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刘沛峰  吴强 《遗传》2020,(1):18-31
CRISPR/Cas9系统在基因编辑方面具有巨大优势,能够低成本、可编程、方便快捷地用于动物、植物以及微生物的基因组靶向编辑和功能改造。三维基因组学是近年来兴起的一门研究染色质高级结构动态调控及基因组生物学功能的交叉学科。在三维基因组研究中,通常采用对DNA片段进行基因编辑以模拟基因组结构性变异,标记特定DNA片段,进而研究调控元件对于基因调控、细胞分化、组织发生、器官形成、个体发育的影响,最终阐明三维基因组的组装调控机制和生物学功能。因此,CRISPR及其衍生技术为研究三维基因组提供了极好的遗传学工具。本文主要综述了CRISPR片段编辑及其衍生技术在三维基因组调控与功能研究中的应用,以期为后续研究工作提供理论参考以及新的研究思路。  相似文献   

合成生物学被认为是继"发现DNA双螺旋"和"人类基因组测序计划"之后的又一次生物技术革命,有望在工业制造、医药、农业、环境和能源等诸多领域带来变革。DNA合成和基因编辑是合成生物学的基石,其技术进步也是推动合成生物学快速发展的主要动力。该文重点介绍了DNA合成和基因编辑领域的主要技术及其研究进展,包括利用芯片oligo池的高通量基因合成技术和CRISPR介导的第三代基因组编辑系统等。  相似文献   

全基因组筛选是系统性分析基因组的有力工具,可在全基因组范围内发现具有特定生物学功能的基因或DNA元件。基于CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术的全基因组筛选具有高通量和高效率的特点,已被广泛应用于疾病机理和药物开发等研究,为临床治疗提供科学用药依据。同时,CRISPR/Cas9筛选可靶向启动子、增强子和长链非编码RNA等序列,解析其调控基因表达的功能。此外,将全基因组筛选与单细胞测序技术结合,可揭示细胞转录组差异,剖析基因功能关系。  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9系统是一种近年来被广泛应用于基因组编辑的强大工具。通过将CRISPR/Cas9系统中的Cas9蛋白突变后,使其失去剪切活性而成为dCas9 (nuclease-dead Cas9),再结合基因功能丧失(loss-of-function,LOF)、基因功能激活(gain-of-function, GOF)以及非编码功能基因鉴定技术即可实现全基因组高通量的功能基因及调控元件靶向鉴定和筛选。目前,该技术已被广泛应用于疾病免疫机理、药物靶点筛选和动物遗传育种等研究,为生命医学和基础科学带来了全新高效的技术方法和研究思路。本文综述了基于CRISPR/Cas9技术在全基因组中高通量筛选功能基因及调控元件的方法及研究进展,重点阐述了CRISPR/Cas9系统在动物细胞中筛选功能性基因的方法,以期为基因编辑及相关研究领域提供参考。  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9是由细菌和古细菌等微生物中特有的获得性免疫系统发展起来的基因组编辑技术,可以被一段短的RNA引导到复杂基因组中的特定位置,从而对靶标识别切割。该技术可以很容易对几乎所有生物体中的内源基因组DNA序列及其表达产物进行有选择地被编辑或调控,已成为一种热门的基因组编辑工具,正积极推动着从基础生物学到生物技术和医学等方面的发展。介绍CRISPR/Cas9的研究历史、结构和功能以及、精确识别的分子基础,并就其在基因组编辑中的应用进行了较为详尽的综述,以期为从事该领域的科研人员提供参考。  相似文献   

生物元件是合成生物学中的三大基本要素之一,是合成生物学的基石。现阶段,生物元件的挖掘、鉴定和改造仍然是合成生物学领域的重要研究方向之一。合成生物学与基因工程和代谢工程最显著的差别在于能够将大量的生物元件进行快速、随意的组装,而实现这一目标的前提是将生物元件标准化。目前,已经有大量基因组被解析,通过这些基因组数据库的注释与功能验证,并借助于各种生物信息学软件预测启动子、终止子、操纵了、转录因子和转录因子结合位点、核糖体结合位点以及蛋白质编码区等部件,为合成生物学提供丰富的生物元件信息资源。随着元基因组技术的兴起,大量未培养微生物中的基因和基因簇信息被解析,使得我们可以从占自然界中实际存在微生物总数99%的未知微生物中挖掘更多的生物元件。另外,生物元件可以从自然界分离出来,也可以对天然生物元件进行修饰、重组和改造后得到新的元件。酵母是异源蛋白表达的通用宿主和生物基产品生产的细胞工厂,但其本身可用的启动子非常有限,近年来各国学者在酵母启动子改造和文库构建方面做了很多工作,该文也将概述酵母启动子改造和在合成生物生物学研究领域中的应用方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

合成生物学以工程化思想为指导,通过多学科交叉,设计改造生命系统,以加深对生命的认识和创造新功能,为应对人类面临的诸多挑战提供支撑。合成生物学的精髓在于借助精妙的设计实现对生物系统的构建和模拟,从而更好地了解生命现象。该文主要集中介绍合成生物学研究中的设计技术,包括生物元件设计、人工基因线路设计和代谢线路设计、人工基因组设计,归纳总结目前已有的设计技术手段和策略。  相似文献   

合成生物学是一门较新的应用基础型学科,其在微生物中的深入研究为解决许多问题提供了新途径。CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)技术在近几年飞速发展,并在原核、真核微生物的研究中得到了广泛应用。由于CRISPR技术操作简单、快速、功能多样,其应用促进了微生物合成生物学研究的进一步发展。该文回顾了CRISPR系统的发展历程,并描述了CRISPR技术在微生物合成生物学研究方面的应用。  相似文献   

CRISPR(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)/Cas(CRISPR associated proteins)系统是在细菌和古生菌中发现的一种RNA指导的降解入侵病毒或质粒DNA的适应性免疫系统。由II型CRISPR/Cas系统改造而成的CRISPR/Cas9技术已经被开发成一种强大的基因组编辑和表达调控工具,并且广泛应用于基因功能研究、代谢工程和合成生物学等领域。本文从CRISPR/Cas9系统的发现过程、分类、作用原理、在微生物研究中的应用进展等方面进行总结,并展望了该技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

合成生物学旨在基于工程学原理,通过人工合成生物调控元件、模块和基因调控网络等对细胞进行设计和改造,以实现细胞和生命体的定向演化。在医学研究中,合成生物学主要采用人工设计合成治疗性的基因回路,制备工程化细胞植入体内,纠正机体已发生缺陷的生物调控元件,以达到治疗疾病的目的。本文对合成生物学的兴起、发展及其在医学中的应用和研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

With the development of synthetic biology, synthetic gene circuits have shown great applied potential in medicine, biology, and as commodity chemicals. An ultimate challenge in the construction of gene circuits is the lack of effective, programmable, secure and sequence‐specific gene editing tools. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) system, a CRISPR‐associated RNA‐guided endonuclease Cas9 (CRISPR‐associated protein 9)‐targeted genome editing tool, has recently been applied in engineering gene circuits for its unique properties‐operability, high efficiency and programmability. The traditional single‐targeted therapy cannot effectively distinguish tumour cells from normal cells, and gene therapy for single targets has poor anti‐tumour effects, which severely limits the application of gene therapy. Currently, the design of gene circuits using tumour‐specific targets based on CRISPR/Cas systems provides a new way for precision cancer therapy. Hence, the application of intelligentized gene circuits based on CRISPR technology effectively guarantees the safety, efficiency and specificity of cancer therapy. Here, we assessed the use of synthetic gene circuits and if the CRISPR system could be used, especially artificial switch‐inducible Cas9, to more effectively target and treat tumour cells. Moreover, we also discussed recent advances, prospectives and underlying challenges in CRISPR‐based gene circuit development.  相似文献   

A central goal of synthetic biology is to implement diverse cellular functions by predictably controlling gene expression. Though research has focused more on protein regulators than RNA regulators, recent advances in our understanding of RNA folding and functions have motivated the use of RNA regulators. RNA regulators provide an advantage because they are easier to design and engineer than protein regulators, potentially have a lower burden on the cell and are highly orthogonal. Here, we combine the CRISPR system from Streptococcus pyogenes and synthetic antisense RNAs (asRNAs) in Escherichia coli strains to repress or derepress a target gene in a programmable manner. Specifically, we demonstrate for the first time that the gene target repressed by the CRISPR system can be derepressed by expressing an asRNA that sequesters a small guide RNA (sgRNA). Furthermore, we demonstrate that tunable levels of derepression can be achieved (up to 95%) by designing asRNAs that target different regions of a sgRNA and by altering the hybridization free energy of the sgRNA–asRNA complex. This new system, which we call the combined CRISPR and asRNA system, can be used to reversibly repress or derepress multiple target genes simultaneously, allowing for rational reprogramming of cellular functions.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-associated systems have revolutionized genome engineering by facilitating a wide range of targeted DNA perturbations. These systems have resulted in the development of powerful new screens to test gene functions at the genomic scale. While there is tremendous potential to map and interrogate gene regulatory networks at unprecedented speed and scale using CRISPR screens, their implementation in plants remains in its infancy. Here we discuss the general concepts, tools, and workflows for establishing CRISPR screens in plants and analyze the handful of recent reports describing the use of this strategy to generate mutant knockout collections or to diversify DNA sequences. In addition, we provide insight into how to design CRISPR knockout screens in plants given the current challenges and limitations and examine multiple design options. Finally, we discuss the unique multiplexing capabilities of CRISPR screens to investigate redundant gene functions in highly duplicated plant genomes. Combinatorial mutant screens have the potential to routinely generate higher-order mutant collections and facilitate the characterization of gene networks. By integrating this approach with the numerous genomic profiles that have been generated over the past two decades, the implementation of CRISPR screens offers new opportunities to analyze plant genomes at deeper resolution and will lead to great advances in functional and synthetic biology.

Advances in CRISPR screening techniques in plants offer new opportunities to analyze plant genomes at higher resolution and scale and will greatly enhance functional and synthetic biology studies.  相似文献   

《Biotechnology advances》2019,37(6):107393
Living organisms evolve complex genetic networks to interact with the environment. Due to the rapid development of synthetic biology, various modularized genetic parts and units have been identified from these networks. They have been employed to construct synthetic genetic circuits, including toggle switches, oscillators, feedback loops and Boolean logic gates. Building on these circuits, complex genetic machines with capabilities in programmable decision-making could be created. Consequently, these accomplishments have led to novel applications, such as dynamic and autonomous modulation of metabolic networks, directed evolution of biological units, remote and targeted diagnostics and therapies, as well as biological containment methods to prevent release of engineered microorganisms and genetic materials. Herein, we outline the principles in genetic circuit design that have initiated a new chapter in transforming concepts to realistic applications. The features of modularized building blocks and circuit architecture that facilitate realization of circuits for a variety of novel applications are discussed. Furthermore, recent advances and challenges in employing genetic circuits to impart microorganisms with distinct and programmable functionalities are highlighted. We envision that this review gives new insights into the design of synthetic genetic circuits and offers a guideline for the implementation of different circuits in various aspects of biotechnology and bioengineering.  相似文献   

Recently, the use of programmable DNA-binding proteins such as ZFP/ZFNs, TALE/TALENs and CRISPR/Cas has produced unprecedented advances in gene targeting and genome editing in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. These advances allow researchers to specifically alter genes, reprogram epigenetic marks, generate site-specific deletions and potentially cure diseases. Unlike previous methods, these precision genetic modification techniques (PGMs) are specific, efficient, easy to use and economical. Here we discuss the capabilities and pitfalls of PGMs and highlight the recent, exciting applications of PGMs in molecular biology and crop genetic engineering. Further improvement of the efficiency and precision of PGM techniques will enable researchers to precisely alter gene expression and biological/chemical pathways, probe gene function, modify epigenetic marks and improve crops by increasing yield, quality and tolerance to limiting biotic and abiotic stress conditions.  相似文献   

近年来,通过基因编辑技术对工业微生物底盘细胞改造从而获得的优良细胞工厂,促进了农业、医学、环境、能源等领域的可持续发展,提高了人民的生活水平。微生物底盘细胞的改造离不开基因编辑,作为现阶段主要的基因编辑技术,规律间隔成簇短回文重复序列(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)/Cas9系统自被发现以来,依靠其低成本、高效率等编辑优点,被广泛用于工业微生物底盘细胞的改造。本文主要简述了以CRISPR/Cas9为基础而衍伸出的各种基因编辑技术,提出了常用的工业微生物对应底盘细胞的改造策略,以期为研究者在进行微生物底盘细胞改造时选择出合适的基因编辑方法。最后指出了CRISPR基因编辑技术面临的PAM位点的依赖性、脱靶效应和应用广泛性等问题。  相似文献   

The ongoing merge between engineering and biology has contributed to the emerging field of synthetic biology. The defining features of this new discipline are abstraction and standardisation of biological parts, decoupling between parts to prevent undesired cross-talking, and the application of quantitative modelling of synthetic genetic circuits in order to guide their design. Most of the efforts in the field of synthetic biology in the last decade have been devoted to the design and development of functional gene circuits in prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes. Researchers have used synthetic biology not only to engineer new functions in the cell, but also to build simpler models of endogenous gene regulatory networks to gain knowledge of the "rules" governing their wiring diagram. However, the need for innovative approaches to study and modify complex signalling and regulatory networks in mammalian cells and multicellular organisms has prompted advances of synthetic biology also in these species, thus contributing to develop innovative ways to tackle human diseases. In this work, we will review the latest progress in synthetic biology and the most significant developments achieved so far, both in unicellular and multicellular organisms, with emphasis on human health.  相似文献   

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