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危害松树的小蠹虫与其伴生菌的相互关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
危害健康松属植物的小蠹虫经常与一些特殊的真菌相联系。在小蠹虫危害松属植物的过程中,这些真菌被小蠹虫的一些特殊结构或者体表携带到松属植物上。小蠹虫与其伴生菌的联系表明小蠹虫和其伴生菌之间是一种互惠互利的关系。伴生菌随小蠹虫扩散而被带到新的寄主树木。而伴生菌或作为小蠹虫的食物来源,但更重要的是,有些伴生菌能够通过其菌丝渗透寄主组织,释放毒素,致死寄主树木,以帮助小蠹虫降低寄主抗性。许多研究致力于探索小蠹虫/伴生菌联合体与寄主树木之间关系的特征和确定小蠹虫与其伴生菌相互关系在生态学上的意义。然而,不同小蠹虫和其伴生菌所组成的共生体系,不同小蠹虫的种群数量,和不同环境条件下同种小蠹虫与其伴生菌相互作用方式的差异使我们在研究小蠹虫和其伴生菌这个共生体系时,对它们各自在成功聚集寄主树木过程中所发挥的重要作用的概括变得非常困难。  相似文献   

危害健康松属植物的小蠹虫经常与一些特殊的真菌相联系.在小蠹虫危害松属植物的过程中,这些真菌被小蠹虫的一些特殊结构或者体表携带到松属植物上.小蠹虫与其伴生菌的联系表明小蠹虫和其伴生菌之间是一种互惠互利的关系.伴生菌随小蠹虫扩散而被带到新的寄主树木.而伴生菌或作为小蠹虫的食物来源,但更重要的是,有些伴生菌能够通过其菌丝渗透寄主组织,释放毒素,致死寄主树木,以帮助小蠹虫降低寄主抗性.许多研究致力于探索小蠹虫/伴生菌联合体与寄主树木之间关系的特征和确定小蠹虫与其伴生菌相互关系在生态学上的意义.然而,不同小蠹虫和其伴生菌所组成的共生体系,不同小蠹虫的种群数量,和不同环境条件下同种小蠹虫与其伴生菌相互作用方式的差异使我们在研究小蠹虫和其伴生菌这个共生体系时,对它们各自在成功聚集寄主树木过程中所发挥的重要作用的概括变得非常困难.  相似文献   

外来入侵林业害虫强大小蠹的侵袭以及相关信息化学物质   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
强大小蠹是入侵我国并造成很大危害的鞘翅目棘胫小蠹科大小蠹属树皮低干森林害虫。它能侵害多种针叶树和松树 ,能被寄主挥发物和其它小蠹虫的外激素所引诱。该文综述了强大小蠹的侵袭习性以及寄主挥发物、其它小蠹虫的外激素对强大小蠹的引诱和驱避作用。  相似文献   

云杉八齿小蠹是欧洲最具危害性的小蠹虫之一,嗜食衰弱木,利用雄性产生的信息素进行大面积聚集。聚集信息素不仅具有引诱聚集的作用,其种类和数量还具有调节其聚集密度的效应。在定殖过程中,云杉八齿小蠹既能利用寄主挥发物定位寄主,也能利用非寄主挥发物作为远距离的嗅觉示踪来区别寄主和非寄主。在森林生态系统内捕食性天敌和寄生性天敌很大程度上影响着云杉八齿小蠹的种群密度和行为生态。本文从云杉八齿小蠹的分布与扩散、天敌的种类及控制作用、化学信息物质对小蠹虫及其天敌的行为调控作用以及信息素防治现状等方面进行了综述,并展望了其研究前景。  相似文献   

树木-蛀干昆虫-天敌昆虫间的三级营养关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以小蠹虫和天牛为主的蛀干昆虫是为害林木的重要经济害虫,常对森林生态系统造成重大灾害.本文以林业主要害虫——小蠹虫和天牛为例,综述了树木、蛀干害虫和其天敌组成的三级营养系统间相互关系的研究概况,从不同侧面介绍了近十年来在引诱天敌的信息化学物质的释放部位、活性化合物的鉴定、挥发性化合物的释放动态等方面的研究成果,同时对于天敌对信息化学物质的选择性、天敌视觉在寻找寄主或猎物方面的作用以及是否涉及到影响天敌行为的三级营养以外的其它生物活性物质等的研究进展作了简略介绍.  相似文献   

小蠹虫(小蠹科)是重要的森林蛀干害虫,在蛀食坑道时导致树木水分和养分运输系统受到破坏,短时间内对整片森林造成严重的经济危害。聚集信息素在小蠹虫聚集危害过程中扮演着非常重要的角色,目前已有多种小蠹虫聚集信息素成分被鉴定并成功应用于生产防控工作中。类异戊二烯类聚集信息素是小蠹虫中极为重要的一类聚集信息素,其主要成分包括小蠹烯醇、小蠹二烯醇、马鞭草烯醇及其衍生物。本文从类异戊二烯类聚集信息素的生物合成前体物质、生物合成位点、生物合成途径、取食和JHШ调控、微生物与其生物合成关系以及展望6个方面出发,全面阐述了齿小蠹属Ips和大小蠹属Dendroctonus中小蠹虫聚集信息素的生物合成机制及调控机制。文中首先重点阐述了小蠹虫体内以甲羟戊酸途径从头合成小蠹二烯醇以及利用寄主成分α-蒎烯直接合成马鞭草烯醇的生物合成过程;其次阐述了生物合成途径中关键酶和基因对小蠹取食和JHШ处理的响应以及小蠹虫肠道微生物和伴生真菌对该类聚集信息素生物合成的影响;最后,针对小蠹虫类异戊二烯类聚集信息素生物合成研究作了探讨和展望。本文为开发和应用其聚集信息素控制小蠹虫危害提供理论基础。  相似文献   

小蠹虫是世界性林木害虫,猖獗时常可造成林木成片枯死。利用小蠹虫信息素防治该虫,不仅可以有效降低虫口密度,减轻危害程度,还可以监测小蠹虫的发生为害情况。本文从小蠹虫信息素的分离鉴定、信息素的生物合成、小蠹虫对信息素的行为反应等方面综述小蠹虫信息素的研究与应用现状。  相似文献   

【背景】小蠹虫是国际贸易中重要的钻蛀害虫,也是全国口岸主要截获害虫之一。【方法】本文对2010~2014年厦门口岸进境原木中截获的小蠹科害虫的寄主、来源国家、截获次数进行了统计分析,并编制了截获小蠹种类检索表,提出了口岸检疫要点。【结果】截获的小蠹害虫种类主要有长林小蠹、赤材小蠹、十二齿小蠹和南部松齿小蠹等,主要来源于澳大利亚,新西兰和巴西等国家,寄主主要有辐射松,樟子松,湿地松和海岸松等种类。【结论与意义】本研究可为一线口岸检疫查验提供指导。  相似文献   

寄生性天敌蒲螨研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
蒲螨属Pyemotes具有特殊的生活史和形态特征,是多种害虫的体外寄生性天敌。蒲螨属的种按照形态等特点分为2个组,分别为小蠹蒲螨组(Pyemotes scolyti group)和球腹蒲螨组(Pyemotes ventricosus group)。国内外对蒲螨毒素的研究较多,已知其属于昆虫神经毒素,能使寄主昆虫永久性麻痹,有些种类还能引起人类和动物皮炎。对一些种类蒲螨的毒素组成成分、毒素基因重组技术等进行研究,对蒲螨毒素基因的优化和重组仍将是进一步研究的热点。作为一类很有潜能的害虫天敌资源,蒲螨应用方面的报道还较少,国外集中在麦蒲螨对仓储害虫和红火蚁的防治方面;我国有利用小蠹蒲螨防治小蠹虫的报道,近年来防治双条杉天牛取得成功,表明其用于防治钻蛀性害虫特别是蛀干害虫和地下害虫前景良好,因此,应对蒲螨蒲螨寄主谱、寄主选择机理、寄生机理等进行深入研究。  相似文献   

不同生物型棉蚜对夏寄主葫芦科作物的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖云丽  印象初  刘同先 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3706-3711
于2008、2009年连续两年采用模拟田间自然扩散法,系统地研究了棉花型棉蚜和甜瓜型棉蚜有翅蚜对11种夏寄主的选择性.结果表明,棉花型棉蚜对杂交葫芦、小西葫芦表现出强选择性及适应性,而对香瓜、黄瓜、西瓜及甜瓜均不选择,或即使选择其若蚜在其上也不能存活;甜瓜型棉蚜对甜瓜、香瓜、南瓜、黄西葫芦、大西葫芦、杂交葫芦等均表现较强选择性,而对棉花及小西葫芦表现不选择.但是,甜瓜型棉蚜在小西葫芦上也能产若蚜并存活.从而证明小西葫芦是两种寄主型棉蚜的共同寄主,有可能成为两者相互转换的桥梁寄主.  相似文献   

Summary Olfactory receptor cells of the spruce bark beetle,Ips typographus, and its predator, the clerid beetleThanasimus formicarius, were studied using electrophysiological techniques. Recordings were made of nerve impulses from single cells and of the summated receptor potential (electroantennogram).Information from bark beetle pheromones and host volatiles is detected by separate olfactory receptor cells inI. typographus. Those which detected bark beetle pheromones responded to only one key substance. Some receptor cells which responded to spruce bark volatiles were strongly activated by one of the synthetic host compounds tested. However, too few host compounds were tested to reach definite conclusions about the specialization of host odour cells. T. formicarius has evolved olfactory receptor cells for bark beetle pheromones. These have similar specificities (specialist types) to those of the bark beetles. Furthermore, the predator has olfactory receptor cells for many bark beetle pheromones. This indicates thatT. formicarius is able to detect and discriminate between many bark beetle species. No significant differences were found between prey and predator cells which responded to host volatiles.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The pine sawyer Monochamus galloprovincialis is the European vector of the recently introduced pine wood nematode. This nematode is the causal organism of pine wilt disease, a serious tree killer in East Asia. Efficacious baits and traps to monitor and control this beetle are now required. The effect of bark beetle ( Ips spp.) pheromone components, released individually (ipsenol) or in blends (ipsenol, ipsdienol, cis -verbenol and methyl-butenol), together with host volatiles (turpentine or α -pinene and ethanol) on M. galloprovincialis trap catches has been studied in Spain. A kairomonal response by male and female of M. galloprovincialis to Ips semiochemicals was found. Beetles were more attracted to host blends supplemented with bark beetle pheromones than to host volatiles alone. Ipsenol alone was attractive to pine sawyers, and was synergistic with α -pinene and ethanol. The full blend of the four Ips semiochemicals and the host compounds was highly attractive. Multiple-funnel traps were as effective as black cross-vane traps in capturing this insect when the escape of trapped beetles was prevented. Trapping of non-target bark beetle predators was also evaluated. The trogossitid Temnochila coerulea and clerid Thanasimus formicarius were kairomonally attracted to and killed in traps baited with bark beetle pheromones. These results suggest that effective monitoring of M. galloprovincialis would be possible by baiting any of these traps with host volatiles and Ips semiochemicals, but reduction of the lure components and trap modification to minimize impact on predators should be considered.  相似文献   

Predation and bark beetle dynamics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
John D. Reeve 《Oecologia》1997,112(1):48-54
Bark beetle populations may undergo dramatic fluctuations and are often important pests in coniferous forests. Their dynamics are thought to be primarily driven by factors affecting the resistance of the host tree to attack, i.e., bottom-up forces, while natural enemies are usually assigned a minor role in these systems. I present behavioral experiments that suggest that the clerid beetle Thanasimus dubius may be an important source of mortality for the bark beetle Dendroctonus frontalis during attack of the host tree, and determine the nature of the functional response of T. dubius under conditions close to natural. I also examine the numerical response of T. dubius to large-scale fluctuations in D. frontalis density, and the relationship between bark beetle population trends and predator density, and find that beetle populations tend to decline when predator densities are high. Combined with the effects of clerid larvae on bark beetle broods, these results suggest that top-down forces generated by natural enemies could also be an important component of bark beetle dynamics. The implications of these results for bark beetle dynamics are discussed in relation to the prolonged life-cycle of clerid beetles. Received: 23 January 1997 / Accepted: 5 April 1997  相似文献   

Bark beetles are well‐known forest pests, some species inducing massive attacks on trees, resulting in the devastation of entire woodlands. Bark beetles are associated with microorganisms, forming an entity known as ‘holobiont’. Beetles and fungi are the best‐studied members of this multipartite symbiosis. However, recent studies have shown that bacteria may play important roles in the bark beetle holobiont, such as providing certain nutrients, promoting the growth of beneficial fungi, detoxifying the environment by lowering the levels of phenolic compounds synthesised by the host tree or by inhibiting the growth of antagonistic fungi whereas some bacterial symbionts have the potential to kill beetles under certain conditions. Therefore, bacteria probably greatly affect the life cycle of bark beetles; hence, more research is needed to clarify the extent to which a bacterial associate is implicated in a bacterial bark beetle symbiosis and how much it determines host's performance. This review summarises all of the known activities of bacteria present in the bark beetle holobiont, indicates some important gaps in the knowledge of this symbiosis and provides some guidance for overcoming the difficulties in investigating this relationship in future studies.  相似文献   

When an herbivorous insect enters a new geographic area, it will select host plants based on short and long distance cues. A conifer-feeding bark beetle that has been recently introduced to North America, the Mediterranean pine engraver, Orthotomicus erosus (Wollaston), has a potentially wide host range, especially among members of the Pinaceae. The long-distance response of the beetles to tree odors may be a key feature of the mechanism of host recognition and selection. We used a laboratory olfactometer to study the walking response of 1,440 O. erosus to odor cues from the bark and phloem of six North American tree species. The beetle moved toward the angiosperm non-host Betula papyrifera more than would be expected by chance, but had a neutral response to odors of two tree species that support reproduction and three species that do not. These results suggest that tree odors alone may not be adequate for O. erosus to recognize novel hosts.  相似文献   

1. All bark beetles are in symbiosis with fungi. Although obligate mutualisms with fungi are common with tree-killing bark beetles (primaries), fungi associated with non-tree-killing bark beetles (secondaries) are usually dismissed as commensals. 2. Using an ecological stoichiometric approach, we show secondaries are also involved in nutrition-based mutualisms, some of which appear obligate, and that differences in symbiont provisioning efficiency have a potent effect on beetle carbon (C): nitrogen (N): phosphorus (P) ratios. 3. Some secondary beetles have high P contents and require efficient P provisioning via fungi, while others have low P contents that may allow them to exploit less efficient fungi or a broader range of species with variable efficiencies. A co-occurring scavenger that feeds on nutrient-poor bark beetle frass (excrement/boring residues) exhibited the lowest phosphorus content yet recorded for an invertebrate. 4. Our results generally support the growth-rate hypothesis that posits differences in C:P and N:P ratios in consumers are due to differential allocation of P to P-rich RNA to support growth. However, while the beetle species that accumulated the most biomass was considerably enriched in P and that with the least biomass was P-poor, one beetle species that was P-rich was also small possibly due to limitation by an element other than P. 5. Our results indicate that fungi are important to a broader range of bark beetles than previously recognised. Additional research is needed to describe how these various symbioses influence forest ecosystems via differential effects of fungi on host beetle fitness.  相似文献   

Understandings of the effect of host plant phylogeny on the structure of herbivore assemblage is useful for estimating global species richness of herbivores. Here we test the relationship between host plant phylogeny and two assemblages including ambrosia beetle assemblage that have been considered to be the lowest host specificity among plant-dependent guilds. These results of local scale were used for estimating regional species richness by extrapolating to the number of plant order and species in Japan. The estimated numbers were compared with the numbers of described species in Japan. Tree trunks of 17 plant species representing 17 orders of all major lineages of Japanese tree flora were exposed for collecting wood boring beetle species. A total of 12 ambrosia and four bark beetle species were collected. Similarity of both ambrosia and bark beetle assemblages showed a significant negative trend with phylogenetic distance between focal host plant species. The regression model for this relationship was well fit by a linear model whereas previous studies used a semi-log model, which suggests a difference in mechanism of host utilization with host taxonomic levels. Our results showed a broader host range of ambrosia beetle assemblage in temperate forest than to a comparable study in tropical rainforests. Species richness estimated is lower than the described species in Japan, suggesting the need for more samples along the altitudinal gradients for accurate estimation for the Japanese fauna.  相似文献   

Parasitic plants rely on host plants for nutrition. The number of host species varies largely between groups, from single species or genus to hundreds of species. Relative abundance of the host and evolutionary history are the main requisites for parasitic plants to develop specificity to abundant hosts. In the present study, we suggest a novel mechanism by which a hemiparasitic mistletoe can develop local specificity mediated by its host. First, we describe a novel interaction in which a woodboring beetle (Hypothenemus obscurus) preys on mistletoe seeds (Psittacanthus plagiophyllus) attached to tree branches. This beetle preys more frequently on seeds deposited on branches of non‐host species than on branches of its unique local host species (53 percent on average vs. 26 percent respectively). We hypothesize that local host specificity for this mistletoe could be partly mediated by beetle‐host incompatibility, since the host offers a predation‐free space in which mistletoes have better chances to grow. Furthermore, that the exceptional gum exudates produced by this unique host species minimize beetle attacks on branches, thus reducing predation of mistletoe seeds. This novel tritrophic interaction opens an avenue for research on macroscopic host‐specificity mechanisms that occur at the level of the host bark and that have been poorly studied by plant ecologists.  相似文献   

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