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稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)的卵子发生-飞行共轭   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1994~1996年对双季稻区稻水象甲发生消长和迁飞动态的系统研究表明,稻水象甲的飞行肌和卵巢发育随生活史的季节性变化出现兴衰交替,从而迁入迁出稻田和越冬场所,表现出典型的卵子发生-飞行共轭:春季越冬代成虫从越冬场所迁入早稻田后飞行肌消解而卵巢发育,繁殖形成一代致害种群。夏季一代成虫生殖滞育,飞行肌和脂肪体发达,绝大部分个体迁出早稻田行夏蛰并越冬;少量落入秧田者和早稻收割时散落田内而晚稻插秧时尚未迁离的个体卵巢恢复发育,飞行肌消解而构成二代虫源。秋季二代成虫羽化后生殖滞育,迁飞上山越冬;10月中旬后羽化的个体卵巢和飞行肌均不再发育而滞留田内外越冬。取食高质量食料时,一代夏蛰成虫飞行肌再生,新羽一代成虫则首先发育飞行肌,而后解除生殖滞育。  相似文献   

稻水象的卵子发生—飞行共轭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟保平  商晗武 《生态学报》1999,19(2):242-249
1994-1996年对双季稻区稻水象甲发生消长和迁飞动态的系统研究表明,稻水象甲的飞行肌和卵巢发育随生活史的季节性变化出现兴衰交替,从而迁入迁出稻田和越冬场所,表现出典型的卵子发生-飞行共轭;春季越冬代成虫从越冬场所迁入早稻田后飞行肌消解而卵巢发育,繁殖形成一代致害种群。夏季一代成虫生殖滞育,飞行肌和脂肪体发达,绝大部分个体迁出早稻田行夏蛰并越冬;少量入秧田竿笔早稻收割时散落田内而晚稻插秧时尚未迁  相似文献   

褐飞虱卵巢发育及其与迁飞的关系   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
描述了褐飞虱雌虫卵巢的构造和发育过程中的变化。根据其形态特征,划分为五个发育级。 环境条件对长翅型雌虫卵巢发育有明显的影响。在高温、低温或取食黄熟期水稻时,卵巢发育停滞;光照期对印巢发育无明显影响。证实了揭飞虱雌虫卵巢的发育是受体内保幼激素所控制。 1977年在我国南方稻区五个点上系统解剖捕获的褐飞虱雌虫,观察了卵巢在迁飞过程中的发育状态。在虫源迁出地区,由于水稻黄熟和温度的影响,田间雌虫卵巢出现生殖滞育现象。在迁飞运行中受高空低温和停止取食的影响,卵巢仍处于滞育状态。在迁入区降落后,温度、食料适宜,解除了生殖滞育,卵巢继续发育而定居繁殖。 提出了褐飞虱卵巢发育与迁飞过程关系的模式图。  相似文献   

大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly是十字花科蔬菜的一种重要害虫,以成虫在土壤中滞育越冬和越夏。本研究通过解剖大猿叶虫非滞育成虫,观察描述了雌雄成虫内生殖系统的结构特点,并绘制了雌雄成虫内生殖系统模式图。对滞育初期、滞育期间、滞育解除后未取食和滞育解除后取食成虫解剖显示,滞育初期,雌雄成虫内生殖系统几乎与羽化初期成虫一致。滞育期间雄成虫的附腺和射精管亦不发达,滞育解除后未取食雄成虫的附腺膨大且粗于输精管,射精管略膨大,取食雄成虫的射精管呈不透明淡桔黄色。滞育期间雌成虫的卵巢小,略大于滞育初期卵巢,少数卵巢小管的基部可见具卵黄原沉淀的卵粒。滞育解除后未供食雌成虫卵巢明显膨大可见大量成形卵粒,部分卵粒可见卵黄原沉淀;取食雌成虫的卵巢膨大,可见大量成熟卵粒,侧输卵管和总输卵管中可见待产的卵。作者认为,大猿叶虫成虫在滞育期间能够缓慢发育,部分滞育前积累的代谢物质被用于滞育后发育,但只有经过取食,成虫才能正常交配和产卵。  相似文献   

本文在福鼎对稻水象甲消长动态进行了调查.并对成虫卵巢、飞行肌进行了解剖。通过解剖,所预测的各虫态发生期厦一代成虫迁移期与田间调查结果基本吻合。稻水象甲产卵高峰在4月底至5月上旬.幼虫、蛹和一代成虫的盛发期分别在5月上中旬、6月中下旬和6月下旬;一代成虫在6月下旬开始从稻田迁出。飞行肌解剖结果表明,飞行肌宽度随时间变化而变化,而长度则比较恒定,与发育历期无关,所以飞行肌宽度可作为监测依据,而长度则不宜采用。  相似文献   

中华通草蛉成虫越冬体色变化与滞育的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对自然条件下中华通草蛉成虫越冬体色变化与滞育关系的系统研究表明,成虫在越冬过程中都经历了一个较明显的体色变化过程,主要表现在体躯底色从绿色到土黄色及体背面滞育斑由褐色到红褐色的改变,据此将成虫体色分成5个级别,在越冬过程中约80%个体体色经历了在生殖型体色(1级)和滞育型体色(4,5级)之间的明显变化,约有20%个体体色维持在2、3级,在越冬前,成虫滞育斑出现后其卵巢不再发育或者发育受抑而逐渐停止发育,滞育斑的出现是成虫开始滞育的重要标志;越冬后,随着成虫体色由滞育型向生殖型的转变,当大多数个体体色变为3级以下时,卵巢开始发育,这些结果说明,中华通草蛉越冬成虫体色的变化是其滞育越冬的一个重要形态指标,越冬前后体色的改变,标志着成虫滞育的开始和结束。  相似文献   

大猿叶虫哈尔滨种群的滞育诱导研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了光周期、温度和食料对大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly哈尔滨种群滞育诱导的影响。结果表明,在恒温20~30℃范围内,大猿叶虫哈尔滨种群滞育率为91.8%~100%,未见明显的光周期诱导反应,但温度对其滞育诱导具有一定的作用,高温可使少部分大猿叶虫继续发育而不滞育。在平均25℃的温周期与光周期L12∶D12条件下,其滞育诱导差异不显著。大猿叶虫取食白菜、油菜、雪里蕻、萝卜和独荇菜5种食料,在25℃滞育率为89.5%~100%;在28℃滞育率为76.9%~100%,食料种类对大猿叶虫哈尔滨种群滞育诱导差异显著,其中,取食独荇菜滞育率最低,取食萝卜滞育率最高。  相似文献   

小猿叶甲对寄主植物衰老和缺乏的适应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
小猿叶甲Phaedon brassicae Baly是十字花科蔬菜上的一种重要害虫,具有复杂的生活史。测定小猿叶甲取食幼嫩和衰老小白菜叶片后的滞育比率和食料缺乏条件下小猿叶甲成虫的存活时间。研究结果表明,在25℃配合光周期12L∶12D条件下,小猿叶甲取食衰老期小白菜叶片后的滞育比率显著高于取食幼期小白菜叶片后的滞育比率。在25℃、12L∶12D条件下以幼期小白菜叶片饲养小猿叶甲,其成虫羽化后取食0~7d,再分别转入30℃、14L∶10D,不供食的条件下,其结果表明,雌雄成虫存活时间随取食时间延长而延长;羽化成虫取食5d以上,成虫存活时间显著延长,雌雄成虫平均存活时间均在75d以上。最后,讨论小猿叶甲对寄主植物衰老和缺乏的可能适应机制。  相似文献   

曾杨  朱道弘  赵吕权 《昆虫学报》2012,55(2):241-246
为探讨长颚斗蟋Velarifictorus asperses (Walker)翅型分化的生态学意义, 对室内饲养获得的长翅和短翅型雌成虫飞行肌和卵巢的发育, 以及长、 短翅型雌成虫的生殖力和寿命进行了比较研究。结果表明: 羽化当日, 长翅型雌成虫飞行肌重38.68±9.15 mg, 显著高于短翅型的17.53±4.44 mg (P<0.05); 而二者卵巢重量无显著差异(P>0.05), 分别为4.69±1.04 mg和4.88±0.97 mg。羽化后8 d内, 长翅型雌成虫飞行肌重量增加了48.9%, 短翅型雌成虫飞行肌重量无明显增加; 而短翅型雌成虫卵巢的重量增加至93.5±11.7 mg, 约为长翅型雌成虫的4.5倍。短翅型雌成虫的产卵前期显著短于长翅型, 其早期产卵量及总产卵量亦显著高于长翅型; 而两翅型雌成虫中后期产卵量及寿命无显著差异(P>0.05)。此外, 长翅型雌成虫在羽化后12 d开始发生飞行肌的降解, 飞行肌降解个体的卵巢重量显著高于未降解个体, 与短翅型相似。结果提示, 飞行肌与生殖系统的发育之间存在资源分配的权衡关系(trade-off), 且这种资源分配的差异可能会导致长翅型与短翅型个体在生活史策略上出现分化, 即长翅型个体具有飞行能力, 而短翅型个体则在生殖方面获得更高的收益, 且飞行肌的降解可能是长翅型个体由飞行转向生殖发育的生理信号。  相似文献   

不同食料对亚洲玉米螟种群增长的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
研究表明,食料对亚洲玉米螟的发育、存活、繁殖和种群增长的影响显著。取食玉米雌穗的幼虫发育快、历期短,取食棉花茎秆的幼虫发育慢、历期长。无论是2代还是3代,均表现为食玉米雌穗的幼虫滞育率高.食棉铃和棉茎的滞育率低。饲以玉米雌穗的种群世代存活率最高,棉铃次之,棉茎最低;以玉米雌穗、棉铃与棉茎为食料的种群趋势指数依次为42.28、25.77和0.64。影响第三代玉米螟种群增长的主要虫期是第二代5龄幼虫的滞育或营养不良。  相似文献   

Differences in the growth of dorsolongitudinal flight muscles and gonads in 1–28 days old long-winged (macropterous) and short-winged (brachypterous) adults of the firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus L.) and the resource allocation to these organs were studied by means of total protein analysis. We found predominant allocation of food resources to flight muscles compared to reproductive organs in both macropterous males and females during the first 5 days of adult life. Subsequent histolysis of developed flight muscles coincided with increased total protein content in some reproductive organs. Initiation of intensive food intake after starvation or application of higher dose of methoprene on macropterous adults changed the resource allocation in favour of growth of reproductive organs and induced precocious histolysis of flight muscles. It indicates an involvement of juvenile hormone in wing morph-related differential allocation of resources in the bug. Increased total protein contents in the ovaries and accessory glands of starved macropterous females and males treated with methoprene, respectively, indicate that proteins derived from the methoprene-induced histolysis of the flight muscles are re-utilized for the growth of the reproductive organs. It is the first report of persistence of differential resource allocation to flight muscles and reproductive organs in the wing-polymorphic insects with non-functional macropterism.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1˜ Diapause is described for adults of Stenotarsus rotundus Arrow (Endomychidae, Coleoptera) in the tropical lowland forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama.
2 . Diapause lasted up to 10 months each year, covering some 6 months of the wet season plus 4 months of the dry season. When in diapause the beetles clustered in an aggregation of up to 70 ,000 individuals on the stem of a palm tree, the same individual palm tree in at least four successive years.
3. The habitat and habits of the beetle when not in diapause are unknown, but one or two generations may be produced during this period. Beetles returned to the diapause site from June until late August.
4. Soon after arrival at the diapause site the flight muscles degenerated and did not develop again until February/March. The ovaries were undeveloped when the beetles arrived at the site and remained in that condition until the onset of yolk deposition in March. At the beginning of the rainy season in April the beetles mated and dispersed.
5. Lean dry weight of the beetles did not decrease noticeably during diapause, but fat content did. It is suggested that the beetles do not feed, or feed very little, while in diapause. During diapause, the metabolic rate is surprisingly low considering a mean ambient temperature of 25° C.
6. Juvenile hormone analogue (ZR515) stimulated flight muscle and ovary development. Daylength, when different from LD 12: 12 , initiated a partial flight muscle development, but there was no effect on the ovaries. Field observations suggest that neither temperature nor humidity had an effect on the termination of diapause.
7. Although the development of both flight muscles and ovaries were stimulated by juvenile hormone analogue and both developed around March of each year, it is suggested that the mechanisms causing this development are different.  相似文献   

1994~1996 年对浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲( Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)飞行行为的研究表明,稻水象甲飞行扩散的行为特征是:①长时间的起飞准备和不高的起飞成功率,每晚的迁出率只有三分之一左右;②卵巢、飞行肌呈季节性消长而无局地飞行(trivialflight);③飞行速度不高,飞行能力不强,且风力稍大便无法起飞,一般情况下不会形成远距离自然扩散。因此,严格控制人为传带是控制疫区扩大的有效途径。  相似文献   

  • 1 Even when reared under similar conditions of crowding and nutrition, first and second generation adult sycamore aphids differ in their morphology and physiology. Second generation adults have a smaller abdomen, a longer gut, greater fat reserves, less developed gonads, a longer reproductive diapause and live longer than first generation aphids.
  • 2 Second generation nymphs reared in isolation develop into adults which have less well-developed gonads but a reproductive delay similar to that of first generation adults.
  • 3 Crowding of second generation adults prolongs the reproductive diapause.

1994-1996年对浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲(LissorhoptrusoryzophilusKuschel)飞行行为的研究表明,稻水象甲飞行扩散的行为特征是:(1)长时间的起飞准备和不高的起飞成功率,每晚的迁出率只有三分之一左右,(2)卵巢,飞行肌呈季节性消长而无局地飞行(trivialflight);(3)飞行速度不高,飞行能力不强,且风力稍大便无法起飞,一般情况下不会形成远距离自然扩散,因此  相似文献   

大猿叶虫生活史的研究   总被引:31,自引:7,他引:24  
大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi是江西山区十字花科蔬菜上的重要食叶害虫,以成虫在土中越夏和越冬。由于成虫滞育期的差异,该虫的化性显示了明显的种内变异。有些个体隔年繁殖;有些个体是一化性的,仅在春季或秋季繁殖1代;有些个体是二化性的,春季和秋季各繁殖1代;有些个体是多化性的,春季1代,秋季2~3代。因此,大猿叶虫在田间一年可发生4代。在春季,滞育成虫于2月底至4月初陆续出土繁殖;在秋季,滞育成虫于8月中旬至10月初陆续出土繁殖。春季羽化的成虫于4月底至6月上旬陆续入土越夏,秋季羽化的成虫于9月中旬至12月底陆续入土越冬。大猿叶虫一生能交配多次,大多数雌虫的产卵期超过1个月,最长达67天。平均每雌产卵量:春季世代为644粒,秋季世代为963粒,最高达1.950粒。各虫态的发育历期:在15~30℃间,卵为13.78~3.14天,幼虫为22.83~6.95天,蛹为12.10~3.18天。发育阈值温度:卵为10.7℃,幼虫为8.8℃,蛹为9.6℃。非滞育成虫的寿命约为1~2个月,滞育成虫的寿命为5~38个月。滞育成虫均入土蛰伏,在土中的蛰伏深度为9~31 cm 。  相似文献   

Development of the parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) at low temperatures was determined to identify rearing conditions that might result in adults that were in reproductive diapause. Diapausing adults would be expected to survive cold storage longer than nondiapausing adults for use in biological control programs. Only a few eggs were found in the ovaries when H. hebetor females were reared during the immature stages at 17.5 and 20°C with a 16-h photoperiod, and the ovaries were poorly developed and contained no eggs when females were reared with a 10-h photoperiod in these low temperatures. Rearing H. hebetor at 17.5 and 20°C did not result in diapause of immature stages, but did appear to result in possible adult reproductive diapause when the immature stages were reared with a 10-h photoperiod. Females reared during the immature stages at 17.5°C with a10-h photoperiod lived longer and took longer to lay their first eggs and to lay 50% of their eggs than those females reared at 17.5°C with a16-h photoperiod. Females reared during the immature stages at 20°C with a10-h photoperiod took longer to lay their first eggs and to lay 50% of their eggs, and they had a lower respiration rate, than those females reared at 20°C with a16-h photoperiod. Females that were reared in conditions that appeared to induce reproductive diapause resumed oviposition and their respiration rate increased soon after being transferred to a higher temperature (27.5°C). Thus, females reared at a 10-h photoperiod at 17.5 and 20°C appear to enter reproductive diapause.  相似文献   

Peter Dalin 《Insect Science》2011,18(4):443-450
Abstract The leaf beetle Phratora vulgatissima (Linnaeus 1758) is commonly univoltine in south‐central Sweden but may sometimes initiate a partial second generation. The current study was set out to investigate under what abiotic conditions the beetles initiate a second generation. Using climate chamber experiments, the beetles were shown to have a facultative reproductive diapause induced by declining day‐length. The critical day‐length (CDL) for diapause induction was estimated to be 18 h and 10 min. In the field, first‐generation beetles developing to adulthood before August in 2009 became reproductively active and produced a second generation, but most individuals emerged later and were in reproductive diapause. P. vulgatissima overwinter as adults and diapause was shown to be maintained until mid‐winter in 2008/2009. The cumulative temperature requirement for oviposition after diapause termination was estimated to be 222 day‐degrees with a 5.5°C temperature threshold. Three different day‐degree models that were developed to predict the phenology of female oviposition in the spring were validated by comparing model results with field data on the timing of oviposition in previous years. The study suggests that P. vulgatissima may initiate a second generation in Sweden if development of the first generation is completed before August. Warmer spring and summer temperatures due to ongoing climate change may cause advanced insect phenology and faster completion of insect life‐cycles at northern latitudes, which will affect the proportion of insects that initiate a second generation.  相似文献   

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