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A new species of spinous loach, Cobitis shikokuensis, is described based on 297 specimens from Shikoku Island, Japan. The new species was formerly known as the Shikoku group of Cobitis takatsuensis. It can be distinguished from other species of Cobitis and closely related genera by a combination of the following characters: dorsal fin with 6 branched soft rays; anal fin with 5 branched soft rays; one brownish streak across eye from the tip of nose, no streak on cheek; a black spot smaller than eye diameter near the dorsal corner of the caudal fin base; 3–5 small brownish speckles on ventral side of caudal peduncle; high caudal peduncle with well-developed fleshy keels on dorsal and ventral side; a lamina circularis at base of dorsal part of pectoral fin absent; first branched soft ray of pectoral fin broad in males; pectoral soft rays widely branched from the approximate midpoint; last anal fin ray with 2 elements; interorbital width 11.2–17.1% of head length.  相似文献   

A new species of deep‐living dragonet Callionymus omanensis from Oman is described on the basis of a single male specimen collected in a trawl from 500 m depth off the coast of Oman. The new species is characterized within the subgenus Bathycallionymus by having a small branchial opening; head short (3·9 in proportion to standard length); eye large (2·4 in proportion to head length); preopercular spine with a long, upcurved main tip, with a small antrorse barb and a larger antrorse spine, and with a strong antrorse spine laterally at the preopercular‐spine base, ventral margin smooth; first dorsal fin slightly higher than second dorsal fin (male); second dorsal fin distally straight; 17 pectoral fin rays; distal end of caudal fin slightly pointed, with two median unbranched rays bearing short filaments; first dorsal fin with basal black spot reaching from first to fourth membranes, third membrane with an ocellated distal black blotch; second dorsal fin with vertical dark grey bars; distal three‐fourths of anal fin black; upper half of caudal fin with oblique dark grey bars; pelvic fin dark grey, second ray basally with a black blotch. The new species is compared with similar species. Revised keys to callionymid species of the western Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, as well as species of the subgenus Bathycallionymus, are presented.  相似文献   

A new poecilopsettid flounder, Nematops nanosquama, is described from 10 specimens (4 males, 6 females) collected from deep waters (96–650 m) off Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands. This species is easily separated from the three recognized species of the genus Nematops by having large numbers of dorsal fin rays, anal fin rays, lateral line scales, and vertebrae, five dark transverse broad bands on the body, and a black blotch on the distal area of the pectoral fin. N.nanosquama shows the easternmost record of this genus from the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A review of the species and subspecies of Ditrema from East Asia recognized the following taxa: D. jordani Franz, 1910, D. temminckii pacificum subsp. nov., D. t. temminckii Bleeker, 1853, and D. viride Oshima, 1940. Ditrema jordani is characterized by a coppery-red body when fresh, the posterior end of the dorsal-fin base anterior to that of the anal-fin base, a dark rounded marking on the anterior suborbital area margined with white lines or a broad dark inverse trapezoid marking on the anterior part of the suborbital region, the lower half of the spinous portion of the dorsal fin often with a longitudinal black stripe, and a faint longitudinal dark line along the anal-fin base. Ditrema temminckii is characterized by a silvery body, usually bluish dorsally when fresh, a black oblique band on the anterior suborbital area, the spinous portion of the dorsal fin with a black distal margin, and no dark line along the anal-fin base. Ditrema t. pacificum, mainly distributed along the Pacific Ocean coast, differs from D. t. temminckii, mainly distributed along the coast of Sea of Japan, in lacking a dark spot on the anterior portion of the preopercle (vs. dark spot present in the latter), but having a black line along the posterior margin of the pelvic-fin spine (vs. black spot anteriorly on base of pelvic fin), fewer dorsal-fin spines (usually 9 or 10 vs. 10 or 11), more dorsal-fin soft rays (mode 21 vs. mode 20), and longer pectoral, pelvic, and caudal fins. The two nominal species (D. smitti and D. leave) are regarded as junior synonyms of D. t. temminckii. Ditrema viride is characterized by a silvery, dorsally yellowish-green body when fresh, 9–11 dorsal-fin spines (mode 10), a dark triangular marking on the anterior suborbital area, the spinous portion of the dorsal fin with a black distal margin, a longitudinal black line along the anal-fin base and the pelvic fin slightly darkish, and lacking a black spot anteriorly on the base. Neotypes are designated for D. jordani and D. viride. A key to the species and subspecies of Ditrema is provided.  相似文献   

A new shrimp-associated goby,Amblyeleotris melanocephala, is described on the basis of specimens from Okinoshima Island. Kochi Prefecture, and Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The species is distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: head dark brown, a few yellow spots on pectoral fin base and opercular margin, 13 second dorsal and 13 anal fin soft rays, 20 pectoral fin rays, longitudinal scales 92–101, proportional length of interpelvic connecting membrane relative to longest pelvic fin ray (CM-value) 0.46–0.55, presence of a ventral frenum, midline of nape naked, sides scaled above midpoint between preopercle and opercle.  相似文献   

 This study redescribes Bregmaceros mcclellandi Thompson, 1840, based on one specimen (74.4 mm SL) from the Bay of Bengal and 66 specimens (30.0–84.7 mm SL) from Mumbai (Bombay), India, because the type specimens have apparently been lost. The present specimens are characterized by having black dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins and show the following morphology: caudal fin slightly forked; body chromatophores present mainly at the dorsal part; no scales on cheek; vertebrae 52–55 (13–15 + 38–41); dorsal rays 52–59; anal rays 54–60; pectoral rays 18–20; caudal rays 27–31 (principal rays 14); transverse scales 14–15. In the 66 Mumbai specimens, it was confirmed that the distinctive black fin pigmentation developed sequentially with growth, with complete pigmentation first on the anterior lobe of the dorsal fin, then simultaneously on the posterior lobe of the dorsal fin, the caudal fin, and the pectoral fin, and last, on the anal fin. This species is known only from the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and Gulf of Thailand. A review of 16 nominal Bregmaceros species indicates that, besides B. mcclellandi, the distinctive dark fin pigmentation is found in B. atripinnis (Tickell), B. atlanticus Goode and Bean, B. japonicus Tanaka, and B. lanceolatus Shen. B. atripinnis is considered a junior synonym of B. mcclellandi, and the others are clearly distinct from B. mcclellandi. Comments are made on some of the characters to more fully characterize the species and for reference in future revisionary and phylogenetic studies. Received: June 17, 2002 / Revised: December 2, 2002 / Accepted: December 24, 2002  相似文献   

Specimens of a new genus and species of the stichaeid fish,Leptostichaeus pumilus, were collected from the Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido in Japan. The present new genus and species clearly differs from all the other genera and species of the stichaeid fishes in the following characters: 3 or 4 pectoral fin rays; 10 or fewer caudal principal rays; 79–82 dorsal spines; no pelvic fin; last interneural spine supporting a single dorsal spine; infraorbital, occipital and lateral line canals absent; moderate size of dorsal spine shorter than eye diameter; membranes of dorsal and anal fins widely connected with caudal fin; a large black spot divided by a yellow band present just above gill cover.  相似文献   

A new anthiine fish,Holanthias kingyo sp, nov., is described on the basis of two specimens (male and female) from the Ryukyu Is., Japan. The new species is most similar toH. natalensis (Fowler, 1925), known only from South Africa, in having the following characters: dorsal fin soft rays 16 or 17, anal fin soft rays 9, pored lateral line scales 46 or 47, scale rows above lateral line to origin of dorsal fin 9 1/2 or 10 1/2, and gill rakers 10 or 11 +24 or 25=34–36. It differs from the latter in having more scales below the lateral line to the origin of the anal fin (27 1/2 vs. 18–24), a U-shaped caudal fin with paddle-like lobes (vs. deeply forked caudal fin with each lobe ending in a long slender filament), the outer margin of the soft anal fin vertical (vs. gently convex) and brown spots on the body in female (vs. spots absent in females).  相似文献   

A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

A new cave‐dwelling loach of the genus Triplophysa, T. xichouensis, is described from an outlet of a subterranean river in Xisa Town, Xichou County, Yunnan Province, China. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: dorsal‐fin rays iii, 8; anal‐fin rays ii, 6; pectoral‐fin rays i, 9 or 10; pelvic‐fin rays i, 5 or 6; branched caudal‐fin rays 16(8+8); eyes highly degenerated to a very tiny black dot; dorsal‐fin origin closer to snout tip than to caudal‐fin base and anterior to vertical line of pelvic‐fin origin; pectoral fin length about two‐thirds the distance between pectoral‐fin origin to pelvic‐fin origin; caudal peduncle slender, its length about three times its depth; caudal fin emarginate; body smooth and scaleless; lateral line complete and straight; anterior chamber of air bladder wrapped in dumbbell‐shaped bony capsule and the posterior one well developed, long, oval; intestine short, bending in zigzag shape behind stomach. A key for the cave‐dwelling species of Triplophysa is provided. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9162FFB1‐7911‐47C3‐AE50‐6A00E9590327  相似文献   

 A taxonomic review of seven-spined Polynemus species recognizes two species as valid: P. hornadayi Myers, 1936, currently known only from western Sarawak, Kalimantan, Malaysia, and P. paradiseus Linnaeus, 1758, distributed from India to Thailand and regarded as a senior synonym of P. aureus Hamilton, 1822, P. longifilis Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829, P. risua Hamilton, 1822, and P. toposui Hamilton, 1822. Polynemus hornadayi differs from P. paradiseus in having a strongly protruded occipital profile (vs. nearly straight in the latter), lower counts of anal fin soft rays (mode 11 vs. 12) and gill rakers (26 vs. 32 or 33), higher counts of pectoral fin rays (18 vs. 17), scales above and below the lateral line (11 and 18 vs. 7 and 11, respectively), and pored lateral line scales (94 vs. 70), the fifth pectoral filament longest (vs. sixth), the fourth pectoral filament longer (extending well beyond the posterior central margin of the caudal fin vs. not reaching posterior central margin), a longer pectoral fin ray (posterior tip of pectoral fin reaching to midpoint of anal fin base vs. not reaching), a deeper maxilla posterior margin (mean 5% of SL vs. 4% of SL), and a well-developed swimbladder (vs. absent).  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius wuyanlingensis, was collected from Wuyanling National Natural Conservation Area, Taishun, Zhejiang Province, China. The species can be distinguished from all congeneric species by the following unique combination of features: second dorsal fin rays modally I, 8; anal fin rays I, 8; pectoral fin rays modally 18; longitudinal scale series 30–32; predorsal scales 7–9; vertebral count 10 + 17 = 27; body always with six longitudinal pinkish orange to grayish brown lines from dorsal to ventral region in male; cheek spotless; branchiostegal membrane deep grayish with 6–7 long, transverse deep red stripes in male; chin always deep grayish; first dorsal fin with two long black blotches on membranes anterior to third spinous ray in male; second dorsal fin whitish with three to four horizontal rows of light spots in male; caudal fin base with a large blackish-brown spot; and pectoral fin with a horizontal, median blackish brown line. An artificial key to all five nominal species with a high vertebral count (27–29) from Zhejiang Province from China is also provided.  相似文献   

A new dextral flounder, Samariscus multiradiatus, is described from six specimens (four males and two females) collected in deep waters (296–430 m) around New Caledonia. The species is easily distinguished from its 16 congeners in having a combination of 85–91 dorsal fin rays, 67–72 anal fin rays, 5 pectoral fin rays, and 9 abdominal and 34–35 caudal vertebrae.  相似文献   

Lophiodes endoi sp. nov. is described from the western Pacific Ocean. Within the genus Lophiodes, the new species belongs in the L. mutilus group mainly defined by the absence of the fourth dorsal fin spine and differs from other species in the L. mutilus group in having a rounded esca with a paler tip, a third dorsal spine bearing a pair of black tendrils at two-thirds its length, 20–21 pectoral fin rays, a relatively short head, a relatively short illicium, a relatively short third dorsal spine, and a relatively long fifth dorsal spine, reaching the third soft dorsal fin ray when folded back. Comments on a similar species, L. bruchius, newly collected from the Kyushu–Palau Ridge, and notes on the distribution of congeneric species in the northwestern Pacific are provided.  相似文献   

The bembrid genusBembras Cuvier is reviewed. Five species,B. japonica Cuvier,B. adenensis Imamura & Knapp and three undescribed species, were assigned to the genus. Type species of the genus,Bembras japonica is redescribed on the basis of 36 specimens including the holotype, and three new species,B. macrolepis, B. longipinnis andB. megacephala, previously misidentified asB. japonicus, are also described on the basis of specimens collected from Australia and Indonesia.Bembras macrolepis differs from its congeners by having large body scales, a long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and a dark blotch on slightly upper portion to middle of margin, 14–15 anal-fin rays, small head and orbit, and caudal fin with a broad vertical dark band near posterior margin.Bembras longipinnis is distinguished from other members of the genus by having a slightly long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, caudal fin with a large dark spot most intense in lower lobe, 1–2 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 13–14 anal-fin rays, slightly elong ated head and small orbit.Bembras megacephala is characterized by the following combination of characters: caudal fin with several irregular narrow vertical dark bands, small orbit, pectoral fin with 19–20 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, head elongate, 2–4 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 15 anal-fin rays and small body scales. A key separating the five species ofBembras is given.  相似文献   

高原特有条鳅鱼类两新种在广西的发现及其动物地理学意义   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
描述了采自广西都安县红水河水系的条鳅亚科鱼类2个新种:丽纹云南鳅yhnnanilus pulcherrimussp.nov.在侧线长度、鳞片分布、鳍条数目、尾型、吻须长度等方面与侧纹云南鳅yunnanilus pleurotaenia(Regan,1904)最为相似,但新种独特的斑纹和上下唇的长乳突可明显与之区别,二者在一些度量特征上也有区别。黄体高原鳅Triplophysa flavicorpus sp.nov.与同分布于西江水系的南丹高原鳅T.nandanensis Lan et al.较为相似,并以下列特征组合与高原鳅属所有已知种相区别:背鳍分枝鳍条10根、臀鳍分枝鳍条6~7根、体被细鳞、侧线完全、具6条宽横斑和1条沿侧线的细纵纹、尾鳍深分又、尾鳍基具1半圆形黑斑、尾鳍上下叶各具2条黑色横斑、腹鳍末端后伸超过肛门、腋部具发达的肉质鳍瓣、上唇中央完全中断等。云南鳅属和高原鳅属均是高原特有类群,前者仅分布于云南东中部地区,后者则集中分布于青藏高原。两个新种的分布地均远离这两个属的分布中心,而且呈间断分布。通过各自相近种谱系关系分析,推测这种特殊的分布格局是通过隔域分化形成的。  相似文献   

The endemic lentic goby of Lake Biwa in Japan, which has hitherto been designated informally as Rhinogobius sp. BW, is formally described as Rhinogobius biwaensis sp. nov. It is distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: vertebral count 26 (rarely 27); pectoral fin rays 18–22 (mostly 20–21); longitudinal scales 31–36 (mostly 31–34, mode 32); predorsal scales absent or few; D1 low with non-filamentous spines, all of almost same length except for shorter 1st and 6th (last) spines in both sexes; pelvic fin disk composed of thin membranes, its frenum undeveloped with a low, thin lamella; cheek unmarked; back and sides of body with 5–6 unclear dark saddles and 6–9 dark blotches; D1 lacking blotches but melanized to greater or lesser degree along rays; dorsal edge of pectoral base with one small, dark spot tinged with blue metallic luster; in breeding males, yellow on suboperculum and branchiostegal region and on basal part of anal fin, blue on medial part of under jaw.  相似文献   

Gerres chrysops, a new gerreid species from the Gulf of Thailand, is described on the basis of 29 specimens, 58–83 mm in standard length (SL). A small-sized species (less than 100 mm SL), it is characterized by a silvery-gold sheen on the head and trunk, vivid yellow or yellowish-hyaline fins in life, two supraneural bones (formula 0/0/2/) and dorsal fin rays usually IX, 10. The new species is similar toG. decacanthus (Bleeker, 1865) andG. setifer (Hamilton, 1822), which are redescribed. being similarly small valid gerreid species characterized by two supraneural bones. Together, the three species comprise “theGerres setifer complex.”Gerres chrysops differs from bothG. decacanthus andG. setifer in life and fresh colors, the body being silvery-gold with vivid yellow or yellowish dorsal, caudal, anal and pelvic fins, and yellowish-hyaline pectoral fins (vs. silver body with hyaline fins in the latter two species).Gerres setifer differs fromG. chrysops andG. decacanthus in having the last dorsal fin spine longer than the penultimate spine (vs. almost same length or shorter), usually ten dorsal fin spines and nine soft dorsal rays (vs. usually IX, 10), and 8 or 9 lower series gill rakers (vs. usually 7).Gerres decacanthus differs fromG. chrysops andG. setifer in having a shorter head, lesser body depth at the first anal fin spine base, lesser body width at the pectoral fin base, and shorter second dorsal and third anal fin spines. The new species is currently known only from Angsilla, near Bangsaen, and around Si Chang Island, northeastern Gulf of Thailand.Gerres decacanthus inhabits southern Chinese waters andG. setifer is currently known from the Bay of Bengal to the Andaman Sea.  相似文献   

Four lizardfishes of Saurida (family Synodontidae), S. undosquamis, S. umeyoshii sp. nov., S. macrolepis, and S. longimanus, are described. All are recognized here as the Saurida undosquamis group, characterized by having dark dots on the upper margin of the caudal fin, pectoral fin exceeding origin to pelvic fin, anterior rays of dorsal fin neither elongate nor filamentous, predorsal length greater than distance between dorsal-fin and adipose-fin origins, 46–55 pored lateral-line scales, and vomer with 0–8 teeth. Saurida undosquamis, from northern West India and West Pacific, excluding East Asia, differs from others in having lateral-line scales ridged on the caudal peduncle, conspicuously concave posterior margin of the pectoral fin, 51–55 pored lateral-line scales, and 50–53 vertebrae. Saurida umeyoshii sp. nov., from southern Japan and the East China Sea, is defined by three rows of indistinct dark blotches on, above, and below the lateral line, distribution of scale pockets with melanophores on their posterior part extending over the entire abdominal region from the lateral line in specimens over ca. 130 mm SL, lateral-line scales not ridged on caudal peduncle, 49–52 pored lateral-line scales, and 48–50 vertebrae. Saurida macrolepis, from the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by 46–49 pored lateral-line scales and 45–48 vertebrae. Saurida longimanus, from northern West India, northwest Australia, and southern Indonesia, differs from the others in having a long pectoral fin extending past the origin of the dorsal fin. Some geographic variations are found in S. macrolepis. Saurida grandisquamis is confirmed as a junior synonym of S. undosquamis, based on examination of the type specimens. A key to species in the S. undosquamis group is included.  相似文献   

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