序求和得到河流的主导功能和综合功能评分. 结果表明:全部河段可评定为4个综合生态功能等级,整体上呈现由山区向平原区递减的趋势. 结合综合生态功能和主导生态功能评价结果,提出了6项河流生态管理策略.其中,对于水生生物多样性维持功能和生境维持功能的河段,管理策略以生态管理为主,即“生态保护”、“生态维持”和“生态修复”;对于水环境支持功能和水文支持功能的河段,管理策略则以开发管理为主,即“限制开发”、“优化开发”和“开发利用”.  相似文献   

采用偏最小二乘回归方法估测森林郁闭度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以遥感数据与森林资源一类清查数据为基础,探讨了用Bootstrap方法筛选最优郁闭度估测变量,用偏最小二乘回归方法建立模型估测森林郁闭度的可行性.结果表明:无论是用所有变量构造的模型还是用所选最优变量构造的模型,郁闭度估测的相对偏差在5%左右.筛选出的最优变量与其他地区的研究结论差异很大,说明除了筛选方法,地带性植被和地形地貌的不同也会造成估测郁闭度最优变量的差异.  相似文献   

生态资产评估及管理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯鹏  付卓  祝汉收  翟俊  陈妍  高海峰  金点点  杨旻 《生态学报》2020,40(24):8851-8860
生态资产是生态系统的自然资源属性和生态系统服务属性的综合体现,为人类社会可持续发展提供着基础支撑。如何准确评估生态资产状况和正确计量生态资产变化,实现生态资产的科学管理和合理使用,是实现人类社会可持续发展目标所需要解决的关键问题之一。对生态资产评估与管理的国外研究进行了系统梳理,提出了今后一段时期的研究重点。在生态资产内涵方面,尽管前期国内外学者理解有所不同,随着认知水平的不断发展,国内对生态资产的理解逐渐趋同于国外。在研究内容方面,生态资产评估与度量、核算与账户管理、服务于人类福祉和可持续发展等方面是研究的核心内容及热点领域,取得积极进展但也存在一些不足,特别是包括自然资源类和生态系统服务类的生态资产综合评估模型方面。今后需要加强基于自然生态系统的双重属性强化生态资产内涵研究和重要性认知研究,全要素生态资产评估方法及全流程核算与权衡管理研究。在我国,需要加强生态资产核算的基础标准、规范账户管理及应用体系研究。  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation organisations have recently begun to consider a wider ecosystem services context for their activities. While the literature suggests the potential of ‘win–win’ situations where biodiversity conservation and the delivery of ecosystem services overlap, empirical evidence is wanting. Here we explore the role that species-led management for the benefit of biodiversity in cultural landscapes can play in the delivery of wider ecosystem services. We use UK lowland wetlands as a case study and show how successful delivery of species-led conservation through management interventions relies on practices that can affect greenhouse gas fluxes, water quality and regulation, and cultural benefits. In these wetlands, livestock grazing has potentially large effects on water and greenhouse gas related services, but there is little scope to alter management without compromising species objectives. Likewise, there is little potential to alter reedbed management without compromising conservation objectives. There is some potential to alter woodland and scrub management, but this would likely have limited influence due to the relatively small area over which such management is practiced. The management of water levels potentially has large effects on provision of several services and there does appear to be some scope to align this objective with biodiversity objectives. A comprehensive understanding of the net costs and benefits to society of these interventions will require fine-grained research integrating ecological, economic and social science research. However, a less analytic understanding of the potential costs and benefits can highlight ways by which land management principally to achieve biodiversity conservation objectives might be modified to enhance delivery of other ecosystem services.  相似文献   

流域库坝工程开发的生物多样性敏感度分区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李亦秋  鲁春霞  邓欧  刘艺 《生态学报》2014,34(11):3081-3089
流域生态敏感性是流域生态系统遇到干扰时产生生态失衡与生态环境问题的难易程度和可能性大小,生物多样性是其影响最为重要的生态因子。主要考虑物种丰富度、珍稀程度、濒危程度、保护等级和生态系统类型等生物多样性敏感因子,借助GIS强大的空间数据采集和建模分析能力,在专家打分求取敏感因子权重基础上,通过空间模型计算生物多样性敏感度综合得分。基于二级流域综合得分最大值,采用ARCGIS自然间断点法实现敏感度分区,结果表明:极敏感区域主要分布在长江区的岷沱江、金沙江石鼓以下、金沙江石鼓以上、宜宾至宜昌、嘉陵江流域,珠江区的郁江、红柳河和西江流域,西南诸河区的澜沧江、红河和怒江及伊洛瓦底江流域,黄河区的龙羊峡以上流域等,这些区域水生生物特有种和受威胁物种丰度大,国家级自然保护区密集,是陆地生物多样性最丰富的地区。不敏感区域主要分布在松花江区除第二松花江以外流域,西北诸河区的塔里木盆地荒漠、古尔班通古特荒漠、中亚西亚内陆河、塔里木河干流等荒漠区,松花江区低温高寒,具有大森林、大草原、大湿地、大农田和大水域的特点,库坝工程对其生物多样性产生影响的可能性较小,西北诸河的荒漠区生境严酷,生物多样性贫乏,也不具备修建大型水库的条件,生物多样性敏感度也较低。其它区域介于二者之间,因其所处的生态系统类型、物种丰富度、珍稀程度、濒危程度和保护等级不一样,生物多样性敏感度各异。对流域库坝工程产生的生物多样性敏感度进行辨识,可为未来流域水资源合理和适度开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   

1. Most temperate rivers are heavily regulated and characterised by incised channels, aggradated floodplains and modified hydroperiods. As a consequence, former extensive aquatic/terrestrial transition zones lack most of their basic ecological functions.
2. Along large rivers in Europe and North America, various floodplain restoration or rehabilitation projects have been planned or realised in recent years. However, restoration ecology is still in its infancy and the literature pertinent to river restoration is rather fragmented. (Semi-) aquatic components of floodplains, including secondary channels, disconnected and temporary waters as well as marshes, have received little attention, despite their significant contribution to biological diversity.
3. Many rehabilitation projects were planned or realised without prior knowledge of their potential for success or failure, although, these projects greatly contributed to our present understanding of river–floodplain systems.
4. River rehabilitation benefits from a consideration of river ecosystem concepts in quantitative terms, comparison with reference conditions, historical or others, and the establishment of interdisciplinary partnerships.
5. We present examples from two large European rivers, the Danube and the Rhine, in which the role of aquatic connectivity has been extensively studied. The Danube delta with its diversity of floodplain lakes across an immense transversal gradient (up to 10 km) serves as a reference system for restoration projects along lowland sections of large rivers such as the Rhine in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

楚智  徐长春  罗映雪  孙琪 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7380-7392
以《生态保护红线划定指南》为依据,在开展区域生态系统服务功能重要性和生态环境敏感性评价的基础上,对塔里木河流域的生态保护红线区域进行划定,并基于FLUS情景模拟、生态系统服务价值(ESV)估算、景观格局指数计算和空间自相关分析等方法,评估生态保护红线政策在塔里木河流域实施后的生态效益。研究结果表明:(1)划定生态保护红线区域总面积133721 km2,占流域总面积的13.01%,植被净初级生产力(NPP)比红线之外的研究区平均值高3.61倍,划定结果符合"以较小面积获取较大服务"的原则。(2)生态保护红线区域提供了全流域44.55%的ESV,调节服务和供给服务是生态系统的最主要功能,其中冰川湖泊贡献了生态保护红线区域52.28%的ESV。(3)生态保护红线政策情景在2030年的ESV比2015年增加了11.96%,且ESV高值面积增加了5.95%,高ESV低风险区域面积增加了6.37%,流域生态系统内部稳定,拥有较高的抵抗风险能力,生态系统结构配置最优。生态保护红线政策能够为塔里木河流域的生态系统稳定和"既要金山银山,又要绿水青山"的可持续发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

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