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Cardiomyogenic development proceeds with a cascade of intricate signalling events that operate in a temporo‐spatial fashion to specify cardiac cell fate during early embryogenesis. In fact, conflicting reports exist regarding the role of Wnt/β‐catenin signalling during cardiomyogenesis. Here, we describe a dose‐dependent and temporal effect of Wnt/β‐catenin signalling on in vitro cardiomyogenesis using embryonic stem cells (ESCs) as a model system. We could demonstrate that canonical Wnt activation during early stage of differentiation either through ligand or by GSK3β inhibition helped in maintaining Oct4 and Nanog expressions, and in parallel, it promoted mesoderm and endoderm inductions. In contrast, it led to attenuation in cardiomyogenesis that was reversed by moderate concentration of DKK1, but not soluble Fz8. However, higher DKK1 could also block cardiomyogenesis, suggesting thereby governance of a particular signalling threshold underlying this developmental event. Interestingly, Wnt signalling activation at early stage modulated BMP4 expression in a stage‐specific manner. Wnt activation, synchronized with BMP4 and brachyury up‐regulation at early stage, correlated well with mesoderm induction. Conversely, Wnt activation led to BMP4 and Wnt5a down‐regulation at late stage culminating in cardiomyogenic attenuation. Our findings suggested the existence of precise regulatory machinery with context‐dependent role of Wnt for fine tuning mesoderm induction and its derivatives, through establishment of Wnt gradient during ESCs’ differentiation. Moreover, contrary to mere activation/inhibition, a specific threshold of Wnt and BMP and their synergy seemed necessary for providing the guiding cues in orchestrating mesoderm induction and subsequent cardiomyogenesis.  相似文献   

The Notch signaling pathway plays versatile roles during heart development. However, there is contradictory evidence that Notch pathway either facilitates or impairs cardiomyogenesis in vitro. In this study, we developed iPSCs by reprogramming of murine fibroblasts with GFP expression governed by Oct4 promoter, and identified an effective strategy to enhance cardiac differentiation through timely modulation of Notch signaling. The Notch inhibitor DAPT (N-[N-(3,5-difluorophenacetyl)-l-alanyl]-S-phenylglycine t-butyl ester) alone drove the iPSCs to a neuronal fate. After mesoderm induction of embryoid bodies initiated by ascorbic acid (AA), the subsequent treatment of DAPT accelerated the generation of spontaneously beating cardiomyocytes. The timed synergy of AA and DAPT yielded an optimal efficiency of cardiac differentiation. Mechanistic studies showed that Notch pathway plays a biphasic role in cardiomyogenesis. It favors the early–stage cardiac differentiation, but exerts negative effects on the late-stage differentiation. Therefore, DAPT administration at the late stage enforced the inhibition of endogenous Notch activity, thereby enhancing cardiomyogenesis. In parallel, DAPT dramatically augmented the expression of Wnt3a, Wnt11, BMP2, and BMP4. In conclusion, our results highlight a practicable approach to generate cardiomyocytes from iPSCs based on the stage-specific biphasic roles of Notch signaling in cardiomyogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) can differentiate to cardiomyocytes in vitro but with generally poor efficiency. Here, we describe a novel method for the efficient generation of cardiomyocytes from hESC in a scalable suspension culture process. Differentiation in serum-free medium conditioned by the cell line END2 (END2-CM) readily resulted in differentiated cell populations with more than 10% cardiomyocytes without further enrichment. By screening candidate molecules, we have identified SB203580, a specific p38 MAP kinase inhibitor, as a potent promoter of hESC-cardiogenesis. SB203580 at concentrations <10 μM, induced more than 20% of differentiated cells to become cardiomyocytes and increased total cell numbers, so that the overall cardiomyocyte yield was approximately 2.5-fold higher than controls. Gene expression indicated that early mesoderm formation was favored in the presence of SB203580. Accordingly, transient addition of the inhibitor at the onset of differentiation only was sufficient to determine the hESC fate. Patch clamp electrophysiology showed that the distribution of cardiomyocyte phenotypes in the population was unchanged by the compound. Interestingly, cardiomyogenesis was strongly inhibited at SB203580 concentrations ≥15 μM. Thus, modulation of the p38MAP kinase pathway, in combination with factors released by END2 cells, plays an essential role in early lineage determination in hESC and the efficiency of cardiomyogenesis. Our findings contribute to transforming human cardiomyocyte generation from hESC into a robust and scalable process.  相似文献   

The endoderm plays an inductive role in the formation of cardiomyocytes in many vertebrates. Here, we provide further evidence for this in the mouse and demonstrate enhanced cardiomyogenesis in mouse embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of native visceral endoderm. Isolated mesoderm from late-primitive streak stage mouse embryos that still have an open proamniotic canal had a reduced capacity to form cardiomyocytes after 4 days in culture compared with mesoderm isolated from later stages but prior to cardiomyogenesis. Moreover, removal of the visceral endoderm but not the primitive streak reduced the formation of beating areas in embryo explants in culture. Coculture with the END2 cell line, which has visceral endoderm-like properties, restored the formation of beating areas. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the expected candidate signaling pathways downstream of Wnts and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) were active in the embryo at the appropriate time and place to be involved. Overall, the results show that, as in other vertebrates, the (visceral) endoderm plays an important role in the early events of mouse cardiomyogenesis.  相似文献   

Cardiomyogenesis proceeds in the presence of signals emanating from extra-embryonic lineages emerging before and during early eutherian gastrulation. In embryonic stem cell derived embryoid bodies, primitive endoderm gives rise to visceral and parietal endoderm. Parietal endoderm undergoes an epithelial to mesenchymal transition shortly before first cardiomyocytes start to contract rhythmically. Here, we demonstrate that Secreted Protein, Acidic, Rich in Cysteine, SPARC, predominantly secreted by mesenchymal parietal endoderm specifically promotes early myocardial cell differentiation in embryoid bodies. SPARC enhanced the expression of bmp2 and nkx2.5 in embryoid bodies and fetal cardiomyocytes. Inhibition of either SPARC or Bmp2 attenuated in both cases cardiomyogenesis and downregulated nkx2.5 expression. Thus, SPARC directly affects cardiomyogenesis, modulates Bmp2 signaling, and contributes to a positive autoregulatory loop of Bmp2 and Nkx2.5 in cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

For myocardial regeneration therapy, the low differentiation capability of functional cardiomyocytes sufficient to replace the damaged myocardial tissue is one of the major difficulties. Using Nkx2.5-GFP knock-in ES cells, we show a new efficient method to obtain cardiomyocytes from embryonic stem (ES) cells. The proportion of GFP-positive cells was significantly increased when ES cells were cultured with a conditioned medium from aortic endothelial cells (ECs), accompanied by upregulation of cardiac-specific genes as well as other mesodermal genes. The promotion was more prominent when EC-conditioned medium was added at an early stage of ES cell differentiation culture (Day 0-3). Inhibitors of bone morphogenic protein (BMP), cyclooxygenase (COX), and nitric oxide synthetase (NO) prevented the promotion of cardiomyogenesis by EC-conditioned medium. These results suggest that supplementation of EC-conditioned medium enables cardiomyocytes to be obtained efficiently through promotion of mesoderm induction, which is regulated by BMP, COX, and NOS.  相似文献   

Many applications of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) will require fully defined growth and differentiation conditions including media devoid of fetal calf serum. To identify factors that control lineage differentiation we have analyzed a serum-free (SF) medium conditioned by the cell line END2, which efficiently induces hESCs to form cardiomyocytes. Firstly, we noted that insulin, a commonly used medium supplement, acted as a potent inhibitor of cardiomyogenesis in multiple hESC lines and was rapidly cleared by medium conditioning. In the presence of insulin or IGF-1, which also suppressed cardiomyocyte differentiation, the PI3/Akt pathway was activated in undifferentiated hESC, suggesting that insulin/IGF-1 effects were mediated by this signaling cascade. Time course analysis and quantitative RT-PCR revealed impaired expression of endoderm and mesoderm markers in the presence of insulin, particularly if added during early stages of hESC differentiation. Relatively high levels of the neural ectoderm marker Sox1 were expressed under these conditions. Secondly, comparative gene expression showed that two key enzymes in the prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) synthesis pathway were highly up-regulated in END2 cells compared with a related, but non-cardiogenic, cell line. Biochemical analysis confirmed 6-10-fold higher PGI2 levels in END2 cell-conditioned medium (END2-CM) vs. controls. Optimized concentrations of PGI2 in a fully synthetic, insulin-free medium resulted in a cardiogenic activity equivalent to END2-CM. Addition of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase-inhibitor SB203580, which we have shown previously to enhance hESC cardiomyogenesis, to these insulin-free and serum-free conditions resulted in a cardiomyocyte content of >10% in differentiated cultures without any preselection. This study represents a significant step toward developing scalable production for cardiomyocytes from hESC using clinically compliant reagents compatible with Good Manufacturing Practice.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms controlling inductive events leading to the specification and terminal differentiation of cardiomyocytes are still largely unknown. We have investigated the role of Cripto, an EGF-CFC factor, in the earliest stages of cardiomyogenesis. We find that both the timing of initiation and the duration of Cripto signaling are crucial for priming differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells into cardiomyocytes, indicating that Cripto acts early to determine the cardiac fate. Furthermore, we show that failure to activate Cripto signaling in this early window of time results in a direct conversion of ES cells into a neural fate. Moreover, the induction of Cripto activates the Smad2 pathway, and overexpression of activated forms of type I receptor ActRIB compensates for the lack of Cripto signaling in promoting cardiomyogenesis. Finally, we show that Nodal antagonists inhibit Cripto-regulated cardiomyocyte induction and differentiation in ES cells. All together our findings provide evidence for a novel role of the Nodal/Cripto/Alk4 pathway in this process.  相似文献   

The molecules and environment that direct pluripotent stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes are largely unknown. Here, we determined a critical role of receptor tyrosine kinase, EphB4, in regulating cardiomyocyte generation from embryonic stem (ES) cells through endothelial cells. The number of spontaneous contracting cardiomyocytes, and the expression of cardiac‐specific genes, including α‐MHC and MLC‐2V, was significantly decreased in EphB4‐null ES cells. EphB4 was expressed in endothelial cells underneath contracting cardiomyocytes, but not in cardiomyocytes. Angiogenic inhibitors, including endostatin and angiostatin, inhibited endothelial cell differentiation and diminished cardiomyogenesis in ES cells. Generation of functional cardiomyocytes and the expression of cardiac‐specific genes were significantly enhanced by co‐culture of ES cells with human endothelial cells. Furthermore, the defects of cardiomyocyte differentiation in EphB4‐deficient ES cells were rescued by human endothelial cells. For the first time, our study demonstrated that endothelial cells play an essential role in facilitating cardiomyocyte differentiation from pluripotent stem cells. EphB4 signaling is a critical component of the endothelial niche to regulate regeneration of cardiomyocytes. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 29–39, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genes involved in differentiation of notochord or muscle are expressed in specific regions of the involuted dorsal mesoderm in mid-gastrula Xenopus embryo. The presumptive notochord or the presomitic mesoderm have been cultured either in isolation or recombination to investigate whether these tissues have been determined. Cell differentiation was checked by specific markers of notochord (Shh) or muscle cell (desmin, myosin). The results show that the presumptive notochord can differentiate into vacuolated notochord with a weak expression of Shh, while the presomitic mesoderm differentiate into muscle cells with a normal expression of desmin and myosin in vitro. The same result was obtained when the two tissues have been cocultured. These data suggest that the cell fate of the involuted dorsal mesoderm in mid-gastrula has been determined, cells can differentiate according to their fates without further signals from the adjacent tissues, but no functional structures can be formed by these tissues in vitro.  相似文献   

原肠中期内卷的背方中胚层出现了分别控制脊索和肌肉发育的专一分子的区域化表达。为了研究这个时期的背方中胚层是否已经能够在脱离体内信号的情况下向预定命运分化,我们进行了预定脊索和预定肌肉组织的体外培养,以及两者的共培养,并检测了细胞表达组织专一性分子的情况。原肠中期的预定脊索区域和预定体节区域都能在体外分化成相应的组织——空泡化的脊索和肌细胞,但脊索只能微弱表达其功能分子Shh,肌细胞不能形成肌节。预定脊索区域和预定肌肉区域的共培养也无法增强脊索表达Shh和促进肌细胞形成肌节。我们的结论是,原肠中期内卷的中胚层细胞已经具有了朝预定命运独立分化的能力,但进一步形成功能和结构都完整的相应组织可能还需要周围组织的作用。  相似文献   

The small heat-shock protein HSP25 is expressed in the heart early during development, and although multiple roles for HSP25 have been proposed, its specific role during development and differentiation is not known. P19 is an embryonal carcinoma cell line which can be induced to differentiate in vitro into either cardiomyocytes or neurons. We have used P19 to examine the role of HSP25 in differentiation. We found that HSP25 expression is strongly increased in P19 cardiomyocytes. Antisense HSP25 expression reduced the extent of cardiomyocyte differentiation and resulted in reduced expression of cardiac actin and the intermediate filament desmin and reduced level of cardiac mRNAs. Thus, HSP25 is necessary for differentiation of P19 into cardiomyocytes. In contrast, P19 neurons did not express HSP25 and antisense HSP25 expression had no effect on neuronal differentiation. The phosphorylation of HSP25 by the p38/SAPK2 pathway is known to be important for certain of its functions. Inhibition of this pathway by the specific inhibitor SB203580 prevented cardiomyocyte differentiation of P19 cells. In contrast, PD90589, which inhibits the ERK1/2 pathway, had no effect. Surprisingly, cardiogenesis was only sensitive to SB203580 during the first 2 days of differentiation, before HSP25 expression increases. In contrast to the effect of antisense HSP25, SB203580 reduced the level of expression of the mesodermal marker Brachyury-T during differentiation. Therefore, we propose that the p38 pathway acts on an essential target during early cardiogenesis. Once this initial step is complete, HSP25 is necessary for the functional differentiation of P19 cardiomyocytes, but its phosphorylation by p38/SAPK2 is not required.  相似文献   

Sik1 (salt inducible kinase 1) is a serine/threonine kinase that belongs to the stress- and energy-sensing AMP-activated protein kinase family. During murine embryogenesis, sik1 marks the monolayer of future myocardial cells that will populate first the primitive ventricle, and later the primitive atrium suggesting its involvement in cardiac cell differentiation and/or heart development. Despite that observation, the involvement of sik1 in cardiac differentiation is still unknown. We examined the sik1 function during cardiomyocyte differentiation using the ES-derived embryoid bodies. We produced a null embryonic stem cell using a gene-trap cell line carrying an insertion in the sik1 locus. In absence of the sik1 protein, the temporal appearance of cardiomyocytes is delayed. Expression profile analysis revealed sik1 as part of a genetic network that controls the cell cycle, where the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57Kip2 is directly involved. Collectively, we provided evidence that sik1-mediated effects are specific for cardiomyogenesis regulating cardiomyoblast cell cycle exit toward terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

hhlim促进DMSO诱导的P19细胞向心肌分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了确定hhlim是否参与胚胎期的心肌分化和发育过程,用可表达hhlim蛋白和hhlim反义RNA的真核表达质粒转染P19胚胎干细胞,经G418筛选得到稳定表达hhlim和hhlim反义RNA的P19细胞克隆后,观察hhlim对P19细胞向心肌分化和发育的影响.结果显示,Nkx2.5和GATA-4在未被外源性hhlim基因转染的P19细胞中不表达.DMSO刺激细胞2天后,GATA-4开始表达,3天后Nkx2.5的表达活性显著升高.hhlim的过表达不但有利于P19细胞的存活和生长,而且还可以使Nkx2.5和GATA-4的表达比对照细胞提前1天.反义hhlim细胞株被DMSO诱导5天后,细胞仍呈集落化生长.同时,Nkx2.5和GATA-4开始表达的时间明显延滞.结果表明,hhlim能促进P19细胞向心肌细胞分化,其作用是通过促进转录因子GATA-4和Nkx2.5的表达而实现的.  相似文献   

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