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Fgf signaling plays essential roles in many developmental events. To investigate the roles of Fgf4 signaling in zebrafish development, we generated Fgf4 knockdown embryos by injection with Fgf4 antisense morpholino oligonucleotides. Randomized LR patterning of visceral organs including the liver, pancreas, and heart was observed in the knockdown embryos. Prominent expression of Fgf4 was observed in the posterior notochord and Kupffer's vesicle region in the early stages of segmentation. Lefty1, lefty2, southpaw, and pitx2 are known to play crucial roles in LR patterning of visceral organs. Fgf4 was essential for the expression of lefty1, which is necessary for the asymmetric expression of southpaw and pitx2 in the lateral plate mesoderm, in the posterior notochord, and the expression of lefty2 and lefty1 in the left cardiac field. Fgf8 is also known to be crucial for the formation of Kupffer's vesicle, which is needed for the LR patterning of visceral organs. In contrast, Fgf4 was required for the formation of cilia in Kupffer's vesicle, indicating that the role of Fgf4 in the LR patterning is quite distinct from that of Fgf8. The present findings indicate that Fgf4 plays a unique role in the LR patterning of visceral organs in zebrafish.  相似文献   

The embryonic midline is crucial for the development of embryonic pattern including bilateral symmetry and left-right asymmetry. In zebrafish, lefty1 (lft1) and lefty2 (lft2) have distinct midline expression domains along the anteroposterior axis that overlap with the expression patterns of the nodal-related genes cyclops and squint. Altered expression patterns of lft1 and lft2 in zebrafish mutants that affect midline development suggests different upstream pathways regulate each expression domain. Ectopic expression analysis demonstrates that a balance of lefty and cyclops signaling is required for normal mesendoderm patterning and goosecoid, no tail and pitx2 expression. In late somite-stage embryos, lft1 and lft2 are expressed asymmetrically in the left diencephalon and left lateral plate respectively, suggesting an additional role in laterality development. A model is proposed by which the vertebrate midline, and thus bilateral symmetry, is established and maintained by antagonistic interactions among co-expressed members of the lefty and nodal subfamilies of TGF-beta signaling molecules.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a new zebrafish gene, southpaw, that is required for visceral and diencephalic left-right asymmetry. southpaw encodes a new member of the nodal-related class of proteins, a subfamily within the transforming growth factor beta superfamily of secreted factors. southpaw is expressed bilaterally in paraxial mesoderm precursors and then within the left lateral plate mesoderm. At late somite stages, left-sided southpaw expression transiently overlaps the left-sided expression domains of other genes that mark the developing heart, such as lefty2. We have injected morpholinos to block the translation of the southpaw mRNA or to block splicing of the southpaw pre-mRNA. These morpholinos cause a severe disruption of early (cardiac jogging) and late (cardiac looping) aspects of cardiac left-right asymmetry. As the left-right asymmetry of the pancreas is also affected, southpaw appears to regulate left-right asymmetry throughout a large part of the embryo. Consistent with the morphological changes, the left-sided expression domains of downstream genes (cyclops, pitx2, lefty1 and lefty2) are severely downregulated or abolished within the lateral plate mesoderm of Southpaw-deficient embryos. Surprisingly, despite the absence of southpaw expression in the brain, we find that early diencephalic left-right asymmetry also requires Southpaw activity. These observations lead to a model of how visceral organ and brain left-right asymmetry are coordinated during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The vertebrate brain develops from a bilaterally symmetric neural tube but later displays profound anatomical and functional asymmetries. Despite considerable progress in deciphering mechanisms of visceral organ laterality, the genetic pathways regulating brain asymmetries are unknown. In zebrafish, genes implicated in laterality of the viscera (cyclops/nodal, antivin/lefty and pitx2) are coexpressed on the left side of the embryonic dorsal diencephalon, within a region corresponding to the presumptive epiphysis or pineal organ. Asymmetric gene expression in the brain requires an intact midline and Nodal-related factors. RNA-mediated rescue of mutants defective in Nodal signaling corrects tissue patterning at gastrulation, but fails to restore left-sided gene expression in the diencephalon. Such embryos develop into viable adults with seemingly normal brain morphology. However, the pineal organ, which typically emanates at a left-to-medial site from the dorsal diencephalic roof, becomes displaced in position. Thus, a conserved signaling pathway regulating visceral laterality also underlies an anatomical asymmetry of the zebrafish forebrain.  相似文献   

β-Catenin-mediated canonical Wnt signaling has been found to be required for left-right (LR) asymmetric development. However, the implication of endogenous β-catenin in LR development has not been demonstrated by loss-of-function studies. In zebrafish embryos, two β-catenin genes, β-catenin 1 (ctnnb1) and β-catenin 2 (ctnnb2) are maternally expressed and their zygotic expression occurs in almost all types of tissues, including Kupffer's vesicle (KV), an essential organ that initiates LR development in teleost fish. We demonstrate here that morpholino-mediated knockdown of ctnnb1, ctnnb2, or both, in the whole embryo or specifically in dorsal forerunner cells (DFCs) interrupts normal asymmetry of the heart, liver and pancreas. Global knockdown of ctnnb2 destroys the midline physical and molecular barrier, while global knockdown of ctnnb1 impairs the formation of the midline molecular barrier. Depletion of either gene or both in DFCs/KV leads to poor KV cell proliferation, abnormal cilia formation and disordered KV fluid flow with downregulation of ntl and tbx16 expression. ctnnb1 and ctnnb2 in DFCs/KV differentially regulate the expression of charon, a Nodal antagonist, and spaw, a key Nodal gene for laterality development in zebrafish. Loss of ctnnb1 in DFCs/KV inhibits the expression of charon around KV and of spaw in the posterior lateral plate mesoderm, while ctnnb2 knockdown results in loss of spaw expression in the anterior lateral plate mesoderm with little alteration of charon expression. Taken together, our findings suggest that ctnnb1 and ctnnb2 regulate multiple processes of laterality development in zebrafish embryos through similar and distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

The embryonic midline in vertebrates has been implicated in left-right development, but the mechanisms by which it regulates left-right asymmetric gene expression and organ morphogenesis are unknown. Zebrafish embryos have three domains of left-right asymmetric gene expression that are useful predictors of organ situs. cyclops (nodal), lefty1 and pitx2 are expressed in the left diencephalon; cyclops, lefty2 and pitx2 are expressed in the left heart field; and cyclops and pitx2 are expressed in the left gut primordium. Distinct alterations of these expression patterns in zebrafish midline mutants identify four phenotypic classes that have different degrees of discordance among the brain, heart and gut. These classes help identify two midline domains and several genetic pathways that regulate left-right development. A cyclops-dependent midline domain, associated with the prechordal plate, regulates brain asymmetry but is dispensable for normal heart and gut left-right development. A second midline domain, associated with the anterior notochord, is dependent on no tail, floating head and momo function and is essential for restricting asymmetric gene expression to the left side. Mutants in spadetail or chordino give discordant gene expression among the brain, heart and gut. one-eyed pinhead and schmalspur are necessary for asymmetric gene expression and may mediate signaling from midline domains to lateral tissues. The different phenotypic classes help clarify the apparent disparity of mechanisms proposed to explain left-right development in different vertebrates.  相似文献   

Mammalian lefty and zebrafish antivin form a subgroup of the TGF beta superfamily. We report that mouse mutants for lefty2 have an expanded primitive streak and form excess mesoderm, a phenotype opposite to that of mutants for the TGF beta gene nodal. Analogously, overexpression of Antivin or Lefty2 in zebrafish embryos blocks head and trunk mesoderm formation, a phenotype identical to that of mutants caused by loss of Nodal signaling. The lefty2 mutant phenotype is partially suppressed by heterozygosity for nodal. Similarly, the effects of Antivin and Lefty2 can be suppressed by overexpression of the nodal-related genes cyclops and squint or the extracellular domain of ActRIIB. Expression of antivin is dependent on Nodal signaling, revealing a feedback loop wherein Nodal signals induce their antagonists Lefty2 and Antivin to restrict Nodal signaling during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Nodal and Nodal-related factors play fundamental roles in a number of developmental processes, including mesoderm and endoderm formation, patterning of the anterior neural plate, and determination of bilateral asymmetry in vertebrates. pitx2, a paired-like homeobox gene, has been proposed to act downstream of Nodal in the gene cascade providing left-right cues to the developing organs. Here, we report that pitx2 is required early in the Nodal signaling pathway for specification of the endodermal and mesodermal germ layers. We found that pitx2 is expressed very early during Xenopus and zebrafish development and in many regions where Nodal signaling is required, including the presumptive mesoderm and endoderm at the blastula and gastrula stages and the prechordal mesoderm at later stages. In Xenopus embryos, overexpression of pitx2 caused ectopic expression of goosecoid and sox-17 and interfered with mesoderm formation. Overexpression of pitx2 in Xenopus animal cap explants partially mimics the effects of Nodal overexpression, suggesting that pitx2 is a mediator of Nodal signaling during specification of the endoderm and prechordal plate, but not during mesoderm induction. We further demonstrate that pitx2 is induced by Nodal signaling in Xenopus animal caps and that the early expression of zebrafish pitx2 is absent when the Nodal signaling pathway is inactive. Inhibition of pitx2 function using a chimeric EnR-pitx2 blocked specification of the mesoderm and endoderm and caused severe embryonic defects resembling those seen when Nodal signaling is inhibited. Following inhibition of pitx2 function, the fate of ventral vegetal blastomeres was shifted from an endodermal to a more mesodermal fate, an effect that was reversed by wild-type pitx2. Finally, we show that inhibition of pitx2 function interferes with the response of cells to Nodal signaling. Our results provide direct evidence that pitx2 function is required for normal specification of the endodermal and mesodermal germ layers.  相似文献   

Nodal signals, a subclass of the TGFbeta superfamily of secreted factors, induce formation of mesoderm and endoderm in vertebrate embryos. We have examined the possible dorsoventral and animal-vegetal patterning roles for Nodal signals by using mutations in two zebrafish nodal-related genes, squint and cyclops, to manipulate genetically the levels and timing of Nodal activity. squint mutants lack dorsal mesendodermal gene expression at the late blastula stage, and fate mapping and gene expression studies in sqt(-/-); cyc(+/+) and sqt(-/-); cyc(+/-) mutants show that some dorsal marginal cells inappropriately form hindbrain and spinal cord instead of dorsal mesendodermal derivatives. The effects on ventrolateral mesendoderm are less severe, although the endoderm is reduced and muscle precursors are located nearer to the margin than in wild type. Our results support a role for Nodal signals in patterning the mesendoderm along the animal-vegetal axis and indicate that dorsal and ventrolateral mesoderm require different levels of squint and cyclops function. Dorsal marginal cells were not transformed toward more lateral fates in either sqt(-/-); cyc(+/-) or sqt(-/-); cyc(+/+) embryos, arguing against a role for the graded action of Nodal signals in dorsoventral patterning of the mesendoderm. Differential regulation of the cyclops gene in these cells contributes to the different requirements for nodal-related gene function in these cells. Dorsal expression of cyclops requires Nodal-dependent autoregulation, whereas other factors induce cyclops expression in ventrolateral cells. In addition, the differential timing of dorsal mesendoderm induction in squint and cyclops mutants suggests that dorsal marginal cells can respond to Nodal signals at stages ranging from the mid-blastula through the mid-gastrula.  相似文献   

Geminin plays an important role in coordinating the cell cycle with anterior–posterior patterning during embryonic development. However, whether it is involved in the regulation of left–right (LR) patterning remains unknown. Here, we reported that geminin is required for setting up heart and visceral laterality during zebrafish development. Defective heart and visceral laterality was observed in geminin morphants. Further study demonstrated that the left-sided nodal/spaw in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) as well as the sideness of its downstream targets lefty2 and lefty1 was perturbed in geminin morphants. Upstream of the left-sided Nodal signal along the regulatory cascade of LR asymmetry, knock down of geminin resulted in defective Kupffer’s vesicle (KV) formation and ciliogenesis rather than middle line defects. Predominant distribution of an antisense morpholino against geminin in dorsal forerunner cells (DFCs) led to defective KV morphogenesis and perturbed LR asymmetry, similar to those of geminin morphants, indicating a cell-autonomous role of geminin in regulating KV formation and ciliogenesis. Our results demonstrate that geminin is required for proper KV formation and ciliogenesis, thus playing an important part in setting up LR asymmetry.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, left-right (LR) axis specification is determined by a ciliated structure in the posterior region of the embryo. Fluid flow in this ciliated structure is responsible for the induction of unilateral left-sided Nodal activity in the lateral plate mesoderm, which in turn regulates organ laterality. Bmp signalling activity has been implied in repressing Nodal expression on the right side, however its mechanism of action has been controversial. In a forward genetic screen for mutations that affect LR patterning, we identified the zebrafish linkspoot (lin) mutant, characterized by cardiac laterality and mild dorsoventral patterning defects. Mapping of the lin mutation revealed an inactivating missense mutation in the Bmp receptor 1aa (bmpr1aa) gene. Embryos with a mutation in lin/bmpr1aa and a novel mutation in its paralogue, bmpr1ab, displayed a variety of dorsoventral and LR patterning defects with increasing severity corresponding with a decrease in bmpr1a dosage. In Bmpr1a-deficient embryos we observed bilateral expression of the Nodal-related gene, spaw, coupled with reduced expression of the Nodal-antagonist lefty1 in the midline. Using genetic models to induce or repress Bmp activity in combination with Nodal inhibition or activation, we found that Bmp and Nodal regulate lefty1 expression in the midline independently of each other. Furthermore, we observed that the regulation of lefty1 by Bmp signalling is required for its observed downregulation of Nodal activity in the LPM providing a novel explanation for this phenomenon. From these results we propose a two-step model in which Bmp regulates LR patterning. Prior to the onset of nodal flow and Nodal activation, Bmp is required to induce lefty1 expression in the midline. When nodal flow has been established and Nodal activity is apparent, both Nodal and Bmp independently are required for lefty1 expression to assure unilateral Nodal activation and correct LR patterning.  相似文献   

Although vertebrates appear bilaterally symmetric on the outside, various internal organs, including the heart, are asymmetric with respect to their position and/or their orientation based on the left/right (L/R) axis. The L/R axis is determined during embryo development. Determination of the L/R axis is fundamentally different from the determination of the anterior-posterior or the dorsal-ventral axis. In all vertebrates a ciliated organ has been described that induces a left-sided gene expression program, which includes Nodal expression in the left lateral plate mesoderm. To have a better understanding of organ laterality it is important to understand how L/R patterning induces cellular responses during organogenesis. In this review, we discuss the current understanding of the mechanisms of L/R patterning during zebrafish development and focus on how this affects cardiac morphogenesis. Several recent studies have provided unprecedented insights into the intimate link between L/R signaling and the cellular responses that drive morphogenesis of this organ.  相似文献   

Hashimoto H  Uji S  Kurokawa T  Washio Y  Suzuki T 《Gene》2007,387(1-2):126-132
The lefty gene encodes a member of the TGF-beta superfamily that regulates L-R axis formation during embryogenesis via antagonistic activity against Nodal, another TGF-beta superfamily member. Both mouse and zebrafish have two lefty genes, lefty1 and lefty2. Interestingly, the expression domains of mouse and zebrafish lefty are different from one another. At present, the orthology and functional diversity of the mouse and zebrafish lefty genes are not clear. Here, we report that flounder and two fugu species, Takifugu and Tetraodon, have a single lefty gene in their genomes. In addition, we provide evidence that the mouse lefty genes were duplicated on a single chromosome but the zebrafish lefty genes arose from a whole-genome duplication that occurred early in the divergence of ray-finned fishes. These independent origins likely explain the difference in the expression domains of the mouse and zebrafish lefty gene pairs. Furthermore, we found that the duplication corresponding to the zebrafish lefty2 gene was lost from the fugu genome, suggesting that loss of lefty2 in the fugu/flounder lineage occurred after its divergence from the zebrafish lineage. During L-R patterning, the single lefty gene of flounder covers two expression domains, the left side of the dorsal diencephalon and the left LPM, which are regulated separately by lefty1 and lefty2 in zebrafish. We infer that the lefty genes of the ray-finned fishes and mammals underwent independent gene duplication events that resulted in independent regulation of lefty expression.  相似文献   

The dorsal ectoderm of the vertebrate gastrula was proposed by Nieuwkoop to be specified towards an anterior neural fate by an activation signal, with its subsequent regionalization along the anteroposterior (AP) axis regulated by a graded transforming activity, leading to a properly patterned forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord. The activation phase involves inhibition of BMP signals by dorsal antagonists, but the later caudalization process is much more poorly characterized. Explant and overexpression studies in chick, Xenopus, mouse and zebrafish implicate lateral/paraxial mesoderm in supplying the transforming influence, which is largely speculated to be a Wnt family member. We have analyzed the requirement for the specific ventrolaterally expressed Wnt8 ligand in the posteriorization of neural tissue in zebrafish wild-type and Nodal-deficient embryos (Antivin overexpressing or cyclops;squint double mutants), which show extensive AP brain patterning in the absence of dorsal mesoderm. In different genetic situations that vary the extent of mesodermal precursor formation, the presence of lateral wnt8-expressing cells correlates with the establishment of AP brain pattern. Cell tracing experiments show that the neuroectoderm of Nodal-deficient embryos undergoes a rapid anterior-to-posterior transformation in vivo during a short period at the end of the gastrula stage. Moreover, in both wild-type and Nodal-deficient embryos, inactivation of Wnt8 function by morpholino (MO(wnt8)) translational interference dose-dependently abrogates formation of spinal cord and posterior brain fates, without blocking ventrolateral mesoderm formation. MO(wnt8) also suppresses the forebrain deficiency in bozozok mutants, in which inactivation of a homeobox gene causes ectopic wnt8 expression. In addition, the bozozok forebrain reduction is suppressed in bozozok;squint;cyclops triple mutants, and is associated with reduced wnt8 expression, as seen in cyclops;squint mutants. Hence, whereas boz and Nodal signaling largely cooperate in gastrula organizer formation, they have opposing roles in regulating wnt8 expression and forebrain specification. Our findings provide strong support for a model of neural transformation in which a planar gastrula-stage Wnt8 signal, promoted by Nodal signaling and dorsally limited by Bozozok, acts on anterior neuroectoderm from the lateral mesoderm to produce the AP regional patterning of the CNS.  相似文献   

Ligands of the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily, like Nodal and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), are pivotal to establish left-right (LR) asymmetry in vertebrates. However, the receptors mediating this process are unknown. Here we identified two new type II receptors for BMPs in zebrafish termed bmpr2a and bmpr2b that induce a classical Smad1/5/8 response to BMP binding. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of bmpr2a and bmpr2b showed that they are required for the establishment of concomitant cardiac and visceral LR asymmetry. Expression of early laterality markers in morphants indicated that bmpr2a and bmpr2b act upstream of pitx2 and the nodal-related southpaw (spaw), which are expressed asymmetrically in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), and subsequently regulate lefty2 and bmp4 in the left heart field. We demonstrated that bmpr2a is required for lefty1 expression in the midline at early segmentation while bmpr2a/bmpr2b heteromers mediate left-sided spaw expression in the LPM. We propose a mechanism whereby this differential interpretation of BMP signalling through bmpr2a and bmpr2b is essential for the establishment of LR asymmetry in the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

During zebrafish development, the left-right (LR) asymmetric signals are first established around the Kupffer vesicle (KV), a ciliated organ generating directional fluid flow. Then, LR asymmetry is conveyed and stabilized in the lateral plate mesoderm. Although numerous molecules and signaling pathways are involved in controlling LR asymmetry, mechanistic difference and concordance between different organs during LR patterning are poorly understood. Here we show that RA signaling regulates laterality decisions at two stages in zebrafish. Before the 2-somite stage (2So), inhibition of RA signaling leads to randomized visceral laterality through bilateral expression of nodal/spaw in the lateral plate mesoderm, which is mediated by increases in cilia length and defective directional fluid flow in KV. Fgf8 is required for the regulation of cilia length by RA signaling. Blockage of RA signaling before 2So also leads to mild defects of heart laterality, which become much more severe through perturbation of cardiac bmp4 asymmetry when RA signaling is blocked after 2So. At this stage, visceral laterality and the left-sided Nodal remain unaffected. These findings suggest that RA signaling controls visceral laterality through the left-sided Nodal signal before 2So, and regulates heart laterality through cardiac bmp4 mainly after 2So, first identifying sequential control and concordance of visceral and heart laterality.  相似文献   

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