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贯叶连翘的开花动态与繁育系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野外观察贯叶连翘的开花进程和花部形态特征,运用花粉萌发、杂交指数、花粉-胚珠比等方法测定其繁育系统。结果显示:贯叶连翘雌雄异熟,柱头先花药成熟,雌雄蕊无明显异位。单花花期4~5d。仅在开花当日有昆虫传粉,蜜蜂为主要传粉者。花粉在花药开裂1h后活力最大,萌发率达40.10%,花粉在柱头萌发3h后接近子房。根据杂交指数(OCI)推测其繁育系统属于异交,部分自交亲和,有时需要传粉者。花粉-胚珠比(P/O)则表明贯叶连翘的繁育系统为兼性异交。贯叶连翘结实率低,可能与花粉活力,花粉管的生长速度及花粉在柱头的竞争有关。  相似文献   

通过野外实验观察和人工控制套袋等方法,从金养麦的花部基本特征、开花动态、花粉胚珠比(P/O)、花粉活力、柱头可授性、杂交指数、套袋实验及访花昆虫等方面对其繁殖生态学进行了研究.结果显示:(1)金荞麦在同一居群中同时具有长柱型(L-型)和短柱型(S-型)两种花型,短花柱花直径(7.25±0.11 mm)显著大于长花柱花直径(6.79±0.11 mm),长花柱花的柱头和花药高分别为3.39±0.04 mm和1.80±0.02 mm,短花柱花的柱头和花药高则分别为1.89±0.04 mm和3.19±0.06 rnm,表现出互补式雌雄异位的花部特征.(2)金荞麦8~10月开花,单花序的花期为15~23 d,单花的花期为1~3 d,开花进程中,内轮雄蕊先散粉,外轮雄蕊后散粉;S-型花的花粉活力高于L型花的花粉活力,但其单花花粉量低于L-型花,显示了两种花型的自我调控机制.(3)套袋实验表明,金荞麦自花自交不亲和,但具有型内和型间亲和性,L型和S-型花的P/O值分别为810±40.48和526.5±42.24,表明其繁育系统为兼性异交,需要传粉者,但L-型花更倾向异交.(4)金荞麦的主要访花昆虫为膜翅目(Hymenoptera)、双翅目(Diptera)、鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)、半翅目(Hemiptera)和蜻蜒目(Odonata) 19个科37种昆虫,其中,两种花型拥有12种共同的访花昆虫,L-型花访花昆虫14种,S-型花访花昆虫35种,表明S-型花对昆虫具有更强的吸引力.研究表明,金荞麦是典型的二型花柱植物,虽然具有严格的自交不亲和性,但显示一定的型内亲和性.  相似文献   

绣球茜的二型花柱及其传粉生物学初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次对绣球茜(Dunnia sinensis Tutch)的花药和柱头高度、花粉和柱头形态,以及人工辅助授粉的结实情况等进行了研究.结果表明:绣球茜在同一居群中同时具有长花柱(Pin 型)和短花柱(Thrum)两种花型,长花柱植株的柱头和雄蕊高分别为9.61±0.36 mm和6.79±0.38 mm,短花柱则为6.11±0.56 mm和8.96±0.59 mm,表现出互补式雌雄异位的花部特征.通过人工辅助授粉,两种花型植株的自交和同型植株间异交都不结实,仅在型间异交方能正常结实,说明绣球茜中存在极强的自交不亲和和型内不亲和现象.在花粉与柱头形态方面:长柱型花的单花花粉量(38555.6±6258.4)显著地小于短柱型花(52145.45±8924.5)(t=4.009,P<0.01),长柱花和短柱型花的胚珠数分别为38.73±1.85和39.1±2.25(t=-4.13,P>0.01);长柱型花花粉粒的大小(极径21.27±0.70 μm)显著地小于短柱花(21.92±0.79μm)类型(t=3.890,P<0.01),而柱头乳突大小长柱类型要大于短柱类型,表现出明显的二型性.研究结果表明绣球茜是一种典型的二型花柱植物.此外,对其传粉昆虫及昆虫访花行为的观察表明,蝶类(青风蝶属Graphium)和蜂类(熊蜂Bombus sp.和木蜂Xylocopa magnifica Smith)为绣球茜的主要访花昆虫和传粉昆虫,它们能够在两种不同花型植株之间有效地传粉.  相似文献   

高山植物扁蕾的延迟自交机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
扁蕾(Gentianopsis barbata)具有鲜艳的花和显著的腺体,并且花开放的前5 d柱头和花药始终处于不同的位置(雌雄异位),这些花综合征表明该植物应为异花传粉。为检验这一假设,我们对青藏高原植物扁蕾的海北站种群进行了3年的传粉生物学研究实验。与花综合征所表明的繁育系统相反,两年的野外观察发现昆虫的访花频率十分低,不去雄并隔离昆虫处理也能产生大量种子,说明这一种群的繁殖主要是依赖于自花传粉。尽管利用种子结实评价的柱头可授性从花开放4 d后开始下降,但随着花的发育进程,雄蕊的伸长能使得花药与柱头完全接触。实验也证明,柱头可授性和花粉活力都超过5 d,说明花药和柱头的接触能够发生自花授粉。扁蕾的这种自花传粉机制应属于典型的延迟自交类型。自花授粉发生在单花花期快要结束前,自交之前仍然保持异交传粉机制,这种延迟自交避免了自交与异交竞争造成的花粉或者种子折损,并为扁蕾在青藏高原极端环境下由于访花昆虫缺乏造成的异交失败提供了繁殖保障。  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞传粉生态学初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田间观察检测了宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)9个品系的开花物候、开花动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性及其繁育系统,并对花粉萌发、花粉管生长以及访花者的种类和访花行为进行了初步研究.结果表明,宁夏枸杞整个居群有长达5个月的花期,单花的花期仅为3~4 d,花粉活力可保持15 d左右,柱头可授性在72 h左右,雌雄生殖单位在持续时间上有较长的相遇期;花粉数量与胚珠比(P/O)为4 000左右,杂交指数(OCI)介于3或4,繁育系统为异交型,需要传粉者;荧光显微观察表明,参试的3个品系的花粉均能在柱头上萌发,2个有自交不亲和现象,其位置发生在花柱的上半部分和子房内.访花昆虫有17种,分属双翅目、膜翅目和鳞翅目,花的结构和开花式样适合以意大利蜜蜂和食蚜蝇为主的多种昆虫传粉.  相似文献   

杜鹃红山茶的传粉生物学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜鹃红山茶(Camellia changii)为中国特有的濒危植物,仅见于广东省阳春市鹅凰嶂自然保护区内。对该保护区杜鹃红山茶自然种群进行了杂交指数(OCI)、花粉-胚珠比(P/O)和控制授粉试验研究,探讨其致濒原因。结果表明:杜鹃红山茶的繁育系统为专性异交型,自交不亲和,为典型的虫媒传粉型植物;在自然条件下,其子房败育率高达64%;杜鹃红山茶种群的花柱呈长度分化:20%为长花柱型(L型),76%为短花柱型(S型);杜鹃红山茶的有效传粉昆虫主要为蝶类和蜂类,但昆虫的访花频率较低。综合以上结果,杜鹃红山茶的濒危原因可能包括2个方面,一是自交不亲和性和花柱异长现象导致子房败育率高,二是传粉昆虫访花频率低导致自然结实率低。  相似文献   

花柱卷曲性异交机制及其进化生态学意义   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 有花植物具有纷繁复杂的繁育系统,以避免或促进自交或异交。花柱卷曲性异交机制(Flexistyly)是最近在热带山姜属(Alpinia)植物中发现的一种促进异交的行为机制。具有这一机制的种类其自然种群中的个体根据开花行为的不同分为两种表型:一种上午散发花粉而其柱头向上反卷,远离昆虫拜访的通道;另一种其柱头上午垂向唇瓣,能够接受拜访昆虫的传粉,但自身的花药却不打开。到中午时分,两种表型花通过互为相反的柱头卷曲运动转换性别——前者柱头向下卷曲,后者柱头向上卷曲且花药打开。每朵花的花期为12 h,两种表型在自然种  相似文献   

对荞麦属皱叶野荞麦(Fagopyrum crispatifolium J.L.Liu)及其近缘种细柄野荞麦[F.gracilipes (Hemsl.) Dam.et Diels]的染色体核型进行了分析.结果表明,2个野生荞麦的染色体数目均为2n=4x=32,但二者在随体数目、染色体长度等方面差异明显,染色体核型不同,皱叶野荞麦的核型公式为:30m(4SAT)+2sm,细柄野荞麦的核型公式为:32m,属首次报道.  相似文献   

秦岭岩白菜的传粉生物学特性与繁育系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对珍稀濒危植物秦岭岩白菜(Bergenia scopulosa T.P.Wang)的开花特性、传粉适应及繁育系统进行了分析研究。结果表明:(1)秦岭岩白菜为蝎尾状聚伞花序,具(29±10)朵单花,单花期约15d,遇低温雨雪天气花冠闭合,可延长3~5d,花序花期约30d,种群花期近4个月。(2)花粉活力在花药开裂后的12h内最高(约90%),维持单花平均花粉活力在30%以上约6d;柱头在第1~4天内保持很强的可授性,维持可授性的时间约为9d。(3)秦岭岩白菜主要有效传粉昆虫为中华蜜蜂,平均访花频率为6.5朵/min,单花停留时间为(11.0±4.8)s。(4)秦岭岩白菜的花粉胚珠比(P/O)为589.8,杂交指数(OCI)为3;人工授粉实验显示,秦岭岩白菜不存在无融合生殖,自交亲和,主动自交罕见,生殖成功主要依赖传粉者。研究认为,秦岭岩白菜是兼性异交的繁育系统,胚珠受精过程中可能存在自交衰退。  相似文献   

草豆蔻传粉生物学的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
比较研究了花柱卷曲性植物草豆蔻 Alpinia hainanensis两种表型(上举型和下垂型)的传粉生物学特性。结果表明:草豆蔻的花柱卷曲运动节律与其他已报道的山姜属Alpinia植物基本一致,而下垂型花的花柱卷曲运动明显滞后于上举型花约2 h。草豆蔻的花柱卷曲运动中存在一些不同步的现象,甚至在同一花序上的两朵花的花柱运动节律亦会表现出不一致的现象,但上举型花的花药开裂时间却严格同步,都发生在同类型个体的柱头全部位于花药上方之后进行。草豆蔻上举型花的花蜜分泌量、单花花粉量、花粉/胚珠比率(P/O)均明显比下垂型花多,而两种表型的胚珠数、花蜜糖含量、氨基酸含量无显著差异。在草豆蔻的单花期内不同时间段进行人工授粉,上举型花在其柱头位于花药下方时进行人工授粉,其结实率明显比柱头位于花药上方时人工授粉的处理高,下垂型花则没有显著差异。在自然居群中,草豆蔻的主要传粉者是无垫蜂Ameglla sp.和两种木蜂Xylocopa sp.,但存在传粉者不足而影响结实率的现象。完全套袋、去雄和去雌(去柱头)处理的均不结实,表明草豆蔻中不存在无融合生殖、主动自花授粉和滞后自交的生殖保障现象。而人工自交和异交均具有较高的结实率,表明草豆蔻为自交亲和植物。草豆蔻的繁育系统是具花柱卷曲性运动的异花授粉的交配系统。  相似文献   

异型花柱是一种受遗传因素控制的花型多态性现象,其适应意义在于提高不同花型间传粉精确性,从而促进异交。为检验二型花柱植物滇丁香(Luculia pinceana)是如何促进异交并确定有效传粉者的类型,实验统计自然种群中长、短柱型的植株数量,测量花部特征,统计自然种群植株柱头上的型间花粉落置的数量和比例,比较型内、型间花粉的萌发率以及花粉管长度,比较不同人工授粉处理结实情况,观察传粉昆虫类型并测量虫体特征。结果表明(1)滇丁香自然居群中长、短柱型植株的数量没有显著性差异。长柱型的筒深、筒直径、开口直径、雄蕊长和柱头长均显著小于短柱型,而长柱型的叶片长和宽、雌蕊长、花药体积、花粉粒体积、柱头厚均显著大于短柱型。(2)自然种群植株柱头上型间花粉所占比例显著低于型内花粉的比例。(3)型间授粉的花粉萌发率以及花粉管长度均大于型内授粉和混合授粉。(4)型间授粉的结实率显著高于型内授粉的结实率,型内授粉具有一定的结实。(5)夜行性长喙条背天蛾(Cechenena lineosa)是滇丁香的有效传粉者,其吻长和滇丁香的花筒深相适应。本研究表明二型花柱植物滇丁香主要是通过与其花部特征相匹配的长喙天蛾实现有效的传粉,通过促进型间花粉的萌发和花粉管的伸长而有利于型间授粉结实,提高传粉精确性。  相似文献   

 Little is known about the breeding systems of tropical perennial ginger species. In this paper, we provide information about the breeding system of Alpinia kwangsiensis in Yunnan, Southwest China, specifically self-compatibility, mechanisms promoting outcrossing, and the visitation characteristics of pollinators. Populations of A. kwangsiensis have two specific phenotypes that differ in flowering behaviour: 1) “cataflexistyle” individuals in which the stigma is held erect above the dehiscent anther when anthesis begins in the morning and becomes decurved under the anther at noon and 2) “anaflexistyle” individuals in which the receptive stigma is decurved under the indehiscent anther first and moves into a reflexed superior position above the anther as it begins to shed pollen at mid-day. The stigmatic movements in the two floral phenotypes, which occur in a ratio of 1:1 in natural populations, are synchronous and correlate with the foraging behaviour of floral visitors; pollination is effected only between floral forms. Field experiments indicate that A. kwangsiensis is self-compatible and dependent upon insects for fertilization. This newly reported floral mechanism, which we have named “flexistyly,” adds to the repertoire of devices that have evolved in flowering plants to insure outcrossing. Received November 29, 2001 Accepted January 8, 2002  相似文献   

The pollination biology and breeding systems ofEriotheca pubescens andE. gracilipes have been studied. These two species occur as trees in cerrado vegetation, the neotropical savannas of Central Brazil, with partially sympatric distributions. They have similar phenology and floral structure, although the flowers ofE. pubescens are larger. Both species have nectar flowers pollinated by largeAnthophoridae bees but the main pollinators of each species differ in size. The species have markedly different breeding systems: late-acting self-incompatibility inE. gracilipes and apomixis stimulated by pollination inE. pubescens.  相似文献   

矮紫金牛(Ardisia humilis)是优良的野生观赏植物。为探究该植物开花生物学与繁育系统特征,促进其杂交选育与园林应用,该研究以同质园引种的矮紫金牛为对象,对其开花物候、访花昆虫种类及访花行为进行观测,采用花粉离体萌发法和联苯胺-过氧化氢法,对花粉活力与柱头可授性进行检测,结合配子显微观测法和控制性授粉实验,对其繁育系统进行分析。结果表明:(1)花期为5月中下旬至6月中上旬,盛花期在5月底,单花、单株和群体水平的花期分别为1、17~20、25 d。(2)开两性花,雌蕊先熟,与雄蕊成熟期部分重叠,柱头可授性滞至雄蕊凋谢后1 d。(3)杂交指数(OCI)值为4,花粉/胚珠比(P/O)值为5.61×103,显示其繁育系统以异交为主,部分自交亲和,需要传粉者。(4)自然授粉的结实率最高(平均52.96%),其次是自花授粉(52.29%)和人工异株授粉(50.33%),三者差异不显著(P> 0.05),但均显著高于人工同株授粉的结实率(28.67%)(P<0.05),显示矮紫金牛不仅异交亲和性强,还具有很强的自动自花授粉能力。(5)主要传粉昆虫包括隧蜂科...  相似文献   

种子粘液质是植物在长期适应环境过程中形成的,该物质对于种子的扩散、定居、生存力的改善、萌发、幼苗生存乃至抵御有毒化学物质毒害等都具有重要的生态学意义。朱唇为唇形科鼠尾草属多年生草本植物,原产美洲热带地区,现已广泛栽植于世界各地。为了理解朱唇种子表面的粘液物质吸水特性和种子在干旱胁迫下的萌发特性,该研究以朱唇种子为材料,运用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察以及种子萌发试验的方法,对种子和粘液层的形态结构、粘液质对种子萌发的影响进行了研究。结果表明:朱唇种子为卵形,表面为负网状结构,千粒重为(1.611±0.0084)g,无粘液种子吸水倍数为3,粘液种子吸水倍数为25,粘液层吸水倍数为122。粘液和无粘液种子及粘液层的重量都随吸水时间的延长而增长,但脱水过程要远长于吸水过程。朱唇种子吸水2 h达到饱和,经过36 h可干燥失水恢复原重。不同浓度PEG对朱唇种子的萌发均有影响,发芽势随PEG浓度升高而显著降低。朱唇种子在5%PEG胁迫下发芽率最高达(90.00±8.66)%,20%PEG胁迫下发芽率最低为(76.67±10.41)%,低浓度PEG对朱唇种子萌发有一定促进作用。这说明朱唇种子为速萌型种子,其粘液质在种子吸水过程中起到举足轻重的作用,能保证短时间内有充足的水分供其萌发。  相似文献   

The floral biology and breeding system of Alpinia blepharocalyx were studied in Yunnan province, southwest China. Our results indicate that populations of A. blepharocalyx have two floral morphs, which differ in flowering behaviour: the cataflexistylous morph in which the stigma is held erect above the dehiscent anther when anthesis begins in the morning and becomes curved under the anther at afternoon, and the anaflexistylous morph in which the receptive stigma is curved under the indehiscent anther first and moves into a reflexed superior position above the anther as it begins to shed pollen in the afternoon; the flowering period of both floral morphs is 12 hours; the stylar movements in the two floral morphs are synchronous, and they have similar traits to those found in other Alpinia species previously reported. Also, on average, cataflexistylous flowers are larger than anaflexistylous flowers, especially the labellum and corolla tube length; moreover, the P/O ratio of the two floral morphs is significantly different: the cataflexistylous morph has more pollen grains and fewer ovules than the anaflexistylous morph; the evolutionary significance of this comparison is discussed. Cataflexistylous flowers were observed to produce a lower concentration of nectar than that of anaflexistylous flowers before 11:00 a.m., but they then have higher nectar concentration; cataflexistylous flowers always have more nectar than anaflexistylous flowers. Flowers of A. blepharocalyx were visited by fewer insects at a lower frequency, including honey bees (Apis cerana cerana) and two species of carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.). No significant differences were found in the fruit set among the hand-pollination treatments regardless of selfing (geitonogamy and autogamy) or crossing (intermorph and intramorph); but all hand-pollination treatments exhibited much higher fruit set than the controls; meanwhile, no fruit set occurred in the unpollinated bagged plants. Pollen tube growth was examined using fluorescence microscopy following self, intramorph, and intermorph hand pollinations at different times of the day; the pollen tubes of both floral morphs have the same growth rate and the capability to reach the ovary. Both the results of pollen tube growth and fruit sets under different pollination conditions show that A. blepharocalyx is self-compatible and dependent upon insects for pollination. The distinctive flexistyly mechanism of A. blepharocalyx is likely a floral mechanism that promotes effective intermorph pollen transfer.  相似文献   

  • Mexico has one of the highest diversities of barrel cacti species worldwide; however, all are threatened and require conservation policies. Information on their reproductive biology is crucial, but few studies are available. Ferocactus recurvus subsp. recurvus is a barrel cactus endemic to the Tehuacán‐Cuicatlán Valley. Our research aimed to characterise its floral and pollination biology. We hypothesised bee pollination, as suggested by its floral morphology and behaviour, and self‐incompatibility, like most barrel cacti studied.
  • Three study sites were selected in the semiarid Zapotitlán Valley, Mexico. We examined 190 flowers from 180 plants to determine: morphometry and behaviour of flowers, flower visitors and probable pollinators, and breeding system.
  • Flowers showed diurnal anthesis, lasting 2–5 days, the stigma being receptive on day 2 or 3 after the start of anthesis. Flowers produced scarce/no nectar and main visitors were bees (Apidae), followed by flies (Muscidae), ants (Formicidae), thrips (Thripidae) and hummingbirds (Throchilidae); however, only native bees and occasionally wasps contacted the stigma and anthers. Pollination experiments revealed that this species is self‐incompatible and xenogamous. In natural conditions, fruit set was 60% and cross‐pollination fruit set was 100%. Percentage seed germination resulting from cross‐pollination was higher than in the control treatment.
  • Our results provide ecological information for conservation programmes to ensure a high probability of breeding and seed production in natural populations of F. recurvus.

The relationships among the floral morphologies, breeding system and pollination insects in nine Carthamus tinctorius L. clones were investigated in Ya’an, Sichuan province, China. No significant differences in seed setting rate were observed among the clones following unbagged treatment, but significant differences in seed setting rate were observed among the clones following bagged treatment. Breeding experiments indicated that both reproductive systems (selfing and outcrossing) coexisted in each tested C. tinctorius clone. It exhibited reproductive assurance through automatic self-pollination, which might be an important factor in enhancing the amount of seeds. Among 17 species of visitors, the main effective pollinators were Apis cerana Fabricius, Apis mellifera Linnaeus and Eristalis tenax Linnaeus. All floral morphology traits (corolla length, corolla diameter, pistil length, anther length, stigma length, and stigma–anther separation) showed significant variations among the clones. However, only corolla diameter showed a significant negative correlation with the frequency of pollinator visits and a positive correlation with seed set following unbagged treatment. There was a negative correlation between stigma–anther separation and seed set, and although this was not significant, it could be argued that if a pistil developed that was too long, seed set would decline under natural conditions. Corolla length was significantly positively correlated with stamen and anther length, and corolla diameter was significantly negatively correlated with pistil length. Stigma length was also significantly positively correlated with stamen length. These findings indicate that corolla diameter could significantly affect seed set in C. tinctorius under the conditions in Ya’an, China, and corolla diameter affects seed set by the combined effect of multiple traits.  相似文献   

Flowering plants often exhibit declining resource investment to floral organs, fruits and seeds temporally or spatially in an inflorescence. To account for such variances, non‐uniform pollination hypothesis, which highlights various mating environments each flower experiences, provides adaptive significance for allocation patterns but with controversial supports. Sagittaria trifolia (Alismataceae) was used to examine differences in seed number, seed weight and germination rate among sequential fruits within inflorescences. Ovule number was also investigated to evaluate allocation patterns in the floral stage. To test the non‐uniform pollination hypothesis, we used three polymorphic microsatellite loci of S. trifolia to estimate the seed outcrossing rate in proximal and distal fruits. The results showed that the seed number, average seed weight and seed germination rate of S. trifolia gradually decreased from proximal to distal fruits within inflorescences. The percent of decrease in seed number between two contiguous fruits was 14.68 ± 3.22%, which was much stronger than the percent of decrease in ovule number at 6.95 ± 1.60%. Both proximal and distal fruits within inflorescences had high outcrossing rates (81.5 ± 5.0%, proximal; 82.3 ± 6.9%, distal) and they did not differ significantly. Overall, there was an acropetal decline of resource allocation to fruits within inflorescences of S. trifolia. Allocation pattern to ovules was not a limiting factor for seed production. The lack of difference in outcrossing rate between proximal and distal fruits indicated that the allocation strategy was probably not caused by non‐uniform pollination, but more likely position effects.  相似文献   

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