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研究了不同放牧强度下(不放牧、轻牧(1.33只羊/hm2)、中牧(4.00只羊/hm2)、重牧(6.67只羊/hm2))冷蒿 (Artemisia frigida)、星毛委陵菜 (Potentilla acaulis)的克隆形态(间隔子长度、分枝强度)可塑性以及生物量分配格局。两种植物的间隔子长度、分枝强度沿放牧梯度具有显著的可塑性反应。冷蒿间隔子长度:不放牧>轻牧>重牧>中牧;分枝强度:重牧>中牧>轻牧>不放牧。星毛委陵菜间隔子长度:轻牧>不放牧>中牧>重牧;分枝强度:重牧>中牧>轻牧>不放牧。冷蒿种群  相似文献   

不同放牧强度对鹅绒委陵菜克隆生长特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站,对通过17 a不同放牧强度干扰后金露梅灌丛草甸内鹅绒委陵菜克隆生长特征进行实地调查统计研究.结果显示:长期放牧并增加放牧强度后,植物群落的高度、盖度和草场质量指数下降.随着放牧强度增大,鹅绒委陵菜无性系匍匐茎数目增加,分枝强度加大;基株变矮,逐渐由直立、半直立型变为匍匐状,形态可塑性明显;根长有逐渐增加的趋势;放牧强度对鹅绒委陵菜无性系分株高度、根长和分株叶数影响不显著;间隔子有变短、变粗的趋势,间隔子数目和分株数目有增加的趋势,但影响不显著;轻牧和不牧样地中用于鹅绒委陵菜克隆生长的平均能量投资(分株和匍匐茎的干重及其所占比例)小于重牧样地.表明随放牧强度增大,鹅绒委陵菜无性繁殖能力增强,呈现出典型的生态适应策略.  相似文献   

 研究了不同放牧强度下(不放牧、轻牧(1.33只羊/hm2)、中牧(4.00只羊/hm2)、重牧(6.67只羊/hm2))冷蒿 (Artemisia frigida)、星毛委陵菜 (Potentilla acaulis)的克隆形态(间隔子长度、分枝强度)可塑性以及生物量分配格局。两种植物的间隔子长度、分枝强度沿放牧梯度具有显著的可塑性反应。冷蒿间隔子长度:不放牧>轻牧>重牧>中牧;分枝强度:重牧>中牧>轻牧>不放牧。星毛委陵菜间隔子长度:轻牧>不放牧>中牧>重牧;分枝强度:重牧>中牧>轻牧>不放牧。冷蒿种群  相似文献   

滇西北高原纳帕海湖滨湿地退化特征、规律与过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尚文  杨永兴 《应用生态学报》2012,23(12):3257-3265
采用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和典范对应分析(CCA)方法,研究了滇西北高原纳帕海湖滨湿地退化特征、规律与过程.结果表明: 纳帕海湖滨湿地植物群落可以划分为4个群丛,群落演替规律为水生植物群落→沼泽植物群落→沼泽化草甸植物群落→草甸植物群落.随植物群落演替,群落盖度、密度、多样性指数、物种丰富度和地上生物量均增大,群落高度减小;植物水分生态型演替规律为水生植物→沼生植物→湿生植物→中生植物.随群落演替,湿地水体矿化度、硬度和碱度均降低,氨氮和总磷含量升高,总氮和硝态氮含量变化不明显;土壤pH、有机质和全氮含量逐渐降低,全磷和全钾含量逐渐升高,速效氮和速效磷含量先增大后减小.CCA分析表明,群落结构和物种组成主要受水分梯度影响,土壤pH、全磷和湿地水的总氮、氨氮对湿地植物物种分布和群落演替影响显著.  相似文献   

 克隆植物的形态可塑性在基株和种群水平上分别表现为克隆构型和分株种群特征的变化。研究对象为内蒙古锡林河流域草地、林地、沙地3种生境下的羊草(Leymus chinensis)种群,通过对羊草根茎节间长度、间隔子长度、分枝强度、分枝角度、株高和分株密度等指标的测定和分析,对这3种不同生境中羊草的克隆构型及分株种群特征进行了研究。结果表明羊草克隆构型相关特征,如,根茎节间长度,根茎节间长度频次分布格局、间隔子长度、间隔子长度频次分布格局,在不同生境差异较大。同时,羊草的分枝角度在不同生境间差异显著。而每间隔子所  相似文献   

不同生境中淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为探求淫羊藿资源的保护策略,通过野外样地调查、室内测定和统计分析等方法,对林缘旷地、林缘和林下三种不同生境中淫羊藿(Epimedium brevicornum)克隆构型及其分株种群特征进行了研究,并初步分析环境因子对淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征的影响.结果表明:分枝强度、间隔子长度、分枝高度、根状茎长度及分株种群密度在3种生境中差异显著,且与生境相对光强和土壤含水量有较强的回归关系.群落相对光强、土壤含水量在淫羊藿的克隆生长过程中起着重要作用.淫羊藿以地下根茎为克隆器官进行克隆生长,有着较强的克隆构型可塑性.结合克隆植物对资源的利用策略,讨论不同生境中淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征可塑性的生态适应意义及淫羊藿保护机制.  相似文献   

因受到气候变暖、人为干扰等因素的影响,浙江省山地沼泽湿地面临着缺水旱化的问题,泥炭藓沼泽、草本沼泽逐渐退化成旱化的沼泽。在山地沼泽旱化的过程中,山地沼泽湿地土壤碳、氮、磷含量及其生态化学计量比的变化趋势尚不明确。本研究选取浙江5块不同旱化程度的山地沼泽湿地,分析土壤表层0~60 cm剖面上土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)、土壤pH值、土壤容重等,以及植物样方地上生物量、植物粉碎混合样的有机碳(OC)、TN、TP。结果表明: 浙江山区沼泽湿地SOC、TN含量丰富,但TP含量低;随着山区沼泽湿地的旱化,容重、pH值、地上生物量上升,而SOC、TN、TP、C∶N、C∶P、N∶P呈下降趋势,容重、pH值与SOC、TN、TP均呈显著线性负相关;不同旱化程度的浙江山区沼泽湿地土壤C、N、P等元素的累积量与植物凋落物输入量、湿地氧气条件、凋落物分解的难易程度等因素有关。浙江山地沼泽湿地旱化趋势明显,土壤C、N、P等营养元素的含量下降,而植物由湿生群落向中性群落演替,植物中C、N、P含量随着植物种类的变化而变化,与土壤C、N、P含量的变化关系不耦合。  相似文献   

 对多年生植物黄帚橐吾(Ligularia virgaurea)在不同氮肥梯度和不同生境类型中的克隆生长行为进行研究。结果表明:1)资源水平与群落性质影响着间隔子(Spacer)长度的变化,氮肥处理使之明显变短;自然群落中的间隔子长度远远长于人工群落,说明黄帚橐吾间隔子具有很强的形态可塑性,能对资源水平和生境优劣作出反应。2)分枝强度(Branching intensity)具有随资源水平的增高而上升的趋势,表明无性系分株(Ramet)的形成和生长受环境资源状况和源株(Genet)生长状况的影响;3)黄帚橐吾的分枝角度为0˚或180˚,资源水平与环境差异对其影响不大,可塑性低;4)环境资源贫乏或植株比较拥挤时,黄帚橐吾个体根系资源分配比例加大,说明黄帚橐吾的资源分配(Resource allocation)模式更多地受环境资源条件和群落性质的影响。  相似文献   

三江平原沼泽湿地群落演替系列β多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择三江平原沼泽湿地4个群落演替系列,采用样方法研究其β多样性的变化.结果表明:以水分条件最充分的群落为起点,随着水分梯度递减和水平距离的增大,各群落与起始群落的相似性系数呈减小趋势.不同演替系列内群落间物种更替速率从低地向高地呈现增大趋势.各系列的基本演替趋势是物种数逐渐增多,共有种逐渐减少,群落间β多样性增大.演替机制分析支持了“初始植物区系组成说”.在三江平原沼泽湿地中,小叶章的优势地位将进一步扩大.  相似文献   

选择三江平原沼泽湿地4个群落演替系列,采用样方法研究其β多样性的变化.结果表明:以水分条件最充分的群落为起点,随着水分梯度递减和水平距离的增大,各群落与起始群落的相似性系数呈减小趋势.不同演替系列内群落间物种更替速率从低地向高地呈现增大趋势.各系列的基本演替趋势是物种数逐渐增多,共有种逐渐减少,群落间卢多样性增大.演替机制分析支持了"初始植物区系组成说".在三江平原沼泽湿地中,小叶章的优势地位将进一步扩大.  相似文献   

Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara was discovered attacking avocados in California, USA, in 1996. Host plant surveys in California indicated that S. perseae has a highly restricted host range with larvae being found only on avocados, while adults were collected from 11 different plant species. As part of a management program for this pest, a “classical” biological control program was initiated and foreign exploration was conducted to delineate the home range of S. perseae, to survey for associated natural enemies and inventory other species of phytophagous thrips on avocados grown in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and Brazil. Foreign exploration efforts indicate that S. perseae occurs on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1500 m) from Uruapan in Mexico south to areas around Guatemala City in Guatemala. In Costa Rica, S. perseae is replaced by an undescribed congener as the dominant phytophagous thrips on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1300 m). No species of Scirtothrips were found on avocados in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, or Brazil. In total, 2136 phytophagous thrips were collected and identified, representing over 47 identified species from at least 19 genera. The significance of these species records is discussed. Of collected material 4% were potential thrips biological control agents. Natural enemies were dominated by six genera of predatory thrips (Aeolothrips, Aleurodothrips, Franklinothrips, Leptothrips, Scolothrips, and Karnyothrips). One genus each of parasitoid (Ceranisus) and predatory mite (Balaustium) were found. Based on the results of our sampling techniques, prospects for the importation of thrips natural enemies for use in a “classical” biological control program in California against S. perseae are not promising.  相似文献   

Komárek has recently reviewed the various species assigned to the green algal genusNeochloris Starr (Chlorococcales, Chlorococcaceae) and removed those with uninucleate vegetative cells to a new genus,Ettlia. Watanabe & Floyd, unaware ofKomárek's work, also reviewed the species ofNeochloris and distributed them among three genera—Neochloris, Chlorococcopsis gen. nov., andParietochloris gen. nov.—on the basis of details of the covering of the zoospore and the arrangement of the basal bodies of the flagellar apparatus. This paper reconciles these two treatments and makes additional recommendations at the ranks of genus, family, order, and class.  相似文献   

The genusKarschia, in the earlier sense, including saprophytes and parasites on lichens, has been thought to be a non-lichenized parallel genus of the lichen genusBuellia. Modern workers included it on the one hand inBuellia, on the other hand combined it with bitunicate ascomycetes. It is now proved thatKarschia is heterogeneous and contains but superficially similar members both of the genusBuellia of theLecanorales and of typical or masked bitunicateAscomycetes. Therefore, it can not be regarded as a link betweenLecanorales andDothideales. The type species ofKarschia belongs to theDothideales.

Systematic significance of mature embryo of bamboos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mature embryo of seven species belonging to five genera of Indian bamboos is described. In all these the basic pattern of embryo organisation is same: the scutellar and coleoptilar bundles are not separated by an internode, the epiblast is absent, the lower portion of the scutellum and the coleorhiza are separated by a cleft and the margins of embryonic leaves overlap. The features unique to fleshy fruited bamboos are: presence of a massive scutellum, the juxtaposition of plumule and radicle and the occurrence of a bud in the axil of the coleoptile. The fleshy fruit bearing bamboos should be classified into one group, the tribeMelocanneae. Evidence is provided to recognise additional groups in the subfamilyBambusoideae.  相似文献   

The cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) are a diverse clade of small, mostly reef-dwelling fishes, for which a variety of morphological data have not yielded a consistent phylogeny. We use DNA sequence to hypothesize phylogenetic relationships within Apogonidae and among apogonids and other acanthomorph families, to examine patterns of evolution including the distribution of a visceral bioluminescence system. In conformance with previous studies, Apogonidae is placed in a clade with Pempheridae, Kurtidae, Leiognathidae, and Gobioidei. The apogonid genus Pseudamia is recovered outside the remainder of the family, not as sister to the superficially similar genus Gymnapogon. Species sampled from the Caribbean and Western Atlantic (Phaeoptyx, Astrapogon, and some Apogon species) form a clade, as do the larger-bodied Glossamia and Cheilodipterus. Incidence of visceral bioluminescence is found scattered throughout the phylogeny, independently for each group in which it is present. Examination of the fine structure of the visceral bioluminescence system through histology shows that light organs exhibit a range of morphologies, with some composed of complex masses of tubules (Siphamia, Pempheris, Parapriacanthus) and others lacking tubules but containing chambers formed by folds of the visceral epithelium (Acropoma, Archamia, Jaydia, and Rhabdamia). Light organs in Siphamia, Acropoma, Pempheris and Parapriacanthus are distinct from but connected to the gut; those in Archamia, Jaydia, and Rhabdamia are simply portions of the intestinal tract, and are little differentiated from the surrounding tissues. The presence or absence of symbiotic luminescent bacteria does not correlate with light organ structure; the tubular light organs of Siphamia and chambered tubes of Acropoma house bacteria, those in Pempheridae and the other Apogonidae do not.  相似文献   

Since 1999, four specific weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) were released in the Republic of Congo against three exotic floating water weeds: Neochetina eichhorniae Warner and N. bruchi Hustache against water hyacinth, Neohydronomus affinis Hustache against water lettuce, and Cyrtobagous salviniae Calder and Sands against water fern. Recoveries of exotic weevils were made from all 24 release sites except one, and all four species have established and spread (up to 800 km for water hyacinth weevils). Within a few years of releases, control of water fern and water lettuce was such that fishing and navigation could be resumed, while reductions of water hyacinth populations were only beginning.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogeny of Hebeloma species from Europe   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In order to widen the scope of existing phylogenies of the ectomycorrhizal agaric genus Hebeloma a total of 53 new rDNA ITS sequences from that genus was generated, augmented by sequences retrieved from GenBank, and analysed using Bayesian, strict consensus and neighbour joining methods. The lignicolous Hebelomina neerlandica, Gymnopilus penetrans, and two species of Galerina served as outgroup taxa. Anamika indica, as well as representatives of the genera Hymenogaster and Naucoria, were included to test the monophyly of Hebeloma, which is confirmed by the results. Hebeloma, Naucoria, Hymenogaster and Anamika indica cluster in a strongly supported monophyletic hebelomatoid clade. All trees largely reflect the current infrageneric classification within Hebeloma, and divide the genus into mostly well-supported monophyletic groups surrounding H. crustuliniforme, H. velutipes, H. sacchariolens, H. sinapizans, and H. radicosum, with H. sarcophyllum being shown at an independent position; however this is not well supported. The section Indusiata divides with strong support into three groups, the position of the pleurocystidiate Hebeloma cistophilum suggests the possible existence of a third subsection within sect. Indusiata. Subsection Sacchariolentia is raised to the rank of section.  相似文献   

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