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最近从南充师范学院生物系收藏的动物标本中,发现下列四种鱼是四川鱼类新纪录:1.粗须铲颌鱼Varicorhinus(Scaphesthes)barbatus(Lin.)地方名:凤鱼。1982.Ⅺ.17.采于秀山县膏田乡簿刀沟。属酉水水系支流梅江的一条小山溪。标本60余尾,测量较大个体标本14尾。全长74—112毫米,体长57—89毫米,体重3.7—12.6克。背鳍条3,8;臀鳍条3,5。第1对鳃弓的鳃耙数左侧18—22/31—36,右侧为18—21/31—37。鳞式为4645V66.5??50。其主要特征是第1对鳃弓外侧鳃耙数较我国其它四种铲颌鱼的为少,须二对,吻须极短,颌须粗长,其长度大于眼径的1/2。生活于山溪流…  相似文献   

泰山赤鳞鱼胚胎发育的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
泰山赤鳞鱼学名多鳞白甲鱼(Scaphesthes macrolepisBleeker),隶属鲤形目、鲤科、鲃亚科、白甲鱼属,是多鳞白甲鱼分布在泰山的一个地理种群,适合生长于清澈的山涧溪流中。赤鳞鱼肌肉味美不腥,含有12种以上的矿物质和微量元素、18种以上的脂肪酸以及丰富的人体必需氨基酸,具有良好的抗衰老及预防多种疾病的作用[1—3],是山东省重点保护的唯一淡水鱼类。近些年来随着消费市场对名特优水产品种类和数量日益增长,泰山赤鳞鱼需求量逐年大幅度上升。但另一方面由于气候变化、泰山降雨减少、旅游资源开发、人工过度捕捞等因素的影响,泰山赤鳞鱼野生资源急剧减少,濒临灭绝。因此,开展泰山赤鳞鱼苗种人工繁育是一项十分紧迫的工作。对泰山赤鳞鱼胚胎发育时序和特征进行研究,可为泰山赤鳞鱼的保护和开发利用提供基础依据。1材料与方法试验鱼取自山东农业大学泰山赤鳞鱼研究中心,人工养殖条件下自然产卵受精。大约在五月中旬,水温上升到18—19℃时,雌鱼开始产卵,受精卵被细沙埋住。取出后,在水族箱中进行孵化。随时清除死卵,每日换水两次,换水量为1/2,以保证充足的氧气供应。本实验共对10批次不同亲鱼的受精卵进行观察,定期取样,取卵安置于培...  相似文献   

黄海中南部越冬鳀鱼空间分布及其与水温年际变化的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1986-2010年的底拖网调查数据和遥感海表温度,基于GIS技术,通过空间分析和相关性分析等方法,研究黄海中南部水域越冬鳀鱼空间分布的年际变化,并探讨其与水温变化的关系.结果表明:1986-2010年鳀鱼空间分布的年际变化明显,2004年其资源丰度下降至最低且向岸分布,2010年资源丰度有所回升并在东部水域集中分布,鳀鱼捕获站位、资源密度在经纬度方向上的分布集中区域年际变化明显;鳀鱼资源密度重心纬度与代表性等温线平均纬度的变化趋势相一致,表明水温变化影响越冬鳀鱼纬度方向上的分布,但其向岸分布趋势则由黄海暖流的年际变动决定;在影响鳀鱼分布的众多因子中,资源丰度变化主要受捕捞压力的影响,而空间上的变化主要由海水温度决定.  相似文献   

不少人以为,山洞准是寒冷、潮湿、阴暗的地方,没有什么生命存在。事实上并非如此。近几年来,在我国西南地区的石灰岩洞穴中,相继发现了一种罕见的鱼。这种鱼身体较小,最长的不到十厘米,细条,粉红色,身体半透明,脊椎和内脏清晰可见。当地人把它叫作无眼鱼,正式的名字叫做盲鱼或洞穴盲鱼。当然,按盲鱼的形态差别,还能区分出不同的种或地理亚种。像我国云南的盲鱼与广西的盲鱼就不一样,前一种叫云南盲盘(鱼句),身体长形,前部略平扁;吻须两对位于口前;颌须一对位于口角;尾鳍圆形。后一种叫广西无眼平鳅,身体长形,前部高;吻须一对,颌须一对;尾鳍分叉。盲鱼在世界上的分布比较普遍,美洲、非洲和欧洲都有,但类似我国云、贵高原和四川、广西等地发现的盲鱼,除了伊朗曾有过报道外,其他国家还未有过这方面的记载。  相似文献   

鲴亚科(Xenocyprininae)鱼类多为中小型鱼类,常见于江河湖泊等较宽阔的水域中,我国长江、黑龙江、黄河及珠江诸流域皆有分布,共有10种,隶属4个属(伍献文等,1964)。迄今尚未见有该亚科鱼类染色体组型的研究报道。本文是对其中三属四种鱼的染色体组型的观察结果。这四种鱼是银鲴(Xenocypris argentea)、黄尾鲴(Xenocypris davidi)、细鳞斜颌鲴(Plagiognathops microlepis)和逆鱼(Acanthobrama simoni)。其中黄尾鲴和细鳞斜颌鲴均为新的淡水养殖鱼(沈德长等,1981;陈楚星,1979)。  相似文献   

潘江等同志的《中国南方早泥盆世无颌类及鱼类化石》一文记述了大量标本,这对了解我国早泥盆世鱼类(包括无颌类)的分布是很有帮助的,然而从古生物学的角度来说,也许很有些地方还值得探讨与商榷。其中关于贵州鱼(Kueichowlepis)我们最近在记述云南早泥盆世的北极鱼类一文中已有所讨论(印刷中)。目前这篇短文,仅就汉阳鱼(Hanyan-gaspis)提出以下探讨,因为这涉及到“武昌砂岩”是否产有异甲鱼类,和“武昌砂岩”的鱼群与中国其他地区早泥盆世鱼群的关系等问题。  相似文献   

李春晓 《化石》2019,(3):74-76
<正>1935年,北美长鼻类研究的先驱者之一巴尔博(E. H. Barbour)与化石收藏家施特恩贝格(G. F. Sternberg)合作发表了一种奇怪的长鼻类化石——索普氏颌铲象(Gnathabelodon thorpei,以下简称颌铲象),立即引起了研究者的轰动。当时国际古生物学界的权威奥斯本(H. F. Osborn),在其生命的最后一年,不惜重墨,在其即将付梓的鸿篇巨著《长鼻类:世界乳齿象及真象其发现、演化、迁移、灭绝之专著》文末增辟补记,记载这一重要发现。奥斯本在文  相似文献   

Drs.Rosen et Parenti,1981建议将大颌Jiang亚目自Jiang形目改隶颌针鱼目,并对新的Jiang形目及颌针鱼目各规定了7条主要特征,此建议已被鱼类学家Nelson专著《世界鱼类,1994》第3版等采纳,本文著者在写《中国动物志》中的Jiang形目及颌针鱼目时,详细比较了大颌Jiang亚目与颌针鱼目的关系,说明大颌Jiang亚目仍隶Jiang形目为宜。  相似文献   

越冬池冰下生物增氧的一个氧气平衡模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据实测数据回归得到的经验关系式,结合一定的假设及理论关系式,推导得到一个可供鱼呼吸耗用的氧气量(Rf)与浮游植物现存生物量(B)及有效水深(L)的关系式Rf=f(B,L),并利用此式作了进一步的探讨,求出了越冬池生物增氧的最适水深、最适浮游植物现存生物量及最大越冬鱼密度。提出了一个典型的越冬池生物增氧的模式。    相似文献   

中国鲟形目鱼类地理分布的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鲟形目 (Acipenseriformes) 属硬骨鱼纲(Osteichthyes)、辐鳍鱼亚纲(Actinopterygii),是现在存活最原始的一目(亦有人特列为软骨硬鳞鱼下纲(Chondrostei);其化石始于中生代三叠纪初,多已绝灭;全世界现存2科6属25种,均分布于北半球北部,为濒危珍贵大型食用淡水鱼类,有些冬季入海越冬,春季溯河产卵洄游及索食。现知在我国辽宁省北票、赤峰,河北省  相似文献   

Many marine organisms spend the early life history stages in neuston domain. Although the importance of ichthyoneuston, few studies were developed in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, this study aimed to improve the knowledge on ichthyoneuston of the Brazilian coast analyzing the vertical stratification and horizontal distribution of these organisms. Neuston samples were collected in daylight between 20°S and 23°S from February to April 2009 (late summer/early autumn; rainy season) and from August to September 2009 (late winter/early spring; dry season). Eggs of six taxa were identified: Anguilliformes, Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Synodontidae, Trichiuridae, and Maurolicus stehmanni (Sternoptychidae). The neustonic larval fish assemblage was composed by 40 families and 63 species. Mullidae and Myctophidae larvae were the most abundant in the rainy period while Mullidae and Mugilidae dominated in the dry season. Seasonal and spatial variation of larval fish assemblages in the neuston were structured by oceanographic features. The larval fish abundance on the outer slope stations may have been favored by the advection of an anticyclone that encompassed most of the study region during the cruise periods. In the rainy season, salinity and local depth structured the larval fish assemblage in a cross‐shelf gradient, while in the dry season the larval assemblage was structured around temperature and north‐south gradient. In the dry season, the cross‐shelf gradient was less pronounced mainly because of the low abundance and frequency of mesopelagic larvae. The low frequency and abundance of some species are probably related to the net avoidance of fish larvae during the day or dial vertical migration, as many species migrate to deeper layers during the day and ascend to neuston only at night. Nevertheless, the present study presented baseline information about the seasonal and spatial variation of the neustonic larval fish assemblage influenced by the oceanographic conditions in the Campos Basin. We recommend to additionally collect night samples to decrease larval escapement rates and to compare night versus day catches to further investigate the influence of daily migration in the neustonic larval fish in the area.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the seasonal accumulation and depletion of somatic energy in the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia), an annual estuarine fish. Previous research revealed that northern silversides are subject to strong size-dependent winter mortality, while southern fish suffer no appreciable winter mortality. To examine whether there was geographic differentiation in allocation strategies, we compared temporal patterns of energy storage and utilization among three populations along this gradient in seasonality. The comparative design used monthly or biweekly samples of fish collected in the wild, as well as samples of fish from each population reared in a common environment, where genetic differences can be clarified. Somatic energy stores were quantified via gravimetric analysis of neutral storage lipids and lean tissue. Analysis revealed that small individuals maintained relatively low levels of lipid reserves, which may account for their lower survival in winter. Wild fish in the north rapidly accumulated large somatic reserves, which were depleted over the winter and then increased again during the subsequent spring breeding season. In wild southern fish, relatively small reserves accumulated slowly until breeding commenced in the spring. The common-environment comparison of somatic storage patterns revealed a genetic basis for among-population differences in reserve accumulation rates, but no differences in the amount of reserves stored. We conclude that the overwinter depletion of somatic reserves has a significant selective impact on energy accumulation and allocation strategies in seasonal environments. Received: 1 November 1995 / Accepted: 13 September 1996  相似文献   

Ron W. Summers 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):167-173
Summers, R. W. 1994. The migration patterns of the Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima. Ostrich 65: 167–173.

The Purple Sandpiper breeds largely in the Arctic, and winters (boreal season) on the rocky shores of the north Atlantic, further north than any other sandpiper. As the populations from Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard, Norway and Russia differ in wing and bill lengths it is possible to match measurements taken from breeding birds with samples of birds caught in winter. Ringing recoveries, especially from colour marked birds, have also helped to determine migration routes and wintering areas. Four populations move to the nearest ice-free coast. Two populations move south of the nearest ice-free coast, being replaced by larger birds from a more northerly population (“chain migration”). Only the north Canadian population is believed to migrate a long distance, “leap-frogging” other winter populations. These patterns are discussed in relation to theories for the migration patterns of waders.  相似文献   

The annual cycles in female Three-spined sticklebacks from an upland (275 m) and a lowland (25 m) population were compared. The average length and weight of the lowland females were greater, but in both populations growth was checked in winter and again in the breeding season. Both populations also showed a winter decline in condition followed by a sharp increase in spring associated with the maturation of the ovaries. The hepato-somatic index of the females also increased during the spring, but the dry matter content of the liver declined during the spring and early summer. Lowland females had larger livers than the upland fish. In both populations average gonadosomatic index increased steadily throughout the winter, then abruptly in spring. The lowland population bred from May to early August, but the upland population bred only in May.
The energy content of the carcases of females was lowest in winter and again during the breeding season whereas the ash content showed maxima at these two periods. Lipid and glycogen analyses of the carcase, liver and ovaries also suggested that winter and the breeding season were periods of depletion from the carcase and liver, but not from the ovaries.
The observations indicate that the ovaries are to some extent insulated from fluctuations in resource availability. This supports experimental studies which indicate that egg production in the female stickleback can be subsidised by depletion from the carcase and liver when necessary.  相似文献   

A comparison of growth data (fish length) with latitude shows that southern juvenile mackerel attain a greater length than those originating from further north before growth ceases during their first winter. A similar significant relationship was found between the growth in the first year (derived from the otolith inner winter ring) and latitude for adult mackerel spawning between 44°N (Bay of Biscay) and 54°N (west of Ireland). These observations are consistent with spatial segregation of the spawning migration; the further north that the fish were hatched, the further north they will tend to spawn. No such relationship was found in mackerel spawning at more northerly latitudes, possibly as a consequence of increased spatial mixing in a more energetic regime with stronger currents. This study provides previously lacking support for spawning segregation behaviour among North East Atlantic mackerel – an important step towards understanding the migratory behaviour of mackerel and hence the spatiotemporal distribution dynamics around spawning time.  相似文献   

Harvested populations of the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) from the northwestern (Carreço) and southwestern (Aljezur) coasts of Portugal were surveyed to describe the species reproductive cycle and assess possible relationships with geographical location and seawater temperature. Individuals were sampled monthly to analyze gonad histology, mean gonadal index (GI), and gonadosomatic index (GSI) during 2 consecutive years (November 2010–November 2012). Both populations presented an annual reproductive cycle, with synchronous gonad maturation and gamete release between sexes. Gonad maturation occurred throughout autumn–winter, followed by a single but prolonged spawning season during spring–summer. The duration of the spawning season displayed a latitudinal gradient likely related to the north–south increasing trend in seawater temperature, with the northwestern population (Carreço) exhibiting a shorter spawning period compared to the southwestern population (Aljezur). The timing and duration of the spawning season was compared with several populations throughout the distributional range of P. lividus in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In the population from Carreço, the size at first sexual maturity (test diameter = 35.9 mm) was considerably smaller than the minimum conservation reference size (MCRS) of 50 mm test diameter legally established for P. lividus. This study confirms that sustainable exploitation depends on harvesters’ awareness of and compliance with the MCRS and provides useful information for the eventual establishment of a closed season in the harvesting of P. lividus.  相似文献   

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Appalachia experience prolonged periods of poor feeding conditions, particularly during summer and fall. To determine which prey organisms are important in sustaining brook trout populations, we monitored the feeding patterns of a population of brook trout over the course of 2 years with an emphasis on seasonal change. We employed a bioenergetics model to estimate whether or not each fish had obtained enough energy to meet daily metabolic demand. As a result, qualitative comparisons between fish feeding above maintenance ration (successfully feeding fish) and fish feeding below maintenance ration (unsuccessfully feeding fish) were possible. With the exception of winter, brook trout derived significantly more energy from terrestrial organisms than aquatic organisms. During each season, successfully feeding brook trout fed on greater proportions of specific prey types. Terrestrial Coleoptera and Lepidoptera consistently proved to be important prey during warmer seasons, while large organisms such as vertebrates and crayfish appeared to be important during winter. Our findings suggest that terrestrial organisms are more important than aquatic organisms in sustaining brook trout populations. Further, certain large and abundant terrestrial taxa are critical in providing energy to brook trout.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)冬季自然死亡率   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
以耳标观察法。1985年4-7月共捕标了样地内高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)幼鼠114只。到入冬前,死亡率为50.88%。第2胎出生的鼠死亡率明显地高于第1胎的死亡率。冬季死亡率呈现波动,入冬及开春时死亡率较高。鼠兔种群进入繁殖前期死亡率趋于零。初春样区存活标志鼠6只,经夏秋冬3季总计死亡率达94.74%。如按入冬时实有标志鼠计算,冬季死亡率为91.04%。  相似文献   

When female winter flounder ( Pleuronectes americanus ) were subjected to periods of satiation feeding alternating with starvation it was found that the first part of their normal six-month feeding period could be associated with subsequent gametogenesis, whereas feeding in the later part of the normal feeding period was not necessary. Conversely if females were not fed during the first part of the normal feeding season they were likely to become non-reproductive, although high condition fish or a non-spawner could become gametogenic in spite of starvation at this time. Feeding restricted to the later part of the normal feeding season was therefore not generally associated with successful gametogenesis for the following year's spawn. When the first part of the feeding period was further subdivided with satiation feeding limited to one or more months within it, most fish became non-reproductive. The exceptions which became reproductive were females which had high post-spawn condition maintained in the month following the immediate spawning period for the individual fish. A nutritionally sensitive period for early gametogenesis in female winter flounder therefore appears to occur in the early part of the normal feeding season, close to the normal spawning period. The experimentally produced non-reproductive females were generally halted in a previtellogenic stage of development for the most advanced oocytes which is consistent with a nutritionally related inhibition of gametogenesis close to the previous spawning period.  相似文献   

Wet and dry weights of tissue were measured and concentrations of glycogen, lipid and protein were estimated for the liver, gonad and carcass of male sticklebacks from an annual population collected each month over one complete year. In young-of-the-year there is one period of rapid weight gain, in all three body regions (liver, carcass and gonads) but particularly of the carcass, in the autumn and a second in spring and early summer. This is accompanied by an increase in the water content of all three body regions. The gonadosomatic index also increases sharply in spring and early summer. Young sticklebacks accumulate lipid and glycogen slowly during the autumn and winter of their first year of life and more rapidly from late winter to early summer. Thus, the period of most rapid accumulation of these reserves coincides with the time when body weight and gonad maturation are also increasing sharply. Lipid and glycogen levels fall during the reproductive season in those males that breed, so that by July they are reduced to 43% and 37% (respectively) of their peak values in May. Levels of protein increase throughout the year as the fish grow, but in breeding males by July the concentration of protein in the carcass falls to 70% of pre-breeding levels. Breeding males therefore reach the end of the reproductive season with their total energy reserves severely reduced, and consequently they suffer a very high mortality. In contrast, adult males that fail to reproduce survive beyond the breeding season. They continue to gain weight and to accumulate lipid and glycogen from August to September, but these energy reserves fall (to levels comparable to those of post-breeding fish) in December, when these fish probably die. These results demonstrate that in male sticklebacks, growth and gonad maturation can be sustained in parallel with the accumulation of energy reserves, which are subsequently extensively depleted as a result of reproductive activities.  相似文献   

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