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兰科菌根研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰科菌根是一种内生菌根,主要寄生于兰科(Orchidaceae)植物的种子及根系上。对兰科菌根真菌的分类及真菌资源多样性、兰科菌根的形态和菌根对兰科植物的效应等最新研究进展进行了综述。目前研究已知,感染兰科植物根部并能与之共生的真菌绝大多数属于担子菌门(Basidiomycota)和半知菌门(Deuteromycotha),也有部分属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota);兰科菌根的形成可分为两种情况:一是对兰科植物种子的侵染;二是对成长新根的侵染。菌根真菌对兰科植物的种子萌发及植株生长发育均有一定影响。  相似文献   

庐山外生菌根真菌的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
早在一个世纪以前,人们就发现自然界中许多高等植物与真菌存在共生关系,并把这种共生体叫做菌根(Mycorrhiza),最常见的菌根分为内生菌根(Endotrophicmycorrhiza)和外生菌根(Entotrophicmycorrhiza)。据Trppe的调查[1],能够形成菌根的真菌很多,与木本植物形成外生菌根的真菌多属于伞菌、多孔菌、腹菌等计有11目30科90多个属;在植物界除了水生植物和极少数陆生植物种属外都能形成菌根。我国已报道能形成外生菌根的真菌约28个科63个属[2.4]。庐山是…  相似文献   

在盆栽条件下研究了丛枝菌根菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)单孢、多孢和菌根根段接种物及其寄主植物烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)、苏丹草(Sorghum sudanense(Piper)Stapf)和三叶草(Trifolium repens L.)对AMF Glomns macrocarpum Tul、Glomus mosseae(Nicol&  相似文献   

植物与菌根菌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
菌根是土壤中的真菌与高等植物根系所形成的共生体。共生真菌从植物体内获得碳水化合物等营养物质,而植物根也从真菌那里得到所需的营养元素和水,从而互利共生,共同进化。有趣的是,有些真菌对于一种植物来说是菌根菌,而对另一种植物来说可能是寄生菌或病原菌。据统计,种子植物中95%以上的种能与接合菌、子囊菌、担子菌等亚门的真菌共生,形成菌根。菌根学者习惯上根据其形态解剖学特征,将菌根分为三大类:外生菌根、内生菌根、内外生菌根。外生菌根是菌根真菌菌丝体包围植物尚未木栓化的营养根形成的,其菌丝体不侵染到皮层细胞内…  相似文献   

香港润楠属植物的分类研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
庄雪影   《广西植物》1997,17(4):291-294
本文记载了香港润楠属植物共11种,其中包括2个香港新记录(M.leptophylaHand.-Maz.,M.robustaW.W.Sm.),改正了4个过去被误定的植物种名。  相似文献   

应用日立83-50型氨基酸自动分析仪对海南岛不同生境绞股蓝属5种植物中的总氨基酸组分进行了含量测定比值分析。结果表明:绞股蓝(54.11%)〉单叶绞股蓝(53.80%)〉光叶绞股蓝(44.98%)〉果绞股蓝(35.58%)〉毛果绞股蓝(17.50%)。各种样品均含有17种氨基酸,Glu、Ser、Gly和Asp含量最高,Met、Cys、His偏低;栽培的高于野生的。量值相比变化范围达0.7-2.70  相似文献   

苋科植物的丛枝菌根   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
有些种子植物如莎草科、十字花科、灯心草科、藜科、石竹科等 2 0余科 ,以往曾被认为不能或不易形成丛枝菌根 (郭秀珍等 ,1989;刘润进等 ,2 0 0 0 )。随着对菌根的深入研究 ,曾被认为是不易与菌根菌组合的湿地生植物、寄生性植物、或一年生植物都被发现是可以形成内生菌根的 (Trappe等 ,1992 )。此外 ,Allen等 (1989)研究证实 ,Salsolakali,Atriplexroseum等生长于沙漠、海滨的藜科植物 ,进行接种处理后 ,也能形成丛枝菌根。我们在西双版纳调查热带雨林植物的丛枝菌根状况时 ,偶然发现刺苋 (Ama r…  相似文献   

报道了寄生在人参(PanaxginsengMeyer)上的白粉菌属一新种:人参白粉菌(ErysiphepanacisR.L.Bai.etW.C.Liusp.nov.),此为白粉菌有性型在五加科(Arali aceae)植物上寄生的首次记载。模式标本存放在解放军农牧大学真菌标本室  相似文献   

外生菌根菌与森林树木的相互关系   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
生态系统的每个过程都伴随着各种微生物的活动,其中最重要的功能群之一是菌根真菌(菌根菌)。一般认为,菌根菌是自然界多数植物生存最基本的组成部分,陆地上约90%以上的高等植物都具有菌根菌。这些菌类的菌丝体与植物根系结合形成菌根,使植物生长成为可能,使不同种类植物的根系联在一起。根据菌根菌入侵植物根系的方式及菌根的形态特征,菌根可分为外生菌根、内生菌根和内外生菌根3组共7种类型。外生菌根主要出现在松科、桦木科、壳斗科等树种的森林生态系统中,在根系表面形成菌丝鞘,部分菌丝进入根系皮层细胞间隙形成哈氏网表面。菌根菌剂在森林经营中得到广泛地应用。外生菌根菌对森林树木的作用可归纳为:1)促进造林或育苗成活与生长;2)提高森林生态系统中植物的多样性、稳定性和生产力;3)对森林生态系统的综合效应,主要表现在增加植物一土壤联结,改善土壤结构,促进土壤微生物,增强植物器官的功能;4)抗拮植物根部病害病原菌等。树木与菌根菌相互关系研究主要包括:1)菌根共生的机理;2)菌根菌在退化森林生态系统恢复与改造中的作用;3)菌根菌的分布格局与森林生态系统服务功能的关系;4)菌根菌对森林生态系统的综合效应,如菌根菌与森林植物群落结构、物种多样性以及森林系统稳定性和生产力的研究。  相似文献   

海南岛绞股蓝属植物中总氨基酸分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用日立83550型氨基酸自动分析仪对海南岛不同生境绞股蓝属5种植物中的总氨基酸组分进行了含量测定与比值分析。结果表明:绞股蓝(54.11%)>单叶绞股蓝(53.80%)>光叶绞股蓝(44.98%)>喙果绞股蓝(35.58%)>毛果绞股蓝(17.50%)。各种样品均含有17种氨基酸,Glu、Ser、Gly和Asp含量最高,Met、Cys、His偏低;栽培的高于野生的,量值相比变化范围达0.7%~2.709%;5种绞股蓝游离氨基酸定量分析结果,以单叶绞股蓝和绞股蓝含量最高(13.405%、12.904%)、喙果绞股蓝与光叶绞股蓝居中(11.48%、11.163%)、毛果绞股蓝稍为偏低(7.680%)。  相似文献   

Endemic, indigenous, naturalized and cultivated angiosperms growing in a variety of habitats in Hawaii were examined for mycorrhizae. Of 147 species (representing 61 families) examined, 122 were mycorrhizal, and 98% of the latter formed vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM). Ericoid, orchid, and ectomycorrhizae also were found. Mycorrhizae were most frequent in endemic species (90.3%) and least in indigenous species (71.9%). The incidence of mycotrophy in Hawaiian endemic species was significantly greater than in mainland species. In addition, VAM often were found in species belonging to families that typically lack mycorrhizae (Aizoaceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Juncaceae, Pandanaceae, and Urticaceae). Naturalized weedy species were highly mycorrhizal. The high incidence of mycorrhizae in endemic species suggests that VAM fungi and obligately mycotrophic plant species may have been present in the Hawaiian Islands from the earliest stages of the development of the angiosperm flora.  相似文献   

Roots of 28 species of epiphytic vascular plants were collected on tree trunks and branches at six afromontane forest sites between 1700 and 3300 m above sea level in Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia. Seven of the 28 epiphyte species were colonized by vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM). Mycorrhizal colonization only occurred at two of the six sites examined, at 2900 m and 3300 m, but more than one type of VAM endophyte was present in each case. Three facultative epiphytic species were all highly colonized by VAM on the forest floor, whereas roots from epiphytic habitats were weakly colonized. No correlations were found between VAM colonization, fine root diameter and root hair length, but VAM colonization and root hair abundance were negatively correlated. The lack of VAM colonization of potential, epiphytic host species at the majority of the sites examined points to the dispersal of VAM propagules as the factor limiting mycorrhizal colonization of epiphytic habitats. It is suggested that root systems of hemiepiphytic tree species serve as corridors between forest floor and tree trunks through which VAM may spread via hyphal growth.  相似文献   

Dynamics of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae during old field succession   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary The species composition of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungal communities changed during secondary succession of abandoned fields based on a field to forest chronosequence. Twenty-five VAM fungal species were identified. Seven species were clearly early successional and five species were clearly late successional. The total number of VAM fungal species did not increase with successional time, but diversity as measured by the Shannon-Wiener index tended to increase, primarily because the community became more even as a single species, Glomus aggregatum, became less dominant in the older sites. Diversity of the VAM fungal community was positively correlated with soil C and N. The density of VAM fungi, as measured by infectivity and total spore count, first increased with time since abandonment and then decreased in the late successional forest sites. Within 12 abandoned fields, VAM fungal density increased with increasing soil pH, H2O soluble soil C, and root biomass, but was inversely related to extractable soil P and percent cover of non-host plant species. The lower abundance of VAM fungi in the forest sites compared with the field sites agrees with the findings of other workers and corresponds with a shift in the dominant vegetation from herbaceous VAM hosts to woody ectomycorrhizal hosts.  相似文献   

The vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi of commercially grown Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) were studied. Soil and root samples were collected monthly from March through September 1975 from five fields in the coastal area of southern Oregon and northern California. Soil seivings were inoculated onto clover, onion, and lily to cause infections resulting in the production of many new mycorrhizal spores facilitating identification. Four VA mycorrhizal species were found: Acaulospora trappei, A. elegans, Glomus monosporus, and G. fasciculatus. All four VA species infected Easter lily, clover, and onion. Acaulospora trappei and G. fasciculatus were the most commonly isolated species from all five fields. Mycorrhizal infections in roots of field-grown lilies were sparse and presumably young in March and gradually increased in size and number until September when bulbs were harvested. Over 75% of each root system became infected with mycorrhizae in fields with all four fungal species, and those levels were reached by July. In fields with only two mycorrhizal species, usually 50% or less of each root system was infected, even by the end of the growing season.  相似文献   

This article introduces reports concerning the occurrence of mycorrhizae on epiphytes in Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Venezuela, Malaysia, and Mexico. Association of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with the roots of epiphytes is not well known. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAM) do occur in the canopy, but are uncommon except in certain sites and host taxa. Occurrence of VAM on epiphytes may be constrained by mineral nutrient availability and spatial heterogeneity in the canopy. Nevertheless, epiphytes present unique opportunities to study influences of mycorrhizae on vascular plant community composition and on the evolution of mycorrhizal associations.  相似文献   

Host genotype and the formation and function of VA mycorrhizae   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
VA mycorrhizae, the most ancient type of mycorrhizal symbiosis, are present in the most phytogenetically advanced groups. Few plants have evolved mechanisms to completely prevent infection by VAM fungi. Yet, plant species that are less dependent on VA mycorrhizae for nutrient acquisition (e.g., grasses) generally have less root colonization in the field than more dependent species (e.g., Citrus). Among closely related Citrus genotypes, there is a greater tendency for less dependent species to limit the rate but not the extent of colonization, even in high-P soils. We hypothesize that colonization represents a significant carbon cost that may be regulated by the host genotype. Carbon expenditure on the fungus at high P may result in mycorrhizal-induced growth depression. The potential value of breeding plants for greater susceptibility to colonization will depend on the cost/benefit of VA mycorrhizae for the specific crop, soil and environmental conditions. Although the genetics and physiology of host control over VAM colonization are barely known, recently discovered mycorrhizal colonization mutants (myc-) of pea offer great promise for the study of host-fungus compatibility. Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. R-02765. Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. R-02765.  相似文献   

Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) are reported for the first time in four species of Hawaiian Ericales, Vaccinium calycinum, V. dentatum, and V. reticulatum of the Ericaceae and Styphelia tameiameiae of the Epacridaceae. The coarse roots (> 1.5 mm diam) of many specimens were densely colonized by VAM fungi, with up to 90% of the length of roots containing arbuscules, vesicles, coils, and internal hyphae. Spores of an undescribed Glomus sp. were associated with two species of Vaccinium. The hair roots of all species bore the ericoid mycorrhizae typical of certain families of this order. The high frequency of VAM in Hawaiian populations of Ericales suggests that ancestral Ericales possessed the capacity to form both VA and ericoid mycorrhizae. An evolutionary sequence of mycorrhizal dependency in the Ericales is presented.  相似文献   

The potential for mycorrhizae to influence the diversity and structuring of plant communities depends on whether their affinities and effects differ across a suite of potential host species. In order to assess this potential for a tropical forest community in Panama, we conducted three reciprocal inoculation experiments using seedlings from six native tree species. Seeds were germinated in sterile soil and then exposed to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in current association with naturally infected roots from adults of either the same or different species growing in intact forest. The tree species represent a range of life histories, including early successional pioneers, a persistent understory species, and emergent species, typical of mature forest. Collectively, these experiments show: (i) the seedlings of small-seeded pioneer species were more dependent on mycorrhizal inocula for initial survival and growth; (ii) although mycorrhizal fungi from all inocula were able to colonize the roots of all host species, the inoculum potential (the infectivity of an inoculum of a given concentration) and root colonization varied depending on the identity of the host seedling and the source of the inoculum; and (iii) different mycorrhizal fungal inocula also produced differences in growth depending on the host species. These differences indicate that host–mycorrhizal fungal interactions in tropical forests are characterized by greater complexity than has previously been demonstrated, and suggest that tropical mycorrhizal fungal communities have the potential to differentially influence seedling recruitment among host species and thereby affect community composition.  相似文献   

The mycorrhizal status of water-impounding tank bromeliad epiphytes from three locales differing in altitude and moisture regime within Venezuelan cloud forest was examined. Species of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi found in arboreal soils were compared to VAM fungi found in terrestrial soils. Sixteen of the 19 epiphytes examined for the presence of VAM fungi had roots with infection stages; 14 of these specimens showed growth of the fine endophyte Glomus tenue. Fine endophyte was the only VAM fungus found associated with epiphytes in the driest locale studied, while coarse VAM fungi (Gigaspora and Scutellospora spp.) were found at sampling locales receiving more moisture. Root infection was usually composed of intercellular hyphae and peletons; few arbuscules were observed. However, abundant extracellular hyphae were often observed tangled about roots in arboreal soil. It is concluded that epiphytic bromeliads probably benefit, at least periodically, from VAM fungi scavenging for sporadically available nutrients in arboreal soils. Glomus tenue may be particularly important as a colonizing VAM fungus in drier sites of Venezuelan cloud forest. The species composition of VAM fungi in arboreal soils was different to that of terrestrial soils sampled directly under epiphytic bromeliad perches, suggesting that VAM fungi species associated with bromeliads are dispersed to their hosts by vagile animal vectors.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal symbioses were found in the roots of 45 out of 59 species of pteridophytes collected in Korea. The mycorrhizal fungi were colonized in the root cortical cells, primarily in terrestrial species, but rarely in epiphytic or aquatic pteridophytes. Mycorrhizae that are typically found in orchid colonized the roots of the epiphytic pteridophytes, but not in other species. These were the first observations of orchid mycorrhizae in pteridophytes. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were examined after staining, then confirmed with PCR, using a specific primer. This is the first report of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in the roots of pteridophyte species in Asia.  相似文献   

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