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中国野生稻资源考察、鉴定和保存概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本综述了我国野生稻种质资源的考察收集、农艺性状鉴定、编目、繁种、入库保存等情况。到目前为止,我国收集了野生稻种资源近万份,编目7324份,种子入国家种质库长期保存5599份,种茎进国家野生稻圃长期保存8933份,显示出我国野生稻资源丰富的遗传多样性,并得到较完善的保存。介绍了鉴定选出的一批具有优良性状的种质资源。作还提出加强野生稻资源保护和研究的6点建议。  相似文献   

77份新收集烟草种质资源的鉴定评价与整理编目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为将湖北省种质资源普查与收集行动收集到的77份烟草种质资源入国家烟草种质资源中期库进行编目和保存,对其进行田间鉴定,获得各烟草种质资源的主要农艺性状和主要病毒病抗性鉴定等数据,并对各种质资源的株型、叶片、花序、花冠、蒴果等拍摄照片。经鉴定B035、B075和B076等种质抗多种主要病毒病,B025免疫TMV(Tobacco mosaic virus)。利用田间表型鉴定和SSR标记鉴定的结果对拟编目资源进行鉴定整理,剔除重复收集的种质资源。本研究结果为丰富国家烟草种质资源库遗传多样性及烟草育种工作奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

中国野生稻收集、鉴定和保存现状   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本通过介绍我国野生稻种质资源的考察、收集、繁种、编目、鉴定、评价和保存、保护状况,论述了我国野生稻丰富的遗传多样性和种质资源研究成就,针对目前存在的突出问题,提出了我国野生稻种质资源研究目标和主要任务。  相似文献   

为将"第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动"重庆项目组收集到的63份烟草种质资源入国家种质资源库进行编目和保存,对其进行田间鉴定和拍照记录。形态特征和主要农艺性状的遗传多样性分析表明,供试种质的数量性状和质量性状遗传多样性丰富,质量性状以叶形的多样性指数最高,数量性状中叶长、叶宽和茎围的多样性指数较高。聚类分析将新收集烟草种质资源分为4个类群,其中第Ⅰ类群以黄花烟为主,第Ⅲ类群的植株最高、叶片最大,可用于高产育种。主要病毒病的抗性鉴定发现,有11份种质TMV和CMV的抗性均较强,其中2份种质对TMV免疫且高抗CMV,可用于抗病育种。另外,通过田间表型和SSR分子标记对拟编目资源进行鉴定整理,剔除了重复的种质资源。因此,烟草种质资源的普查收集工作对于丰富国家烟草种质资源库和新品种选育具有重大意义。  相似文献   

中国小麦遗传资源农艺性状鉴定、编目和繁种入库概况   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
经农艺性状鉴定、编目和繁种入库,明确了目前我国小麦遗传资源共45519份,包括15个属,231个种,其中小麦属24个种,共43014份;小麦野生近缘植物14个属,207个种,2505份。现有41400余份入国家种质库保存。同时,鉴定出具有优良性状的种质3000多份,并总结出较完善的繁种技术措施。从而显示出我国小麦遗传资源丰富的多样性,并且得到保护,这无疑为我国乃至世界小麦生产和育种的持续发展贮备了物质基础。  相似文献   

中国稻种资源农艺性状鉴定、编目和繁种入库概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是亚洲栽培稻起源和分化中心之一.稻作历史悠久,稻区分布广泛,类型繁多.经考察和收集,尤其通过国家"七五"、"八五"和"九五"三个五年计划科技攻关协作,编入目录稻种资源75965份,鉴定和繁种67856份入国家种质库保存,获得150余万个性状数据,提供给国家作物种质资源数据库,为今后深入研究和育种利用奠定了丰富的物质基础.本文就我国稻种资源的考察和收集、农艺性状鉴定和编目、繁种与保存、存在问题加以论述,并对今后的稻种资源研究提出一些建议.  相似文献   

中国稻种资源农艺性状鉴定、编目和繁种入库概况   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
我国是亚洲栽培稻起源和分化中心之一。稻作历史悠久,稻区分布广泛,类型繁多。经考察和收集,尤其通过国家“七五”、“八五”和“九五”三个五年计划科技攻关协作,编入目录稻种资源75965份,鉴定和繁种67856份入国家种质库保存,获得150余万个性状数据,提供给国家作物种质资源数据库,为今后深入研究和育种利用奠定了丰富的物质基础,本文就我国稻种资源的考察和收集、农艺性状鉴定和编目、繁种与保存、存在问题加以论述,并对今后的稻种资源研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   

通过对湖南农户自留种原地保存(简称农户保存)与异地低温保存在湖南种质库(简称种质库保存)的92份同近名水稻材料(7组,同近名材料6组)间的表现型及基因型进行分析,鉴定同近名品种间遗传距离,为之后有效保存、针对性供种、高效利用提供理论依据。结果表明,供试同近名材料间,及农户保存与种质库保存的同近名材料间在表现型性状上都有极显著差异。通过SSR标记基因型比较农户保存与种质库保存湖南同近名材料,发现除E组外,其他组都是农户保存的等位基因变异数小于种质库保存的等位基因变异数,说明农户保存的材料在年复一年的种植、收种过程中经历了自然选择和人工选择留种,进行了加代纯化。除C、E组外,在同近名组内SSR标记遗传相似系数显示,农户保存的材料间种质库保存的材料间农户保存材料与种质库保存材料,表明农户自留种保存的同近名水稻资源值得收集评价。  相似文献   

我国作物种质资源研究在收集、保存方面取得了举世瞩目的成就。目前存在的问题是研究利用不够,且更严重的是有些种质潜在着得而复失的危险,当前的任务应是确保库(圃)种质安全,加强对种质资源的深入研究,充分有效地利用种质资源。为此要完善工作体系,加强供种服务。现提出如下建议:首先要发挥各作物负责单位(中期库)的枢纽作用;调整中期库并建立种质资源生态实验站;清查各类种质库、圃保存种质的现状,及时进行繁种更新;瞄准育种目标,积极广泛收集新种质;研究种质资源的遗传多样性,如遗传多样性的地理分布、物种的遗传结构、物种或品种(系)间的遗传距离、指纹图谱、核心种质以及基因型的鉴定和基因定位等,积极向育种和其他利用者提供附有遗传信息的有用种质。  相似文献   

中国甘薯种质资源研究现状及发展战略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国保存的甘薯种质资源约2000份,绝大部分进行了抗性鉴定评价及营养成分含量测定。甘薯种质资源的保存方式有田间种质圃和试管苗库。作为种质利用的资源材料有地方品种、引进品种、育成品种(系)、突变体和近缘野生种等。根据我国甘薯种质资源研究现状,本提出了未来研究重点,包括调整资源收集重点、建立完整的资源保存体系、深入开展鉴定评价、建立核心种质库、进行种质创新等。  相似文献   

通过对旱地甜菜叶片生长特性及摘除不同叶组对块根产量,含糖量,显微结构的影响研究,结果表明:甜菜第10-20片叶的叶龄最长,积温最高,是甜菜的主要功能叶;甜菜从第20片叶期起进入块根,糖份增长期,从第55叶期起进入糖份积累期;摘除不同叶组的叶片对甜菜块根产量,含糖量及显微结构均有不同程度降低作用,摘除前期叶组对甜菜块根产量,产糖量,根径减幅较大,摘除后期叶组对块根含糖量,维管束环数,维管束环密度减幅较大;摘除第1-30片叶对甜菜影响最大。  相似文献   

不同国家甜菜种质资源遗传多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对来自12个国家的247份甜菜种质资源的16个描述型性状及10个数值型性状的遗传多样性进行分析,结果表明:16个描述型性状均表现出不同程度的遗传差异,多样性指数在0.4806~1.5230之间,平均值为0.8608,其中根肉色多样性指数最小,生长势的多样性指数最大;10个数值型性状的变异系数在1.29%~7.08%之间,平均为3.57%,α-氮含量最小,叶片数最大;不同国家甜菜种质资源的表型遗传差异大小为中国荷兰美国瑞典日本德国匈牙利波兰俄罗斯丹麦法国比利时。对247份材料表型进行聚类分析表明,在阈值为7.5时把材料分为5类,每个国家在5个分类中所占的比例均不同。鉴定筛选出的15份丰产资源和15份高糖资源,可在育种中做为品种产量改良及提高含糖率的亲本材料。  相似文献   

Soil inhabiting pests and rot of feeding roots of sugar beet depending on rotation - Results of a long-term trial Over a period of 17 years a trial was carried out with sugar beet, cereals and oilseed rape in different crop rotations on a field near Göttingen (Lower Saxony). The frequency of sugar beet in the rotation was 17, 25, 33 and 67 %. In absence of beet nematodes, root and sugar yield of the beet decreased after repeated growing of sugar beet in short rotations compared to variants with long rotations. Sugar content and beet quality were only slightly influenced. By applying a bioassay (BW-Test) with young beet plants in the greenhouse it was shown that increasing infections on the tips of rootlets of the beet plants were the cause for decreasing beet yield in close rotations. Mortality of young beet plants and progress of infection in the test indicated roughly the quantity of pathogenic fungi in the soil. In the roots of the bait platits the parasitic fungus Aphanomyces cochlioides predominated. Rate of infection and yield reduction in the field were decisively influenced by weather conditions. Differences in yield between sugar beet grown in a three-year and a four-year rotation, however, were not significant. An occurrence of beet pests depending on crop rotation was stated only for Atomaria linearis and this only in a few years.  相似文献   

冬瓜及其变种节瓜原产我国南部地区,是我国传统的重要菜药兼用型蔬菜品种,现广泛分布于亚洲的热带、亚热带和温带地区。目前我国国家种质资源库中保存的冬瓜和节瓜种质资源分别只有299份和69份,且仅对几个种质特征进行了简单描述,许多重要的种质特征信息尚为空白,种质资源的遗传多样性也众说不一。建议今后我国冬瓜和节瓜种质资源研究应重点开展以下几个内容:(1)搜集与抢救散落在民间的大量冬瓜、节瓜种质资源,扩充国家种质资源库;(2)系统、完整地对冬瓜、节瓜种质资源的特征特性进行鉴定;(3)创建我国冬瓜、节瓜种质资源的分子身份证产权保护系统;(4)鉴别和区分冬瓜种质资源中的同名异物或同物异名资源,构建核心冬瓜、节瓜种质资源库。  相似文献   

BNYVV concentration in the tap roots of sugar beet varieties grown in rhizomania-infested fields During plant development, the BNYVV concentration in several commercially available rhizomania-tolerant sugar beet varieties and one susceptible variety was examined as an index of the intensity of infection. The root weight, sugar content and sugar yield of the same varieties in fields naturally infested with rhizomania were also measured. Significant negative correlations were found between the average virus concentration in the tap root and yield parameters in infested fields. These were largely independent of the growth stage of beet plants used for virological investigations. However, the negative correlations between virus concentration and yield were not significant if rhizomania-tolerant varieties only were compared. The possibility that virus concentration might be used as a criterion for selection in addition to yield performance is discussed. This may lead to selection that is targeted more directly at rhizomania resistance and thereby accelerate breeding work.  相似文献   

Plants harbors complex and variable microbial communities. Endophytic bacteria play an important function and potential role more effectively in developing sustainable systems of crop production. To examine how endophytic bacteria in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) vary across both host growth period and location, PCR-based Illumina was applied to revealed the diversity and stability of endophytic bacteria in sugar beet on the north slope of Tianshan mountain, China. A total of 60.84 M effective sequences of 16S rRNA gene V3 region were obtained from sugar beet samples. These sequences revealed huge amount of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in sugar beet, that is, 19–121 OTUs in a beet sample, at 3 % cutoff level and sequencing depth of 30,000 sequences. We identified 13 classes from the resulting 449,585 sequences. Alphaproteobacteria were the dominant class in all sugar beets, followed by Acidobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes and Actinobacteria. A marked difference in the diversity of endophytic bacteria in sugar beet for different growth periods was evident. The greatest number of OTUs was detected during rossette formation (109 OTUs) and tuber growth (146 OTUs). Endophytic bacteria diversity was reduced during seedling growth (66 OTUs) and sucrose accumulation (95 OTUs). Forty-three OTUs were common to all four periods. There were more tags of Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria in Shihezi than in Changji. The dynamics of endophytic bacteria communities were influenced by plant genotype and plant growth stage. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first application of PCR-based Illumina pyrosequencing to characterize and compare multiple sugar beet samples.  相似文献   

Effects of increasing weed-beet density on sugar-beet yield and quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weed beets are an increasing problem in many sugar-beet crops in many countries. At present about one sugar-beet field in four in England is infested with weed-beet seed. Control in other crops can be achieved using selective herbicides but in sugar beet the weed beets, many of which are of annual habit, are not easily controlled and often compete with the crop. Experiments were done to quantify the yield loss caused by weed beet in sugar-beet crops. Transects were laid out across three fields in 1985 and 1986 and plots located thereon to include the range of weed-beet densities found in the field. Weed beet did not affect the concentration of sugar (sucrose), potassium, sodium, α amino nitrogen or invert sugar in the crop beets. Root and sugar yields were progressively reduced by increasing densities of weed beet. A rectangular hyperbola described the data slightly better than an asymptotic model. There was no indication of a threshold density of weed beet below which there was no yield loss, which averaged 11.7% for each weed beet plant/m2. This corresponds to an average 0.6% sugar yield loss for each 1% of bolted weed beet in the root crop up to 100%, which is similar to the reported losses resulting from bolters in the root crop.  相似文献   

The effects of beet cryptic virus (BCV) infection on sugar beet crops were investigated in field trials in 1990. Two sugar beet breeding stock lines were screened for infection by BCV. Seed lots containing different proportions of seed infected with BCV1 & 2 were obtained by crossing the stock lines and used in field trials at five different sites. Five characteristics of the infected plants were assessed. BCV infection appeared to have no significant effects on the sugar beet crop at four locations which suffered from drought stress but significant effects were found at one site where the crop was grown on grade 1 land with good moisture retention properties. Root yield and sugar yield were reduced by up to 17% and 20%, respectively, by BCV infection.  相似文献   

Aphid transmissions to sugar beet seedlings from yellowed sugar beet leaves collected from commercial fields in East Anglia during the summers of 1955, 1956 and 1957, showed the occurrence of two yellowing viruses. One was sugar beet yellows virus (SBYV) and produced vein-etch and yellowing symptoms on beet seedlings in the glasshouse; the other produced yellowing but no etch. These two viruses were apparently unrelated, so that sugar beet tolerant to one of them would not necessarily be tolerant to the other. The second virus, called 'sugar beet mild yellowing virus' (SBMYV), decreased the root yield of sugar beet plants grown under glass, by as much as did the milder SBYV strains, but less than did the severe SBYV strains. The proportions of the two viruses in the samples differed from year to year and from place to place.  相似文献   

利用野生大豆资源创新优质抗病大豆新种质   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
利用野生大豆与栽培大豆种间杂交中间材料与高产栽培大豆回交转育,创新选育出蛋白质含量45%以上,蛋脂总含量63%以上,分别抗大豆疫霉根腐病,抗大豆灰斑病,农艺性状优良的大豆创新种质资源3份。其中,龙品8802-1抗大豆疫霉根腐病兼抗大豆灰斑病,蛋白质含量45.64%,脂肪含量18.42%,蛋脂总含量64.06%;龙品01-757抗大豆灰斑病,蛋白质含量45.99%,脂肪含量19.4%,蛋脂总含量65.39%;龙品9501,中抗大豆灰斑病,蛋白质含量45.11%,脂肪含量18.32%,蛋脂总含量63.43%。研究结果表明,利用含有野生大豆血缘的种间杂交材料与高产栽培大豆回交,是拓宽大豆遗传基础,创新选育优质、抗病、农艺性状优良大豆新种质资源的有效途径。  相似文献   

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