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辅助生殖技术(assisted reproductive technology,ART)可通过直接操作、优化单个精子,用于男性少精、弱精、精子畸形、无精子和常规体外受精周期失败等,因违背自然受精的生物学法则而具有很大的遗传风险,其中精子质量优化是降低ART遗传与表观遗传风险的重要手段之一。本文对ART精子表观遗传缺陷及其相关疾病进行综述,以进一步认识精子表观遗传缺陷导致后代表观遗传风险增加的分子机理,阐明ART精子有待于通过DNA甲基化、组蛋白乙酰化、组蛋白甲基化等表观遗传因子进行严格质量控制,切实降低ART遗传及表观遗传缺陷风险的必要性。  相似文献   

葛少钦  赵峥辉  张雪倩  郝媛 《遗传》2014,36(5):439-446
精子发生(Spermatogenesis) 是一高度复杂的过程, 包括有丝分裂、减数分裂和精子形成。精母细胞经过独特而广泛的染色质与表观遗传修饰重塑之后, 最终分化产生了具有特定表观遗传修饰的精子。最近研究表明, 成熟精子中的表观遗传修饰在发育的胚胎中发挥了重要作用, 其表观遗传模式的改变会导致某些疾病风险提高, 如受精失败、胚胎发生机能障碍、早产、出生体重低、先天畸形、新生儿死亡以及其他在辅助生殖技术后代中发现的发生频率较高的妊娠相关并发症。文章通过评价成熟精子中DNA甲基化、保留组蛋白修饰、RNAs和精蛋白等表观遗传修饰的重要意义及其在胚胎发育过程中的潜在作用, 阐述了成熟精子中改变的表观遗传修饰与相关疾病之间的关系, 为不育症的防治、精子表观遗传质量评价以及降低辅助生殖技术后代表观遗传疾病风险等提供基础资料。  相似文献   

随着表观遗传学的飞速发展,拉马克的获得性遗传理论又重新得到了学术界的关注.近年,哺乳动物获得性性状的跨代遗传现象也得到了较为深入的研究.在获得性性状的跨代遗传过程中,由环境压力导致的表观遗传信息经由生殖系在代际间传递.其中,在环境压力相关的表观遗传信息的建立及传递过程中,精子小非编码RNA(small non-coding RNA,sncRNAs)发挥关键作用,环境压力信息以sncRNAs的形式储存在成熟精子中,通过受精作用,精子sncRNAs参与胎儿原始生殖细胞基因组的表观遗传修饰,将表观遗传信息跨代传递,进而影响获得性性状相关的基因表达.本文主要综述了精子sncRNAs参与获得性性状跨代遗传的机制,为研究遗传性的代谢疾病、促进人类生殖健康及家畜良种繁育提供新思路.  相似文献   

精子发生(spermatogenesis)是一个高度特化的细胞复杂分化过程,其中DNA二核苷酸CpG甲基化变化与基因转录激活、染色质改构以及遗传印记相关,并且该甲基化与基因表达之间的关系是非直接的,其可通过染色质结构的改变或DNA与蛋白质的相互作用来介导。本文着重介绍精子发生过程中DNA甲基化及其跨代遗传风险、DNA甲基转移酶的调控机制以及DNA甲基化与男性不育之间的关系等,为不育症的防治、精子表观遗传质量评价以及降低辅助生殖技术后代表观遗传疾病风险等提供基础资料。  相似文献   

利用卵胞浆精子注射(ICSI)技术生产转基因小鼠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在掌握小鼠ICSI技术的基础上,进行了ICSI技术生产转基因小鼠的研究。来自成年KM小鼠附睾尾的精子,使用未加抗冻剂的HEPES-CZB溶液,在液氮中冻融1次后,用于本实验。解冻精子与DNA混匀1min后,精子头被显微注射到B6D2F1小鼠成熟卵母细胞质中。精子头与pEGFP-N1环状DNA共注射生产的ICSI受精卵,在CZB溶液中培养至囊胚期时,39.1%(9/23)的囊胚表达GFP基因。精子注射后6h,直接移植ICSI受精卵后,7只妊娠受体一共产仔30只,效率为23.8%(30/126)。Southernblot分析其中16只小鼠发现,3只(18.8%)转基因小鼠同时整合了GFP和Neomycin基因,它们全部来自精子和线性DNA混合的实验组(阳性效率为33.3%,3/9),相反,精子与环状质粒DNA共注射生产的7只ICSI后代中,没有检测到外源基因。转基因小鼠整合的外源基因能够传递给它们后代。结果说明,利用ICSI技术可以高效地生产转基因小鼠,宿主基因组可能更容易整合线性化的外源基因。  相似文献   

王晓铄  俞英 《遗传》2010,32(7):663-669
炎症受遗传和非遗传因素(环境或表观遗传)的共同影响, 其中表观遗传(Epigenetic)在炎症的发生发展过程中发挥重要调控作用。表观遗传修饰是指DNA序列没有改变, 而基因表达却发生了可遗传的变化, 主要包括DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰等。表观遗传为病原微生物与炎症反应间关系的研究架起了重要桥梁。炎症反应中T辅助细胞的分化, 细胞因子、趋化因子等基因的表达都受到表观遗传的调控。文章主要综述了DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰等对炎症尤其是乳房炎的调控机制, 并就表观遗传调控在奶牛乳房炎治疗及抗病育种中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

胞浆内精子注射技术生产小鼠   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以piezo操作系统为技术支撑 ,在掌握小鼠卵母细胞胞浆内精子注射技术 (ICSI)的基础上 ,进行了ICSI技术生产试管小鼠的尝试。来自成年昆明 (KM)小鼠附睾尾的新鲜精子 ,剪切去尾后 ,直接将精子头注射到B6D2F1小鼠卵母细胞质中 ,注射后 1h ,83.3%的卵母细胞存活。6h时 ,84.0 %的成活卵子成功受精 ,形成原核 ,排出PB2 体外培养的ICSI胚胎 ,卵裂率 (98%vs 94.7% )和 4-细胞期胚胎比率 (89.5%vs 92.1% )均与培养的体内受精卵没有差异 (P >0.05 ) ;但是 ,桑椹胚(63.8%vs84.2% )和囊胚发育率 (25.7%vs68.4% )极显著地 (P <0.01)低于对照组。120枚原核期胚胎移植给 7只假孕受体后 ,4只受孕小鼠共产出 28只ICSI小鼠 (23.3% )。健康成年的 25只ICSI小鼠都没有明显的生理和行为异常。随机选择其中的 20只小鼠 ,分别进行ICSI小鼠间、ICSI与KM小鼠间共 12组的交配 ,结果所有雌鼠妊娠产仔。在成功建立小鼠ICSI技术的基础上,成功获得了我国的首例ICSI小鼠,并且证明这些ICSI小鼠都具有正常的繁殖后代的能力。  相似文献   

严重寡精症ICSI精子供体的DAZ基因拷贝缺失研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阿周存  杨元  张思仲  林立 《遗传》2006,28(9):1057-1060
DAZ基因拷贝缺失与人类的生精障碍有关。为了解中国正常生精男性和ICSI中严重寡精症精子供体DAZ基因拷贝缺失的分布, 探讨DAZ基因拷贝数检测在严重生精障碍精子供体遗传缺陷筛查中的意义, 本研究运用多重PCR和PCR-RFLP技术, 对128例严重寡精症ICSI精子供体和287个正常生精男性的DAZ基因缺失进行了研究。发现DAZ1/DAZ2、DAZ3/DAZ4和全部4个拷贝缺失等3种拷贝缺失类型, 其中全部4个拷贝缺失仅见于严重寡精症患者, 频率为11.7%; DAZ1/DAZ2缺失的频率在严重寡精症患者中显著高于正常男性(9.4% vs 2.8%, P = 0.004); 在严重寡精症患者中DAZ基因拷贝完全缺失与DAZ1/DAZ2缺失的总发生率为21.1%。DAZ3/DAZ4缺失的频率在两组人群中无显著差异(7.0% vs 3.8%, P > 0.05)。这些结果提示, DAZ基因全部拷贝缺失是严重寡精症患者生精障碍的常见遗传病因, 而DAZ1/DAZ2缺失则可能是一种高风险因素。鉴于上述DAZ基因缺失在严重生精障碍精子供体中较高的发生率, 在应用ICSI进行辅助生育前, 建议对严重寡精症的精子供体进行DAZ基因全缺失与DAZ1/DAZ2共缺失筛查, 以评估其男性后代患病的风险。  相似文献   

正卵胞浆内单精子显微注射技术(intracytoplasmic sperm injection,ICSI)是通过显微操作技术将单个精子注入卵母细胞浆内使精卵结合受精,并将受精卵体外培养形成早期胚胎植入母体子宫内的一种较为精细、尖端的辅助生殖技术。哺乳动物ICSI的研究首先在ICSI家兔的培育上获得突破性进展,随后ICSI技术先后在牛、小鼠、绵羊、马、猫、猪等动物  相似文献   

哺乳动物胚胎发育受遗传和表观遗传的共同调控.精子作为重要的雄性生殖细胞,通过受精过程,将这些信息传递给卵子,进而影响子代的发育.精子中携带有丰富的表观遗传信息,其中小非编码RNAs(small noncoding RNAs,sncRNAs)在精子发育不同阶段发挥重要的作用,包括调控基因表达、介导蛋白质翻译,以及参与精子...  相似文献   

Recently, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has been extremely successful for the treatment of male infertility. However, transmission of cytogenetic defects to offspring is a great concern. There are two types of cytogenetic problems in patients seeking ICSI; one is the transmission of genetic defects from patients with constitutional chromosomal abnormalities and the second is the generation of de novo defects in infertile men. Generally about 5.1% of infertile men have chromosomal abnormalities. Among such infertile men, men with severe spermatogenesis defects, including oligozoospermia and azoospermia, are subjects for ICSI. Therefore it is very important to obtain cytogenetic information in these infertile patients. Furthermore, oligozoospermic men with a normal somatic karyotype also have increased frequencies of sperm chromosome abnormalities. Oligozoospermia is usually associated with other sperm alterations, for example oligoasthenozoospermia, oligoteratozoospemia and oligoasthenoteratozoospermia. In this review, the relationship between sperm concentration and sperm aneuploidy frequencies has been analyzed. The inverse correlation between the frequency of sperm aneuploidy and concentration has been reported in extensive studies. Especially in severe oligozoospermia, a significantly higher frequency of sex chromosome aneuploidy has been observed and this has been corroborated in recent clinical outcome data of ICSI.  相似文献   

In germ cells and the early embryo, the mammalian genome undergoes widespread epigenetic reprogramming. Animal studies suggest that this process is vulnerable to external factors. We report two children who were conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and who developed Angelman syndrome. Molecular studies, including DNA methylation and microsatellite and quantitative Southern blot analysis, revealed a sporadic imprinting defect in both patients. We discuss the possibility that ICSI may interfere with the establishment of the maternal imprint in the oocyte or pre-embryo.  相似文献   

Idiopathic azoospermia, characterized by abnormal spermatogenesis, is commonly treated by performing intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with sperm retrieved from testicular biopsies. However, no controlled experiments have been performed using an animal model to assess the efficacy or safety of the procedure. We have performed ICSI with testicular sperm obtained in a similar manner from testes of male mice homozygous for a null mutation in the protein phosphatase 1cgamma gene (PP1cgamma) or those of their wild-type littermates. PP1cgamma mutant testicular sperm are less resistant to sonication than are wild-type sperm and display a range of morphological abnormalities, similar to those reported for testicular sperm from idiopathic azoospermic men. PP1cgamma mutant sperm are unable to support development to the blastocyst stage, resulting in arrested development either before or just after compaction. A comparison of testicular and epididymal sperm from wild-type males revealed that the epididymal sperm caused embryos to fragment at an elevated rate. These results suggest that ICSI with any kind of testicular sperm carries an increased risk of embryo fragmentation and that abnormal testicular sperm has an added risk of embryo wastage at later preimplantation stages.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is the latest, and by far the most efficient, variant of micromanipulation-assisted fertilization, whereby a single spermatozoon is selected, aspirated into a microinjection needle and injected to the oocyte cytoplasm. The development of this technique is mainly linked to application in human assisted reproduction for which it enables fertilization with defective spermatozoa that would not otherwise be able to penetrate an oocyte by their proper means. Because ICSI by-passes many steps of the natural fertilization process, it offers an extremely interesting model for the study of basic mechanisms underlying fertilization. This is particularly true for oocyte activation, whose mechanism needs to be revisited in light of the current ICSI research. The massive application of ICSI in human infertility treatment also represents a huge laboratory in which the impact of different genetic and epigenetic anomalies of the male gamete on fertilization and embryonic development can be studied. BioEssays 21:791–801, 1999. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Ethel Szerman 《Andrologie》2003,13(2):134-138
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and testicular biopsies (TESE) have revolutionized the treatment of male infertility, introducing a risk of an increased frequency of genetic defects in the offspring. These risks and their consequences must therefore be evaluated when proposing ICSI to an infertile man. Karyotype and molecular analysis should be performed to detect any genetic defects responsible for male infertility. Y microdeletion screening is important, not only to define the aetiology of spermatogenic failure, but also to provide information allowing a more appropriate management of both the infertile male and his future male child. Genetic counselling is then advised before deciding to attempt ICSI.  相似文献   

Since the birth of Louise Brown in July 1978 and the birth of the first intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) child in January 1992 many couples with female-factor or male-factor infertility can be helped to overcome their infertility resulting in a delivery and birth of a child. Over a million children have been born from assisted conception worldwide. Newer techniques being introduced appear less and less 'natural', such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), but there is little information on these children beyond the neonatal period. This risk varied according to the patient's age, the type of ART procedure performed, the number of embryos transferred, and embryo availability. ART is associated with low increase risk of congenital malformations, major birth defects and genetic and imprinting disorders.  相似文献   

When intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is performed in mice, isolation of sperm heads is usually performed prior to injections in order to increase the efficiency of the procedure. Consequently, the isolated sperm heads undergo an inevitable incubation in vitro. However, little is known about the effects of this incubation step on fertilization and embryo development following ICSI. When we incubated sperm heads at 37 °C, there was a significant time-dependent decrease in fertilization and blastocyst formation. Moreover, the DNA integrity of the sperm heads was maintained over 12 h incubation. Using assisted oocyte activation, these defects in fertilization and embryo development were rescued. Taken together, incubation of sperm heads following isolation can affect the oocyte-activating capacity of sperm thereby compromising fertilization and embryo development associated with ICSI.  相似文献   

Teratozoospermia is characterized by the presence of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology in sperm. This condition is frequently associated with infertility and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is frequently used as the treatment of choice. However, the use of ICSI has created consequential debate concerning the genetic risk for the offspring. Fluorescence in situ hybridization technique (FISH), allowing the specific identification of human chromosomes in sperm nuclei, has been used to study chromosome abnormalities in sperm from men with teratozoospermia and a normal karyotype. In this review, we present studies that have tried to determine if men with a normal blood karyotype but suffering from teratozoospermia present a higher aneuploidy frequency. The literature is limited to three forms of teratozoospermia. The first group consists of "polymorphic teratozoospermia", where a majority of spermatozoa display more than one type of abnormality. In this case, only a slight increase in aneuploidy frequency is observed, which cannot be differentiated from the results observed in oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia (OAT). The second group, named "globozoospermia", is characterized by round spermatic heads, absence of acrosome and disorganization of mid-piece and tail. In this case, some studies have shown a significant, but moderate, increase in the aneuploidy frequency for acrocentrics and sex chromosomes. The aneuploidy frequency remains low, also ICSI can be proposed to these patients, but few successes occur. The third group consists of "enlarged head teratozoospermia", where almost all spermatozoa have an enlarged head, multiple tail and abnormal acrosome. In this case a very high level of missegregation is observed, leading to nearly 100% aneuploidy. In this particular group, ICSI must be refuted, and patients have to be redirected to other possibilities, like sperm donation.  相似文献   

In mouse and man, Y chromosome deletions are frequently associated with spermatogenic defects. XY(Tdy)(m1)qdelSry males have an extensive Yq deletion that almost completely abolishes the expression of two gene families, Ssty and Sly, located within the male-specific region of the mouse Y long arm. These males exhibit severe sperm defects and sterility. XY(RIII)qdel males have a smaller interstitial Yq deletion, removing approximately two thirds of Ssty/Sly gene copies, and display an increased incidence of mild sperm head anomalies with impairment of fertility and an intriguing distortion in the sex ratio of offspring in favor of females. Here we used intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to investigate the functional capacity of sperm from these Yq deletion males. Any selection related to the ability of sperm to fertilize in vitro is removed by ICSI, and we obtained two generations of live offspring from the infertile males. Genotyping of ICSI-derived offspring revealed that the Y(Tdym1)qdel deletion does not interfere with production of Y chromosome-bearing gametes, as judged from the frequency of Y chromosome transmission to the offspring. ICSI results for XY(RIII)qdel males also indicate that there is no deficiency of Y sperm production in this genotype, although the data show an excess of females following in vitro fertilization and natural mating. Our findings suggest that 1) Yq deletions in mice do not bias the primary sex ratio and 2) Y(RIII)qdel spermatozoa have poorer fertilizing ability than their X-bearing counterparts. Thus, a normal complement of the Ssty and/or Sly gene families on mouse Yq appears necessary for normal sperm function. Summary: ICSI was successfully used to reproduce infertile mice with Yq deletions, and the analysis of sperm function in obtained offspring demonstrated that gene families located within the deletion interval are necessary for normal sperm function.  相似文献   

Freeze-dried sperm is applicable to the storage and transport of genetic material. We recently reported that freeze-dried mouse sperm required temperatures lower than −80 °C for long-term preservation and concluded that it was necessary to explore freeze-drying conditions before long-term preservation of sperm becomes viable. In the current study, we determined the percentage of sperm with elevated levels of DNA fragmentation using a sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA), a technique not previously reported for the evaluation of freeze-dried mouse sperm. We applied SCSA to mouse sperm freeze-dried under four conditions (various combinations of primary drying pressure of 0.04 and 0.37 hPa and storage temperatures of 4 and −80 °C) and compared the results with the embryonic developmental rates of freeze-dried sperm after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and with comet assay results. The DNA fragmentation index values under the four conditions determined by SCSA had good correlation with the developmental rate to the blastocyst stage of embryos from ICSI with freeze-dried mouse sperm. We concluded that the SCSA method applied to freeze-dried mouse sperm after storage will lead to not only clarification of the developmental rate derived from ICSI using freeze-dried sperm but also to improvements in the freeze-drying and storage processes.  相似文献   

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