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蛋白质泛素化是真核生物细胞内蛋白质合成后最重要和最普遍的修饰方式之一。发生在蛋白质底物上的泛素化,由于其泛素化方式及形成泛素链的连接形式的多样性,又统称为泛素信号途径。研究表明,泛素信号途径对蛋白质的调节作用分为降解相关和非相关的两种。细胞内蛋白质的降解主要通过泛素-蛋白酶体或溶酶体-自噬途径来完成。一般认为,通过泛素-蛋白酶体降解的蛋白质具有很强的选择性,而通过溶酶体-自噬途径降解的蛋白质一般选择性较差。然而,近年来,细胞自噬受体如p62等的发现则表明细胞自噬同样具有很强的选择性,这一类由细胞自噬受体介导的细胞自噬被称为细胞选择性自噬(Selective autophagy)。蛋白质泛素化及降解调控几乎所有类型的细胞活动;与之对应的是,蛋白质泛素化及降解异常与包括肿瘤在内的多种人类疾病的发生发展密切相关。本文综述了泛素信号途径调控蛋白质通过蛋白酶体或自噬途径降解的基本过程和部分最新进展,并结合本实验室的研究成果介绍泛素化修饰细胞自噬受体调控细胞选择性自噬的新机制。  相似文献   

底物蛋白的多聚泛素链修饰参与调节多种生命运动过程(包括蛋白质降解、自噬、DNA损伤修复、细胞周期、信号转导、基因表达、转录调节、炎症免疫等).去泛素化酶通过水解底物蛋白的单泛素和泛素链修饰,对泛素相关过程进行反向调节.人类基因组中约含90余种去泛素化酶,它们通过对自身酶活性和底物识别特异性的调节,实现了对细胞内复杂泛素过程的精密且层次性的调控.本文针对去泛素化酶对不同泛素链的识别选择性,综述目前已知泛素链水解酶的选择性和产生机制.  相似文献   

蛋白质泛素化是一种广泛存在于真核细胞内的蛋白质翻译后修饰作用,其最初是通过研究细胞内蛋白质降解的机制而被发现。越来越多的证据表明,泛素化及其逆过程——去泛素化作用,通过调节免疫系统中不同种类细胞的功能,在固有免疫和适应性免疫应答过程中发挥了关键性调控作用,从而影响人类多种重大疾病,如自身免疫性疾病、感染性疾病和恶性肿瘤的发生发展。综述将着重讨论蛋白质泛素化作用对不同免疫细胞功能的调控以及在重大疾病病理调控中的作用的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

泛素-蛋白酶体途径是细胞内蛋白质降解的重要方式,调节蛋白质稳定性。去泛素化酶可以识别特定蛋白质的泛素化信号从而使底物蛋白质去泛素化,逆转蛋白质泛素化过程,进而调控细胞增殖、分化、凋亡和迁移等多种生物学功能。去泛素化酶家族的多个成员通过影响细胞增殖凋亡及对化疗药物的敏感性等,在卵巢癌的发生发展中发挥十分重要的作用。一些小分子抑制剂通过抑制去泛素化酶的活性从而起到抗肿瘤的作用,并且具有特异性强,细胞毒性较弱等优势。本综述对参与卵巢癌发生发展的去泛素化酶以及相关的小分子抑制剂做一个全面的总结,为卵巢癌的诊断和治疗提供一个新的方向。  相似文献   

泛素-蛋白酶体途径是细胞内蛋白质降解的重要方式,调节蛋白质稳定性。去泛素化酶可以识别特定蛋白质的泛素化信号从而使底物蛋白质去泛素化,逆转蛋白质泛素化过程,进而调控细胞增殖、分化、凋亡和迁移等多种生物学功能。去泛素化酶家族的多个成员通过影响细胞增殖凋亡及对化疗药物的敏感性等,在卵巢癌的发生发展中发挥十分重要的作用。一些小分子抑制剂通过抑制去泛素化酶的活性从而起到抗肿瘤的作用,并且具有特异性强,细胞毒性较弱等优势。本综述对参与卵巢癌发生发展的去泛素化酶以及相关的小分子抑制剂做一个全面的总结,为卵巢癌的诊断和治疗提供一个新的方向。  相似文献   

泛素化是一种非常重要的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,在细胞生命活动的各个方面发挥作用。泛素化修饰是可逆的过程,去泛素化酶通过催化去除底物蛋白质上的泛素从而逆转该过程。去泛素化酶是一类数量众多的蛋白水解酶家族,近年来不断有新的去泛素化酶被发现和报道。鉴于其在细胞功能中的重要作用,去泛素化酶活性受到严格的调控。目前的研究表明,影响去泛素化酶活性的因素很多。本文主要从转录水平的调控、翻译后修饰、蛋白质定位和蛋白质相互作用等调控方式进行论述,以期为研究和利用去泛素化酶治疗疾病提供新思路。  相似文献   

自噬与泛素化蛋白降解途径的分子机制及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chen K  Cheng HH  Zhou RJ 《遗传》2012,34(1):5-18
细胞内所有的蛋白质和大多数的细胞外蛋白都在不断的进行更新,即它们在不断地被降解,并被新合成的蛋白质取代。细胞内蛋白的降解主要通过两个途径,即自噬和泛素蛋白酶体系统。自噬是一种由溶酶体介导的细胞内过多或异常蛋白质的降解机制。在细胞内主要有3种类型的自噬,即分子伴侣介导的自噬、微自噬和巨自噬。泛素蛋白酶体系统是由泛素介导的一种高度复杂的蛋白降解机制,它参与降解细胞内许多蛋白质并且这个过程具有高度特异性。细胞内蛋白质的降解参与调节许多细胞过程,包括细胞周期、DNA修复、细胞生长和分化、细胞质量的控制、病原生物的感染反应和细胞凋亡等。许多严重的人类疾病被认为是由于蛋白质降解系统的紊乱而引起的。文章综述了自噬和泛素化途径及其分子机制,以及蛋白质降解系统紊乱的病理学意义。  相似文献   

肿瘤的侵袭和转移是加剧肿瘤恶化的主要原因,也是导致患者预后不良的根本原因。近年来大量研究发现,大部分肿瘤的转移都依赖于上皮间质转化(epithelial-mesenchymal transition, EMT)的发生,此外EMT也与肿瘤干性和肿瘤耐药等诸多肿瘤恶性行为密切相关,因此有效的抑制EMT的发生将可能极大的有利于肿瘤的治疗。去泛素化酶(deubiquitinating enzymes, DUBs)的主要功能之一就是通过移除底物蛋白质上泛素链,避免其通过泛素蛋白酶体途径降解,来维持细胞内蛋白质水平的动态平衡。去泛素化酶作为调节蛋白质泛素化修饰的一类重要酶类,其异常表达或酶活性的改变通常都会导致疾病的发生。众多研究发现,部分去泛素化酶在肿瘤侵袭和转移过程中表达失衡,在肿瘤转移的过程中扮演着重要的角色。EMT是指由上皮型细胞转变为间质型细胞的动态细胞生物学过程,在该过程中涉及到例如Snial1、Slug、ZEB1等EMT相关转录因子和细胞表面的例如E-钙黏着蛋白、N-钙黏着蛋白等分子标志物表达水平的变化。这些蛋白质通常具有不稳定性,易被降解等特征。EMT过程的发生,涉及到许多蛋白质稳定性的调节,而去泛素化酶作为一类维持蛋白质稳定的重要酶类,在调节这些蛋白质的稳定性方面发挥着重要的作用。EMT的发生也与TGF-β通路、Wnt通路等细胞内众多信号通路的异常活化密不可分,去泛素化酶通过介导这些信号通路的活化,从而间接的调节EMT发生发展。去泛素化酶通过调节EMT相关分子或EMT相关信号通路等多种方式直接或间接影响EMT进展,因此,通过靶向于去泛素化酶抑制肿瘤的侵袭和转移,将为肿瘤治疗提供新的治疗手段和方案,从而有效的推动肿瘤的治疗。本文主要就去泛素化酶在调节EMT相关分子以及信号通路等方面,阐述去泛素化酶在EMT过程中所发挥的重要作用及其作为肿瘤治疗靶点的可能性。  相似文献   

泛素化被定义为将泛素分子共价结合到靶蛋白上,是蛋白质组中最普遍的翻译后修饰之一.然而,泛素化不仅参与蛋白质数量的调节,不同的泛素化链长度(单泛素化、多泛素化以及多聚泛素化)及多种多样的泛素化链类型(连接通过Met1,Lys6,Lys11,Lys27,Lys29,Lys33,Lys48和Lys63),泛素化还在蛋白质活性、蛋白-蛋白相互作用以及蛋白质亚细胞定位中发挥极为重要的调控功能.由于泛素化的多样性与多价性,泛素化广泛参与各种生理过程,包括细胞增殖、凋亡、自噬、内吞、DNA损伤修复以及免疫应答.另外,泛素化失调在疾病中也发挥重要作用,如癌症、神经退行性病变、肌肉营养不良、免疫疾病以及代谢综合征.而尤其对于肿瘤以及神经退行性病变,针对泛素化通路的调控已被认为是肿瘤及神经退行性病变的一种有前景的治疗策略.  相似文献   

自噬和泛素-蛋白酶体系统作为细胞内最重要的两大降解途径,对细胞稳态及细胞正常生理功能的维持都具有十分重要的作用。目前,越来越多的证据显示,这两大降解途径之间存在多种交联方式。首先,自噬和泛素-蛋白酶体系统都能以泛素作为共同标签,从而将泛素化底物降解;其次,泛素化的蛋白酶体可以通过自噬被清除,自噬相关蛋白质也可以通过蛋白酶体系统被降解;再次,这两条途径在细胞内能协同降解同一种底物;最后,它们之间可以相互调节活性,任一条途径被干扰都将影响另一条途径的活性。自噬和泛素-蛋白酶体系统之间的交联对细胞稳态的维持至关重要。交联失调不仅导致细胞功能异常,还可引起多种疾病的发生。本文主要对自噬和泛素-蛋白酶体系统之间的交联方式及其分子机制进行阐述,有助于深入了解细胞的分解代谢过程,进一步理解细胞稳态的维持机制,继而加深对相关疾病病理机制的认识。  相似文献   

Autophagy, a catabolic process by which cytoplasmic components are degraded in lysosomes, plays an important role in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Dysregulation of autophagy is associated with several diseases. However, few studies have addressed the role of autophagy in the lung, and its role in lung diseases remains unclear. In the present study, we examined the effect of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) on autophagy in A549 cells and explored the underlying mechanisms. We showed that TRAIL promoted autophagosome formation, as detected by the levels of LC3-II, and its effect on promoting autophagy was dependent on the expression of the autophagy related genes (ATGs) Atg5, Atg7, and beclin-1. TRAIL-induced ATG expression was attenuated by JNK silencing or treatment with the JNK inhibitor SP600125, indicating the involvement of the JNK pathway. Crosstalk between autophagy and apoptosis was demonstrated by silencing the autophagy related genes Atg5, Atg7, and beclin-1, and the dependence of TRAIL-induced apoptosis on autophagy-related gene expression. Taken together, our results indicate that TRAIL promotes autophagy in A549 cells via a mechanism involving the modulation of ATG expression through the JNK pathway. Inhibition of autophagy enhanced TRAIL-induced cell proliferative inhibition and apoptosis in A549 cells.  相似文献   

Autophagy is well-known as an internal catabolic process that is evolutionarily conserved and performs the key biological function in maintaining cellular homeostasis. It is tightly controlled by several autophagy-related (ATG) proteins, which are closely associated with many types of human cancers. However, what has remained controversial is the janus roles of autophagy in cancer progression. Interestingly, the biological function of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in autophagy has been gradually understood in different types of human cancers. More recently, numerous studies have demonstrated that several lncRNAs may regulate some ATG proteins and autophagy-related signaling pathways to either activate or inhibit the autophagic process in cancer. Thus, in this review, we summarize the latest advance in the knowledge of the complicated relationships between lncRNAs and autophagy in cancer. Also, the in-depth dissection of the lncRNAs-autophagy-cancers axis involved in this review would shed new light on discovery of more potential cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets in the future.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) is a cellular degradation process, which in yeast is induced in response to nutrient deprivation. In this process, a double-membrane vesicle, an autophagosome, surrounds part of the cytoplasm and fuses with the vacuole to allow the breakdown and subsequent recycling of the cargo. In yeast, many autophagy-related (ATG) genes have been identified that are required for selective and/or nonselective autophagy. In all autophagy-related pathways, core Atg proteins are required for the formation of the autophagosome, which is one of the most unique aspects of autophagy and is unlike other vesicle transport events. In contrast to nonselective autophagy, the selective processes are induced in response to various specific physiological conditions such as alterations in the carbon source. In this review, we provide an overview of the common aspects concerning the mechanism of autophagy-related pathways, and highlight recent advances in our understanding of the machinery that controls autophagy induction in response to nutrient starvation conditions.  相似文献   

Protein ubiquitination has been identified as a regulatory mechanism in key cellular activities, and deubiquitination is recognized as an important step in processes governed by ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers. Viruses are known to target ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifier pathways using various strategies, including the recruitment of host deubiquitinating enzymes. Deubiquitinating activities have recently been described for proteins from three different virus families (adenovirus, coronavirus and herpesvirus), and predicted for others. This review centers on structural-functional aspects that characterize the confirmed viral deubiquitinating enzymes, and their relationships to established families of cellular deubiquitinating enzymes.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an important process which plays a key role in cellular homeostasis by degrading cytoplasmic components in the lysosomes, which facilitates recycling. Alterations to normal autophagy have been linked to excitotoxicity, but the mechanisms governing its signal transduction remain unclear. The aim of this study was to explore the role of autophagy in neuronal excitotoxic death by delivering small interfering RNA (siRNA) to rat cortical neurons, using a dendrimer to silence the autophagy-related gene 6 (beclin 1) and to determine the role of autophagy in excitotoxicity. We have found that the dendrimer is very efficient to deliver siRNA to rat cortical neurons, leading to almost complete removal of the target protein Beclin 1. In addition, NMDA increases autophagy markers, such as the protein levels of Beclin 1, the microtubule-associated light chain 3 (LC3) B-II/LC3B-I ratio, and monodansylcadaverine (MDC) labeling in rat cortical neurons. Moreover, NMDA also increases the formation of autophagosomes observed under a transmission electron microscope. Silencing beclin 1 expression blocked NMDA-induced autophagy. Moreover, Beclin 1 removal potentiated NMDA-induced neuronal death indicating that autophagy plays a protective role during excitotoxicity and suggesting that targeting autophagy might be a helpful therapeutic strategy in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a major molecular mechanism that eliminates cellular damage in eukaryotic organisms. Basal levels of autophagy are required for maintaining cellular homeostasis and functioning. Defects in the autophagic process are implicated in the development of various age-dependent pathologies including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as in accelerated aging. Genetic activation of autophagy has been shown to retard the accumulation of damaged cytoplasmic constituents, delay the incidence of age-dependent diseases, and extend life span in genetic models. This implies that autophagy serves as a therapeutic target in treating such pathologies. Although several autophagy-inducing chemical agents have been identified, the majority of them operate upstream of the core autophagic process, thereby exerting undesired side effects. Here, we screened a small-molecule library for specific inhibitors of MTMR14, a myotubularin-related phosphatase antagonizing the formation of autophagic membrane structures, and isolated AUTEN-67 (autophagy enhancer-67) that significantly increases autophagic flux in cell lines and in vivo models. AUTEN-67 promotes longevity and protects neurons from undergoing stress-induced cell death. It also restores nesting behavior in a murine model of Alzheimer disease, without apparent side effects. Thus, AUTEN-67 is a potent drug candidate for treating autophagy-related diseases.  相似文献   

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