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Sexually experienced male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi) were castrated and tested for male sexual behavior. In the weeks following castration male sexual behavior decreased. Ejaculation disappeared first, followed by intromission and, finally, mounting. Castrated males failing to copulate were assigned to one of four treatment groups: 200 μg testosterone propionate (TP); 200 μg dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP); 2 μg estradiol benzoate (EB); or sesame oil (OIL). TP and DHTP were equally effective in restoring the complete male sexual behavior pattern. In contrast, EB was effective in stimulating mounting and minimally effective in stimulating intromissions (vaginal penetration), but did not stimulate ejaculatory responses. These data indicate that in deer mice testosterone may mediate male sexual behavior through reduction to dihydrotestosterone rather than through aromatization to estradiol.  相似文献   

Effects of sex steroids on urine-marking activity were studied in male, female, and neonatally androgenized female mice. Urine marking was estimated by suspending ceramic tubes that were connected in a horizontal row with a steel rod into the home cage of an isolated mouse. Intact males showed high marking activity, which was diminished after castration. Both testosterone propionate (TP) and estradiol benzoate (EB) were effective in restoring the marking activity of castrated males, while 5-alpha-dihydrotesterone (DHT) did not have any stimulative effects. Intact normal females showed quite low marking activity and ovariectomy further depressed it. TP and DHT enhanced the marking of ovariectomized females, but EB restored the activity only to the preovariectomy level. In intact females which were neonatally androgenized, the marking activity was much higher than that of normal females. The pattern of the change induced by gonadectomy and hormone treatment in these females resembled that in males. Thus, ovariectomy reduced the activity and both TP and EB restored the level. These results indicate that the sexual dimorphism in the urine marking in mice is primarily determined by hormonal environment during early postnatal age. Hormonal control of scent marking is discussed in relation to the studies in other rodents.  相似文献   

Male rats castrated at 30 days of age were treated with estradiol benzoate (dose range: 0.05–50 μg EB for 26 days) and dihydrotestosterone (1 mg DHT for 36 days) as adults. The combined EB and DHT treatments resulted in display of male sexual behavior which did not differ from the behavior shown by intact untreated males or castrated, testosterone propionate (1 mg TP for 26 days) treated males. EB alone or DHT alone were relatively ineffective in activating male behavior in castrated males.  相似文献   

Male rats castrated on the second day after birth (Day 2) were, for the next 10 days, given daily injections of one of five steroids or steroid combinations: 200 μg of testosterone propionate (TP); 200 μg of dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP); 5 μg of estradiol benzoate (EB); 5 μg of estradiol benzoate plus 200 μg of dihydrotestosterone propionate; oil vehicle (VH). Control male rats castrated on Day 90 received a sham castration and oil vehicle in the neonatal period. All animals were given TP in adulthood and tested for male sexual behavior. There was no difference in mounting activity among the subjects. Day 2 DHTP subjects displayed intromissions but were incapable of ejaculating. The more frequent display of intromissions by Day 2 DHTP animals in comparison to Day 2 VH animals could be solely due to their larger and more highly developed penes. On the other hand, the ejaculatory failure of the Day 2 DHTP subjects was attributed to some deficiency in central neural processes controlling ejaculatory mechanisms rather than inadequate penile development. Equivocal results were obtained with the Day 2 EB and Day 2 EB-DHTP animals in that only a few animals in both groups showed an ejaculatory pattern.  相似文献   

The sociosexual behaviors of six stable male-female pairs of stumptailed monkeys were studied in half-hour pair tests. Their performance before and after castration of the males was compared. The effects of replacement therapy with sex steroids on male-female interaction were studied. Also the effects of new females as sexual partners were investigated. Castration caused a significant decrease in sexual behavior. Individual males could display ejaculatory behavior up to about 1 year postcastration. Dihydrotestosterone propionate (75 mg/week/male) alone or in combination with estradiol benzoate (0.9 or 3 mg/week/male) was not effective in restoring sexual behavior to precastration levels in the three castrated males tested. Replacement therapy with testosterone propionate (75 or 10 mg/week/male) was effective in restoring copulatory behavior in half of the castrated males. In some males the introduction of a new female caused an increase in sexual activity, usually when sexual activity with their familiar partner was low. This occurred both in the castration condition and in the steroid treatment period, suggesting, that low activity was caused by low "motivation" and not by the inability to perform.  相似文献   

The effect of castration and testosterone propionate (TP) treatment on the motor copulatory pattern was studied by an accelerometric technique in five sexually experienced New Zealand white male rabbits. This technique permits the oscillographic recording of thrusting frequency, rhythmicity, and amplitude of the pelvic movements occurring during copulation. Castration resulted in a marked decrease in sexual activity in all rabbits. Mounting, including occasional intromissions, was retained by four of the rabbits for periods ranging from 2 to 15 weeks. Castration did not affect mount duration, but decreased strength and frequency of pelvic thrusting. Diminution in the frequency of pelvic thrusting was mainly due to intercalation of pauses within the mounting trains. The change in the rhythm of pelvic thrusting was related to the failure of most mounts performed by castrated rabbits to stimulate lordosis in the female. Testosterone propionate (TP, 10 mg daily for 15 days) restored mounting activity and increased strength and frequency of pelvic thrusting in all rabbits. It is concluded that TP, besides stimulating sexual motivation, regulates the vigor and rhythm of pelvic movements during copulation in the rabbit.  相似文献   

Intracranial implantation of minute pellets of gonadal steroids was performed to determine neuroanatomical loci at which steroids activate sexual behavior in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). In this species, systemic treatment of castrated males with either testosterone propionate (TP) or estradiol benzoate (EB) restores male-typical copulatory behavior (head grabbing, mounting, and cloacal contact movements). In addition, EB activates female-typical receptive behavior (crouching). Adult male castrated quail were implanted intracranially with 300-micrograms pellets containing TP, EB, or cholesterol (CHOL) and behavior was tested with intact males and females. Either TP or EB pellets in the preoptic area (POA) activated male-typical copulatory behavior. Mounting was specifically activated without concomitant activation of other steroid-sensitive sexual and courtship behaviors. TP and EB implants in adjacent nuclei containing receptors for these steroids and CHOL implants in POA had no effect on male-typical copulatory behavior. Eighteen percent of all males tested for female-typical receptivity crouched, but no specific effect of EB was seen at any site. The similarity of the POA sites for activation of mounting by TP and EB is consistent with the hypothesis that cells within the POA aromatize testosterone to estrogens, which directly stimulate the cellular processes leading to behavioral activation.  相似文献   

Adult rhesus monkeys were observed in standardized tests for female-typical sexual and related social responses. In the first experiment reported, 7 castrated males and 5 spayed females were paired with each of 4 intact males on two occasions following intramuscular injection with estradiol benzoate (EB) (6 micrograms/kg X 14 days) and on two other occasions without such treatment. In tests without EB, males and females did not behave differently toward the intact male partners, and all responses were displayed at low frequencies. In tests with EB, females showed reliably higher frequencies than males of approaching, sitting close to, grooming, and soliciting, and they presented to a higher proportion of the male partner's sexual contacts. EB reliably increased the frequency of display of all of these same five responses in females but not in castrated males. The intact male partners displayed reliably fewer approaches, sexual contacts, mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations to castrated males than to spayed females regardless of estrogenization. In a second experiment 10 intact adult pseudohermaphroditic females and 6 intact control females were tested following EB injections with each of the same 4 intact males. Pseudohermaphrodites were experimentally produced by injecting pregnant females with either testosterone propionate (TP) or dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP). Pseudohermaphrodites, regardless of type of androgen used in their production, showed reliably fewer solicits than controls to male partners. Moreover, they displayed most of the other responses at lower average frequencies than controls. Frequencies of intromission and ejaculation by intact male partners were reliably lower with pseudohermaphrodites than with control females, but frequencies of approach, sexual contact, and mount were not reliably different. We conclude that in this testing and measurement situation male and female rhesus monkeys differ markedly in the degree of expression of female-typical sexual behaviors, and genotypic males are behaviorally less responsive to estrogens than females. Exposing genotypic females to androgens during fetal life decreases the expression of female-typical, estrogen-influenced responses, and the effect is most pronounced on those soliciting responses that subserve proceptivity.  相似文献   

The present study tested whether testosterone propionate (TP) implanted in the ventromedial nucleus (VMN) of the hypothalamus could initiate performance, motivational, or sociosexual components of sexual behavior in castrated male rats. Twenty-seven intact male Long Evans rats were pretested for copulation, partner preference, and 50-kHz vocalization and were subsequently castrated. Approximately 3 weeks after castration, males were retested to confirm that these behaviors had declined, and groups were assigned. Groups 1 and 2 were implanted with bilateral stainless steel cannulae directed at the VMN that were either filled with TP (TVMN group) or remained empty (Blank group). A third group (TSC) was implanted subcutaneously with two 10-mm Silastic capsules filled with testosterone. Restoration of behavior was measured for 2 weeks after implants. We found that copulation and 50-kHz vocalization were not restored by TP in the VMN alone. However, partner preference returned to preoperative levels in both the TVMN and TSC groups, indicating that TP in the VMN was sufficient to restore sexual motivation. Following behavioral testing, prostate glands and seminal vesicles were weighed and confirmed that TP did not leak into the periphery in the TVMN group. Immunostaining for androgen receptors also verified that TP spread was confined to the immediate area surrounding the cannula tip. These results suggest that androgen activation at the VMN is sufficient to induce the motivational components of male sexual behavior, whereas activation of other brain sites is required for copulation and ultrasonic vocalization.  相似文献   

Intracranial implantation of minute pellets of gonadal steroids was combined with aromatase inhibitor treatment to determine if aromatization within the preoptic area (POA) is necessary for androgens to activate sexual behavior in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). In this species, implantation of pellets of testosterone propionate (TP) or estradiol benzoate (EB) in the POA of castrated males restores male-typical copulatory behavior. In Experiment 1, adult male castrated quail were implanted intracranially with 200-micrograms pellets of equimolar mixtures of crystalline TP + cholesterol (CHOL), TP + 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD, an aromatase inhibitor), EB + ATD, or CHOL and behavior-tested with intact males and females. Copulation was stimulated by POA implants containing TP or EB (three of six CHOL + TP males and two of seven ATD + EB males copulated vs zero of four CHOL males), but copulation was not inhibited by combining ATD with TP (three of four ATD + TP males copulated). In Experiment 2, adult male castrated quail were injected systemically with ATD or oil for 6 days prior to and 14 days after intracranial implantation of 200-micrograms pellets containing the same amounts of TP or EB as in Experiment 1. The ATD injections completely blocked copulatory behavior in males with TP implants in the POA such that ATD/TP and Oil/TP mount frequencies differed significantly, but failed to block copulation in males with EB implants in the POA (proportions of males copulating were ATD/EB, 6/8; ATD/TP, 0/6; Oil/TP, 4/7). The cloacal foam gland, an androgen-sensitive secondary sex character, was unaffected by the dose of ATD used. We conclude that activation of copulatory behavior by TP implants in the POA is not due to nonspecific effects of high local testosterone concentrations but rather to aromatization. These results support the hypothesis that cells within the POA aromatize testosterone to estrogens, which directly stimulate the cellular processes leading to activation of male-typical copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Chromatographic analysis and radioimmunoassay were used to identify and quantitate beta-endorphin (BE) and beta-lipotropin (B-LPH) in the hearts (devoid of major blood vessels and atria) from intact male rats, castrated male rats, and castrated male rats treated with testosterone propionate (TP). BE and B-LPH in the plasma of these animals were also identified and measured. In comparison to intact animals, castration resulted in a significant elevation in the content of BE in the heart which was reversed by the administration of TP. The content of B-LPH in the heart was not affected by castration or castration in combination with TP. The ratio of BE to B-LPH in the heart of castrated animals was significantly elevated as compared with intact controls. Treatment of castrates with TP returned the ratio of BE to B-LPH to that observed in intact animals. The concentration of BE in the plasma was greater in castrated rats and castrated rats given TP than in intact males, whereas the concentration of B-LPH was diminished in castrated animals given TP. The ratio of BE to B-LPH was greater in castrated animals treated with TP than in castrated and intact animals. The content of BE and B-LPH, as well as the ratios of the two peptides, varied independently in the cardiac tissue and plasma. The present findings indicated that (i) BE and B-LPH are present in cardiac tissue, (ii) the amount of BE and B-LPH in the heart and the ratio of BE to B-LPH appear to be modulated by TP, and (iii) BE and B-LPH detected in the heart was not simply a reflection of the presence of these peptides in the plasma.  相似文献   

Treatment of nestling zebra finches with estradiol benzoate (EB) has been shown to masculinize singing in females and demasculinize copulatory behavior in males, suggesting that sexual differentiation of these behaviors is under hormonal control such that testicular hormones induce the capacity for song and ovarian hormones suppress the capacity for mounting. Two experiments were carried out to obtain a more complete picture of sexual differentiation in this species. In Experiment 1, nestlings were injected daily for the first 2 weeks after hatching with testosterone propionate (TP), dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), or a combination of DHTP and EB. As adults, birds were gonadectomized and implanted with TP prior to testing, then tested again after implantation with EB. Singing was not increased in females by any of the treatments. The only effect of either TP or DHTP given alone was defeminization of female proceptive behavior by DHTP. Thus androgens appear to have less influence than estrogens on sexual differentiation of behavior in this species. The combination of DHTP and EB demasculinized mounting in males. In Experiment 2, nestlings were gonadectomized at 7-9 days of age and implanted with TP prior to testing in adulthood. Early gonadectomy had little effect on later behavior; early castrated males sang, danced, and copulated normally and early ovariectomized females neither sang nor mounted.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior was assessed in castrated adult CD-1 male mice given exogenous steroids under various treatment regimens. Castrated mice maintained on 20 μg testosterone (T) daily for 1 week, but given 250 μg testosterone propionate (TP) on the day of testing showed higher levels of copulatory activity than intact mice or the males receiving an additional dose of 20 μg T on the test day, although plasma testosterone levels were not different at the time of behavioral testing. Castrated males given 50, 125, or 250 μg TP for 1 week including the day of testing showed higher levels of sexual behavior than males receiving the same doses of TP only once, on the test day. A single injection of 17β-estradiol (E2) completely restored the male copulatory pattern, including ejaculation, in castrated mice under every condition examined. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were less effective than E2, as was the combination of E2 and DHT. The relative efficacy of a single dose of T, DHT, and E2 plus DHT was dependent upon factors such as the delay between steroid administration and testing, as well as whether or not the castrated mice received androgen replacement prior to testing. Estradiol benzoate (E2B) was not capable of restoring sexual behavior in castrated mice in this study. The comparison of results obtained with TP, T, E2, and E2B suggests that an appreciable, but not necessarily sustained, elevation of E2 levels in the brain may be critical in the facilitation of male copulatory behavior in mice.  相似文献   

The effect of gonadal steroids on the response to analgesia testing was determined in castrated male and female rats and castrated male and female rats treated with testosterone propionate (TP) and estradiol benzoate (EB), respectively. The time to respond to a noxious somatic stimulus in the form of heat was assessed using the tail withdrawal test (tail withdrawal from hot water) and hot plate test (the time to paw lick or jump). In male rats, castration resulted in a significant reduction of the reaction time for tail withdrawal. This effect was reversed by treatment with TP. The time to paw lick or jump in male rats was also diminished by castration. Treatment with TP resulted in a partial reversal of the effect of castration on this response. In castrated female rats, the time required for tail withdrawal was decreased by castration and increased by treatment with EB. The reaction time to the hot plate in female rats was diminished by castration and further reduced by EB administration. These data indicate that gonadal steroids influence the response to a noxious heat stimulus in male and female rats and that the effect may vary according to sex and the way in which the stimulus is applied.  相似文献   

This study compared changes in sexual behavior of male gerbils with changes in scent-marking frequency following castration and exposure to various doses of testosterone. Castration eliminated sexual activity in male gerbils. Injections of testosterone propionate (75 μg twice weekly) prevented this decrease. Larger (600 μg) injections of testosterone propionate or implantation of Silastic capsules of testosterone reinstated mating behavior. Sexual behavior showed a different pattern of changes than scent marking. Sexual behavior was maintained more effectively than scent marking by hormone injections, but scent marking was reinstated more readily than sexual behavior by the tonic hormone levels produced by Silastic implants.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide cholecystokinin (CCK) inhibits lordosis behavior when infused into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) of female rats and has no effect when infused into the VMN of male rats. To test whether this sex difference develops under the control of perinatal steroids, male rats were castrated or given sham surgeries within 3 h of birth and female rats were injected with either 0 or 100 micrograms testosterone propionate on postnatal day 5. As adults, these rats were castrated as necessary, implanted with unilateral cannulae directed at the VMN, and tested for their ability to display female sexual behavior and to respond to CCK. Neonatal castration of males prevented defeminization of this response. When treated with 5 micrograms estradiol benzoate (EB), neonatally castrated males showed both lordosis behavior and a profound inhibition of that behavior after infusions of CCK. Neonatally castrated males did not display lordosis behavior when treated with 2 micrograms EB. Control males showed no lordosis behavior and, therefore, no response to CCK. Both doses of EB induced lordosis behavior in neonatally androgenized females. Significantly, these neonatally androgenized females were less responsive to CCK's inhibition of lordosis and were also anovulatory. These results imply that androgens alter the development of CCK responsive circuits as well as defeminize cyclic gonadotropin release. Levels of 125I-sCCK-8 binding in the VMN were correlated closely with an individual's ability to respond to sCCK-8. In summary, the inhibition of female sexual behavior caused by exogenously administered CCK in normal adult female rats appears to be controlled at least partially by levels of CCK receptors in the VMN and to differentiate under the control of perinatally present testosterone.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed in order to evaluate further the hypothesis that androgen must be aromatized to estrogen for the activation of masculine sexual behavior in the male rat. In Experiment 1 it was found that the anti-estrogen MER-25 failed to disrupt mounting behavior in castrated males which simultaneously received testosterone propionate (TP). However, in Experiment 2 it was found that MER-25 as weil as 3β-androstanediol effectively activated masculine behavior in castrated males treated simultaneously with dihydrotestosterone propionate. Both MER-25 and 3β-androstanediol had previously been shown to display an affinity for cytoplasmic estradiol-17β receptors present in male rat anterior hypothalamus. In Experiments 3 and 4, performed with ovariectomized females, it was found that whereas MER-25 antagonized the stimulatory effect of estradiol benzoate (EB) on lordosis behavior, 3β-androstanediol did not. In addition, 5α-dihydrotestosterone and 3α-androstanediol, two compounds which had previously been shown to have almost no affinity for estradiol-17β receptors in the hypothalamus, both inhibited the stimulatory effect of EB on lordosis. It is concluded that the fact that anti-estrogens suppress lordosis induced in females with either EB or TP, but fail to disrupt TP-induced mounting behavior in male rats does not argue against the aromatization hypothesis for masculine sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Castrated androgen-insensitive rats exhibited mounting and intromission patterns in response to testosterone propionate (TP), estradiol benzoate (EB), or EB combined with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) treatment in adulthood. Treatment with DHT alone was ineffective in stimulating male mating behavior in the mutant rats. Since androgen-insensitive rats, like normal males, have the potential to show mounting behavior following hormone treatment in adulthood, the neural substrate underlying this behavior must be masculinized during development. The effectiveness of gonadal hormones in activating the entire copulatory sequence in castrated littermate males (King-Holtzman) was also examined. TP treatment induced mating behavior in the control rats. DHT also stimulated the complete copulatory pattern, although it was not as effective as TP. The administration of EB, however, did not induce ejaculation in control rats. These results do not support the hypothesis that the activation of male mating behavior by testosterone requires its metabolite estrogen (aromatization hypothesis).  相似文献   

Sexual behavior was assessed in castrated adult CD-1 male mice given exogenous steroids under various treatment regimens. Castrated mice maintained on 20 μg testosterone (T) daily for 1 week, but given 250 μg testosterone propionate (TP) on the day of testing showed higher levels of copulatory activity than intact mice or the males receiving an additional dose of 20 μg T on the test day, although plasma testosterone levels were not different at the time of behavioral testing. Castrated males given 50, 125, or 250 μg TP for 1 week including the day of testing showed higher levels of sexual behavior than males receiving the same doses of TP only once, on the test day. A single injection of 17β-estradiol (E2) completely restored the male copulatory pattern, including ejaculation, in castrated mice under every condition examined. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were less effective than E2, as was the combination of E2 and DHT. The relative efficacy of a single dose of T, DHT, and E2 plus DHT was dependent upon factors such as the delay between steroid administration and testing, as well as whether or not the castrated mice received androgen replacement prior to testing. Estradiol benzoate (E2B) was not capable of restoring sexual behavior in castrated mice in this study. The comparison of results obtained with TP, T, E2, and E2B suggests that an appreciable, but not necessarily sustained, elevation of E2 levels in the brain may be critical in the facilitation of male copulatory behavior in mice.  相似文献   

The synthetic steroid methyltrienolone (R 1881) binds specifically with high affinity to intracellular androgen receptors and is not metabolized to androstanediol. Administration of R 1881 (1 mg/day) to castrated male rats facilitated intromission in significantly more animals than did 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (1 mg/day); however, the percentage of animals ejaculating and the pattern of behavior displayed were equivalent in the two groups. Combined administration of estradiol benzoate (EB) (2 μg/day) plus either R 1881 or DHT further facilitated males' sexual performance to levels previously seen in castrated male rats of the same strain when given testosterone propionate (TP). The results suggest that conversion of DHT to 3α- or 3β-androstanediol neither detracts from nor contributes to its ability to activate sexual behavior in the male rat.  相似文献   

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